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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents you're going on vacation take my kids with you my boyfriend's cousin his paternal uncle's daughter has four kids each ever kids is the personification of the word bratty the said cousin refuses to discipline them and constantly makes excuses for their behavior she's also very judgmental of our decision to not have kids she has often made some snide comments towards me implying that I'm the selfish jerk who is depriving my boyfriend of the joys of raising children for these reasons and for her generally entitled behavior my boyfriend has cut ties with her however when he and I visited his paternal home three days ago for his parents anniversary celebration we ran into her again my boyfriend's dad had urged him to use this occasion to mend bridges with the cousin so we both tried to make nice and engaged in small talk with her during our conversation boyfriend mentioned that we were leaving for Melbourne for vacation in a few days at this cousin's eyes lit up oh that sounds like so much fun she said my husband and I haven't gotten anywhere since our honeymoon she whined some more about how hard it is for them with four kids if only they could afford such luxuries etc etc I could tell where this was going my boyfriend probably felt sorry for her and being the kind and generous soul that he is offered to buy them a weekend and a resort in Mount Abu a hill station in the Indian state of Rajasthan cousin face scrunched up that's nice but why can't you just take us to Melbourne with you boyfriend getting a bit annoyed but still patient well we want to spend some time alone together plus we'll be meeting some close friends there besides Mount Abu is a beautiful place your kids will love it cousin in the annoying caring tone I still don't see why you can't take us to Australia you're being so selfish going on this great trip and sticking your family with a cheap weekend getaway boyfriend's mom he's making a very generous offer either take it or leave it cousin wearing the expression that morons wear when they think they've had a bright idea oh I know why don't my husband and I go to Mount Abu and you can take our kids to Melbourne what it's a great idea the kids can have fun and Mel bow and with you two and my hubby and I can enjoy a peaceful weekend this way the kids can actually spend some time with their uncle you never make time for them boyfriend I'm offering for the last time it's either the weekend in Mount Abu or nothing at all and why the heck would we ruin our vacation taking care of your kids how can you say that my kids are so well-behaved you will have so much fun spending time with them besides my husband and I could really use some quiet time together you and shy girl turn sassy don't have any responsibilities you have no idea how hard it is to raise four kids you can afford this trip I don't see why you won't share with family boyfriend one more word and you're losing my Mount Abu offer on hearing this the cousin shut up we all had dinner together and she was mercifully quiet if only her kids had followed her example you'd think this would be the end of it but no we had seriously underestimated her dedication to her Karen Asst this morning cousin showed up at my apartment with the kids Intel I was shocked to see her of course and asked if something was wrong she smiled and said I'm just here to drop the kids off you're leaving tonight ride after taking a second to recover from the shock I asked did you fall and hit your head on something we told you we weren't taking your kids with us what part of that did you not understand she then tried to convince me that my boyfriend had called her later on and had agreed to take her kids I knew this was BS and called it as such cousin became enraged and asked if I was going to break her kids heart why would I break our promise and how boyfriend and I could be so cold I called my boyfriend after telling him what was going on I turned on the speaker my boyfriend proceeded to chew her out brutally telling her he would no longer pay for their weekend getaway and that this is exactly the kind of behavior that had made him cut ties with her she tried to get a word in but he wouldn't let her cousin took the kids and stormed off boyfriend and I are having a laugh over this and are still wondering what made her think that this plan would ever work next we've got entitled scammer bugs me with bugs hello redditors been listening to the videos on YouTube for a couple days and made me remember my first encounter with an entitled jerk it's not exactly an entitled Aaron I think it falls more under the line of entitled customer or scammer this is my first post so please be kind before I begin a little context I work at my mother's bar in hotel and I clean both places will probably own it someday so I take great care to make sure it's beyond clean working at a bar in hotel I come across entitled people a lot so this will probably not be my only post so I was cleaning the bar one morning rocking out to Sonic the Hedgehog music in my headphones I worked by myself and I'm allowed to listen to music sonic music keeps me focused calm and happy something that was a necessity given what I was about to face I just finished mopping the floor and just put the mop away and was humming along to City escape from sonic adventures - when I noticed the door open out of the corner of my eye and the most unpleasant looking man enters my bar he had an ugly comb-over a face that looked like he exclusively practiced the art of frowning and the widest coke-bottle framed glasses you have ever seen as permanently glaring eyes laser focused on me and he strolls up to me in that oh I have a complaint manner I internally sigh knowing that I have to face this alone as our maintenance man and good friend who lives on the property in one of the hotel rooms and only recently went into town for supplies so I summoned the inner actor within me and gave him my best greeting from here on the cast is as follows we've got me we've got entitled scammer and we've got maintenance man me and my best customer service voice good morning sir how may I help you today oh I want to speak to a manager immediately I'm sorry sir I'm the only one here can I perhaps help you at this point realizing he perhaps has an easy target he actually smiles a little it's the most unpleasant smile I have ever seen this is when I noticed that he is carrying a styrofoam coffee cup in his hands this is very important for later yes you can I want a refund me blinking in response a refund yes I want my money back I'm very unsatisfied with my stay I'm sorry or what was unsatisfactory about your stay this was what he was waiting for he pounced on me immediately launching into a level 5 rant yo Hotel is the most disgusting place I have ever stayed in he proceeds to list the laundry list of things presumably wrong with the room I cleaned the whole thing was drawn-out and clearly rehearsed this was when he shoved his coffee cup in my face and on top of all of it I found bedbugs in your room I want my money back I peer into the cup there are two very tiny and very dead bugs in the bottom of the cup I know something is fishy about this guy first off because that coffee cup isn't even one of ours we have the most durable ones you buy at the store you know the ones with designs on them this was a cheap white Styrofoam cup second I knew that room was spotless because I gave it a thorough cleaning only two days ago meaning I washed the blankets wiped the walls down etc it had recently been cleaned top to bottom so I knew for a fact there were no bedbugs in that or any room as I go in every single day myself and there was also the undeniable fact that those were clearly not bedbugs in his cup they were a beetle of some kind I just wanted to get on with my day so I continued my customer service act I'm very sorry your room was unsatisfactory we will be sure to check on the state of the room in the meantime I apologize but it's our policy not to offer refunds now if I thought he was being rude and entitled before oh boy was I in for a surprise his eyes narrowed so intensely it was a wonder he could see his face turned so bright red it reminded me of a dodge ball he begins greeting at me insert rehear it begins boys and girls buckle up what do you mean now refunds didn't you hear me I said they're all bed bugs in your hotel room I want my money back now and I want that cleaner fired immediately summon the cleaner so I can see you fire her me getting a little red in the face myself but still keeping my composure I'm sorry sir it's our policy entitled scammer cuts me off your policy and forget you get in that cash register give me more money back now and then I want that clean of fired she did a terrible job I'm lucky I didn't get sick I realized I wasn't getting anywhere with this guy so I firmly say I will not be doing that sir there is nothing I can do for you have a good day making it clear I am done with this and to emphasize my point I gem my headphones back in my ear and turn away that's when I feel my headphones get ripped out of my ears I turn around an entitled man has my brand new headphones and has thrown them on the ground and has stomped on them don't you dare ignore me you piece of crap hi I want my money back and I want that cleaner your sport right away you hear me no I'm I'm pretty easygoing guy on a good day but I don't take any BS from anybody I have a line you simply don't cross with me and this entitled the jerk just paved over my life it was about to meet a level of crazy he never imagined I look up at him unparalleled anger and rage in my eyes alright sir I said the word like it was something vile no longer and my nice customer service voice as I told you I cannot give you any money nor would I even if I could but you're too stupid to realize that so let me spell it out for you there is no refunds especially since I know that you're just trying to scam me for a free night entitled man puffs his chest as a defensive measure damn could you say something like that I'm only trying to inform you of your cleaners shoddy work and I am the cleaner you stupid jerk entitled man's eyes go wide and the colour drains from his face it was clear that he didn't expect that he was talking to someone who knew what the room actually looked like I could see his brain go into overtime and he returned to his trump card with a bedbugs Wow that explains things clearly such a disrespectful little punk doesn't take pride in his work of course that's why you have bedbugs here where a little jerk like you cleaning rooms me not having any of it mind you I'm over 20 at this point in my life a hole that's rich tell me do you always carry around bugs and cheap coffee cups or did you just catch them exclusively for my hotel he stammers a bit caught off guard because if you found these bedbugs in our room why aren't they in our coffee cups no response I continued also those aren't bedbugs you stupid jerk those are beetles and from the looks of them quite old and dead probably got them from the dash of your car and by the way you can't see bedbugs idiot you can only see the results of them and since there are no bug bites on you mr. Potato Head shaped face I know you're lying and lastly if our room is so disgusting why did you stay the whole night and not report it you are as scammer trying to get a free room out of us so take your scamming self out of my bar and off my property before I call the police the mention of the police seems to bring the fight back into him he puffs up and pulls the same card every entitled jerk who doesn't get his way tries the manager card how dare you speak to a customer like that I will have your job I want the owner's name right now I will have you fired me smirking hit him with the smuggest smile I can muster you can go right ahead the owner is my mother all I can say is good luck with that realizing he lost he begins backing towards the door shouting and threatening my job yada yada yada that's when he leaves me with the parting words of a super villain you haven't heard the last of me Oh get you fired and reported to your manager me and a gruff tone you can tell me all about it entitled man whips around to find maintenance man standing behind him he had forgot something and came back and it heard the whole exchange as body language suggested entitled man's words would not be of any interest maintenance man poles entitled man out of the door and the to engage in a shouting match outside long story short nobody believed him he took off before the cops were called and unlike his proclamation that was the last I heard from him thanks for reading hope you enjoyed I got more stories to come if there's interest next we've got 75 chairs my entitled dead a bit of backstory is necessary my dad was the worst kind of entitled parent the closet daran he had everyone believing he was dad of the year because he bought me the first Nintendo system and a gameboy for road trips he was generous and pleasant in front of my friends and giving at our church at home he was the total opposite he controlled the money and was convinced that everything was too expensive he had grown up in the Great Depression and the farm he lived on was very poor he was also purposefully forgetful when it came to planning things for me as a way of controlling me this came from a nasty divorce that left him with weekends and his ex not elack's parenting style the rest of the time to mold the kids into productive members of society no it didn't go well he imposed so many rules on me while allowing me just enough freedom to think things were ok example I could ride my bike a mile away but not have a sleepover for my birthday to repaint my room even after I got a job he tried to control my money by questioning every purchase I stopped telling him what I bought pretty quickly sadly his behavior continued well into my marriage and he had to be told to shut up about pacifiers before he and my mom came to visit my daughter for the first time like I said he managed to hide it well for 11 years at the church we began attending when I was 12 wedding planning brought out a side of it that I had never seen he angrily questioned $100 at Walmart for wedding decorations the wedding was done for under 2000 argued with me about renting candelabras for the front of the church and grumbled through the three months leading up to the wedding his shining moment though was in the car parked outside of the church doors with the windows rolled down on a Sunday afternoon as we discussed renting chairs for the reception in the church basement so that people could sit down eat people were still talking and kids were running on the grass waiting to go home the cast we've got me dad and friend me we need to rinse 75 chairs for the reception the church doesn't have enough why not everyone needs to sit and eat at once yelling loud enough to get the attention of everyone outside they then get a drink there is a room for more chairs and some of the food needs two hands to eat we had chicken wings and a lot of finger food dad insert male 3 here it's a waste of money and I won't do it this time our pastor came out and looked at the car my dad saw him got quiet and drove home without saying another word we rented the chairs that evening was awkward going back to church as most of my friends had been outside to see the outburst I wanted to cry and not sit by him I was 23 and felt like I was 10 after church my closest friend let me cry as she gave me a hug my friend i'm sorry i didn't believe things were that bad I've got some things I'll need help with if you have time groceries cleaning she had fibromyalgia and had more bad days than good ones organizing my new place I'd love to thanks for the distraction he's never been this bad the wedding planning brought it out more friends approached me and said sorry for not taking my complaints seriously it didn't do anything like that at church again but he never changed either the wedding was beautiful and later it was a wonderful grandfather but up until he died I maintained a healthy distance as his tendencies came out often he died in 2011 and I missed the good about him but probably won't ever forget the bad entitled mom tries to steal my bike for entitled kid gets in trouble with the law backstory I'm in my mid-30s and have a very bad back with nerve damage that causes immense pain because of this I cannot ride conventional bicycles with my wife and two daughters without severe - debilitating pain to let me ride with them I built myself a tadpole recumbent trike if you do not know what those are it's a tricycle with two wheels in the front used for steering and one in the back for propulsion it sits really low to the ground and you ride in a reclined position using just your legs to pedal so no strain on the back with this recumbent I can ride for hours and be virtually pain-free cast we've got Opie my humble self we've got entitled mam typical Karon we've got entitled kid and we've got our officer story one day about two months ago I was riding with my family and we decided to stop by the grocery store at the end of our ride the store is only about ten blocks from our house so we decided to pick up things for dinner on the bicycles instead of riding home and firing up my big truck to drive back the ten blocks the only problem is that there were five bikes in our group and only one bike lock with us no problem I'm sitting on a recliner I sent everyone in the store while I set with the bikes and the shade of a tree outside I've done this many times before and my interesting trike never fails to get the attention of other shoppers I've had some really great conversations with people who didn't know anything like it existed today was no exception until this typical Karen came out of the store with entitled kid Intel the moment entitled kid sees my recumbent he starts pulling his mom's hand and dragging her over to me now entitled kid looks to be about ten and was just over four feet tall this will be important later here is what follows Wow look at this cool bike I want to ride it that is an interesting bike Opie my son wants to ride that bike I'm sorry ma'am this is a custom recumbent built to fit me I didn't ask what it is I want you to let my son try it out again I'm sorry ma'am but first it is built for someone over two feet taller than your son so he couldn't ride it without hurting himself and second it was custom-built and is far too valuable for me to let strangers are risk damaging it ma make him let me ride see what you did you made my little angel cry light Aman's you let him ride it now I don't care that you say he won't fit it looks to me like he will and I'm his mother so it's up to me not you she then turns to her kid and says go ahead honey at this point I'm tired of attempting to be polite I get between the kid and my bike don't even try it leave me alone and don't even think about touching my property or I will call the law on you I'll just tell them that this is my son's bike and that you stole it from him and get you arrested I pulled out my phone and speed dial the non-emergency number for the local police department I have them on speed dial because my oldest daughters and police explorers and I know every officer by first name the officer who answers is in charge of our Explorer post so when he answers I say officer I'm having a problem here at the grocery store could you or another officer please head down for a second he says he's on his way and hangs up entitled mom an officer is on the way entitled kid dodges around me and flops down in the seat of my recomand he's grinning like a fool even though he has to stretch his legs as far as he can and slide down almost off of the seat just to reach the pedals ma'am your son is sitting on my private property without my permission please remove him now no he has every right to sit there and you are going to be in so much trouble when the officer gets here I'm going to have you arrested and my son will have a new bike about this time officer pulls up about 20 yards away from us they steps out of his cruiser walks over her and says Opie what seems to be the problem all the while looking sideways you said entitled mom and inside old kid this lady entitled mom cuts me off this thief is trying to steal my son's bike I need to get my son in his bike home immediately please deal with him while we leave you are saying that Opie stole your son's bike where's the bike and can you prove it I'm standing there stunned until I see officer turned towards me and wink now I know that he has already read the situation and is going to have fun with this so I just stand there silent I caught him and when I confronted him he got off my son's bike and now my son is sitting order to gin please arrest him and let us leave I've got groceries that are getting warm and my ice cream is going to melt Oh so this interesting thing is your son's bike got it what is this thing anyway it's called a recurrent it's a custom bike now can we go a recurrent well I've never heard of those where do you get something like that what's with all the questions he tried to steal my son's bike take care of him do your job I'm on entitled kid follow me we are going home at this point entitled Karen attempts to pedal the recumbent and is having a hard time I'm used to riding it so I don't downshift when I stop and it was in high gear okay ma'am but that is enough get your son off of Opie's recumbent and step over to my patrol car we need to have a talk it looks like you just attempted to steal a $1,500 custom bike from Opie here no it's my son's bike that's interesting because I remember when Opie was putting it together over two years ago and I've ridden it several times as he lives three blocks away from me now please show me your ID why do you need my ID I'm not showing you anything you need to show me your ID because you just attempted to steal someone's property if you do not he will be arrested entitled kid gets off my bike and bursts into tears he's crying and screaming about how he wanted the bike and the mean cop needs to leave his mommy alone Opie I'll take care of this you have a good day and remember that your daughter has an explorer meeting Thursday night it was Sunday my family had just come out of the store as the officer leads them over to his cruiser we all get on our bikes and head home with me telling them what had happened that Thursday I had a talk with officer he let me know that she stopped being rude and belligerent at his cruiser and he kept her there for about 20 minutes while he ran her ID and described what she had done and could have happened if I'd pressed charges by the time she was done entitled kid wasn't the only one crying he ended up just giving her a verbal warning but by the time he was done the carton of ice cream in her shopping bag had melted and leaked all over her and the parking lot next we've got entitled lady calls me an it and gets away with it but I get some revenge howdy I'm a new subscriber and I figured this story would give you some anger fuel I've posted it before but my friend recently reminded me of some details so I figured I would post it again here with the full story also she isn't as entitled as she is just a boy who thought she could get away with it but I think it still fits here correct me if I'm wrong to start I'm on mobile so sorry if the formatting gets wonky and unfortunately this doesn't have the happiest ending but I do get my own revenge in the end cast we've got hick entitled mother we've got me we've got my BFF we've got the jerk manager and we've got entitled mom's family her son and her mom not really a part of the story but they looked remorseful through all of this and now but the story began so I used to work at a popular fast food chain let's call it wack Donald's with my BFF let me start this off by saying we are both trends and back then we had higher pitched voices but very masculine figures so most people just didn't use pronouns when speaking with us at this time we had only been working for wack Donald's for about a month and a half and so far everything was as you would expect it to be the regular crappy customer who only got a little upset when we messed something up most people in our town are old so they would regularly frequent this wack Donald's they knew we were kind of new so they gave us some slack one day me and BFF were on the two front registers it was lunch peak so there was about 12 groups of people waiting in our lobby to either be served or to get their order taken so far all of the orders we took had gotten to them with nothing wrong at all everything was going smoothly until I see entitled mom and her family walk in already I can tell that she's in a nasty mood and will probably cause some issues she is a very large woman with a full-on mullet lumberjack clothes black teeth and sounds like she just came straight from the deep south I went to school with her son and he was relatively chill he was silent through this whole thing and so was his grandmother they get through the line and unfortunately come to my register I don't remember their order besides what entitled mom and gotten to triple cheeseburgers with no pickles I finished taking their order and I reread everything to them making sure to say no pickles on the two triples entitled mom pays and goes off to wait for their food finally things start to slow down a bit so I run to the back to get cups for the cup dispensers since we were running low as I'm walking back up I hear screaming as I get back up there I see that BFF looks like he wants to end a hick she is screaming about wanting a manager and how ridiculous this all was there were two managers there at the time Turk manager and one of the nice managers unfortunately jerk manager was the one to come handle the situation I walk up to BFF and jerk manager and asked what's going on BFF was red in the face and yelled she called you when it I was just in shock and couldn't really say anything I had never been called an it before and even though I'm used to being called nasty names it really got to me Dirk manager simply looks at BFF and tells him that she would handle this and asked entitled mom what happened she then repeats what she said word for word I ordered two triples with no pickles they are pickles on these sandwiches he see it it messed up my order jerk manager okay ma'am I'm sorry about this inconvenience we'll fix this right away I want a refund for these sandwiches I'm not paying for this crappy service of course ma'am we will get this sorted out at this point I'm literally standing behind my register in tears and BFF is ready to hop over the counter and take on this behemoth unfortunately jerk manager forced us to continue taking orders I was still crying as I took an elderly man's order and he was super nice to me he told me that if we would accept tips he would have given me the biggest tip for going through that I thanked him and started crying more now I bet y'all are wondering where is the justice in this this can't be it and he would be right we continued to work for this wek Donald's for five excruciating months and in this time I was the main person on grill BFF would frequently be upfront with the customers and whenever entitled mom would come in he would tell me what she had ordered I would do one of several things over salt her meat under solder meat burn the meat and I even spit on her meat once I don't care how nasty it sounds you don't call someone and it and expect to get away with it I no longer work at wack Donald's I work at the far superior star docks and even though I still see entitled mom come through the drive-through I don't treat her badly I am sickly sweet to her knowing full well that if I wanted I could accidentally spill her drink on her lap thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed mine story next we've got how I learned my former friend was an entitled deadbeat leech hey mr. reddit I'm back with another story now I originally posted this in our slash entitled people and I have edited for your standards and thought this is something that the fellow RER me might like but if it's not your cup of tea that's fine too too long didn't read at the bottom I knew this guy from primary school let's call him David obvious fake name we got along well we would hang out chat the typical friends things but when his family moved away we lost contact with each other skipped forward many years and I am living by myself in my first rental unit a small one-bedroom this plays into the story and one day I was grabbing some food and I walk into David and I do mean walk into him I see him and he sees me it was like no time had passed we were back the chatting exchanging numbers catching up and we begin to hangout once again things are going great until it didn't I get a call from him and he is clearly upset as his mother which he was staying with was kicking him out he needed a place to crash so I offered my couch the deal was simple he would stay until he got his feet underneath him but until that time he would give me $50 a fortnight towards food he agreed to the terms and moved in the thing is the first month or so was going great he was paying on time kept to himself kept his music to a reasonable level and would ask for small things and me trying to be a good host what at times get it he would even tell me a week in advance if he was going anywhere and would come back on the day he said he would we even went halves in a PlayStation 2 yep this is how far back it was then things changed slowly he started paying less his music got louder slowly he starts to take over my place the weeks advance becomes days his requests turn from can I - I wand then he stopped paying me altogether his music got so loud I got an official complaint from the real estate but I was renting through his wants became demands he stopped giving me advance just telling me hours before he would go and be gone longer than he claimed all while he's coming back with new clothes new shoes and stated he doesn't have any money but would give me gifts like a shirt of my favorite band that was too small for me but would fit him like a charm and Here I am paying for food for two banging electricity for two and he is not putting in a cent his mother and mine tried to convince me to get rid of him seeing what he was doing to me I defended him yes I'm an idiot I know the thing is he always played the victim the whole oh woe is me type you know the ones oh how I can't find a place oh how I can't find a job Oh nobody gets me nobody can understand just complaints and moans all day long while sitting on their butt listening to depressing music yep he was that time the final straw came around Christmas all this time my mother lived in a different town than I did and was going to spend Christmas by herself I was not going to let that happen so I planned to spend the Christmas week with her and for two months I was telling David about it reminding him making sure he got nothing planned for that week he would assure me that he had nothing every week I would do this reminding him and he would still give that each other jaw response three days before I need to go David tells me out of the blue that he's going the week to another town to spend it with his friends I was mad I've been telling you for weeks that I'm going to be out of town when did this happen lost wig and you didn't think to tell me until now David goes on his woe is me to her once again me grinding my teeth when are you going Thursday a day before I got a leave and when are you coming back Wednesday a day before I get back I just moan loudly fine here's my key my only key you better be back on Wednesday so help me Yaya the week with my mother went gray and eventually I got back on Wednesday a day before I was meant to I go home door is locked okay they must be down the street or something I go to my real estate and ask for the spare key making some excuse the day comes and goes David is a no-show okay he must be away he does know I wouldn't be back until tomorrow so I guess he figured to stay longer Thursday no show Friday no show Saturday Sunday you get the idea a week goes by and still nothing two weeks still nothing three weeks and still nothing no calls no texts nothing I would have taken a smoke signal at the time I was done just done I took all his crap and just threw it out keeping all his more valuable things says he still owed me money the next day I just put all his junk in the bin that was a good day the day after I put his stuff in the bin I wake up and go to the kitchen to have my coffee I turn and guess was on my couch sleeping David with a brand new dyed hair style new brand-name clothes new brand-name shoes and Mikey on the coffee table I took it back I was mad I went outside and called my mother asking for advice she tells me simply just let him know my mum is awesome I go back inside and he's awake and I let him have it where the heck were you no calls no texts nothing I just went off at him while he's just sitting there with that whole how dare you talk to me that way look which is only fueling the rage I had I just let it all out every little and major thing the lies the BS everything I laid it all on the table after I vented and had my say I asked if he has anything to say about himself he goes into his classic woe is me spill like I haven't heard that before I didn't have any credit you could have asked your friends to use their phone my battery died it's called a charger every excuse he gives I shoot it down hard they got nothing but excuses no apologies no form of taking any responsibilities nothing but the same crap I have heard of in times I just looked at him nothing but disgusts an anger you know I don't have to put up with you my friends have offered that I can stay with them for free good go be a leech on them in fact I give him a 20 I don't know why I just wanted him out here take this and just go fun I thought that would be the end of it god only knows how wrong I am about a couple weeks later I get a call from a mobile number that I didn't recognize so I answer it hello oh hi oh now he calls me listen I'm wondering if you could pay me out for the PlayStation umm no how come cuz you owe me money okay how about I pay you out and you send the PlayStation no you owe me money we do this for five minutes until I finally get another voice I guess David's friend his friend explained how David explained to them that he didn't owe me any money I explained the deal we had now he was nothing more than a leech and he would do the same to him too eventually we came to an agreement if they want the PlayStation David needs to do the following pay what he owed and pay me out he tells me that he will get back with me they never did in my mind a forfeit his ownership of it and it was mine I later sold it to get a ps3 with the power of hindsight David didn't ask about anything else not about his clothes not his stereo nothing just the PlayStation clearly I know where his mine site was months go by without a word and I come across his mother which we are still on good terms even to this day and I asked how things were going and what she tells me sickens me to the core and still does David got a girl pregnant and did a bold and the girl had the kid and that David's mother hasn't met her first grandkid she eventually did thank God David tried to contact me twice no doubt trying to get into my good grace again he tried to do it with my sister I told her to block him he tried on the book of face I blocked him within seconds burn a bridge with me that thing is charcoal the last I heard of him as he was crashing on someone's place still blaming the world still being a worthless deadbeat waste of space what makes it bad is that after him I had a serious distrust to any of my friends of coming around or staying even for a night I was so guarded and so mistrusting because of one bad experience but time is a good healer and that wall has crumbled somewhat anyways I just needed this out there so thanks for everyone who read this far I will post any update if I hear anything else and our final story of the day entitled teacher and deputy principal refused to allow me to drop subject in school because they wanted me in the class even though I disliked the students and teacher heya mr. Reddit and our er me love the videos I'm a daily listener of them helps me to get up in the morning I even listen to them when I'm driving home from a good day out and I'm alone I'll try to remember dialogue as best I can also not sure if this is an entitled parents or person post if this ever gets put in a video you have my full permission also to long didn't read at the bottom and any grammar errors and mistakes at the bottom feel free to correct me in the comments below let's begin for some context the deputy principal and I have known each other since I was 12 to 13 year 7 so I was cool with him being my deputy at the school where I finished off my high school years but grade 11 was aware it went downhill real quick the entitled teacher of this tale started at school in 2013 I was in grade 9 the events happened in 2015 also keep in mind I'm Australian for the cast and players you have me you have the entitled teacher she was a pain in the neck and the deputy principal he was an alright man but I was annoyed at him for a while after this but Knifer gave him he's involved later on every Friday we would have this class called Sport lifestyle and Recreation Studies and of course I didn't like sport or anything of that nature but I was forced to do it along with all the other peers in the class who are all jerks and I disliked every single one of them but the worst of all was we had a kid who technically wasn't part of the class come in and join he wasn't entitled or anything we just had a few run-ins I left the class for a few minutes for some air and to regather my thoughts and have a drink of water I returned and here's entitled teacher ready to have a go at me hot rod get over here I want to talk to you this had better be good you need to let me know where you're going from now on or you will get in trouble I tell myself yeah yeah I know darn well I dislike you in this class why can't I drop it a few weeks later we get notified that we would be attending a trip to learn more about sports and I think it was windsurfing surfing or go-karting or something to that effect I of course hated it because of entitle teacher and didn't want to go because of her so they had the opportunity to drop a subject for the HSC year I of course wanted to drop this subject and one called community and Family Studies CAF s for short but no I was allowed to drop CA FS but not this one I was furious I stopped attending the class but was forced into the deputy principal's office over this deputy principal says hot rod do you want to know why I've called you here me just over this schools antics and I started getting angry yeah I have a solid idea about this it's entitled teacher and her antics about not allowing me to drop the class which I hate so much yup allow me to get the entitled teacher so we can talk this out entitled teacher all fake sympathetic to me why do you want to drop this class and what are you going to do me I want to drop this class because to be honest you and the kids treat me like absolute dirt and I'm just done I want out and especially the way you've treated me over the years I'm done with it all now unfortunately I didn't drop the class and the teacher was harder on me ever since this whole ordeal and that's my story of having a run-in with an entitled teacher thanks for reading and have a great day entitled mom goes insane over my Harry Potter tattoo hello again mr. reddit and the reed army I want to start off real quickly by saying a big thank you to everyone for their support in my last post involving an entitled mom who attacked me in a public restroom because she didn't believe in my invisible disease and thought I was trying to promote another very serious health condition to her daughter I am so happy that my story has reached out to so many who are dealing with their own battles and it gives them hope my story has even made its way to an artist online who illustrate speed stories into videos I have included a link to this video at the end of this story I cannot thank you all enough for the support keep up the love here is a link in case you want to read it although it has nothing to do with this story it will explain a little in how I handle myself and other experiences I have had with entitled people I will try here soon to write down more of my entitled parent experiences most dealing with my in-laws I am on mobile today but plan on going on to my computer later to edit so please let me know if any errors need correcting this is a pretty quick one that happened before the fourth of July so at the beginning of June I got my first tattoo with my two sisters two of the closest women in my life outside my childhood and a and my cousin Meg who did play a part in the bathroom Fiasco we decided to get matching tattoos because we had been together throughout our lives despite distance lifestyles and overall life first boyfriend's high school drama colleges graduations are weddings the tattoos are to be the ultimate friendship bracelet because we won't accidentally lose them I initially came up with the idea when I was rereading the Harry Potter series for the millionth time after getting this symbol from the Deathly Hallows and the tale of the three brothers because not only are we potter nerds I thought it would nicely remind each of us of all we had gone through together my disease aids nursing school and moving with her military husband and Meg's moved to Japan the design is the same but we had pick a hallo and have it inked black while the rest was in gray here's a picture I have the cloak a has the stone and Meg has the wand we did each have to get it redone pretty quickly after because it faded and was messed up in places on each of us we did get it done pretty quick at first but all are happy with it nonetheless live and learn okay so on to our entitled parent encounter I work in a small shared office building the top floor held the advertising company I work for along with a local investment firm next door below us there is a children's speech and Therapy Center often we get to interact with the kids and the parents because right outside that office are the only vending machines in the building since I am on the computer all day I often need something with caffeine to wake me up when the day gets long our cast we've got me the frustrated designer we've got sweet boy we've got sweet boy - who was sweet boy's brother he doesn't say anything and we've got entitled mom along with nice dad and the sweet boys stepmother who's briefly mentioned so I went downstairs for a coca-cola to help with my stress migraine and get away from my computer because we were having a time crunch to get ads in for a local paper plus it was hot outside and the a/c was barely keeping us cool I'm counting my change and look up to see a boy playing outside the office just innocently pushing the buttons of the vending machine he was maybe six to seven he looks up at me and smiles I say hello and asked if I could get something from the machine real quick he nods stepping back so I can put my change in note here for mr. reddit if you decide to read my story and don't want to stutter you don't have to I just wrote it this way because it's how he talks sweet boy says that I pushed the button I look at him and smiled my younger brother stuttered when he was little but he grew out of it with speech therapy which is good because he's getting his doctorate degree so I decided to let him I saw no harm in it and he was being so polite me that would be great could you hit the one with the red and white swirls his big grin melted my heart he reached up and hit the button I indicated and the drink made its way into the catch me thank you for your help I kneel down and reach in for my drink what's that he pointed to my wrist I had pulled my blazer sleeve back and it pulled my cotton wristband with it revealing my tattoo I had gotten the band to remain professional in the workplace and protect my tattoo from rubbing against my desk when it was healing oh do you mean my tattoo I put the soda down and show my wrist to him I thought nothing of it since kids and adults have asked me about it ever since I got it ha he tries to say I smile and I'm trying to help him sound it out slowly when bang here comes the entitled mom slamming open the door to the therapists office dragging her other kid by the hand she already looked ticked-off who are you and what are you doing with my son I slowly stand up holding up my soda I could already tell what she was an entitled mother just by that one line but since I wasn't in the mood to get into a conflict with her I tried softening her up me mrs. tea ma'am your son was just being a perfect gentleman and helping me get a soda she looked at my hand with the soda seeming to sit all down then her eyes narrowed it was like having a missile targeting system focusing on my wrist what is that on your wrist I knowing where this was probably heading my tattoo and here we go entitled mom exploded that is a dead hose mark you are trying to corrupt my son you nasty I was shocked by her language in front of her kids I had read of such reactions from the religious crowd towards the Wizarding World franchises and tattoos in general but since the symbol is so well known from the Wizarding World franchises I didn't think I'd meet someone like that here and besides the tattoo and my mane of red hair I seriously looked like a normal woman entitled mom lunges towards her son and I grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him back making him cry out as he fell down I hate seeing these things so something in me snapped but I tried not to shout terror a new one and scare kids even more what in the world is your problem lady you just heard him it's just a tattoo I am saving him from being brought into your circle of nasties besides he's my son I can do what I want I'm getting frustrated but for the kids sake I try again to explain look ma'am it's just a tattoo me and my sisters got together for a special occasion it's not evil in any way it's from a fantasy book series kids around the world have read it and love entitled mom scoffs giant ax burned into my soul with her glare you lying little jack you are probably trying to bring these kids into your coat so if you and your sisters can perform weird rituals I tried to reply unsuccessfully trying to hide my disgust with this woman when a man nice dad walked into the building behind me the two boys rushed to the man sweet boy clung to his dad's leg entitled mom what is taking so long me and the boys need entitled mom cuts him off this jerk is trying to get sweet oil to join her coat and when she was caught threatened me with violence nice death looked at me confused with an irritated sigh I raised my hand and show him my tattoo he nodded in recognition Ben looks at entitled mom entitled mom this is just a tattoo now watch your language and stop with this the boys stepmom and I are heading to the lake and you already made us late by scheduling their speech therapy sessions like you did just to cut into our time with them this jack is evil and so is your new life you and this lady are trying to turn my babies against me she goes to grab the boys but both me and nice dad block her from them nice dad entitled mom that is enough leave us alone before I call my lawyer and the police and filed charges entitled mom furious her face burning storms out of the building sweet boy speaks up daddy mama was flying this lady is nice and was showing me her tattoo when mama made me fall nice dad looks down at his boys nodding then turns to me I am sorry for my ex-wife she's been acting like this since I remarried trying to find ways to keep the kids away from me and stepmom me it's alright at least these two are alright I look down at them I'll see you two around okay now go have fun with your daddy at the lake you are going to have so much fun they both smiled and sweet boy waved at me before walking outside with nice dad and his brother and I went back to my computer having to explain to my co-workers what took me so long I hope to see those boys around again soon hopefully away from their mother mr. reddit you have my permission to include this in future videos you did make this awesome subreddit to do so and thanks again re Army deep up the great update saw the two sweet boys today when I was coming back from lunch they were with their stepmom this time she told me how much her husband and her appreciate me trying to stick up for sweet boy with entitled mom sweet boy then came over to say hi we talked real quick about his trip to the lake and he and his little brother are soon going to have a baby brother or sister nice dad and stepmom told them this during the trip as a surprise next we've got entitled parent let's kid treat wheelchair as a toy you know the drill I'm on mobile and English is my one and only language let's go meet the cast we've got me we've got the idiot mom with no manners we've got the entitled kid not super entitled but still we've got dad who is just a helpless husband it was a normal Saturday night and I was working at my job I work at a major retail store not going to say the name but it rhymes with souls the rush we get on most Saturdays had calmed down and my coworker and I were just straightening the floor she works the registers while I'm a floor person we were folding down the floor when entitled mom entitled kid and dad came in now for context our store has two wheel chairs for customers who need them to use freely I have a particular predictable them as my sister also uses one on her days due to her MS and people like to misuse them and here's where our fun story really begins entitled kid was a boy of around 12 and had literally ran into the store all smiles and laughs then his eyes zero in on the wheelchair it goes to grab it and I make my way over to the family and stand slightly in front of the wheelchair hello and welcome to our store my name is Djamel ttan can I help you find anything the kid backs off due to my arrival while the parents tell me their clothes shopping for entitled kid they grab a cart and all head off towards the kids section I go to check on the rest of the floor and to fold where needed it was a little over five minutes later I watched the kids zoom bag snatched the wheelchair and take off on ticked and was ready to chase after him but a lady needed help getting something off a mannequin so I put it out of my mind an hour later my coworker needed to take her break and I offered to cover for her she hadn't been gone for two minutes when who comes to check out yep entitled mom entitled kid and dad but you know what isn't there the wheelchair I'm mad not only did he take a piece of equipment he honestly didn't need but left it God knows where in the store I'm not about to let that fly hello did you find everything okay yeah but your kids area is really messy liar my other co-worker who works in that department is beyond OCD and never lets a mess said but I ignore that and press on to what I really want to know I look at entitled kid where's the wheelchair entitled kid is confused why the wheelchair I saw you take earlier where is it if it's not in use it has to be by the front door his eyes go wide he knows he's God but inside of mom doesn't get it my son doesn't know anything about a wheelchair isn't a disabled person he's actually useful well I can't believe she just said that neither can dad it seems as he looks at his wife with a mixture of disgust and confusion honey an entitled cute was writing it be quiet okay so now I know what's going on clearly she knew her kid had used it but didn't care about where he left it I look back to entitled kid and with my Stern but still friendly customer voice I tell him please go bring it back we have customers who come in that have to use them to get around entitled kid just nods and scurries off back the way they came dad doesn't look irritated but entitled mom is mad that was not your job to tell him what to do ma'am my job is to ensure all customers have their needs met while they are shopping I can't do that if the crucial equipment for our handicapped customers is not where they can be easily accessed entitled mom giving up on trying to act clueless he was just playing with it he wasn't hurting anyone wheelchairs are not toys ma'am and he shouldn't be playing with them she goes quiet obviously trying to come up with something clever to throw back at me feeling that she goes the classic Karen response I want your manager me shrugging and calm as heck as my manager on duty as an OBS type of person no problem then you can explain to her how your kid was misusing store property and you were trying to lie to me about him doing so if you really want to push this further I can ask for her to look at our security tapes before I grab my walkie dad puts his hands up in a defensive motion that's not necessary I apologize for my son and wife turns to entitled mom just stop she's only doing her job and I told you back there that entitled kids shouldn't have had it he was just playing dad and me at the same time it's not a toy by the time I'm finished their items entitled kid has come back pushing the wheelchair back to where he had taken it from he rejoined his parents and said a quiet sorry to me before they all left the store the entitled mom glaring daggers at me the whole way I told my coworker when she got back and we both had a laugh about it moral of the story don't play with wheelchairs next we've got sushi and entitled Karen's this just happened so I'm typing it up quick so I don't forget the details I had just been to the movies to watch up so bad it's good zombie film the dead don't die and I stopped off for some sushi with my brother on the way home yo sushi for anyone who is wondering at this sushi restaurant the tables have a button you can press to get it waiters attention when you press it a little red light comes on and they'll come straight over afterwards you push it again and the light turns blue there are signs on the tables that explain the system anyways after we've been sitting there for a few minutes two women came in and set just across from us it's hard to choose which one to call Karen so let's just call them Karen one and Karen - Karen one was larger and louder had the typical greeting meet your manager the haircut and acrylic nails Karen - didn't talk much in this story but was skinny and had a resting jerk face she looked at everything in the restaurant like it was a personal insult to her it was lunchtime and the restaurant was busy so the waiters hadn't yet cleared the table they chose a waiter apologized about this but the Karen's said it would be fine and said the waiter could clean around them this sounded reasonable and I felt a little relief because maybe these Karen's weren't going to turn out to be the crazy Karen's you hear about I was wrong when the waiter was gone they spent their time complaining about how the table wasn't clean even though the waiter had offered to clean it before they sat down and it wouldn't have been more than two minutes wait it was time for me and my brother to order so we pressed the button on our table and our waiter came over the waiter came over and started to take over when Karen won the larger of the two Karen's loudly interrupted oh oh I've been waiting he did minutes she started she hadn't and nobody had come to take my order what's wrong with this place the waiter tried to explain the system with the buttons and the red lights but she didn't listen and instead started listing out her demands pointing to items on the menu with her sausage like fingers if you could just wait a moment said the waiter I will be with you soon this girl has already started giving me her order but I want my food now Karen one demanded the waiter apologized to me for the interruption but I just said to go ahead and take her order he did and because my light was still red another waiter came over a minute later while we were waiting for our food I did hear them mumbling about how rude the waiter had been but apart from that the rest of the meal didn't have any incidents if I hadn't seen the first part I might have even assumed these were normal polite human beings instead of raging entitled people entitled mom at a local convention its destroyed with insults and leaves teary-eyed so yesterday me and my friend you know as Jacob decided to go to a local convention I was going to invite my ex but she was on a date with her girlfriend so no Joker and Panther so I went with Plan B Jacob still hasn't gotten his Crow costume so no Joker and crow either so we decided to go as red and blue from Pokemon we would prepare at my house and then go pick up my little cousin to come with us she was feeling pretty sad about the whole uncle moving back to Puerto Rico with Grandma so he asked us to take her with us we did and she had a great time really needed that anyways we got the costumes and thought that since these costumes aren't exactly outlandish no one would notice or boy was I wrong my cousin noticed and giggled my neighbor noticed and was weirded out etc anyways we arrived and it was pretty packed we got inside and noticed some cosplayers with actual talent like this guy dressed up as Mysterio with a helmet that has lights and cotton when we arrived Jacob went off to do his own thing and my cousin stayed right by my side through the entire thing Jacob came back looking defeated because he tried hitting on a hot girl cosplaying as Sailor Moon and was told maybe when you're a little bit bigger well both of what you have he was 511 she was like looked like six two and the other well you know it so we were hanging out talking to other people when this kid who was like 13 dressed up as sans was going around insulting people calling their costumes cheap and ugly I saw him do it to three girls dressed up as Lana SIA and linkle from Hyrule warriors and they just told him to leave him alone then he came to us this is where the fun begins our cast we've got me red we've got Jacob blue we've got my cousin we've got the girl dressed up as Ciel my hero we've got Sia's two sisters sister one and sister - we've got entitled kid who's sands and entitled mother so let's begin we were just hanging out and then next thing you know this small round boy just started laughing at us for no reason it was also a very very fake laugh Jacob what are you laughing about those cast ends are crap and that makes you better how because I put time and effort unlike yours this was a cornucopia of BS his costume was just short jeans with a blue winter coat and pink sandals that was it mine however obviously had time and effort put into it because I made myself look like the actual from the Pokemon games I had the same hat nearly the same jacket nearly the same backpack and more remember when I said that we met up at my house we did that so my mom could apply hair gel on Jacob to make his haircut look like blues and it came out looking pretty good so since your mom obviously made that one that makes you better my mom did not make this Jacob yeah sir kid you have cheap crappy costumes my cousin came back from the bathroom now it's important to mention that she has a lisp and people always make fun of her for that she's 13 and still has it somehow my cousin what's going on here entitled kid insert more fake laughing where's your costume I don't have one entitled kid stop laughing cuz he realized his insult didn't work oh that shirt looks horrendous so does that winter coat you know it doesn't he notices her lisp what the heck was wrong with that what do you mean entitled kid fake laughing again you have a lisp seriously how old are you how embarrassing is it that at this age you still have a lisp me how embarrassing is it that you say our costumes are terrible yet that's a crappy cosplay of sans you find it embarrassing to have a speech defect yet forget that you are embarrassing yourself by telling stolen jokes he then started going ballistic on us but then out of nowhere girl came in and started unloading on him girl says I'm sorry is this little jerk bothering you why yes ah he has been bothering me and my sister's non-stop Wow watch out it's the status symbol coming our way she takes off her mask Wow watch out it's the depressed team jerk that needs their parents to do everything no I'm not yes you are your costume is also very cheap what about yours huh and there my costume is the best one here in case you haven't noticed these two are perfect replicas of what they are cause playing we weren't but still like to the compliment she doesn't have a costume probably because she just wants to tag along and look at people with their costumes ever heard of the word look oh wait I forgot fake laughter what's so funny you probably didn't even graduate elementary school so this must all be new to you entitled kid now bursting red with anger of course I graduated you dumb she cuts them off then stop acting like an eight-year-old who loses the debate for an argument it's embarrassing you guys are jerks he then runs off with tears I say wow that finally got him you definitely got a mouth she says thanks you're welcome I didn't really mean to say it like a compliment but either way whoo that was awesome Oh okay then you put some serious dedication into that costume I mean dyeing your hair white for this is pretty cool she's actually blushing oh I actually died at once summer started I just like white that's even cooler we then started talking about a lot of things we had a lot in common everyone was fine and peaceful until entitled mom comes in Jacob danger incoming me cousin and girl look and it's the entitled mom with entitled kid who insulted my son technically all of us why would you insult him about his costume it took him time you know stop shouting and also because he insulted us about our costumes and then calls his the best he is just telling the truth okay okay what okay explain to me why I care because it serves as a reminder of how you should keep your ego in check Jack your says our ego in check our eco lady your son is bragging about his obviously crappy outfit and insulting the people who actually had time and effort put into them so if anything you should keep your son's ego in check seriously it's the size of Jupiter did you just tell me how to parent yes don't tell me you're just as ignorant as your son who probably didn't graduate elementary got you calling me stupid yes you are about as smart as a donkey actually that would be an insult to donkeys you jack I'll get you kicked out of here I'll call security I'll sue and make sure you live on the streets go call security they will call you an idiot sue me your lawyer and the judge will call you an idiot and end up homeless the poor people will call you ignorant too entitled mom is now dripping tears kid let's go but I mean I want to stay I am not letting you stay with these nine children actually she's a woman and so are you entitled mom then scoffs and drags her child out of their mid can drama I turned back to the girl so that just happened you did pretty good there she's blushing oh really Thanks I'm noticing the red cheeks hmm she's still blushing what is it I basically turn on the charm well I couldn't help but notice those red cheeks of yours are you perhaps in love she's embarrassed a bit no I mean no I'm not me putting my hand on her cheek listen if you want a date I could give you one let's exchange phone numbers she gets excited oh my god really I was just too afraid to ask since I always find a way to mess up my interactions with a hot guy but holy crap thank you so much Jacob was staring with absolute disbelief so was my cousin we exchanged phone numbers and sister 1 and sister to come in sister 1 hmm what's this girl is surprised oh um nothing I tell her your sister just got a boyfriend sister - oh is that so well whispers - girl he looks like a bad boy perfectly suits you sister 1 come on let's go I want to go get something to eat ok I'll be there soon we then set up plans for a date on Friday tomorrow she left and I turned to my still shocked friend and cousin Jacob is stammering how you looking to get a girlfriend it's that easy shut up dude cousin ever one a boyfriend just do that and it works oh um okay we stayed for a while and then left mainly because the hair gel was wearing off we went back home told my dad who just looked at me and said look at this little guy acting like he's the ish don't mess it up life only gives you so many chances Jacob was picked up by his parents and we went to my uncle's place to drop my cousin off she really needed that she has been feeling down lately so I'm glad my uncle asked me to take her so that was the story I'm going on a date tomorrow so wish me luck the update is already out update I had an amazing day so I went out on a date yesterday and had the time of my life I seriously forgot what it's like to go on a date a first date at bat so here's what happened my dad bought me a nice leather jacket and we waited for around 4 p.m. to go to her house my dad dropped me off there wished me luck and left I knocked on her door and her sister came out looked at me and said one moment I waited and her parents showed up to the door shake my hands and allowed me to come inside when I got in I saw her other sister making dinner for them the other one going up to her room and no sign of my girlfriend her dad says that she was just getting ready with makeup I waited her mom brought me some water we talked for a bit and found out her dad is pretty much a comic book fan and a rock and roll fan he loves ac/dc I tell him that I actually play drums and he looks at me with a smile I tell him I have quite a few Marvel comics and a lot of DC Comics her mom is also a superhero fan but she seems to like the movies more than the comics all the while I'm thinking to myself these people are exactly my parents anyways my girlfriend finally comes downstairs wearing makeup heels and a beanie I walk over to her take off the beanie and say you don't need this she told me that people would be weirded out if they saw her dyed hair I told her that we are in America the amount of crap you see people do is astronomical so she doesn't need to worry about having white hair anyways I tell her dad that for the date we are going to an Italian restaurant where my cousin works as the manager he says that he will drive us there so we get in the car and he starts driving we talk along the way talking a lot about games anime movies etc I bring up the conversation and her dad laughs because his daughter has already told him about it he drops us off but before I leave he quickly gives me the dad talk you know what it is what's your intentions with my daughter if anything happens to her call me don't get cocky have fun he leaves and then it's just the two of us we go inside the Italian restaurant where my cousin comes out and greets my girlfriend he then showed us to our seats not before pulling me aside and saying you got a girlfriend good job especially one who dyes her hair I just chuckle and sit down with my girlfriend what felt like minutes was actually ours we were having so much fun talking to each other and eating that we completely forgot what time it was it was 9 p.m. and we were getting tired and decided that would be the end of our first date I paid the bill and waited outside with my girlfriend for my dad to pick me up my dad was on his way her dad was already there before she left I tested my luck and kissed her one of the real man kiss for what felt like 12 seconds she was shocked but she didn't complain meanwhile her dad was just awkwardly waiting for it to end so he could leave she left kissed me goodbye that's two kisses on our first date and I waited for my dad to pick me up needless to say that was an amazing night and would definitely want to do it again love her next we've got the witch the stroller and the roller coaster hi mr. reddit I love your videos and I have a crazy story for you I'm on mobile and wasn't involved but just a witness to the whole thing this happened yesterday while I was on a new roller coaster at my amusement park called the Steel Curtain me and four of my friends were getting ready to go on when a girl gets stuck in the car so they stopped the ride to help this girl out enter Karen her five-year-old kid and a stroller note just to let people know this right had an elevator for wheelchairs and strollers to avoid at this situation but it was on the other side of the platform Karen started yelling at a worker weaving some sort of paper in his face why did you coworker send me on the wrong side I'm supposed to be on the other side of the platform this paper says the time allowed to be on the other side ma'am please calm down we're just trying to figure out the situation I will help you in a minute come on in and stay on the platform while we help her out and then we will help you with your stroller Karen insert renoise here no I need help now then witch and her kid tried to get the stroller over on the other side themselves the employees helped her and her kid when they saw what was happening Karen screamed at them that they were stupid and will get them fired was that the end big fat no when they got the girl unstuck from the car the employees had to run a few tests on the car so that wouldn't happen while they were busy Karen and her kid sit up in front and were waiting for them to start the ride without running tests so no one would get hurt employee ma'am why are you sitting in the front row I'm supposed to be up here now start the ride or I will call the manager I know the owner of the park and won't hesitate to call him and get you fired and not to work anywhere in town again the employees kicked her off the ride and also had to call security I don't like thinking while waiting in line and also having a panic attack what the heck was going through her mind the ride was awesome next we've got entitled teacher bullied me into lying hey mister read it and RER me this is my second post on the subreddit but this time it's about my second grade resource teacher I was reminded of this when I saw a similar story in the last video and thought it would be cathartic to share since it still makes me angry our cast we've got mrs. P are entitled resource teacher we've got nice teacher my nice second grade teacher you've got entitled kid and we've got me if you haven't already guessed this happened back in second grade I was a tiny kid and while I had some behavioral issues I never bullied anyone anyway during lunch one day nice teacher pulls me aside before I enter the cafeteria and asks me if I had been mean to entitled kid my classmate and called her names I genuinely had no idea what nice teacher was talking about and I said as much I couldn't remember doing anything like that nice teacher asked me one more time if I was sure and I said yes nice teacher considered the issue resolved for now and let me go eat my lunch I had just sat down in the cafeteria with my friends from class when I feel a hard grip on my arm I look up to see mrs. B my old bat of a teacher who I never liked much I had some sort of resource class with her sometimes it was a long time ago I'm still not sure why or what it was for without a word of explanation mrs. B dragged me off the bench away from my lunch out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom where I saw entitled kid crying for no good reason that I knew of later on I figured that when she didn't get the results she wanted from nice teacher she went crying to mrs. B looking back this seemed really shady to me to pull me into the bathroom when it could have been handled in the principal's office or with nice teacher present nope mrs. P decided she had handle this her way entitled kid says that you bullied her and called her names why did you do that apologize to her now like I said I was a tiny kid and I've always had problems with anxiety and confrontation and was terrified of getting into trouble I was confused as to why this was happening when nice teacher had already handled it and why entitled kid was blaming me for something I didn't do I really honestly didn't recall being mean to her in any way mrs. P I really didn't mrs. B cut me off I'll never forget what she said next word for word she leaned down got right into my face shaking her finger at me and said don't tell me you didn't do it because I know you did I was shocked I really didn't do anything why wouldn't she believe me I had never bullied anyone before I felt so terrified and helpless I just wanted to get out of there and go back to lunch with my friends I knew mrs. P wouldn't let me leave until she got the answer she was satisfied with and if I kept telling the truth I was worried she'd drag me down to the principal's office or worse call my mom even though I had done nothing wrong what little kid isn't terrified of that I felt frozen and I was on the verge of tears I did the only thing I knew would get me away from that situation fast I lied um I was mean to entitled kid and called her names I was so close to crying that it was hard to talk mrs. P had a smug satisfied to look on her face now good now apologized she demanded I turned to this pathetic sobbing entitled kid who was twice my size and said I was sorry mrs. P warned me never to do it again and let me go I didn't finish my lunch because I felt so scared and sick to my stomach I wish I could say this story has a happy ending that got entitled kid what was coming to her or nice teacher swooped in and but mrs. P in her place but no for years this has infuriated me knowing that my classmate lied to get me in trouble and that an adult responsible for working with young kids took advantage of my naivete and intimidated her to the point where she felt she couldn't stand up for herself or tell the truth I had to lie to escape a scary situation the worst part is that mrs. P got away with it back when I was in high school in another school district thank God I saw in the news that she had even been elected teacher of the year I've done what I could to just move on and I hope that karma catches up with that old bat in time and our final story of the day entitled mom wants my sister fired because the friar is out of order this isn't my story but when my sister told me that happened to her my sister is 17 and is working her first job at Sesame Place this was her third day on the job and she had completed her work training the day before she's a hostess at one of the restaurants inside the park sometimes she will do her hostess job and other times she will go into the kitchen to bake funnel cakes and stuff like that she wants her college major to be culinary this is the cast of the story entitled mom we've got polite kid got poor dad we've got my sister we've got clumsy manager and cashier the fryer that day used to make funnel cake went out of order while polite kid placed his just so you know also this isn't a zero to a hundred stereotype story as the woman was already ticked off before walking into the restaurant polite kid arrives to the counter and the following dialogue occurs hi can I please have two medium cakes a small sprite and a large funnel cake cashier yes buddy I'll get that for you now that will be this much I don't know the amount okay here's my mommy's card polite kid but spin in card reader polite kid gets all three drinks and is told that my sister will bring them the cake in about five minutes all right after the order is placed the fryer used to make the funnel cake breaks as in the tube that takes the used oil out of the fryer got clogged and they had to unclog it my sister went out too polite kids table to let them know what had happened sister hi I just came to let you know that the funnel cake will be a bit late because of some issues with the fryer if you would like I could give you three a free refill while you wait poor dad sounds good as long as we get our cake then you surprise surprise entitled mom turns on ghetto mode watching meeting weeding out cake give me my money 'then if we ain't gonna get it alight dad yo babe she said that it's coming a little late not that we aren't getting it I said give me my dang money now I'll get your cheque but fired nah where's your boss at you gone mind you this is my sister's first day on the floor and never worked a job before so she didn't know how to react and she was tearing up and apologizing to them over and over again and getting two different reactions one from each parent luckily the manager hears the commotion and storms out to the dining floor and slams a ten dollar bill on the table here's her refund now get the heck out I paid amount less than ten dollars for the cake why are you giving me more so you can shut up and leave you mess up every employees day that works in this restaurant but you ain't messing with my new employees look at her you've ruined her day with your BS you gone security will show you the door to leave the park you're not welcome here anymore the manager wasn't taking any crap today within five minutes they showed up and escorted the family out of the park two days later poor dad calls my sister's restaurant to apologize for his wife's behavior how the park was supposed to be polite kids present for moving on from kindergarten to first grade he also joked about if the funnel cake was ready yet thank you for reading and I know this wasn't anything crazy but it's 100% real and that's all that matters to me have a nice weekend everyone how to get me to hate the gym I won't take entitled moms money for a water bottle I've been stalking this subreddit for a bit because I really didn't know how people got into these messes but now I get it so we have a cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got entitled kids one and two we've got the employee the manager and the gym goer context so I'm sixteen and my mother has been going to a certain gym about five years now and about two months ago I started tagging along she goes to her Zumba class for an hour and I do whatever the gym recently went under a mega renovation that added a Kids Zone and most people leave their kids there this matters along with the Kids Zone they added a half-hour circuit you can do full of equipment for a full body workout another important detail is that I carried two hydro flasks one is for water and the other is for water mixed with a weight loss tablet the weight loss tablet one is a bright blue gradient to white and then red with a star graphic I got a few months back from an event for our school so I'm at the circuit it's around 6:45 p.m. and I'm on the elliptical an entitled mom is two machines down on another machine entitled kid is sitting on the couch next to the circuit on entitled mom's iPhone excess max he's chillin and eyeing my gradient hydro flask I don't blame him I love my bottle eventually entitled mom gets off the circuit and heads to entitled kid I was still going listening to the Gus and Eddie podcast excuse me yes ma'am my son was just wondering where you bought that bottle oh I got it a few months ago at an event the bottle has custom made at this point I hear entitled kid wine in the background he really wants this water bottle oh well my son really wants the bottle I'll pay you 20 bucks oh I'm sorry but I can't sell it it's one-of-a-kind and I personally really like it how about 30 I'm sorry but I'm not planning on selling it it look my son really wants that bottle for himself now much do you want I really appreciate the offer but I really can't sell it at this point entitled mom got a little flustered an entitled kid was starting to get a pouty face you already have to I know that you're a heavy kid but you really don't need to in her defense I'm 6 foot 2 and 300 pounds at this point entitled mom softly placed her hand on the bottle I stepped a little closer to her in the bottle entitled kid was still in the back pouty as ever understand that my son isn't going to stop complaining about this until he gets one just make his day and let him have your water bottle this is where I messed up with my words in general I try to stay respectful with adults as of my large stature I tend to quickly attract negative attention I was trying to avoid conflict and was intent on walking away into the restroom with my bottle ma'am that's an issue with you and your parenting style I would really appreciate if you would just let me be you are stepping way out of bounds you have no idea a situation at home or our finances if my son that bottle and of mom's soft hold of my bottle turned into a snatch as she turns back and gives entitled kid the bottle entitled kids pouty face disappears and he giggles at my dumbfounded face he twists off the cap and puts his whole mouth on the rim taking a big gulp of my mango flavored weight-loss water his face immediately recoils and he spits out the water and yells in disgust he tosses my bottle down onto the floor this attracts the attention of a few gym goers as the bottle clings on the floor emptying out the yellow tinted water I audibly snicker at him freaking out while I feel is well-justified entitled mom doesn't think so thus with the attention of a few gym goers she begins to speak louder are you laughing at my son's pain my angel is choking and you're just standing there laughing you're awful leave me alone and she grabs her son and my bottle and storms off her son's still holding the cap as he cried at this point I really wanted to grab her and drag her to an employee but I would definitely be stopped by the people around me so I opted to run ahead of her and get to the employee at the front desk first meanwhile one gym goer was on the side watching everything employee is everything okay I heard a bottle drop over by the circuit no that woman is trying to steal my water bottle and she's leaving the gym entitled mom tries to ignore employee as she powered walks by employee he steps out of her desk and stands in front of entitled mom employee coaxes entitled mom over to the desk where I'm standing employee says so Opie tell me what happened this woman attempted to steal my water bottle after I told her several times that I did not want to give it to her or sell it to her that's not true my son had it in his chair with him when he tried to take it and he spilt it all over the floor I tried to leave but he blocked me and ran over to you her voice sounded panicked and scared so naturally the employee believed her sir you need to leave this woman alone she clearly owns the bottle I will not hesitate to call security I didn't say anything I just nodded quietly I didn't want to cause more of a scene that had already happened as entitled mom walked away the gym goer just stepped by me in front of the desk he was an older gentleman and spoke in an intense tone ma'am I can account for him I saw the entire thing she stole the bottle it says entitled mom now flustered as ever turned back and yelled child release me and my son alone isn't there security cameras here employee says yes but only manager has access would you like me to call him yes please as entitled mom goes on her phone angrily entitled kid now crying harder and harder I think gym goer for his help and God bless this man for saving my skin manager shows up i employee informed me what happened I checked the security tapes and ma'am that is his water bottle please return it immediately or we will call security finally entitled mom returns my bottle reluctantly but entitled kid still has my cap hidden away somewhere I really don't care anymore I'm just happy I have the bottle and the bottle cap I don't know it wasn't telling me what about your son I just got him out of the kids zone he doesn't have anything the manager knew she was lying and gave a stirring look thus entitled mom left promptly but not before entitled kid dropped my cap on the floor I could imagine at this point entitled mom was so equally tired as me that she heard it fall but just kept walking finally I had my bottle back and I thanked the employee and manager and shook gym goers hand after my mother came out of her class I had to explain everything to her and she heard it from the manager since I'm a minor they asked her if she wanted to do anything about it and she said no I went back to the circuit grabbed my stuff and my other hydro flask and left hopefully I don't see her again next we've got surely that no kids rule doesn't include my kid this story happened in the context of wedding planning so I wasn't sure if it belongs here but a member of my family definitely qualified as an entitled parent at that time so I figured I'd share this with you after my partner and I got engaged we found a great venue in a beautiful part of the city My partner grew up in and set our hearts on it we booked a day to have the wedding there a little over a year away there was a fairly strict limit on how many guests we could invite max 78 since the dinner hall at this venue was quite small but that was fine with us however when we began writing the guest list it became clear quite quickly that we would need to put some rules in place to be comfortably inside the guests limit a lot of our cousins have children about 10 kids in total across all of them which would have inflated the guest list very quickly so we decided on a no kids rule I should mention as well that in the country where we live it is not at all unusual to have a kids free wedding button as I was about to find out some people are not okay with this I mentioned the no kids rule to several family members before sending out any official save the dates or invites so they would be aware enter a member of my family the entitled parent of this story entitled parent had a son who was about six months old at the time and was apparently mortified that we could have such a rule it would mean that they would have to be separated from their kid it would be 18 months old by the time the wedding came around for all of a number of hours and clearly we were horrendous humans for even considering asking that of them so I get a phone call from another family member asking whether the no kids rule really applied to all kids asking if we could make an exception for entitled parent because she was very upset at this stage entitled parent couldn't even be bothered to talk to us directly instead they moaned to others in the family and seemed to paint us out to be pretty grim people I explained that this was impossible due to how many kids there were in the family and that we were not willing to remove ten of our closest adult friends and family to make space for our cousin's kids after a two-hour phone call involving me repeating myself several times that we were not going to make an exception for entitled parents kid and listening to threats of family members not coming if we don't make an exception things calmed down and went quiet for a while we sent out the save the dates by email about ten months before the wedding to make sure everyone had time to sort their travel plans since for my family this would be a destination wedding the day after the emails were sent I get a text from entitled parent which read did you just forget to send me an email well you just being presumptuous because I have a kid I was taken aback by this because I thought it had already been sorted out and explained after some more rude texts I said entitled parent a screenshot of the email I had in fact sent to them including the time stamp for evidence all they said was well what is the age limit anyway no apology just trying to pick a fight I ignored the message things went quiet again until the invites went out lo and behold I get more messages from entitled parent here is a paraphrased version of the things that were said across several conversations with both entitled parent and a few other family members who seemed to think that my partner and I were in the wrong all just lumped in under entitled parent for brevity are you really not going to make any exceptions I don't want to leave my baby at home why can't the kid's father take care of him while you come to the ceremony because we both want to come and bring our baby why can't we because there's a limit on how many guests week and a half but infants surely didn't take up any room what's your problem they still take up a seat and how would we explain it to the other parents who have made child care arrangements or chosen not to come because of the no kids role if they are no other kids coming then there is space for my kid that isn't how any of this works isn't there any part of the event where kids are welcome I'm ignoring the blatant attempt at emotional manipulation no find it we won't come okay not the most exciting and titled parents story of all time I know but it caused a lot of angst between a few members of my family and my partner and I all of our other family members with children either outright said that they wouldn't be able to come because of the rule or main childcare arrangements it was only this one entitled parent who made a fuss and dragged other family members into it My partner and I believe that it is 100 percent each individual's choice whether they want to attend a wedding or not and we are not offended that entitled parent and some other family members decided not to come and instead want to stay at home with their kids what we didn't appreciate was the unnecessary moaning and general entitled behavior that was thrown our way entitled parents kid really is lovely and sweet having now met them a few times and things are fine between us and my family now but it felt tense and unnecessarily upsetting for far too long all over something as simple as yes the no kids rule includes your kids next we've got entitled parent thinks dog heard her kid hey mr. reddit I love watching your videos every day this is my first time posting a story like this so sorry if my editing or grammar is bad this happened last week but I wanted to wait till everything was settled before telling the story also sorry if it's a bit long our cast we've got me we've got sue mall no lines but he is in the story we've got good kid we've got it entitled mom we've got the actual criminal and the cop so I'm on my usual walk with my dog sumo he is a Samoyed and most see him as a bit too hyper but that's only because he is that big fluff ball that's still young he just turned 2 as we go along I hear a kid screeching and look around a bit confused sumo goes nuts hearing it too sadly I am a petite lady so he breaks free while thrashing around I panic and chase him sumo no bad dog he went into an open yard and I was hesitant to follow but I assumed he was just after whoever was screaming I go up the drive carefully yelling hello I'm just after my dog then I see this kid who's maybe 5 or 6 thrashing in this massive man's arms the kids the one screeching I had no clue who this man was or why this kid was acting like this I decide to just ignore it and go to sumo he is barking and trying to get the kid I look around baffled as I grab his leash and try my best to drag the dog off sorry about this sir no stranger he is stranger I freeze and stare at this man as he moves back my dog barking and trying to get back to the kid the man says don't listen to him he just mad I won't let him pet your dog I squint a bit as we could hear the screams for a good minute before he was screaming before my dog got here though well that's because he dropped his ice cream he made me drop it stranger danger I sighed a bit and stood there awkwardly I have met some very jerky kids that would do stuff like this but at the time this didn't feel right look it's okay to let him down my dog's big but he is friendly I don't think so he is gonna be punished for throwing a fit now get out of my yard the strange man moved back for me again if I bothered him so much why not just go inside the house look I don't know you or this kid but if you are only holding him because of my dog then put him down the man froze and the kid kept screaming loudly how neighbors didn't come out I will never know the man then went to sprint off get still in his arms I stare a bit shocked and let the dog I have go knowing he can catch up faster than me sumo jumped and knocked the man to his side get this dog off me the kid kicks the man hard and he finally lets go the kid bolts to his house and I don't blame him I stare at the man absolutely livid what the heck is wrong with you why the heck were you in this yard who the heck are you each question I gave got louder and louder soon I hear a car pull up and hear what I thought was a worried parent but I soon find out it's an entitled one what the heck are you both doing in my yard that filthy mutt out of here I am allergic allergic I can't do that he's keeping this man here then I don't care about that man I want you and your mud out of my yard now lady please that guy was messing with your kid my baby you that man and your mud hurt my baby no only him before I can explain two cop cars pull up I stare baffled and even entitled mom looks over to them Oh what the heck I didn't call you cop says a neighbor did miss they said they heard your kid yelling I sighed a bit glad neighbors had done something but the fact they waited so long sad oh thank goodness this man here is dangerous yes and so is her filthy mutt get it out of my yard now lady for the last time my dog didn't hurt your kid he saved him a filthy mutt saved my baby nonsense get them out the cop says ma'am please calm down he moved my dog off the man and cuffed him then he went to cuff me sorry miss but since she is the homeowner we have to believe her story but I didn't do anything just as they begin to move me away the kid bolts back out wait she didn't do anything the cop paused then the mom glared at the kid sweetie the grown-ups are talking go back inside no that lady and her doggy stopped the bad man she must have told you to say that the filthy mutts dangerous it attacked this man after all the cops looked at each other and the cop that cuffed me told me to wait for about five minutes he went to neighbors and asked them both said all they saw was my dog jump on the man in the yard when the cop told the mom this I still want to charge her for trespassing she shouldn't have been in my yard seriously lady if my dog hadn't ran back here your kid would have been in trouble yeah she helped me mommy I don't care get out of my yard and you back inside the kid just did their crossing his arms the cop that had me side look miss we understand you're upset but what if we just ticket her fine whatever just get out she then picked up her kid and you next time listen to mummy and don't go outside without a grown up ever again okay mommy bye nice lady bye mud I wondered what kind of parent leaves a kid along then gets mad they decide to go outside I also wanted to be mad he called my dog a mutt but it was pretty cute I then got the ticket from the cops just before she closed herself into her house sorry about that some people are just ungrateful you can take your dog just be more careful some jerks would make sure your dog got put down for attacking the creep it pinned trust me I have seen it I stared in shock and nodded I had never been so grateful to be put in handcuffs it quickly undid them and cut them away thanks officer but um what about the fine do I really have to pay it I didn't put a fine amount and just wrote it for show head on home while we finish things off here and so I did then the entitled mom came to apologize but only because her precious baby kept asking her to he was there too and gave me a hug she said I could come by any time just no dogs ice rug dab it and told her it was fine I was just glad he was safe and our final story of the day entitled Brad won't move gets a face full of manure then accidentally got entitled mom hello mr. Reddy I've been watching your video since mid-may now my cousin gave me permission to post this as it involves both of us not on mobile English is my native language grammar not so good as Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons would say me fail English that's impossible let's start off with a little background my uncle was a farmer and raised pigs sometime in the late 90s my aunt and uncle divorced it was quick and my cousin stayed with his dad my uncle now my uncle dated several women over the few years some were nice some not so but this one woman and two kids both were entitled one boy and one girl one male and one female the three of them gave us no end of troubles every time we were working on the farm he would go on to marry the woman in 2006 why I don't know but on with the story for the cast we have the ha forgetting we all know the names by now this happened in the summer of 2004 the two of us wanted to go fishing so we got the bright idea to go out to the farm and hit several places where we knew would be worms and crickets sue us we were cheap back then just being 22 so we head on out to the farm mind you it's early like 5:00 a.m. for my uncle cousin and myself this is nothing new due to our jobs not necessarily dealing with working on the farm my uncle was happy to see us though he knew we were coming over so by the time we get there it's nearly 7:30 boys I could use some help he said Oh cousin said and just raised an eyebrow yeah I'm going to move several Sal's and their piglets from the rearing chambers to a new stall on the other side of the farm the chamber needs to be cleaned help and I'll throw in $50 each we are in we both said at the same time the move took an hour a half a bottle of aspirin between the three of us due to the high pitched squeals of pigs when you move them via a small trailer with that done my uncle goes off to do something near the house while I wait for my cousin to show up with a tractor and a manure spreader so he shows up and we get to work shoveling not halfway through the brat shows her face uh you two stink she said really my cousin asked sniffing his pits I'm not surprised it's a hot day no you smell like oh she said something else but I'm keeping this clean really i drawl doubt you won't catch me in there cleaning that stuff well if you don't move you're going to be wearing it I said you wouldn't dare he would I don't believe it uncle won't allow it she said please move if you don't he's going to throw that full shovel of crap on you cousin stated she folded her arms and smirked at us so I shared a look with my cousin with a shrug of his shoulders I rear back the shovel making it look like I was going to drop the load back on the ground nope I flung it out the door and all over the bread it went all over her it was in her hair it was at this time that she let out a blood-curdling scream and ran off should have listened I said cousin only sighed several minutes later entitled mom shows up we didn't know it as she had approached the same door her daughter did and got a surprise when my cousin threw another shovel full of it out we stood there surprised came out of nowhere and was in the process of saying something but was now throwing up I assume from the smell but I suspect some may have gotten into her mouth then tries to run off but was dry heaving along the way we were done with the chamber around 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. and spread everything around an unused area as big manure is too acidic for crops so we drop off the spreader in the shed and head off to find my uncle who was trying so hard to maintain a stern face but was failing he was more amused than anything what happened with Brett and mom he asked so we told him the truth it was at this point he lost it and started laughing hard you know your dad would have done the same thing he told me he's right my dad would have both of us got the $50 plus another 50 for teaching the two entitled jerks a lesson on farming especially when poo is being flung both have left us alone every time we worked the farm up until a year stay in DLC and my uncle's death in 2014 edit we did go fishing and had a nice fish fry for dinner that night edit to birthing and rearing chambers were like maybe four to five hundred yards from the house entitled teacher joins forces with my bullies and gets owned by my superhero mom hi mr. reddit I've been following your channel for a while now and your videos really helped me get my day started off with a smile and I would be more than thrilled if you could possibly feature this and one of your videos please be advised this will be a long post so grab yourself a drink sit back and enjoy the story longtime lurker first time post ever on reddit English is my first language and I'm on my PC also please be gentle about any spelling mistakes this story took place a long time ago so I will describe it to the best of my ability back story when I was in school I dealt with a lot of issues ranging from ADHD anxiety depression and an anxiety linked condition that resulted in me losing my hair due to this I had many bear spots in my hair that most of the time I was able to cover by putting my hair in an updo but there were other times it was so bad that I had to have special permission to wear a hat to school to cover up the damage because of this I was severely bullied by my peers on a daily basis through grade school to high school but by far middle school was the worst of it every single day I would be stalked down the hallways by my bullies from class to enduring treatment from getting my books knocked out of my hands being called numerous main names and even being tripped and pushed to the hard tile floor along with various other things there were even times where I wasn't even safe from it at home due to many of the bullies living in my neighborhood and any chance they got they would torment me at home as well before being chased off our cast we've got me Beach abou we've got mom my superhero of a mother miss trunch the entitled parent we've got miss honey the nice teacher we've got Ted all around horrible person main bully and we've got the principal he was the okay principal who after this incident was a huge ally our story as I stated above out of all the years I went through this middle school by far was the worst particularly seventh grade here where I live a week or so before classes we come to school for orientation to meet our teachers get our schedules school supply lists so on and so forth the day of orientation I was already nervous at the thought of seeing my classmates but my mother did what she could to soothe my nerves and told me not to worry that she would be with me all the way we made it to school and after learning where my classrooms are we go to meet my two teachers for the year first we came to my first teacher's classroom and meant Miss Honey she's all smiles and sunshine and makes me feel welcome and even complimented me on my new glasses that I had just gotten a few days earlier which made me smile from ear to ear next was miss truncheon dat first she didn't seem entitled at all in fact she even hit it off with my mom who then had a bit of a heart-to-heart with her about the things I struggle with including the relentless bullying miss trunch after listening to my mother's concerns took my hands and reassured her with a smile and said don't you worry about a thing yo daughter is safe here with me and Miss Honey and we will take very good care of her after all the orientation was done me and my mother left and went back to school shopping and for the first time in a very long time I was actually feeling positive about my first day of school little did I know that this feeling would be very very short-lived first day of seventh grade begins and for a while all as well I really loved Miss Honey and her classes she mainly taught science and math and despite my learning disability difficulty to focus and all around hate of math in general she is patient with me and really believes in my ability to apply myself and learn the material miss hunter soon showed that she was nowhere near as patient she taught both history and English back in those years due to my difficulty in focusing literature was a really big struggle for me especially if the subject didn't interest me in present day I'm a huge nerd history buff and bookworm it's just back then it was just a struggle in general like I was saying miss trunch soon showed me she was nowhere near as patient as my other teacher and at the first hint of me struggling with the material and my ability to focus she was noticeably annoying at first it started out with her huffing at me and rolling her eyes when I would have to ask her multiple questions in class followed by statements like PT vu I just answered the same question from you a few minutes ago if you were paying attention I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself you should really try harder and at least show you are trying when the words left her mouth I was baffled and just sank back deep into my chair utterly defeated and stayed quiet for the rest of the class later after school when my mom picked me up from school I told her about what happened with Miss truncheon she frowned hard at it before it quickly smiling at me and pulling me into a hug don't worry hon I'm sure that she was just having a rough day I know that you're trying your best and that's what matters little did I know but after I told my mother about this that she had her eye on Miss truncheons the situation between me and Miss Trunchbull a gate worse as did the bullying from my peers the same kind of interactions between me and her happened multiple times in the same way I would ask for clarification to help me understand she would become frustrated and brushed me off like I wasn't trying hard enough and I would just sink in my chair completely confused why she was treating me this way when all I was doing was trying to understand things finally came to a head one day and still to this day I get angry thinking about it that day ms trench was out for the day and we had a substitute teacher which quite frankly made my whole day instead of our normal class routine we got to watch movies and have free time to read books of our choice or practice with grammar improvement games that we had gotten that year now I loved these handheld the grammar games every chance I could in class I would tinker around with it and it really started to help me too so for the majority of class I focused on the game and as the class bell rang I put it back in the drawer where it belonged the next day all heck broke loose I walk into my English class with miss truncheon she is standing at the front of the class with her arms across her chest visibly angry and shoots me a glare snapping at all of us to take our seats we all did as we were told and took our seats before she went on to bark at us that the grammar learning tool was gone and she wanted to know who the last person to use it was this is when my bully capitalized on the opportunity Ted pitcher burr was the last person who used it before school was over yesterday and I saw her put it in her bag before she loved I was completely dumbstruck at what he said what what are you talking about Ted I put it back where it belonged before I left liar you're just trying to get out of trouble and I wasn't the only one who saw you right after he said that other members of Ted's crew spoke up going along and agreeing with him like little sheep do I stared at them in disbelief on the brink of Tears before miss trenches stern tone brought my attention back to her glaring at me peachy boo I'm giving you one chance now to tell me where it is or I'm going to have you suspended for theft of school property but Myst runs I didn't do it I've never stolen anything in my life she raises her hand to silence me this is your last warning tell me the truth me now visibly upset but I really didn't do it that's it his trench reached out grabbing my arm and drug me out of the classroom and then pushed me hard into the wall next to the door and then proceeded to get down on my level and look me right in the face you were not allowed back into my class until you stop throwing attacks from and decide to tell me the truth she then left me alone there slamming the door behind her at this point I was in full panic attack mode sobbing and just completely defeated and I cried it out by far this was one of the worst experiences and all of my years of school it's bad enough to have a bully but to have a teacher join in when they're supposed to be the ones teaching guiding and protecting you it was completely devastating I set there after I couldn't cry anymore and got a clearer head and waited thankfully my lunch time period was right after this class so I waited till the lunch bell rang and then went to eat and one of the lunch ladies seeing how red my face was even passed me a free cookie to help cheer me up after lunch I had three more classes too without miss trunch and the last one with because I wouldn't admit to something I didn't do Miss trench at me sit outside of the classroom till the final bell rang which honestly at this point I didn't mind I was steaming mad and still upset so I didn't want to deal with her BS after school when my mother picked me up she could tell that I wasn't myself and that I had been crying so of course she asked me what was wrong I did my best to hold back my tears but it was no use for the second time in that day I cried my eyes out while I told her everything the whole time my mother was completely silent which was nowhere near normal for her but after I was done she pulled me into a tight hug and told me not to worry that it was over now and she knew that I didn't do it which was soothing enough to know that someone actually did believe me she took me home and made me my favorite dinner before doing my homework and heading to bed the next day when I got to school I did my best to avoid any more conflicts with mr. Ahn I was allowed back in class and it went pretty smoothly despite her glaring at me most of the day then after lunch when my final period with her came she was nowhere to be seen which was the best thing that had happened to me in months I didn't think much of it cuz it wasn't odd for her to leave early for some reason or another but much later I found out exactly why she was gone and it was glorious it turns out the day after the incident while I was at school my mother tossed my entire room looking for the tool knowing full well that I was not the kind of kid who would steal from anyone lo and behold nothing it wasn't there and that was when my mother came to school like Wonder Woman herself she came into the office and asked to not only speak to the principal but missed runs as well while they waited for missed runs my mother gave the principal the lowdown of what had happened then in term is trunch who smugly grinned at my mother when she saw her and was about to speak before my mother cut her off my mom I would like to have you know that I have looked through peach abuse hole broom from top to bottom and I can tell you that she did not do what you accused her of and how dare you accuse my daughter of stealing with absolutely no proof I cannot even tell you how beyond disappointed I am that a teacher would treat any child as you treated mine you told me that I didn't have to worry that she would be safe in your hands and yet here we are I don't know how you can even come in here and look at me in the face after what you've done and how you have made it this long in the school system is beyond me so help me if I find out that you have so much as looked at my daughter the wrong way again I will be reporting this to the school board and making sure all the mothers I know in this school know how you have behaved mist run cheered at my mother and was about to presumably say something to defend herself and place the blame on me however this time the principal cut her off principal miss trunch that's enough I believe that in the future before you have any suspicions of any student's wrongdoing not only should you make sure that you do your best to find out the full story but also bring it to me so I can handle it I feel like this will be better for all parties involved so that there won't be any misunderstandings if that is okay with you ma'am to which my mother agreed but Miss truncheon and say anything back instead she left the room in tears knowing full well her credibility had just been smashed to pieces apparently she was so upset she left work early that's right my mother made that harpy cry like a baby from that point on my principal was a huge ally for me at school any time I would have issues with bullies or miss trunch he had me come directly to him to report it and you would have it handled I started to build more confidence in myself and joined the swim team and eventually graduated high school went to colleges proving all the people who underestimated me wrong and it's all thanks to my superhero mom moral of this story teachers are supposed to be a source of support for our young people while getting their education and becoming adults and no student is alike just because one student struggles doesn't mean you should treat them as an inconvenience lest you get struck down by the brutal hammer of justice thank you so much for reading and see you all on the next one next we've got my mother will not give me my college fund I don't know if this is considered an entitled parent story I just need some place to vent so as you can tell by the title my mother will not give me my college fund why because she doesn't approve of the career path I want to go down I want to be a voice actor for the past three years I have been going to voice-over classes working with voice actors who I'm now proud to call my friends developing my voices learning my strengths and working on my weaknesses in the city of which I live there's a school specifically for voiceover and they just announced that they are doing a full-time diploma program covering all aspects of voiceover from animation to commercials to the business side of things and so much more of course me being excited about it I called the school and got all the information that I could get my hands on this included costs course length and what the course will cover along with other details I gathered all the info and I called my mom and in the most mature sounding voice I explained everything that the course has to offer I even sent her the links to the website and the phone number to the school so she can call and ask her own questions and here's the part that gave me faith in going to school the school takes college funds as a method of payment the six-month course costs $14,000 they didn't do that before because all the classes they offer in Pryor were part-time I even told my mother that I was already working on the application which included a 250 to 500 word essay on the following why I want to have a career in voice over a time when I was challenged personally in my life and how I pushed through to overcome it why I am suited to a career and voiceover and I am most interested in one of the following animation or commercial voiceover my dream job in voiceover after I'm done telling her all this she simply says to me why don't you do something more practical I reply with because this is what I meant to do it feels right I've always been an artsy person I'd get in trouble for being creative I've been grounded for singing too loud my mother has always shot down creativity my mom continued with but you may not make much money I just want you to be happy I should point out my mother makes a lot of money and she is very miserable I say voice acting makes me happy you keep asking me if I'm happy and I never answer because I'm not the only time I truly feel happy and confident is when I'm in a recording booth my mom said back I'll have to give it some thought I don't want to waste money on silly things like this she Benton hung up I started to cry my eyes out I have had this college fund since the day I was born instead of toys my parents told my family to put some money into my fund every Christmas and birthday when my great grandparents died some of their estate went into my fund I'm lucky enough to have one so I would like to use it but since my mother doesn't approve of my happiness she keeps threatening to give it to my sisters I don't know how much is in that fund because she won't tell me and the more I asked her about it the more she vaids the questions and the more I questioned its existence I want her to be straightforward with me but she never is I finished my essay and will attach it below I have never been so proud of anything else that I have made I also sent a copy of it to my mother hoping to change her mind if I don't get my fund I honestly don't know what I'm going to do I have no luck I was diagnosed with depression at age 8 I had to move from Calgary to Van coup due to financial issues and my mother wouldn't let me stay with her until I graduated because she couldn't handle me and to top it all off I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis this year as someone who has had no confidence for as long as I can remember I have finally found something that I'm proud to talk about I'm happy and confident when I step into that booth I get to create things I thought only happened in dreams and for the first time in my life I wasn't told no instead I'm told to slow down speed up and keep going never know or stop and it feels amazing again with my mother constantly putting restrictions and conditions on everything I feel like I'm losing my mind I haven't lived with her for over eight years she kicked me out when I was 12 and I'm now 20 the only reason I still talk to her is just in case something were to happen to my sisters and I'm in need of my darn fund I'm still going to pursue voice acting until the day I die however it's just going to take a lot longer to get my demo and everything done demos are expensive as heck and guess what the course gives you a demo of your choosing and they do an agent showcase I could leave the program with a diploma voiceover and even call an agent it will cut my time down significantly and I'll be able to get worked faster but until then I'm just gonna keep fighting her and slowly save up to accomplish my goals and our final story of the day my entitled mom wants me to skip the shipping Academy good evening mr. reddit I've been following you on YouTube for a while and I like your stories this is the first time I'm posting a story here this is going to be a long one my first language isn't English so please correct my spelling and grammar I'm on my laptop edit in the end backstory I'm a male adopted from Thailand to a very conservative Pentecostal family in Finland I've also got an adoptive brother from Thailand he is the golden child my adoptive parents are farmers and my life has been hard in my teens and even as an adult I ran away from home in 2003 and ended up working on a cruise ship until 2007 cast we've got Ralph's me the becoming sailor we've got mom my adoptive mom we've got dad my adoptive dad the old sailor not so entitled but still and we've got Chris my childhood friend only mentioned in the story this is the story it was after harvest time in September 2016 I came to my parents farmhouse late in the evening for a snack and sauna it had been a long day at the fields my dad wanted to bring in the crops Carraway before it started raining i sat in the basement eating my snack and watching TV my mom came down and she said at the sofa close to the fireplace she handed over a newspaper and showed me an ad about a shipping academy in one of the bigger cities the conversation went like this look at the ad you should apply there you are always telling us that you want to return to the sea you are right but I wanted to study shipping after high school but you denied me you forced me to study economics it is maybe too late for the shipping academy now mom with an evil smile maybe it is too late but try to apply there I think you are never going to study there anyway dad comes to the basement I think Ralph has a good chance to get in the shipping academy he has four years of experience that is crap did you think they'll accepted him he hasn't been working like a sailor he was only an environmental guy aboard that took care of rubbish and junk for recycling my dad doesn't say anything he went upstairs to his office he doesn't like to argue with mom anyway I've got 646 days at sea if you don't believe me I can show you the email I got from the Swedish shipping administration the cruise ship was under a Swedish flag whatever they'll never accept you anyway and this is a Finnish shipping academy why can't you be like Chris he is a good man who is living with his sick old parents and he is taking care of them every day you should take care of us do you think he has a good life living with his parents who pay for everything and he doesn't want to work at all how did you judge Chris he is a farmer like us he is working hard taking care of his owed and sick parents and besides that he is working at their farm too don't you like to be here at the farm with us notice that I'm over 30 years old by now I went ashore because of being bullied on board that is another story farming has become difficult by now everything is expensive and the crop prizes are falling down Chris has not been working at their farm for over 15 years he hired me to do the work until I left the country I want to do what I love most of all to be at see December 2016 I've got a letter from the shipping Academy I am very happy that I got in Iran to my dad and showed him the letter dad was very happy that I managed to get in he handed over the letter to my mom and she was less happy mom was giving me the look from heck then she opened her mouth do you really think you are going to manage to live and study in the biggest city it's no problem I've been living in Sweden for 15 years and also in Norway for a while this is only 300 kilometres south from our village my brother lived and studied in a bigger city too to become a cook and that wasn't a problem he is different not like you you always messed up I just told you that you should be like Chris I don't know what I messed up you messed up for me I wasn't allowed to study what I wanted after high school and for the last time I don't want to be like Chris that opens his mouth at last he is red in the face and he shouts to my mom don't you ever listen to other people everything is always about what you want you forced him to participate in Sunday school the youth group and all that other stuff that he didn't want to participate in of course he became a rebel the day came when I moved to the bigger city to study at the Shipping Academy I've got new friends and I met some old friends too mom calls me every now and then to remind me about how happy chris is and how awesome her church sometimes I don't answer her calls because I'm sick of her stories it's like a CD player on repeat edit one I graduated November 21st 2018 watchkeeping engine dad was very proud I've got a job at a cargo ship this year 2019 and I'm doing good edit too if parents don't let their kids study what they're interested in that kid will be rebellious this is what happened to me and I'm still getting a lot of crap for that and shoutouts to our regionals of the day David moon blood click see and gay on become tomorrow's Regenerist by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and please listen to my playlist every night when you go to sleep
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 351,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 4sec (9004 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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