r/entitledparents - Controlling mother

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are something I've heard on a regular basis my entire life from my mother I don't even know where to begin my mother is insane I have so many stories of crazy things she did to me or experimented on me with on the way less crazy side she used thee were inside of me card to try and justify her not giving me basic privacy in talking like protein to late teens shaming before telling her I didn't want her in the same bathroom stall as me just imagine seeing a teen literally push out there arguing mother getting screamed at for wanting to pee alone yet that was me for years she always had to be in the bathroom when I was showering running her mouth the entire time which I put up with and occasionally ripping the curtain open to grab something random with no warning I would get upset and be in tears trying on occasion to gently stand up for myself and explain that I felt uncomfortable when someone saw my naked body to which I would always get yelled at sometimes my mom would even cry in response while yelling at me saying that she has seen me naked before and I came out of her naked and she changed my diapers it wasn't just me my father has been greatly affected by her entitlement as well the whole story of how they came to be is really sad basically they work together my dad gave my mom his number and she meant to throw it away but forgot to her brother's embarrassed her she stormed out of the house and started driving around all of her friends were busy so she had no place to go and she found my dad's number on the floorboard of her car on accident she reluctantly called him because she had nothing else to do my dad had a rough life parents divorced his abusive father got custody and remarried a witch they had two kids together and made my dad move into the basement he wasn't allowed to eat at the table with them he was only to be called up to get a plate of whatever they had left over and ated alone in the basement downstairs he obviously got severely depressed got into drugs by the time my mom was with him he was still on them and at this point was getting into meth through this all has one of the nicest mildest person I've ever met my mom became his world and was the only person he had in his life she demanded he got off all drugs otherwise she would leave him which she still uses and threatens to his face today and he cut cold turkey she gained complete control over him and still has it to this day it makes me so sick she has barely worked at all she's gotten like a 1 or 2 night a week waiting table job a handful of times for a short while she makes him work more than full-time in a physically demanding job that is basically killing him and spends all of his money on ridiculous crap including giving 400 a month to the cult she raised me in that he is not involved with she then stays at home sleeps in until 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. every day then gets on her iPad and looks at conspiracy theories all day she's made him do so much with her fit throwing entitlements we have moved nine times because of things wanted has done so much work on the multiple houses we have lived in with no extra help from anyone else residing putting new windows in roofing lots of fencing add-ons ect he barely has any free time he gets up at 5:00 a.m. for work gets home at 5:00 p.m. and has to listen to her nagging and her freak outs about conspiracies and lists of things he needs to do I really feel bad for the guy if he tries to have any input on anything it's always shut down and has been little for having his own opinion she is the boss and always husband now he has just learned to say I don't care you pick I don't care it's whatever you want it breaks my heart to see honestly knowing that he won't ever leave her when I turned 18 I would say things got worse for me living at home she would scream at me and tell me that being an adult doesn't give me the right to make my own decisions she would still try to take away my phone even though I paid for it all on my own account she would take my bank card and try to look up my bank account balances she would force me to show her my pay stubs she would open all of my maryland packages sometimes she would do things like randomly steal my keys and clean out my car without me knowing and then using it as leverage to try to force me to do something else even bringing up these occasions years later about all she has done for me she would blame me for the house being dirty even when I have a full-time job and a part-time job and was barely ever home meanwhile SH sat home 24 / 7 two memorable occasions of her snooping through my room and causing drama race when I went to the dermatologist and got put on birth control as an effort to control my painful cystic hörmann Lac knee I've had forever I didn't tell my mama super involved the cult which has super strict rules including those on premarital sex I knew she would freak out and accuse me event if she hears anything about birth control I kept it hidden for a while then I want to the doctor for something and got a summary of my visit printed out which included my current medications listed I didn't look at it I just put it in my desk in my room a couple days later I was greeted at the door with it and screamed at questioned why I was on birth control another fun thing was when she told me God spoke to her and told her there was something evil in the house and his spirit caused him to look through my room to find the source which ended in her finding my special effects Macoutes / equipment I spent hundreds on she said she knew these things were inviting the devil into her home and got rid of it all I moved out a couple months ago and it's been great although something recent happened she apparently got ahold of my therapist and tried talking to her about how all of my problems are because I'm on medications now and they are making me so reclusive she knew I was in therapy but didn't know where or who or when so I don't know how she got this info it made me so freakin mad when my therapist informed me of her phone call at least she saw firsthand a little of the crazy I've been telling her about law sorry I'll stop rambling I doubt anyone is even going to read this all if you do and want to know more stories about her like the more crazy health related things including her forcing me to stare at the Sun for 15 minutes a day telling me I had cancer and giving me weird home treatments performing an at-home surgery to remove the government microchip that was implanted in my head how people are coming into our house and raping / doing experiments on us in our sleep causing her to board the house up from the inside her sleeping in a cage not letting me go to lamas so I don't get kidnapped into the secret underground tunnels let me know and it'll gladly share although I don't know if those would still be applicable to entitled parents thanks for reading if you are this far and I hope my entitled monster is proved to at least be entertaining to someone else so a little background I live in a pretty big town and it has a pool complex which means that I'd love coal 65 centimetres deep or 26 inches a medium core 130 centimeters deep or 4 minutes and 10 seconds and an adult pool 230 centimeters or 7 feet 6 inches and if you want to enter the adult pool you need to notice wim so to the story I was in the adult crawl because it was cleaner than the medium pool and I also am a decent swimmer a 6 years old girl who had water winks jumped in water he swam like 2 minutes and her water wings fell off and she started to drown I rushed to her took her by the arm and helped her to get out of the water when we got out I asked her why did she jump into the adult pool she said that her mother let her and she was crying a little I just go to the bar from the pool complex and buy her an ice cream she started to feel a little better and I asked her where her mommy was the little girl took me to her mother who was a refine land whale and I asked her the cast is off me PG pour go M entitled land whale and algae lifeguard op excuse me m with a very annoyed look what pop I saved your daughter from drowning why did you let her in the adult call when she doesn't know how to swim M she has water wings so I don't see what's the problem here off her water wings fell off and she started to drown M so this is where the lifeguard jumped in LG your kid was in danger and this boy I'm 16 but okay saved her from drowning he got to her before I could get in the water and if the kid can't swim she shouldn't Geo in the adult pool M th at sorry danke you Louis I paid tio V here s oh my dai ugh ten RC and swim wherever se W antes up the sign next to the adult pool safe that unsupervised children aren't allowed in the adult pool M booty while you re also a child whe re why are you are prnt s pop I came here by myself and also I'm sixteen so I'm not a child I'm a teenager M shut up liya then she pushes me in the pool I had scuba glasses on my head but they weren't covering my face I fell in the water but since I can swim I just got at the surface and put my scuba zone she tried to push me again but she got karma instead she fell into the water I just swam away from her she didn't drown because she was super fat so she floated the good thing after that is that the manager of the pool gave me a free summer pass for ten pool entries and banned em from the place some context my fiance has suffered from severe epilepsy since eight hours old doctors thought it was a phase and he'll grow out of it took him to have a tonic-clonic seizure when he was 10 to get the right treatment and medication for it now since that is out of the way let's get to the main reason why we are here the entitled parent might think and I were in our local shopping center just hanging out in the food court with my sister and Bill brother-in-law when the alarm for my think to take his medication went off please note he needs to set an alarm in the morning and night cause he tends to forget to take them unless I remind him I pulled out the Webster package that his medication comes in to discreetly hand in the tablets now Webster packs are noisy little craps and would let out a loud pop like someone popping a plastic bag this must be when we gained the attention of a curious child and her entitled father excuse me but can you not do that we all looked at the man confusion on our face he must realize that so he added on to his demise and take those in front of my child you mean my epilepsy medication might see and spoke up sounding a little defensive he doesn't like having to take his medication but knows the high risks if he doesn't yes no might think replied and proceeded to continue taking the tablets that was when it happened how dare you speak to me that way I asked you as nicely as possible to not take drugs I bet you don't have epilepsy that was when my bill spoke up as he witnessed him having several seizures in the past and how dare you judge a person for taking something that can prevent themselves from ending up in hospital he does have epilepsy as we all witnessed him having seizures in the past don't you speak to me you racist slur word towards people of color I demand that you stop taking drugs or I'll call the police we all decided to just leave the food court as high stressful situations we'll make my film Kabhi siva the entitled father still going off his head at us to the point security was caught and he was escorted out with his daughter why should I have to leave they are the problem of this generation drug users I should sue for emotional trauma he still continued to yell at us whilst getting escorted out after a few minutes the same security guards returned and apologized for not stepping in sooner as they had another incident different entitled parents earlier which resulted in the police being called they asked if we were okay after a few minutes of being outside and a cigarette later we all were ready to continue on with our shopping hopefully we don't see the entitled prick again but knowing my luck we might considering our town is small yay no sarcasm I would like to start this post off with some background my mother groomed my brothers and I to cater to her we will have three little Butler's she also refused to teach my brothers any form of life skills so they would stay dependent on her seriously each of them didn't even get a job till their 30s when they met their current spouses I on the other hand was on the opposite spectrum I was told to get a job at 16 and the moment I started making money I have had to pay my mother's bills started off small but once I landed a good job it got bad talking groceries her car payment insurance rent PGE ect when I landed that good job my mom quit hers and told me she had taken care of me my whole life and it was time I took care of her this went from age 18 to 21 I lived with my mother and couldn't save money to move out because all the household bills were overwhelming I was breaking even my now husband helped me move I was full of guilt and my mom tried everything she could to make me stay from saying he would start beating me and she wouldn't be there to protect me to telling me I had to pay three months of rent in advance if I was moving to saying she was going to lose her home car ect not going to lie moving was rough it was one long guilt trip my mother immediately found a guy to move in and pay her stuff she never got a job unless you count when she is trying to push Mary Kay well this is a little over two years later her house is infested with black mold I got a text the other day saying her house is going to be remodeled and she needs a place for her and the dogs to stay until the house is livable I was telling this to my husband and he got a scared look on his face so what did you tell her I said I told her damn it sounds like the landlord is going to have to pay for a pet-friendly hotel until it's fixed she made the comment she wanted to be in an actual home not a hotel and I told her there isn't room at our house if that's what she's hinting at and I haven't heard a word more about it my husband smiled and he was really proud of me turns out she's getting evicted because she hasn't paid rent in over six months I learned this today I was taking my daughter to the park and it's right next to my mother's house I was going to see if she wanted to play with us and there was a pay or get out notice on her door she was trying to weasel her way into our house I'm just so grateful for my husband for helping me break that cycle of catering to my mother's crappy behavior I just wanted to post this because I felt really good after being able to tell my mother now and then realizing I would have been f ed if I had Bucky old and said yes to her it also might help people who are in my position now it's not your duty to care for your parents if they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with enough votes links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 21,640
Rating: 4.8741574 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, funny, entitledparents, controlling, mother
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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