r/Entitledparents “KAREN GETS SUED!"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today i'm taking two karens to court after that am i the jerk for telling my fiance i've got the hots for her sister and after that live in a rental for over a year without paying rent good luck in jail now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets sued but i haven't even done anything so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day i'm taking two karens to court i don't live in my home country and i was thrilled to meet em at university since she's from my country half a year later we moved in together since neither of us had a working contract we had to prepay rent for six months plus deposit plus agency fee we didn't have the money so i lent it from my parents i didn't have any online banking so em transferred it from her account yes i'm aware i'm naive next day she told me mom is coming tomorrow and will stay for 10 days i was quite surprised and said good but i'd appreciate it if next time you consult such decisions with me instead of informing me at the very last moment she laughed it off while i think this was disturbing the most disturbing thing is that her mom never left she stayed with us for six months it was during the lockdown which they used as an excuse but we all knew she could leave if she wanted to on the fourth month i started finding her flights and offered to pay for her ticket nothing the mom never paid rent for her uninvited stay but i also never got the money her daughter owed me in the first place either they were quite terrible in every roommate aspect just an example of one of the last things they did while all three of us were in our home country for a whole month in gave her keys to some random friend of hers of course without telling me i only found out because of a big fire that happened are you stupid to tolerate this behavior you will ask the thing is that every time i addressed a problem they would make it seem as if everything was some misunderstanding or that i was exaggerating or they would just deny very obvious undeniable things at some point i would just question my sanity things escalated even more and eventually i found myself a new apartment in a matter of hours i just moved into the first one i found it was a tremendous relief the thing is i still want my money and they won't pay me back em and her mom said they would love to pay me back if they had the money but they didn't all while uploading instagram stories of their euro trips so i decided to give them three more months to pay me back before taking them to court i told them about my plan and it felt good to finally stand up for myself until this little voice in my head told me wow taking someone to court for not paying you back during what's going on right now when it's hard for everyone what a jerk move and that was the beginning of a new inner conflict am i the jerk for planning to take them to court what do you think is opie a jerk for taking them to court or not please let us know of course not get your money back bruh am i the jerk for telling my fiance i've got the hots for her sister i've been with my fiance for five years we rarely fight and have a lot of trust in each other she and i are going to be married in a couple of months we have an inside joke together that we're allowed to get with whoever we want the night before our wedding we're both very aware it's a joke and it's not something we really want to try we haven't said actual names during the joke but she was curious she said she knows exactly who she would get with i asked her who and she said i'd have to tell her mine first to be honest i had never really thought about who but when she asked the first person that came to my mind was her sister who was five years younger than her i know this is probably messed up i rationalized by thinking that since her sister looks like a younger version of her it's like i just want to cheat on my fiance with my fiance when we first met which now i realize sounds pretty awful i didn't say and said i didn't really know she didn't believe me for a second and kept asking at one point she jokingly said who knows i might be able to hook you up with her i guess she could tell on my face that i felt bad about who i thought she said it's okay because it's just a joke and she wouldn't be mad i against my better judgment blurted out her sister's name she stopped smiling and asked me what the heck did you just say i went into panic mode and said the name of a celebrity but that didn't help the situation she was unbelievably upset that i said her sister i tried to give her my rationalization and that only upset her more she was near tears and told me that i was such a jerk i told her that she said it was a joke and that she wouldn't be upset over whoever i said she said that hers was her hot high school teacher back from when she was 17 and she couldn't believe that i wanted to get with her sister until last night i slept on the couch because of it and she's still sour to me about it i've talked to some friends about it my close friends that are women said i'm the jerk my guy friends said i wasn't a jerk but i'm stupid am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk or not please let us know 10 things you should never say to your fiance we really need to get this guy a copy live in a rental for over a year without paying rent good luck in jail last summer i bought a house trailer and decided to rent it out it needed some work so i posted two months free rent for putting carpet down in the living room hooking up the hot water heater and putting in a toilet got a nice couple with a newborn willing to do it great no lease month to month no security deposit and the rent was 450 a month so they did the work so i didn't ask for rent for two months everything was fine side note there are a few state laws that come into play if you don't pay rent for three consecutive months you are considered a squatter which means the landlord doesn't have to fix the property and can actually padlock it and deny you entry if you're on house arrest and get formally evicted you could be violated for it also you can be formally evicted even if you've already moved out so the landlord can get rent due also even though there are eviction bans if it happened before the ban then it can still go through plus a few other conditions that still allow someone to be evicted it's up to the judge really fast forward five months and still no rent money yes they had a newborn and they were young and didn't have a lot of money but the husband can spend fifteen hundred dollars on a new engine for his project car they can afford to go out to eat and spend money on electronics but no rent so after that third month i did nothing the weather was turning cold i didn't put in the furnace like i promised and if they hadn't had a newborn i would have padlocked the house they were bragging about their tax refund i gave them a shot to catch up and they basically said that they know their rights and were in a rent strike illegally i might add you will see later when the global issue started husband got laid off so i gave them a break when he went back to work i asked for back rent again and was told to buzz off i finally had enough i told him they had 14 days to get out or i was doing a formal eviction and seeing he was on a house arrest he knew what that meant i honestly was trying to keep him from having to go back to jail and keep an eviction off of their record i was trying to be nice and civil so they left and i cut my losses until i checked the property everything they put in they had removed everything they got free rent for was gone i was upset and filed for a formal eviction it didn't go as they hoped they said i didn't provide heat so they went on a wrench strike only they didn't file that with the courts or hold the money aside they just thought they could stop paying rent what they put into the trailer was less than the rent the judge agreed with me that saying they took everything i was due those two months rent and the biggest he started slamming my character so i said well you didn't tell me you were going to be on house arrest when you rented the property before then the judge looked bored but he perked up he asked them if that was true they responded that it was true and he was ready to make his ruling i received 15 months back rent at 450 a month and 2 000 in damages because the way they removed the stuff they damaged a lot of things as for him the judge said he had no choice but to turn the eviction over to his parole officer fast forward to this month his house arrest was violated and he was arrested they actually had the nerve to ask me to speak on his behalf i didn't ruling was his remaining six months are now being spent in jail they have a bad eviction on their record and they owe me money know the law before you play the game update i forgot to add that social media blasted me like i was the scum of the earth i have to make my own special thanksgiving meal oh it'll be special all right with the holiday season coming up i've been thinking about past years my family and i differ in a lot of ways but i especially differ from my mother ever since i was little we couldn't see eye to eye she's the type of person who prioritizes looking good in social settings whereas i'm the type of person to not give a flying dolphin she's expressed deep shame in who i am and i've lost track of how many times she's angrily asked why can't you be normal as i've grown into an adult i found ways to understand her and try to keep peace we learned we have a few things in common like places to go and preferred scents and perfumes now one of the things my mom has been very bad about is tolerating that i'm vegan i started as a teenager but my mom wanted no part of it she immediately stopped cooking anything for me including plain side veggies that she would normally cook for everyone whatever i learned to cook whenever family get-togethers happen such as during holidays birthdays or any other event my mom and her family deliberately offered nothing for me i would have to bring my own food or go hungry again whatever with their attitude i don't think i'd trust anything they offered me anyway one year my family were hosting thanksgiving as per usual i expected to make my own mini thanksgiving meal while she and my dad prepared the real thanksgiving meal now normally i prepare a veggie roast gravy several sides and a dessert i make more than enough and always place my stuff on the same table with the rest of the food in case anyone wants any every year before nobody else wanted anything weeks before the holiday my mom did her annual tradition of reminding me to make my own food because she won't make anything for me i already had recipes lined up and until she said something was feeling pretty stoked about what i had planned her unnecessary reminder only served to upset me i made a new more maliciously compliant plan fast forward to thanksgiving it's going pretty normal annoying relatives loud tv blaring my parents and i trying yet again to somehow share the oven just before the meal was to begin some last minute guests arrived two of my dad's cousins had traveled a few hours to get here i barely knew them but that was about to change shortly after we were bonding up a storm we had some overlapping interests agreed on politics and they wanted to try my food sure but i had to warn them the gravy is a bit special see what my mom doesn't know is that when she reminded me to cook it actually reminded me that i had made some canna butter using vegetable oil just the other day i figured forget it if nobody's going to eat any of my food anyway i might as well get buzzed off of it so i looked into vegan gravy recipes and used my special oil when i explained the situation to my new favorite relatives they thought it was hilarious they also immediately wanted to try my gravy we ended up chilling around the fire laughing like old best friends they promised never to tell anyone what i did we now look forward to seeing each other every year i haven't added any special ingredients to my big meals since then but they still make space on their plates to try everything i make speaking of thanksgiving what's your favorite thing to eat on thanksgiving please let us know i could go for some stuffing and gravy right now maybe some cranberry sauce am i the jerk for quitting my job after not getting a promotion so i 28 male have been with my company for six years i make great money love the company and my colleagues and intended to spend the rest of my career here but they overlooked me for a promotion and it changed everything my immediate manager announced a month ago that he got a promotion to a different office in the group cue congratulations but also excitement as i also saw this as a great opportunity i know the job inside out have great relationships with my colleagues and i have the top client earnings by far of anyone plus the three managers i've had have all been promoted from my position i messaged my manager and hr that i wanted to be considered for the position and i received a reply from hr acknowledging it two weeks later we are called into the conference room and introduced to the new manager no one i knew never worked for our company before never worked in our field before new blood we were told we'll shake things up we were told afterwards i approached my manager he says he wasn't even asked for his opinion on his replacement and sometimes it's just down to the whim of the partners and the relationships that have been cultivated with them so i concluded i was never going any further here i'm just someone who can make them a lot of money in the position i'm currently in no need to move me up so i contacted an agency and had a new position inside a week slightly less money and i'm no closer to management position but it feels good but everyone thinks i'm a jerk my old boss because i'm making him look bad in his last days as i won't accept the offers they are making new boss who hasn't even started yet has called numerous times saying i'm sabotaging her from the get-go and finally my partner who thinks it's because the new boss is a lady and not about respect they didn't even interview me for goodness sake so am i the jerk sorry guys my inbox has crashed and burned i'll begin by defending my wife a bit i did say some things i shouldn't have that resulted in her having that opinion i think she mostly believes that i didn't mean what i said and it was just a very emotional moment she made me regret saying it anyway and i did discuss leaving with her before i did my new boss has more management experience than me and it is easily transferable i've seen her work history no one would expect me to train her in the job her difficulty will be in replacing the revenue i generate in her first six months that's what she is upset about the offers they are making are purely monetary i'd prefer promotion they avoid the subject yes this was an emotional decision as someone commented i threw a tantrum but at the moment i don't regret it edit two i made that comment i shouldn't have made to my wife about the new boss not to my new boss i don't work here oh do you want to years ago as a teen i worked at a pet store that had dark forest green polos for their uniform the grocery store across from my apartment complex also had dark green polos for their uniforms as that's where i shopped i got a lot of people asking me for help to be fair while our logo was huge across our backs it was tiny on the front so i often got approached from the front or side by people asking for assistance i knew the store pretty well so most of the time i would just point them in the right direction or help them get an item off of a high shelf my previous job had been in a different grocery store so i would even occasionally help bag groceries for people if the line was long and i was impatient they always seemed to have a lack of baggage clerks anyway one day i was only buying soda and an elderly lady had a full card in front of me this was way before self checkouts and no express lines were open so i put my soda on that little pull out thing registers have and started bagging this lady's like 100 plus items i chit chatted with both the cashier and the lady for a bit while i worked finally i got everything in her cart and asked if she needed help out she said no her husband was waiting outside and would help her loaded i told her to have a great day at this point a woman walks up in store uniform she smiles at me as the cashier starts to ring me up hi i'm can't remember her name let's call her mary that was some really good customer service me oh thanks i don't think much of it as the cashier tells me my total i pull out my wallet to pay you're off work she asks eyebrows raised oh yeah just going home wow what's your name i tiller that's fantastic even helping our customers even after your shift has ended light bulb slowly starts to come on in my head i haven't gotten a chance to meet all of our employees yet but if they're anything like you this is going to be a great store to work out turns out mary was a transferred supervisor from another store and was trying to meet all of the employees i laughed not in a mean way just was surprised i pointed to the small logo on my shirt she started to turn a little red not much but a hair i apologized for the confusion and just told her that i don't mind helping out when i can marry well you're not by chance looking to change jobs are you i could really use people like you here i declined as i liked my job and i was reasonably sure it paid better but the next year and a half until i moved and changed stores anytime mary saw me she would always say hi and asked if i'd changed my mind on her offer am i the jerk for not giving my parents a bad report card in high school i cannot believe i'm writing this as a 27 year old man but i am genuinely retrospectively in trouble with my parents right now i was just on my break at work today got my phone out and i saw a text from my mum that said call me now followed by a whole bunch of missed calls and a text from my dad going what the heck have you done i wasn't really able to call them to find out what was going on because i don't get long breaks so i replied asking what was up and that i could call them slash come by when my shift ends i was more than a bit panicked i don't care how old you are parents freaking out about something makes you feel about 15 again so i finish up work and go over and the upper floor of the house is chaos various documents all around the floor and the filing cabinet where they keep stuff like receipts and bills is on its side immediately i'm thinking what the heck have they been robbed has somebody been hurt but my mom comes up and starts berating me about how i'm a liar and a cheat and she can't believe how i could dare do something so awful i'm not getting any words in edgewise and she looks on the verge of tears so i go find my dad to find out what the heck is going on it turns out my mom had been organizing the file cabinet and shoved at the back she found an old high school report card that tracked effort attainment that sort of thing and the thing is that at the time i really hadn't been putting in that much effort so my scores reflected that i knew that that was a paddling so i just brought it home one day and stuck it in the file cabinet broadly where i thought they went never told my parents and forgot about it i never knew how i got away with that one but i think the stars aligned and they just didn't happen to speak to any other parents about reports around that time anyway in organizing my mom found it and not only is it not okay with her it's like i've done something horrible and i'm basically being treated as a man like i'm back in high school and need to be punished screaming crying the whole deal i calmly said i was sorry but that this reaction right now is what i was trying to avoid and it would have been a heck of a lot worse back when you actually had power over me this is a bit of a mess but i got in my car went home and posted this i don't ultimately know what the fallout will be so am i the jerk for hiding a report to try and stave off this reaction and be more concerned about my mom's sanity than i am apologetic as a full-grown adult well who do you agree with op or his parents please let us know i dare you to hide a report card from me mr reddit i'm four years old what's your excuse this happened in august we live in a coastal city walking distance from the beach we both had two weeks off from work and spend every day at the beach with the kids we usually go early in the morning and stay until noon and then maybe go back in the evening that day my wife had left early with our oldest to prep lunch and i stayed behind with our four-year-old daughter as we were preparing to leave my wife called to tell me to pick some fresh vegetables up because we had run out the grocery store was on our way home so it was okay so we stopped at this door i exchanged pleasantries with the owner an old classmate of mine and stay outside looking for what we need while my daughter entered the store to talk with the owner's son same age same preschool the owner has two customers inside the store next to me is a lovely old lady that asks if i can help put some of her groceries in her cart especially two five kilogram bags of potatoes i see no reason not to and i put them in the cart she thanks me half in my language half in russian i reply in kind i understand some of the language because some relatives of my grandma were from there and picked up some of the language when i was growing up she smiles and waves goodbye and i return to my browsing and then the karen emerges you i want three kilograms of onions four kilograms of potatoes and three kilograms of tomatoes and be fast about it i'm in a hurry i turn around to see a middle-aged woman in a sundress sunglasses big hat stereotypical karen haircut with her arms crossed in front of her and tapping her foot because the store is self-service and i'm wearing swimming trunks an old t-shirt flip-flops and have my beach towel wrapped around my shoulder and carrying a ridiculously huge beach bag i give her no mind and return to my shopping big mistake karen decides to grab me by my shoulder i gave you an order boy i'm 40 years old by the way now do it oh i'll get you fired i don't work here i reply and take a step backwards don't give me that bs i saw you helping that other woman she kindly asked for my help to move her bags i still don't work here so you only help your compatriots you little jerk what a disgrace at some point we had gathered spectators the owner had come out along with the kids and my daughter decides to come to my rescue my daughter doesn't like people fighting and finds creative ways to break them why are you screaming at my father he already told you he doesn't work here my daughter chirps in when karen stopped for her breath because he doesn't know his place now go away karen replies and starts to continue her rant the owner is about to step in when my daughter walks up to her sticks out her tongue and blows a raspberry at karen the karen is momentarily stunned that's rude she manages to say well i'm four what's your excuse my daughter replies at that point everybody except karen starts laughing karen is doing her best imitation of a fish her mouth opening and closing with no sound coming out at that point the owner steps in and tells her to leave and that her business is not welcome there the rest of us have a good laugh we picked up our groceries and went home i just like dressing nicely no i don't work here so there's a nice country shop near me 26 female it sells all sorts of nice shirts and everyday stuff as well as high-end country brands and coats etc it was my day off and payday so i wanted to go and treat myself so i decided to dress up nicely in a pale blue shirt and some jeans with some boot heels coincidentally a brand they stocked i felt pretty good notably the shop doesn't have a uniform the staff have to wear on-brand clothing and are always greeting you and stuff so they're obvious now previously i've worked in retail so i feel for the staff when the shop looks like it's been ransacked and people just ruin all the neat folds and throw coats back wherever so there i was minding my own business trying on a jacket decided i need another size so i zipped up the one i had just tried and put it back on the rail then some angry karen is stood there like right over my shoulder as if personal space isn't a thing me oh sorry or were you wanting to look at these karen no i've been stood over here trying to get your attention the last five minutes i need this in another size can't believe how rude the staff is here you can see i'm stood here holding the jacket i just assumed this lady was shopping and had the jacket in hand because she wanted to buy it did not get a vibe at all me oh sorry no i don't work karen i mean preferably i'd like it in a navy if you have it thrust the jacket towards me me look i do not work here you can practically see the cogs turning at this point rather than apologizing she goes on a tirade well why are you dressed like you work here me excuse me literally we are in a clothes shop there is no uniform i'm not wearing a badge well it's just plain misleading it's so inconsiderate by this point a retail associate walks over and smiles and asks if they can help with any sizes or anything karen points at me does she work here me what the heck associate no sorry karen then why is she dressed like she does both me and the assistant were just lost for words i gave her a few stern words after she started yelling at the employee the girl was on the brink of tears karen stormed out saying she was going to leave a terrible review i apologized on behalf of karen and for losing them her custom retail assistant reappeared with the manager two minutes later who laughed and praised me for handling it diplomatically offered me a 10 goodwill discount on anything i chose as well as a job i've worked there for two years now never saw karen again customer hands me bad check while trying to return used shoes the original ordeal happened last week and he came back yesterday to try his hand at giving us bad checks again yesterday so i think it's time i post this story cast we've got me we've got the bad man we've got kay my co-worker who works at both of our stores locations oh boy here we go i was at the front running the register when this guy walks in he starts asking me if we had these shoes here he wasn't holding a box and the counter covered his feet so i lean over and see he's talking about the shoes he's wearing i'm like oh yeah they're on clearance now though so i don't know how many we have left then he starts talking about how they're the wrong size and how he wants to exchange them for a different size i'm stunned that he wants to give me the hot and sweaty shoes he's wearing in exchange for a fresh pair in my store and so i tell him i'm gonna need the receipt and the original box in order to do that of course he has neither if you have a return for a clothing item especially shoes you don't wear it out on the town and then come strolling in with it on your body looking to get a new one in exchange for your old sweaty ones our return policy is about to change so i was done with this type of return fraud knowing that i have no intention of accepting this return without the vital components he goes around the store shopping when he comes up to check out he's holding some shorts shoes different than the ones he originally wanted and a reel that he had my co-worker spool up for him and so we begin checking out and which i ask if he's a member he says he is so i attempt trying his name and phone number yet nothing comes up he's already starting to get weird by now saying that the girl from yesterday must have intentionally mistyped his information to make him look bad i was the only girl here the day before so no sir i didn't do that so we skip it because he's starting to make me uncomfortable and i just wanted him out the customer behind him is watching intently looking taken back by this guy's odd requests and attitude it's time to pay and he pulls out what appears to be a checkbook he asks for a pin and i give it to him and when he's done he hands it to me and asks if we accept business checks i'm looking at it and ask if this is supposed to be tax exempt it gets all jumpy and says yeah but before i can ask anything else he's like wait let me go get my other checks and try to find the receipt for the shoes so he quickly goes out the door and i take the next customer on the other side this other customer is in disbelief still wondering what this guy's deal is he heard the thing about wanting to return the shoes that are on his feet and is laughing about how disgusting that is and how he hopes i wouldn't take them back we have a good laugh and when he leaves batman is walking back through the doors he's holding a checkbook that still doesn't look right and asks for a pin again this check is pre-typed and he starts changing the number one to four with a pin when he hands it to me i'm looking at it in ah wondering what i'm looking at the name doesn't match the date is wrong routing numbers are going sideways it isn't made out to our business and this man changed the type amount to a different amount with a pin on top of the original amount he also wrote his license number on the top and something else but it doesn't matter because the whole check was trashed he starts saying oh yeah that's my wife's name and i wrote the license number so you know it's legit and i'm just like um let me get the assistant manager up here she comes up and by taking one look at it she's like no sir we are not taking this he starts arguing with her asking what's wrong with it the money comes out of the account automatically so just take it which it absolutely does not and is like well i did this yesterday he didn't she keeps refusing so he leaves in a huff still yelling as he's walking out the door he left everything behind even the reel we spooled with his choice of line a few days later all is going well until one of the cashiers calls me up to help him with a check i was right around the corner and upon coming closer it's the bad man and i say oh hello again which he clearly didn't like he was already jumpy about our younger cashier not just accepting it and now when he sees me walk up he didn't even acknowledge me because he knew what he was trying to do again so i start looking at it and i'm like hmm gonna need to get another manager the other manager and me have the same title and powers but i wanted backup because i didn't know how this guy was gonna react when he got denied for a second time i quickly brief him and we walk up together my manager takes one look at it and is like no sorry we can't accept this the guy starts pitching the same fit like you haven't even tried to run it just run it and see what happens but my manager isn't budging one thing i love about him is he is not a pushover no matter how aggressive someone gets he finally says sir i'm going to say this for the last time we will not be accepting this check and he just stands there holding the check for bad man to take back batman storms out again like he can't believe we aren't going to take poorly done bad checks this is the last we have heard from him but that only happened yesterday so i'm expecting this guy to come back and try it on a different set of my co-workers i'm just glad i won't have to waste my time calling the check clearing company since we all know now it's a bad check by default but i have figured out some interesting things since then when i looked up the business name for the check which is supposed to be what seems like a kids sports camp there was nothing online about it i found a couple of addresses on the white pages but no phone numbers or official website the only thing i could find that was written by an actual human was some really bad better business bureau reviews that talked about how this company charged them one thousand dollars even after their kids lessons were over and another review said the whole thing was a scam when i told my co-worker kay about this story she said she knew the guy from our other location the store manager there was on to this guy and his fake checks as well and she told me that one of the younger cashiers there accepted the check from him and now they're just waiting on it to bounce now we have a district-wide email about people coming around writing fake checks and to be aware if you're going to attempt to make a living out of writing bad checks at least try a little harder i know he has to run his family sports scam at the same time but come on man get it together before you come on stage and perform please come watch this video next you will love it and huge shout out to despair doctor our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link bin in the comments below
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 63,175
Rating: 4.9266696 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: yOseVzhDsgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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