Renewal Conference Restoring Your Passion for Christ - Part 5 by David Wilkerson

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we're delighted to have you and we trust that this day will be the best day you've ever had with fellowship and hearing and receiving the word of the Lord and go back to your places of ministry encouraged and strengthened in the Holy Spirit with we've been honored to have you with us we trust that if you've had any dealings with times for a church over on 51st Street they've been pleasant and heartwarming to you service at 1:30 and then the closing service tonight at that's 7:30 7:30 to me all right well I sent a message out to our mending list weeks ago and it was one of the greatest responses we've ever had in all the years that we've been sending messages out and it's one thing to read it's another thing to hear it and in much prayer about what I would bring to you this morning God spoke so clearly in my heart that I had to bring this message I'm speaking and you have read this and I hope that may have had some impact on you it's called feeding Christ feeding Christ Heavenly Father I pray for open heart in my own delivery and I pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit I've never judged the anointing by how loud I could preach or how many tears I could shed but Lord by the strength of the word itself and bringing forth through a vessel that has been totally cleansed by the blood and Lord I know that there's nothing standing between me and thee and I know that the channel is clean by the blood and I pray Lord you give us clear channels to hear let us hear what the Spirit has to say and Lord I believe that what we hear this morning will change our prayer life from ministers will change how they prepare messages and how they their messages and learning even will relieve the struggle of trying so hard to find a word door because it would begin to come from your heart and from your throne we thank you for these have taken time Lord some who passed a very large churches medium sized churches those who are in pioneer works those are the Lord who doing Street work Lord people from all walks of life team challenge and other ministries of God to hurting people we pray Lord that you quicken and encourage and let this be a life-giving word we pray in your name Amen feeding Christ and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen this word that God gave me his truly changed the way I pray and changed the way I seek the Lord for his word Jesus had to go through Samaria and on his way he stopped at Jacob's Well you remember the story well the Samaritan woman comes to draw water and he says to her give me a drink and in the process of Jesus sitting there waiting that disciples had gone into nearby village to purchase some food and I don't know how long they were gone but it must have been quite a while Jesus held an extended conversation with this woman and he began to talk to her about worship talk to her about her sins and he really dealt with this woman in a wonderful and loving way the scripture says jesus saith under give me a drink well it's been a most interesting dialogue that Jesus had by the remarks he made to his disciples when they came back by the way she said I know that the Messiah is coming which is called Christ when he's come he will tell us all things jesus saith under I that speak unto thee a.m. he he gave a revelation of who he was she received a revelation of Jesus Christ there are Jacob's Well he revealed his divinity the disciples come back and they prepare the lunch of the mill and they offer to Jesus and they say master please eat and he said I've eaten I'm full and they're wondering well who brought his food to him there's no evidence of anyone being around but this Samaritan woman and they were very shocked and surprised that their Jewish Messiah was talking to this Samaritan Gentile woman the very fact that she was Gentile the very fact that she was a woman he sank two disciples there's something about me that you don't know you don't know what it is that feeds me you don't know where I get my food but I'm telling you I have been fed I have been wonderfully fed he said my will is to do the Father and to finish his work and we know that that's reaping is sowing and reaping we know that that is soul-winning and God's plan from the very beginning was to raise up a body of believers who would be fellowship who would offer fellowship and would be really the food of God the the food of Christ in that relationship in in that given that take in conversation in Revelation Jesus said this woman was converted because the scripture said she went out said is this not to Christ I am full I have been fed God created man for fellowship the Scriptures and all things were made by him and for him his son whom he appointed heir of all things by whom he also made the world's the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made Christ remember was in God so he was in fellowship with Adam and that fellowship was broken because of sin and soon after the story of Adam you come to Genesis 5 and you read the story of Enoch who was taken up into heaven after fellowshipping with the Lord for over 300 of his 365 years and the scripture said Enoch walked with God and it was not for God took him and I was praying about that one day and the Holy Spirit says do you know why I took heaven in what would be midlife because all of his peers were living to be six seven eight nine hundred years of age why would I take him in the prime of his life you say Bible says he walked with God he fellowship with God Christ was in God the Father and it was this fellowship it was this man giving the food of God and this man evidently had been in such fellowship with the Lord he became so close of this fellowship the Lord says I'm going to translate you into my kingdom where there's no day there's no night and I can have endless fellowship with you I want you to closer to my heart you have won your way into my heart you have been such food to me I want you near me he brought him in because of the power and the depth and the intensity of his fellowship with the Lord then the Lord says why did I call Moses to me when he was full health and strength it was because of his face-to-face encounters and meetings and fellowship with the Lord you see he comes down out of the mountain after 40 days and 40 nights and there's a shine on his face now the law can't put a shine on anybody's face it was fellowship it was that time alone with God he was feeding the Lord and I believe Christ was on that mountain I believe with everything in me Christ in God Jesus in the father was there with his father and there was sweet fellowship and the Lord takes him in the prime of his life because of the same thing he said I want with you Moses not just because you have sinned against me in not honor me before the people but I need you I need you please don't get scared if you get to the throne and mount God's is going tap you home now folks to me that's a great idea because Paul said I'd rather be with the Lord because of you I have to stay here to me that's a wonderful thing if the Lord just take take us home to glory and we can be in sweet fellowship for you see we come then to Elijah and God sends a chariot for this man this immediately after he's had this great revelation there's still small voice on the mountain he's come out of his depression and and God has reinvigorated his ministry and telling him - he's got an associate now and he's got Kings to work with that really were under his spiritual authority and yet in the middle of that great activity that God was leading him into the Lord sends a chariot and brings him home and that brings to life that scripture where two or three are gathered in my name there am I these are the three that he gathers for this fellowship in glory he brings them to himself you go to the Mount of Transfiguration and there are three human beings are three men Peter James and John and suddenly Jesus is transfigured and the glory of the Lord comes upon our Savior and the scripture said his face did shine as the Sun and his raiment white as light and behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him talking the word in Greek is soon and what that means Union and fellowship Moses and Elijah our fellowship now this is a condemned man he's about to be condemned to cross and condemned man gets his last meal and this was something of a gift from the Heavenly Father he brings these godly men and they have a time on that mountain of fellowship now this is not for the disciples has nothing to do with trying to impress them with the glory of God or who Jesus is because they were told go tell no man what you see this this has nothing to do with you has to do with me tell us yet what my last meal I don't know what they talked about he knew the cost he knew the Covenant plan of the father from the foundation of the world but this is a gift of his Heavenly Father he's being fed that he had the strength to go through what he's had and he girls his strength he draws his food from man resurrected who come and ministered to him on the Mount of Transfiguration go to we go then to Luke I'd ask you to turn your bibles but the lights are down I don't even know if you could see it read but let me read it to you Luke 17 7 through 10 there's a wonderful touching story that really is the heart of my message which of you having a servant this is Jesus speaking which of you having a servant plowing a feeding cattle well say unto Him by and by when he's come from the field go and sit down to meet and will not rather say unto Him make ready we're in I may somewhere with I myself gird thyself serve me till I've eaten a drunken and afterward thou shalt eat and drink does he think that servant because he did that things were commanded him I trow or I think not so likewise ye when you have done all the things that are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which is our duty to do and if we understand what Jesus is saying here I know what it's done in my life absolutely revolutionized my prayer life I thought I had a a plan I thought I had something worked out in my prayer life before the Lord but when I saw this and the Holy Ghost began to open it to me it changed everything the way I approached him the way I speak to him the way I pray you see this is all about feeding Christ he himself places this is our highest calling it's not just soul-winning it's not just ministry to people it's ministry to him it is feeding he he puts this our high calling in Christ Jesus not for Christ Jesus but our high calling in Christ Jesus and I couldn't understand what Jesus was saying till I put myself in the picture you and I this servant we've been out laboring for him we've been working hard and we're hungry were thirsty and we come into his presence we come into his his banquet table we come into the banquet hall where we're to be fed where all the servants are fed it's mealtime and walk into this great banquet hall and the food is on the table and we wait for him to say sit down and I come in and I'm tired and I'm weary and I need help and I need strength and I need food and I need drink and I look famished and I just looked at the Masters face to have him nod and say sit down I know you've worked hard I know how where you are I know how tired you are and I know what you need but I want you to feed me first I want you to gird yourself up and I just came in from the field sweating and tired and wearing the woods and I gird yourself up and serve me first and then you eat and I stand there waiting and expecting him all along to say sit down and my eyes are pleading I'm in need and instead he says make ready prepare my will my mill first now you know that Christ is the master in this story but here is proof positive that we ought to feed Jesus Christ first remember what Elijah said to the woman make me a cake first then you may eat know what seek first the kingdom of God and His racism and all these other things shall be added unto you but folks if you understand this parable it'll melt your heart it'll change everything in your spiritual life if you see in the Holy Spirit and ask God gives you eyes to see it nears to hear what the Spirit is saying in another place Jesus and said you're my friends if you do whatsoever command you you're my friends henceforth I call you not servants but I've called your friends and you see when I come in off the field now and keep me I want to hear the word and I want I want to be encouraged I want to be lifted up and they do the food to go back to the field and work but he's saying now I stand there and I'm not his servant I'm his friend and when he says gird yourself don't get a picture please of a man putting on his apron gird yourself he's not putting on an apron and he's not running into the kitchen in the refrigerator and finding what the cook has and bringing it out he's got a napkin over his hands and says here Jesus here's your plate no that's not the picture at all the picture is of a father whose servant is his son his sons and his daughters and they're his friends I have two sons and two daughters and they're my friends my friends and in Ezekiel 44 he talks about as a top priesthood he said these are my holy priests these are my friends these are those who have never gone astray these are those who have a heart for me and he said they will sit at my table and they will minister to me and all they're doing is sitting there and what this picture is all about is the master looks at you you're tired and we're and Here I am I'm famished I want to eat and he is saying to you come and sit at my table just come I have missed you I have so many things while you've been out on the field to tell you that will give you strength and I just want you to come and sit at my feet sit at my table and let me talk to you let me minister to you gird yourself with patience gird yourself just put aside all your own desires put away all your hungers and all your thirst and all your problems and just come because I have something on my heart I want to say to you Jesus said I will come in remember of Elisha 3:20 and sup with you and you with me Luke 20 Luke 17 verses 9 and 10 it says that they thank the servant because he did that things commanded him I think not so likewise heed when you have done all these things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which is our duty to do now think of that God's saying Lord say gird yourself come and feed me there's no thanks he's commanded it's his duty he said call yourself an unprofitable servant it sounds to be very unsure of the master but when you understand what God is saying here you understand the Greek meaning of the words the Greek word unprofitable here means unmeritorious in other words those no merit and what I've done and the Greek word for duty is benefit and you put it together this is what it says after you have come and patiently fed me because my food is giving my heart to you someone who takes the time and the patience just to be shut in at my table and listening to what is on my heart not just working for me not just winning souls but you're feeding me and this was what they were command to do this is their duty but the Lord says there's no merit in that don't think you have merited something that I have to do something for you because you've done this because the word Duty there means benefit you put it together said then say we are unmeritorious servants we've done only that which benefits us have done only what is for our benefit folks there is no merit in Bible reading there is no merit in prayer but there are promises every time I go to God I say Lord I know that no matter how much time I spend with you know what no matter what the intensity of my prayer is and how close I draw to you there is no merit I have earned nothing it's for my benefit I haven't married in anything but oh god I hold it your promise you said if I see it on my heart I find you there are promises in that and I lay hold of those promises and hold God to his word hallelujah now this message is more not of an awesome experience I had in prayer probably this is the way we all go to him we go into his courts with praise and thanksgiving first as commanded and then we make our petitions known to him I pray for Times Square Church first and that the glory of the Lord in his presence always be there and that God protect these people and pray for my friends and associates and those we're a team when we pray for one another and we then I pray for the widows of the fatherless I pray for the elderly pray for the poor I pray for all the prayer requests that people come I pray to the Lord of hosts that he would send his hosts out and I pray diligently for those and we say to people send in your prayer requests we mean it and we pray over it our church prays our office that prays and I pray privately over all of that and I spend my my time and that and on this particular day after I had made all my petitions naming my children and grandchildren my prayer everyday is Lord keep my sons and my daughters from the wicked one that's the scriptural prayer make my sons as oaks beside the waters of God and make my daughters and my my grandsons and granddaughters pillars in jewels in your palace now pray those prayers and I intercede and sometimes quietly sometimes so loud you can hear to block it away I don't know if you scream at God but I scream at God sometimes not in anger but sometimes just screaming with delight and after that was done I took about 15 minutes just just in his presence and it was sweet wonderful time when I got up to walk out of my room and I put my hand on the door and as clear as anything I've ever heard in my life the Holies jesus whispered to my heart David please don't go don't go yet there are so few stay with me to truly hear my heart don't go I need you feed me why would Christ want to share his heart with me why would he want to share it with us think of the majesty they think of the power and the glory of that the God would say to you don't leave me I turned around walked when I sat down and I said lord I don't know what this is all about but I'm here now for you I'm not here for any other man I'm not here for myself I'm here for you and I put my watch in my pocket and I said Lord unlimited time I don't care how long you want I'm here for you just you and because I knew God had something on his heart you see just sitting there this presence just worshiping and praising said Lord I'm just going to wait if you have a word I'm gonna believe you I'm gonna love you I'm gonna meditate on your majesty and your glory you told me you want to speak to me so I come to your table now and I gird myself with patience and I'm here I don't want anything but you I'm here to hear from you tell me what's on your heart speak to me and all half-hour so later sweetness when time is no longer a matter but everything waits because you're there just for him God began to speak some glorious things to my heart things that were on his heart thinks he wanted me to stay and he said it I've got so much of my heart and if you will come here every day make your petitions known at gladdens my heart pray and seek me with with all that is in you for if you you seek him with all your hearts and mind soul and strength you find him do all of that that's to my glory in my honor and for your blessing please don't leave til you feed me because you see his food is that you know we go into his presence and we talk talk talk talk we unburdening our hearts and we're getting everything out of our spirit and we're we're speaking to him and folks we're big fan that's food you come out of that encouraged and life-giving but he said I want to sup with you it means I want to talk to you this is two ways this is called waiting on God it's called waiting on the Lord there's another very touching story in the Bible in Luke 24 Jesus is now in his resurrected body he's still mad but now he's glorified think of this now where does Jesus go for his first manifestation of who use in his resurrected body where does he go who's he going to talk to well if I had my way he'd wake up campus tap him on the shoulder and say look at these nails guard hand you crucified God i i'd like that satisfaction I'd like him to go into the temple where all of these who said crucify him and cried and now they're there trying to find God and their blindness and I'd like him to stand up once again and so his wounded side in his nail-scarred hands and says I am the Christ and have great joy in that in this flesh where does he go the two disciples downcast disciples on the way to Emmaus he's hungry he's hungry and what is his food a give and take of a patient man a woman who lets him unburden his heart so he falls in line with these two disciples on the way to Emmaus and scripture said Jesus drew near and went with them it's about six and a half miles from Jerusalem but their eyes were we're holding their blinded that they should not know him in other words in the Greek it says they were seized with grief their eyes were seized with grief and Jesus stops mind said what are you two talking about they said you've cooked his come from Drew something you don't know what's happened they've crucified the man that we thought was the Messiah and Jesus said to them all slow of heart to believe then beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all Scriptures the things concerning himself do you know what Jesus is doing he's hungry he's glorifying but he's still mad folks I want you to know that he's in glory and he's still man in glory he kept his manhood that's how he's so touched with the feelings of our infirmities there's a man in glory beginning of Moses and all the prophets except Jesus did all the talking they were feeding Christ because they patiently with hunger and with thirst they said didn't our hearts burn as he spoke looks will you get alone and he talks to you your heart will burn oh yes it'll burn and it's not toward evening and they're stopping at an inn and Emmaus and the scripture says he made as though he's going further he made us out as though he's going on in other words he didn't want to go because you see they hadn't had a full revelation yet there was so much more the Lord wanted to show them please don't ever let Jesus make out as though he's going on when you get he's here and you get his heart stay with him don't let him go he made as though they were going on and folks he would have gone on if they hadn't stopped him if that had been something their heart said oh god this is just the beginning there's so much more I don't know they didn't know yet who he is they didn't know who he was they didn't know that they were in fellowship with him folks think they could have gone to sleep that night Jesus would have passed them by he would have gone on somewhere else to to find someone else to feed his hungry soul they could have gone back to Jerusalem with a full head knowledge of who Jesus is because it had been revealed to them from Genesis through all through the Old Testament they could have gone back to the disciples in the upper room and said all we have learned so much about Jesus well did you see him did you touch him is he alive well well we don't know but I'll tell you we know what Moses said about and we know what the Old Testament says about him we know everything about Jesus they would have had a head knowledge and that's all you're going to catch unless you learn to feed Christ you're going to be able to explain who Jesus and you can preach powerful message an agnostic preacher from New York City years and years ago wrote a book I won't name his name were the most powerful books about the man Jesus but he didn't believe in the virgin birth he didn't believe in the divinity of Christ but he could tell you everything about the man he was an agnostic they could have gone back and had this grey rabbit be this great Bible knowledge you can go to churches and you can be in a Bible Church evening and you can hear some wonderful messages about Jesus but sometimes the revelation of who he is is not there the scripture says but they constrained him saying abide with us and in the Greek it means they would not let him go you must stay with us in fact the Greek word says it suggests they forced him to stay this is what the Lord was waiting for because he had so much for them and the Bible said and he went in to tarry with him oh god help us Jesus what did it do he goes to the table he breaks bread his suddenly their eyes are open your Jesus you know the resurrected Christ full revelation the resurrected God because they wouldn't let him go don't go he made as though he would go on and many people are satisfied with that they have just the Bible knowledge then and they're not going to spend any more time they're going to go back and deliver the word and focus on their preaching thank God for preaching thank God for all that but folks when they got to Jerusalem this time they weren't talking about head knowledge they said we saw him we touched him we ate with him we know him he's alive think of what they would have missed and it came to pass as he said it meet with them he took bread and blessed it and brake it and gave it to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him he vanished out of their sight Bible warns is going to come a falling away in the last days and the Lord wants to know how precious is to you and to me I think everything changed for me when I came to the place where said Lord you're so precious to me now unlimited time and my wife knows when I go into that place where I pray and no one on the face of the earth never interrupts it no crisis nothing no telephone calls nothing and when I said in my heart said my heart Lord this is your time I'm not here for anything but you that's when he began to say all right now I'm if you want my word read faithfully dig diligently into this word don't read it to get a message you read the word and pray over it if there's anything that sticks out fine bring it to me and I'll explain it to you I'll open it to you but I'll give you your messages from my heart of my heart I'll speak to you I'll give you a direction I'll talk about your family I'll talk about everything you need to hear if you just commune with me if you just give me that time that quality time and you feed me I'll feed you I'll feed you the word I'll feed you the message that I want spoken and I give you an example with that I'm going to close two weeks ago all week I had it's been a busy week and I hadn't had the kind of quality time and this is a struggle it's a battle you have to keep at it as there are so many things there's there's a conspiracy of interruptions out of hell he'll conspire to interrupt you if you heard of that conspiracy if you ever had that conspiracy at work in your life headed right for the prayer closet full determination and then it comes if something comes up in spirit see right out of hell you head for your prayer closet you determine devil will throw everything at you but I got a message on suffering and it's gonna preach the church and then bring it here and preach it to you and I got my message I didn't hear it from heaven I got it from the book it's this reading and and I just worked it out what's the help of some commentaries I looked at it and said Lord that's a sermon that's not a message from your heart and I tore it up I got another one my first one was the awful sinfulness of unbelief of discouragement the awful sinfulness of discouragement that didn't work as Lord showed me something else in the psalm and my next message was the blessedness of discouragement and I said well that doesn't sound right I tore that message if I got a third one in between and I went to church Sunday and I was speaking to speak Sunday night and now before the service so uncomfortable because I knew in my heart I hadn't heard from art of God and it was this time I got into Elijah and how after his great sacrifice on the hill and the mountain and he comes down and outruns they have been in Jezebel faces him and he ends up wanting to die discouraged and that was my message gonna like this exact example had an all worked out that was pretty good sermon an hour before service my heart sinking and I opened up to them between services say god that's another sermon I can't preach it I've got nothing to say I'm gonna walk out then I don't have anything to say but if I have to go out there and just make a fool of myself and tell the people I don't have a word I'm gonna do it and the Holy Spirit said read it again read about a lot you go to the mountain again just read it and I started reading and I came to these four little words that so shook me fell on my face weeping you know the story when he told the false prophets you build your altar and you put your fire on it and you call fire down and then I'll build mine and the God who answers by fires that God universe and you know the story they danced and they beat themselves and until the blood was gushing and I read these four words and he lied you mocked them and I started weeping and walking us because the Lord said that's you David you've been mocking ministries for years he should have looked at their blindness he should have seen how horrible their condition was and how foolish and how awful this is to be so blinded and he should have been weeping before he went to his altar I I still believe that the prosperity gospel is unscriptural with everything in me but folks there are times I have railed and named names and then God reminded me that about 25 years ago when all this started I heard a radio interview with one of the top leaders of this movement one of the two leaders and the wife was asked why are you teach something that seems so unscriptural that appears to us unscriptural and almost what tears she said it's because nobody's been to us tell us anything it's all we know it's all we've been taught and I didn't go in love and say here's what I see and here's what I think you'd need to consider I've made fun of the Seekers where they call them seeker-friendly churches call them a sinner friendly I went to Italy last month for Crusades and a leader one of the denominations forbid the whole Pentecost organization they couldn't come to my meetings and I called him the Pope and I went all through I said what's the Pope have to say today I was mocking the man talking you see I didn't get it if I had really gotten that word from the Lord he would have there would be no mockery that had been no you see I really believe no but with all my heart that when God's hand came upon Elijah and he outruns the chariot God has a word prepared for him you see he uses the enemy as a rod sometimes he used the Assyrians as a rod against Israel and he's using Jezebel and he stopped and God made it clear in my heart he should have never slain those 850 because the only issue with the fire coming the altar and the people already repented what God really wanted I believe was those men to go home in shame and Jezebel hang her head in shame and the whole country shaming them because they had no power you know he did was Rao the enemy that's it don't rile don't mock go into my presence and wait on me and I'll give you a sure word there won't be a sermon it'll be from the heart of God and the Lord showed us his pastors that we couldn't come to you with any kind of railing we couldn't come with anything of the flesh Bester Carter looked at me said I have to go back or examine everything and I have reached this seminar this convention I said I have to do this thing but I preach tonight I would have never preached it had to come absolutely change I was prepared with a message didn't have the grace if anybody's seen hear what I'm saying and hearing this matter of waiting on the Lord waiting on God giving him the quality time I still have a heart that rages against sin let's see here's my problem when I went to it one country a pastor told me pornography is just raging through the ministry in our country so when I get up to preach everybody to me as a pornographer everybody's and so I'm getting up there screaming against pornography railing form of mockery because there wasn't a handful there these were men of God that took time out many of them had jobs in this particular come they had to work they had to leave their little farms to come to hear me preach and I'm there some of them didn't even have television didn't have internet they couldn't even see it if they wanted to and they were sitting there and I'm preaching about monography knew where are they I have to be 71 years old before I learn some of these lessons I should have learned and I hope some of you young pastors pick up what I'm saying and you learn and not have to go the path that I've gone now tell you when I'm rebuked he does it in love and he rebukes you in love he's not gonna rail at you put you under condemnation it's been a rule your heart will you stand no I'll tell you what stay seated stay seated as guys put something in my heart fact I'm gonna pray until I do what God told me to do or I asked them what ministry they said this morning how am I to minister the Lord spoke cleared in my heart that I was to pray for all the women all the pastors wives and if you're single even I'm gonna have you stand in just a minute I'm gonna pray for you and here's what I want to pray that God would make you the one I want you to sixth example there are some of you your wives have become so discouraged you used to be a woman of Prayer and I'll give you an illustration a couple came to me from Europe once backstage at Times Square Church and what had happened that had never they had a rigor rather large church and it was diminishing and it they were done half to half the people than once had and and they spent three months in the United States traveling all over the country visiting every revival trying to find something new to take home they were looking for a secret and they had been everywhere and they were going to go home the next day they stopped they're gonna fly home Monday they stopped at Time Square Church on Sunday he came backstage it said it's the first time we felt the presence of the Lord anywhere in this space I'm not boasting that that that was their confession and they said we don't know what to do the Holy Spirit climb on me and with love I pointed to her and I said you know you used to be such a prayer warrior you used to weep over the people and you were such a her strength to your husband and you've got discouraged because you saw things are not working up it I said let me tell you what the Holy Spirit's saying to me because you're so downhearted you just sit now and in almost total discouragement just watch television you watch television all the time you don't pray anymore she started weeping he said that's true I don't pray and I turned to him I said and you've done the same thing haven't you you're not seeking God like he once did it I said no I'm not and I said do you understand now that you're losing something when you go to the pulpit now you lose think that that may not be the reason there's a falling away folks there's a great falling away you can do everything right and still see things not happen though you want to see them happen you can do it all right you could be right with God pure hearted and everything else but in this case it it was a she broke down and she said president pray for me and we held hands and prayed and they said we're going back it doesn't matter how many leave or how many calm we can no longer afford to stand in the pulpit and minister without the presence of God in the anointing and that comes through relationship in prayer and seeking and waiting on God and there are many of you here that need a touch you dare not leave this conference the way you came in you don't want to leave that way you need a fresh touch of the Lord you need to make a new commitment to seek Him afresh and anew I want you to stand every woman every wife and every single woman in the house God spoke to my heart to pray for you to minister to you through the Holy Spirit and that that while I pray and while we pray together the Lord will quicken your spirit sisters will you be honest with the Lord now I've been asking a question do you wait on the Lord do you have even an hour a day that you just wait on him where you put down all the housework everything else folks you say I don't have the time you have the time if you're willing to make it you can make the time if you have to stay up or get up earlier you make the time for him and things will change your husband if he's a pastor as a minister of any kind if even if you're a layperson he can't do it alone we heard so powerfully yesterday afternoon about our relationships folks you you and I women all the women the prayer of my heart was that Lord at this conference that men and especially the women would go home and get on their face before you begin to seek you as never before pray for your husband pray for your family like you've never prayed before because God made you that promise to save you in your house but but you would become the sweetness of Jesus he would give you a spirit of endurance he would renew your spirit while you're here and you go home many times what women come to meetings like this and their husbands get fed and blessed and you go home empty the Lord is directing something to you right now not of condemnation but as a call come back into my presence see me Heavenly Father I pray for every woman every wife and every single woman in this place that you would come down right now with your grace and I want you to minister to them Lord and I want you to call them by your spirit Lord and I want to hear from their hearts I want you Holy Spirit to hear a commitment from their hearts Lord woo me back I can't do it my own strength but woo me call me bring me back hole or to the place that I want to be Lord create a hunger and a thirst in our hearts and let us say forgive us O Lord forgive us for we have had time for families we had time for our husbands we've had time for friends we have time on the telephone to talk for hours but we haven't had time to wait on you Lord oh I feel your heart on this Jesus God come down right now and break the chains that bind us and keep us away from that prayer closet and our quality time with you God in Jesus name folks ladies just lift your hands right now ask the Lord to forgive you right now just the Lord forgive me I have not taken the time that I know that you need and want I have not fed you Jesus that you want to be fed and I want to be one who feeds you Lord I want I want the revelation of who you are and I want to come out of my prayer room with faith I want my husband I want my friends are with those around me to see that I have resources I have strength I can help you because I've been with God I've been with the Lord Lord you'll stop all murmuring and complaining you will not there will be wives here say husband you can't quit you can't change you can't give up because I'm here praying for you and I'm gonna lay hold of God and lord I pray that you heal their bodies I pray for healing for every woman who needs a touch Lord there may be some even with cancer others that came to this meeting having just learned that they have something serious a life-threatening thing in their lives Oh God my healer heal their bodies today those that are downcast those that have problems with their nerves they're nervous and they're stressed out Holy Ghost come down right now and break that stress break it now in Jesus name I pray now sisters just thank him right now he hears your cry and he knows your heart thank you Jesus I believe you now and I trust you with everything in me let's all stand hallelujah
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Keywords: David Wilkerson, David Wilkerson Sermons, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth
Id: vUNKy5hA1fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2012
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