A Time To Weep And a Time To Fight by David Wilkerson

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anyhow but on a special matter I've been preaching 55 years and I have been I've been through this is the fourth recession I was in the 70s in the 1970s when over a thousand banks went bankrupt and every I mean unemployment was eight nine percent or more than that double what it is now and we never missed the beat we never missed the mission's offering all of our missions were supported and God honored and I traveled and I went through the one in the 80s that everybody thought was the last one and God took us through that one and by the way this church was purchased during just coming out in fact we were still in the 87 89 recession we purchased this theater in the middle of that and God just blessed I was I remember now with with banks closing and all kinds of difficulties I was traveling all over Europe and holding meetings and Europe was down and then the Asian Rim countries that went down they were they were auctioning off in Asia $100,000 Mercedes for $15,000 is to raise cash and here we are again and every prophetic book I've written my goodness I look back there have been so many prophetic messages written here because when God told me to come to New York City to establish this church two things mind he said find the Holy remnant build a remnant will be prepared and warned the city of the judgments to come and God has kept his word and now he's he's prepared a strong host in this city and around the country there are a host because we believe and always have God has everything under control God has everything under control you're not going to go without something to eat you're not going to go without clothes nobody's going to run around half-naked and God's going to make sure you have something over your head and Paul said having food and raiment be satisfied with that if you want to maintain your lifestyle I don't have much krypter to prove that I want to speak to you this morning and the subject time to weep and a time to fight time to weep at a time to fight God you're in this house folks I said God is in this house nor did the glare of the Lord's here it's wonderful to walk in to a church and you know that God is there that God has come down and that God is doing to work and the Holy Spirit is breathing his breath quickening our spirits thank God for his presence this morning and father we give you the glory we give you the honor this is not about man or men this is about the work of God in these last days hallelujah Lord we can shout in the face of all the things that we see that God is good that God is gracious and merciful and he will lead his people if you can lead three million people through complaining people through a wilderness and Lord if you can cover them from the shade at night and the Blazing Sun of the day and you can do that without a Walmart thank you God for today for your blessing hallelujah I'm not being facetious but that's a miracle now how God with nothing with nothing saw his people through glory to God nobody seems to know what's going on today no politician no government leader in one of my books years ago I said I saw a picture of the president calling all his staff and all visi Kawas together and say what happened how did this happen and that's already happened but you know I there's no one that has the answer all of the world leaders there finance seers and leaders of all the nations are meeting and they come away from those meetings with no answers it's impossible now I want you to know that God will not leave his church without answers we may not understand the reasons you see it doesn't matter now who prophesied what and when doesn't matter I get calls saying what's happening next I don't know I'm not a prophet never have been but God does not leave his people in the dark he prepares us he prepares his people and you've been getting wonderful messages we've been streaming it in and we been thrilled what we've been hearing from this pulpit God's people get their answers from one place only and it sounds so simple but it is that's right here in this book now if you don't take the time you'll never get the answers but if you will get into the book my grandfather was a preacher and my father was a preacher and a whole line of preachers go way back my father and my grandfather always believed that if you want to know the patterns of God's movement if you want to know his nature and and what he will do in the future you see what he's done in the past because he's the same yesterday today and forever you Paul the Apostle said these things that are in the Old Testament these are patterns for our own learning for our own learning in our time in our generation what's happening right now the fact that we're facing a very major calamity a sudden calamity who would have believed that in the past three weeks eight and a quarter trillion dollars in wealth with just vanished from the earth in just a few days it was gone and now this past week in Europe trillions more who would have believed that Russia rushing into Georgia with its pride in its army itching to establish a name for itself and come out humbled now with the collapse of the ruble and all the hablar all the very wealthy billionaires now having to sell everything and losing all of their wealth in God and just do we come rusha it what amazing God we have who you see he has everything under control and we've got to believe that with everything in our hearts you see that the only way you and I can make it now is to go to this book and flood our minds with the Holy Ghost with with the truth with the promises of God and I was walking recently and praying with the Lord and the Holy Spirit gave me a word now it was for me I'll share it with you maybe it's for some of you here just walking and rejoicing and resting in the Lord and talking to the Holy Spirit because you see the Holy Spirit abides he doesn't Flint in and out of our lives he's always there and I keep that awareness that whatever the whatever I need whatever answer I need the Holy Spirit's there despite if I just give him the time and the attention and the faith and he said David you've been preaching for 55 years this is how Holy Spirit talks to me I don't know how he talks to you he talks to me like a friend he talks to me as a revelation of the love of God the combined revelation of the father and the son you know through the Holy Spirit and I heard he calls my name by the way does he call your name first thing it does to tell you how much he loved you and he delights in you he said you've been preaching for 55 years David you've been all over the world telling everybody how great I am you've been talking about how I delivered the Daniel a lion's den Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace and you've been telling everybody around the world how what a keeper I am I was saved and keeping hard times and he said you don't know how hard it's going to be if you did you'd be on your knees trembling but he said it made it very very clear to me all of this all of this preaching for 55 years were those days words but were those just platitudes now that you are going to face to face with things you never seen or heard before now are you going to begin to doubt me are you going to allow these things to enter your heart these news reports and these things are you going to allow that now to drag you down will you become you know about by Wars unless they scoffers will come and it's possible to become a scoffer and that is happening now all over the world people who were examples of faith or being shipwrecked in their faith you know Peter said though everybody failure not I unless you dare sit in this congregation this morning and say I would never fail my faith is strong I've got good preaching I have a good church and and I read the word I could never fail he said take heed when you think you stand lest you fall then it's important there are some of you here and I've seen those who sing be so great examples of faith see faith set like a flint Jesus that I set my heart like a flint this his unwavering faith in his Heavenly Father and his father there will be many who who just say God is not answering my prayer things are getting worse and there's no evidence of God answering my request I fast I pray and there's going to be a testing of our faith such as the world has never seen but God is there and he is faithful and when we we just constantly get in this word and I go into the word and find something it jumps off the pages and I know it's for me and that's the essence of what I want to share with you this morning I went into the Old Testament then I found the example of David and how he reacted to a calamity how did this great man of God a man after God's own heart there you remember the story I'll go over very quickly with you he would been running from Saul and he went down to Gath now that was an act of disbelief of unbelief in Dave our david alized himself with the Philistines so much is he involved in this and so out of the will of God at that particular time he joins the Philistines and an anticipated invasion of Israel and they find out who David is and he's got his six hundred men over here hobo Diana and and some of the captives Vilasini army said well isn't that the one who killed our giant what's he doing here send him home now he had encamped while David was out on expeditions looking for spoils and food to support his army and family he had a bit left he had put his family in town called Ziklag now David is now asked to leave the encampment of the Philistines and he's heading back to Ziklag a three-day journey they come over a hill and they see smoke and when they get to it they can't believe it and as they raced down the hillside they noticed and the truth hits them right in the face the Malekith mela cuts malachite said invaded Ziklag just dare so before kidnapped the wives and the children the whole family took all of the cattle took everything is nothing left but ashes and the Bible says David his men came to the city and behold it was burned with fire and their wives and sons and daughters were taken captive how does David react now we know his men are not in the place spiritually as Dave it is out of these six hundred men now these these are are proven soldiers they've been through so much Warford seeing so much bloodshed and and been so hard these men don't weep and what does David do did David does not but for flash when you look at calamity in the eye when it's standing there right before you these men begin to tremble these men begin to weep and they fell on their faces stunned disbelief how could this happen all of our family all of our children and the Bible said and they wept until there were no more tears left and they were so bitter that this would happen God allow this and and and why we're doing God's work and they're face to face again folk this was a horrible calamity when you're when you lose your family David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him because the soul of the people is so grieved now my beloved friends there's a time to tremble there's a time to weep you see what we face is something the world has never faced before in this measure and when I saw the front page two weeks ago of The Economist and in front page and there's a picture there's a drawing of a man standing on a cliff in the headlines were this the whole world is about to collapse my treat my knees tremble there was an inner trembling literally I think and usually David didn't stand there before that calamity and said well God is God these things happen tell that to 600 men who've lost their family in their home and everything just tell them well just trust God and we have a tendency to do that I used to do that so much if someone would call me it happened recently to to me an evangelist called me he just got word that his blood cancer and it's it's inoperable and he said brother Dave they've been my friend for years and I want to live but he said I've had at least 200 voices coming at me from all sides I said do you he said do you have a word for me I said no I said I used to I used to have a dozen scriptures I'd pick out before I call you you've heard 200 voices already and I said I love you so much I have to tell you you have to get your own word from God you have to have something from God he said brother Dave I receive that I received it you see David is standing there now by afar the priest is standing there the Ba'ath are can help him he has no word for him he's got some of the wisest men of the known world at that time in Israel that had followed him and not a wise man could give him word you see there's a time to weep and if you tell me that you see that the troubles in the world today and you don't tremble and there's not something it's the concern for wives and children because you as a man said well I can make it but it's my family and this is a family thing this this is about the family it's about where do we go down where where what happens to my family and David in the midst of all this weeping and I'm sure David stepped aside there's no man can help him and he steps aside and about said and he inquired of the Lord he said I need to worry I need to hear from God now folks I believe what the scripture says God uses the preaching of the word to encourage he uses counselors he uses friends David remember to talk to Abigail who was advising him not to take revenge when he had been hurt by her husband and she was to be his soon-to-be wife and he in the scripture says he said see I I have I have listened to your advice I've taken your advice he said I've learned something but you see there comes a time we're not your wife not your husband nobody can give you an answer now what we do as pastors and what you hear from this pulpit that this is the Word of the Living God you see David's word that he received in fact he called for the ephod now he thought was worn in the breastplate of the priest and there were two stones one black and white I don't know what commentators don't really explain how they determine what was God's yes and what with God's no but David said bring me the ephod I have to have a word not the priests not the advisors but I have to have a word that will keep me I have to have a word that will see me through this I don't know where my family is my house is gone everything that I own is gone I have nothing but the clothes on my back but I'm going to touch God I'm going to get a word from God and he inquired of the Lord and he got this word and the word was go and you will recover all go you recover all now folks hold on that word to hold on his instrument you say well thank God I'm going to recover it all David never did get his house back he didn't get his his furniture back he didn't get his cattle back at that particular time he got the cattle the spoil hitting what he had was brought back but his lifestyle was going to change he's never going back to that house there's going to be a time they're living in tents but but God never failed they never went without a mill and they they did now let me tell you let me follow this through because what David's reaction has blessed me and brought such a peace and rest of my soul there comes a time when pastors may not be available for a season it comes a time when you hear all the voices now first of all you have to turn out every voice of of humanity all of these secular voices you're not going to hear anything there's nobody that's going to bring paradise to this country nobody there's no president there's no its Congress there's no Senate there's nobody that's going to bring peace and rest to your soul or my soul they call for the Eva and God spoke go and you will recover everything they know he's told to go go where where'd you go I don't know where the Amalekites are I don't I don't know who came in and burned my city down I don't know a lot of people are asking now you see David's men blamed him because you know when we face calamities and things we look for somebody to blame that's what's happening right now all over the world somebody to blame well so so what now I mean you find out who to blame you can't blame anybody but David's men are blaming him and they have stones ready to stone him that's human nature just find out what the causes the Lord the Lord's not concerned right now about the cause he's concerned about the remedy he's concerned about the way to victory and peace now folks this is going to come out with a real encouragement if you'll just hold on are you with me now David encouraged himself in the Lord in Hebrews the 12th chapter 12 verse strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble and make straight paths for your feet so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed now Isaiah is talking to God's people at this particular time and this was a time of chaos also those that are weak in the knees and that our feeble make straight paths for your feet so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint he said if doubts and fears begin to come and this is what happened to David's men they were out of joint they all any faith it had they'd seen victory after victory they'd seen God's hand upon them God's provision God had provided for everything but now at this point this particular calamity they're totally out of joy and the Lord says be careful be careful your faith doesn't get that you and if you're here to in be that but these the news reports come that the first flash is fear am I right or wrong the first impulse the first thing that happens is this human fear that's natural and and God understands that but but you can't live on evil forebodings you can't live on bad news you you have to go to the scripture you have to get alone it and begin to acquire the Lord and like David encouraged himself in the Lord he encouraged himself now folks thank God for what happens here on Sundays you can come to three services and get your spirit built up you can get the word but the word that's preached whether I preach it or any one of these dear men preach it that word has to become life in you it can't just be something how quickly our Sunday morning blessing fades at the face is some of the things that happen outside that Sunday morning blessing that Sunday morning clap that Sunday morning joy can fade very quickly you've got to get home yourself and get into the Book of Psalms and start reading Psalm 34 and 121 and start just until these verses take life on hold of you not because somebody else is there but you are building yourself up in the faith you are encouraging yourself in the Lord and then when you come to the house of God God just emphasizes everything he's already said you'll be able to say to a man - everything is preached from this pulpit you'll be able to say Amen and you baby withstand any storm David sets out in some direction because he has a voice behind him saying this is the way walk in it go this way and he is out probably half day's journey or so and someone brings to him a half-dead Egyptian slave and David says who are you you know I think God must have been small said David that's your deliverance a half dead Egyptian almost then Bible says David fed him and gave him water and he says do you know where could do you have any idea he had told him he said well I I with the Amalekites and I was a servant and I got sick and so they my master just dropped me and David said you know where they are and he said yes if you promise not to turn me over to my master I'll take you right to him give me a horse put him on a horseback and let it right to malachite and you see God has a hundred two hundred three hundred million ways to deliver his people he's got a half dead Egyptian somewhere I'm not being facetious who if you start off David you're going to cover all and the way God's going to do this you're going to be out in the middle of the desert and there's going to be a man dying an Egyptian of all people you're going to be an Egyptian and he's going to be your deliverance now let me tell you something God has promised to deliver all his people God said he's going to deliver us I said God said he's going to deliver us be not going to tell you how we want to know how you gonna do it but where you going to get the bread Laura how are the trucks going to get into New York you wouldn't believe it if he told you I wouldn't believe it the way God has answered some of my prayers in the in the 1970s when a Teen Challenge over in Brooklyn the drug Center we were broke didn't have any money and I was in hospital with a throat problem and Staten Island and so we did the only thing Christians know how to do fast and pray we didn't call anybody didn't get nervous and we fasted and prayed first of all that III had a huge lump in my throat from one of those viruses I couldn't swallow some lady from Milwaukee walked in the hospital heard I was in hospital up in said get up spit it up words to that effect I thought she was a crazy woman I went to the bathroom and I spit up the great big thing had been holding it up from Milwaukee I went over to Teen Challenge Center and one of the secretary said David there's a surprise up on your desk and it was a check for $25,000 you know where it came from not Milwaukee oh that's not Milwaukee's nothing it was from Mongolia from the missionary who has had written books and he was in his 80s and he said I'm an old man I've heard about your work and God told me to send you twenty five thousand dollars my life savings if you'd have told me that you say brother Dave I'll tell you why God has a plan for you and for your men is going to save your ministry and it did 25 thousands like two hundred fifty thousand now really and you said well there's a missionary had been writing books for years and up in the end of the world and God's just going to speak to him in prayer one day and said do twenty-five thousand dollars I don't laughed you out of my office God has a way [Applause] in that turmoil he he couldn't accept it the prophecy God had given to him but he was on the way to the throne to great blessings we're going to come through it folks because he does everything under control last thing I want to say before I close David said he delivered me into a large or Pleasant place and he delivered me because he delighted in me now if you don't get anything else from what I'm sharing with you this morning get this you have got to know see we have something better than the knee fight we hear the voice of the Lord through the Holy Spirit who abides in us you don't have to call for an ephod you have the voice of the Holy Spirit abiding in US but you've got to know and believe in all your heart that he delights in you and he delights in his children he's a heavenly father who delights I'm a father for children a grandfather of 10 grandchildren and about to be a great grandfather did you hear what I said Gwen's gone ballistic finally after all these years is it one of be able to smile in the face of everything that comes you're able to smile and to know that our Heavenly Father the Holy Spirit is the full expression of God's love through Christ a full expression that could be no greater expression that God can give us but that he could put his love put his love and send the Holy Ghost on a mission to comfort us in time of trouble and to direct us when we have no direction if you would you have to be fully committed to that that has to be something that that's the Flint he said to set your heart like flint Holy Spirit you abide in me you are the full expression of God's love in Jesus Christ and as much as he loved and kept his son you will love and keep me because we are born of his bone and we are flesh of his flesh and liver died while the mountains fall into the sea no matter how the world shakes when everything is shaken one thing is sure God delights in me God delights in you he will not fail you when you stand please [Applause] hallelujah well glory to God hallelujah how do you oh god help us to sit our hearts help us to set our hearts but let it let us remember what is being said from this pulpit from every posture this comes what we hear this morning and what we hear the rest of this day Oh Lord let it produce in us that unwavering flint-like faith and let us make that our daily prayer forgive my unbelief help my unbelief and lord when there's fear and trembling even Moses trembled when God was shaking things he said I tremble but o God there comes a time to stand up and fight fight for the faith Lord I get up every day and I fight for my faith I fight off the lies of the devil I fight off my fears and I go to the Word of God and I fight with the scripture you've given us mighty weapons for the pulling down of satanic strongholds and we are strong in the Lord and we will not fail in that day we will be a testimony to the whole world that the god we preached all these years the Christ we preach is good and alive and he works and he keeps and he satisfies hallelujah Lord you said my people shall never be put to shame my people shall never be put to shame hallelujah glory to God raise your hands thank God for his promises thank God for his faith he's been good to you I said God's good to you give him thanks God you've been good you have been so good hallelujah we will not fear for you've not given us the spirit of fear but love and power to sound mind glory to God Lord it's not just noise that we make these are not just words that come out of our flesh but they flow that's the well of living water that springs up within us of Thanksgiving and faith and hope and rest in you hallelujah hallelujah oh Jesus thank you Lord just wants you to thank him he wants you to thank you for the faithfulness that he's given to you you know wonderful faithfulness [Applause] however [Applause] if there is ever a time you need to have a walk with Christ an intimate walk with Jesus that's available to everyone in this building up in the balcony here main floor if there's if there's been a problem in your life that folks like I cannot comprehend I don't understand where people go today who don't know Christ who of distance themselves from how from the only hope that's left and the only safe place in the world today and you can come into that safe place you can come in to the hiding place in Christ if you here this morning maybe you walked here and you're here for the first time or maybe you've been a few times that you've never really made it full complete decision to follow Christ and surrender your life completely to him even in the annex those in the overflow rooms I'm giving you an opportunity to now to just step out Lord said if if you confess me before men I'll confess you before my father and all the angels of heaven I'll confess you as my own and that takes a step of faith we're really not interested in getting you to join this church we're not interested in your money we're interested in the fact that you need a safe place you need Christ now more than you have ever needed him and he offers you now this hope and this rest a place to go a place to find peace up in a balcony you can step to the stairs on either side and those in the overflow rooms if you'll just go to the hallway where you entered officers are there they'll show you down and come here and meet me here I want you to make an open confession for Christ please don't come unless the Spirit God is tugging at your heart we're not interested in numbers were interested in life-and-death issues here that's what this church is all about life-and-death issues step out of your seat we come and we will show you the simplicity that is in Christ you don't have to sign anything you don't have to nobody's going to try to persuade you that's the work of the Holy Spirit while they're singing this is an invitation for you to step out and come please only those whom God is speaking to if you've run from Christ if you've gone a estranged from Christ you come with those that are coming now up in the balcony in the overflow or if you're at come and meet me here at the front I pray for you just a moment [Music] for those that uh step forward if you look this way for just a moment I'll just speak very quickly to you to your heart and I know holy spirits already prepared your heart he said he's more willing to give than you are to receive there he never turns away a hungry heart never so you can understand you can rest assured that he's going to hear your cry he said if you confess your sins with your mouth and believe in your heart you shall be saved you will be saved saved from your own flesh saved from the old desires because when you say Jesus come in the Holy Spirit opens the door so the Holy Spirit is the one who called you the one who made the word kind of you know stir your heart he stirs and he Woo's and he's wooing you to himself now you're part right now is to give him faith just faith and confession of your sin nobody needs to know what they are they're mountains I mean you forget trying to enumerate them they're too many you bring them all and he forgives them all there's a simple prayer and it's just the first step prayer and then you begin to talk to him on your own and receive the word from the Lord will you pray with me Lord Jesus I'm acting on your word I'm coming with an open heart I want to be cleansed and forgiven of all my sins Lord I've sinned against you and against truth but I humble myself and say Lord Jesus be my Savior my Redeemer cleanse me and blot out my past and draw me by your precious Holy Spirit into a new life to rest and hope now let me pray for you while I'm praying I want you to breathe God has heard your cry you're not saved by the amount of tears you shed though you may shed tears you're not saved by making God promises he knows your heart and he knows you can't keep them without the Holy Spirit so while I'm praying for the Holy Spirit coming would you ask the Holy Spirit it just breathe it out in prayer or in your mind you may even think it hold it right now Lord I'm asking you Holy Spirit to come and do a work in every individual that has come honestly before you Holy Spirit this would be on man this would be on my doing it's beyond any any servant of God no one can complete this work but you Holy Spirit oh you are so faithful Holy Spirit you're in this building you stand with us you are here we open our hearts cause every heart to be open fully now to begin to grow in Jesus to say this is my first step now bring peace you said my peace I'll give to you now not as the world gives you but I'm giving you my peace and Lord bring our hearts into complete rest and to believe that the God who gives us eternal life is the God who keeps us well we're still here on this earth would you just say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you
Channel: SermonIndex.net
Views: 128,036
Rating: 4.8805447 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2009
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