Restoring Your Passion for Christ - Part 7 by David Wilkerson

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honestly are so proud and honored to had you come here and we trusted you have been moved and your heart has been touched and changed and we really don't have a reading of what's happened here we don't know we can't judge it by the noise the worship for the praise everything else because we don't know the deep work of the Spirit as you notice I've been no offerings we're not charging anything for this we believed God ahead of time to raise the funds and God provided and the Lord was good to us frankly I when I went to some meetings I just got so tired of hearing about money and offerings I said we ever do this let's believe God ahead of time and then let's just worship the Lord and have a good time in him and we thank God for providing for us but one way you can give us an offering one way you can't help us it's when you get home write us a letter let us know what the impact is so that if God needs us to do this again we'll know that it's worth while and please write to us and let us know Time Square Church will be open tomorrow for tours those who want to see that and some of you may want to go to ground zero if you're here part of the time tomorrow and I think you've been given directions for that I'm going to speak tonight about seeing Jesus seeing Christ in his fullness seeing Christ in his fullness hallelujah Heavenly Father we thank you for the word that's gone forth from this pulpit and we pray tonight that you'd speak once again the last night of this gathering we thank you Lord for those who have taken time out of their busy schedule to come here because we ask only those to come who wanted to renew their passion for Christ when we pray Heavenly Father that that's been accomplished that our pursuit of your heart has grown warmer and hotter and more intense and that as they get on their vehicles to go home and airplanes and trains or cars whatever it may be that that warmth of the Holy Spirit that we've experienced here will go with them and as they meditate and begin to seek you as never before we pray though there's been motivation from the Holy Ghost to drive us all closer to your heart and and to exercise faith that you will hear and answer us now Lord I come humbly to your throne and I ask you to speak through my lips Lord a very short message but something I believe you want us to hear Lord I preach to my own heart this has been something you've been trying to speak to me about and I've heard you and now Lord as I give it out I pray that others will hear it with open hearts from the Heart of Jesus I pray I give you honor and I give you glory help me Jesus amen there are three ways to see Jesus there's the the natural eye and there's the partial eye and there's a spiritual eye the spiritual eye sees Jesus Christ in his fullness in his completeness very few Christians very few that have a knowledge of Christ or say that they really know him have ever seen him in his fullness and his completeness Paul constantly talked about the fullness of Jesus Christ God hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all we talked about fullness but where we don't understand it then we hope tonight I hope that God will just open a little insight so that you could go home and meditate on it God may take you much further than he's taken me in this and you'll see it but I just want to put a spark in your heart that you can take home with you in the last part of this service you see the fall lures of Jesus those who came to hear his teaching and be a part of his miracle ministry saw him with a natural eye the scripture made it clear they called him the miracle worker they said he's a compassionate man friend of the people friend of lepers and downcast teacher amazing truth a man with a mission they said no man ever spake like this they marveled we have never seen such things that's the natural eye that sees Jesus as the great miracle working he is of the teacher the man Christ Jesus who went about doing good that's the natural eye and that's where most Christians are that's where most of the world is that have even a passing a knowledge of who Jesus Christ is then you have the disciples and those in the inner circle and they have the parcel vision of the parcel eye of him not only did they believe he's a miracle they believe he's divine that he's God in the flesh this was a revelation that was given to Peter confess now or to Christ the Son of the Living God and this came by revelation of the Heavenly Father but not one of Christ's Twelve Apostles twelve disciples ever saw Jesus in his fullness till after Pentecost they never saw it when they were with him they never saw it until after the resurrection they never understood they never saw with these eyes the spiritual eyes who Christ really was and in Matthew 14 if you want to turn there with me in Matthew 14 I want to show you where I'm going with this message tonight a very short message but I I want this to be conveyed to you by the Holy Spirit not to 14 verse 22 they did all eat a 22 and straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and go before him unto the other side while he sent the multitudes away how Jesus was was trying to show his disciples the fullness of what and who he was he knew they only saw with a partial eye and many of us sitting here tonight with all of our preaching about Jesus with all of our walk with Him and I'm going to tell you honestly I've only seen his fullness in industry said years I've just begun to see it really in the past few months with the clearer vision after 70 years and 50 of them preaching Christ I've known his divinity I've known his miracle-working power I've known him in those ways I've known him in the natural light of no name impartial I've never needed seen him in the spiritual eye who Christ really is and this scripture says straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and here's here's how I feel that this can be seen and explained in a very simple manner I told Time Square Church we often skip over the gospel so we can get the deeper stuff from Paul but Christ said that these things are hidden these are hidden truths that you have to dig for you have to seek God because every one of these things said that these are covenant words that were written as mysteries from the very foundation of the world their covenant they they open our eyes to who Jesus really is and they just fed 5,000 I look at that story they feed 5,000 they take up 12 baskets I don't see the marvel at it I don't see them stopping there's not a word about he wait a minute we had 5 loaves and 2 fishes and we've got 12 baskets here they were so busy doing it they were not understanding who he was in fact when they got on the boat later the scripture says that their hearts were hardened because didn't recognize him their hearts were hardened can you imagine seeing these miracles because you can see them in that your eye and really not know him you can still have a of heart and not see who Jesus is so they get in this boat and the word constrained here in Greek is compelled and to heard he herded the men he said quickly gentlemen get in the boat and get out of the water and move on and he gave them a destination this was this was a a planned trip this was not something accidental this was a divine appointment scripture says a wind Kim came and the waves began to toss the boat and in the darkness a an ever increasing light came toward them with Jesus Christ walking on the water he was walking toward them not one disciples heart leaped with joy knowing and sensing in the spirit that Christ was drawing nigh there was none of this that we read in Song of Solomon my beloved is drawing nigh he's at the door my beloved put his hand that the handle to the door and my bowels are moved for him you see the children might knew that her lover was at the door he was outside didn't see him but he knew there was a sense there was a knowledge and in her knowledge the inner man the inner I saw something of Christ something of the beloved because he's the type of Christ but there's none of that in this boat he draws closer and closer and they see it's a spirit they were afraid and they they they they were overtaken with fear the Bible says it was Jesus they couldn't see Christ in their crisis what they were going through the storm I don't know what your storm is I don't know what you're going through but have you seen Christ in it yet they didn't see Christ in it he was a ghost God has permitted a troubling tempest but you see there in divine order there in the will of God they've been sent here by God now the Lord may have loved the enemy to stir it up at he he's God of the flood the scripture said he's king of the flood but you see God was after something in these men he's digging in he's trying to find something because he knew there was something that could destroy them eventually and he them drive them away from him until they become destitute and become agnostic and if you don't deal with that I'm seeing tonight and I say it in love you can become an agnostic you can turn your back against God you could get angry because of the confusion and disappointment in your heart because you're not seeing Christ in your graces God was dealing with fear terrible debilitating fear than these disciples and he permits this because he's digging in something he's reaching for something because you see you can get hard and bitter you either see Christ in the crisis and you listen to his wonderful promise be of good cheer it's me iein here in your storm I'm with you I know what this all about I have brought it to pass I'm after something in you because what I see and you could destroy you there are people going through storms right now when they're getting bitter they're getting hard and they're little angry at God but in your crisis I'm telling Jesus is always coming at you he's always coming towards you and he's always there if your heart would just recognize him about eight years ago I went through this storm of my life when and I I thought the ship was going to sink at Time Square Church there was an uprising against me and he'd pardon me for using a personal station but I don't know how best to illustrate what I'm preaching friends turned against me friends that I thought were my dear friends and turned on me and we're calling me a phony over 400 people walked out of Times Square Church of course the next Sunday 600 walked in not no clapping please horrible lies distortions things I couldn't understand a storm like I'd never seen six months and I have a journal I don't even look at anymore I can't stand the pain of reading it because every page says Oh God when does this nightmare end I do people you see I couldn't see Christ in that crisis at all I went through six months I would sit in the chair and cry because people were calling me a phony go to church in the backstage young people come and say are you a phony like they say I said what are you a dictator like they tell us because people were called him on the phone and every time I went to preach I'd meet backstage it'd be 15 20 young people and say we're leaving we lost half our group lost numbers in the car I lost associates and all I could see were ghosts every time the phone rang there was a ghost call would it be gossip who's on the phone all I could see were ghosts I couldn't see God in it anyway I couldn't see Christ in my crisis why would God allow thing I loved him I died and I saw ghosts of past failures am I paying for past failures and I am I everything that they say I am what is going on Lord I've given my life for drugs and alcohol lism and team challenge and then I come here you told me to come and stop it's a church and then all all of hell breaks out on me and people I loved called me a liar I remember one time going halfway to church I turned around my wife is there and said honey I can't go anymore I can't handle this anymore I can't stand before the people I couldn't see Christ in my crisis at all she said honey you're going and somehow I got through that never mentioned it from the pulpit I took it to God but one day I remember how that crisis and in the hardest part was to have those you thought you were dearest friends turn on you not only turn on you but gossip about you I I see young preachers are caged they come to me so a brother Wilkerson you know you talk about prayer and sacrifice and all these things and don't worry when you have a big crowd but you've got the big church and you've been a success you know it's my time my turn in so many words but they don't know about the nightmares there's a living hell I hate to even talk about it but I remember the day Holy Spirit came to me and I began to see Lord said David if you'll do what I tell you I'm going to give you some orders and if you'll do what I tell you this is going to end the storm going to end and I'm going to use you as you've never been used in your life I'm going to have all your enemies at your feet and I want you when they come to your feet to bless every one of them love and bless them God said I'm going to give you names because you see David you don't see how many people you have wounded you don't know how many people you have dealt with so bluntly people that you are fired from your ministry because there's one person you didn't do it biblically you didn't have two witnesses and one witness if you quickly fire them you believe the report and he said if you will repent before them you've repented before me but that's not enough there has to be a spirit of forgiveness in you there has you have to stand in your pulpit where there's not one person that the Holy Ghost can remind you of that you have wounded you've spoken something you've repeated something about them you've done something to wound or hurt them and when you do this you repent you wait you you weep before them if you have to but you honestly don't say if I hurt you say I have wounded you and call those who have been speaking against you make it right with them just tell them I'm sorry there was something I did and spoke and there was something I really was angry with some people I was angry with and I spoke angrily and tried to expose them for standing against me God gave me a list to start with twelve others were added later there's one I thought was all over there would be another one pop up from the Holy Ghost God said I want you to be able to stand with a clean heart look everybody in the face of the earth in the eye and say I love you and not one single grudge in your heart against anybody because I can't bless you you know you are focused on your hurt now David now I want you to focus on the hurts of others because I have a body I'm not just the head I'm a body and you wound in my body he said it in love until you I got on the phone immediately dealing with that list of 12 one of those men that I call the first man he wept and cried he said I've been waiting for a call like this you don't know how you hurt me brother Dave I know you didn't mean it but it hurt me and it's wounded me and I've had a hard time praying seeking God and we wept together God brought it and one after another every one I called one man says now I know God's doing something in your heart and I went down the list and we wept and we prayed and I got it out of my heart poured it all out before the Lord there was one couple that I didn't know where they were said God how do I do it he said if your heart is right I'll bring them to you I said well I don't even know where they live they've been in the United States and they were though that was the last couple the last ones that I had to reach and I was in California for a meeting and after service here they come walking up to the stage and I grabbed them and put muhammad's I've been looking for you I said I fired you 20 years ago from Teen Challenge on one person's witness that they saw you doing something I've never even looked for another witness and I accused you and I fired you on the spot I gave you enough to live on for a few weeks but I just threw you out and I said I am so sorry God has dealt with me I'm telling you they weep and the band looked at me said you've just saved my life they've saved my life he's I've been so grieved and hurting for twenty years then he opened my spiritual eyes to see who Christ really is in fullness you see I was seeing Christ as a head I wanted intimacy with the head I went in fellowship with the head but he says I'm not detached for my body the only way you see me spiritually is that you see that I have a body and if you wound my body you will me then you don't see Christ in his fullness till you see Christ with the body you see my storm was allowed to expose what was in my heart my mic my temper I still remember some one of my staff saying boy you crossed the chief and you pick yourself off the ceiling and I went home to my wife and said you know what they said about me and I told her and I said can you believe that she said yes my quickness to judge harshly to pass on gossip than I'd heard but you see they were all members of his body they were members with me being fed by the head and all supposed to be ministering one to another listen to this now and Peter did Jesus spoke you keep him on the sea to be of good cheer it is I don't be afraid he said I'm in your crisis I'm the one who is ordained this I'm getting it something he wouldn't you to settle down don't get panicky I'm with you and Peter answered him and said lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water now this act of Peter of getting out of the boat is the heart of my message here's the example of a godly man who's not yet seeing Christ through spiritual eyes he has not spit seeing Christ in his fullness he's seen the head without the body Peter's going to act and there was problem prideful selfish manner a man can walk in there was no noble thing he did in getting out of the boat because you see the body is in the boat that represents the body of Christ all hurting all in the storm and all troubled a fearful boatload of struggling men and Peter gives no thought to the needs of the body whatsoever his thought is let me just get to Jesus my faith is being tested I've got a problem I've got a struggle if I can just get to Jesus and get this my ministry will be restored I'll be ok there's no talk to the body gentlemen you get along the best you can I'm going to see Jesus I'm going to walk with Jesus not going to settle my problem my struggle is going to be undead the whole body and that boat we're crying out with fear all of them were troubled god help us when we are so focused on our own discouragement our own battles that we become a distraction to the body you see he jumps out of the boat and he goes to Christ now and if I really that boat I'd say hey pastor Peter you're not the only one hurting what about us we're all hurting we all want to get to Jesus but now you see the focus is on Peter is he going to make it then he goes down and everybody's is she going to sink is he going to swim is he going to come out of this crisis in his life everybody's looking at Peter you see when we focus on our own heart we focus on our own problems and our own discouragement we become a distraction to our family because they hear the murmuring they hear the complaining they hear us talk about our problem and they can sense even if we don't talk about it something's wrong and the focus now is not on Jesus it's on Peter and what is it when Peter cries out bid me come let me walk on the water not us me when Peter does sink what's the cry Lord save me then on the boat every butt in the body is saying save us - do you understand what's happening here Peter has delayed the deliverance of the body because he's so focused on his own problem because you see as soon as Jesus gets into boat the storm ends and he has delayed the deliverance these men go through probably hours of pain and they say Peter yes you're going after Europe trying to solve your own hard problem and your own struggle but we're still tossed we're still turning we want Jesus in the boat now Jesus is preoccupied in saving this man and while he's getting out of his struggle these men are still in their terror that's what happens in our churches when we ask the people to focus and pray just for us we're in this struggle we're in this battle and we're delaying the deliverance of the people we're hurting perhaps twice as much as we are look around you within 10 feet of you there are people have problems far worse than yours deep struggles and deep hurt when our granddaughter Tiffany gut-brain had a brain tumor we we wept we cried and we requested for and there's nothing wrong with that God wants us to request prayer he wants the body Paul said that we would have equal concern for all equal concern concern for all the body and we've got word of her her brain tumor I remember of all the letters coming one letter in particular a mother father such a sympathetic letter saying we hurt for you we pray with you god bless you and I was telling well listen this this husband-wife the wonderful words of encouragement and then to attend another said and we hurt with you because you see we just our teenage daughter was kidnapped with another girl and she was taken out into the woods and the one girl escaped her girlfriend escapement our daughter was found mutilated and cut to pieces and I'm here thinking of my granddaughter who's still alive and doing well praying god I hope it doesn't come back and hear these people comforting us and they're carrying a hurt that I don't know anything about I was talking to a dear pastor friend of mine how God opened his spiritual eyes to see Christ and greater fullness it was a young lady in his congregation was evidently born with some disfigurement in her face but although her teenage years she dreamed of finding a husband who would overlook her her handicap and love her and she wanted to get married and her one real dream was to have a child carried that for years and I guess she was in her I don't know if it was the age but probably in her 20s or so she brought the pastor a bar of soap and a baby rattle said here I don't need these anymore the bar of soap represented the memory she had of her father asking her when she was a little child - honey bring soap to me bring me some soap and it was the man in the house father calling her and she felt useful and the baby rattle represented the child she hoped and dreamed that she would have one day because of a man who loved her in spite of her handicap but now she knew that things would not change and circumstances would not change surpassed I don't need these anymore because she traded her dream you see the bar of soap reminded her kept in her mind the day that she might have a husband and he would call for a bar of soap and she would you know it's a man in the house and she's a help here's the soap here's the baby rattle because I've traded my dreams I've given it all to Jesus and in so many words Christ becomes her husband and she's filled with joy and she gives herself to other people and he told me he's one of the most loving people there's a kind of beauty to this woman she's very loved by the people especially by children and God has God has given her children all right and God has given her a true husband and she has joy in her heart but he began to think of that the pain that was there all the time and he thought of his own battles and struggles and they seemed so small in comparison Paul had spiritual eye oh by the way dealer stopped to think of well I'll get to John later I don't want to bring him in right now I want to talk about Paul Paul had spiritual eyes to see Jesus Christ and his body on earth here's a godly man who was under by his own admission under great tribulation and he suffered as few men have suffered we all know that we've studied his suffering but how different that take he has on suffering than than I have and many of us in the body of Christ Paul writes to the Ephesian the midst of his hardest most cruel time wherefore I desire that you faint not at my tribulation for you which is going to be your glory he said don't focus on my pain don't focus on my struggle because I know that I see Christ in this God's getting at something these accomplish something and you're going to get glory out of this it's going to be to your glory because he's going to bring me out of better pasture a better teacher I'm going to know more about his grace his works in his ways and he said don't focus on my tribulation because it will be to your glory he's saying Saints don't worry about my trials don't let it be your focus what I'm going through has to do with God's eternal purposes from the foundation of the world I glory in my tribulation because it's going to bring glory this is for your glory my victory is going to produce victory in you he said I'm going to get such comfort and consolation in my turmoil I'm going to be so strengthened through it you're going to profit from it I'm going to take this joyfully because I see Jesus in it he's opening my eyes revealing himself to me and Paul could tell you I prayed three times about a certain matter and I've got a messenger straight out of hell buffeting me and I'm so weak at times friends turned against me I'm cursed I misunderstood I once even the spirit of life shipwrecked beaten jailed but don't worry about me don't get over concerned about your pastor Paul and this man facing the greatest tribulation of his ministry begins to preach encouragement he proclaims we are all one body in Christ when one hurts we all hurt all the members that have the same care concerning one another and remember this is not about me it's about the body of Christ he's the head and we are the members of his body and we all hurt together we all minister to one another you cannot take Christ from his body you cannot have Christ without his body seeing Christ in his fullness with the body changing the way I look at sin if I believe what I preach I've got to be that God's going to chasten me if I continue in my sin if I indulge in adulterous flirtation or pornography or any kind of lust I know he's got to deal with me because he doesn't want to lose me he's got to judge me correct me and chasing me as a loving father let's not be given over to my sin and if I see Jesus in his fullness I've got to see how it impacts the body not just the head it's got to be more than just Lord I know I've grieved you it's the body that's being impacted by my sin because if I have sinned I'm going to stand in the pulpit and I'm going to give the congregation a false tenderness I'm going to perceive Christ to them I'm going to present Christ as one who is so easy on sin because I don't want to be a hypocrite because I know I have a problem in my own life because you see I'm affecting the body I'm not just grieving Christ I am jeopardizing the whole body of Jesus Christ the false tenderness how people are going on the brink of hell and some even going to hell that's where I think of Jonah running from God you see when you run from God you run from his conviction chaos comes everything goes in disorder divine order is gone remember them running around the ship unladen to ship and everything's out of control everything is in chaos it's what happens when you run from God and continue and said.he disgraces his Lord and ends up in this living hell in the belly of a well and while he struggles and while God is time taking time to deal with this and have you ever thought of this here's a man of God represents a pastor perhaps a prophet of God and there's a city about to be judged and their sins are piling to the heavens and while this man focuses on his own struggle and God is taking time to deal with him and bring him back to his senses to wake him up how many died in that time it could have been weeks it could have been months the Bible puts it in this little time period but it could have been months the time he made his decision walks all the way to Joppa and the boat trip and I don't know how many weeks they were in the water before it happened I don't know the time element but how many died without repentance because Jonah didn't arrive on God's schedule and God has to bring this man out of his problem meanwhile people are dying I wonder how many when a pastor struggles I wonder how many you know struggling with the sin problem worse juggling with with with thinking of quitting even in this sense people know it they feel it I wonder how many say if Pastor can't make it what chance do I have that's what happened when some famous evangelist took a fall the cry here in New York with so many and I heard it over and over again well the brother so and so with all of his knowledge and his anointing can't make it how can I make it how many in my family have struggled or your family or your circle looking at me and my discouragement cast down looking for an escape in their own struggles their own pain ready to give up because you have not spoken the word of encouragement now that today's our fiftieth anniversary married 50 years to this beautiful woman no one tell you something my marriage has been to hell and back you look at it and look so sweet and it is sweet and we are in love and we're friends and it's a good marriage that's all and it stood this test of time but we went through temptations we went through trials and there were numbers of times there were numbers of times have been so easy to give up got so bad one time I walked out for a week said never go back after we God said if you don't get back you're finished boy you're dead boy I raced home I've never taken a step out cents but on Monday this past Monday all our children and grandchildren had a party for us they had a banquet a grandma grandpa dad mom and some friends they had on one of the properties there an old stone barn beautiful inside and all fixed up with flowers and they had a harp artist playing a harp and white tablecloths and a beautiful mill and then all the kids got up to say something about dad and mom and the grandkids got up and sing these wonderful things about dad and mom and it was dad mom thank you we know the storms you went through mom we know the pain and the suffering and all those operations and answer times you were swollen but you were always there when we needed you and we knew that you always loved dad dad we knew you loved mom and it was we'll never forget that night but I remember sitting at that table shuttering inside shaking oh god if I had walked out if she had walked out every one of my children that are married and in the ministry would have been divorce by now every one of them by their own admission I wouldn't have once all my grandchildren have a heart for Jesus everyone in the family all the generations heart for Jesus and I said if if I had not allowed the Holy Ghost to keep me by covenant if I had just taken that one step and said we're going to fight this there will take power over the devil we're not going to give in to the enemy we're not gonna let God or the devil destroy this family I said Oh God I I would be dead now I would be if I were live I'd be the most miserable man on the face of the earth and not because my kids would be divorced not because my grandkids would be on drugs and alcohol it all messed up but because I had hurt the body of Christ I would they would cry out to God with everything in me Oh God kill me take me I've disgraced your name you see it's the body it wasn't Jesus I heard I heard his whole body because I can't have him detached from his body you see it makes me look differently at sin when I see Christ in his fullness it even changes my relationship to him now Lord ask me in prayer recently why are you seeking me so diligently and why are you fasting what's this all about what is you what you want out of this I said Lord I want more intimacy with you and Holy Spirit made it clear you said you haven't been seeing it yet you can't have intimacy with without having indicee with my body because that's me until you want to be intimate with your brothers and sisters and all your pastor friends in the body of Christ you can't cut off the head you're not discerning the body discerning the body is seeing the body who the body is it's Christ with this body it's this church that is his washed in the blood why are you fasting why your praying will Jesus I want to see more of you I want a greater revelation he says you can't see me without seeing my body you can't walk with me and as you walk with the body if you tell me you're willing to lay down your life for me you're going to be willing to lay down your life from my body you tell me you want to be more like me more like Jesus then you're going to take on the concerns that I have is the head for every hurt and pain in the body and when you hurt and when you're discouraged and when you're down you do is the Apostle Paul and you start looking at the hurts in the body and as you minister to them God will deal with yours in love he'll bring you out of because you're loving and helping others and that's why in Matthew 25 when it says I was in prison and I was hungry put body my body was hungry my body was in prison my body was naked my body needed clothing and as you've done it unto me you've done it unto my body the least of these this is my body and whatever you do for my body you've done it for me that's why God keeps pushing me to never forget a hands-on ministry as a pastor not just to get my pleasure from preaching to you or to a congregation but I have my eyes on Jesus and his body for we are members of his body and he is the head of the body the church when you leave this conference he said bit of a home and I'm going to all folks I have pre-sold long and so much about intimacy but had nothing to do with the body was just the head not anymore because now he's allowing me to see just a glimpse through spiritual eyes until you look around you to all the people that are in pain around you and all the suffering in the body and you say that's what I want to be intimate with or be available to the body of Christ praying he opens your eyes tonight and I'll tell you how we're going to do it was praying this afternoon said Lord how do we close this conference I'm finished now by the way I told you I was going to give you was a spark you go home and you God will show it to you but every time you come in his presence don't look at a head dismembered from his body and said no you can't have me without my body now we're going to minister to one another now we've been ministering to you in all of these services and we come to the end of this conference now usually we had to get out of 9:30 in ten minutes but we have till 10:30 tonight we've got time you said you came here to renew your passion for Christ if you heard what I'm saying you're renewing your passion for the body of Christ do you understand that there people next to you that are hurting there's a young couple there's a pastor's wife passing about 40 people from Texas they're just starting a church and and and I know when I talk to them I just met him on the street there about 40 people and and they're here their church took offering and sent them here and I know everything must be tight and I know that I can sense them but they're in the will of God but they're going through trying times terribly trying times and they're sitting next to somebody here there are pastors and wives that are going through the struggle of their life and the Bible said we're all members of one body and I'm going to have in a moment stand and we're going to get little circles four or five six people and the Bible said every member every joint ministers to the other joints and the other members we Minister we minister that you've been ministered to now you're to minister to some buddy around you I don't want anybody prophesying over somebody I'm doing you get in or condemn me and say hey I know why you're going through that we don't do that here we're all members of a body we're all one and if one hurts what you see how can I hurt for the whole body you hurt for the one that you reach out to that's the body he's not asking you to hurt for the whole body he said that you hurt everywhere you go you find that hurt and may God make you a healer and may he get you off focus from think that you're going through now I want everybody in this building to forget your problem forget what you're going to forget your discouragement you said well been here all this time and I'm still at it I'm still being pounded by the enemy and I'm still and at this point of discouragement would you forget that would you minister from the next 15 minutes I want you to minister to everybody in your circle I want you to pray as you've never prayed before and I'm telling you the glory of the Lord will come upon every group we'll come on this house and God will be honored because you are seeing is where I'm hoping the Lord is showing me their spiritual eyes I'm seeing Christ now in his fullness is a full body will you stand now folks I want everybody to pray there's no altar call this is body ministry and you're going to minister to those around it and you don't know that you don't need to know what the problem is pastor Carter had a word of knowledge the other night about someone who's thinking of ending it all and the man was here and God touched him and somebody here is probably going to be praying for him I don't know what it's going to be in your circle but I want you to discern the body discern the body tonight see the body I've been so blind to it not ask God to forgive me I want to be part of the body I want you get in circles right now four five six at the most turn around behind you if you have to walk across the aisle whatever it is and I want everybody to pray in concert everybody praying at one time God has he's better than any computer he can compute it he can compute our prayers I you might get in not too large of a circle lower the circles down to maybe six people or something that if there's more fine but I want everybody up in the balconies and here in the main floor I want you to minister in love and I want you to pray for your brothers and sisters right now everybody in this house pray and lift up your voice to God and minister to those in your circle everybody pray Lord come now show us your body give us eyes to see Lord Jesus now give us eyes to see God give us a Ministry of compassion let us feel the hurts of those in our circle lift up your hands I lift up your hearts rather come on lift up your heart God everyone in this circle everyone in this circle God touched them and healed them God give me a vision open my eyes somebody's hurting in this circle someone is grieving someone is discouraged someone needs a miracle halleluyah halleluyah
Views: 131,888
Rating: 4.8713884 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, David Wilkerson Sermons, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth
Id: fdJ3E0wmZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 21sec (3321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2012
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