Casting Down Unbelief by David Wilkerson

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casting down unbelief casting down unbelief mark 6 please and he went out from thence and came into his own country his disciples follow him and when the Sabbath day was come he began to teach in the synagogue and many hearing him were astonished saying from whence at this man these things and what wisdom is this which is given to him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands is this not the carpenter the son of Mary the brother of James and Joseph and of Judah and of Simon are they not are not his sisters with us and they were offended him jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor sir but in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house and he could there do no mighty work save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk and healed them and he marveled because of their unbelief and if you read on it says and he just went on he just went on God helped the people when God the precious Christ because of unbelief says I have to move on Heavenly Father we thank you this morning for your presence Holy Spirit you were here to warm our hearts you are here to show the merciful Christ in dark times and Lord I need you to speak into me and through me I'm only a vessel only a voice and I stand here in need this morning that would speak a merciful word from your heart that I would portray you who you truly are God of grace and mercy but a God who cannot work where there is no faith God speak to our inner man speak to us Lord and stir our hearts that once and for all we will come into the knowledge of this truth Lord as simple as it is we would finally grasp it we could finally understand the thing that grieves the heart of God and we shading in mercy and in grace the grief of God's heart has caused because of the unbelief of those closest to his heart so Lord I'm asking you to cast down all unbelief in me cast down all unbelief in your servants cast out all unbelief in those who are hearing this word where it may be we glorify you now in Jesus name a man in mark 5 you don't turn there but you you see Christ going about doing mighty works you see him cleansing a demonic who has the Legion of Devil's in him he speaks the word and the devil flees you see him lay his hands on the sick and they recover you see him go into the house of a Jewish ruler and lays hand on a 12-year old girl who is dead and the girl comes to life and in the fifth chapter you see a woman who has a terrible hemorrhaging a sickness and she but touches the hem of His garment and she is healed and you hear Jesus saying your faith has made you whole it's a it's a whole picture of what happens by believing that he is God when you get now into the sixth chapter of Mark you see Jesus going to Nazareth the Bible said it's his hometown his kinsman his house he this is where he lived for thirty years and he comes to his others of the second visit to Nazareth the first visit he stood in the in the synagogue and he opened what a in Isaiah probably the 53rd chapter about the prophecy of the coming Christ the coming Messiah and he closed the book and then he stood before these of Nazareth in their synagogue and he said this day this scripture is fulfilled before your eyes could you imagine what we like to be in a congregation where God himself in flesh opens a prophetic word from many many years prior and suddenly God says look at me I'm your God I am the fulfillment of this prophecy you see these people were Bible lovers they were scripture lovers they were in the synagogue they're sincere people they are they love to go to synagogue they would never miss church and they they love the Word of God they said he's a teacher he's a good teacher he's a good man we know him we know his family is a good example but to see they had heard on this second visit they had Jesus had been in that it will had performed many miracles and word traveled all over the nation all over the the communities and the word was that this man is doing mighty works by the laying on of his hands and by speaking the word and this same Jesus comes again to his hometown I don't know if he's weary I don't know if he just wanted to visit with his family but he went to the synagogue again and began the teach they they said where did he get this knowledge that this is an incredible this is a wonderful teacher but the Bible says that they had no faith what they had heard was what he was doing elsewhere what he was doing some other place and folks this is the tragedy for many Christians and many churches you see they knew his reputation they knew he was a miracle worker they had heard these stories where he was working elsewhere where he had done many mighty works but there's no one there in that congregation he was saying why can't we have that here what we hear happening elsewhere why can't we have the miracles here why can't we see the move here have you heard of what God is doing elsewhere elsewhere where God the Spirit is moving where people excited and multitudes are coming to Christ folks we see God move here all the time and we don't take it for granted but there's nothing in the hearts of these people of expectancy there's no faith and the problem is they will not acknowledge this man as God they won't acknowledge that He is God come into flesh and this is the problem today we have a whole generation of Christians even evangelicals who acknowledge the manhood of Jesus Christ they know he's a great teacher and they believe many of the things that he's written that they don't acknowledge him as God and folks when we do not believe him if we don't believe what he said I will be a God to you that's the Krewe covenant I will be a God to you and you will be my children and if we don't believe that if we can we can weep over and we can say I'm a friend of God but there has to come a time in the midst of our hardships in the midst of our trials where we truly let him be God to us the god of the impossible we're looking in the face of every incredible hopeless situation that you don't just come to him as a man you don't come to him as a teacher you come to him as your God as the God of the impossible and the Bible says about Nazareth on this visit and he could do no mighty works there except lay his hands on a few people now I don't know why God has limited himself in this man because here stands Christ in their midst here's the miracle worker wanting to do a miracle wanting to bring the healing power to these people and to bring hope it's because you see when there's unbelief there's there's nothing but a wilderness where there's unbelief there's hopelessness so these were hopeless people it's very evident because jesus said he marveled it isn't that their unbelief he was it was shocked in other words by the run belief he was shocked that they didn't didn't see in here they wouldn't even accept the testimony of those elsewhere folks there was there were there was no one in that congregation who rose up and said what why can't God do this in my life why can't I see the miracle that I see in here elsewhere let me give you a few examples when I was a boy I remember stories coming out of Argentina tremendous stories of thousands coming to Christ in fact they were having stadium meetings and 200,000 people were coming and tens of thousands of people were being saved people were being healed an unknown evangelist maybe would Tommy Hicks Lord told him to go to Argentina he got on a plane went Argentina knew nobody but he said God told him that you're going to awaken Argentina the whole country he had no place to go and he started little churches and saying God wants to move God's moving elsewhere he wants to move here he wants to do something in your midst and I'm telling you that they're going to be millions turned to Christ God is going to open doors if you'll trust him that you start believing you start taking him at his word and in a simple way in fact he never preached with notes in he was not a great preacher it was he just had faith he was a man of faith and little by little people began to come together and he's got God said I want you to go to the two general Peron and see if you get permission to get in the stadium miraculously God made an arrangement for him to visit and pray for Peron and Paroles family members family was healed and he found out what Tommy was doing and so he said I'm going to give you the football stadium and they began to start advertising and people started getting saved in folks it wasn't long until there were two hundred thousand people coming every night Argentina was swept with a fire of God and the Holy Spirit and when the Brethren in in Brazil heard of what was happening in Argentina they sent men they went else because they were saying well he's moving elsewhere he's moving in Argentina why can't he move in Brazil and these men started flocking to the meetings and seeing that God was doing in their heart began to burn and they caught the flame of faith they went back and began to preach the same thing God is able he's still on the throne nothing is too hard for our God let's believe God now we have prayed and we have fasted now let's believe God and let's trust him and let us minister to our people faith and God began to move in Brazil another fire broke out and folks there are millions and millions of evangelicals now in Brazil and Brazil is still burning with fire God is still saving by multitudes and of course in Chile they heard about it what was happening in Argentina their neighbor and what was happening in Brazil their neighbor and pastors went to Brazil and to Argentina and got a spark of fire and the same thing fire went all through Chile and right now probably 30% of the population of Chile are evangelicals but you see right next door Tarzan Tina is Uruguay it's never seen a moving of the Holy Spirit right next door see they hear of what God is doing elsewhere they hear what God is doing north and south and west of them I'm going to I leave tomorrow to go to Paraguay to Montevideo an anticipate about 4,000 pastors from the hills and all over and I'm going to tell them what I'm telling you it's not enough to hear what God is doing elsewhere the same God that moves in those countries the same god that's moving here in Times Square Church and wherever there is faith where there's a people that they hold of the promises of God the Holy Spirit moves and I'm believing God and the same thing as this church and pastor goes to Burundi the the God that's moving in South America the God that's moving in other African nations can come within one week and change the nation but there has to be faith there has to be something the heart says that I believe God I'm not satisfied with what I hear helping elsewhere and Christian you shouldn't be satisfied of the miracles you hear your your Christian brother or sister receiving from the Lord we stood here and we listened with warmed hearts as Basma Carter talks about what God is doing in the family it shouldn't be enough for you to sit here or me to sit here and say thank God for he's doing elsewhere there should be something a heart said God you're no respecter person what you've done for him to go do for me and I claimed the same promises that he claimed if he's got Psalm 112 I've got it too and I'm going to be God in my heart folk there's no such thing as a dead place just dead Christians who don't have the faith nothing's too hard for God years ago when the Lord sent me to work with in gangs here in New York City and and this next year is the 50th anniversary of that first trip to New York City and when people heard that I was going to New York City and at that time there were hundreds of gangs of this city in on that particular month I was leaving some I think 26 had been murdered on the streets that the gang fights 19:58 and and that they said gangs won't that just mock you they'll ridicule you and they'll try to fight you your life is in danger and no drug addict gets known that there is no known cure for the drug addict 1958 that was the medical truth that was it no drug addict no evidence of a drug addict being saved the heroin addict but I believed God there was something in my heart there was no money there was no plan there was nothing but a simple faith in God's Word God said I'm going to save gang leaders I'm going to save alcoholics I'm going to save drug addicts and I'm going to do miracles on the streets of New York so I got in my car and I slept in my car on the street few nights a dumb thing to do now I know so what did God do first thing he does is save one of the worst gang leaders in New York City Nicky Cruz will he'll be here Friday night and then he goes to down in Brooklyn and in front of a pizza shop and finds one of the worst heroin addicts those who said they you know supposed to be untouchable nobody can reach the drug addict and the first one that comes in is a heroin addict gets saved and called the priest that's Sonny organs Oney who is now a Bishop of over two hundred churches around the world I started traveling and God began to move and others came here they heard what God was doing elsewhere they came from Chicago that was the first Center that came down with the delegation and sit in my office to say what's happening and talk the drug guys went back and they started in Chicago and then Los Angeles and all over the world now 520 of these centers worldwide because somebody we're not satisfied to hear what God was doing elsewhere I want to see this it dance to be something in your heart some of you have given up on your family some of you have and I'm not preaching from notes I'm preaching from my heart I'm telling everybody there there are many that have given up on the prayer given up on the vision given up on the hope some of you need healing and giving up so I'm just going to bear the pain there's a dear sister who wrote to us and she's been in pain for some 10 years you see if best David you come to the place where all you want in life you're one single desire other than serve the Lord is to have one hour for your pain you give anything in the world to have one hour for your pain and yet you you almost here at this resignation that's the life that I'm I have them that will never change you've got two three that God changes things I'm believing that now my son is in a hospital right now Greg is in the hospital in in Germany being operated on probably on Tuesday and he's fine but folks I I have I tell you honestly I have believed God through this I have trusted God I trusted God through the death there's suffering and death of our granddaughter and I know in my heart I trusted God I said God you know best and I I surrender that I put into your hands and your will be done we prayed for healing but you see when you set your - that your heart say aye I want to please God the Bible said without faith it's impossible to please him and God has spent years and years looking and waiting for people who in any crisis will trust him and I'm not railing at anybody now I'm not I'm not I'm not trying to condemn anybody listening to me now but this is a time in God's earth in God's creation this is the only generation left I believe that has the possibility of being a people who rise up and fully trust him Israel failed think of it only two men came out with faith after 40 years of testing and trying and God pleading and God with mercy leading and showing signs and wonders and miracles they couldn't even look back to the last miracle let alone 40 years of miracles and we've got to look back and see what God is doing and what he's done and not elsewhere but here in my heart today and I'm telling you in this building right now in the AMEX wherever you are you can lay a hold of faith you can lay a hold of the promise of God whatever you're facing whatever you're going through Jesus is in this house I said Jesus is in this house just as surely as he walked to Nazareth and students that I am here I am God I want to heal you I want to answer you a prayer right now those doubts those fears when you see the devil watches and he listens closely he can't read your mind but he can hear your voice he hears my voice at the moment he begins to hear this flow of murmuring and complaining and saying oh God where are you you know God came to Gideon the people needed deliverance and he he said God said a word to him said you're a mighty man of Valor do my work and he listens to the lie of the devil and he goes to God if God before us why are we going through what we're going through if God is with us and you tell me I'm a man of Valor that I should have faith but where's the evidence we're here that all these years were suffering on the Midianites and he allowed a lie of Satan to hold back his faith until finally he had to try to depend on fleeces I've never put much faith in fleeces putting God to the test all the time God wants simple determined faith and confidence in his word and faith is obeying simply obeying and believing laying hold of the promises of God you see the devil waits and he hears that and when he hears this flow of unbelief and how it it grieves the Heart of Jesus you remember the story after his resurrection after Mary reports that she had seen the angel the angel said he's gone he's resurrected they wouldn't believe it another report comes they don't believe it and when Jesus finally comes on the scene and he sees and he senses this incredible unbelief even though they see him in the flesh you see if we depend on miracles always on miracles to increase our faith and we will always say well one more Lord it has to be bigger and better each time and they see him face to face and the Lord was grieved he was he was deeply hurt to the point that he had braided them for their unbelief i I want to thank God this morning I just want to give Him praise we're talking about faith that there was a time that I sat where I sit in this church and that's C and I was going through a very very difficult time some of the pastor's took on other visions and moved on there were no elders and a member and I said here this morning thinking about it that day that I said there and I said oh god I am hurting I can't do this I can't pass this church alone I can't handle this anymore and I said Jesus by faith I'm asking you you had 12 I want 12 and I I said here this morning counting seven elders that seven elders eight you mean God's given me thirteen eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen concluding Theresa both Lord you did it you overdid it you overdid it [Applause] I'm not much interested in my notes but you know see that there when we begin to murmur and complain the enemy hears this and he he takes advantage of that we have got to remember there's anise there is there's the devil who's out to destroy our faith did you hear what I said there is a devil who is determined to rob our faith he can't read your mind but he hears these things and when he hears this murmuring hears this complaining that God does that woman and we do voice what's in the heart is going to be spoken and it opens us to the lies of the enemy that's when he moves in let me just go over a few of these lies that he in pants of the mind he will send principalities and powers and he will come at you with lies the Bible said that he is the father of all lies and he works through lies he does not lie to his own people he does not lie to God God but he knows he can't lie to God who does he lie to let me tell you who he lies to with with most venom he comes with the most venomous lies against those who set their heart to trust God those who set the heart say Lord I want to live this life I am NOT going to live this up-and-down faith walk I wanted whatever the cost is whatever it takes give me faith or forgive my unbelief and only spirit come and give me this faith and the rest because you see the older I get the less strength I I know that I have and there comes a time like mr. Billy Graham who just died this past week please wear it you become so feeble over the years you don't have the fire to to pray and you don't have the fire to the ability to cry out to God but there's one thing that I hear from these dear people and have heard is this walk of faith that God have all these years have been faithful and I have trusted and believed God and there's one thing that I know that I can give God to my dying day and that's my confidence that I can say I have trusted you O God I have trusted you I look over my life at 76 now and I know I know what God has done I've been up and down in the valleys of despair and the heights of with faith but I've asked God not for the highs and lows but just that confidence that confidence to the end of time to the end of your days I don't know why lately I've been speaking so much about the dangers of unbelief but I honestly believe that what is coming to this nation into the world you'd better lay hold of faith you better lay hold of it now because the testing time is coming the testing time is coming where you will wonder is this is this ever going to end but thank God for people in faith let me just for a few minutes expose one or two of these lies one of the biggest most vicious lies that the devil comes to you especially when he knows of your consecration he knows of your walk he knows of your desire to to be everything that he's called you to be he comes in with this lie you are too weak for spiritual warfare you're too weak for this battle some of you know what I'm talking about immediately because you're in a battle you're in a struggle and there's weariness of the flesh and spirit and mine and the devil comes to you at that time just this distance absent tried to come against David the advice was let's get him when he's tired and weary he was hiding in a cave and the word came and his advised absent adviser let's go after lets get him while he's tired and weary and the enemy comes almost with a hypnotic voice the powers of hell and dark that he has principalities and powers there is an enemy that's coming The Devil's come down have a great wrath and he comes with that wrath against those who God is calling out and and bringing out of the body and special faith and those who were so given to his heart and he will come with weariness and he will he will magnify that weariness many many times over and you would hear this voice you are too tired you mentally and physically I know it this kind of lie I've had that come to me in my study a number of times but you can't handle the spiritual warfare you're too tired and some of you are hearing that voice and you've been hearing it this past week maybe this past day you can't go on yet this is too much David came to the place where he thought it was too much and he said build it I had the wings of an eagle I'd fly away he wanted to find it an island somewhere just get away do you ever want to get away from all your problems just get away leave it all find some nice little hiding place where there are no burdens and no trials well folks I'll tell you that's the worst wilderness it could ever possibly be you wind up in that dead dry wilderness but that those lies will come to you to rob you of your faith the devil's after your faith and and I say it just as I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to say it there are people listening to me if the antics are the balcony behind me and after it was writing these words down last night as the spirit was speaking to my heart and said this is very important to say I don't know who needs it maybe you're here visiting for the first time but the devil is trying to rob your faith and bring you down and make you give in to the spirit of weariness and this is the warning that came through Daniel remember that he said that that was going to come and try to weary the saints of God to weary them there is a weariness a spiritual physical weakness I know the hand of God is on me I know that I'm stepping back and the Holy Spirit is speaking through me this is not a sermon this is a no theology God is speaking into your heart don't listen to the lab the enemy in that weakness there will be strength come that you could not have imagined there would be glory conduct you cannot imagine yes there is weakness yes there's tiredness and that's not a sin that that's not the issue whatsoever but the Lord is saying tonight will you shut those lies down will you turn away from them and say I will not believe this I'm going to go in the strength of God I have to get on a plane tomorrow and fly down thousands of miles and physically not in the in the flesh that no way it could be done but I believe God and I will not listen to the devil's lies I'm not going to go around saying yes I'm tired you're just repeating the lies of the devil forget that now in the name of Jesus while you're sitting at your she say I am the strength of God through Jesus Christ my lord I am NOT too weak for the spiritual warfare I'm going to fight I'm going to fight the good fight of faith with Paul the Apostle and come against those lies another lie that the devil uses and this I'm just going to close you're not making spiritual progress boy I hear this in the mail that comes from all over the world that after all you've heard and all the sermons and every thought that goodness of God to you and therefore the teaching of the you're still not growing people are passing you by and those lies will come that you you just get your not work you should be spiritually and and the devil will try to tell you that you are not growing folks that the thing that God is after this morning is that you come to him and say Lord I've I've had enough I'm not going to measure my spirituality not by looking at somebody else I'm not going to measure anything about spiritual growth I'm going to thank you for the past and I'm going to believe you that I'm right where you want me to be because I've been walking with you and I have been loving your word and I'm going to leave the growth situation up to you I'm just going to be happy in Jesus and I'm going to walk in faith I am going to walk in faith would you speak it out right now I believe in the god of the impossible stand we are know much of a homiletic apiece but I know God is speaking if you're here this morning listen to me closely people you hold steady for DISA moment please this will stay because I we don't want to interrupt the work of the Holy Spirit did God speak to you this morning I don't know where in this discourse this morning that God was speaking directly to you but if there's been unbelief terrible fear I want you to get up your seat and come humbly before the Lord and say Lord today make this the crossroads let me cross the line and let me just submit now I come back to your Lord in simple faith I'm going to believe if you don't know Christ you come with these or if you're backslidden come with these that are coming from the balcony go the stairs on either side and in the balcony you can just walk up the front between the screams and I'll pray for you there but if the spirits speaking to you in any manner I can't I'm not going to try to describe or define how the spirit is speaking to you but if he's been speaking to you and you need revitalizing your faith with bigger eyes by the Holy Spirit you want a new baptism of faith now I know we could just plug this this altar but why don't we just now everybody in this building reach out for just a moment before we begin to praise him let's ask him to forgive us of our unbelief Lord I'm asking you to forgive my unbelief forgive my unbelief Lord if you're gone and we say that let us believe it God says I will be a god to you I will be God to you you'll be my servant you be my child and Lord let us believe that let us bring the hardest thing in our life let us bring the present crisis to you this morning Lord and let us let us bring all these lies to the foot of the cross not allow the enemy to rob us and steal our faith our confidence in you because of the days that our head Lord Jesus right now come by your Holy Spirit and implant fresh faith the fresh fire in our souls to believe God for the impossible hallelujah the Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word that is not only the written word it's the priests Word so the Bible says you mix what you have now with faith and this will increase your faith and he said if we don't mix the word that we hear with faith it's of no value it just drops in front of us so he wants you to leave this place with the determination to search your heart and say lord help me help my unbelief we've all known hard times we've all known traces times but there is a faith a crisis faith that the hold steady and I see God raising up many many people like that we're hearing this in our mail from all over the world now it's happening in the Christians in Iraq there's a there's a faith rising that God is going to undertake you hear of this faith rising in Israel you hear it all over the world now but there should be something like in my heart Lord I want this I want to be one that trusts you I want to come through this not saying oh if I'd only held on a little longer you've heard me say over and over again the hardest part of faith is at last half hour just before Jesus comes as' answers prayer Gwen crease reminding me that David you said last half-hour is the hardest hold on Lord Jesus I pray right now we don't have to work it up it's it's something we determine in our hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit when he sees that determination that we'll it says I want to I want this kind of faith that would not cower to the enemy I want this kind of faith that says Lord I believe you I ask for a miracle and then having committed that prayer to you we would step back and say Lord it's in your hands now do as you will we know our God is able but if we have to go through the furnace you'll meet us with a revelation like we've never seen before you will walk through the fire with us and you'll go with us through the flood you will be God to us Lord that is the heart of the New Covenant I will be got to you I'll write my laws my promises into your heart and if you pull out those promises if you'll just lay hold of those promises I will answer you pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus I want to trust you through my present trial hold me come Holy Spirit I need strength I need divine strength Holy Spirit I trust that you live in me and if you live in me you will not withhold from me give me this continuous faith this unwavering faith that I may please God and glorify his name in the midst of my fire now just raise your hands and thank him he does here he does answer Lord we worship let's praise Him just give him praise Lord thank you you're alive you're at work you're with us Jesus you are here [Applause] [Music]
Views: 139,368
Rating: 4.8652062 out of 5
Keywords: David, Wilkerson, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: 3XD_dgMKTYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2009
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