Praying In The Closet by David Wilkerson

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I want to preach this morning about praying in the closet praying in the closet I want you go to Matthew the 6th chapter if you will please Matthew the 6th chapter and start verse 6 very familiar passage of Scripture but thou when thou prayest this is Jesus speaking when you pray enter into your closet and when you have shut the door pray to the Father which is in secret and the father with sees in secret shall reward thee openly when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think they shall be heard for their much speaking be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things you have need of before you ask then he goes on teaching them the Lord's Prayer Heavenly Father we thank you for truth we know Lord that you called us to the city and you've raised up pastors to stand with us to preach the truth we came here Lord to hear your word and to obey it and you have raised up a body of people who love the word we love your word in this house we honor your word in this house and Holy Spirit without your anointing the word has no impact it does not get into the conscience of men so Holy Spirit come now and dig into our consciousness dig into the conscience itself Lord Jesus speak freely through my lips sanctify these lips and sanctify our ears to hear what the Lord through the Holy Spirit would say to our hearts this morning in Christ's name I pray amen I've got a question for you in this time of darkness and uncertainty in the United States around the world when you look back over the past five 10 years that in certainty that's in the world and the perplexity keeps magnifying itself in intensifying think of the tsunami think of 9:11 think of terrorism think of the war in Afghanistan Afghanistan and Iraq and then recently in Lebanon and you think of nuclear weapons in the hands of madmen you hear the news and you hear the secularist you hear even those who are very very liberal in every sense of the word and you hear fear you hear anxiety and you remember the words of Jesus the time would come when men's hearts all men's hearts would fail them for fear watching those things coming on the earth and you see this rapidity of events coming you see and feel the intensity you when gas prices were skyrocketing and people there's fear this fear everywhere and many but said we've begun the third world war you hear all of these things and people are turning it off they can't handle anymore because it's just been overwhelming and my question is this what can the chart to do what does the body of what is the body of Christ call to do what can we do because most people think that problems can't be solved anymore that we are we have reached a place a Zenith of hopelessness that there's no more hope and a lot of young people now returning to drugs a lot of people are turning to alcohol because of that hopelessness what can the Church of Jesus Christ do we do when we see these things what do we do we just do it we just sit down and wait for the coming of Jesus and say well we're many priests we're not going to go through the tribulation I'm not going to get into that I believe we're going to go through a lot of suffering but do we just sit and come to church and and praise the Lord and thank God that we are saved is there no power left is there nothing that the Church of Jesus Christ is called to do in the worst times of crises do we listen to the devil who says you can't do any thing now why don't you just thank God that you're saved and he will use scripture to reinforce that but why evangelize anymore because the Muslims of the Islamic Tsar taking over the world so what are you going to do because if you preach the gospel in an Islamic country they're going to cut your head off and we listen to all of this and we see the the Islamic religion of being forced I was listening to a news program of a group of young Islam aches in London and this is what they said it would it's said a knife in my spirit he said we are Muslims we're not Christians we don't turn the other cheek we've cut your head off he said that's our religion this was I'm not making a comment on the Islamic religion this is what I heard this is what the young terrorist believed that the young militants believed in in the midst of all of this what does the church do what do we do and in the image of a lot of Christians now the church has become so weak its turn to materialism preaching the success gospel and getting rich on Jesus and making sure you get your Mercedes and you get your big fancy house I'm not against any of that and God does bless people and thank God for the blessings but but if you watched a lot of Mott if you see modern television you see Jesus portrayed as a Santa Claus who's just trying to make sure that you get your part of the American Pie and it's an abomination in the eyes of Almighty God and so really the world looks on the churches being an absolutely powerless entity now let's go back to what the Prophet Joel said in a similar time he said it was a day of darkness and gloominess a day of thick darkness that was coming a day such as there never was seen before in history and Joel cried out a day of the Lord is at hand a time of destruction from the almighty shall come it shall come so what does Joel say to do in times like these you go to the you go to the Old Testament you see the pattern for the new and here's what that prophet joel said for the church to do therefore now turn to the Lord with all your heart with fasting with weeping and mourning rend your heart and turn to the Lord for he is gracious merciful slow to anger he's of great kindness and he repents of the evil even now listen to this even now who knows if he will return and repent and leave a blessing behind him and I was reading that in these two words hit me hard even now even now in the time of the worst apostasy in the history of the world now in the time of militant homosexuality when the breaking down of moral standards men wanting to marry men and women wanting to marry women and adopting children in a time even now when the courts are trying to drive Christ drive God out of society despising his name even now when it seems like the day of Mercy is over and God has seemed to have said enough he said even now call together the Assembly began to pray begin to weep and repent before the Lord he said even now when gross darkness covers of the earth even now when society is losing its moral compass even now call on the Lord even now listen to what he says for he is gracious merciful slow to anger of great kindness and repents of the evil and even now who knows if he will return and repent and leave behind the blessing behind him folks we have to beware of what the devil is saying he's saying that generation is too wicked and he's going to twist the Word of God and say God has set judgments now the vials of Wrath they're coming and they are but folks right up to the last day the last breath that we breathe before Christ returns to the very last the Spirit of God is still here on this earth he's still wooing he's still calling he's still moving and God does not take into account anything that comes from any other God so-called God not Mohammed not Allah not any of the million gods in India God does not take account his word stands true and God all the prophets and everything that God says through his prophets to the church is that the darker the times become the more chaos that is the time to press in that is time to believe that God says I'm going to honor my name no name will be raised above my name God honors his word and he honors his name and he wants to pour out his spirit and the Prophet Zechariah said in a similar day a similar time as ours in gross darkness when it seemed like the world was shaking and coming apart he says God is going to pour out a spirit of supplication upon his people there's going to be a spirit of supplication he the Scriptures Joel by the way said blow the trumpet call a fast call the church gather the people and the elders and all the ministers of the Lord come to the altar and began to seek me again and what will we to pray what what is the church to pray in times like these he said call the people together start seeking God is never before don't get discouraged don't believe the lies of the devil that there can't be an awaking of his area before Christ returns don't give in to the despair don't give in to the feeling that one of these days the Islamic critics of Muslim religion is going to take over the world and that they're going to take over England and Europe and they're going to take over the United States folks that's unscriptural it will never happen because God can change things overnight when hard times come and folks when there's a prop there were a vien flu and when all these gods Allah and the million gods of India and all the gods around the world when they fail it same thing will happened that happened in Sri Lanka and in other countries when the tsunami came they said where was our God where what happened and in every false God every God that people are serving today folks I'm not afraid to preach it I'm not afraid to speak we don't we we don't rail against religions here but folks when we've got a whole we got nation after nation of Islamic standing up say we're out to destroy Christianity they're not going to scare the true Christian of Jesus Christ the two believers in Jesus Christ it will not be a spirit of the flesh but there'll be a spirit of the Holy Ghost rise up in us and say enough is enough the Holy Ghost will move and stop any invasion that would hinder the missionary endeavors of the Holy Spirit in the last day so we're not to give in to the fears of this generation folks if you have to turn off the news turn it off keep up if keep in touch a few please but folks don't let any of those reports get in to keep the calm of the Holy Spirit God still has everything under control here's what we are told to pray let the people say stop the reproach of your name hear it stop the reproach of your name this is Joel Joel 2:17 don't your church be reproached any longer stop the heathen from trying to lord it over your church I'm paraphrasing that it no longer be said to this about this church where is your God let it never again be said he said call the people together and pray that this reproach be lifted from the ministry the reproach be lifted from the Church of Jesus Christ that it's powerless it doesn't any pop-ups we have power in prayer we still have power in prayer we always did and always will are you hearing anything I'm saying here you see we can propitiate this Lord that we serve we can plead and God still hears announcer's the sincere effectual fervent prayer of his believers now back to Zechariah 12 chapter don't turn there but let me read what in a similar time he's saying I will pour out upon the house of David that is the church the spirit of grace and supplication the land shall mourn yes the land shall mourn every family apart and the family of the house of David now that's the church the family of the house of Levi that's every family apart and their wives that's individuals apart now the Prophet the Prophet Zachariah is establishing the fact that God wants to meet his people in three places three places no one Israel went into the promised land God ordained Bethel he ordained Shiloh he had places where he said I'll meet you you come to Bethel you go to Shiloh there were places that he chose there are three places that God has ordained through the Prophet Zechariah in that time and I believe that that is a dual prophecy it has to do today he said I'm going to pour out a spirit of supplication that's a spirit of Prayer and a spirit of grace and enablement to pray and he said is going to begin in the house that's the gathering he said my house shall be called a house of prayer God's call first as to the Church of Jesus Christ to pray and seek the face of God all history has been changed through the power of prayer in the body of Jesus Christ all history has been changed nations have been changed church is going to Burundi with pastor Carter and his staff and the staff of this church and invited by the president of Burundi and God has put in pastor Carter's heart and all of those who are praying for Burundi and anticipate going that God is going to impact that nation and it's surrounded by countries now that are being overrun by forces of iniquity and we believe that God is going to answer that prayer and God has put that in heart pastor Carter and I believe that that through prayer God can save Nations this is about nations and not just about pastors and their problems but the Lord will raise up such a zeal in such a faith in such a confidence in their hearts that as they seek for their own country they rise above their own battles and their own fears and their own situations and their individual churches rise above it and see the greater picture that God is wanting to move nations I think our God has been too small for us now I want to talk about this and I want to expand on this he's saying I'm going to pour out my spirit and I want to meet you first of all in the house Holy Spirit came first to the house he came to a gathering of 120 in upper room he came to the church and the Bible said they continued steadfastly in prayer remember in the New Testament church Peter was released from prison and how is it because and the church prayer was made continually for the release of Peter he God releases through the power of the corporate prayer of the church he releases powers he releases angels he does the miraculous and that's where this begins he calls us this church's vote led the leadership of the church to on occasion and almost every year this year included that there will be three days of prayer and fasting here in New York City beginning Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and folks God answers that kind of prayer that we are called to this corporate prayer and there's nothing more beautiful than to be in this church when the spirit of prayer hits when the spirit of prayer comes from the Holy Ghost and it just lifts us into another realm it's a glorious thing we have prayed for situations and things we prayed that God would open manchuria for example and our prayers and others worked and God is open wide manchuria if God opens country who have been praying for Cuba and coop is beginning to open up it opens up Nations it God has answered prayer for individuals that were referred to here this church including my son and God has done these miracles through the body of Jesus Christ that is the first call of God to get the church on its knees seeking the Lord but you see corporate prayer is limited it's limited to schedule now if you came to every service at Time Square Church six services I figured six seven services that the most and services our services last about two hours and if we spent one hour and every service repair you would get six at the most seven hours of prayer for the week and we and many of us are thank God for that that's that's wonderful and that is God's design that's where it begins but many people you ask them to a pro I just come from three days of fasting and prayer yes I pray but you see there's there's another invitation there's another place God said I want to meet you and he said he's family apart this is the two or three that gathered together and my name Jesus said this this is this unity prayer of of having somebody to pray with now let me tell you if you're a believer and you love to pray if you have someone that you pray with of like spirit you're one of the most those blessed persons on the earth if you have someone you can get on the phone with or someone that you pray with that's a miracle that God has done a wonderful thing it's family it's and folks I believe that every family should have prayer time when did I pray every day we pray for years for our children not one would be lost we pray for our grandchildren we have prayed away girlfriends and boyfriends that we knew could destroy them I'm working on a couple grandsons right now we're working on we prayed them away we prayed some girls away we prayed some boys away no I'm going to get off on that I are you too busy to pray with your mate you know I grew up I'll tell you I'm standing here I grew up with family prayer meetings every day we would beware that we're playing it it was either before school and in the summertime we playing mother would go to the front door dead prayer time Jerry Juanita Ruth Don wouldn't born yet prayer to everybody in the neighborhood do and sometimes I hated it and sometimes I would drape and groan I wouldn't a preacher then I was a kid but you know it was something happened to those meetings where the call of God was moving in and and and God did great things in our license through those prayer meetings he there there is such a thing as this unity prayer of the one or two of the two or three that are greeing together folks most of the intercessors that I have met in my lifetime comes in twos or threes two threes and in that that is one of the calls that go is talking about God said I'm going to pour out my spirit of grace and it's not enough to just have a part in corporate praying in the church it has to be praying in the home you say well my husband is not saved or my wife is not saved or my children in rebellion have your prayer time right there because that's your house did you hear me that's your child doesn't own your boy I don't care if he's 18 he died knowing how you didn't pay the bills you pay the rent and you have every right not in rebellion not in kind of any putting your face thing but just get your Bible out kitchen table sit there and by your head and pray and when they see in here that / time but now I come to the heart of my message and that is the closet praying the individual this is what Zechariah City and and I read it again I will pour out my spirit I will pour out the spirit it begins with the house Zechariah said and then it extends here it is every family apart and every wife apart the wife representing the individual God said then I will pour out my spirit and God can't pour out his spirit until he finds individuals waiting upon him upon which he can pour that spirit that's been promised now jesus said when you pray let me find it here in just min but when you pray enter into your closet this is the text that I gave you Matthew 6 6 through 8 enter into your closet now folks let me stop there for just a moment and in the oriental house at the time of Christ was giving these words in the center of the house the rental house there was a room called the storage room a small room where they they stored goods and that was in the center of the house and it was this select place he said you enter into the closet and when you have shut the door pray to the Father is in secret and your father who sees in secret so reward you openly now folks listen to me God's been speaking to my heart we're in New York and we this is the departments are small and for a number of years especially since I came to New York and past 20 years when I got to this these words of Jesus I've just backed away from the more or less and been preaching look over some late old notes and saying well now you can you don't have a private place you can't find a secret place and so were you on the bus whether it's subway where you're at does this make that your secret place but you know the more I walk with God the more he see I'm 75 and I'm still being trained I'm still being taught in the Lord kept telling me go back to this and so in my own life I've had to do this I it's not just I have prayer walks yes and I do that but that you know every time I've walked I've been interrupted I don't have that special uninterrupted quiet time he said go into the closet and shut the door and pray the father in secret and the father see it in secret and I've been saying well that's okay and I'm afraid sometimes I've eased up I have not made it clear what Jesus is saying because I didn't practice it and see it my own life as I should that's all changed because see when my son became sick and doctors couldn't fight about it it demanded of me not just taking it by faith even though I had a promise from the Holy Spirit not promise from the Lord that God had everything in control and that God was going to bring healing the more God said that to me the more I wanted to go in alone with him and keep pressing in until I saw it and felt it and knew it was in my hand it's not enough just to take it by faith a lot of us just do that we're going to take it by faith and we use that an excuse from having this secret time with the Lord alone and we excuse it by saying I don't have the time I don't have the time I don't have a place and thirdly I don't know what to say I can't endure more than 10 15 minutes but folks if even if you gave the 10 or 15 minutes let me show you what Jesus said and in the morning that this is Jesus practicing what he's preaching here and in the morning rising up a great while before daylight he went out and departed into a solitary place and there he prayed in Matthew 11:14 23 and when he sent away the multitude he went into a mountain apart to pray and when evening came he was there all alone all alone one of the great writers of the Puritans one of my favorite writers one of the godliest writers ever in the history of mankind I believe that with all my heart I have a set of seventeen of his books and I devour them brother Thomas Manton said we seem to have no time to pray secretly yet we have time for everything else a time to eat to drink time for children a time for our careers yet we don't have time for the one thing that sustains all else we say we have no private place but Jesus found a mountain Peter found a rooftop the prophets found a wilderness and if you truly love someone you will make sure you find a place alone you will find a place you see God often allows afflictions to bring us into the secret closet David said before I was afflicted I went astray but now I keep your word is it before I was afflicted god never flicks allows affliction except as an act of love he never hurts one of his children and sometimes he allows afflictions to bring us to our knees and to wake us up I know from the letters I receive around the old people that are under affliction many of them have told me later God was trying to get my attention David's acknowledging that there was something in his life here you see when times are calm and things are serene and everything is going well the Bible says we're bent on backsliding there's a temptation to just ease off in our prayer life there's a tendency not to carry the burden of Joseph for the nation or to get involved more and more in prayer in fact when things are going smooth when you're not in affliction that's the time to begin to seek Him alone and getting closer to him than you've ever been in that time so that you have the resources you have the power and you have the authority when the enemy comes in like a flood so many people are surprised they're shocked they're not ready they've not been siding with the Lord folks thank God for the prayer of this church thank God for corporate prayer thank God for that one or two gather together those of you getting in smaller circles folks the prayer meeting in this church the Thursday night prayer meeting is the heart of this search it's the heart of any church I don't know any church that on the face of the earth word I've traveled where God is blessing that didn't have a vibrant prayer meeting and it's vital that you be a part of that because if you're there you know that you have been praying secretly with the Lord you've had your time it's one of the evidences because you want to be with the body so you can express what God has shown you in private before I was afflicted I went astray John Calvin one of the great commentators said we never give obedience to God till we're compelled by chastening we don't fully obey his commands until we are compelled by chastening CS Lewis said God whispers to us in our good times but he shouts in our pain this test is a megaphone to wake up a deaf world pain removes the veil he said in good times God speaks quietly but there comes the time that he's got a megaphone in his hand wake up seek me while I may be found in Jeremiah the third chapter and I've got a restaurant right now Jeremiah speaking to ephraim in a time when there was total darkness and it was confusing just like ours and they were praying there was grief in their hearts and God came to me said I feel your grief I hear your cry and when they heard that from the Prophet listen to me closer because this is the that this is a key section of what I'm trying to put across to you today Ephraim is being chastened by the Lord they're under great affliction they're asking why and they come to this conclusion on their own because the Spirit of God had moved on Ephraim represents Israel they said God you have chastened us for a reason we were like a young untrained bull but after I repented then I received instruction get this please the Prophet said you've been like a wild bull God had a purpose for you had a plan a wonderful plan for your life a future for a fee for him but when I put you in school and I allowed some afflictions and I brought the rod because when you're under the old fashioned schooling like I had there had a rod in school now I know that's not politically correct anymore to have a rod but we got spanked in school we had a rod and she tapped you on the shoulder or rather on the rest with the little ruler we got the rod and the Bible talks about being instructed by the rod and you see we're like wild bulls young wild bulls full of energy full of life we want to win world and sometimes we're ebail against that and this one is what happened to Eve who said we were like young wild bulls and we went our own way in other words we saw the affliction we said we don't have to take this why is God doing this to us we're this is ephraim we're God's people were chosen we're called and yet we're being afflicted and the Holy Spirit had to reveal the reason for your affliction and not sometimes incredible flicks in your home in marriage wherever it may be in career these things come at us and the Lord saying I'm trying to take the wild ball out of you I'm trying to take this thing out of you that runs every time there's something that comes into your life that you don't understand and say I don't have to take this I give up and folks the only antidote I know the only antidote of that you see the wild bull runs away what they said when we came to the rod we came to affliction we ran but we have returned to those are the very words Ephraim said we returned and we submitted to the rod we submitted to correction and we didn't ask questions anymore we didn't even accuse the devil or anything else we just said Lord we submit to you and then we started learning we started receiving instruction and I know that's how God deals with me and now rather than fight it I submit I don't want to be a wild bull running around doing my own thing making my own decisions and the only antidote is to be alone with Christ in a secret closet and waiting on him until I get the anointing of Jesus till I have replenished of my spirit through intercessory prayer worshiping if you can't do anything go into the secret closet for 15 minutes to say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God praise Him if that's all you can do get alone if the kids are at school take time if you have to get up in the morning half hour early whatever is get along get along get alone I'm going to close just a minute uh I don't know any other way than to be replenished and get my resources from being shut in with God alone not with my wife not with any prayer warrior there's a place for that and I do that but that's there comes a time as a we just got word last week a bishop friend of ours he was with us in Israel mother so go and we got an email about ten days ago from this bishop he's miserable of the Pentecostal if Avenger Pentecostal movement in in Budapest for the whole nation of Hungary is it good dear friend of mine and he sent us an email about ten days ago and he was cooking at his grill in his clothes caught fire dangerously burned terribly burning he wrote I got an email about ten days ago and he's the pastor Dave I'm not feeling well he told about what happened but they were the church prayed and they thought it was all well and he went to the hospital last week to either remove the bandages and died suddenly of of blood clots the whole Pentecostal movement hungry right now is broken before the Lord now we sent money to that wife but what does money do she's got a whole denomination praying for her but that's not going to heal her she's got a loving family around her but that's not going to comfort her and I'm going to send this message to her and I'm giving her a word now publicly that we will pray with her and stand with her bit her only hope is she the comforter when he comes does one thing and this is his purpose when the Holy Ghost comes he brings to remembrance everything Jesus said to us and what did Jesus say when you pray go to the closet shut the door he said I'm going to reward you openly what that is a countenance of peace rest of the Holy Spirit there's no other hope there's no psychiatrist no psychologist nobody you have to come to that conclusion and some of you need to hear this now you're not going to get it from somebody else you're not going to get it from husband or wife you're not going to get it from a counselor you're going to get it alone in the secret closet with Jesus he's going to come and appear there and you'll come out of that place renewed at the same time in Honduras as a precious pastor and his wife they have an orphanage in Honduras and we help support measure and they have about 17 and that organ is now on David they found five years ago they found a baby two years old worm-eaten half dead and they brought the baby to the orphanage and that little five year old boy became the Prince of the orphanage and more or less adopted by this pastor and his wife and two weeks ago the children got in the van with one of the staff and they had to stop for a moment and some of the children got out and this little five year old boy it was evident in the front seat and elbow hit the gearshift I guess in the car went in motion little boy fell out and a car rained over and killed him and we sent dr. Smith who has been in this church and he's one of our full-time missionaries we sent him down last week just to counsel them and while brother Smith stood there he fell and broke his hip in his heat these people these dear people have been inconsolable children all saw it happen inconsolable what I'm asking you what hope is there who can get through what can you say you can't start quoting scriptures to people that are going through this kind of pain and said well what we do is well here's what the Bible says here's what the Bible says yes it does but folks I can only say and again I send this message and we'll send it out tomorrow we're pledging and I want these this couple to know that this church stands with them in prayer and at the close of this meeting we're going to pray for these two occasions I'm not trying to be sensational I'm trying to make a point first of all to have you pray for these dear people and to let them know that I can't write them a letter with any Scripture I can't give them anything from 50 years of preaching I can't touch that hurt that pain I can't touch it and I'm saying to them get along there sister go to your own place until my dear brother go to your own place and just sit there in his presence I know you have but folks that is the only hope that's the only deliverance from pain when you're in a bad marriage and you tried everything that's I opened the letter yesterday is a beautiful young Christian girl prayed fell in love and married a young man who was impartial ministry and everybody admired him great Christian gets married she's expecting a child now and she just found out he's a pedophile and she said Pastor David wrote she said I have to divorce him I don't want him to attack my own child she said I don't know what to do and I'm sitting at my desk my god what do I say to her what can you say who who on the face of the earth can walk into that situation and say well here I've got an answer no only Jesus I took everything to him I have a place in everywhere I go the first thing I do I look for my place and look for that trysting spot or nobody because you see when you're praying in the church you're not liable that's not the venue where you want to confess everything out loud are you you're not going to say lord I've had a battle with lust today you're not going to say that in church don't make me say it when you were 2 or 3 you going to say that alone you're not going to unburden your heart except when you're alone and I'm asking God that there be every Christian in this house and every believer that came here visiting for first time that you make a pledge I'm going to find a place you'll find it as being too busy nobody was busier than Jesus he couldn't find time to eat and hardly sleep and yet he got up before the daylight and he found him out and he found a place that's where I am now this hunger this thirst to just seek his face in his presence and then when I come to the prayer meeting I'll come with a little bit of fire brain in my soul and I won't need pastor Neil to drag me out of my blues or drag me out of the pit I'll come and I'll be blessing this man and I'll be blessing those in charge of the prayer meetings I'll come to every service renewed and having resources to add the fire feel to the fire the Holy Ghost here will you stand please [Applause] I'm going to make an invitation that I hadn't planned to visitors and those who call this your church home listen to me closely please I'd like to everybody just stand at attention please for just a moment we'll let you go in just a moment but please hold still I want everybody in the annex watching on the screen and here in the main auditorium I name three cases here very serious cases and you're here you're going through something very very serious in your life you're going through I mean a life-and-death crisis right now I don't know if it's the death of a loved one I don't know whether it's news that you received recently I'm somebody that is pained your heart telephone call but you're in a real crisis and you need the prayers of the saints invite you to step out of your seat and come here and we will pray with you this Churchill praying we will believe God to turn things around we believe the Lord to comfort you and you walk out of this church renewed with resources if you don't know Christ if you've back slidden you've turned your back on the Lord or you've just drifted away your hearts grown cold invites you to get out of you sit up in the balcony come and even in the annex if you can just step back to the lobby the ushers will show you how to get into this auditorium you come down the aisle will pray with you but listen to me please I don't know how to do this Holy Spirit unless you give me direction I don't know how to do this I don't put anybody on the spot I don't want to embarrass anybody I'm just going to have to open up these altars for those who want to make a public confession before the Holy Ghost I have not been praying I don't have this continual communion with the Lord I don't get alone and then you remember that scripture that says my people have forgotten me days without number he said they have forgot me I want you to step out of your seat and say Pastor David it's been so long
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Rating: 4.8523388 out of 5
Keywords: David Wilkerson, David Wilkerson Sermons, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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