Removing ā€œPā€ Pops or Plosives from Vocals in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I want to she had a remove pee pops or plosives from vocals in Reaper [Music] have a project in front of me here we have recorded dialogue to show off a problem with P pops or B sounds that pop out in our narration or even vocals so it's here we have Peter Piper likes to pan the pitch of his bass and piano when playing Beethoven as you can tell the P sounds and the B sounds really jump out peter piper likes to pan the pitch of his bass and piano when playing Beethoven and it's accentuated in the low end where it gets really deep with sub frequencies just on those sounds so one way you can fix it is by adding an EQ let's go our track effects let's go to the Reba ones and choose re EQ which is reaper's EQ then we could delete all the bands except for one and switch it to a high-pass filter which will roll off all the low end that we don't need let's bring down the bandwidth to about there and find the frequency that'll fix the problem Peter Piper likes to pan the pitch of his bass and piano when playing Beethoven it's definitely a lot better when we high-pass at a hundred and fifty Hertz but there's one problem with it it filters out the entire track so it sounds a bit thin compared to this Peter Piper likes to pan the Peter Piper likes to pan the so better way of dealing with this is to automate it just on the peas or B sound so it's touch the fader on this parameter and go to the menu and choose show track envelope it creates a track envelope right down here but we could automate that frequency well the high-pass filter for that frequency and we can see right over here that low-end boost and we can reduce it with this automation so it's zoom in a bit hold down shift and create a point here here another one here and here and then bring down this side and this side so now this section right here is not going to have any filtering the EQ will basically be off which you can see right here it's off but as we play through it's gonna come up to this point and then slowly go back down afterwards so to sound like this Peter Peter that's a lot better Peter Peter so now to make this a lot easier to place in all the sections we need it let's turn it into an automation item and we can do that by holding alt on the PC or option on the Mac and go down here it changes to a pencil tool you can straw from here over to here and create an automation item then we could save it to use it again so it select it right-click it and hit save and it opens up to a folder where we could save our automation items what's name it low cut hit save now to make this so that each item we add is gonna pool what's to eat this first and then paste it in by right-clicking go to load and choose low cut which is what we just saved now puts it right there again which will make it easier for all the other ones we had to pool with this one which you'll see how that works in a bit Peter let's go to the next one which is on Piper Piper and let's go right here to move our cursor to that spot right click and then load it right here low-cut and it puts another one right there now if you want to change the size of it because each one is going to be different just stretch it by holding down alt on the PC or option on the Mac and we can stretch this item just like this so let's put it right before this P sound and right after it's done and it sounds like this Peter Piper Peter Piper now that each one of these is pooled we could actually adjust them at the same time I can go right here and make it lower or higher and change the frequency we want to cut so could do them both in one action let's undo this for now and go to the rest first we'll go here likes to pan for pan right click right here load loci and stretch it to exactly the size we want to use pan x2 pan much better the pitch and this P right here same thing loaded and stretch it to the exact size we need the pitch of his bass and it's the same thing for strong B sounds like bass bass bass and piano when playing and on piano and piano when playing and playing playing Beethoven in the last be for Beethoven Beethoven now it's here Toback Peter Piper likes to pan the pitch of his bass and piano when playing Beethoven that sounds a lot better before sound like this Peter Piper likes to pan the pitch of his bass and piano way to Basie on those syllables Peter Piper likes to pan the pitch and because we pulled each automation item we can readjust them all together like this and they all move at the same time to change the frequency of that low pass filter and we could also do it just by double-clicking any one of them which opens up this dialog and we could turn on or leave on this option here baseline or amplitude effects pool copies so you just the baseline to change it here as well which is really helpful if you want to change one of them separately because we could turn this off and just choose maybe the second one double-click it and leave this off and readjust that one completely separately from the rest of the group like this if you want to change the frequency to cut more or less and then you could switch this back on and then adjust them all as a group once again like this or even do it right here as they all adjust as a group but relative to the different levels but if you want to do it completely separately just right-click any one of them and remove it from the pool then this one is completely separate from the others Piper Piper Piper and get that p-pop perfect or if you want to separate all them just select them all right quick remove them all from the pool and now they're all separate so you can readjust each one completely separately from the others Pan the pitch pan the pan the pitch of his bass of his base of his base and piano when playing Beethoven Beethoven and just tweak each one of them until they're perfect that's removing pee pops or plosives from vocals or narration in reaper I hope you learn something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 16,191
Rating: 4.9779816 out of 5
Id: nqB1pFkEPKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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