Click Removal in Reaper - mouth clicks and odd noises

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[Music] it's Claire Wyatt here I'm a voice-over artist and I use Reaper for editing now I was just editing some elearning work and a little click came up in a word and I thought rather than re-recording that line I'll show you how to get rid of it using Reaper so here it is I'm just taking it in - here we go if you listen you might be able to hear it and some trade associations have developed PCRs for their members and some trade associations have developed PCRs for their members here it it's just here and some traders say oh geez in the sum I somehow did a little click on the old lips there and actually if you expand it you can see it there it is ugly little thing now the way I'm doing that is I'm just using my roll up my mouse to expand the waveform now what you want to do is you want to get rid of that now I have a nifty little trick setup I've got normally if you do a cut in Reaper you'll cut wherever you put your mouse wherever wherever you want it particularly if you've you know switched off all the um the presets that it comes with I've got a better one setup which is when I press alt Z to see where does the cut it cuts at a zero crossing point and that's that white line that's the zero crossing point that's what you want to do you don't want to cut anywhere else because what you want to do is you want to get rid of this thing entirely is you want another zero crossing point now if I were to cut there what you'd think is the next zero crossing point to eliminate the ugly sound that we don't like or it doesn't want to do it there we go if we get rid of those this is gonna sound horrible and some trader says world and some traders hikes nobody likes that now that's because I didn't honor the the wave yes it's going up and down up and down and up and down I just bashed it there you want to follow that curve so actually they're close to their old said is the best you're gonna get so now let's listen to that you see how that stitches together nicely now let's listen to it trade associations have developed PCMs it in the right place and some trade association wall that's good enough and some trade associations have developed PC ours for their members done now that took me way longer than normal because I was showing you how to do it but that I find is a really quick way of getting rid of tiny little cliques when you don't want to have to record the whole thing again I hope that was useful uh get in touch if you want to if you couldn't anything else you'd like to know I'm going to try and do more of these as and when they come up and I will speech you or soon [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Claire Wyatt
Views: 3,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reaper, audio, voiceover, editing, click, click removal, mouth clicks, voice over
Id: JJ50-Jz_k5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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