Rotary Speaker (Leslie Effect) in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Joya welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you how to create a rotary speaker or the Leslie effect in Reaper have a project in front of me here where I want to add a rotary speaker effect or Leslie effect to it this is typically used on organs but it can really be used on anything in this situation we're gonna be adding it to a guitar which sounds like this [Music] now in the real world the Leslie cabinet or amplifier looks like this we have a horn up here that's going to produce the high end or treble of the sound and down over here we have a woofer that's going to produce the low end with a base of the sound as you can see the horn is spinning so it's going to create a unique effect like the Doppler effect where the pitch changes over time down over here with the woofer it's going into a baffle that's also spinning so the low-end information or the base is also gonna be changing over time as far as volume and pitch and the horn because it spins it tends to be miked up with a stereo mic setup so you put one microphone over here another microphone over here to capture the spinning or the movement of the horn so going to recreate that using effects in Reaper so the first thing we're going to do is create a crossover effect which is going to split our sound into bass mid-range and treble so it could treat each frequency separately we don't really need three sections but we could simulate it just the same let's go to the track effects right here let's go to Jay s plugins and right over here is a plug-in called three band splitter which we could use to create a crossover so it's double click this and it looks like this with two crossover frequencies now the Leslie cabinet uses a crossover at 800 Hertz so let's change this to be 800 and then we'll change this one to be 80 so we split the bands into three sections from 80 and below which we may or may not need and then from 80 to 800 is on mid-range or a woofer and then 800 and above is our treble or the horn in this diagram the woofer will be the mid-range and the horn will be the high-end or treble and the way it splits it is it sends the sound to different channels so we need to take a look at the pins on this plug-in right here and we can see we only set up with two channels so we need to add a few more but say a two more stereo right here and then we could see our two channels are right here going out to six channels left and right for the low left and right for the mids or the woofer and left and right for the highs or the horn but to hear this back normally we need to be combine them with another plugin let's say another one and choose this one right here 3-band Joyner and make sure this one is after the splitter what that's gonna do it's gonna recombine each set of our frequencies our lows mids and highs so going to put our effects in between these two different plugins so it's concentrate on the horn let's turn the volume off for the mids or the woofer in the low and I'll sound like this [Music] that's a horn now it's in effect just to that search pitch and we'll choose pitch shifter to and make sure we put it in between our splitter and our jointer and will readjust the pins on this plugin because by default they're set to 1 & 2 going to 1 & 2 which is just the low end we want to switch that to the high end so switch it to 5 & 6 going to 5 & 6 so if we change the pitch on this plugin [Music] we're gonna hear it we could go back to the jointer and turn this off and just hear the mids or the lows we won't hear it [Music] [Laughter] so it's only affecting the highs or the horn let's bring these down again and focus on just the highs [Music] now to create this effect with a Doppler effect we need to modulate the pitch that's what's going to happen when a horn is spinning it's going to modulate the pitch let's put this back to 0 and let's modulate this parameter will touch it will go to the menu and choose parameter modulation which opens up this dialog where you can create an LFO to modulate that parameter but set it up to be centered so the movement centers around zero or no pitch change and which we adjust the speed and the strength to recreate that effect the speed should be pretty fast but the strength should be a bit smaller so it doesn't move as far the further we bring this out the more this moves for the further distance it moves from nothing to a lot so I want to bring this down to around 20% [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] right about there feels right but now we want to simulate the motion of the horn like I said you normally put a microphone over here and over here so we should modulate the painting to recreate that effect so it said a pan plugging that we can modulate we'll search pan and choose this plugin right here called volume pan smoother once again we'll move it so it's before our jointer but after the splitter readjust the pins so it's once again coming in around five and six and going out on five and six so it's only gonna affect the high end or the horn will modulate the pan so we'll touch this last and then choose it right here turn on the oil fo Center it and readjust the speed of the painting [Music] nattie oh it sounds mixed in with our woofer in the low-end [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now you can create a similar effect for a woofer or the mid-range let's bring these down bring this up and it sounds like this let's say the pitch and the painting just to the mid range or a woofer we'll search pitch again we'll put it before the jointer but after the splitter the pins on this one to be three and four so it's only gonna work on the mid-range or the woofer and again we'll touch it and add parameter modulation whoa Center it bring down the strength and readjust the speed [Music] [Laughter] it's not as dramatic as the high end or the horn but it's still very effective now tear the painting use the same plugin before the jointer so it's the pins two three and four and now would only work on the mid-range or the woofer the pan Cray now fo Center it adjust the speed and the strength now for this it's not gonna pan as dramatically so bring this down a bit so it's not completely enough - right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] right about there feels pretty good let's mix it in with the high-end or the horn [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we can bring in the low-end if you really want it's pretty dramatic and pretty accurate to rotating speaker it sound like this before and after [Music] it recreates the Doppler effect by adjusting the pitch and also changing the pan as it goes on and you can readjust this to taste based on the pitch speed or even the panning speed [Music] but this is pretty good now you're probably thinking this takes a lot of time to set up well luckily you only have to do it once when you done with it just right click over here go to effects chains and choose save Oh effects as chain then you can just name it right here rotating speaker and I'll save it in your effects chains folder now when you need it next time what's Dewey this let's put it back to only using two channels the guitar part [Music] then we could just say it by right-clicking the effects button go into effects chains and choosing that chain right here then automatically recreates while the pins the splitting the crossovers the pitch the painting that easily and to complete the effect I tend to add some delay or reverb so it said but the way plug in right here but set it to eighth notes with some feedback [Music] and we can add some reverb after let's choose reverb a make the room nice and big bring down the dampening a bit and set this to taste that's if you want more ethereal sound if you don't you could leave these off and keep it like this but anyway that's creating the rotating speaker but Leslie effect in Reaper I hope you learned something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time thanks [Music] you you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 14,072
Rating: 4.972261 out of 5
Id: vUaScoPXW28
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Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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