Web Developer Portfolio Review of 2021

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hey guys it's your boy joe back at it again codingface.com today i have something special for you guys today we are going to be doing a portfolio review this is one of the series that everybody loves from this channel so let's get into it okay shout out to our boy bling young okay his website is blaineyoung.tech shout out to him for actually having a real domain i see a lot of people with github pages i see a lot of people with you know a little nellify guys invest in yourself if you don't invest in yourself nobody's going to invest in you there's only ten dollars that you could get a domain name even on namecheap.com you could get it for i think like nine dollars eight dollars come on stop being cheap okay so shout out to blaine young okay go check it out blaineyoung.tech it says creating websites to satisfy your needs nice okay i like this little animation here uh it's like a pixel city moving from side to side nice okay i've never seen that before full stack focus driven to assemble solutions okay as a front-end developer i used to uh study iteration to construct solutions swiftly okay this you're making this too complicated bro just you know share like what you love about programming share with what you actually do okay you're making this a little bit more complicated than it needs to be um it is my passion to create a website upon requirements my ability are highly motivated to learn fast improve my skills i have a vision of becoming a full stack developer okay nice okay most of the stuff here i would just remove you're making it too complicated an agile associate i have the skill to work independently while staying off schedule but uh okay so this is good right here this is good uh this is telling us like hey you could collaborate with people you can work on on deadlines so that's great okay now from here it says client side react redux html5 css3 slash bootstrap okay nice uh server side node express mongodb uh my sequel crud um i don't know why you had to put my sequel crud you just you can just put my sequel okay uh from there you have two projects you unanimity okay john today for a free instant message uh application okay this is cool all right so let's click on the site link this is the first project that he has okay loading up loading ups probably like heroku or or maybe nutlify or somewhere okay loading up loading up loading up i don't know what happened i mean what happened buddy what's going on the heroku dinos they they're still taking forever to yeah there you go heroku god damn it yeah i gotta do better okay all right uh let's see hermione is through words the best way to unify with your community uh okay what i would do here is first of all have everything here to be sans serif you shouldn't have several fonts on over here you should have several fonts on the menu okay this is just stuff like for the front end okay i know you're trying to focus on the full stack but you gotta work on your presentation okay so from here unanimity okay let me go in i'm gonna put in j swag register let's see okay some uh okay so let's see [Music] jade i don't know and then here i'm just gonna put in password uh lil billy two three four register user must be less than 10 cats hi bro i see you you got some so okay let's see i don't know what can we name coding phase keep it simple joe right and we're just going to put in uh billy swag one two three okay username must be less than character won't be less than 20. okay hold on let me see okay i don't know why it's i feel like you're making it more difficult than what it is okay your account has been created username coding phase okay you must wait 10 seconds before resubmitting the form aye bro oh my god for user experience this is annoying [Laughter] like i'm just trying to test this out you know what you should do you have like a a section there where instead of having to register the person like you can just have like a demo and put in demo user demo password and then it'll just be easier for the person who's trying to get in here okay i'm not gonna save this okay so let's see testing this out okay wait oh i see what you try to do here please select a chat room before sending message okay uh let's see okay oh my god bro like yes this is cool you have a lot of validation but at the same time the this is like the user experience of this is it's it's not great the way how you're putting things on the top as the notifications what you should create is a toast so a toast is like a little message that pops up right here or pops up right here on the bottom right even show the errors right here also tool for whatever reason there's not like a a submit button or a send button here so if i wanted to send this like yeah i could press enter but at the same time like it's only right to have like a button that says send okay so most people are not gonna just click enter unless we're developers like you know the average person is gonna be looking for the send button okay um also too like if you really wanna fix this up the presentation of this application it's iffy bro you can go to dribble.com bro and literally come here and search uh chat okay and you could get some uh some pretty cool examples of how you could take your application to a higher level when it comes to design so like literally by looking at the things that people are doing here you could create your application like this like you you don't have to exactly copy the designs that they have but you can see some pretty cool designs for chat rooms or you know for messaging apps that you could get ideas from okay the design of this website it's not that great bro i'll be honest with you there's a lot of stuff that's missing uh it's a lot of things that you see like the padding from here to here they're not the same this is a little bit uh bigger on the top then at the bottom it's like a lot of stuff here is for the front end okay i know you want to focus on the back end but it's presentation right like there's a lot of guys that's going to show up with projects like this so what's going to be the difference between you and those guys you want to go in and have everything you know look nice everywhere pixel perfect like take your time even if you was to just work on this one application i'd rather you go in and have a really good presentation when it comes to one application instead of you having a whole bunch of them okay so again look at this examples of how they have this chat room here this looks good this looks nice right uh same thing here you could create something like this okay like there's so many different examples here on dribble.com and this is like what designers do right they come here and they post up you know um their best designs and and at the same time you can learn from them right you don't have to be a designer but you have to have an eye for things that look good if you want to become full stack okay because full stack means that you could also do the front end from what i'm seeing here is like you're struggling in the front end but you can do the back end okay so if you really want to sell yourself as a front-end developer which is also like what i was seeing here hey i'm a front-end guy but i want to become full stack but it seems like you're a better full stack developer than a front end so maybe it should be the other way around should be hey i'm a backing guy trying to become a front-end guy okay so that's something that you just got to work on and like i said presentation is everything all right um now the next one that we have right here next project is this one swift food subscribe today to get uh delicious gourmet meals at your doorstep make the time that matters only spending two minutes cooking powered by mongodb okay seems like a good project okay this this is a good project that uh seems legit i like i like where you're going with it okay now let's see let's see again heroku you know and sometimes you know i know we're we're building things for you know for your portfolios and you know using heroku you might say oh you know what i want to go in and and get this for free but i think it's time for all of us to start investing in ourselves like you're already investing yourself in in basically building this um you know this full stack application and then putting in your your domain right so you already started investing yourself i will also say you know what i would invest in maybe setting up like some you know heroku not heroku sorry digital ocean right by the way if you guys haven't heard about this uh you guys can check out digitalocean app okay this is a new platform i mean this new it's less than a year old right or right but not that many people know about this okay you can start hosting your your websites just like how you doing heroku okay just with five dollars okay now you might say damn i gotta pay five dollars i know some of you guys are cheap as hell but you gotta make sure that you look like a professional and those extra seconds that we're here waiting for this application to load up okay a hr guy or you know a ceo might just say you know what i'm moving on from this i don't have time for this i don't have time to to sit down and wait 30 seconds 40 seconds a minute two minutes for every single applicant's project right so they will just skip you skip you over right so you want to make sure that you know you're you got that person's attention that whole time you don't want to lose their you know the attention span and be like well i don't have time for this i'm out of here right you don't want that to happen you want to be able to go in and and soon as that they click on your link they're able to see your project okay so again we got here this project you know there's a lot of stuff that's is just slacking here bro like this login button is huge you got to use flexbox to center this center the the link center uh there's buttons here right i think this thing needs to be centered so they could all be equally uh centered okay by the way guys a lot of the stuff that i'm talking about here i actually go in and teach it to you guys on codingface.com just in case you didn't know we have a html css course that is banking it's going to teach you guys everything that you need about basically taking a design and then building it into a real website and teaching you guys flexbox css grade everything that you need is right here and pretty much you get access to all of this on the front end for 20 bucks okay 20 that's not much okay invest in yourself and you're gonna see the results okay so again going back to to this project you know i'm looking at it right now and it seems like a cool project i'm okay choosing me okay but what exactly am i doing okay subscribe i put in my information but then it's asking me for a credit card number and this is where i'm iffy about it it's like if i'm trying to test out your application i'm not gonna put in my credit card number so this is where you have to go in and create a demo account guys okay because most people are not gonna come in here and and register their information like we don't know you might dude how we're going to put in your uh our credit card number and information in here you get what i'm saying like it's not a good look okay so again the ui you got to work on the ui like i see that you have an idea of the type of project that you want to uh build and create but what i will say is you know try to look at what's already out there there's already services like this okay so i think what's the name of that thing freshly matter of fact is hellofresh.com okay so look at what they already done okay like you could literally copy the same type of ui ux that they already have here of hey choose the number of people choose the number of recipes right and you give them uh a quick look on how things will look okay you click on select this plan okay like then from there you put in your information like you're gonna say like copy the the user experience that's already there okay don't try to build something from scratch these companies they have a lot of you know money behind you know the designers the user experience etc that they you know they invested in that right and they already tested those things out you want your websites to look professional you want your websites to really look good so that can make you stand out like i could tell that hey you have the skills to basically create all of this and get it up and running uh but you gotta work on your presentation presentation is it's a must again i know some people that always get pissed off like well you never check the code and you never check the github nobody does okay nobody does until probably the second or third layer of like checking for different uh developers right once you're in the top three then somebody might say you know what let's go check what he did here on his github right but the average person that's looking at your portfolio they're not gonna go through github they're not gonna look at your code so what they're looking at is your presentation and what you have done with you know with your project okay and how easy it is for them to go and test out the project remember now everybody has the time to sit down and register and put in their credit cards and putting all of this information in there you need to create a test account and as i can see here you're using stripe payments stripe actually gives you a test credit card so put that there let the person know how do i know that you're using stripe and you're not using paypal you get what i'm saying how do i know if i'm if i'm not a developer right to go in and put in the right numbers for a credit card for strike like you have to skill now you got to polish your projects you have to make sure that your projects is up to par with any website that's out there right because yes it shows that you can code but it also shows that you are a beginner you've never done this before because somebody who has worked at a company will understand that they need to make sure that the websites look good and also too that everything is flowing perfectly how it needs to okay and even the user experience in in um you know in the just the ui in itself right like you have the skills you're almost there but you need to actually go in and and just like polish this up and i rather you go in and and basically work on this project here this swift foods this is a good project it's showing all of the skills that you have in here but what you want to do is polish it up have a better design okay or or you know just literally create a clone of what's already there like this one like this is hello fresh there's a whole bunch of companies if you search hellofresh online you can see a whole bunch of different examples look at the difference of this website okay like you want to go in even if you copy the exact same text everything that's in here you can do that okay because this is just for uh promotion and just for you to get a job but you want to show that you can build something at the level of guys who are already in the game okay so let's say food um delivery i don't know what could be something like that full delivery like you could get ideas from other people's designs and see what what they have created you know but again you know you you gotta take your time with this like i rather you just work on that one project that the chat room project is cool right and it can show like okay yeah you know node.js yeah you know how to work with websockets etc um but this is more of a a real project that i feel like you could really stand out but you have to do the right presentation okay if it's not presented well like it's not gonna look good the person's gonna lose interest like right now we're looking at blue with uh a pink shadow like you're gonna say like i'm not trying to be hard this is just me being honest okay so definitely you know if you want to get into the game you gotta stand out man you gotta make yourself look like a million bucks sometimes you gotta fake it till you make it when it comes to this game you gotta look as if you've been doing this for clients you've been doing this for for companies okay because that's what is gonna make you stand out everybody else has projects just like this right and i'm gonna be honest with you showing up with projects like this is gonna put you in the same pile as everybody else you wanna stand out right away you wanna be able to be in the top five top three people that submitted a portfolio and then from there once you go into the job interview let them decide if they really want you and if you uh can be an asset to their team you know what i'm saying but right now what you're doing because you have the same type of presentation same type of skills as everybody else was also learning the same thing which is another thing too which i say you know all i'm seeing here is like merge stack projects right uh you know mongodb express react node heroku right go outside of your comfort zone like yes i could see you already comfortable with this but you also want to have different type of um projects in here okay show them that you could do the merge stack show them that you could do maybe uh you know the lamp stack you know some uh php some laravel uh some my sequel right and and actually your projects is gonna look so much better when they look at your code because when you're using a framework like laravel your your code is actually organized in a certain way where things could be found pretty quickly and and it just looks more organized than this it's just like okay this is the client right uh there's the models right this is the routes okay but you don't have no no migrations you don't have no um no no area for the assets like like i'm looking at this you have it as a source your folder structure it's okay but it can definitely be better so if you use like a project like larabelle or a framework like a full-fledged back-end framework is going to keep your code in a certain order and it's going to just make you look better to be honest with you this is one of the things that i don't like about uh like the merge stack or react i like react but just that whole uh node.js ecosystem a lot of times it's like people put things wherever the hell they want to put it and sometimes the the folder structures are not really organized not everything in there is is properly made so that's just my opinion right so if you go in and you bump into a developer like me or like a developer who's been here for like five ten years or more they're gonna go in and start nitpicking certain little things so by using a framework it kind of saves you from that okay it's like hey man this is how the framework is okay you put me in coach i could do it okay you know what i'm saying so um that's my advice man you know sorry if i'm going too hard it's the first portfolio review of the year 2021 but i want to make sure that people come in and get some real um some value from from this this whole project here this whole uh video that we're doing here okay so anyways guys by the way man if you want to learn how to code man you have to go to codingface.com guys you got to try this website out okay i put in a lot of hard work for you guys i created a perfect timeline with different career paths okay you have front-end developer you got back-end developer full stack developer you got uh shopify theme developer shopify app developer html email developer we also have the entrepreneur developer like there's a lot of different career paths that we're also adding like the salesforce developer and you can get access to all of this right with you know with the yearly subscription and if you click on the link below you're going to get 50 off the yearly subscription so take advantage of that okay now again how much do you need to pay for just to learn the programming side of things 20 bucks with 20 bucks you're good to go now if you want to go in and get access to different career paths like shopify app developer shopify theme developer html email developer um you know talking about uh entrepreneur developer which is to make your own income independently as a developer so you don't even need a job you could just start making money as soon as possible right if you want to get all of that you sign up for the whole yearly subscription it's like things like 198 or something like that 50 off so take advantage okay again but all you really need is just if you want to learn how to get a job and and to basically work as a developer you have the perfect timeline here guys you can either go for front end development okay uh this is the same thing for blaine i will say you could improve a lot by taking this bling i don't know if you're taking any of my courses but i will say hey try this out it's gonna definitely improve your front-end skills okay you have all of these things here html css terminal uh css animation sas get like a pro future-proof javascript javascript animations uh gold responsive html emails okay how to deploy your website object oriented programming with javascript jquery yes next react quick and easy okay react to infinity react native right you got the back end okay node npm express my sequel php larabelle right build a restaurant application with laravel react python 3 ruby ruby and rails okay web developer personal brand okay and then you have the full stack if you really want to go in and learn everything everything is right here in the order that you need to learn it okay guys so take advantage the website is there i built all of this for you guys so you guys can take advantage and and learn all those things like there's a lot of stuff in here that you know i can tell bling i don't think that blink has taken any of my courses because i would have hashed those things out you know uh and make sure that he understands why his presentation needs to be up to par and also to showing him how to make sure that he stands out on his portfolio again you know he has the skill he's killing it right now he knows a lot i know a lot of people that don't even know to do half of the things that he's added into his projects um but now it's about really hashing things out and just making yourself stand out guys this is a great portfolio it just needs to get those little details hashed out okay so anyways man thank you blaine for sending me your portfolio i will see you guys later man like i said guys go check out codingface.com uh send me more portfolio reviews i'm gonna try to do this every single day if you send me a portfolio every single day i'm gonna review your portfolio every single day just like this okay guys let's work it's 20 21 let's stop being lazy let's invest in ourselves okay because if you don't invest in yourself ain't nobody investing in you okay like i said great that blaine young has his domain now all he needs is to set up at least you know two of his projects or one of his projects it starts at five dollars a month okay set this up until you you build a job or you get a job right once you get a job you can always cancel this and put it in heroku but at least this moment while you're trying to get this job opportunities guys make yourself look like a pro make yourself look like hey this is real companies this is real clients that you have heroku is great and all but as you guys can see there's limitations and even heroku with five dollars i believe you could start opening up uh a dino i don't know if it's five dollars or or nine dollars so those dinos could always be on invest in yourself it's going to make you look better right okay i'ma see you guys later as your boy joe back at it again codingfaze.com peace
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 7,409
Rating: 4.8439717 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase, coding phase, codingphase.com, web developer, web developer portfolio review, web developer portfolio tutorial, programming, codingphase portfolio, codingphase review, codingphase shopify, portfolio review, front end developer portfolio, front end developer portfolio review, full stack developer portfolio review, web developer portfolio, portfolio website, portfolio web developer, developer portfolio, react portfolio review
Id: 5rIzV_cfsnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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