Relative Success with Tabatha: This Wife Sold Her Wedding Ring to Go to Seaworld (Episode 7) | Bravo

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you know what I have one more exercise to help you at least face what you won't face so you have a pad I want every resentment you have inside you on that piece of paper I'm just gonna need another pad I want you to stop rating you to me I feel like a failure I feel alone I really feel like if I don't always plunge forward and make things happen nothing will happen I feel like after carry the burden on my shoulders I'm resentful that Megan thinks and acts like a martyr Megan borrows money against my advice or knowledge our house is a filthy mess we don't manage our business well or properly Megan pawned her wedding ring to go to Sea World how did you feel when Megan pulling Joel wedding ring that was the day our marriage died that symbolized everything we had promised the children we are going to go to Sea World but we had some tight finances obviously at that time we were waiting for closings and wires to come in and of course one of the closings rolled and I felt really bad telling them no that it's not true that way and I didn't think it would be that big of an issue because the money was coming in that next Friday their fax Megan there's a fact you pawned the ring there's a fact it was there for years there's a fact you didn't make the payment there's a fact that you put it back in the pawn shop within 30 days there's a fact it's not on your finger right now that's a fact [Music]
Channel: Bravo
Views: 8,436
Rating: 4.884058 out of 5
Keywords: Bravo, Bravo Shows, Bravo TV, Tabatha Coffey, Tabatha, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, Tabatha Takes Overs, Relative Success with Tabatha, Family Business, Family Businesses, Coffey, New Bravo Series, reality, show, business, program, entertainment, hair, Pawned, Wedding, Seaworld, wedding ring, relative success with tabatha coffey, relative success bravo, pawn, tabatha takes over bravo, relative success 2018, relative success season 1, Sold wedding ring, family business, family business tabatha
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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