Relationship Goals // Pt 2 // Earl and Oneka McClellan

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hello shoreline city you guys ready for a great day today we ready we ready we ready we ready hey listen Oh Nick and I were talking we just decided that we figured this service should be the most enthusiastic the most alive the most energetic the most engaged when when Jesus would go to certain towns there would be some times he would go to you and he could not perform miracles because the lack of faith that was in in that particular town this had to do with one pound in particular his hometown where people became very very familiar with him but he would go to other parts of the land other other regions and people would have such an anticipation they would Jesus about a fact to be able to look at them and see that they had faith in their eyes and amazing miracles would take place as a result of that expectation so we just decided hey as a church family we just want to be people that have ridiculous expectations about what Jesus can do in our lives today we have no idea what you're walking through all the different things you may be battling but what we do know is that the God of heaven is on your side and he has the ability to fight every single battle and work all things out for his good and His glory so that's the environment that you were in - that's why people are clapping and shouting and lifting their hands and we're thrilled about today honey you look beautiful no place I'd rather be than here hey we also want to real quick and but definitely not set it aside this is incredibly important to us we have a whole team of people that serve week in and week out some would call them some people call them volunteers you're gonna have to clap a lot louder than that for all of our people who serve they're the ones that come early stay late yeah they're the ones taking care of the babies and the kids right now not just babysitting them but pouring the Word of God in them they're the ones who are running the cameras right now so that people on live stream people in the chapel can see they're the ones making coffee for third service they're the ones in the parking lot when it's cold when it's hot they're the ones showing you where to sits to sit I could go on leading up here everywhere yeah everywhere we want to celebrate the theme so this upcoming Thursday night we're actually having a party for everyone who is a part of the team we want you to be here we want to celebrate you honor you got gifts for you it's gonna be a wonderful wonderful night so if you are here and you're a part of this church and you are serving in any capacity at all you serve that shine even last year we're gonna say we want you to be here if you just got on the team this year you've only served twice you're like well I'm only sort of 12 can I come yes you can come as well but a lot of you who are part of this church you haven't served at all Jesus still loves you we love you a whole bunch but you can't come to this party okay but you wrote really messy on your card and we have your wrong contact information and you think I signed up but I haven't been contacted I put a five five five number on there yeah that's in the movies that's a number of real number you guys didn't know that that joke just went all that to say in the lobby we have a volunteer area it's actually right outside these doors to my left your right right and go to that area say where's the volunteer area and say hey I have signed up for something but I have not yet been contacted I'm sure I wrote down something too messy yeah but go beat be bold so that we can get you on a team a messy writing or an error hold you back that God has for you yeah we believe in order for all of us to grow spiritually that you have to be involved in community you have to be connected and this is not just in connect groups we mean utilizing the gifts that the abilities that God has given you this is a family that we are a part of and there are things that God has put in you okay matter-of-fact turn to your neighbor tell them their things got put in you tell them those things I put it tell them tell them tell them so this might be the first time anyone has ever even heard this in church it is not Church is not just for the preachers and the singers church is for the whole body of Christ we are all in this thing together you have a place here so we all want to jump on this journey together and keep on making it on earth yeah I'm excited about today we're gonna continue our relationship goals series today honey why don't you have a seat here thank you mama I love so much she's my best friend she and I've been married going on what 20 21 years it has gone by incredibly pray for Earl because Maine is my month and I'll tell you why it is my birthday yes it is our anniversary yes it is and it's Mother's Day so and what else else birthday yeah my daughter's birthday yeah so May is kind of big for us in our family I'm not going out to eat at all the month of May all discretionary income goes to make sure my wife and daughter are gonna be incredibly happy on that month so what the month after that trying to save but we're really really excited about all that we have in store today we're gonna continue talking about relationships now the reality is all of us in here are in a relationship okay everyone in here now some of your friends in the chapel as well love you so much and that is additional seating where you still get to hear the word you still get encouraged but it's our additional seating but we make it fun in there so shout out to the Tapley chapel we love you a ton now everyone in here in the chapel online is in a relationship all of us know some of you thinking no I'm not my facebook status is still single you know no one on bumble has has you know requested i've got nothing going on i've never been on it but i know i heard about it with that being said not just dating relationships obviously all of us in here have a mom or a dad we have employees or an employee or we have roommates all of us in here are some type of relationship but what we're gonna do today is really hone in on the dating and married peice of relationships today that's gonna be our focus and some of you are thinking what in church this might be move for some of you but we just think that God actually wants to interact with us where we live and not just like in the clouds somewhere so today for those of you are first-time guests we like to keep it real here at our church real real like you something like oh my gosh like what does that mean you'll see in just a minute okay so pretty much we don't feel like anything is off topic because we feel like our whole lives belong to Jesus Christ so we're gonna jump into all types of nooks and crannies of relationships here we don't have time to get through all that we want to get through but we're really really excited about today but Before we jump into relationships specifically let's talk about a scripture that we found that we find in Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 if you have your Bibles you can turn there Matthew chapter 7 we're gonna begin reading in verse 24 Matthew 7:24 therefore this is Jesus speaking therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man or a wise woman who built his house on the rock the rain came down the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man or a foolish woman who built his or her house on the sand the rain came down the streams rose the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash what we discover here from Jesus and you know this like I know this every single one of us in here will face storms all of us okay and because you're a follower of Jesus does not make you and I immune to the storms of his life you don't get to pray a prayer then all of a sudden like a magic bubble gets put around you and your life is now perfect because you're a follower of Jesus as a matter of if that were true Jesus would have never had to go to the cross that was tragic it was difficult it was hard and he still had to go through it there was resurrection on the other side of it but he still had to go through the cross you and I will still face cross situations in life but there's always resurrection life the point is the streams are going to rise the winds are going to beat against your house the rain is going to come down the question is not will there be battles in life the question is are you founded upon the rock or you found it upon the sand wow so good that's just that's the question now Jesus says here everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice he does not say everyone who hears the word has built their house on the rock he said everyone who hears the word and puts it into practice applies it is the one that is building his or her house upon the rock like most of you in here maybe like most of the world we went to go see Black Panther and I'm looking at these folks in black pants they're going man I gotta get in shape okay I need to get in shape immediately I'm looking at what Conda forever and I'm like man I don't have this is what Conda yesterday right when I got right here I one pack not a six pack and I saw I'm looking at the I even saw a magazine yesterday I was at Whole Foods checking out saw the Men's Health magazine there and Michael B Jordan is on the cover and I'm like dang I got a ways to go here some magazines you got to turn and look the other direction but this magazine I'm looking at going man I think I want this now if I grab the magazine I buy it I read it matter of fact I take the magazine I even put the magazine underneath my pillow at night I hold the magazine really really close to me I love the magazine but I don't do anything that the magazine tells me to do when it comes to getting my life in shape am I going to get in shape no no it does not work just to read the article it does not work to really care about the article what works is getting up early going to the gym changing my diet doing the discipline things that are necessary to see my body change and to many times spiritually we just want to read and think it's gonna be enough to change us we're gonna have to be willing to put the Word of God into practice you and I are gonna have to be willing to go beyond just looking at the headlines when we're checking out at the store there's more that God has for you and there's more that God has for me so what we are encouraging all of us to do here is even though you're in church today and we're so proud of you or you're watching online we're so proud of you thank you for taking that step but what we really want for you is for you to hear what Jesus is calling you to do and what he's calling me to do and for us to actually put it in to practice are you ready to take this step church are you ready to go beyond just being a spectator being somebody that can admire a body on the cover and actually putting in the work and the time it's all empowered by His grace all of it here's a reality you know this like I know this only can die we talked to couples and people all the time the state of relationships when it comes to dating in marriage in our society in the world I don't know if it's at an all-time low but it's definitely out of love you know like I know when when when people begin to date and when we look at people's and marriages there are few that we look at and go I want it to be just like that most of our friends that are dating we go I don't want my relationship to be anything like that at all as a matter of fact I want to run the opposite direction of how they are doing that right there and sometimes you even say that and you can find yourself doing the very thing that you would said you'd never would do sometimes out of desperation and sometimes out of mindsets and old habits and routines that we've gotten ourselves into and what we're coming in here today is we're trying to break cycles of dysfunction or trying to break generational cycles individuals we have seen marriage after marriage fail in our lives we've seen relationship after relationship fail in our lives and if we're going to keep taking our cues from the world around us you and I are going to be sorely disappointed but if we can hear the words of Jesus and put his words into practice we believe that we can have marriages we can have relationships that are founded upon the rock that's our dream honey what am I missing here you want to jump right in yes let's do it let's go awesome okay we did a poll on Instagram so we know that that's legitimate right and so we asked y'all some questions and Earl and I are gonna talk through some of these questions so we're gonna dive right in and we're also going to share what you shared with us okay question number one we asked many of you on Instagram is it okay for a Christian to date a non-christian 42 percent of you said yes and 58 percent of you said no what are you offering now honestly half of you all are probably now we this is four people that answered this poll right here so we're not sure the sample pool is large enough no more than four this is almost a 50/50 as you can shoot almost so we're gonna that we're gonna dig into some of these things here I'm not gonna toss this one to my beautiful wife because she's a lot smarter than I am honey why don't you dive into this but before you do please understand that we're not up here because we think we're perfect we're not up here because we think we have it all together we're not up here because we think we've arrived that's not why we are up here we are up here to be servants of your y'alls and point you the right direction and try to connect you as much with the person of Jesus Christ as much as we possibly can we are here to align you with God's Word as much as we possibly can so that's how we are sharing things with you today but honey go ahead that is for sure okay this question is an awesome question and I'm sure it's something that y'all have dealt with before even asked yourself at times and I want to start off by saying that this is broad strokes so every single thing that we're gonna talk about there's an exception to it so don't shut your brain off or throw stones and think but you don't know my story because I don't know every single story so I'm speaking generally is that okay to say generally all I know is I've been married for over 20 years 21 years next month and marriage is work it's amazing but it is work and it is important that you have things in common because so many distractions come your way through the course of a marriage and so my encouragement would be to get married to be in relationship with someone that you have a lot in common with especially things that are spiritual because when life hits it doesn't matter that you have great chemistry it doesn't matter that they're a good dresser or they look good in your selfies what matters is can you pray when my son is coughing can you go with me to a family members house when they're acting crazy can you help me cope with the loss of a loved one can you pray me through that storm can you pray when I send you the text message about what the doctor's office said and so I say that to say that life in relationships are hard enough so link up with someone who you much in common with especially spiritually so that you can have a relationship that stands the test of time when if you're at a party you had a dinner party and you have a friend who's drinking too much right they and you can see that you know they're they just had one too many and they're at that buzz stage but they cross over buzz and you can tell that they are now they are now drunk some of you are here with us today and we're glad to have welcome welcome yes no judgments that music was so loud that music we're we're glad we're glad you're here when you see a friend that is having too much to drink they are now drunk and they grab their keys and they say alright everybody I'm heading home you as a friend you now have a choice to make you're either going to love them so well that you're willing to take their keys from them or you're going to love comfort so much that you won't say anything and let them roll the dice with their life and someone else's life and let them get into the car so then it becomes about you it becomes about you you get to make that choice what we are doing here as pastors and the type of church we want to be as we recognize that people end up getting drunk figuratively and literally people end up making foolish decisions people end up heading down a road that they don't even want to head down and we want to be the type of church that with love with compassion with mercy with kindness with grace with no judgment at all is willing to say I care so much about you let me take these keys because we don't want you destroying your life now the great thing about us being a church is we can't actually control you right we don't take keys from you we can't do that we don't want to do that but we don't want to be the friend that sits around silent and lets you just go and let drive off a cliff and hurt yourself and hurt someone else so today we are willing to say things that might make you upset at us if we know we are trying to help you to become all that God has destined for you to be we are more interested in you fulfilling the call and the destiny that God has on your life then we are in you thinking we're cool are you liking us our objective here is not for you to celebrate Earl and onika our objective here is for all of us even here to fall more in love with Jesus to understand who he is and the surrender our lives to him so that we become the men and women that he destined for us to be so can you date a Christian and non-christian Hey I've heard so many people that they've said well they weren't a Christian I started dating we've been dating for 19 years but finally he came around okay okay I'm glad that worked for you but that's not how it works most time most times now you can roll the dice okay you could be the exception you you could totally be the exception but what we find is most people who think they're the exception to the rule end up not being the exception to the rule there are exceptions to the rule because there's so few most people end up falling into the general population we're trying to give you wisdom get connected with someone that loves what you love it's headed the direction that you are headed someone that you can be linked with someone that you can be yoked with someone that is not pulling the opposite direction someone that is after the things that you are after and when you get connected with a person like that you will be surprised what walls you are able to run through what obstacles you are able to overcome and what type of a mark that you can make for the cause of Jesus Christ okay question number two that we asked well we all asked if you know you're going to get married is it okay to live together 25 percent of you said yes 75 percent of you said no what do y'all think I'm gonna raise their hand now I know but I want them to be thinking like what do you think about this because it helps you enter the conversation yep I'll let you answer it to you you're smarter than me you want to go first so you want me to go first okay I I didn't know I was answering your first but I'm ready okay you got this my opinion is I don't think that you should live together before you get married yeah I think that you should save some things for a surprise I think you appreciate them more I think you're grateful and I think you enjoy it when you save things for a surprise and that yeah that's okay to clap yeah it's okay clap it's not popular it's cheaper to just live together it's you save money on rent and it just kind of air quotes makes sense but if you want to build something that lasts if you want to build something that stands a test of time if you want to build something like the scripture that Earl is talking about you have to do things differently because hey how's it working for you doing it just like the world's doing it how's it working how's it working for your friends how's it working for your family members there's a reason why we do things different and when you set yourself apart and you set your relationship apart God honors that when you say my body's a temple of the Holy Spirit you can't have any of this until I get a ring until we walk down that aisle it opens up blessings and breakthroughs and communication because you have to communicate because you can't do other things and so usually when you live together yeah it's okay to say in church yeah yeah so when you live together it let you lose all the mystery and it just becomes mundane and who wants a mundane marriage you want to shake it up and keep it spicy and you do that by waiting let me want to put these two questions on the screen because these are two important questions for you to ask okay who's on the throne of your heart and what's the motivation of your life I want you to answer these two questions the reason I asked you to ask yourself these two questions is because the Bible does not answer every question specifically it does it okay the Bible does not answer the question what should you wear to work tomorrow go to the Book of Leviticus and find out what I'm supposed to wear oh man it can't be cotton wool okay well you know you know you can't go to the Bible to find the answer to that specific question there's also lots of scenarios and nuances out there so what you and I have to do what the Bible tries to get us to do is help us discover who's on the throne of your heart who's first in your life because when you answer that question it answers a whole bunch of other questions if you are on the throne of your heart then it makes a lot of sense that you would make the decisions that you're making because you're the king of your kingdom and when you're the king or the queen of your kingdom it makes a whole lot of sense to use people because you're the king and the queen of your kingdom but if if if Christ is the throne of your heart if he is first in your life whether you're in the balcony on the floor whether you're in the chapel or you're watching online today if he's on the throne of your heart you go to him and say King what would you have me to do what is best for your kingdom the motivation of your life what's the motivation of your life from me personally the motivation of my life can be summed up in the word love I am trying to not only receive the love of God or I have received his love but I'm trying to love God and love my neighbor that means my life is not about making myself happy my life is about investing and laying my life down for others since my life is about that I'm not trying to manipulate people to get them to do what I want them to do so that I can be happy I'm trying to leverage every gift and tell that God has given me to make them the best that they can be and when you do that in your business when you do that in your job when you do that in your school it's a creates an environment where people can flourish and life is no longer just about you who is on the throne of your heart so when you're asking the question can we live together can we not live together the question is can we not sleep together is that that's not even the first question the first question is who's on the throne of my life of course if you're on the throne of your life then go of course you're gonna sleep together of course you're gonna make some certain steps but when you're saying I want our relationship to not just be a reflection of us we're trying to be a reflection of who Jesus is I don't want people just to look at us I want people to look at him since I want something bigger for our relationship than just us then I have to see this relationship through the filter and the prism of what is best for the kingdom of heaven beautiful what do you want to add to that beautiful I was just gonna add that there's something about delayed gratification there's something about having to wait for something it makes you appreciate it in value and an untold secret to a successful marriage an untold secret to wanting your spouse to chase after you to think you're the most beautiful amazing handsome rip things since sliced bread even with rolls and all that's real talk no matter what you're going through no matter what you're facing or how you feel the secret is waiting because when you're in a dating relationship and you have to deny your flesh there's something about once you get married that makes you appreciate your spouse and it makes you appreciate and value them and it makes you desire them even more and it's a setup also for your future because here's the deal if you don't practice self-control in your dating relationships once you get married do you magically all of a sudden not notice your handsome boss or your handsome coat or you're good-looking coworker if you didn't have to practice dating what are you gonna do with that lunch or what are you gonna do on that business trip or what are you gonna do when someone pays attention to you but you're not used to having deny your flesh your normal thing to do is to respond to what your flesh wants but if you train it while you're dating it pays dividends in the future that is for free but I promise you it will save you a lot of heartache and here's the deal you can start today I didn't grow up hearing this I didn't learn this when I was a teenager I didn't even learn this until I was early in my college years but I started to apply it and it changed my life and I applied it to my dating relationship with Earl and I'm here today married 20 years because someone went ahead of me and told me how to handle myself cuz that was a hot mess I was in the club dropping it like it's hot throw him back 40s me isn't that crazy I you wouldn't even recognize me I was crazy on but I heard that there's a different way to date I heard that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit I heard that it is okay to wait until you get married and so I hit reset on my whole life so you can do that today and I promise you it is worth it and it works oh one other thing I want to say say a girl playa right now you're on fire go go I was telling this to our first service family here's the deal it does not matter how beautiful you are or how handsome you are or how beautiful your fiancee or boyfriend or girlfriend tells you that you are temptation comes we were just watching a documentary in an interview with Jay Z and he was talking about some of his challenges as a married man to Beyonce how do you have challenges being married to Beyonce I mean really she's stunning but even he may not as fine as you though you're sweet yeah my lemonade I love you I never notice Ong but I like it but he even admitted that he had shortcomings and struggles so obviously there's a different way to do things and no matter how good-looking you are no matter what access to trainers and diet plans and nutritionists there's still work to be done and he even said I had to put into work and thank God I'm so glad that they're still together but he even had some issues y'all know what I'm talking about what was her name okay I won't say her name oh yes there was it a song though he talked Becky Becky but what that said I'm not judging them I'm glad they're still in the journey but I say all that to say don't think you're that amazing that the person that you're with is all of a sudden gonna not have eyes for another person but if you practice self-control and you watch a track record of self-control chances are it will save you from some detours this is what the enemy tries to do this is fascinating okay before you're married the devil tries to get you to have sex as much as possible and then once you get married come on married couples he tries to get you to not have sex as much as possible in throwing kids oh yeah that's right here's the flip here's a switch beforehand oh my goodness oh my goodness so much then you get married I'm tired I don't have time Oh work and all you have to be willing to train yourself and surrender yourself so much the Grace and power and the path of Jesus that you're not going to live your life fully based on what you feel at any given moment there has to be another rudder of your life and it cannot be your feelings it needs to be the plan and purposes of God for your life I'm so glad my wife and I and man things were difficult no doubt about it she wanted my body significantly when we were dating okay I'm just telling you guys it was incredibly difficult for her I would see her she'd have these crazy eyes and I'd be like girl we're not going out tonight you need to stay in your dorm room back to pray for you this happened 37 times 37 times okay let me talk to the men for a quick second my mom is beautiful okay she's beautiful and she's single and she doesn't put my mom on blast that'd be weird but I will she's very classy yeah and is sharp so if you're over 50 and have your act together see me after service you need to be talk I told her mom get rid of the tall thing okay cuz if he's short and has integrity and a job mom take that man okay you take you carry him everywhere I don't care what you gotta carry him he can be your toy poodle it doesn't matter mom it does not matter but she she tells me you know she used to kind of you know go out on dates a different things she said she's done with that scene talking about me know my mom okay men men that would say hey so you know what was next so what you know where are we going not like what's next in our relationship and where we going and I walk with Christ but like what's next like when are we making our way to the bedroom and I just want to say men I'm going to encourage you to be the type of man that honors a woman so much that you will not sleep with her until she is your wife yeah I say it ain't even got a clap I don't matter here's a reality you're either sleeping with your wife or somebody else's it's only one of those two she's either gonna be your wife or she's gonna be somebody else as well so I'm asking you to treat her treat her as if she's going to be someone else's wife if you will honor her in that way you will present her and pull out of her all the best so that she could be all that god is calling her to be okay let's go so glad I'm a part of a healthy church that values women that is this is not normal this kind of conversation or even this atmosphere so I just want to take a moment and say I'm grateful to be planted in a house where men honor women and it could start today and we're women honor men make it easy for a brother they going to that for a second ladies please your Worth and value is not purely exterior do not leverage all the gifts that God has given you to be a Delilah and Samson's life God has a call on that man's life and since he has a call on that man's life do not be a part of the reason his eyes get gouged out and he loses his power you be a part of the reason that he steps fully into who God is calling him to be and don't allow your insecurities oh I'm not I'm not pretty able you know I'll use this I'll put this on a platter so I can feel valuable you're valuable right now your value is actually not based and whether or not someone's willing to sleep with you your value is actually based in the cross of Jesus Christ and you don't find that in a bedroom now this might be brand new for some of you like what what are we talking about this the church yes we are because it's this baggage that we bring into our marriages and now husbands and wives are at each other and then even sure why they're at each other it's because we brought all this extra luggage into the relationship with us if you are dating you can get some of these things in order now if you're married and you're in this place and there is back and forth that is taking place we just want you to know there is still hope for you as well it actually does not have to end in divorce [Music] it actually doesn't well you don't know you don't know what he did you don't know what she did you don't even talk we don't get along anymore it's not fun in our house listen all of those things can come back you can actually build trust you actually can have joy return to your home there actually can be purpose that fills your house again that there can all of that is possible but but you and I going to have to be willing to get off the throne of our own hearts put Christ back there and go Jesus even though this is incredibly difficult I'm going to choose to trust you right now it will be work it will be difficult at times but we will be here to hold up your arms to cheer you on that's why we're pushing you into community that's where we're appreciating you discern that's we're pushing you to be around like-minded people that will spur you want to be all that God has called you to be I just want to encourage every married couple here to do the work to stay at your post to keep believing in each other to keep praying for each other to keep speaking life to each other or start today start today where you say I'm gonna read the book of James and it talks about taming your tongue and I'm gonna learn to build up my spouse and not tear them down and for those of you that feel like you're alone in your relationship where you feel like you're the only one fighting for it you're the only one believing the best I want to say sorry there's a father in heaven who sees your heartache who sees your pain who sees that you feel alone and I just want you to know that Jesus loves you and he's not done with you and he's not done with your spouse and I just feel compelled to encourage you to keep praying to keep rereading the Word of God over your situation until your situation changes and then to get help it's okay to get help we get help Earl had knee surgery about a year ago he goes to physical therapy and learn new exercises for his knee why don't we apply that to our relationships in our marriages five years in ten years and 15 years and 20 years in learn 30 years in learn new techniques for communication learn new techniques for problem-solving and also just surround yourself with other life-giving relationships to give you hope till it find out interview people who've gone before you what did you learn what's the biggest mistake you made teach me I think we forget in marriage and sometimes we think we have to do it alone but I just want you know that you are not alone get in community stay at your post keep praying for each other be your each other's biggest supports and for those of you that are the only one supporting keep on doing it and believe God for a miracle we're gonna believe with you that's so good okay good thank you for sharing there there are so many other questions that we wanted to get to know like submitting was another really good news service yeah you can we don't have a ton of space for you in third service we'll do something on Instagram are you willing to sit on the front row sit on the floor for next service we're willing to do that too but of course you definitely can come back we'd we'd love to have you we'll always make room for all of our all of our friends and all of our family but right now we wanted to take out a moment just to pray so if you wouldn't mind in the chapel here and this room I don't we understand to our feet just for a moment together we know we can't touch every topic but we know the grace of God is strong enough and powerful enough to reach every situation so what I'm actually gonna do right now I'm actually gonna ask you to bow your head just for a moment and I'm gonna pray over the single people that I'm gonna have my wife pray over all the marriages in here we just we're just gonna trust for the Grace and the power and the life of God to fill every part of our lives Lord you know every single person under the sound of my voice by name everyone the chapel in this room on the balcony and the floor you know every one of them you know their age you know their story you know the nuances of their situations and right now I just ask for you to pour out your spirit of love and grace in a way that they've never known for every person in here that feels for God and are lost or like they're wandering all by themselves Holy Spirit would you wrap your arms around them and would you help us as a church family to be your hands and feet to be a support and a strength I come against any spirit of loneliness I come against any suicidal thoughts I come against anxiety and fear and the things that would try to trap a person and keep them hindered forever right now we speak freedom over every single person in this room we speak that they will fulfill the plan and purpose that you have for their life we think that it's not a ring that completes them but it was the cross and the empty tomb that completes them so Holy Spirit would you bring new life breathed fresh fire into every single person under the sound of my voice in this moment thank you that you who began a good work amendment you're faithful to complete it unto the day of Christ Jesus and no weapon formed against them will ever prosper Christ amen father God we just lift up every marriage in you to you we think of it today can be a day of fresh start of hope of refreshing of a renewed sense of purpose and passion as a married couple I speak a blessing over every marriage represented here I pray that every couple would fall more in love with you and more in love with each other I think if it forgiveness would abide in this place and abide in hearts I thank you Lord God that he who began a good work and every marriage will see it to completion but Bible says the old things are passed away and that all things have become new I think you've heard new over every marriage I think you've heard new ever every mindset I thinking four new over every relationship I pray father God that those marriages that are on the brink of divorce that are thinking about giving up hope that today was their last chance I prayed it today by your spirit mother God that you would give them fresh fire fresh passion fresh determination only fueled by your spirit to stay the course and I pray that you would meet them there I pray for every unsafe spouse today I pray father God that they would fall madly in love with you I pray for a supernatural miracle to take place in their lives I pray for every facet didn't come home last night I prayed it if they're in the barn if they're in a hotel room that you would shake them and wake them but they would fall on their face and cry say Jesus I need you I pray for every relationship relationship should be a strong tower shade in those relationships would you bless every marriage in Jesus we are so honored to have you joining us today hopefully you've been inspired to make it on earth as it is in heaven for more information please visit our website at shoreline city dot church [Music]
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 2,343
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: p0f_PM6tJZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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