The Wait Was Worth It // Earl McClellan

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welcome the shoreline city were thrilled to have you here with us my name is Earl on my wife and I started this church just about to be seven years ago in January and it's been a wonderful journey and we've gotten to meet so many amazing people and this church family continues to grow and I just want you to know we're really really glad that you're here we've been praying for you to come and hoping that you would feel right at home so even if the songs were new for you and the environment might be new just know you're not new to our hearts we feel like we already know you because we've been praying for you so thank you for being here with us today and I know some folks they jumped up out of the bed this morning fired up about church could not wait to be here and we love you guys but I also know there's people like this kind of roll out of the bed and uh you know barely made it here and it can take a lot of courage to come to a place whether you're a first-time guest or you just haven't been to church for a while but you took the step and you came and yesterday I was praying for today's services and feeling like there's some folks that'll be here today that are just feeling like they're in quicksand feeling like you're you're sinking slowly and the harder you try to get out the more you seem to sink and I just want you to know today is a day where God's extending his arm of grace towards you and he's gonna pull you up out of that pit and put your feet on a firm foundation you are not forgotten about but for all of us today I believe that God's gonna do something great in our hearts and in our lives you guys with me on that you ready for a good time hey let's go I'll go to Luke chapter two Luke chapter two we're gonna read verses 22 through 25 Luke chapter two verses 22 through 25 if you didn't bring your Bible put the scripture on the screen so that you can follow along with us and I want to say the Lord loves all of you so much because you're here when the Cowboys are about to play so I am incredibly proud of you and everyone that skipped church today to go to that game you know where they're going to the game y'all to the game Luke chapter 2 verses 22 through 25 when the time came for the purification rites required by the law of Moses Joseph and Mary took him they took Jesus to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord as it is written in the law of the Lord every firstborn male is to be consecrated to the Lord and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the law of the Lord a pair of doves or two young pigeons now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon who was righteous and devout he was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was on him it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Messiah moved by the spirit he went into the temple courts when the parents brought in the Child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the law required Simeon took him in his arms praised God saying Sovereign Lord as you have promised you may now dismiss your servant in peace I can die now for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared on the side of all nations a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel the child's father and mother marveled at what was said about him then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother his child is destined to cause the falling and rising many in his to be a sign that will be spoken against so that the thoughts of many hearts will be filled a sword will pierce your own soul the title of today's message is the weight was worth it the wait was worth it one of the individuals from the last service that I should name this sermon hammertime you'll understand that maybe later this passive scripture is a beautiful one those of us who were with us last week you'll remember that we were going through our verses 36 and following we were looking at the life of Anna so here we're in Luke chapter 2 again and these are the verses that precede obviously that story of Anna and this man Simeon we discover in verse 22 that this came time for the the time for purification came around and and this might be a little bit out of the ordinary for us but in Christ day this would not have been weird after a woman gave birth she was unclean for seven days if you will we don't have time to go into the the reason behind that but according to the Levitical law she was unclean and then there was another 33 day period and after that time there were some rites of purification that the woman would walk through maybe the husband maybe got defiled if you will during that time as well so he had to get cleaned but Jesus being the first born male in a Jewish family his parents now are doing for him what Jews would do for their children and they're bringing him to the temple right off the bat here when I'm reading this it jumps off the page at me that Jesus's parents brought him to church at the very beginning and I was thinking how many of us have great parents that did that for us I mean parents that from the very beginning said hey I don't care you're waking up this Sunday morning you're coming to Church with me and how many of us have had parents that have spoken words of life and hope and purpose over us how many of us have had parents that have encouraged us to be all that God has called us to be how many of us even have parents that have celebrated us with eighth place ribbons and I've said we're still the fastest then the best number of us have had those kind of parents but a number of us haven't other others of us have had parents that did not make sure we woke up and went to church they did not make sure we had life spoken in to us they did not ensure that we were in an environment or an incubator of growth and development maybe our parents are our worst example someone we look at and we're thankful for them but we don't want to be like them what I have discovered being a pastor is I don't care if you're 25 or 65 your parents have had some impact on your life I don't care where you're from how much money you have whether it's a lot or a little your parents and my parents have impacted us and marked us in some way and here you see Jesus his parents are marking him they're trying to put him on this this straight and narrow path if you will and many of us did not get that we did not have a mom or grandmother or grandfather that gave us that beginning but I want to make this abundantly clear your past is not what dictates your future where you have been in your past is not that your past does not get the final say in who you are God gets that no one else gets that God gets that and I'm thankful for our parents and they are to be honored okay I want to make that clear I want us to honor our parents not because sometimes like well they don't deserve it you don't give honor because they deserve it you've honor because it's right okay so we we honor our parents but we also don't have to worship we don't have to take every single word our parents have spoken over us and declare that that must be the Word of God no there's only one word of god it's the inspired scripture it's the Bible that we have in our hands and if anything your parents said to you contradicts what scripture says over you I'm telling you scripture has the final say okay here look with me at this verse Philippians chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 verses 4 & 6 the Apostle Paul is writing he says though I myself have reasons for such confidence if someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh I have more I was circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a Hebrew of Hebrews he's saying hey I've got a pedigree I've got a resume and it's a strong one in regards to the law I was a Pharisee as for zeal I was persecuting the church now that was the wrong thing for me to do because I was tearing down the very thing Jesus came to build but regardless you know that I was a zealous person full of passion and fire as her righteousness based on the law I was faultless you could not find anything wrong with what I was doing but then I look back on my life and I see some things that I wish I would have done differently I wish I wouldn't have been persecuting the church I wish I wouldn't have been tearing down but Jesus came to establish and build but all of that a part of my past it's a part of my story my parents started me off right we see Jesus's parents they started him off right but maybe yours didn't but what does the Apostle Paul even do with the good and the bad that's in this past you have to go down to verse number 12 through 14 he says though I myself I know I'm sorry he says not that I have already obtained all this or have already arrived at my goal but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me brothers and sisters I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do but one thing I do but one thing I do forgetting forgetting forgetting forgetting forgetting what is behind straining toward what is ahead i press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus here the Apostle Paul saying I've got some stuff in my past some good some bad but one thing I do I forget I forget what's behind me now you and I read that we think well that's good for Paul but can you and I really forget anything I mean other than our keys or our wallet can you and I really forget anything and and another way to look at this word forget is to replace it with the word neglect or overlook he's saying ah I'm neglecting my past I'm overlooking it I'm walking past it I uh we have three fantastic children one of them was just up here you know singing a moment ago she's adorable but we are our middle son he wanted a pet and we're not doing pets okay so I'm like I already got three children or don't need a pet as well but we used to actually used to have a pet you said a dog a little on frisée I wanted a pit but not I wanted a Rottweiler that's what I wanted and then we ended up the exact opposite spectrum of that with this really small white fluffy dog named Annie that was her name her name was Annie and someone stole her I'm not kidding y'all someone's stuff someone stole a Bichon Frise how bad a human being are you to steal a Bichon Frise anyway that's I'm still I gotta let that go Earl let that go I'll neglect that Earl neglected so we got we got a fish we got a fish and we got this little fish I think was a goldfish and Grayson's pumped up about the goldfish and I'm thinking this goldfish he's come to our house to die you ain't gonna last goldfish okay my son six I know he's awesome he's amazing but this goldfish is not gonna last and sure enough I don't know if it was five days I don't know it was fifteen days I don't know but we're leaving for work one day and there's Sonic that's what we named him Sonic look into the heavens he had caught from this life into the next and I don't know exactly what happened but uh but I'm thinking Grayson wasn't feeding him enough or maybe Grayson fed him way too much I don't know but it made me wonder are you feeding your past and starving your future are you taking all the nutrients and energy and time you have and feeding oh this is what my dad did to me oh this is what my mom did to me oh this what happened to me when I was eight oh this is what happened to me when I was in college oh this is what happened to me when I was in grade school or this is what my grant this is what that coach said and we keep feeding and feeding and feeding the past and I understand that it happened but I wonder are you are you feeding Matt at the expense of your future are you feeding Matt at the expense of where God is trying to take you are you feeding Matt at the expense of the purpose and the Destiny that he put on your life are you feeding your past starving your future because the Apostle Paul here says I'm forgetting what's behind why because I'm straining toward what's the head because God has some things in store from my life I'm not trying to neglect the brokenness I'm not trying to neglect the abuse or or rather I'm not say it did not happen but I just want to neglect it I want to put it aside I want to put it behind me I want to keep overlooking that not at the expense of your your soul being broken but I think we're spending so much time wallowing and rehearsing and living this pass that we're not getting our eyes up and we're thinking about where God is trying to take us and what he has in store for us you are your your past is not the thing that defines you yeah helps shape you I get that it does it does definitely help shape you but it is not the end-all be-all of your future but people will try to tell you that they'll try to chain you to who you used to be they'll try to chain you to your abuse if you let them if you let them they'll try to chain you to who you used to be so trying to chain you to to the brokenness that you've experienced I'm just trying to help you it's trying to help you and I to know that even if your parents did great or they didn't do so great regardless you're not chained to that past this is the last thing I'm done with parents of them no apparent stuff okay cuz this is holiday weekend so but some of us about to go home to set some drama dramas on a plane right now headed to Dallas your your parents they give context to your personality right that they definitely do um but but I also want you to understand that that even though they give context to your personality they don't control they don't control your destiny so I might see why you are the way you are and why you eat the way you eat and why you drive the way you drive and why you maybe like the music that you like I might see all that with your personality I get that no problem they might give context for those things but they are not the final answer and they do not have the final say on what God put on the inside of you his word and his Scripture is what speaks that over your life so bankruptcy does not have the final word neither does addiction have the final word neither does a promiscuous life have the final word none of those things being in the foster care system does not have the final word for you know even we don't get this whole heaven on earth offering that we're doing and and part of our resources are going towards these young kids that are about to graduate or age out of rather the foster care system and because a lot of them don't have parents to go back to anyone can have a reason to say hey my life's gonna be broken we're trying to speak and be another voice like so many others saying hey don't don't let that don't let your past have the final word in your life God has something in store for you but that's just in the beginning here we see Jesus's parents doing doing doing right by him but if you skip down a little bit more in verse 20 for you you see you see these words you see and to offer a sacrifice in keeping with what is said in the law of the Lord a pair of doves or two young pigeons this is where you and I get some context that Jesus's parents were probably poor that does not mean that it's bad to have money or money is evil in and of itself money actually just takes on the nature of the person that's holding it so when he's amoral if you're stingy your money will be stingy if you're generous your money will be generous that's just what money just takes on the nature of who's holding it but but Christ's parents are probably poor why why do we say that it's because they were allowed they were given this concession to bring these items and these were concessions given to those who did not have a lot of means but them not having a lot of means did not stop them from sacrificing then having a not having a lot of means to not stop them from sacrificing they didn't use her situation as an excuse not to sacrifice let me tell you this every blessing every blessing requires sacrifice every blessing every blessing requires every every every blessing requires sacrifice I understand we understand the sacrifice when we're broke we understand that sacrifice you know it's like oh I can't go out because I'm broke you know chips and salsa for me and water and no guac because I know it's extra so just I'm fine with this right here we understand those sacrifices but there are sacrifices connected to blessing and if you don't understand this if you don't mature and understand this if you and I think that there's no sacrifice connected to the blessing we will sabotage the blessing we will not care for it properly and we'll lose the blessing because we don't understand what's connected with it so when I see Mary and Joseph here and they're bringing a sacrifice because they have been blessed with a child I'm praying that we would be the type of men and women that would do the exact same thing if you if you want the blessing of a boyfriend or a girlfriend you want that blessing but but you don't want to sacrifice your selfishness then you're not stewarding you're not caring for your blessing the way that you ought to you will have to sacrifice if you want to handle that blessing if you say oh but I want to have a I wanna have a great marriage and you get blessed with a marriage but you don't make the necessary sacrifices for that marriage like two great people can turn into two spiteful mean hateful individuals before you even know it see that happen over and over again and still come to church and be mean and angry and bitter because they don't want to make the sacrifices necessary to have the handle to Stewart the blessing oh man god bless with the promotion god bless me with a promotion okay if you get a promotion you want to go from just being on the team to leading the team there's some sacrifices that come with that blessing if you still want to be the one everybody likes and you want to be the one that's chummy and Buddy with everyone and you don't want to lead you want to be really familiar but you don't want to lead you don't want to shift your mindset from an individual contributor to somebody is actually pushing the organization forward if you don't want to shift your mindset you'll sabotage your blessing I'm trying to help us here okay I'm trying to help us not just that church on Sunday I want to help you on Tuesday Wednesday at work you got it you got to be ready to make that shift oh god bless me with a healthy Church a life-giving church a church that's growing that's what I want to be a part of a church that's seeing people give their hearts to you okay if you want to be blessed with being a part of a healthy church you have to sacrifice your personal convenience that's what happens when these people sitting so close to me I wish I had like give me some space here look at these lines look at these scars and oh I thought you were praying for a church that look like heaven I think you were praying for a church that wasn't about the preacher but was about Jesus I think you were praying for a church that was about reaching lost people I thought you were praying for a church that's trying to raise up leaders that's I thought you were praying for that if you want that if you want it you want the blessing I want the blessing then there's just some sacrifice that's connected to it whenever you know yeah I used to want to be you know and be a basketball player when I was growing up you know it's most the kids in my neighborhood wanted to be that I also wanted to be president and an astronaut but with being a wanting to be a basketball player both great got wonderful do you do you understand the sacrifice that's connected with that blessing oh man I wanna I want to have lots of influence you understand the sacrifice to your anonymity do you understand the sacrifice that you'll have to make that you can't just go wherever you want to wherever you want to go and expect people not to interrupt your meal it just changes it's a blessing but there's a sacrifice that's connected to it can God trust you to give the sacrifice when he gives the blessing can he trust you can he trust you to give the sacrifice when he gives the blessing because I know we're praying for the blessing but can he trust you can he trust you he could trust Mary and Joseph can he trust you okay I know we got a lot of again every week we've got folks that are here for the first time love you being here glad you're here let me just talk to those who like all Shawn's my church let me talk to you for a quick second okay so you're the first time guess your must if if when you receive a hundred dollars that blessing you don't know what it is to sacrifice the ten dollars you will not have the strength the leadership the capacity the wisdom that you need the UM that you need to give ten thousand dollars when it gives you a hundred thousand and if you and I keep praying for blessings but we're not ready for the sacrifice that comes with the blessing I ask you are you actually ready for the blessing because if you cannot learn now to be faithful with what he has in your hands if you can't learn now when you might be struggling a little bit to trust them then when he gives you more your worship what he gave you instead of understanding that said of worshiping the one who gave it to you ah this is free I'm trying to help you here I'm trying to make sure there's no other gods or the throne of your heart other than God Almighty no one else needs to be number one in your life other than the Lord Almighty that's who wants to have that rightful place in your life so man I mean I want the blessing I don't want the do you want to sacrifice that comes along with the blessing this this it grows you matures you it develops you it helps you become who God is calling you to be yes there is a football game on so let me just keep on preaching here okay I see some of you looking at your phone right now I see you I see you verse 25 verse 25 we only have 17 more verses to go now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon who was righteous and devout he was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the Holy Spirit was on him there now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon who was righteous and devout he was waiting he was righteous and devout he was waiting he was righteous and devout and waiting we think if I'm righteous and I'm doing the right things then I don't have to wait but here we find out from this man right here he's in right standing with God and he's doing the right things and he still has to wait you and I do the right things to get out of waiting right look at me I'm doing this look look what I'm doing Lord look what I'm doing look what I'm doing look what I'm doing you my husband Laura look what I'm doing give my wife look look what I'm doing take my company to the next level look look and then we stopped doing what's right because we get upset that God has not done what we've asked him to do because we've been doing what's right for so long and we think he owes us something I'm talking we here this is me I'm in this with you I'm in this with you you and I over and over and over again take the promises of God and forget that there isn't in between time to that thing being fulfilled you ever gone to coffee with someone and you're gonna meet him at two o'clock and you for whatever reason show up early you get there at 1:15 like you're supposed to you get their 150 because if you're on time you're late any military people with me on that one so anyway so so two o'clock you show up at 150 you're there 150 ok great guy here early got a good spot ready to go and it's 155 they're not here yeah but you're like no problem I'm early it's still early and then it's 2 o-two you pull out your phone they didn't text you co2 and not that late 204 and they're still not there those two minutes right those are brutal two minutes right there in those two minutes you're wondering did they die are they oh my gosh they're dead they're dead they're that's two minutes in two minutes oh you're checking your email you're checking your text in two minutes you know it's 204 207 oh my god no they didn't they always do this I can't stand that it's the last time I'm going out to eat but then you're either your one or two friends or either the one that's sitting there waiting or you're the work friend that's always late right they show up oh my I'm so sorry I'm so sorry like he said I was you'll learn you tell that friend 1:30 that's what you tell that frame man and that's their only seven minutes late and you and I are feeling disrespected it feeling like it always happens that's only seven minutes what about what you've been waiting seven years for God to do something in your life when you've been through in vitro multiple times when you tried to start multiple companies when you've gone out there and you put out multiple books when you've taken step after step and things aren't clicking the way you want them to click you put out resume after resume god you're late you're late you're late and this is just a very real tension that a lot of followers of Christ have to live with I need you to understand they're being righteous and devout we don't get to circumvent this you just have to go through it I don't have some magic wand for you like oh you won't feel disappointed no there is no magic wand it's I feel disappointed but I trust you anyway I feel forgotten but I'm not forgotten I feel like you're silent but I know you're still for me okay so I know what I'm feeling but I also know what's true okay and this is this is maturity here this is you and I growing and becoming who God is calling us to be he uses this as a process to pull out of us the junk that needs to be pulled out of us and help us become he's calling us to be okay I'm literally this is my last piece my last piece I'm all done last piece right here my last piece is this my last piece is this okay I'm gonna watch the game too my last piece is he gets this little fat baby Jesus in his arms that's how I see him anyway and it gets Jesus with his rolls in his arms he's whole numbers like oh my good see me she speaks his word of prophecy this word of a life over Jesus it's beautiful and amazing and powerful when I'm reading the words of he's speaking about Jesus I can't help but think Jesus the ultimate game change the ultimate game changer the one that if you put him on the team you win in the championship done deal finish put it in the books it's done he is the ultimate game changer but since it's the holidays since it's Christmas I was thinking man what do do people even know why Jesus came because he is a game changer but well what game is he changing I've got three versus three versus we're all done three versus look at these quick versus look at these look at these first Timothy chapter 1 verse 15 why do they come why did Jesus come here it is here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance you can take this to the bank Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners that's why he came into the world to save sinners I love this verse I didn't put the rest of it on here but he says and I'm the worst I'm the chief I'm the head of all the sinners huh he came into the world to save sinners not to make bad people good he came into the world to save sinners and not so that Christians can go to church on Sunday he came into the world to save sinners every person that's missed the mark every person that hasn't measured up to the perfection that God would call us to he came in to save sinners so if you feel like you are a sinner Jesus did not come to put shame on you he came to save you and those are two very different things so many people are thinking he came to put shame he put shame I feel guilty I feel condemned no my friends he didn't you're already guilty okay when you are separated from God you're already guilty the good news is Jesus saying hey I've taken your sin in your shame and I put it on myself now I have paid the price for you and you can be made right with God for ever came to save sinners so how big a sinner how big of a sinner are you it doesn't even matter because he came to save sinners not like a little sinners medium sinners and big sinners and those who did it on accident no he came even for sinners who did it on purpose [Music] come on you know the stuff you did on purpose I don't know man we just said I don't know we just kinda no no no no no you drove in your car you put on your Cologne okay come on that was on purpose I didn't I didn't know I didn't know it was gonna go there I just did [Music] save sinners save sinners John chapter 10 verse number 10 the thief comes the devil comes only the steal kill and destroy I have come he says it Jesus saying I have come that they may have life and have it to the full that's why he came he came that you might have life and have it to the full I know we go through problems and pains as Christians just like the rest of the world I understand that but man sometimes I look at our faces and it's like the world is ending everything is over and there is no hope and understand that we are we don't mourn like those who have no hope we have hope his name is Jesus and he is come to give us life and life to the fullest this does not mean you are not going to be rich per se okay whatever that really means because in America just you know compared to most of the world we're already really really rich so I don't even know what we mean by that so don't try to take this on like oh I'm just going to be whatever that is no this is a soul issue this is a spirit issue this goes beneath the service and yes that can bubble in to our everyday material world but really this comes down to the fact that whether you are in some Syrian refugee camp or you are in Highland Park when you give your life to Jesus he came to give you life and life to the fullest your soul goes from bed to alive [Music] last verse I almost did not share this verse because I thought it was a little gangsta but first John 3:8 the reason the Son of God appeared why why did the Son of God come was to destroy the devil's work house I read that one I wrestled with it I know if you'd be ready but you're ready to destroy the devil's work because we have a picture of Jesus he's not gonna cross will you accept me accept me into your heart I'm a little bunny I'm a bunny I'm a bunny don't you want a bunny don't you want a bunny hop it around you're a little hard what no no my friends I'm I appreciate your artistic rendering of Jesus but it's inaccurate he came to destroy the devil's works he came in like a flood he came in with a fist he came in with a sword he came in with fire he came in with tenacity he came in with passion he came in with power he came in to destroy the works of the devil he came in to wreckit-ralph - everything that sin and shame and darkness he came in to destroy suicide he came in to destroy cancer he came in to destroy loss he came in to destroy bitterness he came in to destroy this entity came in to destroy but Devils work so wherever you see the devil work here you could say Jesus came to destroy that that's not supposed to be in my family that's not supposed to be in my house that's not supposed to be on my job that's not supposed to be in my mind he came to destroy but pebbles Fork you guys are making me preach harder than I want you right now he came to destroy the devil's work so what is it what is it you're battling what's what are you what are you gonna be facing with your family this week you came to destroy the devil's work it's a good news of Jesus Christ okay you can be seated friends you can be seated [Music] the devil's work why did he come why did he come verses are right there that's right from the Bible and I have to like kind of let me figure this one out nope the Bible interpreter this one force made it very very clear so everywhere you and I see the devil's work we are now the hands and feet of our glorious seek accomplishing and continuing his work to make it on earth as it is in heaven that's our call and mandate I don't care if you in a cubicle I don't care if you're in government I don't care what realm of society you might find yourself in [Music] that's our mandate that's our call if you would mind friends do me a favor by your heads just for a moment [Music] you're here today under the sound levels you've never given your heart and your life to Christ you'd ever made them number one you've never made them first you never made them boss of your life put another way you would say you're on the driver's seat of your car Jesus is not you here today you're saying you don't want to go your own way anymore you want to go his way you don't want to be first in your life anymore you want Christ to be first I'm not asking do you have a Bible I'm not asking where you confirmed as a child or even if you were baptized I'm asking is Jesus on the throne of your heart see number one in your life have you surrendered your life to Him bible uses words like born-again and repent all means Jesus you have my everything so if you're here today you've never given your heart in your life to Christ at one point in time you did and you slipped away just on another path right now you're saying you don't wanna go in your own path anymore you ready to get on his path I'm going to ask you to do something simple but something incredibly bold on the count of three I literally want you to shoot your hand in the air and say yes that is me I want to get my heart I want to give my life to Christ ready 1 2 3 to shoot your hand in the air you're saying yes that's me hands going up all over this place individuals saying I want to put Christ first in my life I don't want to go my own way any more I want to go his way it's a beautiful moment moment of transformation a new beginning who else wants to get in on this prayer saying yes that's me you're wrestling in your heart right now I just want you to know that's His grace calling you that's his grace pulling you you're not even good enough to save yourself that's him knocking on the door of your heart right now he's calling you and calling you home I'm gonna ask everyone in this place to do me a favor every person put your hand over your heart if you would not mind now I want you to repeat this prayer out loud after me say dear Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all my sins I admit I made mistakes and today I give you my heart I give you my life give me the power to live for you in Jesus name Amen and amen I left our heads up and clap our hands with enthusiasm
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 3,432
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Id: M0cTReMPpeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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