Pastor John Gray | Speed of Relationships

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Wow Wow I'm amazed that God hey can we give God that's a great phrase while you stand your list let's bless it let's just take the ready to say God we thank you you brought us in to 2880 thank you give doing great things we think I'm on the right Road and night we thank you high-five a couple people on the road tell them you sitting next to the right one you're sitting next to the right one yeah pop you got your new tournament my father-in-law got his good boots on tonight listen I'm excited about what God is going to do tonight anybody else have an anticipation of what god I want to acknowledge that we have some aks in the house the distinguished women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority we want to celebrate y'all a lot of the young women in my family rock the pink and the green and so we just want to honor you guys and just grateful for every visitor and we we've been in the speed series how many people have been here for most of it's not all of the speed students first week was the speed of purpose next week was the speed of authority third week was the speed of now amen come on and so before I tell you what this week is and if you've been on social media that you may already know but a couple of weeks ago one of my friends was battling because his mother had some significant health challenges and at one point was unconscious they didn't know how it was gonna go they didn't know what was going on but we spoke a word of authority and declared something very significant would happen by the time he got back to the hospital then he came up last week and told us that his mama listened to the word and started trying to dance in the bed with the word well I have another update for you she's here tonight I mean gotta put the camera I wish somebody would give God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I don't know why after being in the hospital not sure if she was going to make it she's the only one dancing so I'm gonna give you about 30 seconds [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] big romance with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it started because her son had enough faith to leave the hospital get to the church and get an agreement with some people that have faith to believe this is tangible evidence that the right people at the right moment can produce a miracle in your life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why you saying let me pray for you cuz I fill it on there I feel I hope you don't have anywhere to go because I feel like preaching father in the name of Jesus in this atmosphere we declare your word goes forth and does miracles tonight we love you we honor you we bless you Jesus save souls change lives peel relationships restore identity do what only you can do this is my prayer in Jesus name Amen amen and amen you got 15 seconds to get [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell somebody is one of those nights we're in the speed series who you're connected to could very well push you into the next thing God has for you tonight I want to talk from the subject heading the speed of relationships the speed of relationships right yes Jesus I've been waiting on this word - we're gonna get to that in a minute Sierra um no no we're gonna get to that in a minute somebody say the speed of relationships first thing you need to know is God is positioning people in key places of influence and authority whose primary desire is to give God glory and to say that again this is this is the the foundational premise from which I want to share and convey this message tonight this is a season not for people who have career attainment objectives exclusively this is a season for believers to be put in key positions of power and authority who ultimately want to bring God glory what that means is that doesn't mean that you'll go to your job and you'll preach because you go to your job to work but you are so excellent at what you do that people are going to ask you why and when they ask you why you get to tell them well you don't know what God has done for me am i talking to anybody God is about to set you up in a position of influence and authority so people can ask you why do you always smile how come you always have joy everybody else around here can't stand to get in here but you love coming in here it's raining outside and you smiling but let me tell you what Jesus has done for me and I know that if there's rain there must be a harvest on the way God is positioning people to be in key positions so that God can get glory out of the situation so the question you need to ask yourself is can God get glory out of your life it's a question you should write down and then you should literally weigh and filter every opportunity and every person that comes into your space through that lens is this an opportunity for God to get glory does this relationship help me produce glory or does this relationship diminish the glory that God is already placed on my life oh I feel God in here already other sweat it through my shirt they lost six pounds oh here's what I need you to know sometimes as faithful believers we can become so Supernatural in our approach to the things of God that we miss that God is very much at work in the earth what I mean by that is I know some of you like God I just believe you're going to you're going to give me millions of dollars you're going to send it God send your angels God and that means you know that angels don't have bank accounts my point is this they're not gonna be like Lord did you want me to fly down there and yeah no no see there's not going to be a supernatural drop-off from angels at your door you know what God's going to do he's going to give you an idea and then he's going to give you breath in your body then he's going to give you an alarm clock and you'll have to get up and then you'll have to walk and brush your teeth put your clothes on and then you'll have to go do things I feel the Holy Ghost see we're ready to shout and we're waiting on God and God is waiting on whatever is about to come into your life God is using a person to bring it tell somebody be nice to me you beat you be surprised quitting some of us have missed our blessing because we assume because of the external look of an individual they had nothing to offer us you were sitting next to a multimillionaire you better think the next time somebody looked Ashley but are you doing Lord bless you thank you would you like some coffee get this man a Starbucks somebody like you want you want a sandwich too you know you don't do it for that purpose but my point is this don't assume you know which way God is coming or who he's going to use to bring blessing into your life whatever is coming God is using a person to bring it so this is a moment to discern the necessity of each relationship in your life who's who why are you here what's your purpose what is your intent and how long you staying because if you come up be talking about you love me then that means you talk about it forever type of situation but don't don't talk forever if you plan on staying for a few weeks can I get an amen from some for real people but the truth about forever is this forever is a mighty long time and forever isn't all good because some of that forever it's gonna be some painful things so if you talk in love and you talking forever then you need to understand that that means you're going to see me into not so savory moments and that means you're going to have to make a choose a choice to love me in spite of what you see because love was never what I feel it's always what I do because we watch too many movies the emotion of love will make you think that you have to feel something in order to stay in love because love is not the feeling it's the things you do in spite of what you feel sometimes life is moving at the speed of relationships this is the moment and I'm prophetically declaring that this is a season where God is connecting people to the right people for the righteous purpose that God has intended for the earth so what I want you to do is just take a quick glance in your you know close proximity a couple roads or and just look around because I believe you're looking at a part of your purpose there's some people that are in in this church right now that are a part of your purpose look at him girl he got all his teeth I'm just saying look at him no ring look at it no tan line he didn't take it all since nothing there are four areas of relationship I want to touch upon I need you to write these down the first thing is I want to talk about your relationship to God your relationship to God number two we're gonna talk about marriage singles we're gonna talk about relationship married spouses singles family then we're going to talk about friends and professional relationships and finally purpose the singular most important relationship to cultivate is the one that we have between God and ourselves I know that it's sometimes not the most exciting because God is not this visible tangible physical individual that we can touch see grab but it is the single most important relationship that we have to cultivate Genesis 1:26 God said this let us make man in our image according to our likeness and then he gives of course man purpose he says and let him have dominion over the beasts of the field the birds of the air the fish of the sea and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the face of the earth God says let us make man according to our image and our likeness and from that point it is clear that God gave man Adam the red man of the ruddy man or the man from the clay he gave Adam a unique relationship to him that angels did not have it is established that God created man for the purposes of intimate fellowship and exchange rooted in freewill got to write this down free will see this is the difference between you and angels because when angels messed up they got kicked out of heaven but you and I we have free will that's what makes the devil so mad he messed up once he out of there we mess up every day God still wants to hear from us somebody needs to thank God for the grace that we have that that you and I have walked away from God and he's still faithful to us you and I have made bad choices and we know we don't deserve his love his mercy or his forgiveness but he's sitting there like a loving father saying I just can't wait for them to turn and when they turn around I got a blessing for him I've got healing for them I've got deliverance for them is there anybody that's grateful that God is faithful when we are faithless [Music] Bible says when we are faithless he is faithful for he cannot deny himself and so this idea of this this vertical relationship this exchange this this place of free will this is where your worship counts see God doesn't force you to worship I know there are times and I've been there before they're people like me you've been in church and they're playing a song like I'm feeling anybody ever been there you've been at the service as I I don't feel it I'm not talking about this church there's another Church feel like I want to embarrass nobody but I didn't I didn't even know that song no what I'm saying is this here's the thing about worship worship isn't about what you feel it's about who God is and who God is does not change whether you're having the best day of your life or the worst day of your life talk to me Joe make it I came into the world make it I shall return blessed be the name of the Lord that was a strange offensive response the devil didn't expect that response when he hit job with the loss of his children and the loss of this property and the loss of his income and the loss of his status and the loss of his health and he had the nerve to worship when everything was gone and this is the power of the story you do at your lowest is what you are at your highest and I need a 10-second praise break right there eight seven six Shane I've got a worship win it doesn't feel cool I've got a worship when it's hurting I have to worship when I failed him I've got a worship when all of my bills are not yet paid I've got to learn how to please give him a hallelujah even when he's correcting me even when he's adjusting me even when he's dealing with me it does not change the power of God or the holiness of God and so I lift up my hand and there are those mic who say that you know their expression and worship is muted respect I understand that but catch them at a Texans game you always show emotion for the thing that matters catch them into Rockets game team max scored 21 in like 13 seconds remember when you did that by the way we got a Hall of Famer on the front row tracing the Brady is here his beautiful wife Clarinda I went on YouTube and I watched that how many points did you score 13 in how many seconds 35 seconds yes twice in the Hobby Frank there were some people that were screaming and there were others that were shocked because they had never seen anything like it so they didn't know what to do so their response was delayed I believe he's here prophetically to let you know that what God is about to do is going to happen so fast that no one has ever seen it and you won't even be able to worship while it's happening you will have a delayed reaction if I were you count it count it all can you win twice all right I need somebody to give God a crazy praise right I feel something breaking off of people right there that's about to shake your life so fast that you won't even have time to get hallelujah out of your mouth before the next thing shows up blessing a blessing a blessing I just need one man of God to agree with me I just need one person get one person that will agree with you just say it's coming to your life get one person tell them it's coming to your life Brendan that's two people you cheated it's coming to your life you won't even have time to shout you won't even have time to get into your worship you don't even have time before you can get the prayer out the answer is there before you call I will [Applause] people think God is a game he's about to show the world I'm gonna use you to get glory I hear the Lord say I'm gonna use you to get glory your family thinks you crazy but i'ma show them you weren't crazy when you were serving you weren't crazy you weren't crazy you were hearing from God you weren't crazy you were hearing from God you walked away from what looked good but he looked look good but it didn't look god that's what one of my sisters in here he looked good but he didn't look God any man that gets nervous when you start worshipping that's a sign that's a sign that's a sign brother if she don't want to read the Bible with you she can't carry your destiny that's a sign that's a sign all she wants to do is show you what she working with that's a sign because that's all she working with and once that's gone you'll have nothing but you better find a woman that moves out of control [Applause] but feel God in this church tonight I've got to cultivate my relationship with God because even though I dwell in time I was created for eternity and when I worship I exchanged my temporal for the eternal I trade my placement for limited vision to unlimited sight when I worship Heaven visits earth when I worship time and eternity getting mixed up I didn't even realize it's been an hour it felt like only a few moments huh because a day is as a thousand years to the Lord is there anybody that's ever been caught up in the rapture but you have to choose to worship on that level see that's that autonomy the the highest beauty of humanity is our autonomy and the lowest ugliness of humanity is rooted in that same autonomy for in free will we choose what we want to do because in free will is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there are some things that we have chosen you and I that are not beneficial to the long-term plan of God how grateful are you that God didn't allow you to sabotage his purpose with you and are you and I are bad decisions is anybody else grateful and why is it so important to cultivate your relationship with God because it is in your communion with God that you find out who you are see the purpose of intimate fellowship between God and Adam was not because God wanted to know Adam he created him he knew him inside and out it was for Adam to know himself so that he could properly function in his purpose because when you know who you are because you've been spending time with God you have a different level of swag you have a different level of authority when a man handles himself with God he has authority to tell his wife this is the direction of the house and I want the kids going to bed at 8:30 and they're not watching YouTube there were only five years old I don't know what's on there and I can't govern all of that and no they're not eating processed food they're gonna eat them vegetable or they're not going outside you're not gonna do what you want in my house when a man gets a vision from God when when a woman sees that her man has a vision from God [Applause] communion with God gives you identity somebody say identity next I want to talk about this whole relationship thing marriage and relationships one of my single phone healthy marriages start with being healthy as a single here's why because what you don't address in your singleness will be multiplied in your marriage I didn't know how selfish I was until I got married I didn't know how committed I was to loneliness until I got married see I grew up as an only child I never had to share not even just my things but my heart and it wasn't until my wife kept asking me how you feel in it what's on your mind and I could say I'm good I'm good I'm good but inside I was screaming because there was still a four and a half year old boy that was abused on the front lawn of his house 806 East Mitchell that never healed and I kept all of that stuff in and it kept piling up and piling up and every now and then it would manifest in certain ugly ways and she had no clue because I kept it in because I had committed myself that no one would ever understand me and if I ever show her that part of me she would walk away but here's the power of understanding who you are and who God brought into your life is when you get the revelation that God actually caused a marriage for the purposes of producing not only glory but a legacy to try to help the single folk in here here's the difference between between good and God many singles get caught up because they have a preference and that's why marriages of preference don't always last stop marrying for preference and start marrying for purpose when you're healthy single when you know who you are you won't settle you know you won't do just anything well just let him walk all over you you won't let her do whatever she wants how many of us have regretted some of our personal preferences can I get an amen no God was like don't do it don't do it don't do it you're like I'm tired I'm tired of being the only one at the party I'm tired of being at the wedding by myself I ain't catching another bouquet of flowers I'm tired but then you get with the person that was your preference and they speak to every insecurity you ever had come on up PJ I need PJ Morton to help me for those who don't know PJ Morton is is just a phenomenal musician he's nominated for two Grammys and every now and there CPJ people get caught up with the wrong stuff because when you start walking into relationships of preference versus purpose you start getting insecure driving behind folk three and four cars behind trying to see where they belong [Music] [Applause] in a relationship arguing little stuff get angry and then don't let him leave his phone out [Music] something's what is his Co what is his coal [Music] keep thinking man things are just one day who is this that's my sister you don't have a sister now you all outside of yourself you angry you knew he wasn't God's purpose for your life you got caught up now you insecure going through his stuff going through his phone nothing even your character girl you know how amazing you are the purpose God has on your life fellows the same thing goes for you sometimes fellas we get a good woman and don't know what to do with her I'm not gonna talk about these sisters these sisters out here they want a man who loves God who will honor them who will take care of them and too many men are playing games and you need to stop all of that and grow up and make a decision and get you a wife and stop playing these games so you can have a legacy real quiet man like man you messing me up I don't know why you brought me in here tonight this crazy I remember when when me and aventure were dating courting and one night we had an argument it was at her at her house and I got in my car I was trying to be y'all whatever I say girl whatever I got me a convertible own car I got in the car and the Holy Ghost said you better not pull off now pride was like I'm in Atlanta it's plenty of fish in the sea he was like don't get hooked up with the wrong one he said that's my daughter in there so then I had to go knock on the door swallow my pride and I like please don't walk away from give me a little bit of that one peach I just love it please don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't ever leave me don't ever leave don't ever leave me don't ever leave don't ever leave me don't [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't ever leave don't leave me don't ever leave me come on Smee we in this church and what service is almost over please wear your shoes the rest can go ow [Applause] [Music] if you married get your food right now single people don't get man you'll get a food every married couple if you're if you are here and you are married or you are married but your spouse is not here then I want you to hold your own hand I'm about to pray for you right now father in the name of Jesus play that a little bit PJ I pray for a refreshing in every marriage because the enemy hits marriage hard because he hates what it represents to the kingdom of God and I declare that you will bless every marriage that you will strengthen the bonds and the cords of the covenant that no matter what the devil has tried to do all of it together will fail and fall in the name of Jesus whether it's emotional spiritual physical or financial it all dies here evils where it is and rekindle the original purpose and intent so that every couple leaves here tonight knowing they are exactly with the one that was purposed for their life and anything else that whispers opposite is a somebody give got a great phrase right there we need to give God a real praise right there [Music] now where am i single people that cuz I need to encourage office right now you're like can i flow dance I got two more points and then we can head home but I've just got to get you this thing write this down Jakob Jakob seekers Jakob was two people and in Genesis 28 God gave Jacob who was single at the time a word from heaven that said I'm gonna bless you and I'm gonna do something in your life that is so significant that every family on earth will be blessed through your descendants God gave him the word in Genesis 28 in Genesis 29 you know who he meets Rachel now rachel is his preference but his preference could not produce purpose and out of God's love Jacob who was tricky got tricked and on the night of his honeymoon he ended up becoming one with Leah and the Bible says he was angry with his father-in-law Laban and said you gave me the one I didn't want and even that was the purpose because the devil will whisper to us and our mayor just say you know you could have chose somebody else let me tell you something God loves you so much that he gave you your purpose in spite of your preference somebody's gonna give you you can't clap right now cuz they're gonna know that you know there was some drama with y'all so this you like apparently he's talking about someone else because I love her she's amazing [Applause] single people please understand that God is releasing people into covenants and I'm prophesying now for for a few people I'm not saying every one but I believe that there are people in this room that you will this year not only meet the person God has purposed but you will this year get married so get out of your mind 12 to 18 month window you're gonna know it's God you're gonna walk that thing out you'll get godly counsel listen to me I bind that spirit I let try to save some money I had negative eleven dollars when I got married and now we have a little more than negative eleven dollars seven years later and so it's not about what you got coming in by yourself it's about what God can do with the both of y'all submitted to one another I'm trying to help some single folks now I'm not saying that you both should not be gainfully employed and moving in purpose my point is this if that's the only thing you want you might miss God Jacob was immature in key areas of his development therefore he wanted Rachel because Rachel was surface leah was substance I'm doing I'm preaching good P but here's the thing about moving at the speed of relationships God loves you so much that he's not going to allow relationships that are not going to produce fruit for his glory to remain so some of y'all need to thank God for what he left out of your life let move out of your life took out of your life some of y'all see before me to thank God because he saved you from years of misery God marriage family now let's talk about these friends at professional relationships write it down Matthew 17 Jesus went up to the Mount of Transfiguration a high mountain hoody take y'all Peter James but he had 12 disciples why they only take three because everybody can't go 20 18 everybody can't go write it down get it in your spirit get that 18 everybody can't go listen God is elevating you in this season everybody can't go where you're going and so it's okay it doesn't mean that they're not going to heaven doesn't mean God doesn't have a purpose but there are people that were sufficient for 2017 that may not make it to the deeper places of purpose in 2018 and that's okay you need God to identify for you the Peter James and John's of your life why because you need people that will stick and stay through the most broken moments of your life I don't want fans I want friends John 15:13 Jesus said listen I no longer call you disciples because or servants because servants don't know what their master is doing now I call you friends because I've told you everything the father has told me when you have friends you can tell them the truth and they'll love you and then cover you can I get an amen for both don't do one and not the other don't love me and then text about me don't love me and then DM about me I need you to love me and cover me so if you see something that God is processing or developing if you're my real friend you'll cover me and even if somebody else is talking about it I don't even know what you're talking about but that's my friend that you can't talk about them in my presence somebody get you in a group feed on some foolishness and get me out of this group you're not gonna talk about my friend matter of fact put your friend in the group hey they were talking about you I figured you might want to know they talking about you but I know you help them with they rent last month in this funny people will try to minimize what you've done in their life just so they can feel better about their own stuff come on Holy Ghost and so we've got to understand the speed of relationships when it comes to God marriage your singleness is producing in your patience and it is developing in you an individual identity that is rooted in Christ alone so when or if God brings someone into your life they complement your purpose and you move in destiny together you are not so thirsty to be with another human being that you lay down your morals your ethics and your values to get them and then finally purpose we always read Jeremiah 29:11 but you really need to start reading at that six verse because the truth of Jeremiah is that the children of Israel were in captivity and the word of the Prophet was you need to pray while you're in captivity I'm just talking to the people who feel like life's not moving as fast as you need it to there's some things that kind of have you hemmed in God says pray in that place because while you're praying for the place that holds you captive God's gonna bless you while you're right there you got to read it you got to be really mature to hear what I just said the places that seem to be restricting to you and causing you greatest pain God says pray for that area pray for those people because while you're in that situation God's going to produce so much glory out of your life that you will look blessed even though it'll still be a captive situation and then we know that he says for I know the plans I have towards you declares the Lord thoughts of good and not evil to give you a future and the hope even in the midst of broken situations God can still produce purpose and then in John 12 Jesus said this now my soul is troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour but for this purpose I came to this hour father glorify your name write this down because your relationship to God merits family single professional relationships and friendships are great but your relationship to your purpose is what I want to have you leave with because your purpose is the thing you were created for but Jesus says my soul is trouble but what you shall I say deliver me from this know before this purpose I was born and then he said father glorify your name to principles that you need to grab number one sometimes there's trouble on your way to purpose anybody that tells you your purpose the devil is going to come on in and just do what you want I ain't even gonna fight that's a lie Jesus lets us know there is trouble as you head towards purpose but number two is the one where you shout guys still gonna get glory so trouble will come in the life of a believer transition comes in the life of a believer but it's still going to produce glory if you stay submitted to God if you develop the necessary places of relational commitment if you are married to your husband or your wife then to your family your children if you are single that you are committed to the things of God the kingdom of God the local church and then you identify the right friends and professional relationships that line up with the purpose for which you were called and then everything else that you cannot handle everything else that you cannot take care of on your own you gonna have to let go soon as I stop learning whirring the how about story let God have you that's when things start happening I stopped looking at back then I couldn't seem to follow us there was so much on my mind I was searching for that piece but the piece I could so then I knelt down just prayed I was praying [Music] then they say if you don't have to cry we're in the powder store go and that God has that's when things start happening but I stopped looking at what I'll break it down I mean so just do it just let go and let God just let go let go you just like oh just let go and let God if you can't handle it by yourself to set go [Music] [Music] one more time to say soon as somebody [Music] [Music] that's winning [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay with me one minute one minute if you're here you've never given your life to Jesus or you need to recommit your life to Jesus there is no better moment than right now the most important relationship is your relationship and your soul will have with the Savior who died for it if you've never given your life to Jesus you did not know that his blood was shed to pay for your sins this is your moment if you need to rededicate your life this is your moment and on the count of three this is what I want you to do on the count of three if you need to give your life to Jesus or you need to rededicate I want you to waive both of your hands in the air like you are being rescued if I'm talking to you 1 Jesus loves you too he died for you 3 this is your moment wave your hands in the air if you're letting go and letting go keep waving your hands keep waving your hands come on y'all keep waving your hands people are giving their lives to God they rededicate us [Music] [Music] if you're here you just lifted your hands I want you to pray this prayer with being those who are here pray it along with your brothers and sisters Lord Jesus it's me I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you for the blood that was shed for me my life is moving at the speed of relationships my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I believe that he died for me my sins are paid for you are my Lord and Savior in Jesus name Amen we believe if you prayed that simple prayer you just got saved somebody celebrate God
Channel: John Gray Ministries
Views: 214,130
Rating: 4.8687124 out of 5
Keywords: #PastorJohnGray, #lakewoodchurch, #speedofseries, #speedofrelationships, #relationships, #houston
Id: cOAps2xg0S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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