Relationship Goals // Pt 1 // Oneka McClellan

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happy Sunday shoreline city are you ready for a fantastic amazing wonderful day no really are you ready for a fantastic amazing wonderful day I want to hear from you because I think God is gonna do some great things in us today welcome now last week was Easter and it was phenomenal we were able to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and I just have to say a huge thank you to everybody who was on a serve team every person who came early stained lay individuals that were putting mulch in flower beds people that were setting up and tearing down at Bishop arts individuals that were driving golf carts people all over this church serving in bigs and in littles thank you you set the table beautifully I'm amazed that you know there was almost 6,500 individuals that came and were a part of this young six year old church but I'm more amazed of the people with the people that God has assembled here to serve to love to set a table to remind every person they are loved and valued and believed in individuals that are making it on earth as it is in heaven so let's give a huge round of applause to all of our leaders all of our serve team folks for stepping up thank you thank you thank you now today you're in for an amazing treat because the lead pastor of this church the preacher extraordinaire the hottest woman I've ever seen in my entire life and she is my wife is preaching today I want you to give a huge round of applause and Bishop arts here at White Rock in Antigua even online I want you to give a huge round of applause for Pastor Onika McClelland as she comes to share God how you doing third service you rested how nice is it to sleep in a little bit well I'm so excited to see each and every one of you we're in for a great day third service I can tell y'all are lit and ready to go which I'm so glad I'm so bad for Earl is in Miami speaking at a friend's church but he sends his love and he will be back up here next week as we continue this series that we're starting today which is called relationship goals we're all in some type of relationship friendships husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend singles roommate co-worker you name it there's some type of family hello how tricky can those relationships be wooo true real story but I'm not gonna go into it just in case that family member comes to church I want you to embrace he or she but whip that said we all need help navigating relationships and that's why we're gonna take the next couple weeks to talk about them go with me to Genesis 37 we're gonna jump right in one time Joseph had a dream and when he told his brothers about it they hated him even more they saw him in the distance and before he reached them they plotted against him and decided to kill him today we're gonna talk about sibling rivalry so many siblings all throughout the Bible all throughout history we got Cain and Abel we all know how that ended many of us it ended in one brother being jealous of the other one and ended up in his life being taken he gots Mary and Martha one was sitting at the feet of Jesus just hanging on his every word the other one was running around the house cleaning it caused conflict Khan can't talk conflict the other we have David his brothers were out just listening to Goliath spew out all this venom and his dad said go check on your brothers he shows up on the scene ready to be a strength and his brothers look at him like what what are you doing here what do you have to offer or I can talk to you about my kids sibling rivalry I have three what just so crazy I can't believe have three children ell who's our two-year-old little passionate girl boss leader firecracker most amazing cutest little thing ever she will wear a bow but she also can handle a bow and arrow that is my L she's that kind of girl and then I have Grayson who's seven and I always refer to him as Wonder in a bottle cuz he just has his childlike innocence about him he's a smartest kid ever he gets straight A's his teachers love him and rave about him but he is a cutest little Lisp which I just can't get rid of I just I meaning I haven't tried to haven't done speech therapy or anything yet don't judge me but I just think his voice is so cute but I know when he's sixteen that's not gonna work so I gotta work on that I will at some point then we have Parker who is 13 who is just amazing as well keeps us quite busy and on our toes I'm navigating being a boy mom of a preteen and just it just changes Greyson will still sit in my lap he'll say mom you're so beautiful and just snuggle with me Parker's like sup mom it's just so different so different he doesn't use as many words any more like Greyson we're like slow down buddy we can't understand what you're saying Parker were like pulling it out and so I was telling second service how we're learning in this season of our lives as parents had a parent of preteen and he's amazing I know he's gonna be a leader but we feel like we're in the newborn stage where we don't know what the heck we're doing but he gives us grace we give each other grace and I can't wait to see who he turns out to be but with that said my kids get on each other's nerves sometimes one minute they're the best of friends laughing playing it's like a Hallmark card moment I look across the dinner table and I'm like oh yes that's us Halloween a family photo and then Thanksgiving so look how angelic they look so sometimes and then look at their two little turtlenecks from H&M don't you love H&M you can look like a boss for $12.99 I'm not mad about it so not mad about it but so they're dreamy in those photos but then when that photo is over somebody's playing with someone's toy last night it was so and so has my book that was my book that I got for Christmas I'm like who cares then just real talk is their service so you guys get unfiltered everything so I got this new sweatshirt that I was so excited about it was an oversized champion sweatshirt $22 I was so proud of my conquest I'm a bargain shopper if you haven't figured it out um unless one gives me a gift and then I don't care if it's a bargain or not I'm just thankful for it but with that said I wore it yesterday cuz Earl was leaving to go out of town we had a full weekend and I was like I'm gonna wear something cozy and fun and even though I'm home with the three kids by myself praise them shout out to single moms you're warriors I thought I'm gonna put on my cozy sweatshirt so I can just feel like a girl boss while I'm at home and still feel cute because sometimes when you would you'll know this when you're a mom one day that sometimes you have to dress how you want to feel inside to just cheer yourself up so I put on my new sweatshirt know what my kids don't even appreciate it but it was really cute so there's this thing that you can make is called glob you use Elmer's slime you use Elmer's glue and all this stuff with borax and it makes this slimy thing parents know what I'm talking about so there is some on our counter I don't see it so I'm talking with one of the kids and I leaned down in my new sweatshirt and then I lift up my arm filled with blue globs so sweatshirt is officially ruined but yeah pour it out and um yeah pour it out but what that said kids are crazy they can be arguing one minute hugging the other sibling rivalry I was thinking about our church I was look around look at all the amazing people that God has brought I was just talking to Rhema about this it was even six years ago that we were in a nursing home with 22 people you say nursing home I know that sounds crazy but we rented an amphitheater there it was only $50 a month soon as Earl and I found out the rent we're like sold this is where the new home of shoreline City and so they're about 17 of us and we do the same thing that we do still to this day we pray for the one we remember the one we believe God for the loss to come home this is not a show it's not a production where you really do care when lives are changed and we celebrate it and I was thinking out we grow that is the mama bear of the house it's so important for me to just remind us who we are and where we're headed so this message is not like get ready get ready get ready get out the hankie I'm gonna run around and do laps kind of message though there's plenty of those on the Internet this is a message from my heart to yours and I believe that it's the father's heart that he has for his church and for this house because I feel like as we continue to grow but it's important for you all who are new to know who we are and we're not comfortable with you just sitting in your seat and not changing and not transforming but only God can do that and so we care about your future and we care about your today so I'm just gonna take time we're going to go through scriptures and we're gonna talk about family dynamics in the Bible because at Easter y'all over 300 people gave their lives to Jesus that's amazing so we have new siblings and the mistake that we made with Parker I mean with Grayson when L came into our life so Grayson is seven Ellis - we didn't prep him we just cuz literally we got a text message on a Monday that said a baby's been born do you know someone who would want to adopt her that was Monday no crib no diapers no formula Friday Friday she was in our home in our arms I think we have a picture of Grayson holding her for the first time look at that look how little she was so literally that was her first hour in her house so because it happened so fast we didn't get to prep Grayson so guess what he reverted so he started acting like a baby he's sort of whining and having tantrums and just felt lost and misunderstood because we didn't have the talk like we had with Parker when Parker was about to have a little brother we prepped him so he actually emerged [Music] so he actually emerged and actually we saw him step into becoming like a little big boy because he would help us all the time because we prepped him so as our church grows with over 300 people that came that came to know Jesus on Easter I feel like I got to prep all of y'all so you know how to handle all your new siblings right so jump with me into the Bible we're gonna go right in to the story of the prodigal son this is the story of a Father's love for his son who was lost and it's also the story of two brothers who basically didn't understand their worth so you have the prodigal son he says to his dad dad I want my inheritance I don't want to wait till you die I want it now so the dad being gracious and loving said you can have it now so the younger brother known as the prodigal son left with the money spent it lost his mind taking selfies in every bar all around town dropping it like it's hot on the club meeting girls left and right on where do you guys meet people these days what's that app tinder yes he was all up on tinder to put it in our day and age and spent everything he had there was a famine and he found himself starving and didn't have any more money so he got a job taking care of pigs and this is how low he got he thought to himself even the pigs are eating better than I am that's where we pick up this story Luke 15 vs. 17 when he finally came to his senses and as I was studying that I thought how good is God but someone can come to their senses in a pig pen so that means there's hope for me and you because you could feel like you're in a pig pen today your thought life could be like a pig pen just dirty stinky muddy messy your job could be like a pig pen your marriage could be like a pig pen your friends could have literally didn't even go home last night in a pig pen but even in a pig pen we can come to our senses I think sometimes you think you have to come to your senses when you're only at church because the worships playing Rachel's just killing it she's literally like a real-life angel like I've known her for over six years in the same person she has up here is who she is when she's not up here and she loves Jesus and that's why she's so passionate fighting with us and for you but with that said that's not the only time we can come to our senses this is what he said at home even the hired servants have enough food to spare and here I am dying of because he came from a wealthy family and found himself in a pig pen I will go home to my father and say father I've sinned against both you and heaven am i no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as your hired servant and I was thinking about him in the Pigpen and I was thinking that he was probably rehearsing what he's gonna say to his dad when he walks up because that's what it says he's trying to figure out his narrative before he steps into it so I think about all the people that walk through these doors today many of you are probably rehearsing like what am I gonna do what door am I gonna go in okay such-and-such door the people that the door are usually a little bit quieter so I'm gonna walk in that door or this door I'm gonna be able to slip in and slip out or I don't want them to snow what's on me I don't want them to know that I'm frustrated today like planning our narrative what am I gonna wear I don't I don't want to be to this or to that planning our narrative before we step into this door and some people who are literally just coming to their senses or doing exactly what he did and this helps us just putting yourself in this story helps you identify with someone who's lost in any area of their life that's why it's so important but listen to the response of the father which is a response of our Father so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off say long way off not on the edge of breakthrough not right on the brink of a miracle not just living for God with everything in him long way off so think about what areas of your life that you feel a long way off in I just here to tell you there's hope for you because listen it says even when he was a long way off his father saw him coming that's good news and I want us to be a church that even when someone is a long way off in any area of their life we still see them coming that's why we pray before you get here yes it's okay to clap because we see you before you get here so many of you don't realize that you're an answer to prayer when we were meeting so we start going to give you a little church history because I feel like you have to know Cohn next to appreciate what God is doing start at a nursing home it started in Ron and Judy Brown's living room actually just a handful of us then we rented the nursing home the amphitheater 50 bucks a month then we outgrew that started renting the Angelica movie theater with about a hundred and fifty people faithful but all those people who have gone before you the glade great cloud of witnesses weep you were we prayed for you before we knew you and so I need us as a church as we continue to grow to be thinking about who else is in the distance that you eight hundred people and anyone watching online is being mandated and knighted today to see in the distance that's what this father said and then it's so awesome because it says I love this I thought to myself are we seeing people a long way off then the verse goes on to say filled with love and compassion he ran to his son embraced him and kissed him and back then it was not normal when you're dignified and you come from wealth you don't run towards people you don't embrace them you don't kiss them because you're proud and you're distinguished and people are watching and you have to set an example but this dad did not care what other people think and your heavenly father he no matter how far off you feel in what area of your life he sees you and he is running towards you today and that's the posture that I want our church to have that we see people in the distance and we see them before their home any time you're sitting next to an empty seat you should pray father God I pray for that next person who's gonna be sitting in this seat I pray through the person who's gonna sit in the seat after me I pray for a download from heaven I pray for whoever was too hung over to come today and I pray that even now they would get a revelation of your love I pray for who got into a fight on the way and that couple decided not to come to church we have to see other people because when you see other people it gives you peace in whatever storm you're facing and fighting go with me to the story of Joseph and the thing is before we go to Joseph I want to say one more thing about the dad of the prodigal son he didn't judge him he didn't look at him and say where have you been he ran towards him and he didn't think well you owe me you spent all my money so you to come to me he went to him just think about that for a second so then we have Joseph and his brothers Joseph was a dreamer he was the younger brother telling everybody whose dreams he was very misunderstood his dad loved him so much that he made him this coat of many colors and it was this long robe that had sleeves and went all the way down to the floor and so it talked about that that meant you weren't like a working person but the working people had the shorter garments but because he was you know the favorite of the dad he got this special robe then he had the dreams so then everybody and his brothers teased and basically like here comes a dreamer so that jealousy turned into rage and it turned into anger and so this is an example we should follow the example of the father of the prodigal son I'm going to show you all throughout scripture we're gonna go back and forth between the father and then the brothers to paint the picture of how we don't want to be as a church and as individuals and as families so Joseph this is Joseph the dreamer his dad said go check on your brothers Genesis 37 you'll have to read this again if you aren't familiar with the story or reread it because some truths will come out so Joseph went after his brothers and found them at Dolphin verse 18 they saw him in the distance so this is a negative of sing in the distance pot Potiphar where do I get Potiphar one fast forwarding of Joseph the prodigal sons dad the dad in the prodigal son story he saw his son in the distance and ran towards him this is what these brothers did verse 18 they saw their brother in the distance and before he reached them they plotted against him and decided to kill him that's a different way of looking at seeing someone in the distance when you see stone in the distance are you seeing their best when you see your girlfriend your spouse your teacher in the distance are you seeing the best your coworker or the worst I wrote this down do you have a plot mindset like Joseph and his brothers or do you have a plan mindset like the prodigal sons dad and this is how you know this little tiny Decatur's it just kind of give you a gauge if it takes you 20 minutes to park and you're been out of shape thinking oh no I don't even know if that's the right choice for me it keeps growing all these cars all these people all these lines can't get in can't get how what's the big deal why'd I have to wait that is a plot mindset a plan mindset is look at all these cars I'm gonna pray for every single car in front of me and believe God that they're gonna meet with Jesus today yes that's clap cuz that's who we are that's who you are I know you are a plan mindset is it took me so long to park I wonder if I should sign up for the parking lot team because maybe they need help every week I pull up I see the same smiley person I wonder if they need more people so that I can help so that this guy doesn't get worn out from helping me find my car is that okay to be real real talk it's just like a family you have some siblings like one of my children I won't mention their names so if you see them in the hallway you won't go hear this story from your mom but one of my siblings feels like they always have to do all the chores the other one does not and so what happens is that particular sibling gets kind of like antsy and bitter and not appreciative because they feel like they have to do everything it just doesn't breed health and so it's so important for us as a church to breathe life and light and it takes a village and as we grow we need more of you to say put me in coach I want to help even if it's once a month it makes a difference it really does make a difference so we are gonna have a plan mindset to find out how we can be a part of the solution and not a plot like a don't put us in a box like just because the church is growing does it mean we're like the other church that you went to there was growing we will not stop loving people serving people believing in people it's who we are we can't help it we're not changing and that's good news nobody here's trying to be famous nobody here's trying to be on a billboard nobody here is trying to do anything but lift up the name of Jesus because he's the only one who can save us and so it's so important that not just Earl and I see you not just the staff and the team see you but that you see each other and that you see each other in the distance is it okay to be real this morning can y'all handle it awesome awesome also we're gonna talk about another parallel we're gonna go back and forth between the prodigal son and his dad and then also Joseph and his brothers so go with me to Luke 15 22 but his father said to his servants this is the father who loves his son who loves you quick bring the finest robe in the house do you notice he doesn't say to his son when he sees him in the distance go take a shower you smell like pigs you spent all my money that's not God he's so good I was listening to that passion song this whole week it's called god you're so good something along those lines and it just I was just singing it even when things were not happening the way that I had planned for them to happen this week I just kept blasting God you're so good you're so good you're so good he's so good even in the midst when we cannot understand listen to his father but his father said to the servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him then get a ring and put it on his finger and sandals on his feet he clothed his son with dignity and that's what I want you to do each and every week when you see someone in this house I want you to clothe them with dignity you do that by saying hi you do that with smiling you do that by saying hey come sit by me I see you in the lobby standing by myself you do that by inviting someone to lunch you do that by serving in bigs and littles or whatever area that you jump into the video the TEC you name it whatever part you play you're putting a robe on someone someone who feels a dirty and messy and just came out of a Pigpen and they don't have to look it on the outside you can be the most brilliant brilliant Bible scholar ever but you can still need a robe put on you right and so I want us as a church and I want you to know this this is so important I could have preached something that would have made you waive your hankies and think that I'm a great communicator but I felt more importantly that this is not about me I feel like it's about all the people that are stuck in pig pens and that I feel that we're called as a church to put robes on them and so I'm just taking my time this morning to remind us who we are so that you guys see each other the right way so this is what he did the dad bring the finest robe in the house get a ring for his finger put sandals on his feet and kill the calf we have been fattening which is basically like get out the flamin yawn the very best of the best I love this for this son of mine was dead and now he's returned to life who's dead in your life that you're believing God that they would return to life who's lost that you're believing would be found you could feel lost here today you could feel like I don't even know why I came to church today but just something propels you God's gonna meet you here but now he is found so let the party begin that is a powerful response of a loving father he said get the best meat out we're about to celebrate my son we thought he was dead but he's alive that's why we go crazy here at church that's why we're so passionate that's why we smile and we're so excited that you're here every Sunday we're celebrating that what seemed dead is now alive this is who we are Genesis 37 19 here we go to Joseph and his brothers this is what we don't want to be they said to one another here comes a dreamer here comes that new person here comes that lady who always dresses inappropriate she seems like she just came from the club it's true people think those thoughts that's just second service though not y'all right come on now let's kill him and throw his body into one of the wells this is Joseph's brothers who was jealous of him we can say little wild animal killed him then we'll see what becomes of his dreams so you have the dad of the prodigal son he kills the calf to celebrate you have Joseph's own brothers who kill a goat the scriptures go on to say that they ripped off his robe dipped it in blood brought it home to his father and said basically your son's been gone been killed by a wild animal while he was actually left for dead in a well do you see the difference of the family dynamics you have one family who covers up the well-being of their brother you have another family who kills the fatted calf and celebrates and that's a type of church that we are called to be we are called to celebrate when even one person comes home even one we care that your coworker came today we care that your husband who never came to church ever before walked in these doors we care that you're here who've been coming faithfully for years because we've prayed for you I think about the robes and what they were how they were so significant during this time Luke 15 22 going back to the Father but his father said to the servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring for his finger what symbolized you belong son you're a part of this family and I want you to know that each and every one of you you belong here you're a part of this family no matter your story no matter your situation no matter your circumstance no matter what thoughts you're battling I just want you to know that you belong and God wants to put a ring on your finger to remind you that today once put sandals on your feet and a lot of times he uses people to do that then we go to Joseph's so you have the dad who says you belong then we go to Joseph and his brothers who literally rip off his robe like I said before and they threw them threw him into a well I want us to be a church that does not rip robes off of people but does not judge people but does not make people have to rehearse what they're gonna say before they get here but I want us to be a church I want each and every one of you to be people who put robes on people robes on people dignity value worth because here's the deal there's marriages that are here today they're done a pigpen there's thought life's that are so crazy that if we were put them on the screen we would all be bawling and crying they need robes on them there's people in school right now who take medication to study at night because they're afraid what their parents are gonna think if they get a B we're gonna put robes on them there's people who are older who have been serving Jesus for so long but it feels stale to them needed a fresh reminder that God is not done with him yet let's put a robe on them let's be a church that sees people gives them dignity gives them value gives them worth it of course only comes from Jesus Christ earlier this week Earl went to Dick's Sporting Goods they opened a new one in our neighborhood so he brought two out of our three I stayed home with one mm he took two sometimes we like to divide and conquer cuz it's a little crazy it is really crazy but it's awesome I'm just being honest I'm not gonna lie to you and just act like we skip around at our house all the time just because we love Jesus we don't but with that said he goes you know it it's a little crazy right now let's divide and conquer you keep one I'll take two ready break knuckles so he leaves goes to Dick's Sporting Goods I always put our little girl I'm her name's Elle in these like bows and monogrammed everything and I just I'm having fun having a girl but with that said Earl said she needs an adidas wet suit like one with the skinny pants and just this dope adidas wet suit and so he takes her to Dick's Sporting Goods and as soon as he walks in no one says hi they just don't even acknowledge that he's there which is fine whatever it's dick sporting good we're not expecting him to have the best customer service but its new so you would think that they're just like a hype still like excited to be in the neighborhood nope so he walks up and he greets them hey how are you doing today of course he greets he's a greeter everywhere he goes y'all uh when I'm on an airplane with him he's just that person he genuinely loves people like for real like when we're on an airplane anyone who needs help with their bags he sees anyone's train he's like I got that for you he's the person at the grocery store if someone's up if there's a mom who's on struggle Street her kids are crying he's the one who says let me help you put them in your car he's just that person and I'm so grateful that he's our pastor cuz he genuinely loves people he does and so he greets them and he asked for the adidas little baby sweat suits are and they just point you know why they just point because it's not their house you know why they just point cuz they didn't see him and I don't want us to become a church to just points I want us to see each other because we don't know what we're walking we don't know you don't know who you're sitting by but you don't realize by you putting your robe on them by you putting on value on them you don't know what it could unlock on the inside of them and it could be your family member that they end up changing and transforming you just goddess sweep that way but with that said go with me back to Luke 15 as we prepare to land this plane as we just look at the story of two families one family that saw someone in the distance before they arrived another family who cut them off at the knees before he even had a chance to arrive now we're gonna look at the prodigal sons other brother who we didn't talk about Luke 15 verse 25 meanwhile the older son was in the fields when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house you know cuz the dads like get the robe get the ring get the shoes my son is home and listen to this in return Tomi heard the music and dancing in the house and he asked one of the servants what's going on your brother is back he was told and your father has killed the fattened calf we are celebrating because of his safe return verse 28 the older brother was angry so he was pouting he wouldn't even go in his father had to come out but catch this our Heavenly Father loves both sons exactly the same he loves his son that came back home who was lost but he also noticed that this son who's been faithful was missing that's how good god is so have you been coming here for six years or you've been coming here for one Sunday we see you we love you we value you and we're glad you're here so listen to this this is the brother going off on all that on the dad it says the older brother was angry wouldn't go in his father came out and begged him but he replied all these years I've slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me I checked all the boxes I did everything right I made all good choices I showed up on time every time and in that time you never gave him me even one goat for a feast with my friends first 30 yet when this son of yours come back comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes you celebrate by killing the fatted calf and notice he says this son of yours he doesn't even it's not even his brother to him his father said to him look dear son here the compassion that he has for both sons he says dear son look dear son you've always stayed with me and everything I have is yours everything we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and he has come back to life he was lost but now he is found I think about why you want some of you may wonder why are you why do you worship with your hands so high we worship with our hands so high because we know where God brought us I didn't always serve Jesus so many of us haven't always served Jesus there was a day when I was just like the prodigal son I was a prodigal daughter out in clubs and bars me right here in the red polo me just losing my mind just like the prodigal sons but when I worship now when I sing those songs I'm thanking God because I used to be lost I used to be dead I walked into a clothing store one day and started working there because I wanted a discount and one of my co-workers kept inviting me to church over and over again did she judge me she smelled alcohol my breath all the time never judged me never made me feel like an idiot just placed a robe on me invited me over to her house for dessert just placed a ring on me invited me to church over and over and over again until one day I walked into a house of God just like this one and I saw young people worshiping with passion in abandonment and I thought I could do that I want to serve this God that they're talking about I want to hope I want peace I don't want to keep living like that so you wonder when I worship like a crazy woman in like a stage mom just cheering on the worship team I'm worshiping because I know each and every one of their stories I know when their marriages weren't where they should be I know when they were giving up on being single I know where they're in the Hoffs I know when their family members were sick and I worship with me because I know they're worshipping not because life is perfect but because they know if there's a God in heaven but it's fighting every battle so when you walk in every single Sunday say hi to someone don't just point say hi and say that I see you but the two brothers you had the brother who left and spent it all you had the brother who stayed behind even the brother who stayed behind if you put the scripture on the screen said I've been slaving for you so he was home with the father still had a slave mindset the son who left slaved in the fields with the pigs so God is saying you don't have to be a slave you're a son you're a daughter whether you've been planted in the house for years or whether you're new in your faith and I want us to be a church this sees people this says you matter I love you I believe in you I see you in the distance I see your marriage in the distance I see you having a child one day in the distance those of you that have kids have children I see you being healed in the distance I see you filled with hope in the distance I see this place so filled up then we have to open another campus because so many lot people came home can we be a church this these people can we be a church that doesn't judge that doesn't cast us can we me a chart to assess blind being healed yes be restored can we be a church during the week can be strong where the depressed kids have joy where does it still have faith to be know assaulted and conviction God choose up to break the long tongue tip God chose us to heal the broken can God choose not to homicide in the practical to God to us to take care of the babies did God choose us to where should we abandon let's worship their fathers let's worship [Music] we are so honored to have you joining us today hopefully you've been inspired to make it on earth as it is in heaven for more information please visit our website at Shoreline City Church [Music]
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 1,252
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 16qgo8M7Lig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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