Reinventing the S’more

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it's time to reinvent the s'more let's talk about good mythical morning mythical beasts an answer is like a diamond let me explain every week we ask you to ask us questions and then our answers cut through your questions like a diamond cutting through white gold to make a ring that then we mount the diamond on top of the white gold ring creating a bond a union between our answer and your question that lasts a lifetime I mean sometimes they get divorce from each other but about 50% of the time really they get divorce but but that symbol remains our question and your answer together forever for eternity Wow that evokes a lot of emotions and I'm gonna ignore all of hi Robinson asked the question about camping because nowhere in your diamond analogy was anything about camping yeah we asked you to ask us questions about camping forgot that saw you had sack you remember the ring yes and the fact that our love is undying Ty Robinson I really tired of the plain camping snacks like s'mores are there any mythical snacks for camping um ty we really tired about this - yeah so what we have done is we have reinvented the s'more and we're gonna introduce that to you today of course in a Volvo using fire yeah I'm it's not the s'mores are bad but but we can do something else is that it's just they've been the same for so long don't burn yourself so that's good you like my Stern oh yeah come on baby like monster no all right there we go and then your beer okay um so they do involve roasting and we each have our own thing to roast right now I can see that you're going savory yeah well it's not a surprise I'm gonna be roasting meatballs all right I'm just gonna say right off the bat I'm going sweet and I try to do something wow that's hot that emulated peanut butter and jelly like I wanted a toy in that world okay I'm pretty much to come some mine involves for the jelly I'm using gummy bears and I've skewered these gummy bears actually the marshmallow to the right you replaced me Irish Mills but in the book you're placing the marshmallows E&J and I'm trying to make it like the jelly and then I'm a roasted over here now I will say that all my ingredients came free cooked these are precooked meatballs some it's like a double cooked meatball you can get your own meatball that's not cooked but you're gonna be there a while have you ever roasted a gummy bear because oh that's like torture at least they're there with four they're really coming apart no you need to hold it up a little bit higher there ooh a little char that doesn't look appetizing for the peanut butter in the PB&J and also the graham cracker in the s'more I am using peanut brittle peanut brittle wreck tonight it's just like oh this is so what's yours what mines mines ready so my graham crackers our quesadillas like fast food that you can hold it a little bit further away from I think that mine's totally ready you're in control how far it is from jelly okay so I'm gonna catch that on he hasted Dilys from your local fast food restaurant of your choice that serves quesadillas or case' Dilys however you'd like to say that and then the last piece for me is white chocolate which is kind of a stretch for PB&J but it's food that's drippy drippy it's like I figured white bread to make PB&J and it's just a little bit of a stretch but that's okay and I wanted to be able to call this as I put it together the red white and brittle red white ooh ooh Oh hot hot on the finger pot on the finger well Lincoln on the finger cell phone crisis over there I'm gonna move on to what I created for chocolate which is uh beef jerky like once you move this out of the way since you're done roasting you're gonna burn me and you and everybody in between know what you do is you just put this on it I've got beef jerky instead of clock so chocolate because you know what if you're gonna go savory don't go halfway to savory town go all the way and be the mayor oh you're the you're the you're the president of savory city well the mayor is what I was thinking but um now first of all yours looks yours looks stupid look at mine but you know what there's no right or wrong there that doesn't look stupid look at that it's got three meatballs on it all right so it's dinner then dessert you bite first that is some meaty nastiness Naz it may be it's good ooh the beef jerky is really gonna hold it hold you down a little bit mayor mayor of smeet town is about to oh yeah I forgot to tell you what do you call it it's not a s'more its ass meat you call thats meat and here goes the red white and brittle a little late for a patriotic day but that's okay it's not even with the call today here we go what in the world is happening it looks a little difficult to bite I mean I got write book you drop the world bro I got right through mine oh you said that mine looks crazy yours looks like mmm you need surgery my look my girl nothing it looks like you've been in an accident that's part of your mouth came out yeah yeah that's what it's like I don't know think he's gonna make it it doesn't taste better though how about mine it tastes good come on are you about to feed that to me no I'm gonna hand it to you mm-hmm I don't want to eat that I'm already on dessert oh come on no man you know I'm gonna try yours you gotta try mine no what's this and the beautiful thing about this one is that once you get through the quesadilla and the meat which there's meat in the quesadilla as well you got beef jerky to kind of just put in your cheek like chipmunk they think there's nothing is that difficult all right here we go hmm well that isn't that is savory that is meaty that is eaten glass I know it's dumb you got a little hanging down I'm connected to you via what you're eating which is disturbing nice no let me sing you a message right mama Lu can you hear me better oh it's hanging from the mouth I didn't know that on your collar mmm yours is pretty tasty but I don't think this is gonna do too well across America okay guys feel free to um try these at your own campfire any type of quesadilla you want to use I'm not gonna be offended as long as there's beef jerky and meatballs it's ass meat next question all right this one's from Libby pines she asks what happens when you see a bear hmm this is actually a really deep and complicated question but thankfully we have a segment to answer really deep and complicated scientific questions oof with really intricate scientific explanations we like to call it amazingly amazing science what happens when you see a bear when you see something you perceive as a threat it triggers your body's fight or flight response the fight or flight response is your body's way of helping you survive first it activates your adrenal gland releasing adrenaline into your bloodstream that adrenaline shuts down all the systems in your body that you don't need like your digestive system and diverts all the extra energy to the organs that will make you as strong and fast as possible like your heart lungs think of it this way your body is a birthday party and the adrenaline is a clown when he's blowing up a balloon animal for little Timmy it's just like your adrenaline diverting more energy to your heart and lungs but just like the adrenal gland this clown is selective about who he gives his balloon directs to he certainly doesn't give any to the Wachowski twins Jerri and Kyle they're the small and large intestines of this party unfortunately Jerry and Kyle's parents don't appreciate favoritism so they decide to write an unsavory yelp review but the party clown can't abide bad Yelp reviews so he begins to stalk mr. and mrs. Walsh a house key he watches them from the bushes when they go to sleep at night creepy breath fog on their bedroom window he builds giant balloon verses of geryon Kyle's parents then invites all of his clown brethren to dance around the parental effigy balloons all at once the sadistic gestures raise their comically large safety pins to the night sky and suddenly pop go the parents that's kind of like what fight or flight is so the next time you see a bear don't worry about prepare worried about the giant devious party clown coursing through your veins he's always there just below the surface watching wait this name is bubbles this has been amazingly amazing science that really went to a happy place at the end what clowns are very very happy very uplifting no well note science sometimes isn't happy that's right I think that's the real lesson here all right now most of you guys know that link and I have kids and we keep those kids in a house we let the kids out of that I'll keep mine in my house I'm gonna keep you living they live in a house with us they can come and go as they please I mean really it's not a kennel you can't just go in the middle of night or anything I mean they're kids they're you know they're not only Shore anything no no no I mean we have kids happy medium between like free range kids and like kennel kid right and it's like normal no they're not in a kennel no they're not they're no I said it's a happy medium it's not even really a medium they just live in a house we love that analogy happened we love them children live in a house and when kids live in a house with you your house can get messy I literally get found 3/4 of a candy bar behind a couch one time how do you just get 1/4 of a candy bar done and then I don't know and they wouldn't own up to it when I was a kid I would I know that you did it kids I would never only eat a quarter of a candy bar first of all right I got distracted that's weird I'm just gonna leave that down there like a dog hides a boner sorry all right so when Home Depot came to us with a resistant stain resistant carpet carpet this essentially lifeproof and said we want you guys to test it out we said sure if we get to devise the test ourselves and they agreed I decided to go first and here is what we decided to do Here I am am a three-piece carpet suit here my progeny flock and Shepherd they're gonna do their worst sustain this suit boys you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright boys time to go get cleaned up [Music] alright guys I think I got it all I thoroughly enjoyed that I thoroughly enjoyed watching that and I'm going to be I almost wanted to be your kid for a second well no I'm not volunteering I will be wearing my clean 3-piece carpet suit to all formal events for the remainder of 2015 if you so look for me there at the look for Rhett at formal events don't know your proms that have already happened you can lay down and I can walk on normal how about that we can go to places where it's like formal events and I can walk on you well you're gonna get your own suit that's gonna happen in the future yeah I did promise my kids that they would have a turn so that is coming in the future yes and thanks to Home Depot for sponsoring this episode and thanks to you for liking and commenting your job it is I'm Shawn oh my and we're from st. Louis and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality lifeproof carpet is available exclusively at Home Depot visit your local Home Depot or shop online at Home Depot comm slash like pros click through to good mythical more where we open your mail roasts and stuff and can I have some redly cookie cutters I want to see about seven seven nine thirty eight dad Joe hey Lane how does at Alexander seven seven nine three eight organize the space party I don't know how does Alexander Sonoma organize the space party they plan it [Laughter] here in Li you are my morning [Music] sounds like oddly sensual
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,493,490
Rating: 4.9363751 out of 5
Keywords: Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking, season 7, Home Depot (Business Operation), Sponsored, camping, camping advice, Messy, Soy Sauce, Ketchup, Experiment, Funny, Silly, Weird, s'mores, s'mores dip, s'mores pie, smores tasty, s'mores bar, smores gadgets, camping food, camping tips, s'mores recipes
Id: 8Chg_EswCeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2015
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