Reducing Oculus Link Stuttering on the Meta Quest 3 PCVR

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hi guys Jitter or stuttering on the quest devices can be a real concern we certainly don't need another reason to be binning the car in T1 now do we in this episode I'll talk through the steps I've taken to reduce these annoying frame drops and on each subject I try and explain how this helps you may have noticed that my voice is a little bit broken on this episode I'm still getting over the flu so please bear with me with a native pcvr headset you mostly are thinking about the resolution of the device and if your graphics card can keep up for Linked devices like the quest free you have an additional set of considerations can my graphics card also get this data compressed and fired over quickly enough to my headset in order to show the frame before moving on to the next one when stuttering occurs this is where the payload hasn't yet been received quickly enough and is skipped meaning you go potentially a few frames into a scene before the next time around this is an end user gives you an uneasy feeling that something weird just happened and in a worst case scenario where this happens often it can leave you with a broken immersion audio loss or motion sickness pretty awful now before you play with any settings the absolute first thing you should check is that you're using a USB free cable if you are not then you have a bad linked experience regardless of the settings we talk about here your headset just won't have the bandwidth to keep up with what your computer is throwing at it Oculus have been kind enough to provide a testing tool so you can see how much bandwidth is available to your quest devices go to your device in the Oculus app scroll to the bottom and you will find a link to the testing tool a good figure to look for is something like 2.1 gab per second and anything below this you might start having problems so if you haven't got a good cable make sure you go and grab one next up to ensure you're getting the most bandwidth possible for your quest free it is worth making sure to isolate it on an extendible host controller these controllers are capable of super speed data transfers but that bandwidth is still shared across the whole device so sharing it with lots of other USB noisy devices can interfere with your quest free if you have a separate set of front USB ports then there is a good chance that these are on a separate controller that you can utilize however the only reliable way to see if your quest free is on its own controller is to download USB view which is part of the windows SDK and have a look at the hosts themselves for your headset if you're not confident with this try plugging it into different USB ports and see which gives you your best experience now this second approach involves a lot of trial and error I would advise going the USB view route however the second route is less complex but more timec consuming in our review of The Quest free we bump up link sharpening and increase our encoding bit rate to God level un fortunately link sharpening can sometimes increase the stutter and if you are also using something like open XR tool kit to achieve the same thing you are actually going to reduce the quality of your visuals anyway turning off link sharpening for me improved things quite a lot in terms of stutter I also found that I had to reduce the encode bit rate down to 800 Mbps in order to make sure that I got no stutter at all if you still finding having stuttering issues there are a couple of things you can also try in the Oculus app super sampling can make the quester look quite frankly awesome however this puts extra load on your PC initially I had mine as high as I could bump it but I've backed this off to 1.2 in order to try and keep things stable frame rate wise I'm running at 80 FPS but here you can also reduce this to 72 to see how things go you can also head back into the debug tool force on a synchronous space warp and bump up your resolution to 90 FPS what ASW does is predict your next onscreen movement so you can get away with fewer frame rates being rendered you'll actually be requesting 45 frames a second now from your computer and if it was struggling before this might give you a bit more Headroom at the cost of getting real frames to you ASW is pretty good but it's not perfect for me this is a compromise too far but if it works for you then Happy Days I thought it to be nice to share my settings in one place so you don't have to dig around the video too much I'll make sure to also include these in the description for quick reference in the Oculus debug tool I'm running with a synchronous space warp is Auto video Codec is h264 encoding bit rate at 800 link sharpening disabled and then in the Oculus app I'm running with 80 frames a second and I'm using 1.2 super sampling a standalone VR headset comes with its own considerations especially if it doesn't have direct video pass through as such we have to do a little bit more work to get the meta quest to our liking than would be necessary if we were using using a native PC VR headset this isn't necessarily a bad thing but with how busy a Sim rac's USB ports are it's something extra that we have to consider I've supplied my own settings in this video to hopefully set you guys on a path that'll help with your own Quest free Sim Racing Experience however remember that I do have a beast of a machine sitting behind me in my rig if you don't have the latest in graphics Hardware you might want to reduce the encode bit rate the super sampling frame rate or force on a synchronous space warp now I'm going to go into a slight rant here it deeply frustrates me that there are so many USB 2 fast charging cables out there that are using the USBC connector it wouldn't be so bad if they were clearly labeled but most of the time you have to look at the fine print this means that you have to be careful when purchasing a cable and believe me you still don't have to spend the kind of money that meta want for their official Link cable but it's still a bit of a Minefield anyway rant over I've provided a link to the cable I'm using it's actually pretty short but I don't have far to go to my rig and it gives you a kind of idea of what you're looking for now I hope you've enjoyed this run through some of the settings I'm using on the quest free to reduce stuttering and jittering and anything else that you don't want want in your sim Racing Experience if you have enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you using similar settings or maybe your settings are completely different leave them in the comments below it' be great to see what works for you if you're not yet a subscriber for the Channel please consider subscribing it'll help you see more of these videos that I bring out in the future and it also helps other people to find me now I'm going to go and rest up my throat until next time guys goodbye for now [Music] [Applause] bye-bye
Channel: Teqqles does sim racing
Views: 6,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sim racing, oculus link stuttering fix, oculus link stuttering, quest 3 pcvr, quest 2 pcvr, quest 3 link cable, quest 3 link settings, quest 3 link cable setup, quest 3 link cable settings, quest 3 link best settings, quest 3 pcvr setup, quest 3 pcvr settings, quest 3 pcvr link, quest 3 pcvr link cable, quest 3 pcvr performance, sim racing tips, quest 2 pcvr performance, quest 2 pcvr graphics, quest 2 pcvr stuttering, quest 2 pcvr compression, quest 2 pcvr lag, how to
Id: dz-0Dnv_240
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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