Redemption! Never Waste Scraps again + GIVEAWAY

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics you may have seen our last video called it's hip to be square with the beautiful amici fabrics i'm so happy with how it turned out i love all the different textures it just has a lot of balance and it was just satisfying to make I've got the scraps left over from that quilt and we always have scraps every time we cut a quilt we have a lot of scraps and so we don't know exactly exactly what to do with them but these are all strips so I took all of my strips from this and I made these fun little squares and so this is what I'm going to show you how to do today these can be made into a pillow you could take a lot of them and make a whole nother quilt so grab your scraps from the last quilt you cut and let's get started [Music] I have a group of Amy Butler fabrics here now these are scraps and we always have these everybody has these when they cut a quilt out these are all the width of the fabric and I have various sizes here now the easiest thing to do is as you are cutting take your pieces and just take your scraps and just cut them straight it doesn't really matter if they're an inch or an inch and a half or two and a half inches but it does help if they're straight so if you have one that's all crooked straighten it off and just gather them all up so I've got quite a variety here and so I don't think I'll use this cream one because I might use cream for my accent color but you just want a nice variety here I'm gonna make these squares all with this one collection but you can gather up your scraps from three or four quilts and blend them all together to have a really scrappy project I'm going to use a product called stitch and tear this is stabilizing paper that you can stitch on top of but it tears away pretty easily so I've cut some squares that are seven and a half inches you can do different sizes but seven and a half we'll make a nice patchwork block and I would like to have my stitching line right along the diagonal so I need to draw a line that's 1/4 inch over from the diagonal so that when we when we stitch here the line will be right in the middle so draw that line across all of your squares one-quarter inch away from the center now we're gonna take all of our scraps and our paper right to the machine so I'm just gonna put this lump of scraps on my lap and I'm gonna take first paper here and we are going to put one of these strips right along that line and I'm just gonna cut off some of the excess so I don't have it hanging much while I'm working with it we're gonna save this because we will use it again now we're going to take another strip just a random strip and we are going to put its raw edge along this raw edge now this one happens to be the same size but you might pick up a wider or a narrower and that's okay the point is to line up these two raw edges here you just need this sticking off the top just a little bit just a little bit extra there and a little bit extra here now we're going to stitch right along here using a quarter inch seam again I think I'm gonna get some of this excess out of the way so it's not happy there I'm just gonna slide this under here and I'm going to stitch quarter inch from these cut edges here and I'm just holding everything in place and I'm using a pretty small stitch length that way the paper will will tear away easily so use a lot of stitches per inch you can sew all the way off now we are going to open this up oops we want to finger press this really really flat you can iron it if you'd rather but I do find that the finger pressing works really really well and now I'm just gonna take in the next piece and it's gonna go here so we're gonna put it right sides together there so I'm trying not to be too picky about what's going where but I just want to get a print we haven't used yet let's try this around here so all it has to be is beyond here just a little bit just beyond the paper a little bit right along the edge there hold it and stitch quarter inch so you can veer on there if you want as long as you're straight before you get to the paper so I'm gonna keep adding pieces and finger pressing this open as I go until I am all the way off of the corner of the paper here this patchwork part is all done so I'm only covering up half of the block with the patchwork strips the other half is going to be with one whole piece of fabric you'll notice it's curling just a little bit because I haven't ironed it yet but that's okay when we press it and pull the paper off it will lay completely flat so you can see on the back here there's fabric beyond the paper everywhere and that's what we want because we're gonna trim all of this excess off so I'm gonna make three more of these and I'm gonna just going to do the strips on they're not exactly the same I want them all to look slightly different but from the same group of fabrics hi everybody Donna asked me to come down and find the coordinate from this project so I'm in our shop here let me close the door it's kind of loud or on the street here I have something in mind from Mota their grunge line when I saw this what makes this nice line called grunge I'm looking for something a color called sugar cookies I don't know if I have it here here's all the lights down here that wouldn't be bad but that's the sugar cookie has a little blue in it and that's not it I have it in some pieces but not on the bowl so I'm gonna look for something else in this this here is a possibility but it's a little this is grey and I'm not thrilled with that with this the sugar cookies has kind of blueish aqua color in here so I'm gonna set this here and look around some more we have a bunch of cut yards from when we used to do a lot of shows here yeah that's that's the one I'm looking for if you see this little blue in here and I like that real light color in there too with this I think it'll be great I think that picks up the blues we're in good shape I'm gonna take this back up and show it on and see what she thinks next step is to steam press these really flat so you can see it's curling just a little bit but once we press it out I'm gonna press from the front and from the back and I'm gonna flip it over and steam it a little you can see it's already getting really flat and everything relaxes into place so it's nice and flat now Matt picked out this fabric here for the accent other half here which looks really good so we're gonna cut this into some 8 inch squares and then cut them in half on the diagonal now I'm gonna cut this in half right along the diagonal so these are going to get sewn onto the block and these are a little bit bigger than we need and that's okay because we're gonna trim off the extras afterward now we're going to put this triangle for this half of the square on here so remember when we started we moved over a little bit and that way when we sew our seam right now it's gonna be right on the diagonal of the square so this is gonna go like this and it's cut quite a bit bigger and that's okay you just want to look and see if you've got a little bit this a little bit beyond that paper there and same thing down here it's a little bit bigger than we need and that's good so we're gonna line it up and stitch using a quarter inch seam again now we will take it over to the ironing board iron it nice and flat and we'll trim off all the extra now that we've got the corner triangle on we're going to flip this over and we're gonna trim everything even with the paper so I'm just going to put my ruler on the edge of the paper and I'm gonna cut away all of that excess there on all four sides there now it's starting to look really really nice beautiful now we just need to take off the paper so I'm gonna kind of hold that part down on that side of the stitching and get it started and we'll just tear away and then I'm gonna grab in here get it started just a little bit hold that so my stitching doesn't come out and it will pretty much tear right away in one little strip so I'm gonna take off all the paper and any little bits that are left off and this is why you want to have small a lot of stitching small stitch length because this will come apart real easy now if you do your stitch length too little the paper will start to tear away while you're still working with it so you don't want that but this works really well I have tried this method with copy paper and with newsprint and I think this just stabilizes it a little bit more but you can do it with those other papers now we're ready to stitch the four blocks together into a pillow top now you have options here I think this is how I'm going to put mine together but you could face all loops face all the darks inside that would be very interesting you might have to move them around a little so it's balanced there you can also turn them so that you have two diamonds so you could do it like this it's kind of like putting a log-cabin together you can make a lot of different shapes with the four so it might depend a little bit on what your quilt look like as well so you may have a certain pattern quilt that this pillow is going on where it may help you decide what shape to put them in but I'm just going to put mine together like that I've cut a small border that I'm going to stitch all the way around the pillow here and then I'll show you how to finish it up I have the border stitched on to the top I cut the border one in three-quarters inches and this is actually going to end up as a little decorative flange on the pillow then I stitched this to a piece of scrap batting and I stitched it carefully 1/4 inch from the edge because we are going to be stitching the back on from this side and I want to have a nice straight stitching line to follow so I have a piece of backing here of a piece of fabric the full width of the fabric and it's a little bit wider than my pillow and I'm just going to split it along the fold here and I'm going to take 1/2 of it the selvage with the selvage end here I'm going to put it pretty straight on here and I'm going to fold back about 3/4 inches I'm going to move it up a little bit farther than halfway maybe even a little bit higher then I'm gonna take the other half and this is the side with the selvage and I'm going to put this right along that selvage and then move it down about two inches flatten everything out again and I'm going to put some pins around the edge here I'm just going to pin through all the layers so that everything will stay put till I get to the sewing machine now I'm just going to stitch the pillow front to back and I'm just going to stitch right inside my previous stitching almost on top of it but just right inside it be sure to remove any pins before you stitch over them now we're just gonna trim off that excess batting and backing so I'm gonna trim it to about 3/8 of an inch away from the stitching and you can do this with your blade if you like I'm just pretty used to doing it with the scissors and it doesn't have to be really really straight along there because it's gonna get flipped to the inside and the pillow form is going to push that all into the edges anyway I'm also going to trim off some of the bulk in the corners now to flip this it's really easy we're just gonna reach inside here turn it right-side out so this is an envelope style pillow cover it's the simplest kind of pillow cover so we can reach back in here flatten everything out and poke out the corners and get it nice and flat now I'm gonna be making this pillow flange that means I'm going to be stitching right here through all the layers so I want this laying really really flat so an easy way to get to this seam right in the middle and get it really flat is to flip it over and then squish it back so there's about a half inch of back showing there and then take your fingernail or your fingertip and draw it right along there and flatten it out then use your hands to iron that flat and you'll get that seam right in the middle and the whole thing will get really really flat otherwise it's really hard to get that laying right in the middle so I would do that around all of these edges just squish it out the batting that's behind the top makes the seam want to go that way so all I'm doing is then flattening it out and then putting it right in the middle and then hand pressing it it makes it lay nice and flat so I'm just going to keep flattening it and then I'm gonna get a little pin and pull out my corners so they're nice and straight and then we're going to top stitch here through all these layers right in the ditch and then the pillow will be stuffed here and the flange will be nice and flat now the blocks that we made they don't take very much fabric I mean I've got all of this still left over so if you want to keep making more blocks there's a lot of things you can do with these so I've got 16 blocks here and I'm gonna lay these out I think I'm gonna make a little quilt here let's see I think I can make you can I can do a 4x4 quilt here so let's do a star let's do it like this put that same thing over here so now you can see the star around here and you've got this central design in here and this is just one layout you can do with 16 blocks so I may try a couple different layouts I may try a table runner I'm gonna just mess around with all these blocks but you see the possibilities you can keep going and make a whole quilt if you have a lot of scraps so I'm gonna finish this up and we'll see what we come up with here's our finished pillow with the pillow inside of there the little flange around the edge it's got that envelope opening in the back so simple to make so this is the quilt that I had snaps from so it matches it's really fun just a nice accent this might go over on a chair or on a couch or you can put it right on there now the other scrap project we were doing this is the too hip to be square all neutral all very serene and calm and then with the scraps I added the turquoise just for a color pop so this would be really nice on a dresser in the bedroom where this was the quilt sometimes you just need a little bit more color in there so these are really fun projects to do with your scraps and you can see a runner just looks really good with these hi everyone I'm Matt Jordan here in Grants Pass at Jordan fabrics I'm in our studio we're going to be giving away this king's crown quilt which was the original quilt that we made when we the pattern I had gotten in some beautiful boutique fabrics Donna and I saw this pattern and really liked it and we this was our prototype so to speak I remember Donna telling me just make it just cut a little mat and we'll try it out but I kind of cheated and and cut quite a few of them and luckily for me it was they've been very successful and you have a chance to win this quilt this is the little package now we're doing more of these Kings crowns I've got that kind of side down which you can see it there and this was a little baby quilt it's been a really neat pattern but this we're going to give away and good luck I hope you win it to enter you the giveaway for our beautiful king's crown quilt all you have to do is go to our website and put in your email address now the contest is open to everyone worldwide we can ship it anywhere in the world I will put a link to the giveaway in the description below thank you so much for watching our tutorials we really appreciate getting all of your comments and questions we try to answer as many of them as we can happy quilting [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 991,356
Rating: 4.9135008 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, giveaway, kings cross, scraps, scrap buster, stash, pieces, diamond, pillow
Id: bgs8DfHYkg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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