"Day Dreaming" It's FAT QUARTER FUN For Everyone!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm going to show you how to make a pattern called daydreaming this is a cozy quilt designs pattern from daniella stout and it takes it takes a fat quarter bundle and it takes a background so i've got mine picked out and i'm all ready to get started now the nice thing about cozy quilt design patterns is they have lots of sizes so this has four different sizes i'm going to make the throw size and it takes 11 fat quarters now my bundle here it's got a few more than 11 but i'm going to pick out the 11 i like the best and use those now because my background is light i'm going to want to pick some darker prints so we've got enough contrast these are from riley blake designs it's called garden party and they're nice and flowery i really like them so that would be a really good one that's beautiful i'm going to try to get a variety of colors so let's get one or two of these aquas a nice lime green i'll probably skip these light ones and keep them for another project we'll get a couple of pinks i've got my 11 fat quarters picked out here and i always start by unfolding these and ironing them nice and flat because if you don't you can't get accurate cuts everything is ironed nice and flat and it's all ready to be cut up now because this is not my pattern this is from cozy quilt designs i can't give you all the exact cutting sizes but i've made so many of their patterns they're very very easy to follow so they all of the sizes you need to cut will be very clearly written in the pattern just as a side note any time i'm going to make a pattern i always flip through the instructions first so i have a general idea of what i'm going to be doing and sometimes there's new ways of doing things or new techniques that i haven't tried before and i always think that looks a little scary i'm not sure about that but then i just trust that the pattern is going to tell me how to make the blocks or how to get the patchwork sewn together and then i'm so happy when i did it because i've learned something new and then i get a nice quilt out of it everything is all cut out now and we're going to take our two long strips here over to the machine and get started sewing now take one background strip and one printed strip and put them right sides together and we're going to make a strip tube so i'm going to sew all the way down one side using a quarter inch seam allowance and now i'm just going to flip it over and stitch down the other side [Music] now i'm going to go ahead and do that with all of my strips here so i get a lot of these strip tubes so once all those are done we now have a bunch of little tubes here so we're going to take the tube and we're going to use something called a strip tube ruler if you don't have the strip tube ruler the pattern will give you instructions for cutting without this but this does make it real easy now we're going to take the three and a half inch line here and we're going to put that line on our stitching line so i'm going to put it all the way down at this end on the stitching line and then i'm going to get my rotary cutter i'm going to make two cuts so what we've got now is a half square triangle and it was cut after it was stitched so it's exactly the right size so we're going to cut those half square triangles out of the whole tube so now we're going to flip the strip the strip tube ruler over we're going to again use the three and a half inch line on the stitching line and we're gonna make another cut so keep flipping the ruler and cutting more triangles until you have cut up the whole tube the next step is to iron the half square triangles open so i like to put the background print down on my ironing board and then kind of peel it open press it a little bit with my fingers then use a dry iron and then some steam the last step is to cut off any dog ears now some of them won't have dog ears on both sides they will only have a dog here on one corner because the other one got cut off when we were cutting our tube up so i'm going to go ahead and do that with all of these guys and then we'll be ready to move on so from here we have two blocks that we're going to make and those two blocks will later combine to make a bigger block that will make the whole quilt so the first block we need two of these half square triangles and this is mix and match style you just pick different ones we have one plain corner there and then we have one print so let's take this over to the machine i'll show you how to sew it together here's what i like to do i'm going to stitch these two seams so i'm going to flip both of these over and i'm going to stitch this first and leave it on the machine then i'm going to slide the other pair over get the edges lined up now they're kind of stuck together and that helps me keep them from getting spun around now i'm going to finger press the seam allowances so the bottom one i'm going to press it to the right so i'm just going to kind of smash it i'm not going to stretch it by pulling my finger down there because this is bias and it might stretch now the top seam allowance i'm going to go in the opposite direction and again i'm just going to squish it a little bit now i'm going to put these right sides together and the seam allowances there are going in opposite directions and that's going to make it real easy to get those to line up and they're kind of nesting because they're going in opposite directions so we'll line up that corner and stitch again using a careful quarter inch seam and then we are going to finger press the seam allowance this direction again i'm not going to stretch it i'm just going to pat it down just a little bit so nothing gets distorted so even though it's been finger pressed we're going to want to iron it and because these blocks here are bias you have to be kind of careful when you iron because if you start stretching it you will distort it so just flatten it a little with your hand and just gently make sure that you don't stretch this as you sew give it a little steam then now the second block needs matching pieces a square and a rectangle that match and then one half square triangle that just has a different print so let's stitch this seam first and we'll press that seam toward the darker print there away from the background and now we'll stitch this long seam and this seam allowance it's going to go toward that print there again away from the background again i'm going to press this carefully so i don't stretch this here once you've got all those done take two of the first kind of blocks and two of the second kind of blocks and head back over to the sewing machine here's how these get laid out the lights are going to go in the middle there and the darks are going to go in the middle here so i'm going to again stitch here and here leave it on the machine so i'm going to flip those over slide this right under without spinning it and look these seam allowances here they're going in opposite directions they're going to match up a nest and we will be able to get that intersection just perfect right there and then slide the second set right over and again that intersection they're also going in opposite directions making it really easy to match [Music] and now we will finger press these in opposite directions so let's go towards the dark here and open this one up and also go towards the dark which is in the opposite direction and stitch this one last seam so there's nothing to match in the middle here there's no there's no intersection in the back there we only have to match right in the middle same thing here there's no intersection in here just go all the way down take this over to the ironing board and give it one last press all right the block is all done now it's a little hard to tell from the pattern here but this whole quilt is made with one block it's made with this block they're just turned different ways to get the whole pattern so all we're going to have to do now is finish up the rest of these blocks and then we can lay out the whole quilt i've got all the blocks done and now we can lay out the quilt now every block is the same but when we lay them out we're going to lay one with the white parts aiming that way and the next one is just going to be spun 90 degrees this one like that and the next one's fun so i'm going to go ahead and get this laid out every other one is going to be spun 90 degrees and then we will start to see the pattern and then we will switch some of the blocks around so that we don't have any match-ups so now we're starting to see the secondary pattern pop out so we've got a couple things going here we've got a big square here with a diamond in the middle and then we've got four squares coming together here and so right now i think i have it all laid out yes the the way the blocks are supposed to go but i don't think i want to have two blues and two pinks here so now i'm going to start trading some blocks around so this takes a little bit of doing so i'm going to take out one of these pinks and let's see let's put something that's green right here this part is looking better but i don't want two oranges so let's take that blue out and maybe we'll put this color there so i'm gonna keep trading things around until i like what these big blocks look like and hopefully i'll get four different colors in here it's not critical but i do like to have a lot of color change there if i can now i have all the blocks in the order that i want them to be laid out in and so i've got four different colors on every one of these big blocks and i don't have too many places where fabrics are touching where they're the same fabric i've got one here or here they're close but basically what i want to do is even out the colors the blue the navy blue is very prominent so i want it spread evenly throughout the quilt the orange also it's pretty prominent so i lay it out and i stand back and squint a little bit and take a look and see if it looks very even and this is looking pretty good so i'm going to sew this bottom row then i'll make all the other rows and sew those rows together i'm going to put a couple of borders on it and then get it on the quilting machine i've got the quilt all loaded up on the machine and i need to pick a thread color to quilt in really any of these colors would work so all of these are light enough that they're not going to show very much on that background that pink just blends right in you can't see it at all the blue maybe shows a little bit i like the green i'm surprised at how much i like the green but i think that this nice peachy color will look the best for the quilting pattern i'm going to use one called merrily it has flowers and leaves and i'm going to do it in kind of a large scale because there's big flowers in some of the prints and i think that will look really nice on the quilt [Applause] oh [Applause] the daydreaming quilt is all done i'm so happy with how it turned out this is one of those projects that looked better and better each step of the way and i think the border around there in that nice big floral print looks really good the quilting really doesn't show i thought the flowers might show a little more but it's really receding in there now on the back side you can kind of see the flowers there because i used a nice small print there for the binding i just took a couple of my extra fat quarters and i cut those up into binding so this one happens to be the same as the border this one's a little different this one's a little different and it matches very nicely but it's a good way to use those extra fat quarters up because you know the fat quarter bundles come in all different sizes and they don't necessarily match up with the amount you need for the quilt you're making thanks so much for watching our tutorial today we hope you enjoyed it now there's one more thing we always do a quilt giveaway at the end of the videos so today's giveaway is a beautiful rail fence these are fabrics from rjr and it's kind of modern looking and it's got a grunge border it's got the grunge on the back side so you can see the quilting and this would make a really nice wall hanging or an accent piece to hang over the edge of your couch it's very easy to enter just click the link below that says giveaway and put in your email address and your name good luck now if you like our videos and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that would really help us out happy quilting here
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 238,164
Rating: 4.9596276 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, fat, quarter, quarters, design, simple, beginer, beginner, easy, how to, make build, one block wonder
Id: L7tQ_74_3xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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