FREE PATTERN Pillow PARTY For All My Quilting Pals!!!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today we're going to make a pattern called Botanica now this is a free pattern that Moda puts out written by Krystal Manning and it doesn't make a whole quilt it makes an 18-inch block now you can take those blocks make repeated blocks and make a whole quilt or you can do like I am today make one block to make a really nice pillow so let's get some fabric and get started now you can find the pattern on our website we have the link right below the video the first link that says free pattern then you can go and download it or print it off and then you can follow along at home while I'm making mine you can be making yours now this would be a really good project to use up your scraps on because you don't need very much of any one fabric but I'm going to use this collection from Mota called painted meadow and you only need a quarter yard of a background a quarter yard of a nice big focal print and then 1/8 of a yard of these accents so I'm going to go ahead and get everything cut up for the background we need some two-and-a-half inch squares and some one-and-a-half inch squares now for the focal print we need some six and a half inch squares now for the accent fabrics they're all going to get cut at three and a half inches square so I'm going to take all four and cut them all at the same time if you're not comfortable cutting that many layers then just cut one or two at a time now we've got everything cut up and we're ready to start stitching the blocks together now there's only two blocks there's this main block and then there's the accent block so let's start by making those accent blocks each one of these accent blocks is going to get a background on two corners two opposite corners here so we need to stitch from corner to corner on the diagonal on both of these now if you like you can draw on the back of each one of your backgrounds draw a line that you're going to stitch on but I find it quicker to not to draw take it right to the Machine and put a piece of tape this is painters tape so it'll come off without leaving a residue and put that from the needle hole straight down now if we put the corner right at the needle hole in this corner and keep it on the line as we stitch we will get a nice straight line and that is much quicker than drawing on all of those fabrics once you have all of those background squares sewn onto the accent blocks we're gonna want to iron them so this is going to get folded right along the stitching line same thing in this corner so you can tell if you stitched it correctly if all the raw edges meet up you know you've got it stitched right across the middle there then those back two layers we want to cut off the extra bulk there so I'm just gonna use scissors and cut it to leave a quarter inch seam allowance so do that with all the blocks now for the other block we're going to use the same method but we're going to put a background square on all four corners so again line everything up and stitch straight from corner to corner using your tape or add-on line these also get folded over and iron and then we will trim off those back two layers so we only have the quarter inch seam allowance left here now we're ready to lay the whole block out it's kind of big and I don't think I can fit it at my machine so I'm going to lay it out here and I'm going to look at these big focal print blocks and decide where I want them I really like this one with the bead I think I'll put it in the middle and then I'm just going to make sure that I've got them facing the way I want so that I don't repeat this flower in the same orientation each time and that looks pretty good now we're ready for the accent pieces so these make kind of a trellis look so these are going to go in pairs we're gonna get two green ones like that and we're going to get two of the bluer ones like that then this line is going to continue on here same green one here and then the other guys are going to go like this so before we can sew the whole pillowtop together we're going to need to take these guys over to the Machine and make finish that block so there's nothing special about sewing these together we're just gonna line the edges up so these two and let's put this seam to the left then we'll sew these two and we'll put that seam to the right and that way the intersection in the middle will lay flatter here so we just have to stitch this up now now you definitely want to iron these blocks up before you get ready to put your whole pillow top together so I'm just gonna pull it open make sure it's nice and flat and nice and square and these are six and a half inches that's the same size of the blocks and the pillow top so let's put them back where they're gonna go so we're making a line with these we're making a line with these so let's take all of these over to the Machine and get ready to stitch them into the whole top now these rows are kind of big the whole Patrick is kind of big and I'm afraid I'm going to knock it off of my machine while I'm sewing the rows together so I'm just gonna put some pins in here to keep everything in place on these two rows I'm not working on while I sew together the top one so I'm just overlapping just a little bit so if I knock this whole thing off I'll be able to know what goes where so I'm just gonna take these and sew them together so let's start here they're exactly the same size we don't have to worry about matching any intersections in the middle there we just have to line everything up and use a quarter inch saying now for this seam allowance we are going to press this towards the main print here so I'm going to finger press it and you can see that our lines match up pretty well it's not perfect right here but it's pretty close and this one is right on so we're going to press that one that way and then we're going to press this one the other way and then we're going to keep alternating as we sew our rows together so that when we put everything together we won't have a lot of bulk in corners and that's the key to keeping your patchwork nicely flat is alternating the directions of the same allowances so everything won't lay nice and flat once it's stitched up iron it nice and flat and since I'm making a pillow I'm gonna want to quilt this a little bit so I'm just gonna put it on some batting I'm gonna quilt the top just to the batting so I'm gonna put a lot of pins around the edge here and you can quilt more or less it's just a matter of your preference but pillows do look really nice if you quote them just a little bit and this is a good way to practice your quilting skills on a small item the first thing I'm going to do is just based around the edge here just so everything is sewn together nothing will move so I'm just going about an eighth of an inch from the other edge now we need to decide where do we want to quilt this you can go in the ditch and then it won't show it all I think I'm going to go a quarter inch away from the ditch so I'm gonna go inside these big these big focal fabrics here and I'm just gonna put my presser foot right along that seam and stitch inside each one of these then my quilting is show and you'll be able to tell it's cool too when you do it in the ditch it keeps everything together but you can't see any of the quilting so I'm using a light green thread because that seems to coordinate with all of the fabrics here and this is very easy to do because I'm not using the lining or a backing I've just got the batting there now the batting will hold together because it's going to be inside the pillow and it's a bonded batting it's the Hobbes batting so it's not gonna fall apart even in the wash but this makes it really easy to quilt so I'm gonna go ahead and do all of these big ones and then I'm going to start adding some quilting other places I recommend starting with a little bit of quilting and then adding more lines as you go rather than trying to do a lot of quilting at the beginning because you might get tired of doing it and decide I really wish I hadn't started with something so intricate so let's do a little and then add a few more so it's all quilted and I've basically got some X's and some O's so you can probably see it as I move it there so the the O's are around the focal print and the X's are around these guys so I did just simple quilting but that will hold everything together and I think it just enhances the Patrick now if you like you can put a piece of fabric here to line this but it's not going to come apart we're ready to finish the pillow so I'm gonna use an envelope method to make the back of the pillow for this one so for an envelope back we're going to be able to take our pillow form in an so we need a piece of fabric that is wider than the top and I'm going to split it right along the fold here and it's going to create a couple big scraps but we'll use those for something else so I am going to take the selvage here which is nice and flat and I'm not going to hem it or anything because the selvage is not going to fray or come apart and I'm going to fold it down about three inches and I'm gonna put this a little bit beyond to the center of the square so here's the center of the Patrick I'm going to move it up a couple of inches then I'm going to take the other piece of back right where the selvage is here and I'm going to overlap it about three inches three inches below where that first piece was and now I'm just going to straighten everything up and I'm gonna pin through all these layers so I'm gonna have to kind of feel back here to where the edge of the pillowtop is and I'm going to put a couple of pins in like this then we can flip it over and we can pin from the other side so we can see what we're doing because right now we're just working blind so if I flip this whole thing over now I can put some pins around the edges now all we have to do is stitch everything front to back so we have our basting stitching as a guide and that was about an eighth of an inch from the edge of the top here so we're going to move in a little bit we're going to be about an eighth of an inch inside that stitching line and then we'll end up about a quarter inch from the raw edge of the pillow top so stitch all the way around now we're going to trim off the excess batting and backing leaving about three-eighths of an inch of seam allowance all the way around you also want to trim off some of the extra bulk in the corner they're not too close just trim it off to about where you're basting the stitches now we can reach through the opening here and turn the pillow right side out so it looks kind of messy as you're doing this but just reach inside and kind of draw your fingernail along the edge there poke out the corners and just go all the way around the edges until it's starting to look like the block that you made to begin with once you've got it nice and smooth you're ready to put the pillow in there so this is a 18 inch pillow form you can find them at Michael's Joanne's Hobby Lobby anywhere that sells a lot of craft supplies it's just a pillow form that's meant to be covered so I'm going to put it in push that into the corners and then smash it up a little it's all done so this is a really fast fun project that you can complete in an afternoon the pattern is easy everything lined up and it's fun to be able to do that coating on my regular straight stitching home machine without having to put this on the quilting machine I also like the fact that it doesn't take much fabric you probably have some scraps in your stash that you could cut up and make a really nice pillow like this thanks for watching our tutorial today on how to make the Botanica pillow we hope you enjoyed it now we're gonna have another giveaway we're going to have three winners for this giveaway we have three runners here we've got a nice cranberry colored one called Braveheart or we've got a nice valentine's day one with a lot of metallic accents or we've got one in the Kaleidoscope pattern called flights of fancy so it's very easy to enter just click the link below that says giveaway and put in your email address and your name and we can send this anywhere in the world so you might be one of the lucky winners now if you like our tutorials and you want to support us the best thing you can do is subscribe to our youtube channel that would really help us out happy quilting
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 131,935
Rating: 4.9740376 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, free, pillow, pattern, party, fun, diy, arts, crafts, craft, home, decor, decoration, simple, fast, elegant, how to, make, build, stitch, needle, thread, moda, yarn, learn, cushion
Id: nLIHxDYpx4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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