How to make a scrap quilt block | Making half square triangles

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hi there my name is Elena and you are watching bashira new channel today I'm going to dive in my scrubs and start making a scrappy a few weeks ago I was going through all my fabrics and reorganizing them and I made two boxes of scraps this is the warm colored box and they also have one with cooler colors and I asked for suggestions on scrappy quilts and you came up with a lot of ideas so thank you so much for all bad so I started googling some of them and then I also came across some scrappy Hospital coats and also after reading about making your own fabric by just improv building some scrubs together I thought maybe I can combine those two so eventually I came up with this idea to make a scrappy patch of fabric and then add a solid piece of fabric to make half square triangles with those I already tried to make some of those on the V last night so let me show you this oh and if you want to support me in making videos like this I have a few options for you you can help over to my shelf and let you gadget some some of my patterns or maybe my she reduce employee book or you can go to the shiridi website I will put a link down here below and click on the donate button to buy me a cup of tea or a cup of tea and a piece of cake maybe that supports me and helps me continue making these videos but something else you can also do which is completely free just click the subscribe button and share these videos with your friends but what I wanted to show you are these half square triangles so these ones are a little bit on the big size I think so I made one big patch with all small scraps and then I used one gray piece of fabric to make eight half square triangles which is a super cool technique that I came across on the internet but so I really like where this is going but then I'm going to scale it down a little bit so probably make the blocks about this yeah so let's dive into my scrapbooks and make some new fabric so here I have my box of scraps and I'm just going through them and since I'm going to make slightly smaller blocks I said that I made yesterday on the quill B I'm just going to go with one color tone for each scrap block so I'm going to make a red one that way all the half square triangles will be in the same color tone and then maybe I can do some rainbow ish thing with it when it's done so for now I'm just going to pick one of these colors and start making a scrapbook let's go with orange first the idea is that I'm going to patch together a square block and from the square block you can make eight half square triangles and yesterday I started with a block of 15 inches so that was quite big so this is what it started with yesterday that block I am going to show you in detail how you're going to make eight husker triangle blocks from one square but this one I guess it's seven and a half inches yeah so that was 15 inches in total so let's say I want to end up with a block that is about four inches then I should make a square of a inches let's add some seam allowance say I'm going to make blocks of nine inches there we go decided on that let's give this a press first now we are all nicely pressed and I have a rotary cutter and a ruler so now I'm going to cut up some scraps and 9x9 is two four six eight nine that is this big so this piece could actually be over here just like that let's see what we are going to add maybe I can trim this up and some triangles [Music] and there we might just have a nice crappy block I'm not sure if it's all going to fit its just randomly cut and laid out but now I'm going to sew this together and let's see if I can make it a square 9-inch block so here we have some strips so I need to sew these two together first and there we have another strip here's also just a triangle and the strip so this should also be pieced together first let's stack that and take it to the sewing machine I just put on my foot it's number 97 d and that has everything eyes quarter inch seam allowance and it also has this Guide bar which you can screw on as a guidance for your fabric but since my seam allowance with all this improv stuff is not that important I'm just going to leave that out for now [Music] when I'm selling these crappy pieces I'm going to set my stitch length a bit shorter because I'm going to cut up all those pieces so when I'm going to cut all those pieces later on I don't want to seems to unravel so I'm just setting the stitch length a bit shorter for now hmm not sure if I'm totally following our own plan here so let's go back to my cutting board to check it out so here were the first two strips and then this should be about a strip with a little lost quite some fabric in the seam allowances so this triangle is not going to make it work let's see that's okay though this part or maybe yeah no this is okay and then I need something to fill this up this is also okay great let's see what do we have good and this one still doesn't make it first this one then this one and then this one yep that should do it there we are that is better that will fit definitely okay so now I can piece these two together and also peas these four together so there we go I have this one here and then I have this one let's place it like this and this fits better okay I think we can make this work into a nine by nine block let's pick a intro I don't know where my tiny interval of went this one will do also so this should be nine inches that's precisely nine inches well almost so then this should be edit that's way bigger so that's good and then on the other side I want to place this we're going to lose some of the fabric here and a quarter inch seam allowance and I'll sew on this side so let's see yeah that's way over a nine inch so that's good but the best thing with Improv quilting like this is when it doesn't work and when you mess up and it doesn't fit no problem just add another piece and it will still look brilliant so I'm going to add now first the two bottom pieces and then trim it so that I'm more sure that I'm going to add the top piece and that it still will make a block of nine nine inches so this is all sewn together and I'm going to give it a little trim not trimming it exactly 299 inches but just making sure because this piece is only nine inches so I should not end up with this piece being like this because as you can see this line will then not be in the block so then I would be missing a piece here so let's trim this a little bit I might need to trim off this a little bit yeah I'm going to bring it up just a tiny bit so here we have the 11 inches so I can spare this fabric that's no problem so when I cut it like these I know it's going to end up the right size and then I can just put it over here so then when I flip it it's going to be like that there it is my scrappy orange block and I really like it so now I'm going to trim it up to exactly 9 by 9 mm then I will trimming off then I will be trimming off this one completely so maybe I should do it like this because otherwise I would miss this whole strip there we go yeah and then I still have this orange triangle over here nice one okay so that's the first step in the process make a scrappy block of just any size you want really these go back in a bin so what I now mate is this part of the house crack triangles so the scrappy part so what do you now want to add is a fabric that goes with it I'm going to go for gray so gray will be in the whole quilt and then OH the other triangles will be alternating in color um yeah so let's cut a gray square of nine by nine inches or the same size as you ended up with your scrappy block there we go already three blocks of nine nine so what you want to do now if you're going to take your scrappy block and you're going going to take one of your solid blocks and place them on top of each other and how are you going to make eight half square triangle blocks from this is that you're going to draw diagonals like so and like so and then you're going to sew on a quarter inch from each of those lines and also on this side and when you've done that you're going to cut it so when you cut it like this you cut it like this and also in between then you will have eight pieces which you can fold open and those are your whole square triangles make sense let me show you so exciting here it is so I've sewn these lines and these lines and now it's already time to cut it up so let's see my total block was nine inches so the middle should be on four and a half inch and that is correct you see so here the sewing lines are crossing so I'm going to cut it right through the middle line and then I'm going to cut it in this direction for four and a half inches and that makes already four pieces so now I only have to slice those in half and then I'm done so there are my eight half square triangles you can just fold them open and then you will discover what you made how cool is that a nice surprise from your improv block how your house square triangles turn out awesome I really like the size of these blocks so I love these smaller ones way better than the bigger ones so I'm going to give them a press and put them on my design board perfectly the size to me a lot of them and turn that into a coat so the blue ones not a little bit too big for me now maybe I'll trim that down or maybe I will turn them in this into a pillow or something but that's why you to make a test test run on something right yeah I really love how this turned out so I'll be show you up close I think the fun in this for making a scrappy crew also is that I can make a improv block of nine by nine inches every now and then from my scrapping from my scrappy bin and then later on turn them into half square triangles to add to my quilt so I don't have to do everything at once and I just can come work and I can just work on it continuously every now and then when I pick a new color from my bin I can make eight of these so this video won't contain me finishing a whole quilt with it but of course I'm going to share my progress as I'm going to continue working on this one there are so many options though to arrange those half square triangles you can go arranging them in a whole quilt just like this and then having all the triangles like this in the same direction but you can also order them in a direction that you make squares like this so tiny squares what is it cool that's also fun um and you can also make a zigzag with it so how does it go oh yeah like this so that will turn it into a nice chevron on your quilt pinwheels is also an option and those you can also really nicely group with colors so pinwheels there are so many options with half square triangles we can make flying geese also nice so many options with half square triangles it's going to be a lot of fun to play with them when I have a few more so probably at the end of this video I'm going to add some footage of when I've sewn more of these walks later this week so stay tuned if you're interested but besides that this is the end of this video I hoped you liked this little project for making use of your scrubs and oh next week I'm going to give a tour in the shear reduce to do so if you curious about my workspace over here make sure to watch the video in next week thank you all so much for watching you're awesome bye bye [Music]
Channel: Sugaridoo
Views: 53,073
Rating: 4.895535 out of 5
Keywords: quilting half square triangle tutorial, How to make eigth half square triangles, eight half square triangles at once, Scrappy quilt ideas, how to make a scrappy quilt, making your own fabric, improv piecing fabric, makeing an improv quilt, how to make half square triangles, easy half square triangle tutorial, scrappy patchwork quilt patterns, Rainbow quilt, scrappy fabrics tutorial, make new fabric from scraps, improv half square triangles, half square triangles 8 at a time
Id: rHRS_xrIHxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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