Redditor Stalked, Disturbing Instagram Acct, & More - Online Oddities ep 4

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[Music] tonight on online oddities we discuss a horrific 1980s fever dream a disturbing Instagram account and one redditors experience with a mysterious hooded stalker one very similar to the creeps out there who are probably trying to steal your identity and credit card info online with that said this video was made possible by Nordic VPN and in case you missed it before Nord VPN is still offering 75% off the three year plan to my viewers who head over to Nord a VPN comm slash rain bot that's just $2.99 per month and of course you also get one additional month for free with promo code rain bot but this offer is actually ending in B coming weeks so if you want to keep yourself protected while at home work or even travel or if you just don't like the Netflix selection in your region and again head over to Nord a VPN comm slash rain bot and use promo code rain bot for an extra month absolutely free [Music] our first story comes to us from a Reddit user who claims to have been experiencing regular visits from a complete stranger in the dead of night originally the user quick disk posted to our slash urban myths but had his poster moved due to moderators deciding that his entries won't your proper fit for the subreddit more specifically they chalked up his story to being more of a let's not meet encounter with a creepy neighbor rather than something supernatural quick disk decided to create a master post of the deleted entries one that offered up a clear overview and timeline of his seemingly brief but definitely bone-chilling encounter our first entry is dated April 15th the user explains that what he's about to describe has been going on for the last few weeks specifically late at night when he's usually awake due to his irregular work schedule a photo is also provided one night at around 4 a.m. this girl shows up outside my window it took me god knows how long to notice her standing there because I was glued to the TV but I catch her staring at me through the window it startled me so hard because her features were completely abnormal she was freakishly skinny with exaggerated facial features and her body was contorted and twisted in a way that really disturbed me she looked like a car crash victim I wasn't even sure she was still breathing until she ran away from the window the user closes this entry by telling us that the photo you see here is the only decent one he managed to capture most other times the girl made a run for it before you do much he also notes trying to talk to authorities who as expected in the scenario weren't much help entry to April 19th by this point the user seems much more alarmed unconvinced that what he's dealing with is a simple case of substance abuse as suggested to him by the majority of those commenting on the situation he states that his reasoning has to do with the girl's recent condition he explains her jaw is now completely unhinged hanging wide open to an unnatural degree I also noticed her wrist is fractured deformed into an abnormal shape she's been getting closer to my window - I took the photo above as she was turning to run away I'm not convinced that this is paranormal but I'm definitely sure now that this isn't just an addict as of typing this I just in order for an outdoor surveillance camera off Amazon so I'm hoping to get more evidence for police and whoever else can help me before we move on to the next entry I need to add a bit of context in the introduction to the master post the user reiterates his circumstances but also adds that youtuber fantastic daily had made a video pertaining to a situation that video along with the entire fantastic daily channel now no longer exists due to our rebranding well that said the next entry claims to be an excerpt from an email with the channel the user leads by explaining that he'd experienced something that he hadn't posted about publicly yet he'd been up late as usual this time waiting for the girl to show up even going as far as to leave the lights on outside and having his camera ready unexpectedly the user began to hear tapping in a different area of the house a window near the back door the tapping described as rapid lasted for around thirty seconds the user found himself unable to react out of sheer fear he closes the message by saying email me again if you have any more questions or potentially some answers the other day I went to the sheriff's department and they told me they're going to look into it and are going to question the neighbors I believe they're leading with the Attic theory despite the near impossibility as I described to them I will give you updates if anything more develops May 5th final entry the user explains that after the last experience the night time visits have been less and less a frequent causing the police department to lose interest in his case he closes the post by saying s or visits go on she seems to be more and more infatuated with me instead of just standing in my yard like she used to when she comes she's very close to my doors or windows this thought keeps me awake and my hours of sleep had been dwindling the next time she shows up though I am prepared to get some better evidence again this final entry was May 5th and so far no other updates have been made we can probably just assume that either the girl had stopped visiting or the user no longer felt the posting about it was helpful either way there's no way to know for certain unless the user pops up again and if he does I'll gladly provide updates in a deeper analysis of the situation [Music] [Music] [Music] possibly in Michigan is a bizarre musical short horror film uploaded to YouTube in July of 2018 the piece lasting 11 minutes long follows two women Sharon and Janice as they shop in their local mall it's quickly brought to our attention that we aren't the only ones following these women [Music] by the stalker Arthur has the head of a mannequin and a gaping expression frozen permanently onto his face the narrator explains that Arthur Janus and Charon all share two things in common violence and perfume after a bit more shopping around Janus catches Arthur and quickly alert Charon the to make a break for it [Music] some people turn to strange ones following this Sharon and Janice arrived home seemingly unaware of Arthur looming in the background this is where I'm going to stop as to not spoil the entire story if you want to watch the whole video then the link will be provided below while you're at it check out the entire channel as it belongs to artist Cecilia Condit who's been making the stuff since the early 80s and her channel of course features more before we hop over to our last entry for tonight here's a mini bonus feature brought to you by mundane memoirs his channel will also be linked along with everything else down below in a world of creative online horror and surreal imagery there's one name I found to be a recurring source of entertainment the works of the artist John Clayton and his delightfully dark imagery is something I came across about a year back in one of his best pieces schism the eight and a half minutes short is entirely animated in stunning detail accompanied by haunting music and grungy industrial sound effects for quite the spectacle the video follows a man named Kevin and his alter-ego of sorts in the real world the man is suffering from intimacy issues with his boyfriend in the other world his alter ego attempts to reunite him with his lover represented by a statue held just out of reach the alter ego has held prisoner in a world of flesh jagged spines and rusted lockers all the while watched over by the warden a large amalgam at least of human body parts every aspect of this hell is a visual representation of the imposed chains Kevin is forced upon himself also associated with the for real chains located on the statue of his boyfriend we bounce back and forth from shots of the real world Kevin and the events leading up to the current situation and the other world where the alter ego is doing everything in its power to break itself impose restraints each broken restrained has a large impact on the nightmare world around them as the chains on the statue break in the large pod the alter-ego I've been confined in tears open the warden attacks and becomes merged with Kevin's alter ego resulting in the tube being engulfed in a mass of flesh the lockers rise into the air and from within them releases a waterfall of Tears now what happens in the last segment is up to debate but within the mass of flesh covens alter-ego manages to get hold of the statue of his lover the final chain breaks and everything changes the pod releases a massive mushroom like construct with an orb he'll the law Fateh the darkness lifts and the falling tears begin to bring life to the land around them within the orb a strange mass of meat lies silent perhaps the two men's alter egos inseparable at last the piece sits with barely six thousand views after a year and a half of being on YouTube the artist continues to upload interesting shorts and work-in-progress videos on art pieces he's commissioned to make this has been the mundane memoirs broadcast hijack back to your normally scheduled content wet bucks is an Instagram account that's actually been around for quite a while now despite this being the first time I'm talking about it here on the channel and all I could do a whole video discussing it for now I think an introduction will do just fine the account which was mostly active in 2015 and 2016 primarily features this a man wearing a beastly mask with wide eyes long dark hair and an open mouth very sharp teeth over a certain amount of time the account began to feature new characters the most prominent of which being a woman wearing the same mask upon her first appearance the woman appears to be bound but as time went on her involvement became more and more seemingly voluntary at one point dancing freely and what appeared to be a basement while once again donning the mask at other points we do see things aside from the man and woman like this Hospital for example [Music] we also see photos and videos of things like a graveyard a blow-up doll the man calls rosemary regular baby dolls and various insects one of which that's placed into a tiny coffin if I'm being completely honest I don't know for sure what this account is trying to do or say it's obviously art but aside from that I can't say much about its storyline if any or the exact intent what I can't say however is that it's definitely creepy which is something that not everything like this is able to achieve so at the very least it's got that element of things definitely on lockdown like I said the account was mostly active between 2015 and 16 but it has been posting this year and I'm honestly excited to see where it goes as usual if you guys have any ideas theories etc that you'd like me to address when it comes to this or maybe even the first story then feel free to tweet me before I go thank you so much to patreon supporters Matt Danielle and mark along with anyone else who supports me there or wherever else and of course thank you for watching I'll see you all again soon
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 1,394,603
Rating: 4.9207945 out of 5
Keywords: vpn, best vpn, secure vpn, vpn for android, vpn web browser, reddit, onlineoddities
Id: xJbRbBWlxvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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