Unsolved: Mayumi Arashi and the Disturbing Notes That Could Solve Her Case

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Pretty sure this mystery is fictional. Theres absolutely zero information about this Mayumi person and no video of this supposed interview exists, just that 1 screen grab.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gootznbootz 📅︎︎ Apr 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by hunt the killer and in case you missed it last time hunt a killer is a subscription box perfect for fans of true crime Arg s or just mystery solving in general each box is a single episode in a wider storyline containing clues that will lead you little by little through each case and as I mentioned last time my favorite thing about it is its attention to detail the creative team at hunt a killer really goes out of their way for the sake of immersion and it really shows now best of all each box is just $25 weight cheaper than a night out and way less of a headache the next morning play with friends family or that special someone or someone's if you're into that you can get your very first box for 20% off if you head over to hunt a killer calm slash rain bot and use promo code rain bot and good luck [Music] family is a complicated subject it's often far from the idealistic support system it's usually framed as and sayings like family is everything could take on a much darker connotation depending on who you ask although it didn't appear to be this way on the surface for the Arashi family the story you're about to hear paints a slightly different picture one that's unnerved most people who have looked into it from missing sisters to a suspect seen heading into the woods at odd hours to a very unsettling interview with a subliminal message and possibly a sinister family secret tonight we take a look at the bizarre disappearance of Mayumi Arashi and the mysterious notes that made this case famous [Music] this all started in 1994 with 27 year-old Mayumi Arashi of Sumida tokyo a new mother who was temporarily living with her parents and older sister following the birth of her by then one-year-old daughter on September 2nd of that same year around 7 p.m. Mayumi was visibly uneasy and told her family that she was going to head out to meet a classmate a little odd sure but no one suspected anything more of it by the next day however Mayumi still hadn't returned home and she was never seen again or so we think by this point in 1994 my Yumi's case was relatively unknown to anyone outside of the Arashi family and things stayed that way until nearly two decades later when in 2011 an investigative segment on the news caught wind of Miami's disappearance and decided to interview the family this is where things take a bizarre turn while my Yumi's father was being interviewed some viewers took note of an ominous message taped to the bookshelf behind him the handwritten sign was in plain view and said don't believe Yoko's story to anyone just tuning in this may have been creepy but not necessarily sinister that is until you rewind the interview and realize that yoko is my Yumi's older sister in fact she was the one interviewed first by the news station and although a copy of the interview hasn't made its way online those who watch that date claim to have seen something that makes this even more chilling while Yoko was talking they noticed an elderly woman behind her trying to do something but because of the framing it's unclear what at first by all accounts it seemed to be the mother of the two sisters taping the note to the bookcase attempting to do so without her eldest daughter noticing this of course just begs the question why to sum it almost seem like the elderly couple were afraid of their own daughter at no point did the dad or mom or any of the interviewers bring up the note or anything about Yoko for that matter each and every member of the family simply reiterated whatever they could about Mayumi providing the news with any and all information that they have that could possibly help solve this case that is of course if you choose to believe that yoga was at all interested in telling the truth don't trust Yoko don't believe Yoko story don't trust the words of Yoko the note behind mr. Arashi in the interview could be translated in a number of ways but one thing was clear whatever Yoko was claiming was not to be taken as truth but what was it exactly that Yoko said during that interview according to her she had all kinds of information on what happened to her sister it turns out the classmate Mayumi went to meet was also a friend of Yoko and the two arranged a meeting the day after miyumi vanished according to said classmate she never did make plans to meet with Mayumi and if that was the case why did Mayumi lie to her family about where she was going Yoko adds even more lore to this tale claiming to have found a handwritten confession left behind by her little sister in the days following her disappearance within the note Mayumi admits to cheating on her husband with a man referred to only as a after asking for forgiveness she for some reason leaves this man's phone number Mayumi also claimed that a had betrayed her somehow but that was never clarified Yoko claims that in the following days she received calls from a who claimed to have been with Mayumi before she went missing this a person also mentions that if my Yumi's body is found then he hopes the punishment for what happened is prison whether or not that supposed to be a confession is unclear Yoko wanted to get to the bottom of this and decided the best way to do so was to hire a private investigator someone who could trace a and possibly uncover the whereabouts of her lost sister Yoko claimed to have pay be private investigator for a six-month period ending in early 1995 of which only one notable incident has been reported according to the private investigator he at one point followed a into a heavily wooded area a held two drinks one in each hand and proceeded on to a hiking trail now this might not seem like the strangest thing in the world but it turns out that this was in the middle of the night and as such it brought upon suspicion that the second drink was for Mayumi who was perhaps being held captive but once again this was a Yoko's version of events the ones that we're not supposed to believe as it turns out no one else ever saw the handwritten confession of Miami's infidelity yohko upon reading it tore it up and threw it away out of anger or at least that's what she claims the police never saw the note and neither did the Arashi parents did Yoko even actually get any calls from this a person it's even unclear if a private investigator really did get involved or if that was a fabrication - according to some sources the parents supposedly did get a call from a strange male probably a but it seems Yoko may have still been the one to make this claim on their behalf if you dig a little deeper into this it'll also become apparent that on the day of my Yumi's disappearance she actually only told Yoko not the entire family that she was going to meet up with a classmate Yoko was the only one who knew anything here but if she isn't to be trusted then it's quite possible that most if not all of her story was fabricated but why again the story starts off in obscurity just like the other countless missing-persons cases across Japan and the entire world for that matter but in 2011 after the Arashi segment aired suddenly there was some interest in it both from Japan and overseas naturally the internet would start investigating but this case is just like quicksand and the more you look into it the muddier things get the disappearance of Mayumi Arashi and the mysterious note seen during her father's interview is a case that definitely has its following but it isn't necessarily the behemoth that some other cases end up being especially when you're talking about the english-speaking side of the Internet personally I believe that this has to do with how difficult this case is to look into and how little we have to work from in fact there's so little here that many have written this office either a hoax or some kind of creepypasta either via Photoshop or incorrect captioning a mere tail using the Elora for an obscurity to sell its believability as mentioned earlier a copy of the interviews never made its way online something hard to believe in today's day and age we have a couple screenshots but that's about it many online couldn't even be sure if this was a real TV program that had aired or something more akin to unsolved mysteries meets candle Cove we know that Yoko's story wasn't to be trusted but was any of this to be trusted at all as it turns out yes given the general lack of sources on the English side of the net it became necessary for me to start doing searches in Japanese at least to the best of my ability super J channel is often cited as the entity that ran the segment about the atashi family and I feel it's necessary to clarify a few things before we move forward super J channel is actually the name of the show not the channel itself according to Japanese Wikipedia it's your standard news and informational show that runs every evening and is produced by the TV Asahi Network some of the show's content has made its way onto YouTube so even without access to Japanese TV we can confirm its existence now to be more specific the piece about my Yumi Adachi was covered on a sub segment within super J channel 1 by the roughly translated name whereabouts of the truth which focuses more on true crime type investigations rather than your standard news episodes of this can be found online but unfortunately the catalogue is not complete now despite this there were still some who weren't convinced in their eyes even if the show was legit it didn't mean that the images were given how easy it is to fake things or how strange it was that no one could find a copy of the actual video again anyone could have made some kind of translation error or taken the screenshot out of context or the creator of the so-called story could have named a real show to muddy the waters however it does seem that we have two main things working against that theory one would be this archived from TV asahi program listing that describes the episode in great detail even giving us a specific air date of October 13th 2011 and the second point would be the live responses from local viewership online a thread on a forum site had been started the archived conversations dating to around the initial broadcast there the users discuss everything that you and I are talking about right now but they offered a uniquely Japanese perspective they knew the network was real they knew the news show was real too many had even been watching the investigative segment and saw the mother stick the ominous note on the bookshelf so given all of us how did they try to debunk it some positive the theory that the segment had actually been something roughly translating to a broadcast ban a fake or mockumentary style horror segment in Japanese TV or film supposedly pioneered by Fuji TV in general these types of segments are supposed to come with a disclaimer stating that their works of fiction but despite this controversy still surrounds broadcast ban shows due to many tuning in late and missing the message only to end up duped to further push this theory some on the Japanese net point out that Yoko and Mayumi bear a striking resemblance to a well-known female comedy duo anywhere you look up Mayumi Arashi on the Japanese net you'll see people bring this up but super j-channel despite the name is supposed to be a straightforward and serious new show and so is its investigation segment aside from this one instance that's suspicious the show has no track record of planting creepy stories or bizarre visuals and to top this all off Mayumi was listed on Japan's database for missing people for a number of years by all accounts it is pretty is that TV asahi did not fabricate the story according to the archived description on their website during their investigation they enlisted the help of a retired detective one that very much exists and can be looked up online but at this point without a copy of the episode in question we don't even know what super J Channel was able to uncover based on the thread I mentioned earlier along with recaps written on Japanese blogs it all seems to have ended up at a dead end because again all the news and the detective had at their disposal was Yoko's supposedly untrustworthy testimony the episode summary on the website gives us a general overview of the case but doesn't actually spoil any details about the investigation that super J channel did itself but it does tease at one of Miami's friends being interviewed and it seems that she's actually able to confirm the existence of this a person without the video of course it's unclear exactly what the context of all this was or what was really taken from this interview it seemed to have something to do with Mayumi spending large amounts of money on a whoever he is with the legitimacy of the super J Channel episode no longer in question what are we left with and what theories can we extract from the information we do have if Yoko is right then who is a and what is his actual connection to Mayumi and what did she mean when she wrote of his betrayal if Yoko is lying then one would naturally have to wonder if perhaps she had something to do with her sister's disappearance or at least knows what actually happened what about the rest of the family could they be hiding something let's go with Ockham's razor first the simplest solution and the most likely let's say Mayumi really was having an affair based on how the letter was worded the betrayal the apology to her family for the infidelity you can assume that Mayumi felt and guilty maybe even guilty enough to skip town and never show her face in Tokyo again this after all wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened in fact Japan is actually home to a phenomenon roughly translated as evaporating people something that technically exists everywhere but in a Japanese context it's when someone chooses to vanish and assume a new identity or really none at all usually to escape financial burden or in some cases even turbulent relationships at home on the other hand however she was a new mother and it is very hard to believe that anyone would want to abandon their very young child even if it is something that happens it's also a little strange that Mayumi was supposedly uneasy before leaving but again that's part of the OCO story this brings us to the rest of the Arashi family they don't want us to believe that Mayumi simply left the family this of course could be for a number of reasons for one it's embarrassing especially in Asian cultures so the note saying not to trust Yoko could have actually been a poorly executed attempt to save face by an elderly couple that didn't want one daughter making the other look bad on national television of course it's also entirely possible that they're the ones who are right and Yoko is indeed lying but again why would II OCO lie to this point many assume that it might just be a case of sibling rivalry that Yoko was jealous of her sister to some or maybe she was taking the opportunity to be in the spotlight after all the way things are right now put yoko directly in the center of the story by proxy could this though actually have been an attempt at an alibi some people think so an alternative theory stemming from yoko possibly being jealous is one where she framed whoever a is after all it made no sense for Mayumi to leave this person's phone number to the family in the letter she supposedly wrote taking it one step further it's even possible that a and yoko worked together but if that was really the case then many of their choices do come off as rather bizarre since one would assume that it would have been much safer to just not bring a up at all once again the inclusion of his phone number makes no sense the note on the bookshelf is definitely the main point of focus for most people in this case possibly even more so than the supposed letter Yoko found that was written by Mayumi I think to most people it may have come off like the elderly Arashi couple was afraid of their eldest daughter which is something that feeds a narrative of Yoko having something to do with my UMI's disappearance it's almost like they know something we don't after all why not just call her out or confront her as most of you probably already know doing such a thing isn't exactly how the culture works and it's also possible that Yoko is unwell to some degree possibly even delusional something that we the audience would have no way of knowing maybe the parents aren't actually afraid of Yoko but also don't have it in them to call her out because she doesn't realize the absurdity of her claims note this is merely speculation and just one a possibility out of many as there isn't any direct evidence that Yoko is suffering from any condition in doing research for this case I stumbled upon a very interesting detail that somehow makes this case even weirder than it already is to recap Mayumi went missing in 1994 and was supposedly searched for by a private investigator until 1995 the interview with super j channel aired in 2011 two years later in 2013 Yoko suppose we went missing as well and to the state and neither sister has ever been found Yoko's disappearance usually isn't focused much when this case is talked about and I couldn't find any official missing persons records but based on what I read from various Japanese blogs and social media posts yoko is gone but the details of exactly when and how are still unclear a lot of people online who have stumbled upon this story think it's a little weird that the news isn't all over this but as I mentioned before disappearances are as common in Japan as they are anywhere else in the world and in most cases they don't become national news with wall-to-wall coverage anywhere else either it's just a sad reality that there are too many missing people in the world to count so more often than not most of them are quickly forgotten by society and it seems that that would have been the case here as well if it wasn't for the Internet the last official update on this case came to us in the form of a non update from the Japanese missing persons database mentioned earlier while it once showed a profile for Mayumi the link is currently dead for a while though it did show something else in 2015 the profile was replaced by a message simply saying thank you for your cooperation Japanese users who stuck around with a story notice that this was actually kind of odd other cases on the database usually offer up more details than that like if a person was found for example this vague thank you did it mean that my ume came home did the family somehow make contact it's even possible that remains were found although that's obviously not what anyone is hoping for cases that predate miami's exist on the site to this day so her profile wasn't just removed due to its age although many blog posts that I read did mention that legally my Yumi's case is now too old to be pursued by any legal authorities obviously I'm no lawyer especially not of Japanese law but I think it's pretty safe to say that this one is unfortunately never being solved especially with the only supposed witness now missing as well I did try to reach out to TV Asahi and the detective they brought on the show but unsurprisingly I wasn't able to get through to either if by chance you live in pen or maybe have family there and you know of which episode I'm talking about please send me a copy it would help a ton to at least be able to see what was actually said in each interview anyway that's all I've got on the specific case for now let me know what you guys think about it or if you guys want me to look into anything similar and with that all said I'll see you guys soon hey guys so if you're still listening right now then you're you're one of those weird people I am totally waiting for people to tweet at me that I was like pronouncing some Japanese things wrong despite the fact that I am Japanese but anyway that's not the point though we've ruined everything it is time to thank the patreon supporters T Gorman Connor H and rubella Danielle she shadow J a VHS squid Q Shelby Joel's Arai Jeremy Eric Lance s / Knicks brain Raphael Nick Krista Keith Connor the wilting rose Benjamin score Ian Amelia Michael bloody the elf and Sean the chb I went through that way easier than I normally would which is very strange but anyway thank you to each and every one of you for helping me out I do like super super appreciate it but anyway if you're still listening right now you're crazy but I love you and I'll see you next time
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Views: 1,278,407
Rating: 4.9414902 out of 5
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Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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