Solve Chess Tactics with Yasser & Aman

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one of the puzzle rush as i really have fallen well not in love with but i do like it a lot is the survival oh the but to me that's not really puzzle rush that's like it's just just tactics right but it is nice that you have the lives and there's pressure right exactly well we'll go ahead and by the way when you do the survival challenge how deep do you get uh i don't do it because i don't find it it's not like enjoyable to me because at some point you get to a puzzle that yeah literally it's problem like it takes like i mean it would take me the better portion of some hours to let you sit down and so the reason i don't do it is because it takes i mean the idea is you know to avoid thinking for an hour but not to think you know for ten seconds and two but to try to work it out as fast as you can and yeah i try to do these puzzle rushes i can get to the 60s but then it's sort of like what you just said you get you know like these problems that they're crazy yeah that that that that suddenly you know is like domination and the end game by kasparian you've got to figure out you know yeah the beautiful triangulation and like you know the subtleties and the worst is you to sit there for an hour and calculate everything out and you're wrong right nice okay so you're on the five second or five minute rather no dude i'm on the survival like you suggested oh okay this is excellent good i mean the combination of yourself myself with our stream chat we're there's no way yeah we're undefeated for sure we we ought to really boss set some records here that's what i'm talking about now you're doing a great job at cleaning clock right now i'm the i'm the as part of your stories yes sir i'm the openings expert right yes i'm the specialist the opening specialist that's that's what we're talking about go with the flow on this one i handle the the early ones and i bring in heavy hitters like the chat for some of the more dangerous puzzles later can i can i call a friend exactly the chat will be what i call on that was a nice one the two nice ones in a row i like that's true okay okay okay you got that back ranked mating puzzle down to a science my friend well it helps that they keep giving me the same pattern back-to-back exactly you're you're awfully familiar with it yeah you get to feel like a genius it's like you're in school and they're like hey guys you know today we want to remind everyone that you know uh you know four times four is sixteen and then immediately they're like pop quiz four times four and you're like oh yeah 16. i got this yeah i know how to do this one and then when it comes time for the exam nope that's gone that's not nowhere near i forgot okay let's go queen e4 we got this and the fork yeah okay nice what the heck is going on here [Music] yeah baby queen would check well they put their king on b6 by the way right in that puzzle right they could have just put the cake somewhere else but i'm trying to help you out and that nice little uh al from give yourself a boost you know what can i say it's like watching the highlights of these games these american football games where the with the guys getting tackled and some offensive lineman comes behind him and gives him gives the scrum a push yeah exactly the gains an extra two yards you know give the guy a boost no these are always this is a satisfying checkmate in chess very satisfying absolutely okay now it's okay no you got this one you got this this is going good heating up right yasser yeah you can feel it getting a little testy but you got it oh yeah baby um hakasito i got that one oh and that's a queen that's not that's a girl it's a girl okay something good something good i could i can feel a fork is in the air yeah yeah yeah i mean the the thing is rook takes takes knight e4 is on tap but they also knight g4 on tap so they want you to they want you to be confused but i believe it's just brook takes d2 knight g4 queen g3 takes brook takes and then queen g4 and then they cover the meat with bishop f1 exactly or the queen even covers d1 so rook d2 yeah they're trying to they're trying to trick you but you're at the point in the puzzles where you can see the tricks that they're the traps they're laying for exactly you're so sharp yeah just so so sharp okay hold on hey we got uh spidey senses tingling yeah yeah yeah well there's a rook on d6 which fortunately can cut across right and so i'm thinking yeah by the way 28 you just snapped out the 28 like that was no problem that was no problem and i might keep snapping them out but there's pressure now because we're in survival mode i don't want to be the guy i want you to be the first guy that gets us an x not me man yeah exactly well let's do the rook g5 let's go let's go what's your line takes takes king f1 rook h6 queen g1 oh didn't see it yeah that's what i'm talking about dude you would have been the first x we'd all laugh at you no no no okay queen g1 queen queen h4 and queen h3 maybe no no it it's it's surely rook h1 in that position right queen takes queen g3 and then queen g1 queen h3 nice nice i'm liking it okay i feel it well i have to bail you out yeah so i got you running around like a chicken with its head cut off it was the collective you know the borg yeah oh boo they don't even know they don't even play the hard move yasser would have got bailed out there he would have saw king h1 and then none of you would be the wiser right rook h6 and queen g2 mate is on the agenda you see you could have done that faster okay hold on what is this we take with the pawn what's the problem and we give it a hot casito in the words of yeah you're not gonna that was that was not that was not difficult compared to the previous one the previous same with this one yeah that was just like a straightforward mate right yeah very easy okay white to move right okay that's oh that was pretty simple same with this one the answer they're not going to stump us with stuff like this we're going over and we're checkmating down the file right yeah yeah take take man i wouldn't even giving ourselves credit for that one they're really not stumping us with these ones yeah no these are breezy sometimes yeah sometimes you get that you get a a string of easy ones and then suddenly they hit you with a confounding unexpected difficult one yeah the one i just did was actually a long one but it wasn't particularly challenging it's just just a lot of moves exactly now this one they're trying to trick you to play rook be one check that's the wrong move yes all the squares are covered right checking on c1 first that's the way to i have to say yes sir this is one of the most useful patterns to remember chess queen right c1 or c8 as white and then to f4 f5 because the most common escape square in chess is definitely h6 or h3 and then this check and then visiting this square what it always does is number one sets up a potential back rank by force or g3 the only other move to avoid going back to the back rank always blunders the f2 pawn with the check so it's just like one of those one of those patterns that you're always looking for no question about it i completely in the words uh concur yes i concur that uh that is a very very useful checkmating pattern indeed and by the way as is this one yeah i think you got like five freebies exactly this looks like a take on h7 and a take on f7 yeah it's like mate i'm looking at this but we got knight g6 so it's looking like we cash in man cash the chips yeah baby here we go what are you talking about you're up to 38 and you just come on chat give give them on a little love come on i want to see some i want to see some emojis for hambo i mean yeah baby go look at you go look at you go you're doing great this looks like uh h5h6 if i had to speculate here followed by bishop g5 and mate but just um yeah h5 looks like the most promising right because it's forcing right bishop g5 immediately maybe h6 correct and he's wiggling he's wiggling he's wiggling he's not dead look at the look at the emojis look at that yep okay h6 king h8 bishop g5 for this and then if knight g4 i mean so many rook f4 even just sort of wins and yeah if knight takes f7 we just take it back with the pawn we're threatening bishop f6 to me and i broke c6 to cover that square we can go bishop e7 okay i do it do it do it do it that's the way we like it hey you i mean it didn't even force you to find bishop e7 i love it when it resigns like that yeah yeah it's like okay you're good enough to do it and i'm thinking yeah yeah i am thanks for the confidence there oh this one is actually nice it's very very deceptive if you go queenie for check right away queen f4 i thought you got deceived yes sir i thought you had to play g3 at once but no queen e4 check is the right move [Laughter] so you go check check g3 check so it goes check check check check me but what i'm wondering yeah is you said it was a deceptive puzzle but you actually got tricked by the puzzle the deception worked out exactly i was right you were right but you didn't know you were so the idea is queen check and we get checked which is normally the worst thing that can happen precisely we can then deliver another check which cannot be taken because of the pin and now we can deliver a mate yeah so that type of a puzzle was the kind of thing they they had these cold awards in the 70s and they had these advertisements with seven up the uncola so what they had is the guys like in central park and they were on the chess table and the guy would make a chest move and he'd go check then the other guy you know would sip his 7 up or whatever and he'd go check so it's like check check then the first guy would go check mate that is like you know they cheer one another whatever and i was like that never happens you never go check check checkmate we just saw an example of the cola war yeah exactly what do we got here looks feisty you know our rook is basically a non-participant um for the whole problem it looks like and the g3 square is covered by the rook right now so right i've really only got one avenue right now because you know i see a pawn on f4 that's loose and it's the only avenue to the king and i can't use the g3 square and my rook can't play and i see how white is going to continue if i do nothing right so it's something like bishop to d2 yeah and then right so you're going yeah and you're going after the f4 pawn and then he's got to go rook f3 and you can take the pawn and then give a check right and you can ground up after that what i'm wondering is like let's say takes you know queen b7 or get you know queen somewhere right he's going after you gotta check on the c8 square though c1 sure yeah i beg your pardon let's say they go back to h2 for argument's sake and then the final move is i'd in the immortal words of dr robert hubner i do not know so this is great everybody i got this great story so robert hugner in case you didn't know is an absolute genius i mean he's off the chart his iq is uh godly um he speaks about i'm gonna say 17 languages and we just go queen c1 by the way at the end and then move the rook and they and he can't promote that that's nice and he's a professor of paperology at a german university and you know ancient hebrew ancient greek he knows all the classics basically memorized them and i remember he had he he told he tells me the story he played in this tournament and with haiki western the the finnish grand master i referenced earlier and he came to realize that haiki at that time did not speak english and he only spoke finnish and he couldn't speak with anybody so the poor haiki was really alone he's just alone in the world feels bad man it feels bad so robert decided to take the summer off and learn finnish yeah just just the summer to learn finnish impressive and the next tournament he played with heike he came up to him and he said good afternoon and haiki nearly burst into tears he said good afternoon he's finished infinity heike thought what a sweet gesture to learn to say good afternoon and finish i mean how nice was that so with a very broad smile hi he said good afternoon and then robert continued like what are your plans today would you like to have dinner together like he suddenly realized that god talking finish to me is like he blew his mind like what are you kidding me so hoobner is off the chart just off the chart genius right and robert's playing in joburg johannesburg in south africa along with victor korchnoy and tony miles and others and the players during one of the free days had been invited by the organizers to the national museum and of course the uh afrikaners were very very proud of their heritage and the national museum had some really fantastic treasures and you know like their most fantastic treasure was this uh papyrus reed which had all of these egyptian hieroglyphics on it and it was primed in this fantastic you know showcase of you know bulletproof glass and there's no way you're running out of the museum with that sucker the afrikaners and they were proud of their of this showpiece so the curator had been showing them this this is something he came to you know the the this great thing and was explaining why and how this particular piece was really the best of the best then somebody in the group informed the curator that robert hubner he knows uh hieroglyphics and could translate the piece if the curator wished and the guy was like what please please tell us what our national treasure is all about adjust in his glasses comes takes a look he says well first of all you've got it upside down [Laughter] oops for 20 years this thing has been paid an exhibition upside down so they turn it so he goes well let's see you've got two oxen 12 goats 13 saddles of rice sounds like a christmas girl four barrels of wine and he goes down like this you know six bolts of cloth in the whole thing and he's reading this list of items which is a man's will a wealthy person has passed away and it's just an itinerary of the guy's estate that's all it's it's not the us constitution it's not the stealth of revelation you know it's just the guys listen to the the curator and saying what an important piece this was and the guy just obliterates yeah start to finish they escort robert out of the building get lost please don't come again never come back never come back the value just plummeted oh oh it it cracked and play it cracked the players up so what do we got here we got to avoid a we've got to avoid a perpet is that the problem well i always have bishop f1 so well that's the problem is he gonna play rook takes f1 come on is that is that the problem no you you're you're good i think i mean the the guy is definitely gotta be getting out here here right you know king e3 queen d4 i get it you know i i see where the thing is happening issues yeah i have to be getting out of this surely don't call me shirley yeah of course you are so you take the bishop he gives you a check you play bishop f1 he takes the bishop you take it with the rook he goes queen d4 chad yeah in my head i'm like thinking i can't take with the rock if i can take with a rook we're not even talking you know we're not even there's no business there's no business i i'm the king takes f1 force for some reason and then i think that actually might be a weird fact yeah but i think you can yeah you take and bishop and you take with the rook oh man it didn't even challenge you what are you talking about you got off scot-free earlier buddy what are you talking about yeah you're benefiting from the system i'm not sure i'm not sure well what are we dealing with here the first move can't be very challenging because queen takes these i've got to say it to you again uh i have not been bothering you but you've gotten up to 48 with no strikes come on can i hear it again from the chat i mean i'm on like like let's get a little left you'll be here all night this is amazing you're doing great okay now we can take or we can perform queen b7 check yeah look at that look at it now we're talking about the bamboo sticks this is the tree and we got some gift gifted subs call out some subs for us uh uh dr lord mayonnaise five gifted subs but times two times two that's ten lord mayonnaise okay that was a handle that tickled my funny bone where did you come up with a handle like that lord mayonnaise okay uh who else we got who else we got the thing is i mean queen b7 should be mate here the king h8 bishop f5 so but why aren't you taking the rook that's what i mean it's a tricky problem because i think this is a decent move check here queen c6 there's bishop here five but queen b7 absolutely leads to me this is me this is me and king there bishop f5 and how am i stopping this i've got three clumsy pieces it can't stop and my queen on b7 is covering this diagonal which is sweet no checks on that that's queen h3 though and i get mated or i get checked and obviously mated right so the pitfall in the problem is thinking that this leads to me right you must take this and play bishop d5 now queen h3 check isn't bothersome because after king over to g1 now that we've taken the rock right exactly take the rook look at you yeah you saw that bishop d5 we're at the point where the you know the pitfalls are actually very realistic to fall into now now okay uh this is for 50. this is a big important number this is yeah yeah no we're at the milestone okay so check on d6 king a6 rook a four's mate yeah so guys yeah one grand mastery yes with sarah won everyone he'll be here all night you two you're you're 49 look if you go to 60 you know you're i don't know i mean that's a huge score how what what does eric average i don't think but we don't do this like this is a time investment we don't have a lot of scores to compare to puzzle rush where it's like the three minute version five minute version like we've got scores to compare there but i got you know we don't we don't have a lot of data here i got up to 69 is my highest score and i never went over on purpose damn okay so check king a53 and is there any way for it for black to stop a3 mate sorry what are you saying knight d6 check king a5 rook c3 correct is there any way to start yeah not that i can see because you've got every square covered right e5 b6 b4 we've got a3 protected and anything that goes on the b6 or b5 square will just act the same as you know as if it wasn't there and none of these pieces can guard a3 so it's looking pretty solid i'm impressed at how quickly you got to 49 almost effortless ease oh oh here's here's one where we could uh miss stephanie no our kings in the square this is easy we take a5 king d5 our kings in the square we use our king to control the a pawn and then we use our bridesmaids but i'm saying it's easy to pitfall because d3 sets your guys up in the wrong way you want that you want b3 with the d-pawn not d3 with the b-pawn because the king is closer to the d-pawn right you are so that's we do want to take this and then bring our kids back exactly and then the moment this happens we need to be able to play b3 and these are the untouchable pawns where you try to take this guy this guy queens if you take the long way around my pawn is going to go to d3 and d2 and you got the same problem on the other side exactly yeah nice oh i this looks like g4 off hand just to break the pin so that you're attacking the rook on d5 you're attacking the rook on e3 i'm attacking everything buddy yeah everything's hey look at we've got chocolate boy three chocolate boy thank you for the five gifted subs nice nice appreciate it subs for uh for puzzles solved yay yes um you know it's funny in a game uh i would think that the position after queen takes d5 and rook takes e3 is favorable for white but because this is a puzzle rush i'm looking for a a winning move and the move g2 g4 is like the only alternative right to queen takes d5 because so it has to be g4 because queen d5 is only better not absolutely winning correct and it's you know it would take some real work to win that game i bet no so i'm pretty sure that it's g4 but there are moves to consider rook takes d4 takes and we can definitely take solace in the fact that although our queen is under attack so it's blacks and so we're not losing there and then queen h6 um oh hold on you're making a point though if we play g4 and black plays rook takes d4 and we take and then he takes our queen and we take his queen then he takes our rook oh i see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah so we need to we need to move our he said he set us up for a cheapo we need to move our king there's no way that works oh i know so we go g4 rook takes check we interpose the room and everything remains hanging for a move longer rook d4 rook d2 takes takes and then the rook is attacked twice and the queen's attack once and that the math checks out on that one and f7 is hanging as well as we per per view all of those hanging pieces so i think it's g4 rook d for rook t2 i agree okay let's go for it instantly um yeah if the king goes anywhere then the rook gets to maybe give some checks we don't want that exactly we don't we'll come in and join for a checkmate or something so right this looks like rook d2 that was a little tricky trappy we we so far exactly so far there have been some tricky trappy ones thank you bucko buckle bonsai he's donating 50 and he says fifty for fifty fifty for fifty no okay this is great but you know i'd like to point out the obvious you know we're at 52 now yes sir that's two extra bucks that's two extra bucks in the bank thanks a lot bucko thanks a lot i think they're trying to trick us uh we've got checks on b7 give me the pawn and we got checks on f7 yes now the problem i see with b7 is king e8 and there's it gets weird but if we check him on f7 you can't go to c8 because there's a mate but if you go to d8 we gotta check on c7 and then motion and d78 will um so i think we're trying they're trying to trick us into taking a pawn with check which is something i live for right yeah so this is one of those very very unusual situations that's why we're a team yes sir because you would be grabbing that guy i would be grabbing that pawn like give me the precious but amman is sitting there saying chill chill relax man you cut you caught me slipping on the last one i got you here yeah absolutely i mean i'm like i'm like a a a drone you know seeking out a pond i just you know as i as i you know navigate the board you know i see that b7 pawn and wild horses couldn't stop me but amman fortunately for us amman has the control oh they're gonna make me play another move here the the horror the humanity it looks like they don't want this they want this and queen d3 to trade queens gotcha right there's no queen e8 there's no other checks and queen d6 here king h7 i can actually see that being an issue because we're big time we're forcing a big time issue we could be facing you know the horror okay that was a that was a good uh challenge what is this what is this are we black yeah what are we trying to do here we're going this way we're trying to win okay i assume it's either king c3 or king d3 you don't assume that it's b4 could be b4 so how would it work b4 king back king back king back king back king of king and we're good so what's the difference between king c3 and b4 well king c3 i'm wondering about because king c3 here no king c3 king e4 okay is that an issue yeah king b2 king here takes and king c5 gotcha so that's why king e4 b4 king d5 and they get there but b4 moves our pawn up the board and doesn't allow white to make any progress so we're receiving a move for free king king c3 king there king b2 and we take the guy i think you fared it out very very well the issues and b4 as my vote good job we're doing great thanks for the 10 10 as well resident end appreciate it you know i i shared with yvette i said that i i'm laughing to tears uh resident sleeper you had told me about resident sleeper and the whole you know mythology of how that got going she cracked up and she was in tears laughing resident sleeper that was so good i mean ah legend yeah hey look at that look at the emoji there you go [Laughter] the people are happy to provide i know i know okay good good good good all right what do we got here that what what the heck man there's a pawn on e7 it's on my doorstep i don't like this i mean so what are we doing so lean rook takes h5 is clearly something they want you to be aware of just as like a type of move with with this um like i can see some some ways that that so if we go like queen g6 rook takes h5 check we gotta go queen takes h5 right that's rook h3o we can take an e8 we have mate eight for example but hold on are we afraid of rook h5 queen g6 rook h5 queen h5 rook d a no we'll just play rookie yeah exactly and we're good so we're probably going to go queen g6 rook h2 right does that make sense but i'm trying to get the zen is a position yeah because it's not easy in that case rook d8 is not making a threat in my eyes and it's almost like after this and this it's almost like i don't need a ko move i just play king g7 and i should just be crushing and i don't like that feeling yeah the material count is so heavily weighted in your favor in this case so queen g6 what can be white's trick then and if rook d2 i'm just kind of at a loss because i just go king g7 again i'm just not feeling like any danger any challenges here right so it has to be queen g6 rook h5 queen h5 e8 equals queen yeah i just know it takes not to mention yes sir even rook cakes should be a winning end game you know what i mean like just to make a point with rook h3 i'm sure it's a winning end game uh i'm i i'm warm to your point uh yeah but anyway obviously point being we don't need to do it we can take with the queen yeah and just write okay so then i met i'm at a loss queen is rook g2 stronger is f3 stronger what is going on here why i don't like f3 because it brings the rook to f8 right like no no no never want to see that rook on f8 and again you're up to 54 on a you're on a dreamboat ride right now yeah yeah yeah so queen g6 rook h2 king g7 but is king g7 really how i'm gonna win this problem you know what i mean like is that really the answer normally never you know never with a quiet move i can imagine you going geez what can i imagine you doing queen g okay so queen g6 rook h2 king g7 rook on d3 to h3 knight g3 rook h7 no we where we're taking the rooks yeah knight g3 yeah i don't see the problem i'm thinking queen g6 is rook h2 or rook d2 king g7 just wins but uh so a plan that white has to win would be rook d8 followed by rook f8 right like that looks annoying because i can't get my rook there and like i feel like there might be a position where i just can't move or something exactly some kind of weird position exactly so i'm thinking about that like if i go king g7 as a starting move rook d8 queen g6 rook f8 something like that is probably annoying yeah right just doesn't feel makes sense yeah that could be where you've you you've given white some kind of bizarre positional uh uh fortress but in g6 there's rook d2 as well but i think it's even worse so let's say rook h2 right and are we really just saying kg7 i guess it looks like you could just waltz the king over to towards the e8 and then later you know plant the knight itself on e8 and e4 is hanging too so um in the immortal words of somebody that's the problem so here rick h2 king g7 what are we saying rook d-a and what are we saying h3 no i'm saying 58 and what are we saying there oh what are we saying there uh i suppose we could be saying rook e8 read the idea of king f7 and my plan after that or my question after that was i'm gonna take or the king's on g7 still yeah king's on g7 so i'll play rook d3 other rook to d3 no your rook will be on h2 so we'll start with queen g6 rook h2 king h king g7 and then if i play rook h3 in that position probably one move too slow because you get knight g7 that's the idea so rook back to h3 king f7 you take probably that's that can't be good why not takes takes rook d3 and i don't have time for knight g7 that's what i'm saying yeah that's what i'm saying that was my life it was like queen g6 uh rook h2 sorry king g7 rook d8 rook e8 rook back to h3 and i think the key after rook back to h3 might be knight g3 bingo bongo i think you're absolutely right never let the rook come back to d3 absolutely that keep that rook out of and at some point you might just be able to play queen takes e4 and checkmate right like i feel like this problem is about dealing with this pawn not checkmating white but i could have the zen completely wrong and then then we're gonna get a big fat x okay we've got a question what is wrong with queen g6 rook h2 queen e4 rook h5 king h7 because you do have a queenie one shack i don't think we have to sacrifice the knight though but the problem is after queenie foreign what's that after queenie foreign in that line uh we're not threatening mate on g2 that's the issue our king's on g7 so white goes to the rook literally anywhere he doesn't have to play rook d2 to defend he can go like rook f3 or anything plus on top of that aren't we losing on the spot to rook g5 and takes g8 okay that's sound to shiver up my spine let's not but let's start with queen g6 let's go let's go let's not uh you don't want to dilly dally no dilly dally let's get on with the show let's keep it brisk king g7 right this is our brilliancy king this is g7 and if rook here we wanted knight to uh g3 right correct king g7 brilliancy right here we don't want it we cannot cannot allow rook f8 agree correct so we like we went rook e8 and then after rook h3 then we blocked the rook with knight g killer three killer killer shot yeah and then we're on it if let's say in that position if rook h4 for argument 6 threatening brook g4 ideas let's you know i want to be in the ballpark can i take on e4 and give up my rook to mate you on the back yes and i think that's that's the key right as larry christian would say can i get you from behind the answer is a resounding yes that scenario that was a sweat yes sir you're 55. dude you're killing it i mean you said that i i mean i suggested this as a something we could do and involve the crowd and the next thing you know like you're setting a personal record exactly we're on the up and down and we just had a we had a big gift 20 subs jerky's minion [Laughter] you like that name as well there yes sir buddy where did these candles go lord mayonnaise chesticles yeah jerkys minion turkeys nice got it i mean i don't know we got some talent in the audience i got to tell you aman i'm impressed okay okay what do we got here what are we looking at breaking down we're looking at first of all a very good position and because because our position is so hambo gambit defense because our position is so good it means that you usually have to do a little extra you can't just have a good position because it the way i see it pawn takes e5 this is it's just a great move seriously right okay so the problem is like you were referencing is unfortunately for us we've got some really good moves we've got both pawn takes bishop takes and rook takes all these moves really look great i mean just frankly speaking and also bishop h2 king h2 queen f2 is probably not a good way of going but i think that's it honestly i think that's it it's lame but pawn takes e5 the knight is trapped minus two squares if it's gotta go and you lose the knight by force because knight takes queen takes and there's no rookie two because of the bishop on a6 is doing a great job patrolling the diagonal and right if knight f3 then you hit him again hit him again with e4 and again the knight's trapped um so the only other move exactly would be knight h2 and e in that position g3 or rook d8 well rook d8 is there night some weird knight f1 that gets moving no not really okay i'm i'm i'm all about d takes e5 let's go i'm on board with this just rook d8 right boom boom boom wait rook d8 here here rookie three oh i'm finding the pitfalls buddy nice rook e3 wait wait wait my whoa rook e3 spidey sense is tingling yeah that blocks us up ooh just a second this is because it's almost like this knight on c5 wants to go to e4 yes but bishop takes queen takes queen takes f2 check not enough king takes knight no no it's not enough king e3 we can't make the king there um well it's not bishop takes e2 and it's not bishop it's d2 no so i mean the move is rook d-a process of elimination yes sir it must be a rook d8 there's no other move it must be it must be rook d8 and then after knight takes f4 is there e take no e takes queen c1 right doesn't feel right uh amman i think you may have to ask the chat i think that's correct rook d890 tommy tommy's saying e takes f4 would you like to listen to tommy he's a doctor he's a he's licensed in the medical field trust me i'm a doctor i've always wanted to say that he takes f4 he takes f4 with compensation but the problem is tommy if we go rook d8 and i'm i'm about rook d8 i'm for that move don't get me wrong but then the issue is knight takes f4 we we take with the pawn he's going to go queen c1 when ilya has presented a line which works this is the same guy who lost lost the last tactic by force for us suggesting that we hang our knight and then hang our rook and then get queened on and lose everything this is the same guy right queen d guy yes pretty much pretty much yeah okay queen d4 nice and then we're in a pin and there's no rook d3 no rookie two that's the move you have to see that's the that's the coup de grasse yes uh where to move okay we're kind of happy because we've got a rook b7 sighting now the question is how do we take the bishop this feels like a bishop takes g7 kindness oh queen h8 check yeah how does it help though that's what i'm wondering queen h8 check king e7 rook takes b7 yep and if you take the rook that looks right then we eat with the skewer yeah that's that's that's good that's a good move order because the queen here came here rook b7 right you can't go to d6 you can't go to f6 you gotta take the rook because you'll get rid of 87 doesn't help at all right and if you take then queen takes and just takes yeah baby that's what i'm talking that's nice yeah but it's trying to trick you into taking the bishop but it's the queen h8 oh look at you you got the you got the check mark right away i'm just playing the moves man i'm just a vessel i'm the vessel no strikes okay what do we got here we got pieces trying to occupy the same square yeah everybody's trying to go to the same party and let's not forget we're gonna have to deal with rook d7 queen f2 precisely three so you never want to allow any rook to the seventh is going to come with check so if we start with a move like knight to david eight in order to get the knight out of the way hmm don't know it that doesn't feel right though does it i'm i'm looking at queen takes f4 and knight g5 that's what i want to do uh what's the body count after all of that dace takes knight g5 we assume that you can't take with the queen that should lose immediately all right king h6 96 so at that moment we've got a rook and what do we got we got a knight for a uh a rook and a knight for a queen but the problem is he's gonna go queenie three and queen f3 and he's gonna try to make a perpet against our king right i mean i i feel you queen f4 would be a very nice move if not i don't profess that it's the answer necessarily it's just the first thing i think of okay okay because i'd like to go knight g5 king takes h6 rook d7 that's what i'd like to do um right because queen f2 there's king h1 nice wait a minute wait a minute i think my thing is after rook d7 that's just rook e7 and i'm not locating queen f4 ef4 knight check king h6 the desirable rook d7 in that position gets hit by rook e7 just stopping your mate i don't see any right i agree that seems to be the dead end you see it's kind of funny because i kind of i would love to get in the move h5 as well right as some kind of a distraction yeah but that's not uh at all an issue in this position that's not what this position is about it's it's about queen f4 or some other extremely forcing move here yeah knight d8 is a forcing movement in a way um hits the rock and wants to play rook d7 but like i don't know if rook e7 are we are we doing anything yeah then i was thinking that we would take the rook and go rook to d7 but that's not like an absolute forcing win is it no i don't think so i i that can't be enough surely okay well let's come back to your idea queen f4 takes takes knight g5 check king h6 knight e6 queen let's say queen well let's say first queen e7 yeah v7 and the thing is that position what i want to do is i want to go knight back to g5 threatening rook d7 right because i think if i take i queen h4 is immediately hard to deal with and queen takes f8 i also don't see the immediate win either right exactly exactly so i think you're right i think we take the knight we take we give a check we take on h6 we take on e6 and against either queen e3 or queen e7 we come back to g5 with our knight and we say deal with rook d7 d7 and let's say king king h5 i think what it is is like after knight takes e6 probably black there's a reason why black cannot play queen e3 probably like it seems almost like queen e7 to keep guarding the rook is the uh move that we're forcing them to play and then we come back sneaky with the knight and we have the tempo coming with everything right that feels i feel so we're saying that queen e3 knight f8 rook g2 is johnny ball game and so he has to go back to e7 with the queen so then we do get to play knight g5 that's the key i'm with you and let's say we played he five in that position right we come back with the knight let's say they go rook hg you know geniuses to cover checkmate rook d7 queen c5 and i'm just wondering what our punch through is i suspect that regardless of the fact that knight to f7 check you gotta go back with the king you can't come up with the king because of rook t5 but i think you're on to something here iman let's do it all the tempo we got to get to 60. take it yeah baby the voice they don't even make us play the whole thing yeah oh man that's so nice yeah we made the executive decision we hit solid gold i think so yeah baby okay why is this an issue queen h6 is screamer yeah queen h6 is shouting um what am i missing a man so queen h6 king okay looks like one way to go but we can holy smokes we can that bishop is just so powerful on the long diagonal can't we go queen h6 king g8 knight f3 and just say i'm gonna mate oh he could take take queen f8 no i got queen g6 right but what i'm saying there is after knight takes you're not beating me right i just go king f7 like i'm just running away unfortunately you're not me really okay so queen h6 king g8 you're saying come up with something much sweeter i'm saying that i don't feel like queen h6 is right because of king g8 i'm i'm a little bit more on the like trying to get queen f4 to work because i see queen f7 mates right the knight g6 discoveries and then this is kind of like a scary square where there might be a tactic uncovered by that okay so you're saying queen f4 check knight f6 knight g6 king f7 yeah and i'm like i'm around there i'm in that ball okay that's a nice neighborhood does it make sense to go check and then queen edge is just going to say genius combine our two brilliant minds yes sir right queen f4 knight f6 queen h6 then and if king e8 queen h8 is a killer right because then we got the bishop c5 and by the way talking about genius minds i think i've done a really big damage on netflix and yesterday i had kind of like exhausted all of my you know like spartacus seasons and marco polo seasons and kingdom seasons so i was flipping around other things and i came across trailer park boys yes tpb speaking of geniuses and i don't think i've introduced event to the trailer park boys no you might become one if you might become one if you ever do and it is great as export what can i tell you amazing show amazing yes sir i'm feeling good i'm feeling good about queen f4 because if if rook f6 knight d7 is murder same with queen f6 knight f6 queen h6 king g8's force mate king e7 i think we insert the apropos bishop c5 into the dagger no just immediately king e7 bishop there right and then even i takes g6 check two so queen f4 jack king e7 knight takes g6 is made in oh sorry no i was i meant after knight f6 and then king that's why i was saying uh bishop c5 exactly and then four s8 there but yeah if if here king um e7 sorry then you were saying what knight g6 right knight six yeah and king e8 rook takes e6 sweet we're going to be able to take you with check no matter where he goes uh so knight takes d7 and king f7 right only only try okay um and then i think i mean takes f6 is up a piece did we want we want more than that though don't we of cup of course yes yeah i mean i i remember dating was such a sweet guy so datto is this malaysian tycoon and he owns hotels and airlines and a stable of horses in australia and datto has won them his horses have won the melbourne cup four times but he's on the pantheon of owners that have won the melbourne cup four times and he wanted to be alone as the guy who won the melbourne cup five times sorry and i just to explain i think 97 king f7 queen f6 rook f6 bishop f6 threatens rookie 7 and the bishop is still hanging here and if rookie might be two pieces of person rookie we take take take the bishop we got an extra bishop that should win that's what i'm thinking i'm gonna go for that but yeah sorry so yeah so go ahead yeah it looks good so dante tells me the story of when his horse won the fifth race and it was a nose he wanted by a nose it was a photo finish they hadn't put up the result and then came the result and datto's horse won and the way he told the story it was so thrilling i said well dada that that's fantastic i mean what did your horse win what did your horse win and he says well six million australian dollars and i said well well danto that that that sounds like a lot of money six million he says yes it is but my needs are great [Laughter] my needs are great words to live we want more than that my needs are great yeah a free piece what are you talking about then a free queen with jack though hey dude i got i got news for you where you your one away from the big 6-0 yep yeah oh my god okay this one is uh is screaming d3 at me it truly is because i don't want you to go rook b1 check and queen right away and win the room right the king will be on f2 the bishop will be on e5 our pawn on d4 we can't even do that yeah yes rookie two here d3 yeah he's catching our pawn so it's pretty much forced in my eyes with d3 but then i'm expecting after d3 no if he goes bishop e1 then we go rook a rook b1 d2 jake's takes and then rook d1 and queen uh so hold on so d3 bishop e1 d2 take take c6 check king king up queen take c7 and we get yeah we got it d3 yes sir you trust that i try i i i say go for it d2 spank that sucker down check look at you 60. hey a moment of celebration everyone hey look at this uh three words three words aman you ready for them here it comes fabulous thank you yasir nice okay what's this what's this holy smokes um queen f1 check king d2 rook f2 check king e3 and you're telling me we got no well this killer ruse this looks like the move i would consider because of what you just said that queen f1 king here rook there king there looks like their pitfall that rook f3 came back and it's just you're in this loop of like where's my checkmate dude but right like a rook check king first d2 dead queen queen g2 king there rook f3 king there yeah it's just a single uh discover check we can deal with that and i suppose the trick is not to play bishop g3 why is bishop g3 a bad move i believe that's part of the problem but bishop g3 let's say the only independence would be rook g3 there's king king d1 would be tragic because of queen f1 and mate on the next turn yes so you would have to take the bishop then we take the brook and hey thanks for the raid anna chapman we just had a raid yeah there's a lot of anna's out there in the world but um and anna chess is uh anna rudolph yeah thank you very much anna 683 people we got uh nice welcome everybody we're we're trying to do a personal best in the survival puzzle rush amman essentially i was telling stories and amman as soon as i left the amman alone he got to 50 in a heartbeat he's just snapping him out and now we're at 60 with no strikes so we're on a roll but now we're trying to understand a problem we've got this really good move rook f1 which we think just wins the game right amon well we think we have we're doing some puzzles we're doing survival guys so we're we definitely welcome the participation you know like people suggesting we're just hanging out post game show and oh we also got a resub from anna that's very kind lovely to see you here for stories and uh and puzzles so absolutely if you're here for stories and puzzles yes or they think we can take care of them [Laughter] feel free to subscribe thank you very much andrew i i don't know i i'm kind of puzzled uh amman i don't see why bishop geez isn't just a really really good move as well so we think there's two really good moves rook f1 and bishop g3 we're trying to understand why for example after king d2 what move are you doing you're doing bishop f4 or what because bishop f4 i go king e2 and i don't believe that you're gonna meet me with justin i i i'm saying bishop g3 king d2 rook f2 check yeah and then king d3 and let's say i don't know bishop f4 discover check right king c4 and take the queen that's my point it's like just taking which is we're all taking queens the end of the puzzle seems to be just taking a queen right so and if bishop here king there uh rook f2 king c1 that can't be so good for you necessarily why not bishop f4 check king e1 or b2 let's say [Music] then we take the queen i take back that's truly not good not enough i have two rooks for the queen well dude one line we're winning a full queen but rook f1 is very convincing because rook f1 our queen ends up on c2 our rook ends up on f3 and the king ends up on c4 where it's really in some kind of a mating box anyway so i think rook f1 is probably but they're the most powerful yeah i it looks that way i think we need to find something wrong usually that's what i do it's like both variations can't be good so one of them has a problem bishop g3 king that's the whole point mo moki you're absolutely right uh is a free queen but so is rook f1 and queen g2 is also a freak queen and that's what we're having trouble with like normally speaking these puzzles you know get the reward for the for the very best move right oman yeah like you know if you had a second best move that wins six moves later you're not gonna get credit so drew pointed out something interesting which is just good to remember that um in the line where our king was running to c4 and we took the free queen not only was that fine for us but okay black also has queen c6 jack which might be a good move the main point though in that line is like after queen c6 the king would go back and i'm just not convinced that winning the queen for a rook is enough it just doesn't convince me and here king d2 rook f2 king c1 if queen h6 does bishop g5 this guy counter this guy has a move queen takes here and then like queen d3 is like check yeah yeah no that's messy that's totally messy right there king c1 and i don't think i agree i i've i've totally warmed up to you now rook f1 let's do it let's do it just rook f1 hey yeah let's do it and that line was rook f1 king doesn't matter queen g2 yeah king d3 only move because the other it is mate so king three only and then just take that side and i'm saying we're good there and we are because the bishop moves somewhere we got everything's covered i mean right it's got to be good right yep yeah that that was waiting to see that check mark that green check mark seemed to hesitate before it came up yeah that says it all buddy you know even the ai is like playing playing games with us wow wow man talk about a fake out what the talk about a sweat man jeez seriously what the heck okay rook on king h2 yes queen f1 yes they shouldn't be five yes king g6 and if queen d3 you just take it and take that but if he takes on h5 then we can go king f7 with still rook a1 check king h2 queen f1 we're still threatening mate in one on g1 which is important yeah it takes there there's no big tricks like that right and if king g3 okay so rook a1 king h2 check you're taking on g5 with check right yeah king g6 then you want to go king g3 right um and then i was going to take on h5 king f7 and then king g3 well the rook's hanging on e6 yeah okay so i guess i can but then you can go rook h rook a one check king h2 queen f1 yeah you take on g5 with check i go king g6 then you go king g3 you try to take a walk take a walk on the wild side but then i got queen g one cha no i'll take on g threatening mate on h3 take energy from the pawn yes uh since the knight is pinned and i'm threatening mate i think that's it i think we go rook check and queen f1 check come on i mean our queen on c4 is terrible but he's trying to enter it thank you we need to worm our way in so rook a1 king h2 queen f1 bishop g5 king g6 and king g3 only move and then we take on g4 and we're threatening mate on h3 and we we got it and queen and if pawn takes queen g1 takes g4 exactly well i think it's exactly right i think we want to get the boys in we have one surely yes king g6 not king sure because then queen d3 does work right and he's got a lot of pawns for the piece we have to maintain the attack and now just pawn takes threatening check mate in two and after takes again this doesn't work because the bishop's still hanging right and he's got a recapture right and then queen g1 is me coming up so yeah take on g4 and here yeah here and i mean oh queen f5 and rook a6 or queen e4 and rk6 i don't think the puzzle will make us play that long no i think queen h3 the puzzle will give it up yeah finally i got one right with the puzzle giving it's always a strange thing for me when the puzzle the puzzle rush decides yeah uh you you guys yeah yeah man i'm out of here it's been a long day how did you know how does okay this is interesting so if we take the queen he's gonna play f7 discover check that's the air check and then no matter what we do they're gonna get a lady okay is that so bad though amman probably it is yes probably it is i'm liking earth d2 as a first instinct but sorry what do you like as a first instinct just rook d2 okay there's something about rook d2 i like as well since you can't take the rook i'll take the bishop with check i'll take the queen there's no f7 check so the rook is impervious to capture so rook d to check king has to come up let's say king to g3 no but the king cannot come up because then rook three check rook d4 check and then we take the queen and we've blocked blocked the bishop so this move forces the king to go down but then we've got check and check what we're seeing then you check you check and then check with the other rook but then what that's what i'm saying okay so let's start again so we go rook d to check kg1 i assume yeah let's see rook d1 check king f2 i assume yep rook d2 check yeah king f3 and then i'm saying if rook d3 i'll go back to f2 ah okay i understand i understand that that that makes perfect sense okay so that's what the puzzle is all about there's also roof takes h5 but just queen takes rook h5 queen h5 bishop f5 f7 i'm not feeling that yeah doesn't work we may have to call a friend [Laughter] right check check checking king f2 shack king e3 right don't tell me we reached a dead end that's terrible shack king f2 right well you have to be careful about putting your king on f2 if you put your king on f2 i can take your queen among so rook d2 check king g1 rook d1 check king f2 question mark bishop takes g6 f7 check king h7 and with your king on f2 when you queen i have rook f7 check picking up your queen right sorry yeah i see what you're saying without before the rook goes down there right so rook d2 check king g1 rook d1 check you can't go to the f file that's useful that's good good information and if king g2 right king to g2 then i go no no but yes wait a minute what what here here here king f2 you take me f7 check king h7 i take the bishop with chad and i go king takes oh king takes and then rook f7 yes that's great okay but that's it i think rook d2 is absolute we're gonna let's punch it out there let's give it some punch good let's give it another punch check because there's no king f2 whoa he did play king f2 dude they're not even making us uh work here man no we take it now we take it and they they want us to see king takes g6 i imagine it's the rook f7 nice when you block with the bishop you take we and boom yeah that's exactly what i was thinking there adam yeah it didn't even make it work finding f2 as a taboo square it was important for the puzzle precisely that was it that was it but at least it would did did you have it worked out to play but one thing about the one thing about the king going to g2 or um h2 that i realized as soon as you said it i felt confident was that you can always go the other rook down or something and that is like if you stay on the g or h val there's gonna be a rook like h1 g1 from behind and then you can take the queen that way but the answer is definitely no i did not nothing like an honest man it's like yasser when you play a chess game and then after the game the you know the tournament might have some journalism so they'll have an interviewer um it's like you know oh so you just played a really long game against yas or sarwan and you know it was a it was a really close struggle i'm on um take us through the game you know they say some words whatever and then they're like yeah but there was this really you know sort of amazing moment where yasser played queen c3 on the board and you looked you know a little shocked but you know you found this brilliant reply you know knight d4 and and you know you seem to have everything worked out and and in that moment in the interview you can just nod and be like yeah yeah no i calculated that yasser fell right into it uh queen c3 horrible blunder just really walked into my my calculation there saw the whole thing when in reality at the board you clunk a queen c3 brilliancy and i'm like oh my god i totally missed that i didn't see that at all right but you never have to tell anyone in the interview because it's the moves on the board that matter so you can say whatever you want man you're absolutely right there's some really hilarious situations where you know like these top grand masters you know these great thinkers have completely blundered the whole life and recently that's why i really love the man i think that magnus is great i've been in awe of his results but he's also frank and he tells you truthfully what's going on so yesterday in game two he had white he had this advantage man and he goes 95 which turns out to be a bad move that you know just throws away his advantage and you know he played this move confidently the knight got captured neat recaptured the bishop and then yon very quickly played knight on a6 to c5 and magnus just went whoops didn't see that at all like whoops and oh shoot knight b3 is winning a rook an exchange oh my god you know and like then he goes knight d6 knight b3 rook c1 and he goes on and he saves this position and in fact comes close to having an advantage at some point thereafter plays knight d6 so all of these commentators are going wow you know what judgment what calculation this is extraordinary magnus is like uh i missed knight c5 that was it i was like my bad and i just love i just love that he could do that and just uh share that yeah that was the first thing that i i saw as well let the famous mating pattern i think the order i'm worried about queenie one check yeah but we we don't give so we take and then we don't give the check we start with knight c6 and i think that's important but then the guy goes queen a1 queen a1 rook d1 and just takes it eh what uh something like that so right so this order is very important so can we start with knight c6 i think we almost have to unfortunately at night he takes our rook right yeah and then we take on age seven and goes h8 queen h5 i assume it's still winning but i'd have to look g6 bishop takes g6 king g7 now that feels good with the queen hanging i'm i'm i'm signing up for that one with the queen hanging yeah i like that all the way but it doesn't have to be hanging right that's my point is that it can move what do you mean like knight c6 yes knight b7 bishop h7 right oh king hc take the queen yeah yeah yeah but if queen there that's what i meant is that the queen could give a check it wouldn't be hanging so we can't play queen h5 we take they deal with it and then we play queen h5 and then we're cruising then we're in cruise control g6 queen h6 and there's no escaping yeah but it's important not to take first because i think king takes queen check king g8 knight c6 looks good until you discover queenie and you go no me gusta and if you go here here and then knight c6 then queen a1 and rook b1 queen takes is surely not enough not yeah that's not how you're supposed to win these puzzle rush positions so knight c6 first feels right man feels good and this one the point was that we just go rook back to b1 right and we get our rook out of trouble and we didn't stack any pieces yet so yeah and bishop h7 and queen h5 is a meeting net so rook b1 yep and now we go with this bishop h7 yeah baby come on i i don't know what's happening i mean you took your protein pills it's all good man this is great no we go queen g6 f5 i was worried about oh you're right here and a five so i think it is taking king g7 and then probably like queen queen e5 perhaps by the way that was really funny uh in the pr and the press conference today one journalist asked that the players were taking their wada world anti-doping agency examinations and did the players think there were any medications or drugs that could positively impact their play and yan basically was very dismissive and said no there's no drugs that can do that and uh different answer yeah magnus essentially concurred but he said if my playing strength ever goes precipitously down i'm willing to experiment i got a laugh from the journalists i was pretty i'm willing to experiment we don't know any drugs that might that might be yeah yeah if i see the rapid decline i'm gonna have to start if i see a rapid decline i'm gonna go for something okay well let's hope if i don't if i don't get my h5 if i don't get my queen h5 g6 is gonna kill me you know if i don't get here in one move right now i'm never gonna get there after g6 but but we got this great suggestion queen h5 g6 bishop g6 king g7 queen h7 king f6 he's walking the plank g4 yeah g4 has the air about it yeah and if you take the bishop there's a mate on e7 thank you yeah baby we've got we've got a talented we've got a talented group in the uh chat if e5 sorry if e5 g4 e5 uh that's two that's too deep i don't know i think it's queen h5 let's go oh i think i think it's correct i just don't see the let's do it end what's this what's this and why why is it not c5 why is it not the easiest move ever like right because black is trying to promote right like black that's f2 that's f2 correct right so c5 rook check c6 let's go i'm not dumb right like this well those kids are mutually excited not dumb at the moment like the easiest puzzle since you know number five [Laughter] i think we i think the ai is is tasered by our talent so we just crank out c5 and let's go what oh okay so it's thinking c6 king there but then we go c7 we take the rook and we queen i'm gonna give you a check yeah so so c6 king g2 c7 rook f1 we don't take the rook because then we'll be in a drawn ending but we make a queen right yeah rook check c7 right and i mean i don't know we got lots of stuff happening like we got a queen if they queen we just take it i mean queen again baby that's what i'm talking thank you squall let's do it push it push him yeah give me that girl surely it's this because this they're going to go here and anywhere here obviously it's that so it's only one move right nice 65. boom baby boom baby 96. what is are those two queens down there yeah yeah but this one looks very easy night knight e6 is uh made in like a few moves right it's a dream that's he said so knight e6 king there have to be careful um because if i think it might be this but i'm not sure no king h yeah i was just concerned that like you know the guy's kind of walking out that's all there's some kind of like uh crazy uh twisted turns on the walk yeah and we don't want to get distracted with a move like rook to b5 either but no i love knight e6 because the problem with the knight at the moment says it right out of the game but wait a minute isn't this you you're looking at h4 and i want to also try to understand what's wrong with h4 team h5 so their idea in general defensively is make the rook give a check and then go to g4 so that you can come back out this way gotcha that's their main defensive resource right and something similar to if we play f4 check lifting our kimono uh same idea go king h5 ring around the rosie and then you get to run correct okay so knight e6 check king h5 we can bring our knight back to f4 with a check right where it's nice and tidy close to our king like we can give our king this extra blanket of protection and then we'll go h4 this looks just that looks matey because here if you go king g4 it's rather simple you give a check and it's me here king h5 that knight is right that makes sense knight f4 is two two hasty hmm 96 check king h5 because i was looking at h4 king h5 rook h7 king g4 f3 king h5 rook b5 right and the only move is queen e5 e5 that already feels like you're playing look f7 yeah you bring the rook over and that's neat so maybe knight e6 which is a very very attractive move is a step in the wrong direction maybe the forcing h4 is the way to go so let's do it again h4 king h5 it's king g4 it's very easy it's a check in a major f3 so right here king h5 check force move king g4 here four smooth king there rook there and the knight covers here if king f6 rook f7 is me seven is made so the only one is queen e5 yeah queen e5 and then rook f7 and all these squares are covered by far that's the most forcing and convincing h4 let's go yeah baby come on yeah there we go 66. well this is where this is where it all comes crashing down i'm afraid of mom is this the end of it this is where it's a valley of tears okay so what do we got what do we got here we're looking at two hanging rooks buddy with one with a check okay how can queen takes d1 check not the arm the only other move i was considering was rookie um meeting ourselves in one move so nice apart from apart from rookie eight and uh yeah i think i think we got to play it are you uh are you in the mood to check it out i mean we got to go queen d1 there's just no other there's no other consideration okay now now the problem is if we grab the rook right white has queen d5 check and grabbing our rook maybe he could even do even damage with queen f5 correct before grabbing the rook and then he make escape with a perpet in fact i'm afraid of king f7 queen f5 let me just make it clear i think there's a pipette there right or where he could just go it'll never be it'll never be good um right so now having said that we are being faced with a mate on g7 so we so well queen d2 check one theme to keep in mind is that queen here f3 loses to queen e4 correct which is just nice to notice yeah no that's why we play queen c2 check amman we play queen c2 check so that when we take the rook which we're going to have to do yeah there's no queen f5 so right but it isn't i mean this is still existing right yeah so queen c2 check he's going to go back with his king maybe just say f1 but does he want to go there let's say let's say he goes back where did you want to go king yeah so i was thinking queasy to check king f1 queen king f7 queen d5 sure king g6 queen a8 right now we get to pick up the c3 pawn can we do it with is that really enough gusto no i was hoping we would be able to pick it up my needs are great yes sir yes exactly good our so queen here king there and then [Laughter] spit it out yeah exactly so it says say it hold on okay so here we go i i think i'm getting it now getting the entrance yeah yes king f1 king takes wechat king up queen takes a8 i've got i think i'm going to start picking up pawns with a check now i go queen d3 check yeah king f2 queen d2 check you've got to go to f1 i pick up pawn on f4 with check and then think of three queens queen f3 yeah i mean white's got the protected pass fun okay queensy to check there's no other check i mean there's what else are we doing well obviously queen d2 is the the other consideration um i don't see any major advantages of queen d2 at the moment no but i do think i do think we're going to have to play king takes f7 one day i mean we will a move like g4 is just terrible i mean i would never consider queen g4 the rook will move away queen f5 it's not good no way no it's not good so here we go we're not doing anything right like there's no rook v8 which is the only other move i was ever considering there's no way to like finesse that right um so sure queen c2 right well the valley of tears [Laughter] is still in the balance there's no value of tears yet okay so we take the rock he's gonna go down and take our rug and then we're gonna be able to pick up the pawn now c3 with check right yeah now it looks good so king takes queen check now let's go to g not g6 but f6 uh-huh yeah does that make sense yeah queensland still gets the check you still give us a check on c6 yeah so we're going to end up being on g6 whether we like it or not yep okay but king takes check king should we be taking this first is the question no because i'm worried about the queen f5 business what do you mean if queen c3 i'm worried that after king h4 king f7 he's got queen f5 he doesn't go for a rook he takes the pawn it makes some kind of nasty perpet perpetual checks um i think we have to we have to take the rook when our queen is protecting f5 yeah that def yeah that feels right so then we gotta take it right now we gotta take it right now let's snap it out and then here i think king f6 is ill-advised because of queen c6 we're not improving and king e7 only invites further business so it's got to be king g6 right right process as you say uh process of elimination and now well i'm not a pawn grabber gotta take shirley don't call me shirley ah that's all he wanted us to do man oh that's all that's all it takes that's easy what why isn't this one easy queen e6 takes d7 right what's the pitfall c4 right ah thank you i because for a moment there i wasn't even seeing like why is this even an issue c4 um [Music] so i can move the knight with the tempo so queenie six check king h8 now here is like man if there's almost some checkmating yeah plants right there oh yeah okay but queen e6 check king h8 take the knight he goes c4 as you suggested now i can move the knight on c3 to protect i can move it for example to b1 yes but then you have queen b6 check yeah true that sucks [Music] okay same thing if knight e4 there's always queen b6 in that position so i feel like we want to make our knight move first you mean start with knight b1 no uh i meant like a knight but okay not necessarily that one um like knight c1 the queen can go back to d e that's the problem right because this is weird you know like in an actual game not knowing that this was a puzzle rush tactic i'd be very tempted by a move like knight g5 and just cementing my knight on e6 and saying you know how much better like what's the problem you know the lazy man's approach uh to chess uh knight b1 immediately like you say queen d8 that makes less and the line is queen e6 king h8 queen d7 c4 attacking the rook so it sucks that anytime we move our knight to do this there's queen check and then our book hangs and if we go queen e6 kha queen d7 c4 queen b7 takes here it's like two pieces for a rook right and our knights hanging so it's hard for me to get convinced by that right this is tricky so if we go check king h8 take on d7 c4 take on b7 you take on b3 now i move my knight to b1 i've got two pieces for the rook but a2 is hanging the queen is hanging bishop d4 check my king i i would say that that's a three result position that's not a clean win for white definitely not there's no way that's right knight e4 erode to g5 yep yep yeah yeah we definitely that is a consideration the other problem is is we can play knight to g5 as well i mean we could start with a move like knight to g5 um [Music] but the idea of knight g5 and knight f7 winning in exchange not convincing so ahmad just to be clear if i go if we start with knight b knight b1 and you go queen d8 and then i go knight g g5 i mean great you know confetti uh wonderful i i i i plant my knight on e6 but i'm not gonna win my certificate of accomplishment right but hang on a sec are you winning something what where does black put his pieces i don't know that's the problem knight b1 queen d8 knight g5 looks very very promising queen c8 loses at least an exchange between e6 e8 loses in exchange with knight e6 rook f6 does not appear to lose in exchange but it would deal no it does right what's that sorry knight e6 and knight takes g7 and bishop c3 it doesn't exchange it would be a weird problem that we start with the quiet move knight be one and not pick up the the knight with c4 wins the knight back when the knight is hanging queen e67 yeah that's our main line yeah this was our main line four and then c4 is the weird move oh how about this we've got we've got a suggestion that's pretty nice here that's bishop queen e6 check yeah king h8 take the knight c4 just move the rook yeah move the rook and say rook b1 bishop c3 what else right bishop c3 queen c3 queen b7 and we're a piece i was confused by bishop c8 but we have queen c6 correct i mean c6 is important right it hits the rook in the corner right so queen e6 jack king h a take the knight c4 we drop back with the rook and just say congratulations you can take my knight on c3 i'll take the bishop on b7 i'll be a piece up at the end of that that's very simple and takes bishop ca queen c6 right right that's that's that's right now that's a friend that's her friend and our queen doesn't get trapped with a queen b6 check because we got c6 as a the escape hatch yes okay has to be right yeah that that's more convincing than knight b1 and other you know deep ideas yeah baby look at you go oman yeah you're playing the lame moves always i know well we've probably saved some brain power by playing the lines rather than calculating them all because it's only going to play one really subpar variation for us this is a really important puzzle for obvious reasons what can i say at my age i'll take it [Laughter] okay um man this has this has queen d8 check written all over it but maybe maybe not i don't know um what's your first first impression um that i have no idea like my first impression is that i don't have a very clear first move um okay queen d8 and like if rook there then sack and bishop c3 that gets my guys going but right um queen d bishop f8 bishop some bishop before business but then he's got bishop e4 as a counter yeah that's that's nasty that's a nasty nasty counter obviously we don't have rook c8 either so that that makes it kind of easy that we did the bishop on f5 cover c8 so there's no check downstairs like that yes so besides queen d8 i guess i don't see so that's why i'm saying queen d8 like bishop c3 bishop takes c3 what am i who am i convincing exactly exactly no so queen d8 bishop f8 that looks like okay the also queen d8 rook f8 there's also queen e7 not to mention your rook and bishop c3 yeah not to mention speaking in bishop c3 right i think you're clearly bishop there right but then what's our you know killer our beautiful yeah not not so clear [Music] maybe takes f7 king takes bishop c3 and if bishop before queen here and queen e6 and take it that's it otherwise we're threatening this to take the bishop i'm warming to the task so again we're looking at queen d8 the bishop drops back we trade rooks the king has to recapture the rook we got bishop c3 now that the bishop on g7 is passive we take over the diagonal and we plant our flag on the f6 square and then if it should be seven though bishop e7 party pooper not necessarily i got queen h8 but then bishop e4 but then i go check check check and i pick up the bishop check on g7 really doesn't feel good enough though i know what you mean it's like well but i don't know well right now i'm looking at you know d2 and moves like bishop e4 for black and i'm just like really pleased i'm not busted but but my bishop on e1 sucks we can both agree on that yeah so queen shack bishop f8 now your bishop on f8 is kind of passive i take your rook your king has to walk i go bishop c3 and okay you play bishop e7 and i agree you're happy but haven't i improved my position in the sense that my bishop is good yeah but you want more my needs are great yeah i'm saying that position am i threatening anything with the queen on h8 yes i'm stopping bishop e4 but let's say it's my turn again what am i threatening queen g7 king e8 baby d6 maybe yeah i think in fact we are threatening d6 d6 is a big threat because then we'll win the f6 square or you know that pawn you know that's this is dangerous but i i'm i'm sorry to say i'm looking for an alternative move and i don't really see a good alternative to queen d8 i i agree does it make sense i think queen d8 is the only other move is rook takes f7 but then why would oh rook takes f7 king takes f7 bishop b4 nah that doesn't even make it through i'm not a fan queenie too to begin with and maybe even something else so yeah it's got to be queen queen d8 are you happy with this let's do it valley of tears i think i think we got to take this i agree again i mean just no there's no other alternatives where we're facing deep bishop b4 runs in the rook we're facing bishop e4 so rook f7 bishop c3 to me is the only threat that i can generate and it stops very importantly black's threats of d2 and bishop e4 in both cases we've got queen f6 check winning so bishop c3 taking so here d2 what's the win cut check on f6 and then there [Music] right thank you king e7 queen e6 check bishop f6 check as i play this that's good as i play this or think about this i know that the the engine is not gonna play it you know what i mean like they're not gonna go into that line right okay uh yeah that's what he's singing uh bishop e7 okay so bishop c3 bishop e7 is our issue and then queen hg and it's like then we're thinking queen h8 threatening dc is to keep the threats alive uh i don't see a better move than bishop c3 i really don't d6 can walk into bishop e6 and maybe we start playing wait a minute yes sir wait a minute yes sir what about g4 is there any any like is anyone shouting about g4 at all are there any is there any purpose g4 e2 looks like an issue but i'm thinking that the bishop can't move because of queen d7 i'm thinking that the bishop doesn't have any squares when i when i play g4 but d2 maybe i'm afraid of d2 in this case yeah g4 is inspired yeah yeah there was inspiration there yesterday but maybe that's also the point that bishop c3 threatens not only queen f6 but maybe even g4 it's a bishop yeah bishop c3 bishop c3 bishop c3 yasser are we punching it in punch it punch that ticket um and here with our queen attacked i think we all can agree on a queen h8 because i literally don't have other queen v6 makes zero threats correct queen h8 by the way threatening d6 is probably one of the lamest threats to conclude a problem that i've ever seen like but it does stop bishop e4 too it's it's got a dual purpose i i agree it's not it i don't feel the confetti yeah i don't i don't feel great about it not exactly pouring out of my hair but hey you know what can i do you know you you take the cards that you've been dealt i think it's queen h8 queen h8 queen a3 can you just present like a functioning winning line um you mentioned g4 yes um can i mention a winning line i i just need something that i'm threatening after queen to okay here we go queen h8 queen a3 bishop e5 okay with the idea of d6 and queen g7 and also don't forget that when i play d6 i'm going to be able to play bishop d5 check yeah how you like them apples again this is like the lamest absolutely queen hated vision b5 boo yeah baby snap feel it look at us go queen h8 yeah is it bishop v5 now no i think it's d6 yeah this is what we said we were threatening right so d6 there's no bishop d5 um there's no issue here of queen g7 exactly queen g7 queen g8 here and take so i think we just go d6 yeah i'm i'm behind d6 nice oh thank you 69. nice uh nice a new record for amman with no strikes exactly with no strikes is it time to call a friend where's robin van campin where's eric van hansen [Laughter] where's ali riza farouzia when you need him yeah i mean i'm waiting for the call from the prime minister right now right mr trudeau's office uh amman we understand we understand uh a historic achievement you just you just lit up the entire chess world yeah exactly wow we're not worthy come on what's our bishop doing on a7 of course we're hitting f2 but it's like a guided missile so we take on g4 we check on h4 we take on g4 we take on f2 and we rip snarl tear you're you're punching that in immediately takes takes queen h4 king there oh yeah ruck takes knight g3 and there's no there's no fiber of your being that wants to play rook g8 yes in fact that might even be the better move because bishop f2 maybe allows queen g4 sure among yeah maybe other things yeah so you're right knight g4 hg4 queen h4 king g2 rook g4 knight g3 rook on d8 yeah the g2 g8 as a prelim with the idea of bishop f2 and if queen f3 there the only move i see to cover g3 uh-huh bishop f2 and rook g3 yeah or even yeah bishop f2 pretty i hate to be mundane but that does that looks very strong night g4 first of all has to be the first move right there's not even a discussion right we can snap that that snap that's the first two move maybe even the first three i think we can snap the first three because king f3 how are we refuting king of three oh nice g4 king f3 bishop h5 oh i love it i love it i think we'll be mesh medina will be proud of us but yeah rick takes g4 rook takes g4 i mean this to me is necessary i was just looking at bishop f2 king f2 queen g3 king over and i'm like i don't see any wins you know uh bishop h5 with the threat of knight f3 no knight f3 e5 e4 amman i'm not lost you know it's not enough for a puzzle hey get your patties out of here you're not cooking anything man what i think that's not enough i think you're cooking with rook on d.a that's what i'm saying i i i think that that that's got my you know my my my usda stamp of approval and if uh 94 are you just taking it we can take twice that looks yeah what do we sacrifice we've sacrificed an exchange for a couple of pawns and two bishops yeah that's over rook g8 94 rookie four bishop before queenie for queen f3 right and white's up material no he's not oh we still have a rook on wait no he is up material what do you mean no we take on c4 we've got like how many pawns we've yeah don't feed me that pawn stuff dude it's two bishops and a rook against two rooks in a knight it's it's a killing we're we're taking on defense there's no way the puzzle ends by taking a pawn you greedy guy you think you're going to play queen take c4 and the engine is going to lay down all arms to yas or sarah correct correct and the and the computer is going to say bishop takes d5 is your next munchie and the computer is going to say i'm not worthy and don't don't forget that in tournament chess against the computers i have scored 15 and a half out of 17. what's that is this you're pulling this out of your ass man no man check out check it out it was the aegon international tournaments in the hague sponsored by the largest insurance company that holland has aegon insurance owner of transamerica and they sponsored the humans versus the computers and i won one of the tournaments 6-0 i mean i got the trophy around here somewhere what year was this man like 1950 uh 49. the computers were huge they filled factory floors man i mean it was just before armageddon of course was 1987 when when kerry kasparov 1987. you got engines playing chess like salty clown at that point like they don't they don't even have programming i tell you the computers were good the deep fritz the deep juniors the you know m chess marty hirsch m chess pro you kidding me dude and they had these johnny and super computers that was great fun i'm telling you i'm telling it was great okay i'm all for rook d8 g8 unless you like bishop f2 queen g4 which i don't like so much bishop f2 queen takes g4 queen takes rook takes and the material is definitely not good enough it's a rook in two pieces exactly i mean yeah so i they don't even they don't want the smoke gasser oh my god i mean we were arguing about you know like what to do after rook d and i thought it was over okay by the way okay just a second just a second everybody you know let's take note this is that was history in the making that's true amman's previous record was 69 as he confessed himself although he also said that look he plays the uh puzzle rush yeah more than the survival yeah but we haven't and we have no strikes none we're good people here we're very good people we're we're doing great we're doing great now [Laughter] what does it mean nothing it means come on uh we need more subscribers exactly before we need to feel the thing is yeah people were impressed by the first 50 but that was like a thousand times easier than the last 20. so i need to okay i need to get three wrong and start again and and get the subs for the first 50 once again keep going again i mean they're just not appreciating the the you know the struggle that the my cerebellum is undertaking at the moment i mean exactly exactly okay this one kind of feels too easy for me i think something's wrong a c6 c5 yeah you gotta take the rock and take the pawn otherwise the rook is lost queen takes c5 and there's no defense to the pawn on f2 and we've opened up the c file which is very good so glad i have you here because i would consider this probably never in my life what why not ever it's a puzzle dude i'm looking at trapping the queen i'm looking at winning the rook i'm looking at getting the rook lift and yasser literally just exchanged a pair of pawns he claimed the position was winning on the spot i i tell you well the drone in me is looking at that f2 pawn and saying that's undefended how can you how can you go through life playing chess with undefended pumps and the sick part is that you're going to be right the absolute sick part 70 70 although i'm not taking any credit whatsoever i'm not going to take any credit at all for the first 50. that was like no you did that you know i was i was telling stories and you were just racking them up oh my god and then it's going to be it's going to be king e1 rookie 8 and you can't play queen d6 sweet oh my that's just sick he's just training a pair this is a move you might play by accident you're not defending your pawn life the training is working a man's defending is ridiculous [Laughter] look at this i'm telling you guys the chess bra gymnasium you got to join us for tomorrow's lesson as i'm holding court and i'll teach you how to defend your pawns as you can see we're it's working with them on daniel 25 gifted subs well we hit 70. with big dan yeah he says those are for you oh and i believe him when they come in after a move suggestion like c5 i definitely know they're not for me i like what you were saying about you're looking for ways to trap the queen and then suddenly you go oh my god there is a queen trap after rookie is like no so what could be wrong with c5 just that it just said it's sickeningly easy and it doesn't it doesn't win any material and it's just so the problem is if i play a move a desirable move like rook b1 rook b8 pardon me seeking to take advantage of the pin then after rook h1 to b1 um black white is really happy that he got rid of his passive rook right no i agree sorry i was reading a comment from the chat how many people are in the group lessons um let's say you know anywhere from like the people that might show up it's usually around like let's say between 15 and 25 but the amount of people that are in there are is probably more around like you know 30 plus um so it's just that not everyone can make the times but all the lessons in the gym get recorded and saved so that even if you miss the class you don't miss the content so you can re-watch it and enjoy it and then now even if you were there you might want to re-watch it right right to see it again so and also just to be very very emphatic about this point is that tomorrow's lesson that i'll be giving which i think it's really really a fun lecture about playing with your against your nemesis um there's also going to be a very extended a q and a as well so please bring your questions like don't uh just sit there and say oh uh teach me chess no no no i want you to come and you know really quiz me if you will hey look at this you did you went for it you played c5 yeah buddy look what this guy did consider h4 well i didn't even consider c5 i'm at square one buddy we're on a roll [Laughter] h5 oh my word h5 okay so his idea obviously is if we take the rook yeah he'll go h5 we'll take the bishop with a discover check he'll play something like maybe c3 or king c1 c3 i shouldn't maybe king c1 let's see yeah and then we've got an issue to address on the king's side that's made in one actually looks very frightening right g5 pretty much the only play there right and then something like queen g6 and h6 it starts to start here it is out doesn't surely there's no [Music] rats there so what i'm thinking is we've got to stop h5 and we stop it with bishop e2 you're kidding me [Laughter] you're literally joking like this is like like no no shot you're telling me c5 h4 bishop e2 is the answer i'm not saying rolling in my grades saying i'm thinking that we need to stop h5 that would be three moves in a row that i couldn't produce if my life depended on it this is good stuff bishop of you two what well then i'm afraid of h5 bishop h5 by the way rook h5 and then i'm losing the pawn on f5 which is sad to begin with um i'm worried that i might be no it's not a perpet hey this is great so bishop e2 h5 bishop h5 rook h5 gh5 queen f5 king g8 you don't have a per pet game over right what what bishop e2 king e2 how is bishop e2 how's the first line calculated after bishop e2 not king takes goddamn e2 correct that's what i'm saying king takes e2 pawn takes h5 right rook takes there's no pawn on each fight so bishop e2 king e2 i'm going to take the rook c5 takes b4 then you're going to go h5 yes and then i go rook takes c2 check king d1 and i gotta face the music on the king side once again and i'm not happy okay so bishop e2 it doesn't work come on it doesn't work color me surprise yeah gee let's get to twitter immediately hashtag carlson nepo bishop v2 doesn't work let's get some exposure on that bad boy seriously i mean i feel a personal offense so what are we gonna do we're gonna come to rook c6 no rook c6 makes no sense so we have to re return to take the rook h5 take the bishop c3 or king c1 we're not sure and then g5 queen check king back h6 right yeah but that's that's manageable here takes their g5 if h6 immediately yeah that's also dangerous right that feels like more of a concern in a way because it price things open with check yeah it's precisely uh i was thinking there's a queen b6 kind of a defense but you're right it does probably the king side open with a check and that's frightening frankly so we take h5 we take king back we can't take on h5 we we've got we've only got g5 yeah then we go h6 holy smokes holy rook e8 we got it we got to tickle this this queen man we got to get that queen out you're talking about right now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay that but this is a sensible suggestion yesterday you started with bishop e2 my god what do you mean every suggestion has been bishop b2 is ludicrous you came up with bishop e2 and the first thing you said was h5 [Laughter] calculation is a key part of chess chess understanding so if we play rook e8 what's the guy going to do amman he's got to move his queen finally we're talking sense we're talking things that i can appreciate here queen he's going to move his queen to d6 right well i assume because if it moves to f7 we can continue to kick the queen around until eventually the threats on the king side are not serious yeah because i i'm afraid if we take the rook immediately h5 we get toasted i agree i think this and if queen d6 yes then very simply we take everything in sight and we allow this to happen and we play king g8 and we're not getting there's no checks anywhere bingo that's the answer and if they if they do go here articulate that for me so it really just stuck cemented cemented here okay what about queen f7 so queen f7 rookie can we go rook f3 and then queen e7 so i'm making this and then we've got the g8 square for a safety valve but it's a bit different because i have queen e6 track and your rooks on f8 okay so i'm definitely warmed up completely to rookie 8 queen f7 rook f8 what did you say queen e7 because it threatens the pawn and stays near the king so then we take the rook now when you play h5 h takes g6 is not a mating threat dude because your queen's on e7 not on e6 it's pretty close right i still play queen e6 after close doesn't count only in atomics horseshoes i i'm still pretty scared of that there buddy i'm gonna need some convincing don't worry i'll hold your hand because we get through this together hey let's let's do it we're we're at 70 we're gonna pierce eighty let's go baby must be once more hit that queen i like how it's playing my line and we finally see some sense from the engine [Laughter] the ai's on tilt i'm telling you finally the engine's talking sense here some moussa that i suggested it's on tiltamond okay that was rough just a second holy smokes of course it was rough you sent us you drove the car off a cliff with bishop v2 bishop e2 was close man i i just felt it it's just like it spoke to every fiber of your being totally man okay this has you know pushing baby i mean this is a tailor-made problem for me it really is first of all there's no bishops but they said you know you gotta learn to push your pawns they said this yasser is going to appreciate this one so what are we talking about here a6 let's go i mean it's not even close queen g4 we gotta check you know jack and we skewer the queen in the meantime we got an ace i mean it's a touchdown so a6 what what is black even gonna do i think black is gonna play queen d5 with the idea to play queen d3 but why wouldn't he can't go here because he gets check check check and skipper um you can't go here as well because we'll happily give up the two ropes with a pawn on a6 you bet if this is wrong yasser i mean i'll take a break if pushing baby doesn't work you know you know something's wrong with the universe the world yeah hey look at that hey baby right now now now now you know what's funny oh i know what's funny f5 in some ways sets up kind of a mating pattern yes you know like the queen just came from and the other thing is like check king f7 check king g6 check king f5 there's rook g5 um oh but if king g6 rook g8 king h6 then i was looking in that position at brook h8 king there and trying to get f some f5 or something to work but i'm not quite there that would be that would be too delectable i'm not going to if that works that would be amazing that would be that's got to be worth a subscription come on come on can i get a little love for a month i mean here he is you know he's got a personal record he's pierced it with no strikes boom baby looking into rook a2 just a second this is a second there's something to be said for rook a2 but that loses our coordination right he's got queen d5 i'm a little bit worried a little bit more so amman continue that line that you were talking about rook check king g7 rook check king h6 right yeah you were going rook check on in king g6 and then you were trying f5 yeah but it even queen takes f5 it fizzled yeah i don't think it's there okay could i suggest the mundane rook check king f7 rook on e8 to e7 check king goes to g6 we go a7 that is very mundane right terrible boring then you have queen a3 hitting the g3 square that might be crucial i think i think i threw us off track there with uh yeah you tend to do that buddy although i i'm kind of i'm i'm still warm about the move f4 f5 maybe only lukewarm but there's something about that move that i find attractive yeah so f5 let's say queen a3 because that's feeling like a good resource in general for black correct i agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment there so then if check king g7 right okay oh but then maybe here's the question oh yeah rook yeah okay okay so f5 queen a3 right you got that position yeah rookie eight check king g7 you got that position rook on e2 to e7 check king h6 yeah i go a7 yeah and i say go ahead and try to checkmate me and you could go queen g3 check but i don't think it's a perpet i think i can walk but that there's no way that's the solution exactly right doesn't mean yeah i know what you're saying but that's not the solution the engine wants no i agree that's not the solution that uh these puzzle rushes are about man plus i think there is some weird attempt at a draw where like you check this way and like you maybe take this pawn or something so it seems concerning right wow okay so check king check king h6 right check king g6 oh sorry you're saying like king g6 check and then king h6 yeah right check king back to g6 check on g8 king has to go to h6 you don't want to walk into those rook g5 and rookie 5 ideas right so now with a rook on h6 our rook hanging on e7 we can push the pawn yeah and then queen check king h3 i presume right queen chat queen of three we take the pawn and at a certain moment we interposed the rook but not after cleaning up not afterwards i was saying not after queen f4 we don't get mated but again that doesn't feel right that doesn't feel like the solution okay amman here it is are you ready this is it rook check you have to go to f7 if you go to g7 i go a7 i was thinking the exact same thing and were you going to say f5 what were you going to say next king f7 you're right right so we go rook check you go king f7 yeah now we go in that moment f5 exactly yeah f5 and first of all if it gets taken let me play right a7 correct but no if it gets taken do we profit from the checks okay but i'm pretty sure we go rookie 8 check king f7 you can't go to g7 because of a7 correct so you go to f7 no and then isn't that the checks that you discovered with rook g5 and rookie five no but the king goes h6 it doesn't venture to f5 that's why okay sorry you're right okay so it's chat king of seven f5 and then queen queen takes f5 so now we pause for just a moment check king g6 check now that means that we've got coverage on the g file yeah but isn't it the same as before the king is on h6 and the queen is giving queen f2 we just had this right yes okay but check an f5 queen f5 feels right man the king will be ah that's it so rook check king f7 f5 queen f5 a7 right what's your check on f4 right say again rookie eight king f7 f5 queen f5 a7 between f4 check yeah yes king because the check on the g file i can block with the rook right so king g1 yeah queen c1 no check on the g-file queen c1 sorry you're saying where did you go queen king where king g-1 king to g1 so you can't check me on g4 but in this variation you're talking about your rooks are all down here right no so i go rookie a check king f7 f5 queen takes f5 so i've got a rook on g2 and e8 i go a7 in that position oh i see what you're saying yeah you're saying i can't check you in the g file because of rook g2 precisely yeah yeah so you go queen f4 check i go king g1 you go queen c1 check do i go king g2 where's your next check on c6 i can block the check i don't know if that's the move but i think it's got to be rookie 8 or and or f5 a7 just simply doesn't work so we need it what do you think about the friend says king h3 king h3 and king g4 wow wessel what do you think of them apples king h3 what right now and kh4 right now yeah that's what wessel was saying take the pawn and then give the checks later so how does it well we better have meat right because we're losing our apon and i don't see mate good point [Laughter] [Music] that might have been our valley of tears okay well that means it's like who wants to be a millionaire you phone a friend and you read the question and they're like sorry dude i have no idea sorry dude i actually can't help you there a lot of friends for in good times and bad times i'm gonna kill this that's the fee okay okay let's do it i think it's rookie 8 seriously i think it's rookie to start right now my thing my thing here was that um my thing is that i don't i don't like the feeling of queen f2 ever so i'm not a fan of this move just in general i don't like the rooks getting down here when this check is available that check bothers me maybe i deal with queen f4 but queen f2 feels like a unresolvable issue so i'm thinking now got the case i don't want to give this check we can't play a7 at the moment it's a rook correct we looked at this one right the other rook to e7 no we didn't really consider that because what if rookie seven and like for example a7 or something like that's the mundane there's nothing wrong with that so if we go rook check we've got to go king g6 then we can go a7 and then i think we're afraid afraid is a strong word queen a3 right but then we've got g3 check on tap and we're behind the pond and you're not threatening to queen anytime soon that's what i've got a line i've got a line sorry i've got a line wait i've got it okay shoot so rookie 7 musk king g6 right let's play so now i start with rook g2 so i'm getting ahead of the curve here if king f5 we do my thing with rook g5 rook e5 so the king has to go to h6 or sorry to h7 so h6 my rook's on e7 correct and then i go a7 a7 and now when you go queen a3 i go rookie 8 i'm threatening to queen my pawn and give you checkmate on h8 sweet oh baby that's it that's it amman you're a genius amman applause yeah baby rook on e8 to e7 king g6 rook g2 and then this is the can't go to f5 you can't go to h5 you have to go to h6 yes then you push him baby a7 when he stops you with queen a3 then you got the double the double threat with rookie eight and mate [Music] and and if he plays something that attacks this pawn i mean f5 i don't care right we we're just queening and then takes and it's like we're just not getting perps basically we're not good it's not getting no we go we're gonna walk the plank all over the place the rookie sound let's do it yeah and i think it's important because if you go here first queen a3 this doesn't work because then king f5 so you have to start with q2 so you got to play rook g2 oh they're okay yeah they do that oh it makes it easy for us yeah we have seen this variation a long time ago yeah we had this one worked out from the jump from the jump bearing uh baby all right damn i'm on with you we're gonna call you the closer the guy who resigns you mean [Laughter] is that you're calling you the closer buddy bring in the closer the books are nice says that was worth 100 bids great job oman one dollar yes sir oh yeah that was that bring it home i bet if you had found that variation out of your brain and moved it you would have got more than 100 bits so i have to solve them and then type the answer to you and then you're going to have to suggest it so we can make more cash from the viewers that that's what i call team membership we've got some nice gifted subs to check it out from a meeple people skillets skills thank you meeple skills people skills holy smokes the first time i saw this position my instant reaction was oh dear whites were choice but this is one of those one of my favorite combinations in chess is the pawn breakthrough when i was first introduced to these you know pawn breakthroughs i just thought they were sublime i mean my i went it was so cool so this again this is a tailor-made combination position for me this is the push and baby combination you go b4 b3 and thanks to the rook being on c7 the idea is we want to push a c pawn up the board so if we go b3 and any time he goes c2 takes b3 so keep in mind that c3 and a3 both get met by b3 and at the right boom zero in the position so i'm gonna play the first move b3 absolutely and b3 is the right move yeah and he's gotta take like that now we capture with the a pawn on b3 and if we played this they just take back and there's no trickery it's just we're just losing a pawn so correct we take this weight so that we're attacking two pawns and you know it's a little making it difficult for them right so we captured there and wow that was surprising so the point what i wanted to make was if he had taken on b3 then we go c3 yep we got the pawn break then we march up the board and we march up the board how sweet it is now this one looks like we can just take on d3 isn't that easy for us suddenly it is it's just that like playing c3 is so easy in that line that i think c3 is the only move not to do that and if you take c3 that's the mistake you take back and then the king and the cover the pawns right but if we take on d3 immediately the pawn on d4 stops king e3 yep so and then if um brook a5 after so we want to play takes on d3 now yeah and you're saying if rook a5 yeah we'll play d2 and if rook a1 will play rook takes c3 should we b1 ship no we we we don't have to flash we just take the pawn we play rook takes c3 and then we do it [Laughter] no we'll take on c3 okay take take the pawn and push him up the board yeah baby maybe rook takes c3 [Laughter] that would be hilarious i don't think it i don't think it's it uh does it work that's crazy it's it's it right what don't tell me really rook takes c3 because it's going to be rook c3 and the idea being pawn takes pawn takes yes we win that with c2 take c2 and if we see sort of like a nothing regular move like a non move we're playing rook c1 not d2 okay but the problem is rook c3 he takes our rook we take and then he goes king king e3 and he's and he is close right d2 king e2 right and he's gonna go rook takes b3 next yeah so we gotta take with the pawn takes rook takes king e3 is that special i don't know that's weird why is that special no dude we take on d on c3 he plays bc3 then we go rook d7 yeah yeah yeah yeah and get behind the pawn that's that's the way uh-huh uh-huh i like it yes [Laughter] take yes and rip these here takes takes takes is an easy win b2 um and there's no way to get the king there just don't take the pawn on c3 rook d7 and put yeah oh [Music] the boys are in town 73 holy spokes wow wow okay color me impressed this is not queen c3 where's robin and eric they need to get in on this this could be this could be uh monumental epic maybe it is queen b7 rip but i have to be impressed now i thought it was just queen c3 well let's say my first thought was queen c3 and i was like i don't see any other move dude and i was like oh queen b7 is probably probably just the answer queen b7 e4 king king and then queen e3 and roxy one queen e3 rook c1 gg yes yes queen e3 not queen f2 rook g1 white plays h3 but queen e3 this is an easy one right yes sir yes yes we're not missing something we're not missing something no the queen on e8 is out no it was our first strike what i'm on i'm in shock queen b7 i was right if it's not queen c3 color me impressed it was queasy 3 of course the most obvious move on the board of course i knew i was correct yes sir queen c3 i have good good natural instincts very good natural instincts that's brutal oh man i thought i thought okay we got tricked we've got all all that i know is that anything past like 60 is almost never solvable in like five seconds i think we got hosed okay this one again i feel we're i feel we're gonna get tricked because we will get tricks bishop b3 is just too obvious we will get triggered right bishop b3 is just simply too obvious why doesn't bishop b3 just win there's no check in the position black it's king there's no queen a4 there's no queen d5 there's no queen g7 so bishop b3 with the threat of rook takes and there's got to be some mates after rook takes he's there yeah i think so where let's say i go b7 okay so bishop b3 b7 right okay makes sense so rook takes yeah check king e2 now bishop c4 check you're gonna take the rook which is four right correct correct you are sorry and then i go queen check king c2 yeah but i'm never getting bishop c bishop c3 check and they the king is actually waltzing away that's crazy okay so let's look at again bishop b3b7 don't tell me there's no i don't think you know you're most prone to getting something wrong after you just got one wrong we're we're prone to tilt here it's like you go on tilt yeah you you go bang bang bang you get all the x's in a row we're very tilt prone right now we have to watch ourselves right very i agree um okay besides bishop b3 there's also bishop c4 bishop c4 threatens mate in one queen f1 mate e3 he concerns me sorry say it again please e3 d3 david3 so bishop c4 d3 bishop b3 so now having induced you to play the pawn you made yourself more vulnerable to rook takes and queen check and rook takes d3 check how you like them apples i like these apples bishop c4 threatening nate on f1 david 3 d3 bishop goes to b3 now and i think forcing the kimono oh but then you go d2 takes king c3 yeah exactly and you run for the hills don't know then then it takes takes d3 you just win the queen exactly that red takes t3 i don't think you got very far [Laughter] you barely made it to the exit door before this is the this is the kid who gets scolded so many times at home that he says mom dad i'm packing my things and i'm leaving and then he he goes out into the backyard treehouse exactly where he gets to the door he opens the door he says damn that's cold i'm not going out there okay i think bishop c4 d3 bishop b3 is the move but punching it in yes sir we're on till is is this this is where i'm sure that we get this wrong this is right this is we're too fast bishop c4 there's no check that's a problem there's no checks when is no check the king doesn't have any moves f3 nothing does in 92 we take the rook with jack thank you very much there's nothing nothing to do except d3 it is a forced move take wins for sure because you take here correct king e2 queen f1 rook d3 bang and if [Music] d1 queen f1 rook d3 now that the pawn's on d3 correct so i think the trick is that bishop b3 is the obvious win and bishop c4 is just so much stronger okay so first b7 i stick with my b7 suggestion after bishop c4 bishop b3 okay bishop c4 d3 bishop b3 b7 rook takes king e2 just a second just a second yeah okay i want to be sure we do this right queen f1 check king d3 e3 king e3 i beg your pardon rook takes d3 yep king f4 rook takes d4 and i will make a queen queen i will take on f2 you will go king e5 g5 because queen g3 wins my queen excellent that's good e5 queen g3 but what i'm saying is after king g5 it's like what's really going on there cause there's a queen down here man i know he's seven tanks it's funny because i'm picking up your queen it feels like i'm picking up the house but it's weird that i'm not winning the house like discuss how could i not be winning the house there jeez louise a lot of people are suggesting rook d1 which i appreciate but i'm going to need a full variation rob takes queen king c2 you guys have to produce more than that what it's not just meat because it looks like me yeah rook d1 king d1 queen f1 king c2 bishop b3 king c3 and the king no matter what no matter how i get checked queen whatever i'm going king c3 and king b4 and i i just there's just no right there okay but uh okay this feels right but i'm saying b7 let's crack the whip go ahead let's do this yeah crank it out crank it out and i see finally talking my language here great move by the engine [Laughter] [Laughter] oh dear oh dear okay so um hmm i mean charlie it's wrong surely sure oh sure yeah yeah i know harley james mccormick okay so jack king chad king so your king's going to be on e3 so i'm thinking of rook takes d1 king e2 queen f3 check king d3 i take the pawn on d3 that was why we played bishop c4 in the first place that was important my thing about bishop d1 not working is queen d5 you just can't give me those checks no i i'm afraid that there will be a perpetual if i go bishop takes b1 maybe it's not the case but i'm afraid of it so that's what i'm thinking as a reaction king f4 king f4 now i do have queen c1 check as well ooh king g4 bishop check on d1 what are you talking about now we're talking what are you talking about dude what what don't even knows what you're saying right now rook takes d1 yeah king e2 queen f1 king e3 rook takes d3 king f4 queen c1 check sweetness sweet nice yeah baby and f3 did f3 now i take your queen then i queen and you queen remember my queen's on c1 so there's no perpetuals i take on f3 with check thanks to the fact that my rook's on d4 yeah yeah baby now where's your king going g3 crack that whip baby take that stuff you know that this line is not gonna occur yeah it's no it's gonna stop after rook d3 oh no that would be terrible pig oh see it's a boring lame lion what up completely lame oh it didn't sh i mean we're too brilliant for our good we already been showing the best play darn it okay well yes sir i got it i got an easy first move for you bud hey yes let's alternate moves i'll go first okay [Laughter] okay that's fair you're gonna go knight h2 the ai is going to go f6 we're going to go knight f3 knight f3 yeah because we've got to go check right here we want to check them and if knight g4 here there's no catching that pawn that's right so we got to go knight f3 now this is the problem and now it's my [Laughter] talking turn it's like we got to get this on your side of the field okay let's help you out well so this is e5 check you can't go to d4 uh g6 because i've got knight e6 in those cases so knight check you can't go to e4 because then h2 and i queen would check so king e5 is the only move and then we go knight f3 check right yes or this knight c6 knight d4 check we've already we've got the the the wheels are in motion here one sec yeah exactly king e5 knight c6 check king d6 only move right knight d8 king d7 only move well you could go e7 right yes you're right you could go king so so knight d knight d4 that that that's forced uh amman knight d4 check we can put that on the board well i i don't think it's forced i think knight h4 check is in the conversation really that's it it's it's a conversation i'm speaking to the guy i'm asking him how he's doing who are you talking to buddy that h4 is right there man it just deserves some attention does it really yes dude because guess what guess what night here and there's gonna be some real brilliancies i'm telling you man because right here yes sir let me let me ask you what what move are you gonna do pal it's certainly king g5 right and then i'm going to for my next trick for my next trick yes sir here it comes now i'm thinking knight d4 check king e5 knight c6 check king d6 i'm trying to get knight here here kidnap f5 to work it's not quite there you're you're not a because you want to be able to get i yeah okay so i'm going check king e5 chat king d6 only move so i'm seeing so what i'm trying to do is play what i think are the most forcing moves now you're looking at a knight f5 right well to me i'm just i'm looking at this and i'm like man that's so simple of an idea i don't normally know well one idea behind the idea of knight d8 is you get to go queen on h1 to a8 as a type of obscure and that might that might have some might rattle some cages yeah might but okay it's a weird one it's a weird one but i i'm definitely in favor of knight d4 check i mean if you think knight h4 ah that's a stretch man geez [Laughter] that's that's tough that's tough okay 54 king e5 king d6 forced so far those all those forcing moves compel me to think we're on you know this like is some kind of caspian kasparian problem with knight d8 king e7 right h2 takes queen check oh i've got a check on h8 dude this is easier than i thought isn't this extremely easy right we're about to get it wrong this is the problem but like you just put your knight on d8 and then go queen your pawn correct but there's got to be something up with that because that seems far too simple here here here king e7 h2 takes h1 f7 what else f7 then we go queen h8 check and queen e5 check well yeah that's yeah and the point is normally speaking if there's no other pawns on the board the pawn on f7 would draw but then let me ask you this why did they put two pawns on the board they could have done without this g-pawn correct so i'm just trying to understand why there's two pawns it must matter they could have just not had an eight pawn or not had a g-pawn be the same puzzle there's relevance to these pawns somehow right we're gonna have to be able to move our king towards the f7 pawn though at the end of the combination uh amman so we may have to we may have some treacherous water still with zuk's wands and stuff okay so let's do it go ahead snap it out knight e5 check uh knightsies yes knight c6 what look at these nerds man letting me queen with checks you gotta be kidding me no king d6 was still a struggle wasn't it and ah this oh man i mean we're crossing up yeah ourselves i think that was a king e4 what kind of move was that a horrendous move horrendous correct horrendous is right okay so here this one looks kind of easy right we go rook to the eighth you go queen and we go check and take the guy and then we make a draw [Laughter] right white black well isn't that the pro isn't that the problem we're losing otherwise right well i mean f2 there's certainly a school of thought for f2 oh sorry you're queening with chick i didn't realize you were great you're right there is a school of thought that says push your baby oh my word okay but the problem with f2 i guess in that case is he takes our rook also i have another concern about rook down here is like why do i choose this square over this square over this square it's a puzzle i it has to be a singular one or yeah right so i'm concerned moving a rook and you know they're not being a difference right seemingly fair fair fair so f2 rook e8 f1 equals queen can he play king i don't know just about anywhere and say you know like i got a rook for the queen and i got a pawn on the seventh uh thank you for the raid 58 people grand master gadakamsky yeah sir in the audience big shout out to gotta welcome aboard my friend haven't seen you since your five-time us champion days i mean nice that's just a just a former u.s champion talking to a former usgf no big deal just ships passing five legends in american chess challenger wow what year was that 1997 gosh it seems like an eternity ago that got a challenge anatoly karpov it was a great match a really really really great match and uh karpov had to play i don't know like a genius and he did unfortunately forgot it yeah um okay so he says he hopes to see you playing a u.s championship one day oh yeah right right right a senior's gotta see you see you for the discounts when i'm old and toothless you know that people have asked me if i've ever used psychological tricks or ploys or something like that and i said no never i never got into lucky pens or anything of that but i remember the very first u.s champion u.s open championship i ever played in it was chicago 1973 and it was just after bobby fischer had won against spassky in 72 and chess was exploding and the us opens used to have i don't care 200 300 people and chicago had like 780 entrants it was the biggest tournament in the us chess history by far i was a b player i had like a i don't know a 1500 rating whatever which made it really really hard to find my pairing because you've got 700 people there's like 380 boards you know it's not an alphabetical order you know so i mean you know i oh way down here on board 196. there i am and i went to my board and this was like after round three or something and there's a nice elderly gentleman uh waiting for me at the table and this beautiful smile i mean there's pearly whites really really nice and so we shook hands and game started and they had a time control it was really bizarre time control it's like 50 moves five zero 50 moves in two and a half hours and somehow we both used a lot of our clock and we were really getting into serious time trouble and these pearly whites began to grimace you know really you know the guy's having a tough time and then he had this glass of water he suddenly took his teeth out put it in the glass of water right beside the chessboard there i was studying the game with this pair of teeth in this glass of water that's disgusting that's terrible right oh it was terrible and i was like you're trying to concentrate with somehow you know like making a blindfold near the glass so i have been victimized by psychological tricks what are you thinking aman i'm thinking you're right that f2 cracked the whip and let's go what what why are you uh hesitating uh i was just looking at the lines it looks like there's gonna be a lot of lines where you get a check and you take this guy on h2 with a check or you have you know queen a2 business but i think it's got to be f2 move one right let's do it i haven't looked at b8 but i don't think it matters because you can always queen give checks trade everything and take this guy and win correct okay so here i thought queen apple for sure that was that was my reckoning as well but is there some other tricky i mean the rook is hanging so queen f2 queen h8 king g1 looks all together wrong although we are your your notation's backwards there buddy yeah exactly queen a1 check king b8 recovering yeah we're covering we're covering um h8 so we can go king h3 in that case but i think you're right i think queen f2 looks to be so i was thinking here um yes if king a6 then queen a2 okay king b6 queen b3 so now the a file's taboo right right and you have to still protect your pawn king c6 is also taboo so you have to play king c7 where do we go i think it's enough i think queen f2 check that's got my vote i think we're just going to be picking off the h2 pawn with a check we're going to force the king to step in front of the pawn and then once the king is in front of the pawn we can go g3 yeah i like it yeah cranking them out a guy who said they're telling me 69 is his personal best and you're just rocking it dude sweet i also said that i don't do this often so there's not a big sample size sample size i like that okay uh this has got some rook h3 kind of sacrifice all over it so bishop c5 check king h2 rook h3 yeah you can't take with the oh you can take with the rook to check this you start with um queen b6 queen d6 yeah there you go queen b6 here uh then you must take with the king correct then rook here king there i mean i'm definitely looking at rook h4 but is it enough rook h4 i don't know he's like very generous with our pieces trying to get the queen back in with checks but the problem is white has a check coming like by force like a big time check right time check so chad king yeah rook h3 king h3 i mean this feels so nice but how bad is queen e6 check so we go rook h3 king h3 rook h8 check king g4 right so far so good queen back to d8 give us a mate on h4 queen e6 check king b8 and if you deal with that by rook h1 we've got knight h1 and knight f2 mate as well as rook h4 mates so once again queen b6 king h2 rook check king h3 rook check king g4 queen d8 maiden one is threatened on h4 jack king b8 right and how does white defend rook h4 or queen h4 mate they don't they don't they don't that that rook h1 is the only move right and that's the knight takes threatening made on f2 now as well as h4 and if rook takes again you just take it and you're up material and threatening me i feel 80 in the i i i feel 80 yeah so are we are we dropping maybe dropping this out immediately immediately yeah whip it out whip it whip it good let me show you let me introduce my bamboo stick yeah baby yeah baby loving it yeah a quick one yesterday so rare sweet at the 77 level yep that is really really really oh dear now it's a valley of tears i'm afraid you're not excited about this position i can tell this looks really harsh this doesn't look fun in the slightest no there's nothing that i'm gonna enjoy calculating here [Laughter] correct however queensland i am inspiring i i i am spying an idea of queen c8 6 if we could magically go queen a6 we got him we got him by the short and curlies yeah yeah and then knight b7 just sack it and sack it yes that's a second and then he's gonna sack on g7 and trying to play rookie seven yeah we don't care though but i don't believe it i think we got him i think this is a i think it's good queen c8 knight b7 rook on b8 takes b7 c6 takes b7 yeah wien takes b7 threats of rook b3 and queen a6 force is white to do something like group takes rookie 7 king f6 rook takes c7 correct it's all good very very good and then we play the cruncher queen b6 threatening queen e3 that's not meat it's not meat but it's a good looking idea it's not looking good there buddy yeah i think okay we're on snap it out whip it whip it whip it i literally don't see another move that's worth my time calculating right rook g2 is crap get out of here that's that's what like larry christie said had this great expression get out of here get out of here thank you dr lord mayonnaise for the subject get out of here get out of here you don't know get out of here just rook b3 i mean what are we doing what we're not uh is the best move surely we just go rook v3 and and don't bother right i'm not sure here i i'm kind of i wanted to play queen a6 with purpose surely queen a6 is gonna get slapped in the face by the engine like queen a6 and they're gonna be like dude you're being too fancy what the hell man well the knight is an absolute pin the rooks are kind of gummied up that there's no there's no sacrif well you could maybe sacrifice on g7 and then on e5 okay okay i'm kind of warming up to what you're saying rook b3 what could be the engine's trick other than rook takes d6 does that make sense am i making sense rook takes d6 right after rook b3 rook d6 is that stupid no am i being stupid no that i mean it's definitely some logic there um hmm well the reason why i'm shying away from queen a6 right now is because of rook takes e5 there's some ideas of rookie 5 rook g7 and queen e5 that maybe i'd rather not deal with so rook b3 rook b2 b3 your your initial reaction amman uh what takes 466. no ah king no rook kg8 kg7 rook d7 there's no no i mean that should be queen versus knight like that can't possibly work for black right for white no no way rookie rook b3 looks too easy though i agree i agree we agree the first time in 78 puzzles finally we're on the same team i you you you have the same feeling as me that we're that we're falling into a trap yes that is um root b3 is too easy exactly well i don't see another move after rook b3 rook then rook d6 and i absolutely adore your move king g8 that move is like you know spank and if queen to a6 is it possible that white's just like um well queen a6 immediately yeah and what did you like i was a little bit afraid of rookie five with the idea that if i take the rook on e5 then he'd take on g7 and e5 and maybe some squirmy and if i go rook b3 then would i rather have that position or the former position well then you gotta deal with i don't know rook g7 check a rookie seven check uh i'm not sure you i think i'd rather have a former position i i'd much rather lose the d6 bond than the e5 pawn and have your queen open up yeah i'm thinking rook b3 once again rook b3 rook t16 g8 what what don't you like how easy it looks that's it that's it that's the only thing i don't like about it it's too bloody easy you're telling me on plot problem 77 i'm playing queen c8 and rook b3 it's but it's supposed to be a 3100 problem at this point right we're at the no we're well above 3200 oh no dude all these last puzzles were 3 800. get out it says it says so underneath them i'm looking at the screen oh yeah god you got good wow third wow okay then it is too easy got it where's gotta go i'm gonna phone a friend he's a good friend to have it in a puzzle like this yes sir has the right idea after rook b3 what's my idea again so kg8 rook g7 kg7 rook d7 king f6 i don't know and like i said i rather lose the d6 pawn than the e5 pawn because with the rook on b3 that queen ain't going nowhere but it's just there's no chance here like it down so much material it should be so easy exactly okay valley of tears whip it out the easiest move the basic move is chess as easy as it looks no it is not oh no [Music] two strikes no [Music] oh that's hurtful but the thing is i just didn't see a big difference we lose probably an e5 pawn or a d6 pawn you know i'm not really like i'm not seeing a big difference unless there's a major detail missed because queen a6 is now obviously the solution the inevitability after that was that yeah you just win the queen with rook b3 exactly so the idea was queen a6 rook takes e5 the move i was afraid of prepping rook g7 and then you just go rook b3 and say go ahead sacrifice your rooks i mean i guess what it's saying is that you you keep the rook on b2 so you go rook 8 b3 and take the queen and then you can take g2 that's like gross splitting yeah seriously so queen a6 any other independence queen a6 rook e5 only move wow man i gotta see that one again oh man i think we was robbed we was wrong what's happening oh this is easy this is a isn't this a stalemate easy so this looks easy i mean the problems look easy and then we're getting tagged so if we go king d2 knight f3 king d1 knight d4 c 2 knight c2 king c2 don't we just win by stalemate king a1 king b3 king b1 king a3 we push our pawn to a2 we force g4 and then we mate so that's too easy so what's our problem our problem must be king d2 king b1 king e1 king c2 king f2 and we're getting into a race after king c3 no because we're winning winning the race so king king here here here here here here yes we get it g4 doesn't work nope king a1 king b3 b3 still doesn't work g4 because we just take easily king b1 there take king and then i use my a pawn where are you that's what i'm saying there's gonna be a moment where i can do it uh-huh well i think hold on our problem is king d2 king b1 for a second so just walk us through that one amman king d2 king b1 king e1 king c2 king f2 king c3 king g3 king b4 king takes king takes and i queen first king g3 and i've got you so king d2 it's an easy win what's the problem where was the win in that line knight there there here yeah we didn't find a win push no push is good take stakes this is the line we just did and then we said that there was going to be a g4 moment with the king on c2 well no you have to move you have to play king b3 right king b3 king c1 king a3 king c2 king a2 g4 what else right no now it doesn't work because now we take and we go queen here and here correct exactly so king a2 and then you gotta go like king d3 or something crazy well i think if king d3 then we just go king b1 and after this move we just push this guy and we don't have to bother about the king side so king d2 oh my god this is the valley of tears c3 king c3 right and what oh hold on uh is he playing a story he goes king c2 so we are king c2 and then you're saying king a2 by black correct and i'm saying king c3 not king d3 okay so a3 draws right king b1 just king b4 so what do you do is it is it just king king c2 you think g4 again wait what there's no i know there's no need for this move that's what i'm saying okay so i'm saying so king c2 king a2 what was your move again king city king c2 that's the easy draw king a3 king c2 have i made progress no so king b4 g4 what what what's g4 and what's king before oh you mean came before for black so not even playing king a3 then that's right yeah that's right and uh yeah um g4 then we're getting into a queen and pawn end game where i'm upon up there's no way that's it though definitely not that's not okay but the alternative to king d2 is king e2 yeah i thought about something where like you go king e2 and try to take these pawns but that never works why not well the knight just arouses pawn like king e2 knight c2 king f3 knight d4 king g3 here takes here king out of the way somewhere right so that's an easy draw and yeah this should be very so king you too so king e2 makes no sense so you can do just not to go here so you could go king e2 here and like king there or some weird thing then i got king b1 and then yeah i may be losing actually so king d2 is actually a forced move there's no choice right i mean we're on tilt we could lose it we got two strikes king e2 knight c2 king here knight there takes king d1 chat takes we don't need king b1 we could just go check and knight g7 yeah oh but my thing was that if you check me here i go king f4 knight g7 kimi 3. maybe something weird like that that's you get wow the white king on a2 really does suck so but once again that's nothing that's a weird line though that's for darn sure but shouldn't our knight be able like if you go kidney too and i go knight c2 and you go king f2 and i go king b1 and you take are you telling me my knight will never be able to sacrifice itself for the jeep on hbo oh of course after knight knight knight e3 and king c2 of course i i'll i'll play one of those ring around the rosies so i think king d2 is forced let's do it let's whip what's the line that means this doesn't work here here here king and this is there's not a chance not a chance at hell no [Laughter] let's go oh the lame move the the easiest of all is this not the easiest this is the one where he's just going to walk into the skewer exactly what a what a goofball i'm telling you the ai is terrible at these at this 3 800 levels get out of here no what you played king f2 and it said it liked your moves up until king f2 king e2 in here oh my god what was it oh the difference is you're supposed to queen and check on d1 so you've got the skewer so you had to play king e2 [Laughter] it cheated us i i maintain my opinion that the only time you ever get an x in survival mode is when you play quickly and it doesn't matter when it is it they always get you when you play quickly there's no easy decisions in any puzzle past 60. oh king takes king d2 takes e1 and we just let our we just anytime you don't calculate a move and you just play it with no calculation it's almost always wrong or at least that's where you're vulnerable king f2 we didn't talk about not for at any moment we never talked about exactly it was like king one here and like oh yeah the king ends up here we get a skewer or we just take this and we calculated that to a queen exactly but the thing is we calculated this to a queen and it was two moves ahead king here here here here here here here here h4 a4 h3 a5 here here here the pawns on a6 it's not on a7 so it's not even like getting caught by one square which means we have an extra move to kill with king e2 exactly king e2 oh okay i feel terrible for us but i really want to go back to the last problem for just a moment and analyze that for a second because i'm really i'm kind of miffed so put it on the engine for a moment queen a6 all right so what what what's the evaluation difference a second i'm going to need mike this is like uh sorry say it again this was the position it was like rook d6 and we wanted like okay we can take the queen or whatever but i was saying king g8 and then the engine gives this as good for white ah we have missed this move that i mean that's a genuine miss on our part because that that's definitely the only move by the way every other move loses for white of course i i didn't see that i mean i was just kind of close-minded at this point i didn't see rook on d6 to h6 in fact rook on d6 to h6 makes no sense it's not even a threat right so you're not even looking you're looking at ideas of rookie 7 check and rook d6 and rook g6 ideas but you're certainly not looking at rook on e6 to h6 but they're saying queen a6 and what what's the main line after queen a6 what would the computer have done well i mean your rookie five is the only move that's worth attention because right obviously now it goes rook b3 right well no because i imagine there's some kind of like rook f5 track or rook g5 like these moves still look dangerous right because we're going to get here wow um so it wants to take the rook it wants to take and then after this to not allow this with check and to go here because if this happens then we'll win the queen oh man i think we would have been we would have been over the moon if we had come up with this this is okay this is what they say about arnhem it was a bridge too far yes oh between a6 rookie five you know take on g7 i didn't i got this far but i didn't consider king f8 you know i was thinking i didn't want to take the rook i wanted to avoid taking the rook on g7 i think i actually saw this i didn't look at king f8 right oh wow dude it was great fun yeah thank you each and every one uh for hanging in there with us for such a long time we were just having i think we wanted to quit a couple hours ago exactly we powered through yeah so well you know like we kept pounding it you know 70 sorry where did we finish 77 77 yeah [Music] it's a nice number 77 yes one to be improved upon one beyond later [Music] you
Channel: chessbrah
Views: 170,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chessbrah, chess grandmaster, checkmate, best chess channel, eric hansen, aman hambleton, chess strategy, chess tactics, learn chess, how to play chess, chess checkmate, grandmaster, blitz chess, rapid chess, bullet chess, chess match, twitch, chess calculation, fast chess, beginner chess, advanced chess
Id: U65PNvw1Emc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 22sec (13102 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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