Red Wing Classic Moc Toe Boot Makeover | From Throwaway to Almost New

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These dudes do a good job.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soulblazer84 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not mine, but what a difference.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nerdybiker540 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is super satisfying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/knightrider229 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome makeover. What’s up with the lace lines on the ankle though? Do people only lace their 8”s up that low??

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadyounglings πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey ladies and gents and welcome back today we are doing another pair of red wing moctos now i know we did a video on a pair of red wings about two to three months ago the video did really well and you guys seem to really like it we usually don't like to do the same type of shoe too close together but you know what when a boot or a shoe comes in that is just completely wrecked and we think you guys might enjoy watching it uh we can't pass over on it so this pair of red wing moctos came in to us and like i said this quite possibly maybe the worst mokto boot that we've ever received it has been completely obliterated the well and the sole are completely coming off of both boots uh it has paint stains on it the uppers have been ripped some and we're going to try to completely give these boots as much of a makeover as we possibly can now you're not going to make the uppers on these look completely brand new these are obviously work boots and the guy has used them beat them up really badly but we are going to try to give a makeover on these to make them look as good as we can possibly get them while staying within the budget so we are going to try to give these as much of a makeover as we possibly can we're not going to go too crazy with them but we are going to make them look a lot lot better so without further ado let's get on now most of the ones we've ever come across this type of boot it's got cork in here but these have been we've done before and so that's where all this foam comes from so here's the uh for the welt and you can see this thing's got three layers of stitches on there there's your original stitch one two and then there's another one up underneath here three so whoever did these last they just kept stitching right over the same well they never pulled out stitches or anything and that also leads to this just crumbling all right so now that we've got the wealth off this is the residual thread that actually goes up underneath the rib and we got to pull those out anytime you you have thread and you're going to restitch you want to pull all the old thread out or it just clogs the same hole and and it's a lot harder to uh to get it in there and or you wind up punching a new hole and turning it into swiss cheese and you don't want to do that on the upper the welt can be replaced the upper cannot okay so we have the soles and the insoles off of these boots and now we're going to try to do as much as we can to the uppers as you can see he's got paint on here we're going to try to get that off um some of the spots like right here you know that leather is just completely cracked in half there's no replacing that um you know he's got a big tear there we'll try to see what we can do but we're gonna strip all this down re-dye them try to fill in some of these spots and condition them and kind of go from there come on all right so the insoles on these were they're in bad shape so we're going to build new insoles now we've done insults before where we think i've gotten more canvas and and wrap it around we're actually going to do it a different way and also a very traditional way to actually just use the leather insoles themselves and turn that into a hold fast so let's get going so you can see where the canvas is just completely deteriorated there's no wall for the stitches to come through it's just it's in bad shape so all right so what's different about this insole versus what we normally do with the canvas is this is actually split and you can see where it's actually rolled back so you take a piece of veg tan leather and you just split a little bit fold this back and now this becomes the rib or the hold fast and a lot of times the factories don't have staples i don't have staples so i just tie these just to keep it in place and then you just stitch through this little slip sliver of leather and that holds it in place you [Applause] oatmeal all right it's day two and we had to put the cork in yesterday afternoon and this stuff has to sit for hours to kind of set up normally we'll do a bunch of shoes at one time but since it was later in the in the day we let it sit overnight and now we're going to continue putting on the sole so let's go [Music] all right these uh laces are a bit dingy lost little tips on them so we're gonna replace these so okay ladies and gents so that just about does it so a big thanks to heath for resoling this pair of red wing mocks i did the last video uh so he did this one and the reason we're both not up here is because we have lost one of our live mics and you know you guys always say there's an echo in here so we always try to use the live mic so anyways i will wrap it up for us as we usually do just a quick reminder if any of you guys are interested in having boots or shoes resold definitely check out the link down below and also the link is in the description below uh so many of you guys we get emails after these videos by the hundreds asking hey can you tell me how much this will cost or this cost and so much of that can be found on our website so again check out for most of the prices and options and whatnot okay so just to give you a quick summarization on this pair of boots as i mentioned at the beginning of the video this is a pair of uh red wings that was sent in to us just to have christy souls put on unfortunately the gentleman also needed a welt which he got that as well and then once we got into the boot as you saw in the video it needed so much more uh just a typical welton resole on this pair of boots was not going to suffice as you can see these boots were in awful awful shape um cracks all in the uppers well completely pulling away definitely not your typical boot that is sent in to us so a lot was going to have to be done to this pair of boots and anytime that we get a pair of boots in that looks like this especially uh we figure you guys will enjoy watching us redo them and that is why we actually kind of went above and beyond on this pair of boots and did a lot of things that the customer didn't really ask for but we figured hey let's do it hopefully you guys enjoy it and um you know we took it from there so as you can see the uppers were in really rough shape we actually tried to fill in as many of those cracks as possible we then uh re-dyed the boots because they were so bad that we had to go with a darker color just to try to hide some of those cracks also when you go a light tan color like it originally was it just isn't going to work out very well so we went a little darker we also put on new welts new insoles new christie soles we put on new leather laces so we really gave these boots the works now are the uppers going to be perfect absolutely not there's absolutely nothing you can do to these uppers that's going to make them look brand new unless you just put completely new uppers on there in which case it'd be insanely ridiculous and you might as well just go buy new pair boots which you could have done anyways for the amount of work that we did with these but i i hope you're entertained but anyways i think the boots came out looking great a lot better than what they did before hopefully you all enjoyed the video and took something away from it as always guys again if you're not following us on instagram please do that it's potter and sons and we put a lot of new content on there throughout the week that i think you guys will enjoy all right hope you enjoyed it and until next time y'all have a good one you
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 274,035
Rating: 4.9439068 out of 5
Keywords: redwing, moctoeboots, bootrepair, ASMR, shoecobbler, shoerepair, mensboots, beforeafter, bootcare, redwingboots, moctoe, saphir, shoecare, mensstyle
Id: ocAQH8uEhYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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