Viberg Boot Resole | Train Conductors Boots Get a Makeover

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welcome back to treinen heath today we have a pair of Viborg boots that we were gonna do a complete overhaul oh the guy that sent these in and he actually works on the railroad and so he said that he needed something with a little bit more defined he'll when you get on and off an engine you know steps can be kind of slick and he needed something I can grab onto those the steps the metal steps a little better than when he's guys kind of the slopes Hill in there so we're gonna completely take these off now one of the things I recognize when I first picked these up was how heavy they are and I actually had to go in there and I weigh one of the boots and one boot was over three pounds so what we want to do is make the boot Ward still built solid as a rock give him what he wants but if we can take out a little bit of weight I'm sure is uh his leg muscles might enjoy and he's probably got like calves like this because these things aren't so heavy but hey let's get started so here's a little profile view of it and it's kind of interesting because there's one two three four layers on the front four layers on the back but they're this piece and these two pieces are all separate so it's kind of a zigzag of different layers and we want to keep this structure but kind of simplified at the same time so we get the sole off and you see there's a metal plate running all the way on the bottom of the sole my guess I've never had a pair of boots that had a pair little plate like this my guess is it's a work boot and you don't want like you know a nail or something to come up through the bottom and possibly get into your foot if any of you guys out there have these and I'm wrong please let me know what that's for but I'm guess it's just to protect something from going up to the bottom of the foot add a little bit more protection but wealth on this especially up here at the toe is pretty worn it had several layers of stitching in it so we're gonna take this off and redo it and you say it's got some metal nails going all the way around so this thing is so it just sell as a rock so let's get going okay so we've got it all the way down to the base shank I couldn't tell actually because on top of the well had so much kind of Graham just from you know work that I thought it was an actual welt but then I could see that it was actually a stitch out and you can actually see where they cut the upper right here at an angle all of this used to go in and they just sliced it and fold it over to make a well so it is a stitch out but I don't have to really worry about losing the shape because this thing is so robust in here but we will have to be careful to keep this shape and it only came to right here so it was like a half welt and then the rest of it was just an actual salt full fitness so I'm trying to decide whether I want to put another full thickness down or if I want to go with a little bit thinner just to keep take some of that weight out I'll decide that here in a minute but it was just nailed down so you can actually use that sole and stitch all the way around because it was nailed down so it's kind of like the same thing as being stitched to here it's got so many nails pulling around and we'll recreate that but as you say still plate up here and it's guess several let's get at least two layers of stitching in there so we'll pull all those out too so yep let's go all right so because this is the stitch down we have to have this part roughly about the same shape and since the back of it is stitched but it's not actually stitched to the upper to me nail we have to keep that same shape so I'm going to use the original as my template alright so this one has a still shank for a work boot I would expect nothing else we put some glue down on this thing but we're going to put some tacks in here I just like to go a little overboard make sure that it doesn't shift there we go and they're not really a cavity because there's not really a raised rib like a regular Goodyear well but it does have a little bit of a indention right here it had a little piece of leather in there we're gonna put a little cork in there be a little more comfortable and put some glue in this and then we'll sticker so our first so all right so we were originally going to just attach this onto the boot and then stitch this zone however I didn't feel comfortable this means such a used work boot I didn't feel comfortable having one row of stitches on the bottom so what I'm actually going to do to reinforce it is this four part right here we're going to go ahead and stitch it on to the this thick leather oak mark midsole I can then pull this up attach this own tack it in the bottom like it originally lost and then once it's down I can go back and put a second row of stitching down to really hold this all the pieces layers and layers together so I'm only going to do from here around here all right so we get a lot of questions asking about the cork when we first said using that a couple of videos ago and the short answer is there's no real big difference between sheet cork and hot court this is just easier if kind of fills the cavity more so than sheet cork there's not as much waste we don't have to use dye cutters this is in a way this is kind of quicker for us but it cost a little bit more for us so the kind of all balances out and you know so that's raising way switched over to using this cork sometimes we'll still go back and use the sheet court just kind of depends on it this wasn't a big cavity so we don't need a whole lot of this all right so we have to put these metal plates back in and so just went ahead and made a template because we are going to be stitching around this and I don't want to get too close to where my needle won't go through cause I'm hitting the metal plate so for something flat like this we can normally put it on a clicker press which we have one but it's at another location when we get into our new place we'll actually be able to introduce you to that machining but for right now this is what we got here at this shop [Music] so we put multiple layers on here now we're gonna stick this to the main boot and you're ready to stitch it 360 all the way around but I just want to make sure that this is reactivated and you can do that with hate so we just use a heat gun and I don't have to do all this I just want to stay in place so the back portion of this is only held in by tax a lot of tax and it will serve kind of like the the welt is stitched to the rib the back portion will be held to the upper foot the tax and then we can actually stitch around the outside of this so and we get this question a lot how does this how do the nails not go through and stab your foot because they go through I hit this and they cram this is the second stitch this is the one that's just actually going to hold the stone to the well and this is thick to match the hill height that was currently on there we flipped a piece of leather on here so it's kind of like a small tiny little block plus get some good contrast so these have been well-worn as they are work boots and they're supposed to be so we're going to cleaned up and then it's an old leather so we'll go through and put some of the old conditioner alright guys so that wraps up this resole an overhaul of this pair of Viborg work boots as you can see we did do a little transition and that's what's at the request of the customer he had kind of that all crepe swooped down at the hill so he wanted a more defined angle off sole so he needed that once again to grab onto the ladders on the engine he works on the rail and so we gave it to him we also just used a straight thick normal Hobart so and then added kind of layer by layer so like leather rubber leather rubber so it looks pretty cool and yeah we put some old conditioner on there clean them up they look good they're gonna serve em in Braille and get it back on the line because you know most of our stuff comes from trucks and from trains so if you want your goods we need guys like this they get out there get working one last thing just remember that if you need to have your shoes redone or you need some products to get your shoes looking good all you have to do is go do pas term sense comm we're gonna put a link down below hit the subscribe button if you're just now joining us turn on the little belt so you get the reminders and give us a thumbs up leave some comments we we love to read your comments for those who normally watch our videos you see we do like to at least in the first couple days get down there and reply to as many comments as we can so we enjoy interacting with y'all until next time y'all have a good you
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 642,113
Rating: 4.9373722 out of 5
Keywords: #viberg, #vibergboots, #bootrepair, #shoerepair, #shoecobbler, #workboots, #bootrestoration, #vibram, #saphir
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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