Timberland Boots Get BIG Upgrade | New Vibram Soles & Cleaning

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back i hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to the weekend uh we have had a very busy past week um heath and i have been staying slammed with not only the amount of boots and shoes you guys been sending us thank you so much we really appreciate it but on top of that believe it or not we had an extremely busy christmas season with our sandal business southern polished and it's already time for us to circle back around and begin getting ready for sandal season again there's snow out on the ground here in the nashville area and it is a super cold as it is in most places in the u.s but yeah sandal season is going to be here and of course not only do we have to take care of our shoe repair but we also have our other business that we run and that is almost a year-round business as well so we stay super busy so uh bear with us um for you guys that haven't followed our channel we do a lot of other videos outside of just shoe repair a lot of you know brand reviews and and whatnot and we do have a lot of that on the way i've got boxes and boxes piled up of shoes to review for you guys too so we have a lot coming but with all of that said uh today we are going to rep sold a pair of timberland boots that were sent in to us usually we spend a lot of times on the soles but this time this is a very simple repair we're gonna put some new vibram lug soles on there and then we'll spend a lot more time on the uppers and try to get these uppers cleaned off and look a lot newer are they going to look brand spanking new like some of you guys always hope they do i don't know i hope so that's what we always shoot for but sometimes you know you can't make worn out things always look brand new but we'll do what we can so uh that going forward as you can see these have just you know there's a lot of dirt and stains what not on the uppers uh we need to try to get those cleaned off and then like i said the soles on these are on rubber and a lot of times when the glue starts coming apart or gets heated up uh those soles will start popping off and that's what happened on this pair and we're going to put on some new soles and sort of upgrade things a little bit okay i had a lot to say so uh how about we get started okay so just like last week's video as heath mentioned last week we are in a factory and i think they're putting up drywall or whatever right across from our shop so you may hear power tools going off for that i apologize bear with me okay so as i mentioned a few minutes ago you can see how these soles are just totally coming off of the boot it's a rubber sole and like a hard rubber midsole and it does not take much for that to get you know too hot or heated up and deactivate that glue and that's exactly what's happening and as you can see just how easy that sole just tears off so we are going to take care of that and upgrade this midsole as we like to do with leather leather holds on and bonds a lot easier to rubber and hopefully that'll do the trick amongst all the noise i uh what we're originally gonna do here is we're gonna put on a new welt uh i wasn't thinking i was i was i cut the original sole off since it's all one glued piece i could have just pulled it all off it was a little extra work for me but uh back on it now we're just going to pull this original sole off and then we'll clean them up and then we'll put this welt on here and go on from there so so all right so now we're going to put the glue for the new welt on here uh this is just a blake stitched welt so it's just glued on so we have to be real careful not to get glue on the uppers where you'll see it all right i'm gonna put my hearing protection on for this one this leather is a german leather and it's so thick and strong that it sounds like a like a gun going off when it finally pushes the die cutter through it so all right guys so we've got the new welt on here as you can see and now all we're going to do is just stick it on the midsole and we'll go from there [Music] so okay so we have the new midsole put on this pair of boots and as you can see we insole stitched them the good thing about this as opposed to the originals the originals were all just glued construction so they could just peel off as you saw them doing originally we now have this harder much nicer oak bark tan midsole leather and because it is insole stitch now anytime he wants to have a resole it's it's simple we can just pull you know heat it up peel it off put another one on and he can keep this pair of boots much longer so now let's get some glue on here and get these soles stuck okay guys so what we're gonna do now before we stick on the rubber soles it's always important that you not only rough up that rubber uh that helps the glue to adhere to it a little bit better but we're also prior to that going to put on some acetone a lot of these rubbers have oils left over from the factory or you know residue and that's going to clean them off then we'll rough it up really good then we'll put a couple of coats of glue they'll be good to go so let's go so so okay so these boots are clean i've allowed them 24 hours to dry and but as you guys saw earlier there was a lot of paint splatter on these boots and some of that did not come out so what we're going to try to do now is take some very high grit sandpaper and just lightly sand over this new buck and try to remove as many of those spots as possible now is it prop is going to remove all of them absolutely not a new buck or a leather this color is extremely hard to clean and unless you've taken very good care of it it's impossible to get it looking perfect again but we're gonna do what we can try to remove as many of these spots as we can and see what happens so okay so the boots are done and the last thing that we're going to do is put weatherproofing spray on it for any of you guys or ladies out there that have suede or nubuck shoes or boots it's the thing that we say all the time definitely make sure you're weatherproofing that leather um and that would have prevented a lot of the stains that this gentleman got on these boots so let's spray these and then we'll do the wrap up okay guys so we have wrapped up this pair of timberland boots now the question we always get is how much did this cost where can i send my boots to have you guys redo them or my shoes all of that is on our website at potterandsons.com the link is down below and also if you go down to the description box and the drop down all of the information is down there as well as uh including the actual link itself so definitely check that out okay so as far as the boots go when they came in these boots had not been cleaned in a while as you can see they had a lot of oil marks and paint marks and a lot of stuff that we tried to get off also the sole was completely coming unglued that's just one of the things you'll see a lot of times from glued or cement constructed shoes or boots so we tried to resolve a lot of those issues some of the things that we did first of all we cleaned off the nubuck got a lot of that dirt off we also took some light or i'm sorry some high grit sandpaper and tried to sand off as much of those paint stains and just those oil stains as possible we were able to get a lot of them out but on something as this light colored it's almost impossible so we did everything we could i think they look a lot better but you're definitely not going to get these looking factory brand new out of the box especially with something that is deep and embedded as a lot of these paint stains on top of that we completely took off the old cement constructed sole and decided to put on a new leather welt then we put a german pit tan leather midsole a pretty high grade it's also a lot more weather resistant so we use that as the base and then we insole stitch that so that will not come off and it'll also allow for him to have these boots resold over and over again and make it a lot easier for us to be able to remove that sole without causing any damage we then used a vibram lug sole put that on there and we also added some decorative stitching on the bottom but not only is it decorative but it will also help that soul stay on there and will not be peeling off like the original one did i think that was about it like i said then we finished it all up with some weatherproofer like i said a few minutes ago ladies and gents if you're if you have suede or nubuck shoes or boots please make sure that you are using weatherproofing spray religiously because it will save you a lot of time and trouble from all of the stains and dirt and water that you will get on that leather so definitely make sure you're doing that okay i think that's just about it if you're not following us on instagram again here's the link to our instagram account make sure you're following us it is potter and suns because we post a lot more shoes and boots after they're after they've been redone on there then we are able to do on here so definitely make sure you're following us okay i think that just about does it thanks again for joining us and watching and until next time y'all have a good [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 317,845
Rating: 4.8987083 out of 5
Keywords: timberland, bootrepair, vibram, shoecobbler, shoerepair, vibramsole, lugsole, saphir, suede, suedecare, nubuckcare, nubuck, timbs, invulner, invulnerspray, weatherproof, beforeafter, timberlandboots, restoration, refurbish, restore
Id: OcCk7ZK0gCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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