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[Music] welcome back y'all today we have a pair of wolverine boots that uh belong to jonathan so jonathan thanks for sending those in we'll tell a little bit about these boots but before we get into it i need y'all to give us one of these go down below hit the uh the thumbs up show us some love show us some love the algorithm loves this and you know we want as many people to see the video as possible yep so all right these boots they belong to his grandfather yeah and they are well loved and well worn these things i think his granddad did a lot of work in them because they look like a worn out work boot right like a sahara dry and um the the soles had basically they saved us actually some work on it um the soles just kind of deteriorated and kind of crumbled because when we got them there wasn't a lot they were just particles so uh but we did want to have a little bit of fun with this not too crazy you actually reached out to jonathan yeah so jonathan emailed us he told us they were his granddads he wants to redo them and i said is there anything in particular that she wants to do these boots and he said no not really he wanted to keep kind of the same overall look to them but he said i trust you guys completely i've watched your videos it's up to you so we kind of went back and forth on some ideas and uh i guess you'll just have to wait and see how they turned out yep now let's get out the shop and get [Music] started okay guys so like i said earlier these boots are extremely dried out and we have to get a lot more moisture back put back into them we have to get them cleaned up and this is what we're gonna do so in the email we received from the owner of these boots like i said earlier these were his granddads as you can see he wore these as a work boot and didn't condition them a lot so they're very very dried out as you can see we have to get a lot of saddle soap on these to try to pull as much dirt out of the pores as we can and once those pores are opened up we'll sink as much conditioner back into this leather to try to re-moisturize it get it soft and supple and we'll just go from there and try to make these look a lot better than what they do now so so okay guys so while these boots are drying out it is a perfect time for me to talk about today's video sponsor anson belts okay guys so several months ago we did a sponsorship ad for ants and belts now you guys really liked those belts because you left us a lot of feedback down in the comment section below saying that a lot of you guys had already purchased from them before you gave them a try you love them we really appreciate that so when anson reached back out to us and said they'd like to sponsor this video of course we jumped at the opportunity also what's cool about their belts is everything is a one size fits all so basically what you do you buy a belt and you you fit the belt around you you see exactly where you need to cut the belt you simply cut the belt you stick it into the belt buckle and you snap it down that's it so basically what this does is it fits your waist exactly with no more guessing also like a lot of other belts you don't have a lot of ugly creases or like i said before the sloppy punched holes you know those holes that you've been wearing it for years and the hole just keeps getting bigger and bigger yeah that doesn't happen with anson and also the other great thing that i really like about ants and belts is the interchangeability of the belts and the belt buckles so they have several different belt buckles you can choose from they have a lot of different uh belts that you can choose from everything from leather and suede and canvas they also have vegan belts some of the belt buckles you can get everything from chrome to brush nickel to brass looking buckles there's there's a lot you can choose from and that's what makes it great because if you say one outfit you try on you're like okay well this belt buckle would look great with this color belt boom you take off the belt buckle you put in the strap click it down now it's ready to go then you come in the next day you got a different outfit on you say hey this color belt would look cool with this belt buckle you take the belt buckle off you put it on the new belt you clip it down bam you're ready to go okay guys so anthony was great to us and they were going to give you all a very special limited time offer go onto the website ansonbelt.com forward slash trent that's ansonbelt.com forward slash trent and choose three belt buckles and two belts or two belt buckles and three belts and automatically get either a belt or a belt buckle free you can't beat that anywhere that's basically nine belt combinations for under a hundred dollars where are you going to find that so guys definitely check out anson belts below and take advantage of this amazing limited time offer all right so it's time to put on the new welts this was the old welt it was all rubber and we're we're gonna switch it out to a leather but i found this back in our stash and it had just enough sample for us to put on it's actually a split reverse welt uh so it has that kind of storm welt construction but it's got a uh a faux stitch on the on the wall which will kind of give it that norwegian look and then plenty of room for the stitch the sole of the midsole alone from there so that dark brown i think it's just kind of like pretty cool kind gotta pop let's do it so [Applause] okay guys so we went ahead and replaced the fiberglass shanks in the boot as you can see here's the old one it broke in half so we put some new fiberglass shanks in here and now it's one of our favorite times and i know it's a lot of your favorite times hot cork time foreign so [Music] so okay so the boots are resoled they're almost finished the last thing we're going to do now is just condition the heck out of these things normally i would just use a little dauber or something like that and you know work it into the leather but these are so dried out i'm going full handed i'm just going to take a big thing of conditioners gobbing on there let it soak in and we'll see what that does to the color um we may have to add on more after that but also while that's absorbing i'm going to use some brasso here and i'm going to just clean up the eyelets on these a lot of them have tarnished and just look really bad so we're going to brighten those up and that should just about do it so let's get to conditioning man these are dried out i mean i'm putting gobs of it on there and it's just immediately absorbing it okay ladies and gents we are back and we have restored this pair of wolverine boots and hydrated and hydrated a lot of a lot of hydration going on so before we do anything a quick reminder give us a big thumbs up again share this video subscribe to the channel and for all of you guys out there that have friends or family members that need a lot of uh shoe tutorials and help on their footwear definitely make sure you're sharing this video with them okay heath what'd we do these boots all right so we said that we wouldn't have a little bit of fun with them and we did um we do a lot of the uh vibram montagna type souls and we just were like do we really want to do just another uh black one so we said let's reach out and see if we can do green and here we got the thumbs up you can't really see it but the actual some of the lining on the inside is kind of a very close almost matching screen so we're like that's that's why we did it was actually it was heathen mine heat's idea for the green and we weren't sure if jonathan would like it he said go ahead i trust you guys and i think it pops because of that green on the inside man it i think it turned out better than we thought it was other than black or brown uh green and red just looks kind of good on a work boot so we went with that we also uh switched out the welt from a worn out crumbling plastic welt to a uh a split reverse well but had that stitching on the side so it kind of gives that a nice pop to pop kind of like almost like a norwegian welted looking uh boot and it looks pretty cool yeah that's the stitches kind of two different colors it pops we took the padding out uh for the the cushioning and we put uh quart hot cork in there so it will mold to his foot better also we kept the midsole uh the light tan we didn't want to dye it we wanted to have that pop of light dark light contrast and looks good with green yeah i think it looks really good uh yeah we also just rehydrated them a whole lot and put in some new uh rawhide laces yep and um that was about it half a jar of conditioner later they look pretty good yeah so i think his boots should be good to go i hope there's not a lot more cracking in the years to come hopefully half that jar of renovator did what it's supposed to do so we shall see okay guys again if you have any questions if you want to see any of the shoe products that we used if you want to purchase anything check out potterandsons.com down below also it is summertime if you're looking for any of your lady sandals men's sandals whatnot check out southernpolish.com we have even more items on the way to that website very very soon so definitely check it out okay i think that just about does it again thank you for watching and y'all have a good one [Music]
Channel: Trenton & Heath
Views: 280,765
Rating: 4.9159827 out of 5
Keywords: #subscribe, #hitthebell, #makeover, #boots, #wolverineboots, #refurbishment, #memorial, #beforeafter, #vibram, #shoerepair, #bootrepair, #shoecobbler, #asmr, #unintentionalasmr, #relaxing
Id: 6S7Fp7qxFPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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