Red Notice On The Red Sofa! | The Graham Norton Show

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were you born in hawaii i wasn't born in hawaii i was born here in san francisco but i did a lot of my growing up there so yes it was it was amazing i don't know i don't think no tell me [Laughter] what's more you say for years i've always said when we were there you gave me a big speech like this is my land [Laughter] [Music] now all of a sudden saying friend that was saying friend that i transferred but we were there [Laughter] this is a cliff where i was born hawaii was beautiful beautiful uh you know mountainside and lushness and and uh we shot in this beautiful place called kuala ranch where uh jurassic park the original jurassic park was shot and the ones uh after that as well and it was just amazing but you didn't like it he hated it no no this is the problem i didn't i didn't like it at all i mean outside of the the spiritual grounds that you took me to and i swore you even sung a song you were like i have to share that with you we'll talk about it later like you were like come on beautiful blake sexiest man in the world all those things and yes she is the sexiest man yeah yeah he's doing well there that's a good shot right there look at you look no but to cheer us up when you started kind of being interested in girls you weren't as that cool or smooth with it no no no not at all i don't believe it no no i really i went through puberty at like 27. this was a freak thing yeah it was not good yeah who's the girl who was the girl in school the first the first girl the first well i was obsessed with this this girl uh uh fiona gorczynski who uh uh is she yeah she's she said and she used to actually she used to take the bus the the opposite way of my actual home and i would get on the bus just to sit next to her wow for 45 minutes the wrong way oh there's something wonderful about there was something wonderful i love it when you're young it's so cute when you're older it's just stalking you're like on some kind of watch list yeah but but i remember when i was i couldn't have been more than i don't know 11 years old and i and i i was just about to get off the bus because enough is enough i'm about to enter like seattle or something so i'm starting to get off the bus and i decided to like kind of hit her with like this cool look or something like this like one of these like real sort of don johnson miami [Laughter] and i sort of delay a little too long and the bus doors close on my backpack with my backpack and the bus just starts to leave [Laughter] the bus driver finally stops opens the door let's releases my you know idiot bag backpack and i i could never look at her again yeah that was terrible yeah she's looking at you now can you imagine she's like he's the guy with that backpack he's the idiot with the ren and stimpy backpack but i have to say what's extraordinary is you and chris pine dressed in 90 days fashion still manage to look very good thank you so much um yeah i know it can be tricky if you go too much with the with the 80s fashion it can look campy very easily but it was very important for us to make uh diana look timeless and elegant and i think that chris completely totally pulled off the the fanny pack look i mean yeah i mean a lot of people wouldn't look good in that but that's fine i don't know he's the only one i want to explain why we don't call him fanny pack graeme no i don't rock your character's name is a dr smolder bravestone yes and uh so all the characters have strengths so one of your strengths is the smoldering an actual smolder yes it just takes over uh and i have no control over it and did you know you could smolder like did you kind of think yeah when you do when you read it you've got to go oh yeah i'll do my smolder you know i'd take you exactly no it didn't come yet oh okay okay that literally is where it came from that what you're seeing and this is why he looked at me because it's so frustrating just go ahead tell tell the story about your stupid smell it's one of those things that you know as we're developing the script and think well what could be a fun thing what if a fun thing one of the fun things was he he has this ability to smolder and it just takes over him he has no control of it uh and uh and it's just one of those things graham that god delivered i signed for it and then i just do it and everyone everyone likes it and everyone loves it except one individual everyone i'm gonna tell you what it is okay now we we are we are very close we were very close as friends and you know in this position he's a producer on the film so sometimes i just bit my tongue so this idea came up from a producer like mentality oh you know what would be great for this character if he's smoldered not like what you know if he did a thing and i was like what that got to do with that being like in the game it's a thing and he's like and then he's brought him back he was like my mom used to do it to me when i was and that's why we listened to him because he brought it back everything got tied back to hawaii that's how he did it graham can we see us smolder can we see oh i'd be happy to great sit back for a [Applause] second here can we have a little music maybe something that's a little ominous okay here we go wow yes okay okay here we go you can do it to me yes you're ready here we go [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] beautiful very good thank you thank [Applause] now we're having that's why you are who you are ryan the thing about you growing up i love the the you told stories about growing up because your dad it was like he was training you for paparazzi he was very snap happy yeah he was i was actually the saddest moment in our childhood and these are uptown problems was when they switched from film to digital because to my father that was just like every day was the lottery i mean it was amazing because you could just take pictures and pictures and pictures thousands of them it could be like thousands of pictures of just a meatloaf that's blurry and what he would do is at the end of the night he would email everyone in the family all the all the photographs as well yeah but the the thing is this is back when like the internet was made of a fax machine of wood like it was just uploaded like that and then you would download all of these things and like you like it was so much material to download you'd feel like the lights dim in your home this must be costing a fortune and i got i used to say to him i was like dad can you stop you don't need to piss on every phone like we don't need to see the blurry photo of the ceiling you took when you like just edit yourself never did so after a while and i i i mean i deeply regret this now as an adult male i have deep regrets of what i did but i would take the camera sometimes in the middle of dinner and i'd just go in the bathroom and i just i did just grab a quick shot of my penis and then he'd email it to everybody nana and kathy uncle tim uh uh gramps got a few of those they think it was his though um no i well that was his concern which is what actually in a weird way made the whole thing work for me so after that he became a strict editor so you'd get just two lovely family photos at the end of an evening not 60 000 shots of a of a you know mashed potato this is what i was just thinking as i was listening to that story which by the way i didn't hear a word of okay just now because like did you did you grow up with a kid like in elementary school or whatever and you were always kind of amazed by the kid it was like the kid over there doing the jokes and the talking and all that kind of and then the rest of the class kind of was in awe every time that i'm with him it's like somebody spiked my water with lsd and i'm just sitting there in awe this is lovely no but it's not it's not meant to be a compliment i'm sorry i'm not supposed to have lsd no yeah this is no i'm literally i found myself halfway through the story going like this you just you're high on ryan that's right i heard something about mashed potatoes of facts with wood and your dad yeah that's actually the name of my memoir way to blow it thank you spoiler alert that music you walked onto did you hear it i did yes that's that's your music it is the iconic rock music yes so did that bring back happy memories of bad memories oh happy memories oh good yes no i mean i was able to do a lot of cool things you know snoop was there on a couple occasions yeah he was able to witness it there was a lot of ass kicking going on back then but we got this is the classic i think this is a classic rock pose with the eyebrow the that signature eyebrow look at that yes and this is your kind of this is the kind of the pre-match is this the pre-match that yeah that's like the it's the pre-match it's the preamble it's a talking trash that is a i had a catch phrase that that that went with is that the it doesn't matter that's it doesn't matter how did it doesn't matter because it doesn't sound like a catch phrase how did it work as a catchphrase well uh whoever i was in the ring with and snoop has been there on many occasions right so whoever i was in the ring with so for example if it were you and i would be like um graham what do you think you're gonna do tonight when we get in the ring well i think it doesn't matter so that's how it kind that's how of kind of works and then the it's the shouting and the body but then if you smell if you smell what the rock is cooking how did that work then in in a sentence oh well that that works in a sentence a statement a question it works anywhere right when you wake up right before you go to bed it's just you could just say it if you smell what the rock is quick yeah but you got to say it probably with a little bit like you know you shout that one as well mmm it's hard i generally have a microphone when i'm doing it well hello go for it i don't know they don't want to hear me though i think they do okay okay all right here we go so it's it all starts with the base okay okay you got to open your legs a little bit okay okay you got to kind of do one of these yeah lean forward a little bit yeah okay come back and then right here is where you gotta do a little tongue thing okay this is what it gets interesting if you smell it then at the end you gotta now you gotta do that what the rock and then there's a little pause there's like a big pregnant pause so you have to do it right right so the audience kind of leans in a little bit is cooking and then that [Applause] oh i have been waiting years to come to the grand orange show to do that so they've waited all their lives dear diary finally [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,209,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new series, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, Dwayne Johnson Graham Norton, Ryan Reynolds Graham Norton, Gal Gadot Graham Norton, Red Notice, Red Notice Netflix, Red Notice Trailer, Netflix, kevin hart, dwayne johnson kevin hart
Id: hnQvuxo8zs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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