Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds & Gal Gadot Spent Most of Filming 'Red Notice' Laughing | PEOPLE

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we've all known each other for a long time dwayne and i have known each other for over 20 years yeah jesus they're that old yeah and uh and gal and i have known each other for 44 years most of my work was with both of them um so every day was a dreamy dreamy day uh but for me i think for the three of us maybe the first time we worked together the three of us at the the prison the prison the little chapel thing yeah that was my favorite funny day as well just because it was the entire i mean we wasted most of netflix's money just laughing i mean it literally it was like being called the principal's office you guys have to have together you have to shoot something usable um so that was for me that was probably my favorite yeah well we're all disciplined actors when we come on set ryan has this great ability by the way to really stay in it knowing that it's this is so funny yeah but gal and i would just break up and just laughing i'm dead inside the feeling just yeah oh my god let me just feel but then eventually people laugh it's hard to get him to laugh but when he does it's the best thing no i like the thing that gets me is like dj and gaul like when they're in a scene or something and they're messing around a little bit they'll you guys both do this by the way you get like a little eye twitch and that makes you laugh like i see her eyes sort of twitch a little bit and then i loot then i'm gone i don't know where i go and then i come back like five minutes later and i'm everyone's giving me dirty looks how'd you find me you stole william strang's lady with the red hat from the tape you can't hurt that with me i got that on etsy i admire both of them uh they are first of all both uh ryan and dj are amazing family guys and amazing fathers and we would have many many conversations about parenthood and all of that and work and how do you balance and how do you how you do all together and they're talented and smart and warm and they care about people i was completely taken with gall's ability to she's just like a walking skin covered charm attack like i did not see it coming the first couple of days of shooting where it was like cary grant or something you were just so kind of like slip in and out of like threatening to funny and then just you could suddenly do these like incredible action sequences but i just that versatility was so i mean i've seen it on screen but to see it when you're up close and in person is always the great kind of gift of this industry is you're working with people that you admire and love you and then you're like he's standing next to them and they're killing it dj is the guy that no no i'm not going where you think i'm going uh i was really you know because i've known him for a long time we've had a lot of good heart to heart stuff but i was blown away by how because when you're with them we were so consistently together that just to see his vulnerability was something i thought was really beautiful i know that's probably not what you're hoping i was going to acknowledge i appreciate it but it's it is it is i think a par a huge part of his global appeal is that people kind of sense it without necessarily putting a finger on it or being able to articulate it it's yeah a big huge heart but but very open and very vulnerable and i just wow all right thank you so much thank you good night you have to be the two dumbest man on the planet you look awful [Music] i've known golf for a very long time i have always been really impressed not only as ryan was saying with her presence she really has an incredible presence the moment she walks into the room an energy that is palpable and the most positive always smiling always optimistic always taking care of the people around her and making and really bringing everybody on up on set i've known ryan for a very long time we started our careers together i've had a front row seat watching his success over the years watching all these great choices he's made build out his businesses and everything so by the time we came together on hobbs and shaw and realized we wanted to work together on on red notice it was like the trust was there the love was there the bond the friendship the brotherhood the thing that really moved me most was when we the first day of red notice now i'm really gonna bring the energy up in the room my dad died the first day the first day of red notice my dad died so we i i had to leave came back five days later after the funeral and everything was one person waiting for me the moment i walked in that door on set and it was ryan arms open gave me a big hug and a big kiss he's like i got you man and it really really moved me and it meant a lot it makes me emotional because you know everyone was so supportive but my guy was right there waiting and i know that he joined that club too his father had passed away and that set the tone for the rest of the movie like when i were anchored in this brotherhood that that is beyond the movie uh that we would ask i don't know if it's the hormones i'm sorry this is like no it's beautiful you
Channel: People
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Keywords: People, people magazine, news, celebrities, interview, celebrity news, celebrity, famous, Hollywood, celebrity (media genre), entertainment news, entertainment, dwayne johnson, ryan reynolds, gal gadot, red notice, the rock, red notice netflix, netflix 2021, red notice movie, ryan reynolds red notice, gal gadot red notice, dwayne johnson red notice, netflix film club, netflix original movies, gal gadot interview, new on netflix november 2021, netflix movie, what to watch on netflix
Id: YMf4lFd96NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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