My Last Training Flight in My New Airplane!

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hey everybody it's Kay and welcome back to another video we are waiting for the weather to subside we had some storms this morning but we are going to go do another training flight try to get in across country and do a few Landings so I'll see you in the [Music] sky I lost my little [Music] fuzzy Niner 525 Comm one Delta special observation 1530 Zulu wind 160 at 8 gust 14 visibility 1 Z sky clear temperature 20 d point2 0 altimeter 2 niner niner 4 expect rnav approach Runway 18 all pilot reback hold short instructions flow control into Houston Intercontinental and hobby advis on initial contact information Delta when to get in the habit of using this now that I have it we can if you want we just go north and just fly around and just click the time up and we can find approaches that works for me let's go to College Station okay I like College Station perfect we'll get flight following just get out of here we get AC cross country we're going to go up let's go to 6,500 ft we can 35 taxi to the ramp this frequency VI Charlie say 45 to start and we can we'll go higher it's information Delta correct that should be right good morning ground cica 484 Hotel Papa number 44 Hotel Pap good morning we're CA over on the ramp request flight following to College Station information Delta C 484 Hotel Papa Roger standby for clearance or correction for taxi instruction stand by standby for hotel Papa 484 Hotel Papa Runway 18 taxi via Charlie Bravo Alpha Charlie Bravo Alpha Runway 184 Hotel Papa thank you okay let's get moving or somebody else comes in and doesn't want to let us go [Music] you want to hear something funny sure within within probably 45 minutes to the first two hours of be putting the video of us flying together my phone started beep beep beep hey you playing a cica that's awesome uh yep even the got a phone call from the chief pilot office about that one is it okay oh yeah hey was that you like no comment I love it that's awesome all right brakes hold Electric trim autopilot looks good is off trim for takeoff a little bit more back trip just in case flight controls watch your knees tail is up tail is down and trim looks good to me left turn left Aon right Aon down right turn right Aon up and left Aon down perfect controls are free and correct rers and brakes look good too instruments speed read zero blue over brown wings are Level within 75 ft of field elevation not indicating a climber descent mixture is full Rich RPMs are just about at 1,000 that looks good FEA test all right oh I'm just going to pull it down and then back up yeah got a try not to get more than a 300 RPM drop and just do one at a time it's just first we're starting at a th000 whoopsie here we go good it's about 200 there watch all pressure is going to drop back up this comes back up to 1,002 then the oil pressure since when you open it it dumps all the oil pressure to make it feather that shows that the whole system's working perfect alternator air test offat is off 2000 RPM we work with the autopilot see how it works and everything else I would like to see how the autopilot shoots the approach too oh no that doesn't count well just if we can get an extra one not for my IPC just since I have you on board all right amson volts look good there and look good there alternators oil pressure oil temperature looks good there too itle check all right flaps are zero props are high RPM mixture is full Rich fuel pumps are off fuel selectors are on sponder we're going to squat 12200 and then talk to them in the air right yes perfect heading mode we'll do heading 180 uh let's go 330 oh okay take off 400 ft make a right turn to 330 see is off doors windows latched pedo heat dice Landing light on strobes on which we have and the time is currently 10:55 a.m. and then if we have an engine of failure up to takeoff you're flying all on the checklist I'll back you up if there's some if there's a reason for me to get involved I will I'll take the radios you fly the airplane remember what frequency it is 1 23.8 ah there we go morning Tower cup 484 Hotel Baba run up a is complete request a uh ready for departure Northwest departure C 44 po detective Tower Roger Runway 18 win 220 at Niner gust 16 clear for takeoff right turnout approved okay we're clearing out for takeoff rway 18 right hand turnout approv for CA 4 Hotel Papa final is clear Runway is clear your door is latched right it is latched [Music] set this right here all right 2000 thing is looking good there BR this up up 834 ground there you go that's it perfect happy clearance ready happy8 to Mike Sierra Yankee airport radar L departure Direct on departure maintain 2000 expect flight level 23 0 1 0 minutes after departure of the 2 3.8 squawk 6630 you kept it under the gear speed I'm proud of you thanks a a little bit of this power back Ed of the runway about 35 all right and we'll go and turn this heading 33 correct this back to about 25 or so [Music] [Music] just 44 Hotel Papa frequency change approved good day Frey change approved we talk in a little bit for hotel POA thank you good morning approach cica 484 Hotel Papa CA 484 Hotel Papa Houston oh we're off Houston executive request flight following to College Station POA Alpha 34 requesting 6,500 44 Hotel Papa R 04 five Z 0450 for four Hotel Papa rated contact 3 miles Northwest of the Houston Executive Airport how's your ride there oh it's great right now smooth okay great we just had uh Moder to severe turbulence below two there but sounds good so 4 Papa you can Sho on cour Eastwood and maintain be F below 6,500 bfr out of below 6,500 and we'll let you know if the right changes I madean about 700 to 800 ft per minute yeah going be lower than was a little bit more get about 120 let's see what it gives us there okay six Mike Papa turn right in 3 z0 right heading 3000 6 Mike Papa we have Charlie Tey six Mike Papa Roger one a proceed direct the CC intercept the fin approach course okay when aable uh direct the CC intercept the approach course 6 mik POA contact Houston approach on 13 4.3 we'll see you 34344 thanks attention autra the college station are Alor 2992 good morning approach cica 484 Hotel Papa Level 60005 November 484 Hotel Papa approach station are 2992 92 for for TOA I'm also not going to be afraid of burning gas if I can get up higher and get a Tailwind cuz I'm going to put an oxygen system in here the mountain high system is fantastic High yeah it's a pulse you put a canula in and then it just lets your bottle lasts forever oh okay it just goes pulse and so when you breathe in it senses it and it gives you a a little shot of oxygen too shabby good morning Easter wood Tower C 44 Hotel poo we're 9 miles east of the airport inbound for landing be a full stop Hotel Tower make straight in Runway 29 winds are 2 ner all right straight in 2 Niner for for TOA we'll be a full stop taxi back and we'll take off and the departure to the South just reping it's following us so our traffic advisory is us so we're going to land straight in so we want to get down pretty quick if you want you can make a little S turn to the right just to help you lose altitude the runway is going to be right here and we're going to do straight in to 29 gotcha trying to watch out for this Cloud too hey look rnf 29 vectors fantastic activate approach oh there it is [Music] take about another inch manifold pressure out remember what speed we can put it for first Notch of flaps there we go I'm sorry remember what speed we can put start putting the flaps out 30 all right I was just trying to get us below this Cloud deck first 29 clear to land wi 212 clear to land Runway 29er for to pop up all right so I'm going to reset this you are cleared to land to land so if you you lower the nose just a little bit more and then you level off will bleed that speed off real quick all right you just hold your altitude for a second that speed's going to bleed off get about 135 we put a flap it'll help slow down you can just pitch nose up just tiny bit and I'll just let that speed off I'll help you a little bit more hey you're below 140 if you want to slowly pull your first notch in or when you get to 130 there you go not is in and that's below our 130 gear coming down three green one in the mirror a very heavy airplane okay so this is when I do my gumps check gas under Carriage exture crops P forward helicopter 21 Romeo goest 121 Romeo golf Tower transition approved 29 N5 want to try two notches or one notch I think we'll just do one party pooper only because we took that air conditioning unit out so I want to see if there's any difference in the landing characteristic we're just going to take a little bit more out just to kind of feel [Music] this it's about 90 worry about it's okay Comm Houston on 28.07 so low first thing we should add a little bit power all right we got gas on the cage down three green we got flaps mixture props and if you want you can start slowing down to about 85 [Music] [Music] down over the [Music] fence little tiny bit of right rudder [Music] the time has finally come I am so excited to announce since filming this video I was able to knock out all of my training which means my next flight will be a trip video and I'm bringing along a special guest so don't forget to smash that like button it helps support the channel hit subscribe so you never miss an adventure and I'll see you on the next flight bye
Channel: FlywithKay
Views: 275,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pilot #aviation #travel
Id: rG6uRrqIg9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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