The Most INSANE Red Bull Airplane Stunts

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the red bull company is really big on spending money on some of the wildest sports and most adventurous teams they're set on doing insane projects that end up breaking many world records from dirt bikes to formula one cars to gliders and planes you name it they've done it but today we'll take a look at some of the craziest airplane stunts that the red bull team has done red bull manages to do the most insane stunts involving planes so when the idea came for a plane to do an aerobatic session flying through hot air balloons they went all in the pilot kirby chamlis is a champion aerobatic and air race pilot who seemed to be the perfect man for this project the project was made to commemorate the 99 years after indianapolis motor speedway held the first hot air balloon race and since then it's become the national hot air balloon day in the united states which is on june 5th the entire project took place in phoenix arizona where a series of hot air balloons were set on the ground the balloons would then take it to the skies just as kirby will fly between them he raced over around under and through an array of hot air balloons at dawn on june 5th 2018. the original plan was for him to only go through the balloons but in the heat of the moment kirby decided to do some aerobatic stunts which he took on as a challenge given that the hot air balloons are much wider than pylons when you take a look at the video you almost forget that a person is controlling the plane and you just enjoy it as the plane dances among the hot air balloons meet fred fugan and vince refered the french base jumping experts who managed to take the sport of wingsuit flying to the next level the duo known as the soul flyers created a project called a door in the sky where they would attempt a base jump from one of the highest peaks in europe and land directly into a plane while the plane is flying it all seemed a bit extreme but for these experts it was just another challenge they needed to accomplish they started preparing for the jump and in the beginning they even failed to get into the plane a few times before they got it right jumping from a peak of 4062 meters above sea level the two wing suitors after a lot of training managed to fly in the narrow door of the plane traveling at a speed of 147 kilometers per hour they spent several months in training for this project and completed over 100 test flights in spain as soon as they accomplished the adore in the sky project they explained that it was the most intense project in their career that needed a lot of attention and focus to accomplish dirt bike stunts are no news to red bull we've seen many dirt bike competitions and many bikers doing some of the most incredible stunts but what would happen if you mix a dirt bike with a plane well you get this under over project the project was planned for over two years which consisted of detailed planning of each detail including the ramp in this stunt red bull had bmx rider nick dewitt do a back flip on his dirt bike while stunt pilot glendale flies a plane right underneath the back flipping bike compared to other stunts this one had to get the timing just right for it to result in the perfect stunt if the timing's a few seconds off it could result in a huge disaster after they managed to get the speeds of both the plane and the bike they were ready to match it with the other person and calculate the right time when the plane will be in the middle so that the bike can be above it they finally made the stun happen leaving both of them extremely happy that none of them got injured in the process flying through the tunnels if you want to become the world's first at something it means you have to smash that like button if you haven't done so already but no you have to take all the risks to make it happen stunt pilot dario costa managed to fly his modified zivko edge 540 race plane inside the dual catalka tunnels near istanbul turkey pasta has over two decades of flying experience and has spent more than five thousand hours in the air he's been dreaming of making the tunnel pass for years describing it as one of the most complex and dangerous stunts a pilot can make but that didn't stop him the limited space in a tunnel as well as the dim lights and keeping the plane low on a flight path are some of the challenges he had to face one wrong move and the entire stunt could go sideways costa took off in one of the tunnels and managed to fly the plane into the second tunnel at 250 kilometers per hour it took 43 seconds to complete the stunt and dario costa became the first person to fly through a tunnel the tunnel pass flight was recognized with a guinness world record for longest tunnel flown through an airplane with a tunnel length of 1610 meters what once started as a dream ended up being a dream come true for a former red bull ace race world champion hans arch instead of flying around inflatable pylons arch decided to change it up and put himself to the challenge of flying around 70 meter high wind turbines high up in the styrian alps in austria arch managed to effortlessly fly through this austrian wind farm at nearly 322 kilometers per hour with such speeds he achieved what most would have believed to be impossible the pilot also said that flying fast among wind turbines isn't the same as inflatable pylons that explode if you hit them if you end up hitting a wind turbine it'd be quite a dangerous thing for sure but as he's already used to zooming around massive gates at extremely high speeds he managed to figure out how to handle a few wind turbines trying to manage each twist and turn and going up or down while flying at 322 kilometers per hour is definitely a hard job and it's quite understandable why han's arch was the first pilot to achieve such a crazy stunt once again red bull has managed to wow everyone with their unique stunt where two planes fly together through a standing structure just meters apart from each other the two red bull pilots paul bonhomme and steve jones managed to do the impossible and believe that no one has done that so far the two pilots now known as the red bull matadors have been flying together for around 25 years and went into the hangar side by side while barely three feet off the ground they successfully flew the planes through the hangar at a speed of 300 kilometers an hour for the first time in one of the most exciting aviation feats ever seen the pilots recorded the world first in a 7.6 meter high hangar in north wales there were many risks to flying through the hangar especially when two planes tried to do it side by side paul said that pulling up from the hangar and seeing steve next to him was a huge relief if anything went wrong each of the planes could have hit a building which would be the ultimate disaster in this scenario luckily they were quite in sync and did the one thing no one dared to do before if you thought base jumping into a plane is hard imagine if you could change planes while they're in mid-flight well skydiver paul steiner from the red bull skydive team had the idea that he could perform a stunt where he would go out from one plane and go to another one in the air this project was called octa blanix ii and after long planning on how they would actually do it the day finally came for the skydiver to do the stunt the two gliders went up into the air with one of them carrying paul once they got to the desired height of 2100 meters paul opened the cockpit of the glider and climbed on top of it proceeding towards the wing once on the edge of the wing he hung down on his arms while the other glider flew underneath him and managed to grab him on its wing the skydiver slowly made it to the cockpit of the second glider without any belts or tricks it took a lot of courage to do what he did and if anything went wrong he was a professional skydiver that for sure had a parachute on him and would have made a safe landing bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Beyond Facts
Views: 46,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace combat, aerobatic flying, aerobatic plane, aeroplane, air race, aircraft, airplane, airshow, aviarion, aviation, beyond facts, beyond facts planes, flight, fly, flying through tunnel, jet, most insane red bull, pilot, plain, plane, planes, red bull, red bull plane, red bull racing, redbull, skydiving, stunt, stunt pilot, the most insane red bull airplane stunts, the most insane red bull airplane stunts ever, the most insane red bull airplane stunts in the world, tunnel
Id: bLkKKqgA-TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 24 2021
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