$215 Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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“Daddy’s cup” “I don’t have teeth” “My dad was just going out for cigarettes. Just kidding - it was my mom who left!”

Are Josh and Emily ok?

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/toadpuppy 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

“Ooh she’s a squirter”

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/DrSilkyDelicious 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

The pumpkin spice sauce at Starbucks has had actual pumpkin in it for a number of years now. Because people complained and ranted about it, even though that's not the point of "pumpkin spice."

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Dit-dah 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I must have missed it, emily has fake teeth?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MetalBanananana 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

How did they make the pumpkin molasses!?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MoGraidh 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
- I'm so scared. One, two, three. (clanging) (bass guitar music) (cash register clinging) - (Male employee) Hello, thank you for choosing Starbucks drive-thru, how can I help you today? - [Josh] Yeah, well thank you for having me at the Starbucks drive-through. Can I go ahead and have two venti Pumpkin Spice Frappuccinos, please? How often are you drinkin' Pumpkin Spice Frappuccinos and/or lattes? - I've never had one. - [Josh] You've never had one? - This is my first time. - Really? But this is like, a part of your... - My culture? - [Josh] Yeah, you know. - My white lady culture? (laughter) - Yeah, I didn't want to say it, but you said it! - That is a stereotype and I do not appreciate it! (laughter) I guess I've always just felt like, if I'm gonna drink, or eat, or consume, this much sugar and calories, it might as well be cake, ice cream, or booze. - This is better. Well, you can put booze in this if you want, but this is just like liquified cake. It's pretty much a glorified milkshake that has a nominal amount of coffee in it. - The whipped cream is amazing, though. - Mm hmm, the whole thing's a journey, you know. 'Cause then you stir parts of the whipped cream into it, and you kinda suck it off the top. - Speaking of journey, Josh, why am I here? - I'm not gonna lie, I thought you would be a huge pumpkin spice latte and/or Frappuccino fan. - Right. - Because of the stereotyping. - Yeah. - Now, I know that I am supposed to be your spirit guide into this journey to discover your love of pumpkin spice. - I'm pretty basic, let's just add another notch to my basic bedpost. - You know what the most basic thing you can do in the fall is? - Pumpkin spice latte? - And go to an actual pumpkin patch. - Oh yay! - We are going to Tanaka Farms pumpkin patch in Irvine, where they actually have a giant pumpkin cannon that will shoot pumpkins. And we get to actually pick our own pumpkins, that we gotta somehow figure out to shove in our own fancy version of this. But more importantly, pumpkin cannon. (bass guitar music) - [Josh] How you doin', I'm Josh. - Josh, Pat. - Great to meet ya. - [Emily] Hey, Emily. - Emily, nice to meet you. - [Emily] Nice to meet you. - Pat, thank you so much for having us at Tanaka Farms. We gotta talk about this pumpkin spice craze, because right now it's through the roof. That's the entire reason we're here. We want to make a several hundred-dollar Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino. - Well we have all kinds of pumpkins here. We have white ones, we've got orange ones, we have green ones, pink ones. - Well when you make $200 Frappuccinos at home, what pumpkins are you using? - When I regularly do that at home? - [Josh] Yeah. (laughter) - Any of these pumpkins you could make a pumpkin recipe from. - Do you think pumpkins can love? - You know, when there are clients coming in here, and customers coming in here, they can think whatever they would like about our pumpkins. - Sometimes people like to pumpkin spice things up a little bit. (hands slapping) - Okay. - [Josh] Got him. - [Emily] So Josh, what is the pumpkin in pumpkin spice? - Oh, there's no pumpkin in pumpkin spice. - At all? - No, no, no, so it just refers to the spices that you would put on a pumpkin to make a pumpkin pie. But that said, even though there's no pumpkin in Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino, I wanna put a buncha pumpkin in ours. So, I wanna take like 20 pounds of it, reduce it down in a pot so it becomes a quarter cup of syrup, and then we're gonna drizzle that little pumpkin molasses on top of the whipped cream. - So they can't be too big, or they won't fit down the cannon wall. We like 'em nice and tight inside there. He's gonna get the stem off that, 'cause otherwise it'll get caught up inside. - How many confirmed kills does this particular cannon have? - Well, was one wounding, we know of that. - Okay. - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay. - And you're gonna turn around and you're just gonna push that plunger down. - Okay, alright. - You can do this Emily! - All right, okay. - [Pat] We got faith in ya. - [Emily] I'm so scared! One, two, three. (whoosh of air) - [Josh] Oh! (laughs) - [Emily] Oh my gosh! - [Josh] That is a million times farther than I thought it would shoot! - Wait, what does this have to do with pumpkin spice lattes, like do I have to go get that now? - [Josh] This one looks good, nice and orange. - Yeah, but it feels like it's full of itself, like it knows it's orange. - Hmm. I get that. - That's not okay. The main thing I'm looking for in a pumpkin is energy. I want it to feel like it's got good vibes. Those are a no, they've obviously been to Lollapalooza. (laughter) This one's got unresolved issues with it's father, I can tell. That looks like me with a swimsuit on. This one's pretty! - You're feeling good energy from it? - Ooh, look how pretty that color is underneath! That's gorgeous! Looks like a firecracker on the Fourth of July! It's attached to stuff. Can you get it? - No, no, no, if you drag the whole vine out, then all the rest of the pumpkins on it are free. So rip it up, you got it! Use your legs! (leaves rustling) - God, this is just... - Pull harder! - Okay! - There you go, all right. - All right, okay. - So I have all the ingredients laid out here, you just keep holding that pumpkin, you're doing awesome. So right here we have all the ingredients to make our actual pumpkin spice. This is the Voyager Collection, that's in conjunction with Chef Eric Ripert, a three Michelin starred chef from Le Bernadin, with La Boite in New York City, so really excellent spices here. - This is really heavy. - Yeah, just tuck your arms, tighten your core, you're gonna be okay. Right here we have a Heaven's Door 10-year aged bourbon. I've already gotten into it a little bit, I had to taste test it for breakfast. - So, this is actually made in conjunction with Bob Dylan. - Bob Dylan. - Big bourbon! Okay, and then we also have this Raw Straus Cream from a local dairy, and this is raw, so it's not pasteurized, so we may get some sort of stomach worm and die, But if we die, you don't have to hold that pumpkin anymore, so that's pretty cool. And then, to make the base of our pumpkin spice ice cream to go in the Frappuccino, we have camel milk. We got all this delicious pumpkins that we're gonna reduce down to make a pumpkin syrup. And then to make the actual coffee for the Frappuccino we have Kopi Luwak, also known as wild cat poop coffee. - I knew you were gonna do this. - This is farmed in Sumatra, and this is actually ethically farmed, Gayo Kopi's whole mission is to farm Kopi Luwak wild and keep the habitats intact, and they actually maintain the eco-system through the farming. Sustainability is cool, kids! They're also called civets, not cats. They're not little house cats. And then, my favorite part, we have Bling H20. This is just straight-up water. However, this is water that is bottled directly at the English spring source where it comes from in the great Smokey Mountains, and it costs $40. - Oh, the Smokies! - You're from there! - Yeah! - And it is actually endorsed by a personal hero of mine, Paris Hilton. It's hot. - It's hot water? - That's hot. We're gonna make ice cubes out of it actually. So now we gotta grind up these beans. Ew, you ate cat poop, gross! - It's really good. I don't poop, but if I did, I wish it was coffee. - I just wish I had any value in my poop. I feel like I'm wasting company dollars 'cause I'm always doin' it at work. Okay, we're just gonna go ahead.. - Whew it's bitter though! - We're gonna let it run! (grinding) - Ooh, that's nice! - Right? Now we just have to toast up our spices for the pumpkin spice. - What is that? - Ooh, so here we have black cardamom. - [Emily] I put two in. - [Josh] Two is enough, two's enough. - Ooh, that smells like Christmas! - It smells Christmasy in here! I'm Jewish. - I like sniffin' everything. It feels like my only contribution to this. I'm not really helping. - I'm just gonna take this and use our fingers in the hot pan. - Ooh, why? - Oh, I forgot to get a spoon or something to do this. You wanna go ahead and press that button. - [Emily] Okay. - And just let it run. (soft whirring) Hmm. It normally does more than that. (laughs) This has never happened before, I swear. All right, press that button. - Okay. (grinding) Whoa! - Look at you, you're cookin'! You're doin' so good, oh my God! - Wow it lasts really long. - So we've got these pumpkins that we picked from the patch, we have the one that reminds you of your grandfather. - His nose, specifically. He was a drinker. - Gotcha, we'll impact that later. So, I'm gonna go ahead and hack these pumpkins in half, and then I need you to scoop out the seeds into there. - Okay. - We're gonna roast 'em off to start making the syrup for our pumpkin-bourbon molasses. (bang) Great, Okay! So you've got this in half, you just wanna scoop out those seeds. So, I'm just gonna brush these down with butter, and then we're gonna roast these skin-side down, really try and get some caramelization on the bottom. You'll try and hack that pumpkin up. Be safe. - Okay, Grandpa. (bang) - Yeah, that's great. Just another 15-25 hacks and you've got it. (bang) That's good, keep goin'. - Okay, I've chopped up my grandpa's nose. - All right, awesome! So this pumpkin's got a nice, white flesh. - Just like my grandpa. - Just like your grandpa! (laughter) We're gonna go ahead and we're gonna shove this in the oven, get it nice and caramelized, and then we're gonna start boilin' it down. - You say care-melized? - Yeah, what do you say? - Car-melized. - Which is wrong, there's like an A in it, there's just a whole other letter that you're omitting. - Yeah, but it makes you sound like, uh.. - How do you pronounce Wednesday? So, we're gonna go ahead and shove that in the oven, and we're gonna wait for that to roast, and then we're gonna start gettin' it in that pot. While it's roasting though... - Are we doin' it from daddy's cup? Daddy's cup is when you drink it from the bottle. - I've never heard that. (laughs) That's depressing! That's a fine bourbon! - Ooh, ooh, yeah! - Tanaka Farms, no more! - You see where it comes from when you drink his whiskey! Tanaka! - [Josh] Ain't gonna work for Tanaka brother no more! - That's enough, we just gotta take these pumpkins outta the oven. And the cool thing about roasting pumpkins is when you put 'em in, that sometimes the pumpkins look completely different, and there are more pumpkins on the pan than when you put 'em in, and they're also completely different pumpkins. - [Josh and Emily] Magic! - So what we're basically doing is making a pumpkin molasses. So we're putting this in a lot, a lot of water, because you want it to really break out and extract a lot of the starch. - Yeah, I think I get why it's just a pumpkin spice. - [Josh and Emily] Oh no! - It's your fault, daddy's glass! (laughter) I think I've never made you laugh before! - [Josh} You have not! - This is the only time! - No, the daddys' glass thing. - Wait, did we put the bourbon in their yet? - Ooh, not yet. - I wanna do it. - So this is gonna come to a boil, and then it's gonna reduce for about four hours. Alright, so this has been boiling away, and now what we have to do is strain all the pumpkin out and really extract all the juice from it. Yeah, so we're just gonna transfer this to another pot, and get it in our chinois, and you see once you push it through, it starts gushin' out right there. Starbucks is not doin' this. - Nor should they have to. - Nor should they, they have hard jobs. - They do have hard jobs, spellin' names wrong takes a lot of effort. - Who is Jash? - Did someone call you Jash? - They sure did! All right, so this is gonna keep reducing, and then we're good to start making our camel milk ice cream. - What? We're making ice cream? This is a lot, Josh. - It's a lot. - You didn't tell me how much we were doing. - Beauty is pain. So I'm gonna go ahead and get the camel milk heating, we're doing a custard-base. (pan searing) There we go, a nice and singed camel milk. And put our egg yolks into this milk. We don't want it to boil 'cause we don't want it to scramble, And then we're just gonna take all the sugar, and then if you wanna get a hefty pinch of that pumpkin spice, and put it right in here. That's gorgeous. And if you wanna pour a shot of bourbon in here, I didn't wanna get it on the heat, because I didn't wanna lose all that sweet, sweet liquor. That's good. So now we're just gonna take that custard-base, the eggs have started to thicken just a little bit. - [Emily] Hang on. - Is that it, wait. Does anyone wanna volunteer to come in and try to turn this on? (beeps) - Oh, you gotta start the timer and then press on. And then you're gonna churn that ice cream for about 45 minutes and then it'll be good to go in your Frappuccino. So, a Frappuccino obviously filled with ice, so we need to go ahead and open that water, and we're gonna make clear ice cubes with it. So, you should model for Bling20. - I don't think that I would be the person they'd choose. - [Josh] So we're gonna go ahead and pour the water in here. - What is clear ice, though? - So, clear ice results from taking out the air-flow inside whatever the ice is freezing in, and also super-cooling it. So, this is insulated with all this rubber, and then we need to get this water to at least warm. We're looking for about 115 degrees. All right, so, we're at about 105. - You can tell what temperature something is by touching it? - Actually, I got pretty good at it because a standard hot tub is at 104 and a quarter degrees, and so I always just think, does this feel like a hot tub or not? (laughter) - This goes with your personality so well! Hot tub, babe. Babe, babe, hot tub. If you stuck a finger in someone's mouth, could you tell if they were sick or not? No. - I'm sorry, I thought you were asking! - No! - [Josh] Geez, I dunno! (laughter) And then we're just gonna go ahead and pour this, about midway through in there, and now we're gonna go ahead and put this into the freezer. Uh-oh! Uh-oh! She's a squirter! - This is never gonna make it to air. - It's never gonna make it to air. I hope we get enough footage from this to even make an episode at this point. (laughter) Let's make some coffee. So, what we have here is a mocha-pot, And I'm just gonna tamp this coffee down, we really want it to be a strong coffee. Screw this top on. Oh no, lids, my nemesis! - Here we go. I love how I have a hard time opening lids, but you can't close them. - There's a metaphor somewhere in there. - Somewhere, yeah. - I don't know how to open this lid. - You don't know how to open this lid?! - I don't know how to open that lid! I don't have fingernails! There ya go! I hate that worked, that's gross. - My teeth are fake. (laughter) - That's right, we went through this! A lot of dental trauma! You wanna smell that? This is what fresh vanilla smells like. - Ooh, that smell is like the first smell that hits you when you're near a Bath and Body Works in the mall. - Yeah! I'm just gonna whip that buddy up! (whirring) We're also gonna take a bit of that pumpkin spice, throw a little bit of that in there. This cream's lookin' good. - Can I lick the whisk? - [Josh] Yes, you can lick the whisk. - I'm just gonna move this. - Oh sure, my dad was just gonna go get cigarettes. - Are you okay? - It was my mom who left. - Oh, cool. - We got our whipped cream done, just kinda. Oh yeah, that's ready to go! Just gonna pour some of this coffee, and we want it to be cool before we actually put it into the Frappuccino. Look at her shine! - Oh man, that looks really pretty! It's too hot! - It's too hot. - Should we wait for this to get cooler? - I think we should. - Uh, what should we do while we wait? (laughter) Don't drink all of it! I think I just wanna do this show forever! - Let's do it! - Cool. - Alright, let's make a Frappuccino. (grunts) So now the coffee's cool, you wanna try it? - Alright! - ♪ Best part of wakin' up, is cat poop in your cup! ♪ - Whoo! That's like espresso, it's really good! - Yeah, that was the goal. So, first step, we gotta take out our clear ice, see if it actually made it clear. - [Emily] Ooh! - Okay, it's mostly clear! So I don't want to put the whole ice cubes in the Vitamix, so we gotta bash 'em up. - Cool! Oh, boy! - Alright, you just wanna bash those up with a hammer? - Yes! - Figure it out! - Oh wow, this is fun! Thank you for this honor! (banging) - [Josh] There! - Ow, my fingie! (laughter) - Did you actually get it? (banging) Alright that should be good. That was pretty good. - That was super fun except for the pain. (ice clinking) - Into the blender there. - Okay. - And then we gotta get a fair amount of ice cream. - This looks so good. - Oh yeah! That should be really good. So this is infused all that pumpkin spice. I'm just need to get a little bit of fresh pumpkin spice. - I'm just imagining some lady, with a can I speak to the manager haircut, waiting for this. (laughter) Like, what in the world is taking so long!? - Chill, Carol! - Chill it out, it's gonna be really great! There's camel milk! - I haven't even tried fresh camel milk. - Oh no. Now it's food fears. - That's good, it tastes like human breast milk. So we're gonna go ahead and pour a little bit of that in there. - It tastes the way that Kindergarten smells. - (laughs) And then we're gonna take.. - Like paper, and where's my mom. - Where is my mom? - Oh no, I walked right into it! - And then blend this up and we can add stuff as we go if we need it. - Can I push the button? (blender whirring) - Yeah! - I feel so powerful! - I mean another shot of this couldn't hurt, am I right? - And one shot of vodka, is that what she says? And one shot of vodka! - [Male Voice] Oh, no! Stop, stop, stop! - Perfect! (laughter) (blender whirring) That's lookin' Frappuccino-y to me! Crank it! Alright, I think we're ready. - Okay. - All right, so now we've gotta start building this Frappuccino. So what I'm gonna do is take some of that pumpkin-bourbon molasses, and I'm just gonna get a nice drippy drizzle all down the sides of this cup. - Ooh, that's pretty! - So we're gonna take all of our delicious Frappuccino. - [Emily] Ooh! - And then we've gotta get our creme chantilly on there. - So this fits in regulated car cup holders, right? - Oh, of course! And then for the finishing touch. - Oh! Magic! - And then we're just gonna stick a straw in there, and there's our fancy Frappuccino. Alright we got our fancy Frappuccino all done, can you pull out the other drink for comparison? All right, so if you see, we got a little more height on ours, we got a bit of a darker color. I think there's some more coffee flavor in ours, but the proof is in the Frappuccino, and we've gotta try these side by side. - Okay. - All right, let's do it. Still not bad, you know, but I think this one's gonna pack a little bit more punch. All right, let's do it. Oh! - Oh my God! - What!? - This tastes like childhood. - Really? This was your childhood? - Yeah, taste the childhood you never had. It tastes like the way Christmas smells. It's so good! It tastes like pumpkin pie, but pumpkin pie for me is usually too thick, and it makes me feel guilty and sad. - Yeah. - This does not make me feel guilty about drinking it, at all. - This is a guilt-free Frappuccino. - Yes! - It's supporting a good cause. It's supporting Bob Dylan. - Wait, so how much does this cost in the end? - So, in the end, it totaled up to $214.89. (laughter) That's more than my car payment! (laughter) Thank you so much for watching! If you wanna watch more food shows, subscribe to the Mythical YouTube Channel, if we get enough subscribers, we can keep making awesome food content like this. Let me know in the comments what foods you want me to fancify next. I'll see you next time. - Bye. (laughter) (drum music)
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,915,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, $215 Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD, starbucks, fall flavor, pumpkin spice, pumpkin patch, pumpkin spice latte, josh scherer, mythical chef, emily flemming, emily fleming, fancy fast food
Id: Q0k7ijqsGpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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