Recovering A Totaled SxS In The Middle Of Nowhere

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good morning we are headed Way South Moab over towards the hole in the Rock Trail remember the first big job we took blue on uh it was a long day 20 hours on that one uh hoping to not be the same this time so get out to the side by side get it out of the ditch that it's in or the hole that it's in whatever but we're going to be using our Onyx mapping we've got all the coordinates uploaded and so it's going to take us out there they got lost at night on the Slick Rock we're gonna use Onyx to get us close and go get get the side by side out of the spot it's in we're heading out we got the map just shows us you can see the teal line there that's the track we did when we came out here for the other recovery make a wrong turn [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there's scrape marks going this way all right so then we found it I'm at a loss here it is keys are in I'm going to see if it'll start see if I move it around maybe okay so after careful consideration and hiking in 100 degree heat and almost dying well it's getting a little woozy foreign we need some different equipment for this job we came in knowing nothing we had GPS coordinates where it was told it was wrecked that was it so we brought the Wreckers in case we had carry it up out that's not the case that's not what we need to do this wholly different situation now but it is hot and we need to not be out here yeah so if you need a shirt to be as hot as us yeah if you want to be as hard as us why are my colors black and here's why I didn't want to come out here alone [Music] something just happened with the rear end of Trail Mater so um I still got front wheel drive but out here in the sand it's pretty useless so I've got a whole blue hooked up and dragging me along helping out to get back to shop find out what's wrong with it this is what YouTube has awarded me and his help it is it helped us to where we can go out here we can bring more than one person in vehicle so we can do what we do safer I'm thankful for that I'm thankful for all you guys for watching making this possible I'm at the new shop got the wrecker up on the lift something is a Miss in the transfer case so I think what I'm going to do is pull this inspection cover off for the PTO cover pull that off see what's going on inside there but since it's new shop we don't have any tools here yet so I pulled all the tools off of the tow truck I'm going to use the tools to work on the tow truck and then of course I put it on the lift first thing I notice is we have a broken leaf spring on the front we do have a spare front Leaf Main so that may have to go in here very soon pulling this inspection cover off is PTO cover well let us look in there and see if we can see something broken something taken apart something dismembered something [Music] see it's really hard but the output shaft snapped it's weird because I've never been anything but nice to this truck [Music] now we know which you can take that back half off so this is fixable in the truck we can repair this right here should be back up and running in no time and there goes that bearing like always [Music] all right there she is [Music] all right engagement ring looks good Fork looks good so there's these three oiling cuts for the oil to get down into the bearing that's inside here and looks like that's what turned loose if you're gonna run it like this things break I got the shaft out of my spare case here getting all ready to go back together this has got a new bearing in it just get some things done it's buttoned up should be good all right we're back in business so inside there and I know you can't see it inside there are these big needle bearings and that's the biggest Factor got to make sure all right you want to make sure that goes all the way in and it can only go all the way in if all the needle bearings are in place so that's all the way in update on the truck the transfer case is all back together get the skid plate back on fluids check all that out we're good to go and did it all with the tools on the truck okay [Music] I'm hoping that'll take our clunk noise out of the front end [Music] okay so these are all blowed out Oh it's leaking so it can't be empty so it's only a little low right put them in the bottom look at that Mike's cleaning his toolbox that's a very rare sight to see I'm still looking at it oh look at that smudge good luck you know how hot it's gonna be today Sean's wearing shorts that's how hot we plan on it being today yeah all right here we are at the trailhead for holding the Rocks Trail head the sun is not quite up yet so that's a good sign way better than last time we left here it was already 90 when we left oh my God yeah so we're gonna go in we're gonna get this this time like I said we went in blind last time we knew nothing about it we didn't even know exactly where it was so we had to track you down find it poor decisions were made and we just called it because it was so hot we're gonna go in now we know right where to go and now we got our high speed team here so we'll make this happen [Music] well here we are oh we're not here yet we're gonna go down I didn't really want to take blue down here yeah I feel better with these two okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign 's got to be down in there somewhere or off the next one see that dark wall yep that's the wall it's right there it's literally got ball bearings on it right Smokey marbles down this down that and right out to that point right there then that's just that much closer and we can figure out a way maybe to pull it up onto here thank you [Music] [Music] so now down into that walk straight down and right over there okay fine don't worry I got it okay yeah I got it on camera turns out these do have less traction than the Skechers that's why bighorn sheep are extinct why is that these ball bearing things oh yeah but they're not extinct they might be soon okay that's cool okay yeah uh-huh all right they're stinked in this area right they're not right here right now oh yeah I love all that sand in my in my boots yeah in this tire mark right here oh yeah they may have been here before yeah blue paint right here here's their spare tire lug nut wrench right here all right oh nice yeah there's tracks right here they were very much right what's that oh wow the primary clutches in pieces yeah they weren't kidding the belt is very much not fine it's just right there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you hey Mike did you hand me the jump box figure before we get too crazy let's make sure it starts okay check starts I think I'm vaguely sure we're gonna have to pull this shock out okay okay now we got some excess it's not that one not that one and it's not that one foreign backwards right yeah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the ball joint just went or something yeah ball joints [Music] all right heading back to the truck let's make a new plan yes Razor's there tow trucks just out of sight up there [Music] all right so Sean and the razor down there tow truck way over there we have this [Applause] we may need to kind of direct it with some whatever steering actually works all right but I want to bring it through that wash and straight to this wall and then we're going to bring it straight up that wall okay and it's just getting pretty Tippy she's about to lay into this wall Mike can you take it off of the bumper and put it on the cage on the driver's side all right we're about three feet from the wall okay okay is it staying level I can't see it now no it's uh pretty stable then go ahead and go back to the bumper man okay whoa whoa bad things it's it's leaning pretty good when you go that way what do you think if we did like down to this lower control arm like um like a bridle off the lower control arm and where like both lowers okay coming in following Rory he has a mountain goat no mountain goats are way better at this hey it's better than being a Bighorn seat apparently they're extinct tow trucks are running [Music] it's looking good uh yeah she's almost vertical already there it is it is yeah the wheels are turned but there's not much we can do about it all right I'm gonna bring it up okay how are we looking good it's moving it's coming let's see getting through the worst of it right now okay it's just starting to Fest oh you're wedged in the lower control arm Mike oh we got the tires wedged in the lower control arm no no no no no the control arm is wedged in the Rock oh the control arm is wedged on the Rock is what's going on um I'm in a real bad spot I have to go backwards yep okay Carry On no okay nope going back into that bind again I'm gonna see if I can get the Scrambler over here and not end up right next to the side by side [Music] that's good [Music] yeah okay we're connected all right tightening up the roll bar okay it's it's hooking on that controlling but it's moving okay it stopped it's grinding too there it goes um here I bet I could get a ratchet strap on it now that would help us I am going to start to back up maneuver [Music] oh okay back tires are in that notch and hey hold [Music] on okay Sean on the winch all right no it's digging in real hard [Music] hold there um yeah you're rigged up go ahead and go in [Music] hi you might can help me okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whew he says all right so we got the Razor up there Rory is doing exciting Maneuvers turning around if I had to give a weather report I would say it's at least 100 degrees [Music] [Music] all right [Music] Turkish table [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet look at that it's here dude here we go this is a nice breeze drive out now well let's see so it's almost noon we hadn't even found it Friday Friday oh I feel for you guys it's already hot got it [Music] foreign [Music] I've seen a lot of things this is new [Music] we got some more toe points we could rip off that looks like a pretty good point right one would yeah feel that Mike so heavy oh [Laughter] [Music] I remember the way we would go through and make sure that you know we would have brought the trailer out if this wasn't out in the middle of absolutely nowhere but like I said I'm not super worried about it because this machine has already been totaled like the insurance company is paying us to come get this so they can haul it to an auction and sell it for nothing so I'm not super worried about any of this I would be worried about this if it was a customer's machine but that customer has already spent his time with it all right we're getting places here we are we went and got it we've got it's on the trailer look at that would you look at that just look at that that was that was quite the workout what do you guys think dude it's a good day I wasn't in the razor when it was sideways with the bumper that fell off I always hooked the Cajun this one was pointed straight up the hill with the bumper that apparently isn't attached to anything well yeah we're good we got it out we all lived we had enough water yeah we all survived that's a good thing yeah doing better than we did the other day thought we were up here if we were down here on here not here definitely down here now yeah dude yeah we're way up there now we don't lose a trailer tire on the way home we're oh and you had to say it well there's wood all right all right that was a good one hope you guys stuck around and watch the whole video because I think this one's gonna be a pretty long one so yeah we appreciate you guys thanks for watching I got a light bar my bar is lit yeah man does this have a high beam ah look at that wow I walk like a duck yeah we only accept free helicopters I don't know how to walk with shortcuts yeah do you put sunscreen on yeah there's a sun tan sun tan lotion yeah you keep zooming in because look anyway
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 206,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nh9GGbKa0JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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