Trail Ride Turns Into Repair And Recovery

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okay the crossover everyone's been waiting for trail Mater and dirt Billy that's the one they've been holding their now it might just look like Trail Mater but it's totally different today yeah see or exactly the same as every day so I'm Beverly we are with Moab Cowboy we give guided tours uh if you come into town with your own machine and you want to go wheeling and you don't know the trail and you want someone to show you get a hold of us they want to they want to check this trail out cuz they've never been on this Trail so they want somebody that's run it that knows it to show them so they can decide if they want to do guided Trails on this Trail or guided tours on this Trail so they just want to go with somebody that's done it before so I guess that's [Laughter] us very smooth this thing just work oh yeah well I mean the terx is like they're smoother yeah they seem to be than like the razors with the clutch and yeah all that like I just really think those seems to work these ones are the least that we go get oh no not the cooler nicely [Music] done perfect perfect yeah little driver right there straight that way oh hard driver there you go okay [Music] now [Music] [Music] wait wait hang on an axle shaft finally decided to give out qu after a lot of Destruction I'm pretty sure that's the one I got from Matt so faulty Goods probably sabotaged yeah he probably sabotaged it not to worry we have one yeah but I don't know how to get this other end out I may or may not have a magnet magnet why you model that for us Sean yeah it's got like a this is the OG Rory Irish welding hood special here self topper holding the lens closed yeah yeah I kind of lost my temper cuz it kept flopping every time you bend your head down oh yeah hang open and blind you three three looks like the right number y okay so if you guys need a welder out on the trail you know who you need to talk to Greg at Premier power welder he is the man that sets you up with the magic yeah or call Trail Mater and we'll come or call Trail Mater and we'll come get you yeah oh yeah that's going to do some things uh-oh oh no there we go okay go ahead and kill the down so apparently we're going to need to order new shs for this that's uh what about a/ inch of yeah solid not ideal solid half an inch see now you're going to have to do all the obstacles backwards keep the load off of [Music] [Music] her there it is you're in that ledge pretty good am I yeah thank you yeah that's [Music] better [Music] go I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] scared there it is go I don't like this absolutely wonderful [Applause] [Music] woo [Applause] what are you doing I found WD40 when I was putting the tools away so I started lubing things uh he's a lubben Luber Lu grooving machine what are you doing over [Laughter] there I mean I mean all right got keep you guys guessing or or do what you want you [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] smooth [Music] it's [Music] [Music] all right that's [Music] cool there it is it's coming up straight [Music] down oh God I do not like this already you're all good it'll be all right right there don't let it roll back come forward [Music] for how many wheels you only got one and it's only like a foot in the [Music] air I've never used a winch on this one fancy fancy sorry where are you flying I'm going to blame it on the tires there you go okay now winch in a little I have never okay take [Music] care he over there that's how much it takes it's like the littlest [Music] [Applause] bit yeah and if you need a green trail Mater Trail R yeah for assistance in situations like that you want to go to yes you do or do whatever you want want or do whatever you [Music] want all right ni that's one way into the line turn into it fresh new Lun I thought I was going over and two wheels I'm on two wheels you caught it perfect good job [Music] yes you got it got it one second wait yeah that doesn't feel healthy no you're good you got it you're there man you're good oh now he puts the seat belt down back yall good hold up hold up you're like just barely offline okay come [Music] forward beautiful nice [Music] [Music] [Music] the nicely done that was super [Music] smooth [Music] now [Music] nice all right so if you see right here this this handy little sign right here that says no vehicles you see it's smashed and off to the side over here and then this one is actually set right here in the Rock and it has been run over and then there's painted no route and I don't know if you can recognize the width of that but it's not a Jeep so that that's why we get a little angry at side by sides like it's obviously marked and we're Wheeling with side by sides today we got no problem with side by sides but look what does that say to you don't drive there don't go that [Music] way [Music] [Music] what no way [Music] [Applause] yeah go go [Music] go they make it look so easy [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah that was like the perfect amount of Wheeling yeah it was [Music] [Applause] [Music] e oh no hang on he coming hold right there the next lucky contestant is right down here he's a big trail Mater fan always wanted to be on the channel maybe not this way you engage that winch engage that wi okay in Sean turn this way yeah hold up you in [Music] neutral in okay go ahead and drive [Music] it hold up come tap oh wow all the needles are gone all the needles are gone wait so you mean to tell me with this you're not not going to do it I'm not going to go back down up what in the what it's camera filming a camera yeah I'm helping I'm helping he's helping look at
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 154,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vzTHG951a6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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