COLD CASE: Missing 12 Years in Tasmania (Nicola Sallese)

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(gentle suspenseful music) - [Bill] This is the road in. There are no guardrails. - [Dan] Bill believes he's seen a couple of targets. That potentially could be a vehicle. (gentle rousing music) (water burbling) (suspenseful music) - For nearly 11 years, the family of Nicola Sallese has searched for answers about the disappearance of the Sheffield man. - [Reporter] Nicola Sallese was last seen driving through Sheffield in November, 2008. There were extensive searches, but the 69-year-old and his car were never found. - [Jason] At first, it's really hard and it's a very traumatic time. We are coming up to nearly 12 years, so yeah, it's never easy and it doesn't seem to get any easier. (upbeat electronic music) - [Bill] We're in a deep little pocket of the world in Launceston, Tasmania. We're searching for Nicola Sallese. We're looking for his car, which is a Toyota Camry 2006. We believe that he's here because this is where his wife's grave is, Jill. Jill passed away at 55 years old. Her husband was 61 years old. And eight years later, at 69 years old, he was having issues with dementia and he missed his wife. He had damage to the front-left bumper and side panel from hitting a car in a post office. And he also hit a guardrail a couple weeks before buying a new car, the Toyota Camry. We're clearing everybody of water in this town. (upbeat techno music) (motor boat rumbling) I see it here. - [Dan] Yeah. - [Bill] I see it right there. (upbeat electronic music) Oop, oh. (water burbling) (suspenseful music) (turns to gentle melodic music) - [Announcer] For families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones, this team is a last hope. (rousing dramatic music) To a new phenomenon, civilian divers cracking cold cases for free. (electronic music) (upbeat electronic music) (water burbling) (water burbling) (gentle electronic music) (water burbling) (knife rasping) (water burbling) (gentle electronic music) - It's a Ford Laser, dark blue Ford Laser. The whole of the vehicle was filled with rocks. I can see about that much of the top of the steering wheel. There's no way I could have- - [Bill] No plate? - No plate. (electronic music) All right, I've almost started all my gear. We've got Jason and Bill just out on the water, just doing some more scanning of this area. And I'm waiting. (motor boat rumbling) - [Bill] So we're 30 to the left, 30 to the right, 1.8 kilometers per hour. We're at 5.1 meters of depth, which you can definitely hide a car in. There's a pile of stuff right here at the end of that. I think it's right here on the left hand side of the bank. Looks like there's 1, 2, 3, 4, maybe five. - [Dan] Here they come now. You found a few more? - [Bill] Well, there's a few cars up there. They're old, old in a pile. - [Dan] Oh, okay. - Like, you know, just a pile of junk. Like you can just discern that they're vehicles. Well, the front one, the other ones are kinda piled in, you know, in the silt upside down, on their feet. I mean, on their wheels. But we got some video of it so you can take a look at it, but it's not in a place where I would assume. That is something of a dump. When there's five cars in a pile, it's a dump from 20 years ago, 30 years ago, you know, and it makes sense with the story that Jason's telling us that they were running cars into there just to get rid of 'em. - [Jason] Yeah. - So, yeah. And it's not something that's the same. Back in the day, there might've been a straight run into there. Now it's all rocked and- - It was pretty much what she said, right? You know, that road that goes into the caravan park? - [Dan] Yes. - It just used to go straight to the water's edge. - [Dan] Oh, okay. - They used to just race down the street and launch 'em. - [Dan] Launch 'em into the water? - [Jason] Yeah. - For fun. - So we pretty much saw cars where we thought we're gonna see em. - [Dan] So we're confident we're not gonna dive those ones? - No, no. Let's get to Launceston and really work where the search parameters are and increase our circle out like the map shows. And I wanna look at the map with the cameras and really have a very clear plan of the day so that we can clear it. Our goal is 10 bodies of water today. (gentle ambient music) - Certainly sounds like his driving skills were quite deteriorating. - [Bill] Yeah, two accidents. I mean, it's typical, right? You know, one bang up on a guardrail just touching the guardrail. And the second one like just going to the post office and probably smashing a car, taking a right-hand turn or you know, into the parking spot, you know, trying to get into the parking spot and not being able to see the front end. (gentle ambient music) - [Jason] Could tell you the story, yeah. - [Bill] Yeah, at this place? - [Dan] Yeah? - [Jason] Yeah. - Back in the day when mum was first buried or the remains were sent here, back up on the hill there, there's like a whole heap of roses and she wanted to be in amongst the roses. And Dad, not long before he disappeared, went, "I don't like the way they look after the roses." It's not good enough for mum and moved her to where she's now. - [Dan] Wow. - Yeah. - [Dan] Had her exhumed. - [Bill] There is oil in here. And you could come in this way, you could come down the hill and in. - [Dan] You wanted to, you'd punch it up this hill and go straight into the deepest part. (gentle ambient music) So currently, at 1.1 meters we've got a maximum of 1.4, which is just quite not enough. So where we are now, we're actually a little farm stay. This is one of the larger bodies of water near the bottom of the cemetery. So whilst it's unlikely, it's such a large body of water, we really wanna clear it. - [Bill] I'm in 0.3 meters of water. I can touch the bottom. (water sloshing) One meter of water. So 2.3 meters of water. - Yeah, 2.3. (gentle ambient music) (device rattling) Lake Trevallyn Boat Ramp which is just on the other side of Launceston. It is part of the Hydro Tasmania group, which Nicola actually was the hydro dam electric specialist. And you can come right down and go right in. We're gonna double check the boat ramp. (gentle ambient music) (Bill chattering) (kayak rasping) I'm looking straight at the boat ramp. I have nothing on the screen whatsoever. On the bottom, it's a very sandy bottom. It's very clean. A rocky edge with sand on the edges. And I have nothing on either side of the banks. - [Bill] Depth was 13 meters. - [Dan] Yeah, it's quite a deep waterway. (gentle instrumental music) - [Bill] The cemetery's up there, right? - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] But you can come right down this hill. Come right down this thing and go right into deep water. (birds squawking) (gentle ambient music) Ho ho, ho. Definitely not going in there. We're gonna come on the inside edge. We're gonna go up the river. We are gonna go everywhere with sonar that we can possibly go. Right now, we're right on the edge of the shoreline, right at an area where there's just plastic cones, and we're 10 meters deep, which is 30 feet deep. (gentle bright music) Well, the three of us have been working on is we've been clearing each and every body of water in Launceston, from the center point, which is right here, okay, the cemetery. - [Jason] Mm-hmm. - [Bill] Okay. And we've been working our way out and out until we get to the point where we clear everything. The only other place that we haven't cleared at this point are two locations that are kinda outside of the game. If he came in this way, would he take a right on Route 1 and go? Well, I think we need to clear it just in case he went the wrong way on Route 1, - Mm-hmm. - just because of dementia. So we'll go and clear those next, so that we finish our outside 10-kilometer circle. - Yep. - And then we're gonna finish doing Dead Man's Hollow. And this area around Dead Man's Hollow, which is in the channel around Route 1, which is the track home. So this is our trip. - The main highway home. - [Bill] Main highway home. And we don't have a lot of bodies of water, but we do have on the, again, you're traveling on the left side of the road, and I had to remember that when doing this. So he's traveling on the left side of the road down. And so we're gonna work all these black circles as if he's coming home. - Yep. - And then we're gonna have to backtrack and go back and do it the back way to see if the access to these is plausible. And just in case he went down Meander Valley Road, I wanna look at Meander Valley Road just in case he went on that old. - The old highway. - Old highway, just because he might've done that before. - Yeah. (paper map rustling) - And then we're gonna work everything all the way back to Vinegar Hill, and we're gonna work Vinegar Hill all the way through, including that one, you know, because of the fact that he had the damage on the left side of his car, - Mm-hmm. - This one pond is right on the edge of the road, and it's right at the bottom of his road. And that one is really close to the track. - [Jason] Yep. - [Bill] So I don't know how deep it is, but I wanna make sure we clear that one as well. - Yep. - [Bill] But in the end, you know, we're gonna clear every one of the ponds behind the house. I wanna clear the river all the way down. This might take us five days right here. I mean there's a lot. - The Bridal Track is, it's a lot of thick blackberries. - Yep. - The water does come right beside the road in a few spots. Yeah. We've had drones up then I've looked at it like it's been always, the one place we've seen to always go back to. - Well, the Four Corners is where he was last seen. - [Jason] So yeah, it was like somewhere around that was the last 100% sighting, he was. And then you sort of get up a bit further here and what time was that? - [Bill] 11:30. - [Jason] Yeah, 11:30 or something. - It was like 11 o'clock in the morning. - [Jason] And basically, on Monday, you get get to that point there. You go Bridal Track that way or goes to Railton that way and sort of heads toward Nick Junior's place or where he used to live. But he never used to usually go that way. But you just don't know. - [Bill] Don't know. But I want to clear everything here. Everything across the main track, okay? And, you know, we've cleared Launceston, which, you know, I really feel that he's drawn here. - Oh yeah. Yeah. - Okay, and you're drawn here now. Really? - That's it. - You know, so to me, there's a connection to Launceston and then at the same time, the ride here was easy for him. It's where his Toyota was fixed. It's where he probably did some repairs. It's where he got some supplies and then went home. And so the way here is, to me, the key to finding your dad, I don't think anything else that's getting to the point where we're now just shooting in the dark. This is the most logical. Let's clear the most logical first, right? (gentle sanguine music) 1.1 meters (gentle sanguine music) Phone is dead. Didn't bring the phone that actually has the GPS on it so no clue where I'm at. And so, it was interesting. But this river I hope is going in the right direction. I could be going off into the Tasmanian wilderness, I have no idea. - So I keep what going by buildings. So if it starts to get dark, I will probably try to get back to a building here. But I am going deep. So this is where I am, south cottage. Boat is deep behind a dangerous building over a bridge at the end of a road. I don't even know, I just know I'm a long way from where I'm supposed to be. (gentle sanguine music) - [Dan] Bill was completely lost. - [Bill] Well, it's not lost. - Okay. - Morning, Daniel. - Morning, William. - [Bill] Some Toyota dealership. That's where Nicola bought his car. That's where he serviced his vehicle. And we're near Woolworths. - [Dan] And you can walk to the- - [Bill] Cemetery. - Cemetery from here. So that was what he used to do. He used to drop his car off, walk up the hill to the cemetery, spend some time with his wife and then go home. - [William] Yeah, he didn't spend a lot of time here is what his his son said. He didn't spend, you know, like the day here shopping or anything. He might have grabbed a few things, but really wasn't, he came here to see his wife, get his car serviced and go home. - Yup. - [Bill] So at the Webster Isuzu truck part company, and I got right on Route 1 on the way in, and on the way out, at the dealership, I've got a large pond. It looks pretty shallow. - The deepest point is on the bank where the dam wall is. Here's his boat. But again, even in that corner, it's only as deep as the road going over it. - [Bill] And this is our number one concern right here, because there's no fence. - Yeah. - [Bill] It goes directly in off the road. People driving right here. They- - You could easily, left hand, go into there easily, easily. - Yep. But by far, the easiest of all the ponds and rivers we've looked at so far. - Yeah. Absolutely. - [Bill] I mean, this is the scenario we're looking for. This is not the one that we're looking for. It doesn't have a deep hole. - So this location here has got a big question mark on it. We've gone up to the door, knock on the door, haven't been able to raise anyone. So I'm not comfortable to go on their property without their permission. It makes sense. So you've got this section here. You've got damage guardrail, easy entry point here, and it looks relatively deep here. You could go straight in here, no problem whatsoever. Float out and sit down. I'm less convinced further up. It looks like there's just too many trees, and that top corner looks like it's quite shallow. So again, where the road is is the deepest point, this area along here. So we'll try and contact the owners and get permission. We're gonna continue on our way now on the route home. But we'll put a big question mark on this one so we can come back later, and hopefully we can get the owner's home. - We're on Meander Valley Road. We're clearing three ponds on the road. The first one's too small, too far off the road. Second one was right on the road, but very, very shallow. Third one is just off the road with access through some trees coming home. On the way there, it is a straight shot into the pond and has a deep section, but it's a private residence. And Dan is being respectful, and he does not want to go into the pond without permission. (car door thuds) (distant vehicle whooshing) It's a ways, but you could get all the way here. (distant vehicle whooshing) (grass rustling) - [Dan] First kind of thoughts are, yeah, it certainly looks deep enough. Is it possible to even get a car down here? - [Dan] Old truck here, down beside the bridge. Might've been able to drive down here in the day. (wind whooshing) Flood level's got up pretty high. Just gotta find a way to get in. That's our only problem. - [Bill] It definitely looks like a vehicle. - [Dan] Oh, blackberries. Yeah. It's a bumper off a car. It is an old bumper. Oh, it's so thick. It's just swallowing me up. (metal clanking) Oh, I can't even get to it. (device alarm blaring) Oh, that was most unpleasant. - [Bill] Look how dirty you got. - [Dan] Oh, mate. - [Bill] All in, buddy. What kind of car parts was it? - Cylinder head, starter motor. There was the front bumper of a vehicle, oily but little bit. - [Bill] So we came in on the Bass Highway up. - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] And entered in. This week, we actually walked back on this river here on the Quarry Brook. - [Dan] Yep. - And we cleared that because it's too shallow. - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] Okay. This one here is too far from the road, and you can't get there from anywhere, so we're clearing that one. This is over the berm. You can't see, you can't even get to it. - [Jason] Yes. - [Bill] So we're gonna call that cleared. These are too small. - [Dan] Yep. - [Jason] Right. - [Bill] And we didn't clear this one here. It's on the other side of the railroad tracks. But again, this is all bermed. - [Dan] Yeah. - So you can't get over the hill. I mean, it would be a lot. You would- - [Dan] You've gotta try to get over it. - You gotta try to get over it. Yeah, it's not easy. So I think we clear the big pond on the corner over here, this pond, and we work the river under the bridge. The river comes through this park, this road goes there. But it's a no through road, it's a private property. (gentle ambient music) So we're trying to get to that bridge and around the corner to the next bridge so we can actually clear both bridges. How are you sir? - [Tim] Good. Yeah. Tim. - [Bill] I'm Bill Macintosh. - [Tim] Yeah, Tim. - [Bill] We are here where we wanna try to find us access, but we're a sonar team. We actually go in with sonar and a boat, and we actually sonar the river up to that bridge. I can't gain access anywhere. I'm wondering if there's an access road. I think, on our mapping, we see that there's access through somewhere in here that we could get a boat into. - [Resident] Yeah, - [Bill] We just wanna use the dirt road. Drop the tinney in, go under the bridge, sonar, down to the bridge, sonar, check the two bridges. Put the tinny up. Done. (gentle ambient music) (footsteps rustling) How's that, Daniel? Little easier than putting in for a little plate, like a concrete pad. This is like special. - This is nice. - [Bill] It's nice. - [Dan] Nice. - [Bill] And it's deep. (gentle ambient music) This is the last major bridge in and out of Launceston. - Yeah, and then it's like probably 80 odd kilometers of highway to where Dad would usually turn over. - [Bill] Okay, cars drive on the left, and they return on the other side, which is the left on the other side. So a little bit different than US. So we're looking as if it's coming on the way to Launceston. It's on this side where we are right now. So if it was on the way there that an accident could have possibly occurred, we're looking in this section of it at this time, which is on the right side of our boat. - [Jason] One object here. Right there. Here. (boat rumbling) - [Bill] Right there. Right there. - [Dan] Okay. How tall is it? It's only, it's half a meter if that. I'm just looking up the map. There is that big sandbank we were looking at to put in further up here. So we're gonna follow up the river just to make sure there's nothing upstream. There are a couple of entry points through farmland though. There's a big farm on our right-hand side with a big watering system. We wanna clear up there just in case he's got access to property. The day before Nicola went missing, he was driving around in the neighbor's paddock, which was really weird. And he had no real reason to be there. So if he's driving through one paddock, maybe he's driving through another one. So these paddocks will have access to the water. So we make clear. (gentle ambient music) - [Bill] So we got a boat ramp that comes straight into the water. We went from seven meters down to six to 5.5, at 3.5 directly off the boat ramp but still nothing showing on sonar of human created objects, whatsoever. So there's no car, no square parts. (gentle ambient music) (boat rumbling) Cleared two major bridges and now we're headed to small ponds all the way across. - [Dan] So we're just using our sonar ball, and we've worked out that this pond is only 1.5 meters deep. (gentle ambient music) So we're in the water now. It's sitting at five meters deep. Scanning 30 meters to the shore on my right and 30 meters out that way. - [Bill] Eh? What do you got, anything? - [Dan] Nothing. - [Bill] Nothing. - [Dan] Five meters deep though. - [Bill] Five meters deep. (ambient pulsating music) (boat rumbling) Found a toilet. (Dan chuckles) - Haven't found one of them before. (ambient pulsating music) - [Bill] So we're here in another town in Tasmania looking at the Meander River and it's deep. (ambient pulsating music) - [Dan] Sitting at 2.3 meters, the access straight off from the car park. So it has potential. (ambient pulsating music) (paddle thuds and rattles) (box rasping) (truck rattling) (ambient pulsating music) So we're under the M1 bridge They looked like there was some darker points further up. Righto. Well, that was a bit of a bust. (car engine revving) (gentle ambient music) Right now, well, this is something a bit different. We're gonna float downstream, and we're gonna check the deeper bodies of water downstream. Probably just past the bridge, but let's go see what's there. (gentle ambient music) - [Jason] No fish. (water burbling) That was beautiful. - [Bill] Oh, beautiful. (water burbling) (gentle ambient music) (team member mumbling) (water burbling) (rousing ambient music) - [Dan] We got the house up on the hill. - [Bill] Yep. - [Dan] And then you've got- - [Bill] The space. - [Dan] Yeah, you've got a space and then you've got those trees, the next side trees. - [Bill] That's his house. - [Dan] And you can just see the green roof. - [Bill] I see the roof. - That's his house. - [Bill] Yeah, I can see it from the sky. Now that you say that, I can see that line of trees over there on the left, that straight line. - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] So I remember that and I remember that setup. - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] So I mean it's close. - [Dan] Goes straight down, 2.6 here. (water burbling) So we're sitting at 3.1. It's this back corner that's really critical. Really wanna make sure we get right. You can see those trees that we see, the trees there. But what else is in this corner if anything? (gentle ethereal music) (vehicle engine revving) Morning Bill, we are now on day five. And we are heading up to Vinegar Hill to where Nicola lived with his wife and his kids until her passing. Now, there wasn't a pond on his property. I thought there was when I looked at the satellite. But in the neighbor's paddocks, there's a couple of ponds. Now the really, really funny thing about this is he was actually seen the day before, driving around in the neighbor's paddock for no reason. He had no reason to be there. And on the same day, when he was talking to the neighbor, he was trying to give his dog away. So this is all within the anniversary week of his wife's passing of eight years earlier. So it feels like a little bit like the dots are joining together. (gentle ethereal music) (vehicle engine rumbling) (gentle ethereal music) (ATV rumbling) - [Bill] He is not scared of you, he's bigger than you. - [Dan] I think I'm more scared of them than they are of me. - [Bill] Yeah, it's true. - [Dan] Run Forest, run. (vehicle engine rumbling) You can see it drops right down. So much weed though, it's really hard to see. There's an object down there. It's about one and a half meters tall. (water sloshing) So even though it looks kinda like a shape of a car, there's the magnet, and it just falls straight so it's just weed. Oh, that's another body of water check, and that was an important one being so close to the house. (device beeping) (vehicle rumbling) (wind whooshing) (team member chattering) - [Bill] 2.6 Meters, 2.5. Well, Jase, this is always a rollercoaster of emotions, isn't it, mate? - Mm-hmm. But- - [Bill] Good to clear these spots being so close to high. - [Jason] Yep. (gentle ambient music) (kayak rasping) Okay. (gentle ambient music) - [Dan] Check for battery. Oh, hold up. Slow down. - [Bill] What are you looking at? Are you the one in charge of everybody? - [Bill] Yeah, I bet you're the cranky one. - [Bill] You are a little cranky. - [Jason] Wild Bill. (gentle ambient music) (grass rustling) (team chattering) (device beeps) - [Bill] Plenty of fish. (water sloshing) (team member chattering) (vehicle rumbling) - [Dan] It doesn't look very deep. So it's only one meter deep here. The deepest part I found is 1.2, so I can get my paddle down to there. So she's not very deep at all. (team member chattering) So Jase, this is the bowls club that he played at and is quite popular at. - [Jason] Yep. - [Dan] And so, this is right in the town of Sheffield. So we've done all up around the house, we've done all up around the neighbor's ponds, all that kind of stuff. So I think the next plan is we're gonna start heading towards Davenport and start working the route where he religiously went and got his fuel and his groceries, and see how many accident kind of areas could be along that way. - [Bill] This is a little memorial that you didn't even know about. - [Jason] Yep. - [Bill] Saying, "Father's love, Nick and Jill Sallese." - [Dan] Mom didn't bowl, did she? - Yep. - [Dan] Oh she did too? - She had a memorial shield. I know about that because I presented it a few times. - [Dan] Oh, okay. There you go. - [Jason] Yeah. - [Dan] So why don't we go to that boat ramp. - [Jason] Okay. - There in Victoria. - [Bill] Yep. - [Jason] Victoria Parade. - [Dan] Victoria Parade. And we'll go up clear that side. - [Bill] Perfect. So I'm on the edge of the road, corner of the bridge. I got 2.2. I got enough depth to hide it in the mud. We are on Davenport Road at the corner of Formby Grove and the Horsehead Creek. - [Dan] Yep. - [Bill] So we're at one meter. There's no depth out here. Even if a car floated out here, you most likely see it. We're at the Rowing Club dock, and we are looking at debris pattern on the ground here coming through. Looks like people have been dumping things in here. Bricks. They got one square item off to the right, here. (gentle ambient music) Nothing on the bottom. Very sandy, very flat bottom, no undulations. 8.9 meters of water. (gentle ambient music) This is on the way to the Woolworth's and the gas station as well as over there is the son, Nick Junior's house. So we're double checking this because this road comes right in. It's a restaurant. He could have been going for lunch, could have just come in here on this side. And I got a lot of large boulders on the ground, a lot of large objects. So we're gonna really check this thoroughly. I got something right here. Got a large object. The way, we're gonna have to do that a couple times. I got another one right here, and that's the item I'm looking at right there, that pile of stuff, pile of debris. (motor boat rumbling) I'm not sure what it is. Some square items in it. This is the road in, there are no guardrails. - [Dan] So Bill believes he's seen a couple of targets and see an object. Oh yeah, something a little bit further out. It's quite long though. (water sloshing) That potentially could be a vehicle. Certainly got very tall shadow. It looks like it could be. - [Bill] There's a piling over there or an old old bridge location where possibly back, you know, a hundred years ago they came across on this. So we're not sure if it's actually a vehicle or it's one boulder pile grouping of boulders that are of two meters to three meters in height. We're not really sure but we're gonna check it because it's right next to the road. And it is also a place that Nicola Sallese actually used to frequent with the kids. (gentle ambient music) (water burbling) (suspenseful ambient music) (water burbling) (suspenseful ambient music crescendos) (suspenseful ambient music) - [Dan] I found a really big rock, like it was huge rock. - [Bill] I think I got onto the target we were looking at 'cause it was a bit of a funny shape. Like it had a big steep bit going up, and it was as tall as me. - [Bill] Yeah and then the flat object next to it was nothing. - Yeah, they were all rocks. - [Bill] Yeah. (motor boat roaring) This one is right next to the Woolworth where he does his shopping. Where every single week, Nicola actually would go get food every 14 days like clockwork on his credit card and debit card. And so his son said he did every 14 days. Well, this is the 13th day. And he's having a little bit of dementia. - He's missing his wife. - [Bill] He's missing his wife. He's been telling the boys at the bowls he's missing his wife. He's not feeling that great emotionally. - He's trying to get rid of his dog. - [Bill] He's trying to get rid of his dog, and at the same time he's also- - His house is up for sale. - [Bill] House is up for sale. But on top of that, with dementia we've learned that they have a difficult time backing up on boat ramps and on ramps, in general. They have a difficult time with reverse. - Absolutely, so this is a very critical boat ramp to check. It's not one I've checked at the moment. So this is new territory. - Do have an object on the left down low and have another object out there, but it's up in the sandy bank. It's probably too far away. (motor boat rumbling) And that's one of Jason's favorite places to eat. He knows it really well, which means his father knows it really well. (motor boat purring) (steel boat chugging) - [Dan] Oh, my head hurts. (vehicle engine revving) (team chattering) - [Bill] Looks like snake-infested waters. Paloona Dam, you can drive into it if you have the key. You notice this car up here on the hill burnt out. This is like a dumping ground stuff. (footsteps shuffling) It does look like a Toyota, actually. (car hood rattles and warbles) Looked blue or silver. That's the headlight number, but it's not the 2006 Toyota Corolla. (car engine rumbling) - [Dan] So we're on the Mercey River. - [Bill] That's the one. The road on the other side comes up. - [Dan] Can't remember the name of it though. - But it's way back there. - [Dan] Yup. - But you can gain access to it. It's where you actually could connect us with the creek. (gentle ambient music) - [Dan] Everyone else wanted to go to bed, but no, he's out there and he didn't even get lost this time. So he is at 2.1 meters, fairly clear. A couple of big rocks but that could be from the roadworks here where they're trying to redo the bank after it lasts a lot of floods. The water was right up over those trees. And town flooded, did it, Jase? - [Jason] Yep, for the second time in four years. - [Dan] Second time in four years. We've had some crazy floods up in Sydney too, don't you worry. (gentle ambient music) - This is insane. To go this deep in the woods, we are like 80, 90 kilometers from home. It makes absolutely no sense. I don't know what that is in there. There is a dark object in there. I don't know what it is. (whimsical orchestral music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 107,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicola sallese, nicola sallese missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, diving, mystery, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, depression, vanished, missing father, missing dad, demential
Id: hnIPzHn-diU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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