World Famous Buoy 10

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[Music] [Music] thank you good morning everybody Tony Amada from San mate steelheader magazine and this morning I am down at the Oregon coast at a place they call Bowie 10 and if you're a serious fisherman in this area or the states of Oregon Washington Idaho this is almost like a yearly Trek for people to come down here because more salmon passed right through here right next to us than any place on the world hundreds of thousands even Millions super for sure millions in the past but hundreds of thousands anyway and we got Bill Monroe Jr here he's our guide today the Super Bowl of salmon all right and then we got Bill senior Buzz Randy morning Trey back here we got Andy so I was gonna do a Randy Andy because of Rhymes but uh yeah so here we go everybody's down here jumping in both so we're gonna go catch some fish so uh let's get busy and get out there because we're not catching them right here that's for sure [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] just pulled up here we've got our rods out we left the West Mooring Basin and crossed in front of the Astoria regular bridge on the Portland side of it and I wouldn't suggest that to anybody that has never done that before if it's a your first time out here I would suggest going down around the checkerboard and make sure your past Desdemona Sands because if you're not you might just be stuck there all day so I probably don't be very careful because that's real talk yeah so right now we've got uh we've got some 360 flashers what else are we doing here we got Pro trolls and Spinners and pro trolls and spinner baits behind us that's kind of cool and uh we're just gonna keep going until we figure it out here we got 69 degree water Pro Show Time six nine yep so uh we're trolling away from the bridge and the blind Channel right now the river essentially is braided right above us and the farther that we head upriver the more braided it becomes and the fish start to get stuck and hopefully they're just waiting for us right now we just made a pass and we spun it around and we're working on our second pass here and if you look over to the shore there on the Washington side that is the million dollar bathroom right along the edge I think it runs up to about 80 feet deep and that's kind of the channel on the Washington side if you go up above there there's the Shipwreck troll that goes along the edge a little bit higher and it's interesting that the Shipwreck is actually a pegasus class Navy ship that was a hydrofoil back in the 70s I believe I don't know how many the Navy had but uh Story Goes the ship was bought by a private party and they stole the jet engines out of it and then laid it to rest on the bank over there so there's a little tidbit for you it's made out of aluminum it's a super light ship but aluminum corrodes and uh must have a few holes right here looks like we got our first fish on back here you will that sounds looks like get your thumb off that's cool come on now what's up mine's just sitting right there so we got you need to get a Coho on back here silver maybe it's one of those other surf perks Maybe expensive reel it don't stop because of the clicker come on now no barbell sucks mister that's your uh euros is that the OSU Rod you got there the lucky rod that's his lucky uh Raptor Rod made with all of his uh veteran a wild up River bright and I hate to say it but we have to let that go not even gonna bother putting it into the net nope oh this one's going back into the river look at that look at that fish it's absolutely stunningly gorgeous I call that a purple bag on board today we've got Trey carsgaden he works with the Olaf on trade shows and I believe we just got our catalog in the mail like a week or two ago and uh you know it's actually kind of time to start thinking about getting your booth and what you're going to be decorating it with uh and Trey you're the you're the guy right well I work with them on the marketing side and so we're working on our seminar series we're working on bringing in a bunch of new personalities got a lot of exciting stuff that we're teeing up this next year uh not the least of which is uh some new evening events and daytime events for the 2024 Sports shows Portland show last year I think was probably the best Sportsman show I've ever been to and I've been going since I was a kid and what we have skied up for 2024 will even be bigger and better so I'm just a few months out we're working every day on it right looks like we've got another fish on here guys all right fish number two looking good Trey looking good we've got trees doing all right wow it looks like a nice fish though right up here just in case Buzz it's just starting to get mad I think insurance policy on them I like that sound in the morning dude set this one to Hatchery oh there it is [Music] a free tray forever coming in come on buddy oh big old fan non-missile oh staying out there how do you feel Trey energized energy and we got Tony filming a full-length feature film of our trip [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right Trey's got another Ripper going on my goodness okay I'm in Reverse go ahead this one sounds like it's headed back to the ocean this fish is hot okay set this one to Hatchery okay nice splashing up there we're on our third fish in 10 minutes wait to me Trey right on I'll take a piece of that that's a good fish oh Trey look at that white belly come on come on that is all yours buddy that's the nicest kiwi I've seen this doesn't really smell to me either whoa whoa whoa you guys while we're messing with the fish we got a fish on right from the back here look at that oh my God take a picture of trays fish yeah you guys take a picture of your transmission is that my phone they're busy oh they got one over there now too Firelands well it looks like we got a wild fish here so this one's going back but wow look at that what a beauty crazy beautiful fish like a little twin is all the other one huh well he just kicked my butt so I'm gonna that's what makes it fun great you guys are letting me catch fish for myself whoa we got total chaos back here in the back of the boat somebody stole my seat yeah would it be you maybe [Music] laughs [Music] all right Randy's got one on here so this is a fish fish number five bill on the ride forget what we're up to good job that's fine all right this fish was trying to hide under the boat foreign here he comes this is a hot one Sky again lady let's go whoa oh no where he goes gonna try to burn that reel up [Music] again coming back oh oh here we go for round two he probably doesn't like to look for that but yes okay try again hit the surface he's got a fin he's got a fin what is it good thank you get you wet right well he's mad oh Randy say bye to him he's a nice little ride see you later wow it's been some hot action we're on our third pass probably getting close to finishing it but uh it's just been fished on one after another Randy just had one we had to let it go it had a fin on it but uh some real excitement going on here so you really need a nice soft rod for this type of fishing they're so soft half the time these fish don't even know they're hooked literally you'll see a tip start wiggling and then when you set the hook they go crazy but uh I don't know are these uh are these rods like 10 so these These are Raptor rods and what we do here is our big thing is that we first of all we custom make every single one of them right and we make them two specific Fisheries now Target zones like a pro troll Rod that can handle you know a nice soft tip and still give you the one one thousand two one thousand rather than being Ultra stiff we do a lot of work as far as data concern on R D to make certain specific rods work for certain specific Fisheries but our big thing and you'll notice on even on a custom like my dad has made we don't use plastic we've got zero plastic on our rods we don't believe in plastic we don't want anything we believe in the custom aspect of what we have here and that is full Billet aluminum Reel Seats Custom Grips we have a variety of grips we're known for our golf grips our golf handle style grips that are really comfortable even in the winter and we can custom make anything to what you want on a rod whether it's your name your logo whatever it is and we're still able to do this while being cheaper than some of the high-end store-bought rods that's a big deal it's really cool so are the rods all graphite or are they some of them glass or mixed composite mixes similar or carbon graphite mix uh we do all of it and quite honestly we make some tuna to Salmon to walleye to Bass some big water Marlin rods on the East Coast doing blue fin right dude we do everything there's nothing we can't do so how uh how can people get a hold of Jay Johnstone he's the owner and he is and you're you're I'm one of the co-owners and I do a lot of like r d for for Jay and I and I'm very proud of that been doing this for 11 years with Jay he's been in business now for almost 15 and uh this is this is good stuff like we're on or you can call into the shop we have a special line dedicated to production and custom order taking and you can do it all online too it's really great oh where's it going you got a mad one I'm gonna have to chase this one put more light on the ground [Music] it's coming back [Music] surface Runner so this fish is this fish is making a nice run away from the back of the boat looks like we're looks like we're on it here now just for a second wow tampon if you're bro hey if anybody's missing a tampon there it is it's purple secret fishy lure Tony yeah hey you were supposed to show anybody that is that the new stuffer bait what do you think pretty big is he big is pretty tired one of us yeah oh there it is beautiful oh looks like uh yeah looks like that one's going back too we got a lot of fins today not necessarily a bad thing but you know people want to take a few fish home for the dinner table so we're not done [Music] [Music] well we got one fish in the Box have lots of take dance a lot I don't know how many would that goes ten I think we let go uh some real nice fish and so right now we're at the RV park kind of headed towards the church Hall which is more on the Washington side just below the bridge headed towards buoy 10 and so Bill why don't you tell us a little bit about yeah how the like when the tide changes what what do the fish do what's their reaction in the in this morning the tide was coming in right and when it's coming in the fish are able to really make progress with the current and they all head uphill at a pretty good click and that's that's what we got into this morning up above the bridge from the rest area up to shipwreck that was pretty consistent and we just circled on that and that worked for a minute right now that the tide is flipped we are in a full out go pretty much here for the next probably four hours the fish are still aiming uphill they're liking to aim up up River but they're being pushed down now by the current and that's when we start trolling downhill and as soon as they see our gear past them they like to turn around and grab it yeah yeah yep and that's what we're doing we're doing ROV park now we'll end up here Red Roof in a minute and then we're gonna finish up over there at the church in between the church and the checkerboard and that's going to be our cycle for the next remainder of this late morning and we're going to do that hopefully they start snapping so to follow up on what Bill said yeah we're trolling Downstream the fish are facing into the current and you're going to get a lot more bites a lot more strikes a lot more encounters if you troll Downstream the opposite way that fish are facing and it'd be like if you got on the freeway going the wrong way you're going to see a lot more cars going against the traffic than you would with it so that's kind of the idea of our trolling downhill the other thing to think about these fish the Thule Chinook the Chinook that's spawned in the Lower Columbia according to tagging studies those fish will work the tide many many times back and forth allow as they acclimate make the switch from Salt to fresh water and so they will they will work this time maybe a dozen times before they finally head up the river where an upriver bright that's headed for the last free-flowing stretch of the Columbia which represents our last area that produces a big wild run of salmon those fish tend to come into the river on the tide and go up the river and so uh so a little different between those two different stocks of fish right there right here foreign [Music] that's a nice one let's go work on this real quick Randy just a keeper just pull that Tony let's hand Your Rod off back here to Randy okay there you go that's a beauty wow look at that fish guys okay you got Eddie yeah I'm assuming it's got a fit on it oh big look on your face there's a big Tully oh my God beauty Beauty what a look at this oh my size of this monster and we're releasing these because we're worried about Lower River finish beauty though huh should've done a good fight well that one's uh going back to the river it's gonna go make some more fish right or we'll let somebody at Bonneville catch that one oh you guys look at that Chrome P30 what a grip see you later I'm in the water no need for hero shots no [Music] thank you oh it's ready to go very healthy look at that all right wow so we just landed a monster Chinook I don't know how many how many pounds you think that was I'm putting it in a 30 pound class 30 pound range we're uh we're kind of trolling our way out towards Bowie 10 we got Chinook over here church is up up behind us now and uh over this direction is the checkerboard you can't really see it there but it's between those those two boats so uh in Social Security on the other side yeah Social Security Beach is right there and we're going right down in between basically everything here all right so uh we're gonna pull them up and head on down we're gonna move down river just a little bit see what happens as we uh head down towards elwako all right let's do it all right [Music] foreign [Music] ERS fighting it [Music] got shoulders [Music] nice whoa switching sides they're all swimming uh what what number is this ah gosh we're getting up to like the teams whoa whoa Andy walgammon getting ready to catch one it's going down yeah [Music] this is a serious battle here oh yeah big big oh my god there it is what a Dandy say something how do you feel what a chatterbox laughs 40 inches you better measure it 40. right to the H wow that's my least favorite one yeah that and all the all the salad whoa look at that fish see you later buddy wow keep his face in the water but damn man right Randy's got a runner bring it back up one more time got it you're killing this one oh my God here so far just real just real good oh is our friends all right yes dinner time boy it's been crazy we're rolling all over the place here he's like bouncing all over tide leaders but this is the fruits of the work right here that's it so we were just making some passes along the red line does that sound about right I think the red Line's a little nondescript look what you got a more descriptive I call this this is the Social Security that line is what it's a part of the red line really comes starts right out of Hammond okay and then it basically comes all the way from like booty 22 to 20 all the way to marker Booth 14 up here which is a Mark we use to stop Patrol reset yeah so if you get if you get farther out in the middle here do you still classify that is the red line that kind of ties into where we just wrapped up that we wrapped up over there at the uh the bottom of the sands up and down from like the checkerboard side of the Sands towards Ilwaco and then right over here we got Social Security Beach that's right and we just just passed uh buoy 20 right there right behind that is ham yeah Hammond and uh and uh it was pretty hot we just uh got a little bit how many passes I don't know we made four passes right over there we had six six bites at least landed three of them at least one big end and got to keep two nice ones well there it is splashing on the surface a little bit okay by surf rods behind here I'm gonna put him on the other side of you you know where you're good let him go there it goes it's up at the surface oh look at that oh my gosh come on man he's got the fan another fan the big fan Bill's releasing that fish and uh right now we're not too far from uh that's Cape Disappointment over there and uh I don't know if you can actually see Bowie 10 from here but it's right that direction and then over here we got the North Jetty which is not a real happy place to be with with your boat if you want us the less you want to sink it [Music] um well we had a great day out here we're starting to wrap things up I think we brought like 12 or 13 fish to the neck some really Chrome bite fish but unfortunately we had a few too many fins on them so we had to let some go but uh what a great day I think I think everybody on the boat fought at least one or two fish minimum right guys everybody got to play some fish today it's me yeah even that guy back there that's crazy so uh we're gonna be headed back to the dock here in a sec it's uh getting really beautiful out here a little uh Breeze off the ocean getting sucked in from the warm air on land here and uh a few little waves but pretty smooth so we'll see you in a sec [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign 's ready to go find some green grass and then uh we got Randy Andy Trey go Junior Bill senior Buzz everybody's ready to go to the car and get this stuff organized so hey thanks for watching and uh we'll see you next time I also want to mention before we go here that all those locations out there and the discussion we had about how the fish are coming in and out with the tide all that is inside of this book right here and uh you can go on our website to order it there's a link in the description and uh there really isn't another book out there that has as much description and has all the fishing locations and uh it's a great book and Bill actually wrote some of it so makes it even better [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Salmon Trout Steelheader Magazine
Views: 8,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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