Dont Get Stuck! Barney Comes To Work

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fueling up this morning normally i fill up in the afternoons when i get done but i ran out of fuel in my tank so topping it off this morning uh fuel trucks coming to bring some fuel later this morning so i'll run back and we're gonna fill up the 500 gallon tank and the tank in my truck so what i'm going to start on this morning is go over there and take the pumps out as you can tell it pumped them down pretty good and uh finished clearing those trees on the backside the pond dam i go ahead and put on the grating bucket and take off over there on that side start pulling that bank back and spreading that dirt or mud along the edge and kind of working my way back and just see how it goes i may try to go out here and transfer some of that back i think i can i think i can get out of there about 100 sure yet but i think i can we'll find out all right so i'm taking down the last gum tree that i can get to on this side of the pump i decided to leave the pumps in place i was going to take them out but there's a chance of rain or snow into the week um and i'm not going to have the pond done before then so i didn't want to take all that out and then it rains no whatever fill back up enough where i need to pump again so i decided i'll just clear what i can from this side then i'll go around to the other side of the pond and grab that stuff so i'll just have to go all the way around the pond it's far more simpler than having to take the pumps all up and reset them all back because i'm supposed to get down really cold tonight like 18 or something that's cold for us and uh so i drained everything and i'll probably have to shovel my tracks out pretty good tonight too they'll be in that goopy wet mud that well my rollers and everything will still turn in the morning [Music] if that water stays in there we might be able to pump the bond back full from all the water that's laying all in the woods i guess there's not really a defined ditch in there and it just kind of floods everything [Music] that's kind of the way my farm was i guess all the years of working around there they kind of uh screwed up the flow of the creek i don't know if when they logged it or what but they they made a mess of it there's a fair amount of my property where a big pond is now that look like that i went through there and dug a ditch and got it all to drain nice and dried the area up and then built them on [Music] break there we go i'm gonna go ahead and walk this log and stump over here to the end and then clean that up and then go around the pond because i can't there's not enough room to drop between the pump and the back of the dam i'll just go around and start again yeah i'm going to try to go down that bank right there when i head out there i think i might get an open well i know i can recover myself if i go back out that way if i go straight down that pond am and end up in a deep pile of mud uh it's very hard to come back out of a steep slope so i think when i go out there i'm going to kind of feel myself around out through there i want to get out i want to be able to get out there and pull that ridge back out and lay all that mud right here so that i can lay it over the back of the dam and help make it a little wider we shall see we shall see i just this i don't like this right here because that's a long time ago when they built this pond they they dug it very very deep right here for some reason i mean it's deep and i'm only about 10 feet from the bank and [Music] six feet seven feet maybe a little maybe about let's see let's look at the watermark on the thumb so i know my head comes up to about that bucket pin and that's two feet above it so almost yeah seven eight feet right there and they said it gets deeper out there so that's the only problem about it being so steep is now you can't put anything on that slope to kind of help soften it it'll just all go out into the pond but they probably dug it with a drag line or something [Music] [Music] [Music] all right grab that last bit and then i'm going to head over there and start clearing the other half of the bond damn so all the trees are off the back of the pond dam now i took half of them and brought them over here and stuck in the woods and took the rest of them around the other side [Music] put the grate bucket on now i'm hoping the mechanic can get the off-road truck the cylinder re-packed on it this morning so i can use it this afternoon i'll drive it over here and move that stuff right there back there to the woods and i'd like to haul a few loads of dirt with it to dump on the pond dam but wait and see how far he gets along on that and uh but right now i'm going to take this bucket off put the grading bucket on i'm going to go ahead and go down the front face of the pond dam and go out there and lay some of that mud back and then start on that side over there and start transferring the uh mud back and stack it up maybe it'll drain out some tonight let's go out here and see how good and or bad this is going to go [Music] i want to get out here and skim that's doable right there [Music] [Music] so good let's set the camera up and do a time lapse i think we're gonna be okay yeah we're gonna be fine i'm just gonna try to skim this down to the water level if you look right here you can almost see that drop off [Music] that's the word oh my god deep so i was informed yesterday actually somebody has died in this pond [Music] uh there were some boys out here walking in the pond and must have went over that edge right there and one of them couldn't swim unfortunately didn't make it that's why i don't like to just dig random deep holes out ponds [Music] i'm going to skim this down just try to get rid of this vegetation stuff and i think i can waste all this material up on the or behind the bottom [Music] i'm not taking out much just a little bit right here it's going to be five feet or so deep [Music] i just want to get rid of this little island a little bit and stuff they're not what stumps [Music] as long as it doesn't become too mushy [Music] might be just spreading it down the back slope if i stack it up it'll probably dry out a little bit [Music] a lot of stunts out here [Music] [Music] and then go ahead and get rid of this while i could give it a little more time to stack up and dry and for some reason it rained won't have to worry about pumping it down too much i shouldn't have to come back out here for anything i'm not really gonna be able to come back out here for anything because all this is gonna be underwater so [Music] [Music] the pond's got good depth right there we we know that that is the deep spot for sure [Music] i like using my grading bucket not really trying to get this too pristine it's going to be five or six feet under water so just trying to skim it down i need dirt really bad right there so that's kind of my logic of the place to get it [Music] scrape this down to the water level and should stay relatively dry for mud [Music] a lot of stumps definitely tell we can see that this was actually probably some dirt from when they dug that uh laid over top of these tree stuff kind of see the different layers and i'm kind of scraping it back down to i guess the original ground before they doped the pond there beside it naturally clay doesn't end up over top of stumps not naturally [Music] [Music] so we'll take all this and lay it up there on the uh slope that way i can reach it from the bank and lay it up there of the uh size of the dam probably tomorrow or whenever i get to it i probably need to go ahead and rip out that old uh overflow pipe [Music] i'm just going to rip that one out and put in a new this one doesn't have a whole lot of water shed so i'm just going to put a just a regular pipe going through the dam it'll be adequate just to maintain the level all it is is it just kind of catches the groundwater a little bit of runoff from the field [Music] [Music] [Music] actually start to sink a little more than i was anticipating on so i'm going to hurry up get out of here [Music] [Music] long as the top of the tracks are still showing we'll be okay oh [Music] [Music] getting a little deep [Music] probably need to sit right here and go ahead and lay that up on the bank that's where i got room to make another cut i don't know let me go ahead and grab this while i'm here [Music] maybe we won't think too much more [Music] or not [Music] so we're thinking about it now got out of the uh deepest part there and now it's not too bad making my cut just laying it along the bank here to kind of dry out a little bit i'm hoping i can reach all that because there's no getting back down in here if i can't i'll have to figure that one out but i've laid all that will absolutely lay right there without all sliding back down and you know it only takes that one extra scoop it just all starts laying or sliding down the uh damn back into the pond so i'm trying to avoid that by using my better judgment on how much i can lay up there and then this stuff right here is just a nasty mess so just cutting and laying it back as i go make sure i'm still on course easy so take a scoop of this dryer stuff and kind of put it right there and that'll kind of hold it and i'll just kind of slope that that kind of shapes it hopefully not slide back down like that me me [Music] [Music] so gotta love it i really do love it with this bucket though at least i'm getting a lot of dirt to be able to widen the dam out with just trying to make it a couple feet wider and soften the back slope so this will be great for that and it's right here at it all right well let me finish this up and then i'm going to start running around the pond here and start cutting i'll probably go over there and make a cut and start laying it against the bank getting it to dry out a little bit yeah i think i can run down there i'll probably just start right there about the grass and just reach out there's as far as i can pull it down the grade and carry on with it so a quick change of pace i moved a lot of that mud there before lunch and uh look who showed up for work after lunch oh i brought barney over here and uh kinda got that cylinder fixed this uh morning and uh got a few more things i wanted to do to the truck but i want to use it over here i literally just drove it over here to uh i want to haul this stuff down there and uh just run the truck a little bit don't pull some dirt with it make sure everything's okay and uh make sure there's no more bugs in it before we finish everything up on it oh barney had a little water in the bed i was going down the road there and i saw a trail behind me i was like oh god please don't be done below the hose we're going to haul this um let's see if the heat works in this thing a little chilly get some fresh air in here minor exhaust leak let's pull up here we're gonna haul some of this uh clearing stuff back there to the pile [Music] see how she see how she works i think there i think everything's going to be a-okay here we go let's load some debris in there get our money's worth this is going to be a lot better than tracking all this stuff down there [Music] oh boy that's it hey that's the side of the truck there driver well i got that out of my system we don't need to do that [Music] i'm gonna haul a little bit of dirt and dump it down that pond damn too while i got it over here [Music] all right let's go dump that it's a pretty good little pile [Music] well i think the old girl's gonna be all right now that i got it loaded uh very full i'm just gonna walk around look at the tires see how bad they're squatting that's good looks like we got well i need to load a little better looks like they're all holding there that's a good thing just back down here and dump this out so [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] well as mr charlie says sometimes you just gotta load the wagon she's loaded [Music] uh [Music] well that made quick work of that pile three big loads in that in the truck i'm gonna scoop some dirt up and uh i'm gonna need a little more dirt down this uh pond dam here for to make a little wider so while i got the truck over here i'm gonna load up a few loads and back it down here and dump it out [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] go [Music] huh so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] so i got enough dirt hauled back here my damn starting to give away plus i can reach all this mud right here and lay right there that edge is starting to give off and i really don't want to dump that thing over into the pond but it worked good for uh what i needed and that was to get all this dirt right here brought down so i can move these pumps and come in from the other way and transfer that down but i'll probably dig this pipe up first and uh figure out where it is so fair amount of dirt that'll do a good job on i'll transfer all that down probably from like that tree to right in here and then i can take all that mud and just lay over and use that right there and use this dryer stuff right here where the damn scenario we're at all right i'm gonna take the truck back to the house and we'll be back tomorrow to get some more done
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 284,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, land, clearing, tree, removal, road, building, house, lots, logging, logger, loading, dump, truck, log, trailer, shed, demo, demolition, wrecking, carport, garage, skid, steer, compact, loader, grading, heavy, construction, equipment, pond, lake, dam, overflow, spillway, cleanup, dredging, dredge, off, haul, site
Id: atJoDOE8Neo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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