Playing MIDI Chords with your Guitar in REAPER

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hi I'm Kenny Choi welcome to another one of my tutorials in this video I'm gonna show you how to play MIDI chords with the guitar in Reaper now in previous videos I showed you how to convert a guitar to MIDI notes in Reaper let's review we'll start off making a new track let's name it meaty guitar we'll set our input guitar is plugged into on an audio interface turn on input monitoring and put it into record and we should hear a guitar and we do so I'll go to the track effects right here let's see how to plug in using the Reaper plugins Coria tune which is typically used to tune vocals but it could also be used to send many notes from a guitar to many instruments so if I play an a it shows up as an A or D so it sees the pitch that we play but now we can go down here to this checkbox and choose send MIDI events when the pitch changes so this is going to send MIDI when we play different notes now to turn off the sound of the guitar let's add another plugin like an EQ right over here let's go to the pins for this plugin turn off the left and right sides so I play the guitar now we don't hear it but it's still gonna send MIDI something could add a midi instrument right after it let's go to our instruments and any instrument we choose is going to work let's choose serum grab a preset like the space one let's hear it but the one limitation of this method is we can only play one note at a time when a view it what's float this plugin and view it here so you can see our notes if we play a chord it doesn't show up [Music] so we can only play single notes with this method but we could use a plug-in to simulate creating chords so let's go back to the plugins and search under MIDI for plugin called mini chord in key now let's put this before the instrument but after the EQ and the Rhea tune what this plugins gonna do is going to allow us to play chords just by hitting one note so in the key of C it's gonna add notes two steps and four steps the upper third and the upper fifth but choose a preset that's going to work with quartz let's go to our pads and choose this one right here with his plug in turned off it's going to sound like this [Music] we'll hear one note at a time if we turn it on we'll hear a chord and we'll also see the chords being triggered right down here [Music] it's gonna play in the key of C because it's chosen right here we could change it to any key we want like D we could also change the interval let's put it back to C and instead of going up the third and fifth we could change this to any step we want like with this one it's going to play 7th chords [Music] or switch it to five to play this [Music] we could put it back to the default to play major or minor chords any key we choose if you want to play a minor key just bring it down those steps so for a minor just weave it in C [Music] this is gonna work with any instrument we choose let's try a different pad like this gated one right here [Music] we could even use it for playing piano let's choose a different sound I'll choose a piano right down here which works like this and sounds like this what say we want to record this we want to record it as MIDI we put these plugins on the input effects instead of the track effects so let's open them back up over here let's move these three plugins to the input of X so we could record them on the way in and it record MIDI and the MIDI chords in the process so we'll hold down alt on the PC or option on the Mac and drag it over to the input effects and now they are over here we'll just keep the instrument on the track effects on the input effects we have our tuning the EQ which has turns off my guitar the audio and my MIDI chord in key which is going to create a quartz but in order to record it is MIDI go up here and right click and switch it to record output record output MIDI [Music] just put down those courts and we'll see a MIDI chords show up here but to make the performance a bit tighter let's right click over here choose track recording settings turn on input quantize switch it to quarter notes quantized on the way in while playing chords as well it looks pretty good I had a glitch right over here let's double-click it and do we that piece let's hear back sounds pretty good let's put down another part let's duplicate this track just right-click and duplicate let's take this track out of record and delete this part which changed the sound on this one let's go back to the serum plugin right here and choose that preset we had before on the pads katie ped which sounds like this [Music] let's put down that part also putting down chords at the same time which we can see right here and just like that we recorded two parts playing one note at a time but getting courts so that's pretty much it that's playing MIDI chords with your guitar in Reaper I hope you learn something hope you can use it and I'll see you next time Thanks [Music] you ah you
Channel: REAPER Mania
Views: 36,931
Rating: 4.9796953 out of 5
Id: RWFQwu8fPOc
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Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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