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[Music] tomorrow and Tuesday and Wednesday we are doing a three day fast that we're gonna finish on Wednesday morning I would like to challenge each one of you who when we fast he goes in one year and gets out of the other year for you and you're part of the hungry Jan family fewer visitors just ignore what I'm saying but if you're part of this family and you tell your neighbors that I'm your pastor I have met one my neighbor yesterday that's so funny that we had a power outage power went out of the house so I went around meeting neighbors and and so he comes up to me and we start a dialogue and so he he knows that I'm a pastor and as I'm like how did you know that I'm a pastor he says my other neighbors told me they go to your church I was like I haven't seen him in three years I was like now I'm gonna go cast the Devils out of there I'm like what is this they're inviting other neighbors through the church and then I'll come here and stuff so and you know like and that's how a lot of people do that they they go to LA I go to the church but actually they don't come and so if you if you're part of this family if you're part of this family I wanna I want to challenge you right now this coming month starting tomorrow is going to be the craziest month we have had in the history of our church some things are happening behind the scenes you're not aware of and I'm not at liberty to share cuz it will throw you in panic right now if I'll share with you that honestly things are hanging by a thread in the realm of the Spirit and we have to step in right now like never before to pray and to fast and just because I'm calm I'm like a duck on the outside I'm calm on the inside everything is and stuff and so because what God has in plan and what the devil is doing right now is crazy and so this coming month with the race to deliver conference I'm asking you that if you're not gonna take three days too fast that you for the next three days if in the morning is that you're sleeping or going to gym if you could just take those three days and show up here for prayer from 6 to 7 if you are serving at the conference I ask you that you press in that you come on Monday we're praying and fasting for the conference on Tuesday we have 20 people going to Guatemala trip in them in a week from now we want to see hundreds of healings and survey so every person going to Guatemala and every person wishes to go to Guatemala I want you to be here on Tuesday morning at six to seven and on Wednesday we are coming in to pray and fast for our Easter service for the first time in the history of our church we're gonna have three services in one weekend and it's gonna be just a foretaste of what's gonna happen later this year and so we're not special there's nothing super super amazing about us the only thing that we have that's going for us is that we know how to get on our knees to cry out to God who lives in heaven and say God release your grace through people like us who still have an accent sometimes who still have a problem with our driving record because we gotten saved only a year ago some of you you still get in your car and you have to breathe so that your car starts you know we got limitations we're not what we're supposed to be but we know one thing is that God doesn't reward the proud he rewards the humble and we know how to get on our knees and we know how to cry out to God somebody say Amen somebody say Amen when I was very young you know the Lord gave me this small vision that the church will be like a Winkle grocery store where people will come by thousands to our church by thousands to our church and they will not just come get entertained see the lies and the smoke and hear a sermon but they will see a miracle they will see God they they were life will be changed and I felt God challenged me and he said this the reason why Winco is so successful is because behind the Winker there is this dirty doors that the semi trucks come every single day these doors is called prayer and fasting well nobody likes to do that the moment I talk about prayer because that's what these doors are but if there is nobody keeping the doors open in the back and there is no semi trucks coming in my friends sooner or later there will be nobody coming through these doors as well and so if you have been mature enough if you have walked with God for more than one day I challenge you today could we open the back doors because in about five days people from all around the United States will be coming to the front doors of hungry because the back doors are being open can somebody give God some praise right now and somebody give God some praise right now and somebody lift your voice and give God some praise right now God make us a praying Church God make us a praying Church somebody say man God make us a praying Church who don't wanna be a strange search wouldn't want to be a weird Church who want to be a praying Church and for those of you who coming for the first time and so today that this service might be very very untraditional but we're hungry for God we're sick and tired of things being the same we genuinely genuinely want to see the move of God we want to see ladies like Audion and so many others getting up and saying I had this but Jesus after prayer he healed me I was on drugs but Jesus changed me you know I was lost in the religion but I met God and God transformed my life and for that to happen we have to be a praying Church somebody say Amen for that to happen we have to be a praying Church you can be religious so much can be done today without the Holy Spirit but we are want to be a church that relies on the Holy Spirit relies on the presence of God relies on the glory of God last weekend I was in Sioux Falls in Sioux Falls Dakota South Dakota in the Church of al Meera's church where's al Mira here she is in the realm of the spirit in the Kids Zone amen so al Meera's Church met her wonderful family wonderful parents I also met a lady named Galina if you can put the photo behind me please a lady named Galina no no that's that's from yesterday the other one yeah so this lady that I point my finger to she had asthma for I'm not sure how many years she had an asthma for prior to two years ago I was in one city in North Carolina and we did a prayer for healing and this lady she I think has six or seven children I remember how many children she has now but she had asthma in that meeting she was there in North Carolina and she agreed in prayer that we were praying in faith and from that service on until today this lady this mother of about seven or eight children is completely cured of asthma come on come on Church God is worthy God is good it's been crazy because I've been seeing a lot of asthma I know a girl in Pennsylvania who's been here lifetime of asthma was healed in one service there's one in Ohio who was healed about five years ago of asthma and then came and prayed for her family dad and some other siblings and the Lord healed him of asthma there's a guy in Olympia Lou Lou boy who was healed about six years ago right here from asthma and and our first race to deliver conference if you remember Nehemiah Cruz was also healed of asthma why am i sharing this because I Julie believe no I don't we don't see every person heal but we do see people touched by Jesus and they get healed and we give God the glory I don't care how you feel right now but I want to give God some praise right now I want to give God some glory right now I want to say Jesus thank you Jesus I crown you Jesus do you belong to praise Jesus pupil of the honor Jesus there is nobody like you by your stripes we are healed in your blood that is power to deliver from the devil in your blood that is power to delivered from sin hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus yesterday I met a family and excuse me the day before I met a family that originally from Philippines if now we can put the other photo this lady this lady right there she actually lives in Manila Philippines she's been following hungry giant ministry for a few years and when she found out that I was in Philippines she was begging us to go to millon Manila that's where she lives the crazy part is her husband and her son lives in Vancouver so three weeks ago or two weeks ago I was in Vancouver and this boy came out I didn't know that he had intrusive suicidal tendencies he was taking medication for the woman I stopped praying for him a demon started to manifest it came out he collapsed on the floor I found out this weekend is that after that incident he stopped taking medicine and God cured him now we prayed for him one more time because he had a schizophrenia and they came he was taking still one medicine every day and there was prescribed by the doctor and he came in and he said I believe that if you pray for me one more time the Lord will deliver me so it's the praying for him and he collapsed and then demon just screamed look very very whiner they just came out and after he's like that's it I feel it's gone and so and mom asked me you know if they could start to stop taking medicine I told them to go to the doctor get examined and only then to stop taking medicine I generally believe that within a few weeks we're gonna hear a testimony there not only from a suicidal tendencies but schizophrenia is defeated by the power of the name of Jesus Christ come on somebody come on somebody God worthy worthy of all the other Oh the brain we love you Jesus and we'll lift your hand side down for just few moments to get to just thank the Lord begin to thank the Lord Rezo for this goodness begin to thank the Lord right now for his faithfulness begin to thank the Lord right now that the one drop of his blood is greater than any senior anybody committed one drop of his power is greater than any power of the devil any power of sickness we love you Jesus we love you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah we praise You God we praise You God hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord we thank you Lord hallelujah thank you Jesus in just a few weeks we're going to Guatemala and then we have our Easter service something we're super excited for but what we gonna do this morning is that because we're preparing for the conference I want to direct the service to something that I have I rarely rarely do this I have this and I have this I'm gonna use this today so I got a message during the worship and because I used my Bible on the phone I had to find a physical Bible to read from if you have a Bible I want you to open it with me and and we're gonna read the Bible I'm sorry if you have a phone open your phone somebody was like what did you say the Bible I don't have Bible app yes Bible app open your Bible app you version and if you lost your streaks it's time to catch up on your streaks mmm the lord have mercy amen I have a person in California who got so inspired by me to read his Bible and he posted on his Instagram that he read the Bible for 365 days and he posted his streaks but at that moment that he posted the streaks I had zero love so embarrassed I mean I read the Bible but I just not YouVersion Bible app and so but the Bible is good amen Matthew chapter 8 it says the following Matthew chapter 8 verse 5 I'm gonna let everybody because there's gonna be notes no notes on the back so open open your Bible with me please open your YouVersion Bible at Matthew chapter 8 and I would like to open verse 11 8:11 8:11 if you're there say Amen if you're getting there so wait for me you can connect a free Wi-Fi by the way in hungry gen for those of you who are running low and and the thing that the t-mobile provides for you Matthew 8 and verse 11 I tell you many will come from the east and the West and recline at table with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven I'm gonna read to you again many will come somebody say I'm part of that many church they never say I'm part of that many so not just few many will come from East and the West and a recline at the table with Abraham Isaac and Jacob meaning they're not just going to come to heaven but they're actually going to be in the elite like they're gonna have a special connection to some of the greatest heroes in the Bible they're going to be in a green room with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and that they are kind of reclined there means they're going to chill they're going to relax in heaven and they're gonna be with Abraham because see I can tell you one thing Abraham's gonna be pretty busy in heaven Abraham is gonna have a lot of people trying to be close to him trying to have an access to him trying to hang out with him and Jesus says that many people will have an access to recline with Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'm part of that many what about you okay verse 12 and now we're gonna talk about some other many while the sons of the kingdom these are not sinners these are not people who are do not know God what's this these are not people who are far from God these are who cool come on who are they any children of God we have in this room come on any children of God we have in this room all right so some of you we're gonna have an altar call for salvation because you're not sure I know you're a little bit scared right now this worse but anybody is believes their child of God today come on come on praise be to God you're a child of God you might have not met your mama and your daddy you might not like family you came from but if you're a child of God it's a good reason to celebrate and thank God for that some people say you know I was born this way I was born that way when you get born again you become part of a new family and that is a good thing somebody say Amen and the Bible says in verse 12 while the sons of the kingdom and this is what I guess little bit is he gets thrown into the darkness in the place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus says many will come and recline with Abraham it's the sons of the kingdom now in this verse we believe that he references to people who have a biological connection to Abraham by being born in a Jewish family it's not just relating to us Christians were born again because we were born again we're going to heaven but Jesus in here says he references this to a particular guy who was a Centurion who was not of a Jewish descent who comes and who had a great faith and Jesus says he says I've never found a faith like of this guy this guy's faith is the great you have to understand one thing not a lot of things can impress God God is not impressed with Apple TV plus he's not impressed with Apple's new credit card he's not impressed with pretty much nothing that comes out out of this planet God does go like oh wow that's surprising what God gets impressed by is how great of a faith a Roman centurion who had a high position like a Roman guy here a hundred people that responsible to him and accountable to him and Jesus gets impressed by that he pauses for a moment before he declares healing to coming to his house and he says let me tell you guys something I already have been in heaven I can see what's gonna happen he says many will come from America many will come from Mexico many will come from India many will come from China and he says not only they will make it to heaven he says they're actually going to recline in one of their like special places with Abraham and he says some of you boys who think that just because you were born Jewish or some of you boys and girls who think that just because you're a member of the church he says you're not going to necessarily have that access and so as I'm reading this verse I asked myself a question today how can I be born of the many I don't want to just have a son title I want to be part of those many who will come from the east and from the west and to recline at Abraham's dining table what did this ensuring have that God wants us to have today few things that I want to highlight right now that we're going to put it into practice he had a servant not a son who was sick he came to Jesus and begged it wasn't his son it wasn't his mama it wasn't his grandma the guy wasn't even a relative of his in those days if you had a servant who is sick you get rid of him and you go in the market and you buy a new one he easily could have got written that servant instead he goes in and looks for Jesus and begged Jesus to come and heal his servant not only that he stops Jesus in the Midland says you can't come into my house because I'm not good enough and he doesn't cancel the miracle because of his not good enough he says Jesus could you make it faster my unworthiness doesn't cancel my miracle I just want to speed it up and he says let me explain Jesus how this works I'm a man under Authority I tell one guy to do it he does it I tell another guy to do it he does it and so I know you're a man also under Authority and you walk in authority and I have soldiers you have words I tell my soldiers to go get a job done you can tell your word and your word can go and get a job done and your words a lot faster than my soldiers could you just release the word so my servant not a son not a mama not a mother-in-law not an uncle not an auntie not a nephew as servant it's just the property but could you release the word and my servant will be healed and Jesus pauses and says many will come to the kingdom and recline with Abraham but the sons will be cast out I want us right now to understand race to deliver conference is our opportunity to exercise compassion for people we don't know for people like Centurion who you could easily say I don't care about them or who cares what's happening to somebody in some other state in some other country that's not my mom that's not my child that's not my relative that's not my who will sit with Abraham it's those who are not indifferent to the needs of people they're not related to can I ask Julia to come up can I ask Casey to come up completely unplanned they have no idea what's happening I don't know also so don't worry well we're gonna be figuring figuring this out as we go I don't know Julia last year I did not know that she had an accident where the driver of the car went on a yellow light and somebody else hit the car so bad that Julia end up paralyzed from neck down all of her nerves in her hands in her feet were completely dead she was tied to a wheelchair tied to a wheelchair she couldn't even hold her hands and she drank through a straw ate through a straw for six months and all while laying in Maryland paralyzed from neck down she told her parents do not buy me a wheelchair because that's not how I'm going to live they borrow a wheelchair and a year ago at this time come to a city named and people saw her at the airport people saw her at the airport and at the airplane and they wheeled her up at the race to deliver conference the conference you were fasting for the conference you were praying for the conference we were giving for and the person you did not even know the person you they're not your relative that not your mom they're not your cousin and your sister and the power of Jesus came at that conference and the first service is her nerves came back she started to heal her nerves and then the next day or the little bit later she walked out from her wheelchair they got into a car and she the first place she went to to God be the glory to McDonald's and ate with her hands and ate with her mouth this there is a Julie that's coming in five days to tri-cities another one there is gonna be another person that's coming that is now related to you and this conference for you or this retreat this this thing for you might be like oh this is great hungry Jen is doing but I want to let you know God is not gonna let people recline with Abraham who only cared for their family it's those people who say God I know I have a position in the Roman Empire I know I have a title I know I am financially secure but my servant Romans they get rid of their sermons but there's something about me I can't just let him die I'm gonna ask you Jesus to heal my servant he can't even get to you Jesus is so sick he is paralyzed but I'm gonna go there when I carve out time out of my busy schedule to see Jesus I'm not even a Jewish man he's not my son please heal my servant and wellness next three days when we're gonna fast you know God is looking at that because some of your saying but I'm fine but the people that are coming to this conference you will see more wheelchairs at this conference than you've seen in your life I remember seeing one time a father who would have four mentally challenged daughters it's heartbreaking you I'm holding please forgive me like animals because they're completely not in the right mind he's holding two of them in one hand to them on the other hand crying say God touch my daughters I want to mess your Christianity up just a little bit because the guys who will be sharing a meal with Abraham are not just those people who are building 401k finishing education building a nice house building a good ministry and caring for their own needs those things are great but God wants to graduate as little bit higher if we're gonna make an impact on the nation God says enlarge your heart come on somebody come on somebody some of you who your comfort zone is you're so comfortable right now and where you're staying and what I want to do is I want to stretch you right now because it's good that you have a position maybe you're like it's in Syria you have a management position in your company maybe you have millions of dollars in your bank account that is great but honestly can I tell you something that's gonna qualify you to sit with Abraham in heaven and recline with Abraham my neighbor him say so how was your life there so where did you live tell me more about it and you're gonna begin to share about what you've been doing for other people we're gonna take a moment to pray in a moment and I want us to pray that God will give us compassion for those that are not related to us but those that are they're not your blood heard the testimony yesterday of a young man David who for eighteen years trained himself to go to the most remote remote area in India they said this is one of the last places on the planet that has not heard the gospel nobody even knows their language yet they don't even know how many people live there the government of india has put a blockage where you cannot go to that area they don't know whether 40 people live there or 500 and this young man studied for years he got all kinds of immunization he read a hundred books a year before turning 18 so he can go that he ran marathon so he can train his body he took different medications and then finally against the law he hires some people in the boat he packed himself and decided to go to that tribe first time he came waved and they started to shooting at him he pulled back next day he did it again and then the third day he finally broke through when in there only to be cut into pieces and they found his body all disfigured some of you saw it's all over the news some people call him crazy or reckless they say how dare you what kind of a parents will let him do that some people have one mission he had a mission he wanted to put in the gospel to those people he's dead he died with his life but there's gonna be a day when that tribe will be open to the gospel somebody sacrificed his life whole life his dreams his only desire was this I want an unknown tribe I'm not related to their modern home that I want him to hear about Jesus I'm not asking you to give your body to be disfigured I'm asking you today could you make you heart just a little bit bigger that it's not just for you and your family could you be like a centurion who couldn't easily honestly throwing that servant off the board it says get out of here you're no good to me but instead he goes in and looks but Jesus's attention and Jesus's I like that I came to die for the world you're like me you want to help others let's begin to ask God right now whatever you say they just begin to put put your hand on your heart begin to say God give me compassion for those who don't know you God it within not just this weekend but just as a person father I pray that you will give me compassion today Julia she's finishing internship next week today she's part of our family today she is a worshiper she brings other people to Christ today she is part of our family but a year ago she was coming in she was just a guest there will be so many like these coming at this conference let's begin to pray with the open up your lips wherever you are let's begin to pray to and ask you to lead that prayer could you do that right now we're just asking that you'll give us a heart of compassion God that we will go out in that our hearts will be broken for the things that break yours God that we will reach those people that others just pass by God that we will go in and that we will impact those people that are in need of a touch from you that are in need of that one person to say hey this is who Jesus is this is what he can do for you God we want to go out we want to impact the nations God give us that a heart give us that heart to go and to reach those people and send us out as laborers God and give us that boldness that we can impact the nations and she is his name yes Lord we ask you right now father in the name of Jesus Christ father in the name of Jesus Christ come on this is night I'm not just trying to get the prayer and get it going I want your heart to be touched right now pray right now till your heart moves pray right now until something shifts in your heart right now until there is emotion in your heart right now begin to say God give me the heart that Centurion had but he didn't just care for himself he didn't just care for his biological family but he also cared for those who he did not know for those that he did not have biological connection to father I pray that this coming race to deliver conference I pray this coming Easter service I pray father at this Guatemala trip I pray father God as we go about our life that you will be a people school eventually will recline with Abraham God because we did not live just for our own self we did not live just for our own ministry we did not live for our prosperity god we did not live for a rank and a position ward but we cared for those God that maybe nobody else wanted to care we cared for those God that maybe nobody else wanted to treasure God we took him in as our own God we took their needs as our needs God we prayed we fasted and we gave little god because their problem was our problem god we know that you have masters prepared for us God we know that you're gonna reach Nations through I'm in this regard we know father that our ministry will touch the world through our music through our books God but I pray that you'll put the world in Basel abroad or Abbas cetera do you Spirit of the Living God your spirit of the Living God let your pass and fall upon the church right now let compassion fall upon our church right now let compassion fall upon our church right now let's fire phone right now Holy Spirit let's fire phone right now Holy Spirit let's fire fall right now Holy Spirit God it's not just about the masters God it's about that one it's about that one it's about that one Lord it's about that one Lord we pray for a horse to be stretched God we pray for a horse to be moved this morning more God that we will do something and we will step out of our comfort zone then we will step out of our complacency we will step out of our mediocrity God it will stop a step out of just sitting on the church pew and doing absolutely nothing with our life lord then we will step out of just what's convenient to us Lord we all have certain conveniences that you will take us out of there God and we will see the miracles then we will see the miracles God and we will see the miracles in Jesus name I want you to see that is sincere Ian he cares for for his servant and that compassion drives him to the Bible says this is that he came appealing to him saying Lord my servant is lying paralyzed at home suffering terribly I love the fact that he didn't just have the compassion but he comes to Jesus and he asks Jesus he asks Jesus is Jesus my servant is laying at home and he is suffering terribly suffering terribly suffering you know their suffering when you have a fever running nose that is suffering when you strain your back and it's difficult to get into the car and difficult to get up but there are sufferings that are terrible terrible I'm talking about not just mild not just the ones you can manage with little bit of painkillers a little bit of medicine but there are sufferings that are that are terrible like what happened to Julia what happened to Casey you know last year Casey came to our conference for the first time in cases stories some of you know this is a very very very difficult life that she lived at the young age our parents dedicated her to the religion of Satanism and for those of you who watch chronicles of Sabrina and Netflix and others and you think the Satanism is just about spells and it's cool and it's nice and everything I want to tell you something those are TV shows those are not realities Satanism is not cool cute and sexy it's not just about horror it's about making you get pregnant so you can kill your own baby so you can get a certain access in Satanism and it's being abused it's being raped it's being molested it's exactly what happened to Casey and demons one-by-one started to come into her life to the point that she start losing her mind you're mine get so much pressure that it breaks and it develops into fragments multiple personality it becomes you become schizophrenic you start hearing voices you become suicidal and it will last year Kasich a man you could have looked at her and say you know what I don't know who this person is but it's the person that was suffering terribly person who was looking for help we're not related to her none of you here in this room are but right there at that conference the Spirit of God who seen the years years and years of abuse and pain and trying to end her life he came and all the prayers you pray God used those prayers to create an appointment and right there the devils and the demons when they came out of her she went back home not only the 13 or 15 medications that she took for 10 years she stops that Agosta to give her hope her face brightened up and today case is finishing nine-month internship program as a disciple of Jesus Christ [Applause] the AKC is worshipping Jesus but it's not only that but Jesus treats people for him way way differently he comes the GU people life and more abundantly Jesus doesn't abuse he heals people he heals their hearts he heals their soul and so some of you who coming today is saying why are you guys so crazy see that's why I'm crazy because it's not just for me so that's just emotion it's a life change it's it's just from nation of Life it's somebody going from darkness into light it's somebody going from sickness into perfect health it's somebody who is slicing the wrist putting a knife to the throat trying to hang themselves to today lifting their hands and say Jesus you're the life giver Jesus you're the Prince of Peace Jesus you defeated the devil Jesus you raised me from the dead Jesus you gave me purpose and you gave me hope and I praise you and I love you and I was to view if Jesus says that something in your life lifts your hands right now Nick next 60 seconds give God some praise give God some praise give God some praise give god some praise right now come on lift your voice hallelujah hallelujah we love you Lord we love you we love you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on few more seconds here mo seconds live to voice live she was live to us begin to take him right now begin to thank you right now begin to take him right now the Jesus rescues Jesus saves some of you you know baby does those things but you've done other things that Jesus had mercy on you [Music] you're [Music] just worthy holy holy Jesus we say you're holding command every hand race and now let us tell the Lord you are worthy come on every hand race announcer Jesus you are worthy you remember what we did for you remember how he saves you remember how he heals you remember how people looked you just said L me you'll never make it remember how the devil laughed at you when you fell can falling into the same thing and God stretched his hand and he picked you up from that thing that you couldn't pick yourself up but remember when you were hopeless remember when you were purposeless when you thought life is over and God was standing on the other side and said devil watch me I'm not done with that one I will pick that one up I will place their feet upon the rock and they will testify oh my goodness and devil they will slap you and devil they will crush your kingdom and I will use that weak words I will use that difficult ones I will use that addicted one to shake your kingdom [Music] [Music] Jesus we praise you God [Music] la Mesita a Makita llama see son of a-- k see how you feel amazing how do you feel about jesus what do you feel that God has done in the last of these lights last my last 9 months it's been an incredible journey hasn't been easy but the support and Jesus's life I mean there's God is not done with Casey just like he's not done with you just like he's not done with me amen when people testify here it's not because their life that said there's no more battles after that we're just thanking God for what he's done and trusting for what he's planning still to do but I want you to see this servant the Bible says he suffered terribly and some terrible sufferings are emotional some are spiritual and some are demonic we have people that are coming to this conference we have people that are coming toward services many times it's because their sufferings that they have are terrible and right now what we're going to do is we're going to pray for every person the way this Centurion did he came to Jesus and he said my servant is lying paralyzed at home suffering terribly I want to believe that at this conference we're gonna see more people getting out of wheelchairs than we ever seen before I am believing that at this conference we're gonna see many blind eyes open many deaf ears open I want to believe today that we're gonna pray for right now who have tumors and who are staring death in the face who are counting months because the doctor has told them that they have five or four months and become putting their children and I wanna look today with them stand with them today in our prayer and look death in the face it says you're not gonna take that one [Music] I want to stand with those people today who have attempted suicide many times and they're staring that demon in the eye I want us to stand with them right now and look at that demon in the eyes say you're not gonna take that one in the name of Jesus for those who are suffering terribly we're gonna pray for them right now I told you this is not gonna be a conventional service I see to see stuff like this guys did this stuff like that doesn't happen an accident somebody's praying for it somebody's standing in the face somebody say putting their food aside and saying Lord I want I want you to move on their behalf you saved me God you helped me you know I grew up in a Christian home my parents didn't they dedicate me to say that I love do people who didn't have that to pray for them I had one person come to me in Sioux Falls last week and say Vlad why are people why is God allowing people in other nations who don't know him to go to hell and super all you got this wrong why do you allow that Kathryn he gave his son Katherine he gave his spirit and God gave you to them and why are you and I'm like and I don't want to be the person who say God why are you allowing God is asking God why is people like her in the radius of two hours from your church doing that well you just come by a mile or just knows about me in the church I don't want to be in that church I don't want to be that guy I never want you to be that either we're gonna recline with a but I have one because we're not just living for ourselves we'll do City for those who are suffering terribly join hands with the person next to you let's begin to pray for every person that is suffering every person that is struggling right now let's begin to pray right now the God is going to bring healing salvation and deliverance the Debbie Jesus mighty name hallelujah holy spear right now Lord we pray God for healings Lord healings in the name of Jesus Lord not just now a race to deliver God but we are sending that said the messengers God saved your Lord comforter Holy Spirit that people will be changed that they would be delivered God God what we would expect for our mom her brother or sister or family member God we expect you to do in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit we are believing we are declaring that that what you said is a finished work Lord not because we are finished Lord but because you're just getting started in the mighty name of Jesus we declare your blood with the clear blood overt answer get blood over diseases and sicknesses not because you said it Lord Lord that settles it Jesus much name we are surely spirit a begin to bring a spiritless buddies say you bring it to you sickness is not that seems impossible yes see there you give us such a hard and poor servants God just like we would formerly Holy Spirit God break your heart Scott we did not deserve your love God we did not deserve your grace we did not deserve your mercy I see God do you Greta the mercy that you grant servants Allah grant you mercy now you granted me God for City God we don't want to be a lukewarm Christian we are seeing at the whipping it to care for those got now lost all these friggin begin to be a spirit Bible oh boy it's got one city the by tima Jesus Christ pray of your power we did plan to creat father's from your manifestation to come God and every demonic power to be removed in the name of Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] race i delegate you can thoraseal they thought in ceará God's mercy facilitation and in the world we're gonna make it [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jesus give us a little bit more of your heart Jesus give us a little bit more of your fire give us a little bit more of your compassion break a heart for what breaks your scars then we will live for what you died for Jesus this coming mouth God whether it's in Guatemala whether it is a race to the liver whether it's an Easter service God that we will live for what you died for Jesus standing for just a moment if you physically can I want you to see this it says after that Jesus told them I will come and heal him I believe God's response to our prayer right now is I will come I will come to race to deliver I will come to Guatemala trip I will heal them I will show mercy on them I will show kindness on them I will help them but something happened from the time that he was pray that prayer until until the coming the Centurion felt insecure and he replied lord I am not worthy to have you come under my roof but only say a word and my servant will be healed I want you to let you I want to let you know this is that anytime you could in the presence of God you might be aware of your unworthiness you might be aware of your shortcomings you might be aware of the fact of a ladder but I'm not my life is not what it's supposed to be I want to tell you this you can have a great faith anchored in a soul that doesn't feel worthy it's okay not to feel worthy as long as you know someone who is [Music] [Applause] I don't feel worthy because I know someone who is worthy and that's why I say worthy Jesus if you don't feel worthy in this room today don't cancel your miracle don't say Jesus because I'm not worthy don't heal me now say Jesus because I'm not worthy he'll be faster because I'm not worthy Jesus don't help me with my marriage because I messed up no no this in Syria did not say because I'm not worthy no don't don't forget about the servant see so many people they cancer their miracle because of their unworthiness but I want to tell you something your unworthiness it's not big enough to cancel God's love for you and therefore no matter how you feel about yourself right now no matter where you find yourself today right now you can tell god I'm not worthy but you say god I know you are worthy and I trust in your mercy I trust in your love I trust in your faithfulness and I trust in your capacity [Music] Jesus and his work [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you have a pain in your body right now I'm asking you place your hand up on the part of your body with that is pain I'm gonna pray that the Word of God will come and heal your body right now the name of Jesus fix your eyes and his worth not your worthiness your unworthiness put that aside release your faith is Jesus your faithful I know this problem maybe have been there for 20 years or 15 years in the name of Jesus Christ I command that sickness in the name of Jesus right now to go I command that back pain because of that accident because of that fitness workouts that you did maybe improperly and you strained your back in the name of Jesus be healed right now be healed right now I rebuke that ozma right now every problem with bronchitis in the name of Jesus be healed right now I curse that tumor and that lump and that growth and that cancerous cell in Jesus mighty name be uprooted from your body right now in the name of Jesus Lord release healing to those kidneys right now Lord release healing to those kidneys right now in the name of Jesus I command the deafness to go right now the name of Jesus I command that blindness and that year's sadness and will you don't see clearly to be healed in Jesus name in the name of Jesus Christ be healed in your choice right now be healed in your knees right now be healed in your elbows right now in your shoulders in the name of Jesus every spasm and paralysis in your body in the name of Jesus we speak as healing right now every allergic reaction to certain foods and every gastritis I break its grip over your life right now in Jesus mighty name that problem in the neck right now in the name of Jesus Holy Ghost fire be healed in Jesus name father I thank you father I praise you father i exalt you right now in the name of jesus in the next few seconds I'm gonna count to three and I'm gonna ask you to shout the name Jesus and as you do that I believe miracles are gonna start breaking out I believe you will be as you gonna release that shout that pain is gonna go that thing is gonna go he said I am not worthy but say a word scripture says he sent his word and he healed them you know that that word is in your mouth right now and you're gonna send it you're going to release that word and there is no greater word on this planet than the word Jesus it's that word demons tremble in front of it's that word that cancer knows that word arthritis knows that word and so when I'm gonna count to three I'm gonna ask you to release your faith with me and we're going to give Jesus that shout and as we lift that shout we're gonna believe that that back pain is gonna be gone and that problem with the vision is going to be cured today and not because you feel faith but because you know he is good are you gonna do that with me I can't hear you are you gonna do that with me one two three [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] indicated some friends right but his neck is being killed right now somebody's lower back is being filled my god [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah if you begin to test your body begin to distance apart if you had that pain begin to glorify God begin to glorify God we thank you Lord we worship You Jesus we praise You God come on they just take 60 seconds in his praise His name 60 seconds I just praise His name 60 seconds and just praise His name so lord I thank you lord I thank you that you are restoring me I thank you Lord God that you are healing those rashes those rashes in my skin you are healing that right there lord I thank you Jesus let us lift his name out right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] which which camera can we pray to okay a whisk you turn around and look at that camera right now we're gonna pray there are people who are sick watching us right now that a whole families that are sick at home right now if you can zoom that out a little bit so that we can we can pray for I want you okay so let's switch to the other camera sorry yet to the other camera the camera person can you wave at us please I don't see you and I see who's there I just stretch your hands toward the camera right now we're gonna stretch our hands and we're gonna begin to pray right now I want you to pray for them like you try for your family in the name of Jesus Christ we speak healing right now to that household I will rebuke every fever I rebuke write down every single demonic favor I rebuke right now every single physical fever every illness right now to put those people on the bed in the name of Jesus Christ hot flashes headaches in the name of Jesus we rebuked out right now and I commend that to live in the name of Jesus Christ I commend Akili to come into the household I commend and restoration to come into the life right now in the name of Jesus Christ we agree together right now Lord we send your word to that house the way you send your word into the Secours house we send the word into that house God in the other states we send the word into that house in Pasco in Richland and in Kennewick in the name of Jesus Christ we pray be healed in Jesus name be healed in Jesus name if you're an adult and you're watching and your children are sick I challenge you right now lay hands on your children and commend healing to come and you will see that they will recover for the glory of God can somebody say in my church I want you to put your hands together for the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] in the room this size that is always probably somebody who does not know the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior I'm going to ask you something right now if I can ask you it about to bow your head and close your eyes for just a moment if you're whether you've been coming for some time or maybe you're visiting us for the first time or perhaps you're watching this live stream right now and you're not where you're supposed to be with Jesus Christ you have not given your life to the Lord and maybe you just consider yourself as a religious person Christian or a Catholic but you know you're not where you're supposed to be with God the Bible says it is appointed unto men to die and then there's a judgment we're gonna face God and without relationship with Jesus that pays for our sin he pays for our sin if we don't receive that gift of salvation we have to pay for our own sins and that payment the Bible says is eternal death it's separation from God it's just you paying your dues but Jesus knows that you cannot pay that on your own so he came and took that payment for you and today he's offering you a free gift of salvation it's free for you but it cost in his dear life if you're recognizing that you are in need of that salvation you don't need of that forgiveness maybe your life is falling apart or perhaps your life is good on the outside but your world on the inside is so empty you're looking for something I know what you're looking for it's not something in someone his name is Jesus it's not an accident that you're in this room today it's not an accident that you found this but how you found this church it's not an accident you're watching us on live show right now the Lord is knocking on your heart if you're not will you supposed to be with the Lord or you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior I will count to three and when I do so I'm gonna ask you to slip up your hand so I can pray with you if you're watching us on livestream you can comment below and say I want to give right with God and the unlined moderator will connect with you right there if you're not were you supposed to be with the Lord the count to three the devil's gonna already whisper to you right now and say don't you dare to do it you're fine don't you dare to do it but I'm telling you that's the devil we push the devil aside cuz he wants to drag you to hell with him he wants to keep you the your life to be the same way as it is right now but today you know bears the devil and we're gonna bring you the gift that Jesus died for you to give that is in your life one two three four now what you're supposed to be just raise that head high I want to see it I want to pray with you when I pray thank you I wanna pray with you thank you thank you thank you for people thank you if you want to get right with the Lord today and a way through few four more seconds they can choose as they came on I Love You Lord would phrase you God thank you and ask you to do something that's even bolder right now I would ask you to quit the come out of you see those who kill raise your head or want it already and they just come right here there's already people here and Sony people copy just come just come thank you just come just come your man come come don't be afraid I'll be afraid come if you brought a friend with you and they would like to do it you can come with them all right now get away for a few more seconds I know that there's more people who wanted to do that your heart is beating faster it is the Lord talking to you and stuff don't be afraid push that fear aside you can come and we're gonna pray with that's the greatest day when you give your life to the Lord being healed and being delivered is good but giving life to Jesus is the greatest gift that anybody can receive hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Father thank you God Church touch your hands right now we're just gonna bless right now we're gonna pray for the Father we just ask you for your mercy and for your grace and each one of their lives God we bless them right now Lord we pray that you will touch them that you will deliver them today God and pray the Father that you will just turn their hearts back to you Lord turn their hearts back to you bring them the gift of salvation bring them the gift of new life God we commend blessing into their lives guns in the name of Jesus Christ in Jesus mighty name we pray amen thank you for watching this content I know this was a blessing to you we would like to ask you to subscribe to our Channel and click on the bell on our channel so that each time we upload something you can be notified don't forget to share this content with your friends and family and on social media we're so thankful to you better is that good enough the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 20,151
Rating: 4.9151516 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances, dont cancell your miracle, compassion, love, centurion
Id: D9tPLESh-yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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