A Beginners Guide to 3D in Davinci Resolve

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what is that I have no idea you should touch it I'm not going to touch it you touch it no you touch it you touch it you touch it fine you can touch it fine I will [Applause] don't touch it [Music] okay let's get this out of the way right now 3D is terrifying right but you know what it doesn't have to be and to prove it I'm going to show you step by step how I created the little sketch you saw at the beginning of this video and it really breaks down into three simple steps creating a 3D object turning a 2d piece of footage into a 3D scene and finally placing the 3D object into your 3D scene we're going to start by creating our 3D object but before we do that we need to turn our footage into a fusion clip so right click on your footage select new Fusion clip and head to the fusion page once you're in the fusion page take a look at the far right section of the toolbar these are all of the tools you need in order to start working with 3D text and 3D objects from left to right you have image plane 3D shape 3D text 3D merge 3D camera 3D Spotlight and renderer 3D and if you click on these tools from left to right you'll create a node setup that is capable of creating a 3D element now in this case we're making a 3D shape so make sure that none of your existing nodes are selected by clicking in any empty area of your node graph then in your toolbar click on shape 3D followed by merge 3D camera 3D Spotlight and renderer 3D now if we look at our node graph you'll see that we've created a nice little node tree but if we click on our render 3D node and hit 2 on our keyboard we'll send our 3D object to the preview monitor and we'll see well nothing don't freak out we're going to fix it the first thing we need to do is choose the shape we want so let's select our shape 3D node then in the inspector in the shape drop down box we'll choose sphere now if we look at our preview monitor we'll see that our entire viewing area is white this is because our camera is way too close to our object to fix this we'll select our merge 3D node and press 1 to send it to our left preview monitor this will allow us to see the position of our shape camera and Spotlight as we can see our camera isn't just too close to our object it's inside of it so we'll select our camera node and in the inspector click transform then in the translation section we'll drag the Z wheel to the right until our object is where we want it in the frame next we need to deal with the lighting if we look at our left preview monitor we'll see that our light is inside our sphere so we'll select our Spotlight node then just like with the camera node in the inspector choose transform and adjust the Z translation to the right until the light is outside of the sphere then adjust the X and Y translation as well as the X Y and Z rotation until your light is roughly in the same position as the sun in your main footage now at this point you'll see no change to the sphere that's because we haven't set our 3D object to react to light to fix this click on the renderer 3D node then in the inspector enable lighting and shadows now if you adjust the position of your Spotlight you'll notice that the lighting on the object has changed and speaking of our 3D object let's get that looking the way we want first let's click on material and change the diffuse color to Black now we have a black sphere but we want to make it look like it's being affected a little bit more by the spotlight so in the specular tab we'll adjust the color to match the Sun a little bit more and bring down our exponent in order to give our cube a little bit of a shine we'll be coming back to all of these nodes later in order to make the object match the scene better but for now let's move on to creating our 3D environment out of our 2D footage to do this we're going to use a camera tracker first we'll select our media in node hit shift space on our keyboard search for track select the camera tracker and click add next we'll select our media out node and press 2 on our keyboard to send it to our right preview monitor then let's select our camera tracker node and in the inspector we'll check preview auto track locations this will allow us to see all of our tracking points now what we want are as many high quality tracking points as possible to achieve this we'll bring our detection threshold up our minimum feature separation down and our gutter size up then we'll enable bi-directional tracking which will allow us to track both forwards and backwards through the footage from there we'll click auto track and wait for it to complete once our footage is done we need to adjust our camera settings so let's select camera in the inspector then we'll put in our focal length and pick our camera from the film gate drop down box now doing this will automatically adjust our aperture width and height but if your camera isn't listed in the camera tracker you have a few options first you can try and find a camera in the list with the same sensor or at least the same size sensor as the camera you used or if that's not an option you'll have to Google your camera find your sensor size and convert the inches to millimeters once our camera settings are dialed in we can move on to the solve tab in the camera tracker this is where we are going to get rid of any tracking points that are getting in the way of giving us a good tracking result first we'll head into the track filtering system of the solve tab then we'll increase our minimum track length and decrease our maximum track error next we'll head to the operations on selected tracks section bring down our solve weight to zero and click set doing all of this will highlight all the tracking markers that are getting in the way of getting a good track once that's done click delete delete and then solve now what we're looking for is an average solve error of less than one in this case I haven't quite hit that Mark if you run into the same issue just continue to tweak your solve settings until you get what you need you can also delete tracking points manually but before we do that let's make our tracking points a little easier to see first click on options then in the visibility section click the reprojected locators and patterns check boxes now if we look at our monitor we can see that our tracking markers are a lot easier to see if we take a closer look at our footage we'll see that all of our tracking markers are one of four colors green yellow orange and red the green markers are markers that you want to keep yellow markers aren't as reliable as green but they'll work in a pinch orange and red you guessed it we need to get rid of them because they're messing up our track so we'll start by selecting all of the red and orange markers and deleting them then in our inspector we'll click solve again now in this case because of the grass in the scene we're not going to do much better than 1.13 so we'll just have to move on and hope for the best but this is a good lesson for those of you doing moving shots that you want to do 3D work with use a gimbal moving on our next step is to set our ground plane and our origin Point doing this will tell DaVinci Resolve where to put our 3D object in our scene and keep it there to do this we'll first head to the export Tab and head to ground plane options next we'll change the color to bright pink and select show in view this will allow us to see our ground plane so we can adjust our 3D object's position but before we can actually see our ground plane we need to add a camera 3D and merge 3D node to our camera tracker so let's select our camera tracker node head to our toolbar and select camera 3D followed by merge 3D then select your merge 3D node and press 1 on your keyboard to send it to your left preview monitor okay let's set our ground plane let's click on our camera tracker and make sure you're in the export tab then expand your 3D scene transform Tab and select unaligned then select the tracking points that are aligned with the ground in your scene and in the orientation section click set from selection next we'll select our origin point which is basically the anchor that will keep our sphere in place so select a tracking marker that's in the area where you want your sphere to be located then in the origin section of the inspector click set from selection then click export when we click export we'll see that we now have a brand new little group of nodes all of these nodes contain all the tracking and positioning information that will let us complete our scene so let's connect everything up first we'll disconnect our camera tracker camera 3D and merge 3D from between our media in and media out notes then we'll connect our media in to our new camera 3D node created by our export and our camera tracker renderer node to our media out finally we'll connect the merge 3D node from our sphere to the merge 3D node from our tracker export now when you connect everything together there's a chance that things aren't going to look right for in instance the screen might turn completely black like it did here to fix this we need to figure out why this is happening so let's select the merge node that we got with our tracker export and press 1 to place it in our left preview monitor what we can see is that the camera for our 3D scene is inside of our sphere now we don't want to move the camera and risk messing up our track so what we'll do is Select our shape go into the transform tab in our inspector and drag our Z translation to the left and now that we can see let's get everything set up the way we like it the first thing we need to do is adjust our position so let's move to the last frame in our composition then we'll adjust our shape and translation until our sphere is where we want it next we need to adjust the lighting so let's click on the camera tracker renderer node from our export and enable lighting and shadows then we'll adjust our Spotlight position until we get the look that we want and now if we play that back you'll see that we've added our 3D sphere into our scene now I was going to get into using 3D materials in this video but honestly we've already covered a lot so I'll make a new video about that soon make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss it but for now real talk yes 3D can be overwhelming the whole fusion page can be overwhelming I get it so if you're watching this video and you feel like you just jumped out of a plane without a parachute I've got the perfect video for you just click here to check it out and until next time don't forget to go out and make stuff thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Jay Lippman
Views: 14,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d in davinci resolve, 3d in davinci resolve 18, how to add 3d objects in davinci resolve, how to use 3d camera in davinci resolve, 3d camera in davinci resolve, 3d tracking in davinci resolve, 3d animation in davinci resolve, 3d animation in davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 18, fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve tutorial fusion, davinci resolve tutorial effects, jay lippman davinci resolve tutorial
Id: kUruF83oRiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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