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so let's compare a real wanted to a fake want to have a rolex submariner 1 1 6 6 1 0 ln right next to a very convincing copy I think you'll find this interesting [Applause] [Music] [Music] one costs $10,000 the other one costs $100 is there really that much difference what's up guys juicy stuff this week I've got a fake Rolex next to a real Rolex they're both submariners they both look identical nearly let's get into it and here they are guys two Rolex Submariner model one one six six one zero Ln that stands for lunette more so black dial black bezel no color on the clasp no color on the head no color on the dial anywhere not even writing anything it's just black white and silver it's a very popular configuration these models list prices are about $9,000 us about 8,000 euros but you can really find them they're almost impossible I have recently read on forums that people are still waiting after having waited a year but the bad news here is one of these is actually a fake can you tell which one let me get them closer to the camera as you can see they're very very similar but there are discrepancies between the two and of course anybody with a sharp eye for this kind of thing probably guess this two minutes ago when the video started it's actually this one on the left it is 100% replica it is not made of any real Rolex parts at all this one I believe came from China I can't be sure but I believe that's where they're making these kind of high-quality replicas these days so let's take a look at the simple differences the ones that jump out straight out at you I think the thing that hits me the most straight off are two things one is the PIP at the 12 o'clock position if you look at the real one and how perfect it is and has that kind of pearly white this one is kind of turning brown I actually bought this watch a couple of months ago and threw it in with my other watches just to spotted at a curiosity really just to see what it was like and at the time that the pip was quite white it looked quite convincing other than the fact that it's slightly off-center I don't know if you can see that it should be a little bit pushed in that direction but they got it slightly off center so they messed up there so I think that would be the first thing that jumps out at you the second thing these little second markers that are around the dial very close to the re heart there are just a little too bright they're just a little too obvious where it's on the real one there are a lot more subtle and kind of they're there but they don't jump out at you as much so let's look at some more stuff the case itself and the bracelet well if you look at the sides here the head of the watch is pretty much identical I don't see much difference one thing that jumps out at me straight away there is that this the genuine seems to be more condensed they don't seem to be able to get this bezel slim enough and down like flush married to the head of the watch properly so you wind up with a slightly higher thicker watch however I notice that the case back is a little slimmer on the replica than it is on the real one so all in all you're looking at around the same thickness in watch as for the bracelet of the replica it's extremely well made looks and feels great of course on the real one they're using on all four L steel which is Rolexes special steel that has a silky feel to it and catches the light in a beautiful way I'm assuming they're using 316 now steel on this which is what they use in most other stainless steel watches on the market but I can't quite be sure obviously I can't call anyone and I can't find out any information because it's a very kind of dark world of replicas they're breaking the law obviously but it does look very similar and feel very similar and it is very similar in weight I'm gonna weigh them you know in a moment they may have actually figured out how to make their own 904 el steel or similar popper open this is again this is the replica everything kind of looks in place even the logo is quite nice it's quite nicely printed now if I get in super close to some of these details like the Rolex sa here it's a very very small print and I've noticed that none of the replica makers have been able to pull it off properly it's quite pathetic when you put it next to the actual genuine engraving but everything else looks right it even has the glide lock system here so you can adjust the length of the bracelet on cold or hot days or if you if you actually are a diver because this is of course a diver watch and you need to put it around the wetsuit you need to loosen it up a bit to fit around your suit now it's I think using the term glide is a little generous in this case it doesn't exactly glide it feels kind of scrappy you can feel steel rubbing against steel and it doesn't it's not very agreeable but it does work and it snaps into place I'll show you the genuine as you can see everything is immaculate here the engraving across the board is beautiful as you would expect but with the glide lock system it's extremely beautiful and glides very smoothly back and forth doesn't give any kind of resistance it's quite liquid and then of course whatever position you choose it snaps in quite nicely and solidly the only real difference as always is the feel everything just feels right on this everything snaps into position and moves kind of beautifully wears on the replica it's a little that snap is nice and then closing this feels a little bit I can feel metal scraping against metal it's a little scratchy just a little bit let's take a look from the other side of the head very very very similar perhaps the replica is a tad thicker but again the case back is shallower on the replica assumably because it's housing a much smaller simpler movement whereas the genuine of course is housing the rolex 31:35 movement very famous movement so as far as the bezel of course this bezel has platinum inlays of the of the numbers and the indices this I assume just has paint but they've managed to get it kind of slightly off-white and a little bit more luxurious looking than just regular white paint so well done to them this it's not a bad-looking bezel and it does appear to be made of ceramic just like the real thing of course rolex called up sarah chrome and it is scratch resistant just like regular ceramics so it seems to be pretty well made let's turn the bezel it's a pretty good vessel as bezels go it's solid there isn't much back play there's a tiny bit of black play but it seems solid and feels and kicks quite nicely let's take the real one and compare now you can hear the sound of it is is a lot more subdued it feels stronger there's zero back play it will not move even a nanometer in the opposite direction and it's extremely satisfying and smooth and solid and there on the dial we have white gold around the indices on the dial of course that's not the case in this I assume these are just steel and in the micro lens you can see that the finish on them isn't quite as good as far as the writing it's extremely similar although the writing on the replica seems a little taller overall it does have four lines but they're spaced slightly differently the writing on the each anyone seems a little bit more widescreen if I can use that terminology it's just a little bit stretched out from left to right and of course the print is immaculate on it compared to the replica again something that you don't really notice until you put them side-by-side or get in with a loop or micro lens now one thing they've improved on of late is the Cyclops the Cyclops seems to be giving a two point five magnification just like on the real one and you can see it again when just right now you see the second hand going through it and you see how it was magnified like that they say on the old replicas or the fakes of the knockoffs of yesteryear the Cyclops was there it was present on the dial or on the Saffir crystal but it wasn't actually magnifying anything it wasn't actually a magnifying glass but this time you know lately they've improved on it and they are actually magnifying now if you look at the text that they're magnifying can tell that the real one has much more beautiful text much better print however that would be very difficult to really spot if you only have this watch in your hand and you didn't have this one to compare side-by-side now the movement in this is not a cheap quartz movement I assume it's a cheap movement but it is an automatic movement it's mechanical because you can see that the seconds hand is sweeping through it's not going you know second per second like a quartz movement with do so you're getting maybe I don't know three or four maybe four or five beats per second on this which is giving it a kind of a smooth movement the real one of course has six or eight beats per second I believe a super smooth but honestly between one on the other not a huge difference in that regard so this apparently I don't know what's inside this I haven't opened the back but apparently there is a some sort of a Chinese copy of an ETA movement and etta movement which are very popular movement makers and make a lot of great movements for a lot of great watches this of course has its own in-house movement very famous movement called the 31:35 you'll get that movement in the sub-mariner models and your master models and a couple of others it's tried and tested over the years fantastic movement for what really comes into is this moving the crown first of all this crown doesn't really lock in anymore it did a couple of months ago so I guess that's first indication of the cracks beginning to show but I can wind it like this and I can feel a movement wined it's not very smooth it doesn't feel very solid but it is winding and giving the watch power I could pull it out to the furthest position and as you can see the seconds hand has stopped so it's a hacking movement and now I can set the time here's the funny thing on the real one when you move it clockwise the time goes forward and you move it anti-clockwise and the time goes backward but it's the reverse on this fragment of this clockwise the time goes backwards and anti-clockwise doesn't time goes forward so I've seen other watches that do move in this direction when you move a clockwise in that direction you move it anti-clockwise one good example is a watch that I actually have on which is the bright lane cockpit the big date this one has the similar feature and then of course when you move the crown into the second position then the seconds hand is no longer hacking and you can change the date as you can see the date changes pretty well again nothing feels too amazing under the fingers it's impossible for you guys to know but if you you know even through the gloves I can feel the kind of unstable the instability of the crown and the movement whereas if I take the real one I mean do I even need to say it unscrewing the crown incredibly solid buttery beautiful creamy movement pops out now the watch is no longer water-resistant this as the trip lock system of course and now I can wind it now just winding that I can feel the weight of a beautiful movement on the inside it's creamy and luxurious feeling if I pull it all the way out to set the time again clockwise brings the time forward I'll take clockwise brings the time backwards and then I bring it to a second position you can set the date it was very very smoothly and solidly it's quite satisfying so I'm gonna put it back in and then lock the crown back in flush against the body of the watch the head of the watch now I know the watch is water-resistant again now let's talk performance I've actually put this replica to the test over the past couple of weeks and it actually holds time pretty well it comes out about four or five seconds ahead per day but that's actually not too bad for a kind of a cheap watch it's I have more expensive watches that don't even hold us good time maybe they need a service or something on need to be adjusted now the real one of course comes in at just less than a second ahead per day which is very very nice obviously to be expected where the ten thousand dollar purchase but this thing really isn't that far off I was expecting it to gain maybe thirty seconds 45 seconds a day being a kind of a cheap replica but actually it keeps good time as far as the case back is concerned this is the easy part for the replica makers because unfortunately Rolex don't really put any attention into the back of their watches other watch brands actually use this space quite well they put nice logos they some of them put a em serial number there and so on Rolex aren't interested in any such endeavors and so they wind up with a extremely uneventful case back so it makes easy work for a replica maker to get something looking identical now you can see with the solid end links there where they meet the case isn't exactly 100% perfect whereas if I compare it with the real deal you can see the way everything all the edges kind of marry extremely well they're also the holes to release the bracelet from the head are a little smaller less evidence than they are on the on the replica so it's you know many of the details they've really gotten right let's take a look at the rehad on the genuine Rolex these days and ever since but 2009 2010 they engrave wrote the rolex name all around the rehad down here they put the serial number but for the rest they are just as Rolex Rolex Rolex all the way around and has a very small crown in the re heart up there at the 12 o'clock position well the replica maker has gone to that length too and there's actually done not a bad job either a little off-center and so on but still not bad then another security measure that Rolex have added to their watches is somewhere here just below the six indicee there is a very tiny crown that is very very hard to see with the naked eye but it's right there edged inside the actual the sapphire crystal the replica maker has actually gone to that length too but hasn't done it as well and you can see it with the naked eye it's kind of shoddy work it's off-center it doesn't look good and if you use a micro lens you really see how bad it is so one final thing to take a look at is the weight and I've actually never weighed these watches so I'm gonna do it for the first time now on the camera let's see how they come in I'm gonna start with mr. replica 146 grams let's just pick her up for a second let that recalibrate put her back down again 147 this time okay we'll do one more time to get an average 147 so I reckon that's the one 47 officially alright let's put on the genuine article now let's see where that comes out at there is one link missing off this I had to have it slightly sized for from my own wrist in the ad so let's see where it comes in 1:56 okay it's nearly ten grams heavier let's try that again 156 one more time yep all right so it's just under 10 grams heavier fair enough now we know so overall I have to say it's kind of come to a scary moment in in in the replica world now in the watch world in general that the they can achieve this level of accuracy there was a time when replica watches fake watches knockoffs whatever you want to call them were immediately recognizable and anyone who knew their watches would even spot it from a distance on someone's wrist that they weren't wearing the real thing nowadays I even know watch resellers who really need to take a good look before they can confirm their suspicions that they're looking at a replica so if these guys who hold hundreds of watches every week even those guys are having difficulty spotting a replica from from genuine watch well then what chance do we as the general public have I mean it's it's a really distressing thing and one can only assume that if they're getting better at doing and making these that eventually there will be no difference but eventually they will get the PIP right and they will get all the other details right and and eventually we're going to get to a point where we literally can't tell the difference between the real thing the icon and the imposter [Music] alright guys that's it thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see in the next so seriously [Music]
Channel: The Timeless Watch Channel
Views: 1,029,422
Rating: 4.7275867 out of 5
Keywords: rolex, fake, replica, submariner, comparison, superfake
Id: Z4cKJp5cpn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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