How To Spot A Fake Daytona: 15 Things To Look For!!!

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First thing I look at is the finish on the hands, then the other trim.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/And-Bee 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

they are all fake, a daytona has not been to space so cosmograph is a blatant falsehood

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/johnsmithdoe15 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

If you need a macro, wear the rep with confidence! Been a Daytona fan for years and I can spot a rep easily, but let me just say the stainless is so close it is very hard to tell unless you are really up close and personal.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/solex118 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

15 thing rep vs gen

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,

money, Magnifier glass,


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/snreddit 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right guys in today's video i'm going to show you how to spot a fake daytona reference 116 500 ln this is with the black dial black ceramic bezel now one of these is authentic and one is a replica and a pretty good replica at that so i want you to take a couple minutes or a couple seconds and just look at these over i'll put this one up close real quick so you can scan the dial scan the bezel scan the chronos then i will throw this one up there scan around it now side by side for those of you that have guessed or not if you guessed that the left was fake you are right the right is in fact the authentic so now i want to put those side by side and see if you can spot any differences now that you know which one it is if you still can't see the differences don't be worried or don't be alarmed i actually put this picture up on facebook and instagram and believe it or not on facebook more people guessed that the left was real and that the right was fake and then on instagram about 53 guessed that the right was authentic so they were right but a staggering 47 of people guessed the left was the real one so this is a good fake it's a high quality hyper clone and i'm going to get in right now and show you how you can spot the differences on this one all right guys so here we have the fake daytona now some of you may be able to scan across this dial and immediately see several things that don't look right and then there's a lot of you that aren't going to recognize it right off the back but don't worry we're going to cover all that the point i want to emphasize is you never want to just use one tell you want to look for multiple things because rolex is not perfect and i have seen many pieces come out of the production come straight from the ad that have imperfections so some of those things we're going to cover are the font the daytona inscription the chapter rings the hands the dial markers the bezel markers the chrono pushers the crown the rolex crown on the dial and then we're going to flip it over and look at the movement as well so let's jump right in so one thing i do want to mention before we get started in the little intricate details is you know used to when you bought these fakes you could instantly tell by the feel of it once you touched it and then even when you unscrewed the crown you could feel grinding or whenever it popped out into the winding position used to whenever you would wind it it would actually have kind of this uh this grinding feel like the gears inside were grinding now i remember when we first got this in and the first time i did it yes it had that feel but now that i've wound it and i've played with it a few times as i wind this it actually winds pretty smooth when let's say i wind it all up and i unscrew the crown and activate the chrono you can see the chrono starts just fine runs smoothly stops let's let's open the wreath the reset it resets perfectly to zero so you know used to you could take this off someone's wrist open it up uh wind the crown activate the chronos the chronos wouldn't work they wouldn't reset to zero but this one does it so you're gonna have to get a loop you're gonna have to get a macro lens with these things nowadays and get in there and look at the real fine details so we're gonna get into that right now one other thing i want you to pay attention to guys is whenever these fakes come your way and you look at these stickers a lot of people the stickers did not used to be very good as you can see right here that one is almost exact this sticker on the clasp looks extremely close to the authentic so you got the fake and the authentic they look good you flip it over and you look at the other side now this one's peeling but you can see how it's got the little green mark there then you look on the authentic one it has the same sticker so you know stickers are getting even they're perfect they're they're perfecting those so don't just look at a watch and say oh it's got stickers on it these look right this must be authentic so just something i wanted to point out really quick okay guys so jumping right in the first thing i want you to look at now grab your loop and you want to immediately go to the font so when you're looking here at this rolex font and you compare this to the authentic what you'll notice is that the fake is a much bolder much thicker font you could also look imagine at the bottom of each of these words is supposed to form a straight line if you look at the y and both of the t's and the word oyster perpetual you can see that they are they stop slightly above the rest of those letters if you scan across them you'll you'll see other little details that where some of the some of the eyes are not all the same thickness some of the o's are not all the same thickness whereas when you hop over to the authentic all the lines i'm sorry all the letters are exactly the same height with thickness and font jumping over to the next one i want you to scan down to the daytona inscription in red here on the fake it's a very flat matte looking red kind of a dull look versus the authentic which is a very glossy red another thing i'll point out if you look at look around the letters like within the a and in the y section and then down here in the dips of the end you can see where that paint's kind of bleeding over where someone with not a very steady hand was painting these on there it just wasn't very good again hop over to the authentic and all the letters are crisp and again it's just this glossy look so it's the different color and red you want to look for next thing i want you to look at is these silver chapter rings now on the fake if you scan in here and you get really close two things you'll look at is the rings inside here they're very rough and you see all those little dots they're very rough and coarse as well as the the numbers here the 60 and then the little marker dividers they're painted on you can see how they're kind of bleeded or bleeding around the chapter rings whereas on the authentic you look at those chapter rings they're very smooth and they're very consistent as well as the numbers are applied and not painted on so that's one thing now again number one rule in this thing is you have to have a jeweler's loop to be able to spot these details up close because just looking from the naked eye unless you're trained and you're looking at a lot of these it's going to be very very hard to notice now the next thing i want you to look at and this is actually the first thing i always look at when i'm suspicious is the hands now when you zoom in here and you look you go around the edges of these hands around the mark i'm sorry around the chrono hands around the sweeper hand look at all that rough machining that's due from very one it's very poor quality machine that makes these hands and two it's that they put these things together very quickly and very uh inefficiently they're not taking their time so you look at the authentic one they're very clean they're very uh they're cut properly the platinum infused marker on there looks like a platinum infused marker not just a you know chalky sandpaper so that's that's the first thing is you scan around the dial and you look at these modern day watches and you're starting to look and you see machining around all these hands dead giveaway now you do have to be careful because a lot of these people are creating hyperclones now where they actually take a fake watch and they put real hands on it so the other rule in this is you never use just one tail next thing i want to look at is the dial markers and this one right here if you look at the outer perimeter of that white gold embassy look at the shape of it on the bottom of the left hand side it's got a shape right here that you know it's like a curved l but it curves slightly up higher on the other side so it's not exactly the same shape the other thing is that these don't line up in between the minute markers at the bottom you hop over to the authentic one look at the bottom of that shape it's the exact same shape that platinum infused marker looks like platinum and then it lines up perfectly within those minute markers next thing i want you to look at is the swiss made now specifically on this one when you're looking at the letters look at that s in swiss made it's not it's it's got like an overture of paint where it's kind of fading over and it's very sloppy and then the w if you look at the first leg of the w and then the last leg of the w they're not the same size they should be the same size the other thing too if you scan along those minute markers at the end of swiss right here you see these are kind of gray but you get over more towards the right side underneath that dial marker and you can see how they're wider so they are not all the same shade they're just they're also not all the same size hop over to the real one all the letters are precise all the minute markers are the same size they also all have the same brightness to them next thing i want to look at is the bezel inscription now this is supposed to be engraved it's kind of hard to tell and this one actually got it really good but if you've seen enough of these you can tell that that is a laser etching it's not actually engraved you have to get down and look at it through a loop but even when you do you can tell how poor looking that is compared to an authentic engraved bezel like this but i will say that this this clone right here this fake actually did a pretty decent job and would fool most people to the naked eye next thing you want to look at is get on the bezel now look at the bezel markers when you look at this again you kind of got to get close and look under a loop when you zoom in and you start looking at the cutouts along the s and around the t you can see again very poor machining to how this was cut out and stamped in the bezel and then you get inside this is supposed to be a platinum infused marker and this is not it's just painted on when you compare it you compare the look of this one to the authentic see how much cleaner this one looks it looks like a you know a silver sand paper inside that marker but it's cons the main thing is that it's consistent from one side to the other you zoom in even closer and the out the imprints where they've stamped the units per hour into the bezel it's consistent and it's straight next thing i want to look at is the winding crown now let's just start from the gasket right here on the left and we'll go over to the right so the gasket for one when you're looking at this thing and i'm sorry for the poor quality but when you're looking at this through a loop it's it looks like it's been mistreated it's been cut up it's been handled very roughly same thing with those ridges which are they've just got rough machining around them they're dirty now dirty is going to happen but this is a different kind of explanation or a different kind of dirty it looks like as this it's almost as if as this crown was being wound in and out it was rubbing against metal now that shouldn't have that look on the authentic one and then the last thing you'll look at is look at the dips in the ridges on the actual crown one they go too deep those those valleys go too deep and two they're very very rough along the edges again that's one thing you're always going to notice on these fakes is there's just rough and poor quality in and around them all you hop over to the new one that gasket it's smooth all the way around those ridges are clean now they've got some wear on them but they're still clean they don't look rough and then you look at the valleys on the ridges of the actual crown they round off they're about you know about halfway down versus two-thirds like the other one and then you zoom in and the machining around it is normal looking it's not as rough as the other one hop over to the chrono pushers and the thing that you point out here is look at how textured the insides of those ridges are that's just way too textured where they've they've over emphasized the texture of rolex to try to make it seem more authentic to the unsuspecting person to the unsuspecting person it's going to look like oh there's a lot of detail that went into these but in reality it's way too much and the authentic it's smooth the other thing is the where these table tops come up to a point uh they're very sharp on these fakes i notice that they point them off a lot and those are very sharp whereas these are more rounded and they should be softer to the touch the next thing i want to look at is the crown inside the dial now this picture's a little bit dark but what you can tell of when you compare this to the authentic is this is looks like it was just cut out of one flat sheet of metal those ball those ball points at the top are not they have no depth look to them and then the circle at the bottom of the crown is too narrow it's it's almost like a rounded off rectangle whereas on the authentic all five of the ballpoint tops have some circular depth to them they look almost 3d like it's almost like it's a separate piece that was attached to the crown and then of course the oval at the bottom is in fact a true oval another thing you'll see typically is these five stems they will not be the same thickness and they will i've seen some fakes where at the v at the bottom of these valleys they point off to a straight arrow versus how rounded these are and then all five stems are the same thickness okay the next thing is you want to flip it over and look at the flip lock clasp now again this uh crown looks like it was just cut out of one flat sheet of metal all the stems are not the same thickness and then the oval at the bottom is not the correct thickness as well it's it's pointier than the authentic the authentic here you look at those five ball points they've got some circular uh depth to them again that 3d look it's a very smooth sheet of metal and the oval at the bottom is the correct thickness now again this one's going to be hard to look at but this is uh inside the clasp it's the rolex this is laser etching and you can tell this once you've seen a few of these and you rub your hand on over it you can feel it it's a little hard to tell because there is a sticker on this watch that i couldn't pull off but this is in fact an engraving if you look closely you can see the depth within the words rolex and within the design here it's just flat across and it's a laser same thing with the geneva swifts made this is a laser engraving whereas i'm sorry this is a laser etching whereas this is an actual engraving also the font on the authentic is much thinner this is bolder and shorter you can also notice the s in swiss made is the hoops in both the top and the bottom are not the same at the end of those here everything's equal now this one's not this one was kind of hard to tell some of the times this is the little concave that's underneath the flip lock class the only point that you could tell with here is right here at the top on the left and the right hand at the top you can see that they're different widths from that on the authentic they're the exact same sometimes you'll see these where they're too thick on the fake and this one is actually a it's a little bit too wide versus the authentic but very hard to tell just from looking at it and the last thing like i mentioned earlier was these rings inside the these circles inside the chapter rings they're very rough looking and up close you can see how the letters and the markers are painted on versus being applied like you see here all right guys so flipping over i want to take a quick glance across this replica movement now just i'm going to pan down a little bit notice your initial reaction when you're looking across this thing and then when i scan from side to side look from left to right look at the overall finish in this watch look at look at the metal look at the jewels look at the color of the gears and the balance itself now the first thing i think of is this is messy it's very how would you say it it's unorganized it's uh there's machine everywhere there's dust particles there's very uneven finishes and textures there's spots where the uh plates have been over texturized if you look around the rolex where all the imprint is in those jewels zoom in a little bit you'll see how poorly etched out the word rolex geneva swiss was if you look at those three jewels these are supposed to be rich rubies now they used to use real rubies a lot of companies now use lab-grown rubies but they still have this vibrant purplish reddish color whereas these just look like they were painted in here we'll scan around the dial a little bit more again all the metal plates have rough finishing it's very uneven very messy but the immediate tail aside from the messiness and the sloppiness inside this is the balance now as you see right here this is a traditional balance whereas a traditional regulating balance whereas rolex uses a free sprung balance now for those of you that are not watch nerds and don't know what i mean easy way to put it is look at this double fork right here on the balance there's two there on the authentic there should only be one fork coming out of that if you look at the bridge right here you can see where they've over texturized this to give someone that doesn't know you know a lot of these companies are very well known for the finishes and the craftsmanship that go into the finish to making these movements look extremely eye-catching and pleasing visually you can see in these fakes where they over compensate to try to fool you thinking oh you know someone that doesn't know this is this looks very very texturized there's all this extra work that's gone into it and it's just simply not right when you look at the pictures of the authentic one guys i hope you liked that video and i hope you learned a little bit about how to spot a fake daytona if you like this video make sure to hit the like button don't forget to subscribe and as always hit the notification bell so you're notified next time i drop a video i've got several more pieces i plan to drop in the next or in the upcoming weeks how to spot a fake paddock fake aps and more sport models that you guys see every day so again also at the time of this video my current timepiece gentlemen instagram is down i'm not sure what's going on and how i'm going to get it back or if i will so to stay up to date with everything that's going on go follow me on my personal instagram anthonywfair and i'll let you guys know so cross your fingers and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: The Timepiece Gentleman
Views: 57,951
Rating: 4.9234304 out of 5
Keywords: how to spot a fake rolex, how to spot a fake Daytona, fake rolex, fake submariner, markings on a Rolex, 18k markings on a rolex, fake vs real rolex, rolex oyster perpetual datejustrolex oyster perpetual datejust fake vs real, how to tell if rolex is real oyster perpetual, rolex copies cheap, verify authenticity of rolex serial numbers, check rolex serial number, 18k stamp on rolex, rolex submariner 116610 replica, replica watches, rolex replica, rolex markings and engravings
Id: GAQK6senAsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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