Real Men - 5 Things Real Men Take Seriously

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all right well it's good to see you man thank you very very much for joining us and I believe something really special and sacred happens when men get together I grew up in a neighborhood my dad as far as I remember was really the only dad in our neighborhood bunch of kids no dad so a lot of problems and then I remembered not really knowing what a man should be or do or look like until I went to college fast forward and in college shocker they didn't teach me much about how to be a man it's not really the greatest place to learn about masculinity as at a state university and so I ended up becoming a Christian and then ended up going to church and they invited me to a men's retreat I didn't know what that was I'd never heard of it and so I went and it was the most significant thing that happened in my four years of college what I learned in the church was far better and far greater than what I learned in university and university went fine but I remember going to the men's retreat and walked in and we were out in the middle of the woods and guys were singing and I've never seen men sing in public I saw a bunch of guys carrying Bibles I'd never seen a guy carry a Bible young guys old guys single guys married guys all kinds of guys and then we'd have dinner together pray together guys who'd have in conversations and then I had older men coming up hey you know welcome good to have you how are you doing how can we pray for you are you seeing anybody I am are you thinking about getting married yet do you know what to do with the wife I got no clue I'm like a dog chasing a fire truck I hope to catch it and if I do I'm not sure what to do with it you know I'm but I'm trying to trying to get this scale to marry me and and that I dawned on me like I need some man to help me learn how to be a man and that got me connected to a great men's ministry and it was at that men's retreat that God spoke to me audibly I went for a walk and I was just talking to God out loud a brand new Christian didn't know much and God said Mary grace which was my girlfriend preach the Bible trained men in plant churches he told me at age 19 what to do for the rest of my life and so that's what I've been doing ever since and I believe that God likes to show up in special and significant ways when men get together I believe that God wants to help men other men be men like Jesus and the men in that church were really life-changing and transforming to me and that's really the heart of what we're doing here with real men and I believe if you get men you get multiplication with most of you guys are married and many of you have kids and you have grandkids or you're gonna have great grandkids there's a family at the end of the book of Genesis they go into a nation called Egypt there's merely 70 people fast forward a few hundred years at the end of Exodus they leave to return home and they're a nation of a few million nation of a few million and the moral of the story is that if you get men you get multiplication because you get families and generations that's why men's ministry to me is so significant and so important and why I want to honor you for joining us tell ya I love you I appreciate you we're here to build you up not beat you up but I just want to encourage you that you're doing the right thing and if you are new surrounding you or some extraordinarily good men and they're here to help and their hearts are the heart of God for you and so the way this works I'll teach on Sunday and then I do an application of the sermon for the men during the week I want to thank you for joining us thank those online for joining us thank the small groups that are now meeting around the country and world and guys are going through the content and doing what we're doing praise be to God we're just here to help for what I want to hit this week is out of Daniel chapter five five things real men take seriously so I'll just do a bit of an overview of Daniel chapter five and then apply it to you men first one generational legacy matters one of the real benefits of the whole Bible is it shows us what happens in families through generations and that shows us okay they made these choices and these were the consequences they played favorites with their kids and it went really bad or they married believers and it went really good it gives us some generational perspective most men are thinking about a good time God's men should be thinking about a good legacy okay there's a difference between a good time and a good legacy and and what we're learning here in Daniel chapter five there is a bad guy he's a king named Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon modern-day Iraq bad guy dictator but he is the most powerful affluent significant human leader on the earth in that day geopolitically speaking what happens after him is his son the bonus takes the throne he's away on some sort of business so Nebuchadnezzar his grandson Belshazzar that's the guy we meet in Daniel chapter 5 he takes the throne so now we're looking at three generations it seems like grandpa's gone but grandpa built a massive empire huge nation conquered people's looted plundered he is the king of kings on the earth his son doesn't do much what is his grandson do for those of you that know the story it's chapter 5 I wore this on Sunday was the grand Sunday just party he's just a spoiled trust fund kid he's every bad 80s movie dad goes away and the kid throws a huge party at the house and has all his buddies over to get drunk that's exactly what happens the only difference here is his house is a palace so it's quite a party and the moral the story is that in Daniel chapter 5 the whole nation of Babylon is plundered it falls in an instant and it just goes to show you can do a lot but if you don't have children and grandchildren who have wisdom you can give them wealth and they will squander it they will waste it they will lose it Hey what oftentimes happens with men we think I need to amass some wealth that I can hand off to my children or my children's children that's not a bad thing proverbs says a wise man leaves an inheritance for his children's children God wants us to be thinking in terms of legacy God wants us to be thinking generationally but if all you give your children or grandchildren is wealth and you don't give them wisdom what happens they blow and waste all the wealth how many of you this is the story of your family my a couple generations ago my family owned land had multiple companies was prospering by the time I was born everybody is broke they drank and and it all they started with a lot and within two generations there was nothing it's like this story of Belshazzar and so as God's men we're trying to think generationally in terms of legacy and that's not just how much wealth do we leave but how much wisdom do we leave because you can have wisdom and no wealth and figure it out you can have wealth and no wisdom and never figure it out if you can get wealth and wisdom together now you've really got forward momentum and progress well Nebuchadnezzar gives his kid and his grandkid wealth but no wisdom and as a result everything he really devoted his whole life to was absolutely gone literally within a generation or two and so it just teaches us as men we could put so much effort into our company or business or wealth that we forget wisdom and if we don't also give wisdom that all that wealth will just be wasted that's the great horriffic story of Belshazzar and and the two reasons i think that they're there their wealth ultimately was wasted is number one they did not bless others throughout the book this family take take take never give they don't tell you that God they don't serve they don't help the poor they're not generous they're not blessing or benefiting anyone this is a family that succeeded in hoarding wealth and as a result they didn't bless anyone and then as a result they mismanaged what they had so I know many of you guys are at that place you're thinking about life insurance policy and retirement account and investments and you're really excited about the stock market because it's doing this and all of that is well and good but in addition to wealth we need wisdom and to leave for our children or our children's children it's not just wealth oh that's a good thing they need wisdom otherwise the wealth is wasted second thing that we see in the story of chapter 5 in Daniel Satan has not changed the menu in 2600 years how many of you've got a restaurant you love you go to it because you know the menu and it never changes alright you love that Satan has a menu of temptation for men and here's the deal he's never changed the menu you know why guys keep ordering guys keep ordering in Chapter five of Daniel for those who know the story what's on the menu women and alcohol still I am told very popular that's what I've heard I'm not I'm not done a sociological study I've not I've not done tremendous research I just here you know third hand of course I hear not you guys but but some of you guys have told me about your friends and it seems like it seems like like like sex and alcohol are still a thing is that true I mean I'm in church all day so I don't know I'm asking you guys you guys are out there is this still a thing sex and alcohol still a thing yeah oh it is okay okay okay that's kind of what I thought and so what happens in Chapter five he throws a party and he's the King Belshazzar as the king and he throws it basically in their equivalent of the White House they've actually excavated the ruins of this ancient palace it's about the same size as the main house at the White House it says he has a thousand Lords these are guys with titles it says in addition there's some other people President remember who they are the wives and the concubines who are they those are the gals that the wives don't like that's what concubine means okay so you've got a thousand Lords plus the wives plus the concubines and there would be other people there that weren't lords and leaders most commentators think this is fifteen thousand people at a party it seems like a lot what are the parties in our town that are at least that big the tpc open the wasted management open they forgot the D at the end of the sponsorship it's drunken golf what could possibly go wrong but we throw big parties here one of the things that Phoenix and and the greater valley around us in Scottsdale is known for is everybody comes here for what fun drink party fun bowl games tailgate parties right I mean casinos we are right next to the casino you know and every time I hear people complain well I didn't have to build such a big Church hey we could put all the churches in the casino the casino is huge that's where all the real money is and they've got the nice screens you know so the point is that men still like to get together and waste money to drink alcohol and to take advantage of women and so this is a huge party and we know that the the real thing that's going on here it's it's deviancy because in typical state dinners when the guys were gonna drink and do nefarious things you would excuse the wives okay but here the wives are with the men so this is very nefarious and in addition its men wives and concubines and they're drinking how much a lot so it's it's deviancy its debauchery they're drunk and it's dishonouring of God in the middle of the party the King decides hey let's uh let's all let's all drink go get all of the silver and gold vessels that we stole from God's temple now how many of you guys you you you used to drink a lot and you actually would have done this right somebody let's just be honest some of you guys are like well if I had some gold goblets but I didn't so instead I used a red cup you know yeah yeah you go with what you couldn't afford but what he's doing here is he's really just mocking God and and what's gonna happen here is that God is gonna judge them and take the whole nation down in an instant because those vessels are supposed to be wholly dedicated commissioned unto the Lord and they're being used in an unholy way to dishonor the Lord so question does God have holy vessels today okay who or what are the holy vessels you are the New Testament talks about his people as the holy vessels I wrote down one scripture this is exactly what it says in 2nd Timothy 2:20 and 21 the God's people are holy vessels so for men what are the ways that we sow your body we just make this real plain your body's uh it's a vessel just like a cup is a vessel to carry alcohol the body is a vessel to carry what the spirit of God and so that God wants that cup to be clean God wants this cup to be clean and if you if you're unclean Jesus comes to forgive you and make you clean so it's not doomed forever but based on this story not only are the cups being used in an unholy way the holders of the cup are using their body in an unholy way moral the story is how do many men make their vessel unclean unholy sex and alcohol don't miss the obvious in the story sex and alcohol okay whoo unnecessarily raise your hand but who has a problem with this every man ultimately has a struggle with one or both of these things okay and here they're not fighting a good fight instead they're throwing a good party which forgot becomes a big problem okay let me just say this we we want to be honest that's part of being real and what we don't want to do is just sit here and say yeah some guys are really naughty and they drink too much okay all guys are tempted to do naughty and to drink too much true or false true yeah other than dead men they don't struggle with us other men struggle with us okay so Satan has not changed the menu in 2600 years the same thing that he had on the menu for them sex alcohol public party dishonor God have a good time same thing still tempting third thing we learned from the storyline don't ignore the obvious so what's gonna happen in chapter 5 the mighty nation of Babylon the Great Empire ruling the world comes down in the night did God give them any forewarning of what was forthcoming did he tell them hey here's what's coming guys yeah he totally did I read it Sunday I'll read it to you briefly 150 years prior in Isaiah 13 God says this the oral can the Oracle concerning Babylon behold I'm bring up the medes actually tells them who's gonna attack against them have no regard for silver do not delight in gold you can't pay these guys off their bows will slaughter the young men they'll have no mercy on the fruit of the womb their eyes will not pity children and Babylon the glory of kingdoms the splendor and pomp of the Chaldeans will be like Sodom and Gomorrah when God overthrew them it's time is closed its days will not be prolonged 150 years prior through a prophet God said hey Babylon the Medes are gonna come and get you so stop being naughty 150 years warning 50 years prior to this fall of Babylon in daniel 5 Jeremiah 27 says this us thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel now I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar so it's talking about the king of Babylon my servant I've given him the beasts of the field to serve all the nations shall serve him his son and his grandson until the time of his own land comes then many nations and great kings will make him their slave what he says is I allowed Nebuchadnezzar to succeed his son whose nabo Gnaeus will take the throne and then his grandson will take the throne and then I'm taking the throne away from his family because they're not listening that's a very specific prophecy 50 years prior in Daniel chapter 2 God gave a prophecy through a dream that Daniel interpreted through a vision that ultimately judgment was coming to the nation of Babylon the moral the story is don't ignore the obvious and God has been really clear to this whole nation and to the men who lead not only the nation but the family now what's going on here as they are partying in the palace what's happening just outside the medo-persian joint armies they were prophesied by Daniel roughly 60 years prior in Daniel chapter 2 says that the had this picture of a warrior king that the head of gold would be Babylon and that they would be overtaken by a nation that's represented in silver and it had two arms the medo-persian empire are united together to take down Babylon and what happens when they are drinking is just on the other side of the walls is who the medo-persian army they had marched into the city of Babylon why did the men drink instead of fight number one they just ignored the obvious the men ignore the obvious they we do right let's just let's just be honest what are some obvious signs that trouble is coming that men tend to be ignoring speak freely check engine light yeah don't you wish your life had one of those you know how many of you know a guy is driving with a check engine light on and he keeps driving and when it breaks down he's shocked my check engine light full confession is on so so there you go okay other warnings that we get that his men we tend to ignore health diet most guys like don't go to the doctor until something falls out you're like oh then you know there's a liver I probably need that hello I need to schedule an appointment next year most guys don't go to the doctor until it's way too late they ignore the obvious okay other things that God's given us warning we're not paying attention your wife says the same thing 12 times on date night before the food comes and you're just like I don't know what she's talking about something about me I didn't hear it okay it's a warning right it's a warning and we do get warnings and this is what happens is men we just we physically hurt but we just don't pay attention right we're relationally it's not working but we're not being attention what these guys are doing they're ignoring the obvious the army has been marching toward them for some time and they're still ignoring the obvious why are they ignoring the obvious they believe that they are secure because they have fortified their life so what they have they have these massive walls and every King would add to it to show that his glory was greater than the king but for him impenetrable walls on the top you could run a chariot around and turn it around and soldiers could fight from it from a high position surrounding it was a moat within the city they had enough food in rations for years they could also grow their own food and the Euphrates River flowed in bringing life and also fresh water to fortify themselves they felt secure because they built fortification to keep them safe so that they could ignore what was obvious question the men still try and fortify their life oh yeah give me some examples how as men we want we try to fortify our life build a fortification so that we don't have to worry about anything retirement plan is a big one for many men it's a four did you have a retirement plan yes because we believe in Jesus and math okay so love Jesus and do the numbers okay we believe in both but as a man sometimes men will think as long as I have this much in retirement or this much in savings or this much equity now I'm safe are you ever truly safe not necessarily of you guys were here in the double-dip of those 7:08 of sudden your real estate cratered and people went bankrupt and and then the day before felt very fortified I think I've got $200,000 equity next day you're like my house went upside down $400,000 I'm upside down how many of you guys actually lost real estate in the double-dip what I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have real estate I'm just saying and I believe if you can own a house and build equity praise be to God I'm all for it but it's a bad fortification there's no guarantee one of the things two men uses fortifications in their life trying to prevent them from having to endure anything they find undesirable other examples job what was the other line insurance a good lawyer what do you mean overdue things that we think are for the Lord so guys overextend in serving the Lord and they don't actually get time with the Lord and the priorities that the Lord gives them but they feel I give everything I do is for the Lord then the Lord is going to protect me sometimes we find fortification in our physical strength like I'm just tough I can grind it out sometimes I'm smart I can figure my way through it sometimes I'm just real stubborn and resilient sort of whatever happens I'm just going to sort of you know grind through it every man needs to look at his life and ask you know what are the walls I'm building what is the fortification I'm trusting and as a result these guys have a fortified life and they ignore the obvious until it's too late it's too late there's nothing wrong with being wise there's nothing wrong with being a good steward but just because you have built something doesn't mean you're safe that's the moral the story in Daniel chapter 5 that ultimately the Lord is the only secure fortress you're going to see the whole nation of Babylon go down you're going to see King Belteshazzar literally taken the guy who walks out totally fine masu Daniel so this guy had a fortification and this guy's fortification was the Lord this guy loses everything a new political regime comes into existence we'll hit it on Sunday and they promote Daniel and give him a job it's crazy this guy he has a fortification this guy God has his fortification this guy goes down this guy goes forward the moral of the story is there's nothing wrong with fortifying your life but the Lord ultimately needs to be your primary and first fortification your trust needs to be in the Lord's provision and protection for you and anything you're trying to build to replace him is ultimately something that he is going to have a problem with number four you don't know how much time you have so what happens in Daniel 5 they're all drinking it's craziness over by the lampstand kind of like a searchlight what shows up on the wall just a finger just a big finger and it writes something on the wall this sobered everybody up DJ stop everybody's right like the bartender's dropped the East he was doing that and he dropped it I mean this this was a situation right I mean how many of you you've drank a lot and you've seen some things that were not there this is not that as they all saw okay so this this is not just ranked a lot you're like that looks like a finger that's a very large finger right do you see and everybody seems like oh oh okay so all of a sudden we're now in a scooby-doo episode everybody's a little freaked out okay and and it writes on the law and they can't interpret what it means so they go get all the religious spiritual called weird leaders they go up to Sedona get all the guys that are in the lotus position smoking weed around a rock they bring them all down they bring them all down the v-dub bus and they drop them off and they're like okay tell us what this means and they can't figure it out so then they go get Daniel in whom is the Spirit of God he has the Holy Spirit and so the moral of the story is the spiritual guys the helpful one and what happens is Daniel interprets it and basically the interpretation is this it's over when right now okay when God gets stuff done sometimes it literally is just a flick of the finger so the most powerful empire on the earth God just shows up and says you know what it's over the whole nation comes down in a night Herodotus the ancient historian says that this happened on October 11th the year was 539 BC that was my birthday Babylon went down on my birthday happy birthday to me and what happens in that moment is one of the greatest military moves in the history of the world how many of you are current or former military can we honor and thank those guys all right thank those guys all right in a lot of military training academies they'll use the story of Daniel chapter 5 and that was they couldn't penetrate the walls they couldn't overcome the fortified city but the freddie's river that flowed under the walls they realized oh if we divert the river upstream dry up the riverbed what do we get to do just walk under the wall and conquer all the drunk guys at the party ok this is not there has never been a bunch of drunken guys at a casino who were ready for war ok so this doesn't take long they lose this fight but it's one of the great military strategist moments in the history of the world it's legendary they found a way in the moral of the story is if your fortification for your life is man-made and not God made Eve entually someone's gonna find a way in to wreck you that's exactly what happens and what's happening here they are shocked that all of this goes down so quick ok how many of you have been shocked when someone dies quickly and you didn't see it coming think of celebrity deaths in our day do you remember where you were when you found out that Michael Jackson was dead I do I was in line at an airport I think in LA and I remember everybody's phone went off and I remember in line everybody's doing this oh no can you believe it is this true I mean the whole place just erupted and the gal in front of me I'll never forget what she said she turned around she said I can't believe he died I said we all do I mean I'm gonna state the obvious like like like a carton of milk we all got an expiration date like it's coming and she said I she literally said she said I'm just shocked I never thought he would die no I mean no Jesus never mooned walked these are different guys you know only one guy lives forever the rest of us you know we're gonna we're gonna hit the end but everybody was shocked why it happened so fast usually in death you get a little lead time get cancer get old sometimes that was really quick what's the most recent one where the whole world just stopped Kobe Bryant the whole world stopped because it's like he's gone and it was horrifying I mean he's with his little girl I mean I I just as a dad just worst case scenario horrifying but sometimes we get reminded that life is frail and fragile and it's short and we don't know how much time we have and when those things happen it tends to shock us and send us all into a bit of an emotional tailspin because it reminds us of our own mortality okay when we read the story of Daniel five this guy's thinking the most powerful nation on the earth is mine my grandpa is was the king my dad is the king now now he's gone and I'm the king I have a palace I have gold lots of gold I have armies upon armies I live behind a moated fortified walled city in which is a fortified castle and tonight it's over didn't see it coming didn't see it coming the moral the story is for men you don't know how much time you have how many of you have lost somebody very quickly and you didn't see it coming we all have right this last I think was this last week was the anniversary of my father-in-law's death loved him he was a godly man we named this church after him he pastored a church for many years we saw him at Christmas had everybody over to our house and then we drove a few hours away up into the mountains to get some time together as a family and play in the snow we were there just a few days and and boom we got the call grandpa's not doing well and then boom grandpa's dying he's on his deathbed so we make the journey over to his hospital trying to get there as fast as we can so that the kids can say goodbye to Grandpa he's a great guy we love him grandpa Jim couldn't speak didn't get to say goodbye to his grandkids or his daughters or those of us who were his son in-laws couldn't speak he was near the end we didn't see that coming I was just thinking man just a few days ago we had Christmas with Grandpa and a week later we're gonna have grandpa's funeral and what happens is sometimes as men we think we have a lot of time we don't and as a result we let our priorities get out of order assuming well I'll get to that later and the point is stay with the priorities that God has given you because you just don't know how much time you have you just don't know how much time you have and that's the story of Daniel 5 if this guy would have known I'm dying tonight he probably wouldn't have spent it drunk with strangers ok but you don't know last one just because you're old doesn't mean you're done how many of you guys are all ok how old is old let's just let's just draw a line ok where's old 28 ok that all right we're gonna taser you that's a bad answer all right we're old old 80s old ladies real old what's that 90 how old are you not there yeah who's the oldest guy here Enoch are you the oldest how old are you are you the Enoch in the Bible no 90 ok he's 90 we're glad to have you brother so stand up for a minute let him see what a very mature ripe man looks like there's 90 all right that's good so at this point in the story Daniel is in his 80s maybe 90 and the point is is God still using him totally you're gonna come back I mean we're only into chapter 5 it has 12 chapters God's gonna keep using this guy and sometimes what men think is well at age 65 I'm going to retire you don't retire from the kingdom of God you could retire from your job you don't retire from the kingdom of God you don't retire following God you don't retire serving God you don't retire worshiping God you don't retire following God he doesn't his story is an amazing one of a spirit-filled man chapter 1 'is a teenager by chapter 5 he's in his 80s by chapter 6 they think he may be 90 plus years of age and the point is he is old but he's not done and the reason that he gets chosen to come in and interpret the writing on the wall from the hand of God is because the queen-mother Nebuchadnezzar the grandpa the old King his wife remembered Daniel has the Holy Spirit let's get him he'll be of help and she goes to show if he filled with the spirit and you serve the Lord character counts and at some point even if you're on the bench they're gonna call you back into the game because you're needed because you're needed so we want to be a place that honors older men and I want you to know that a lot of what happens in our culture it is a dishonouring of older men just is a lot of the sitcoms are about mature men getting mocked and made fun of a lot of the movies and also family storylines for kids shows older men are mocked and dismissed they're not honored we want to be a place that honors men particularly honors older men and that honors older men trusting that whether they've lived a faithful life or they're new to the game with Jesus and they've learned from the school of hard knocks that they have vital contributions to give to future generations and one of the things that happens in our culture is that families are broken relationships are broken leg these are broken generations are broken and we're missing the voice of wisdom that comes through experience and there's some things that you can only learn by going through it it's so Daniels a guy he's old but he's not done for you older guys you may be done with your career but you're not done with serving God and God is not done with teaching you lessons and giving you opportunities amen so we want this to be a place that you men are honored and that you find a place to lead and to serve and that your experience is used to help raise up other guys that being said a couple of things for your group discussions number one which kids our grandkids need your prayer and help the most okay Daniel got brought in because there was a need where is the need especially in your family right I mean Nebuchadnezzar didn't do a good job with his son they didn't do a good job with the grandson if you're in the leadership position as a father or grandfather which person or persons in your family they really need you to get active and involved like Daniel to enter in and provide some service number two here's the here's the brutally honest question what is Satan put on your menu our recovery guys tend to be more honest about this recovery guys are there's two kind of guys honest guys and other guys okay and the recovery guys here they'll just tell you they'll walk out like hi I'm Tony I just got out of rehab but do you have a breath mint yes I do Tony here you go yeah okay other guys they have struggles but they try to do them privately rather than publicly they don't invite others in and as a result that becomes a crisis before anyone knows okay we're not here to catch you we're here to help you but what is Satan put on your menu for these guys it was alcohol in sex number three is there any obvious warning from God you need to heed its God to use the analogy as God turned the check engine light on in some part of your life and if so what do you need to pay attention to you can't ignore that anymore your finances are in a place that I can't just pretend my marriage kids job career whatever you can't your health you can't just say I'll just ignore that it's it's officially needing some attention number four this is a new question let's start asking every week which guys do we need to pray to accept your invitation to join us we've all got guys who should be here to meet with God to meet with other guys and to get built up so ultimately they're not living a life that's all beat up who is that let's be praying for those guys and then when they show up let's be ready to receive them amen and welcome to this team welcome them to this team how do we pray for you today and if you want to pray we'd love to have you pray if you don't want to pray you don't have to pray if you have a prayer request the way we like to do it we like to huddle up like a football team and the guys share their prayer requests and we pray for each other and let me say that this is one of the most powerful things that we do I don't know about you how many of you have never been in a room and seen a bunch of guys praying I've seen a bunch of guys watching Cagefighting I've seen a bunch of guys drink a beer I seen a bunch of guys eating chicken wings I seen a bunch of guys yelling when a dead pig skin goes over a chalk line I've not seen a lot of guys praying okay and so this is this is where we're different which means holy it's the right thing to do and even if you're not a Christian let us pray for you borrow our faith til you get your own lastly do you need a Bible we did give some out at the beginning some of you came in late if you don't have a good Bible there are guys here or buying cases of Bibles to give them away it's hard to be a Bible guy if you don't have a Bible we're Bible guys so we want to give you a Bible this is a great Study Bible it's the translation that I teach out of a cow gave its life so you know this is a very special gift and and if you need a Bible we'd love to give you one and it's been really cool we've had some guys who came here and got their first Bible and then turned around and bought a case to buy the next guy his Bible that's pretty awesome amen and we could celebrate that let me pray and break you into groups with your leaders father God thank you that we can learn from the Scriptures God both positively and negatively positively we see amazing examples like Daniel and then we see horrifying examples like Nebuchadnezzar and his family and his grandson Belshazzar who blew everything and Lord God we we want to be filled with wisdom for those of us Lord God who have been acting like Belshazzar we've been around and drinkin and blowin money and throwing parties and and dishonouring you Lord pray that you'd give us a spirit of repentance and humility thank you that the Lord Jesus died to forgive us and to make us clean vessels to fill us with the same spirit that filled daniels so that we could walk with a kind of integrity and consistency by grace that he did Lord I pray for these men and their conversations for some of these guys it's the first time they've ever sat I don't really talked about God with some guys this is awesome I pray for their time of Prayer Lord that they would pray for each other and God for the guys that her husbands and fathers I pray that what we do here they would take to their home the thing would open the Word of God we're on their dinner table that they would ask questions and listen that they would lay hands and pray over their wife and their kids and that some of the things that we do here would start to happen in their home and that this legacy would continue for generations in God in light of the brief conversation on legacy I want to thank you for my dad who knows you and loves you I want to thank you for Grace's dad who died knowing and loving you I want to thank you that our children starting with my sons know and love you god I pray for us as men that whether we have physical or spiritual people that we invest in like sons and daughters that you would give us a legacy so that when we're gone the work of the gospel continues and that more people can meet the god of Daniel whose name is Jesus Christ and whose name we pray amen you
Channel: Real Faith by Mark Driscoll
Views: 5,348
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Driscoll, ministry, thetrinitychurch, scottsdale, arizona, bible, teaching, gospel, theology, jesus, biblestudy, faith, bibleverse
Id: AZ8QVF6n7q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 57sec (2457 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.