Real Men - Why Most Men View Jesus Wrongly

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all righty if you are one of the new guys let me explain to you how this works we have Sunday services going through a book of the Bible called Daniel and then for the men do a bit of an application and overview of what we covered on Sunday if you were with us on Sunday Daniel chapter 7 is the pivot in the book the first six chapters are about biography and history the second half of the book is filled with prophecy and the future the first half is complicated the second half is really complicated and if you read Daniel chapter 7 getting ready for our real men's Bible study at night you're gonna see a lion with eagle's wings you're gonna see a misshaped bear you're going to see a leopard with wings that apparently can run and fly some conglomerate crazy beast that also includes portions of other animals and iron and you're probably thinking to yourself what is this all about it may seem like something you saw when you are in college if you were in a fraternity on a Friday night after a few too many drinks this is kind of how the imagination might end up all of that has very specific prophecy for the future but I want to do in Daniel chapter 7 is just focus on one thing and one thing only and that's Jesus Jesus is the focus of Daniel 7 there's a lot of other supernatural and prophetic things that are happening but ultimately the focus that I want to get us to is Jesus for those of you guys who are new let me just tell you about Jesus many of you listening online may not know Jesus or know much about him many of you guys who are with us you are either non-christians welcome we love you were glad to have you a brand new Christians just trying to figure out kind of who Jesus is when we're talking about Jesus his first name Jesus is a derivative of the Old Testament named Joshua Christ means the chosen or Anointed One of God so Jesus Christ is who we are talking about he lived about 2,000 years ago he never traveled more than a few hundred miles from his home he never owned a home he never married a woman he never had any children he never ran for a political office he did not have a large well-funded industry yet in his wake Christianity is the largest movement of any sort or kind in the history of the world and a few billion people on planet Earth today claim to worship Jesus it's got more songs sung to him more paintings painted of a more books written regarding him than anyone who has ever lived in the history of the world we measure time by this man Jesus Christ in 2 BC before Christ AD Anno Domini the year of our Lord if you're a guy who says I want to make my life count I want to make a difference I want to be a legacy maker I want to be a history writer then you have to look to Jesus because he is in a category unto himself around the turn of the new millennium Newsweek ran a cover story on Jesus and they concluded by any secular standard Jesus is the dominant figure of Western culture everyone exists and one person exists in a category unto himself that's Jesus how did he do it what was the secret of his success and why do we pay so much attention to him well number one he claimed to be God there is no other major world religion that has its founder making the claim that he is in fact God Jesus alone makes that claim in addition Jesus resurrection is the most significant event in the history of the world openly repeatedly publicly Jesus not only said he was God he said he would prove he was God by dying in our place for our sins and then rising from death to defeat death our enemy and to give us an eternal relationship with God so as a result other religions are based on a place so there's a holy place that you go to is the headquarters for us we don't have a holy place we have a holy person we don't have a headquarters we have Jesus Christ who is our head why do I tell you all of this because most of you have heard at least something about Jesus but in my experience there are two primary reasons in ways that people but especially men perceive or miss perceive Jesus and many men perceive Jesus wrongly they don't understand who he truly is or what he truly does and so I want to work with you from two books of the Bible we're gonna start in a book called revelation it's the last book of the Bible and it is prophetic meaning it's telling us history in advance God knows and rules the future so he reveals it to us in advance and then we're gonna go to the Book of Daniel and they're both talking about Jesus they're both talking about the end of time they're both talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ into human history and also they're both talking about the kingdom of God so let me start at the end revelation and then work backward to Daniel and and by way of just sort of analogy and introduction chapter 7 of Daniel I think is mentioned 58 times in the New Testament the majority of the appearances are in Revelation so there is this direct corollary between Revelation and Daniel Jesus first thing we learn here is that he's simultaneously continuously both lion in lamb revelation 5 5 through 6 speaks of Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David is conquered and between the Thrones so he is a king and Kingdom and all this imagery that we see throughout daniel including Daniel 7 and the four living creatures we are seeing in Daniel 7 various living creatures and beings some love the Lord some hate the Lord summer angelic some are demonic all of this shows up again here in Revelation and saw the elders these are human leaders I saw a lamb that's Jesus standing as though it had been slain and so it's talking about here Jesus ruling from a throne as a lion and dying on the earth as a lamb and it's showing us here the fullness of who Jesus is and what Jesus does most people tend to see Jesus as lion or lamb those who only see him as lion see him as judgmental maybe a bit harsh maybe a bit intimidating maybe a bit overbearing others who only see him as lamb they see him as kind as pleasant as loving as nice as patient but that view of Jesus is off times not very peeling two men and less their men that have been really broken and they need to be healed up by someone who is compassionate and tender and patient with them and that of course happens to every man at some point in his life and if you think about it for those of you guys that are familiar with my teaching this is something that I've taught repeatedly for years and I'm bringing it to present here because we have so many new men many of you men if not the majority of you men are new and in addition online most of that you know audience or constituency would be people that are new so I want to summarize something for you guys that have been with me for a while just bear with me for a moment and that is when we think of lion lion is king of the jungle and a lion literally eats whatever it wants it'll eat an elephant it'll eat an alligator you you can't outrun a lion you can't outfight a lion a lion goes and does whatever it pleases a lamb is completely the opposite lambs are the most tender creatures when a kid can't sleep we tell em count sheep and Sunday school we give kids a cotton ball and glue and we tell them hey let's let's just glue that to a sheet of paper and tell you that Jesus is very safe and and and I like to say that the lines and lambs are different cuz a lion well they are aggressive well a lamb is passive a lion is a carnivore lamb is a vegetarian and a lion tends to run into pride or a pack and a lamb tends to be homeless I like to say that lambs are the first hippies they're homeless pacifist vegetarians and what happens is for men we either see Jesus as lion or lamb and the truth is that he's both when Jesus comes to earth for the first time he comes primarily as lamb he goes from glory to humility Jesus pre-existed and lived in heaven before he came to earth he went from wealth to poverty he went from being worshipped by angels to serving sinners including feeding people and washing the feet of his own disciples including his betrayer Judas Iscariot he went from living and ruling and reigning - serving suffering and dying and so Jesus comes first time into human history as a humble lamb we see it here lamb the dis lame that's Jesus's lamb he does that for us he does that to seek us he does that to serve us he does that to save us because Jesus is the one who loves us Jesus will come again Jesus died he rose he ascended right now Jesus is alive and well as a lion he is ruling and reigning he is seated on a throne he is ruling over the unseen divine realm and one day he'll be entering into human history and all of the angelic army and the other heavenly hosts and divine beings will come with him to set up a kingdom that will never end and judge and destroy all of their kingdoms on the earth that's the storyline and the driving narrative of daniel so the next time we see Jesus we will not see him primarily as lamb we will see him primarily as lion as lion ruling reigning with full authority none able to come against him and it's important to see him as both because Jesus is a lion for us protecting us and he's a lamb with us very safe and gentle think of it like this when I think of a military soldier maybe a Navy SEAL or some other deployed Special Forces operative went on mission they are a lion they they they will not back down they will not quit they are going to fight and defend everyone and everything that they love yet when they come home and they're with their little girl you'll see that same soldier not with ìblack but instead sitting down at a little table having a tea party with his daughter he's old he's a lion for his little girl but he's a lamb with his little girl okay he's a lion for his wife he's a lamb with his wife he's a lion for his kids he's a lamb with his kids the problem for most men who see Jesus is lion they're always lion and they're the ones that cause the women and children to be scared of them others who only see Jesus is lamb they're loving tender merciful compassionate kind but they don't protect women and children when harm could come and befall them and what tends to happen is lions when at work and they lose at home and then limbs when at home and loose at work so these guys make relationships and these guys make money that tends to be the way that it works Jesus is both Jesus is perfect Jesus is the perfect example for all men and the moral of the story and the point is we need to be lions and lambs we know when to be tough and when to be tender okay this sets up Daniel chapter 7 where he is looking into the future so Daniel lives about five six hundred years before Jesus is born on the earth he's looking through the first coming of Jesus and his life death burial resurrection his ascension in Devon and then he's looking even further down the corridor of history we're now two and a half thousand years roughly removed from from Daniel and Jesus hasn't returned yet so at this point Daniel is actually getting a prophetic insight about two and a half thousand years plus however many more years we wait for the second coming of Jesus and here's how he reports it in Daniel chapter 7 as I looked Thrones okay so throne denotes kingship rulership kingdom of God authority Jesus throughout Scripture is seated on a throne here there are other Thrones that divine and human beings those who know and love and serve God will rule and reign with him forever Jesus we are told in the book of Revelation he says to those who overcome I will give a throne so not only does Jesus sit on the high throne those who are faithful servants of the Lord Jesus and I want that to be you also sit on lower lesser Thrones ruling and reigning under his authority and Dominion as I look Thrones were placed and the Ancient of Days took his seat that's God the Father God the Father here is referred to as the Ancient of Days this means eternal without beginning or end he took his seat his clothing was white as snow his hair was like pure wool the white hair denotes purity sinlessness holiness perfection right God is holy and all together and only pure and good his throne was fiery flames the imagery of fire in the Bible usually refers to judgment or purification and that's likely what is happening here it's wheels were burning fire what this means is that God's justice it moves God is not just contained or constrained by a particular time or place he is free in every time and place to move for the purpose of judgment and justice in their day when many things were not mobile they didn't have the same modes of transportation that we do if you put wheels on something it's so that it was portable and movable the Justice of God rolls around the earth and no one is beyond God's judgment and justice he says a stream of fire issued and came out from before him a thousand thousand served him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him these are angels and other divine beings we've already seen it in the Book of Daniel there is the angel Gabriel the angel Michael there are angels there are the Watchers there are the Holy Ones these various divine beings that live exist presently continually in the unseen supernatural realm just like there are human beings in the scene and natural realm so for God there are two realms but one reality and what it's saying here is that Daniel it's to glimpse into what God the Father and God the Son are doing it's like the curtain pulls back what this tells us is that our God is a king and he rules over a kingdom that exists right now and it's just as real as the nation in which we live and his staff includes innumerable angels Daniel can't countable a thousand times a thousand ten thousand times ten thousand not only Angels but other divine beings just by a choral airily from the supernatural to the natural imagine you saw King and then he was just surrounded with an army ten thousand times ten thousand you would say that a guy in authority that is a guy with purpose and passion and that is a guy who does whatever is his pleasure that's the whole perspective that God not only has soldiers in the physical world he has a divine army in the spiritual world of the unseen realm and it talks about the court sat in judgment this would be God's divine counsel there are occasions where God will bring his divine family or his human family or both his divine and human family together he will render a verdict they will serve as witnesses and then they will be dispensed disperse to enact the judgment or the decision the verdict that God has rendered that's exactly what's happening here the point is that all of human history is going to a judgement seat before which we will give an account to God and our lives will be judged that's exactly what he's telling us the books were open this is the record of people's behavior conduct and life I saw him the night vision so it's a vision for him it's like a dream that he has when he's asleep and it's a vision that he sees when he's awake and behold with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man God the Father here is the Ancient of Days this is Jesus Christ coming as a man but more than just a man not a mere man he's the god man so he's like a son of man this is telling us before Jesus was even born the first time that he'd be coming the second time as the son or like the son of man the language is important the language of like or as usually tells us that it's communicating a literal truth in a figurative way so it's Jesus is literally coming but here Daniel is straining with human language to explain what is Jesus like when we see him again and this is exactly how we will see Jesus the next time we see him that he is returning to judge the living in the dead he is coming to raise the dead and to ultimately determine our eternal fate and he comes on the clouds of heaven now as men we have various modes of transportation some of you guys wrote a motorcycle here you were saying a statement some of you guys drove a truck I drove Jeep's some of you guys drove a car some of you guys drove a minivan we won't talk about what segment you're sending but we all send a statement with whatever mode of transportation we choose and what men tend to do we tend to size up other men by their mode of transportation any dude who shows up on a cloud that dude is really in a category under himself Jesus literally rides a cloud I don't know what this looks like I know if he's got a surfboard I don't know how he comes back but he comes literally riding on a cloud which is amazing I mean only in modern era have we been able to get on an airplane and go up and fly among the clouds imagine getting out of the plane and then riding the cloud that's a whole different class of flight and that's exactly what Jesus has here on the clouds of heaven there came one like the Son of Man he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him so God the Son the Lord Jesus Christ who exists eternally goes before God the Father and they have an agreement that God the Father is going to send him into human history to enact judgment and he's going to ride into human history with the full angelic and other divine being army Jesus comes loaded for war ready to put an end to injustice and sin and folly and death to defeat all that is demonic to deliver all who belong to him he goes on to say was presented for him and to him was given Dominion this is jurisdiction right if you own a house you're the lord of that plot if you own a piece of commercial real estate you have dominion over it Jesus Dominion is over all creation his portfolio simply says everything and what that means ultimately is everything you have known is ultimately part of his portfolio it's under his Dominion which is wise men we want to be good stewards to use invest everything so that it is used for Jesus purposes because ultimately it is Jesus possession that all peoples nations and languages should serve him that this Jesus is global and he is eternal it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor young or old black or white urban suburban rural Democrat or also Republican or libertarian whatever case your your group might be everyone everywhere ultimately is going to be under the Dominion the sovereign rule the authority of this King Jesus and his kingdom of God that comes down from heaven meaning it's not man-made this is not God taking a nation and improving it this is not Jesus coming back and becoming Prime Minister or president ultimately this is God returning into human history putting it into all nations and bringing his own not up from the earth but down from the kingdom that's exactly what he's showing and saying his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion our companies come and go our families come and go our lives come and go nations come and go the kingdom of God endures forever which shall not pass away and his kingdom is one that shall not be destroyed the Saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever and ever and ever that's you when it talks of saints it's talking here of those who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ so if you are a man who either belongs to Jesus or becomes a Christian and starts belonging to Jesus this is a guaranteeing of your eternal inheritance imagine that you're in college and you're studying and you're undergoing your tests and you're seeking to pass your tests so that one day you can graduate so they want you can get the job right the job that you hope for the job that you prepared for the job that you've longed for this life is where school is in session the tests that you face are to prepare you for your promotion that ultimately God as a position for you and he tells you that you will be declared a saint holy in his sight because of Jesus and you'll receive the kingdom and you'll possess and inherit the kingdom father's leave an inheritance for their sons at least they should and their daughters and their grandsons and their granddaughters God is a father you if you are Christian or his son and he has an inheritance for you and upon your death and the second coming of Jesus and the unveiling eternally and perfectly can tenuously the kingdom of God you are going to get the full inheritance not of what you have earned but what Jesus is earned for you none of us apart from Jesus are a saint saint means a holy one it means who one who is righteous that is because Jesus took our place for our sins on the cross Jesus who was righteous took your place God made him who knew no sin to become sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God at second Corinthians 5:21 one of my favorite verses and Martin Luther the old Protestant reformer called this the great exchange Jesus took your place and puts you in his place so he took all of your sin and he forgave you made you holy and righteous and declared you to be a saint and the Christian life then especially for a man is not fixing yourself so that you will be holy but living up to the status that Jesus has already earned for you through his sinless life his substitutionary death his bodily resurrection and is granting and giving the powerful presence of the holy spirit to live a new life by a new power as a new man with a new nature with new desires with a new Lord with a new eternity and that's all that Jesus has done for me and if you trust him it's what he's done for you forever and ever and ever so let me say next time we see Jesus it'll be as lion not lamb he'll put down all the other kings and kingdoms he will overtake the nation he will crush injustice there will be judgment hell and heaven are real and Jesus is real and Jesus is really coming and heaven and hell really hang in the balance that's the whole big concept here again at Daniel 7 don't don't get lost with all the imagery keep your eyes fixed on Jesus who is the center of the entire chapter and the focal point of all human history so this is what Jesus is like before he comes into the earth he's ruling and reigning as a king and he's ruling as a lion in addition he comes to earth as a lamb but that's only for a few short years so that he can identify with us suffer for us nigh in our place and Rises our Savior he ascends back in Devon right now you need to know that Jesus is alive he's high and exalted seated on a throne he's surrounded by angels he's ruling and reigning and he is awaiting the time of his second coming to establish the kingdom that never ends and give the inheritance of the father's kingdom to all of his children starting with you who are a Saints that being said if you were to see Jesus right now you would not see a humble marginalized homeless Galilean peasant you wouldn't see the lamb you would see the lion you would see the lion that is how he is presently that's how he will be eternally now a couple of things I want to tell you about this number one if you're a guy this is a guy you can follow I think the reason that some men if not many men don't have an interest in Jesus they only think of him as lot am not lying so they think well yeah maybe children need Jesus but not men you know maybe broken people need Jesus but not strong people know this is a guy that every man can follow when you need them to be a lamb he's gonna love you be patient with you forgive you and help you when you need him to be a lion he's gonna protect you and sometimes he's gonna push you okay so this is a guy you can follow this is a guy you can respect this is a guy that you can pray for which is asking hell this is a guy that you can worship and oftentimes men struggle with worship let me just say this men worship when you go to a sporting event right and the wide receiver catches the ball and keeps his feet inbounds and you jump up and scream that's an act of worship right when the seventh-inning stretch comes on the baseball game and you stand up and you sing take me out to the ballgame guess what you're in the Church of baseball all right the band is playing you're saying and you're worshiping you're standing up to honor so men tend to only worship in the realm of sports and what we tend to worship or other men who have done incredible and extraordinary things that's why we wear their jerseys that's why we recruit them onto our fantasy football team that's why we pay big money to show up and watch them in person and the result is that ultimately every man who is really into sports are really into politics are really into business or really into the arts or really into music really longs for Jesus he longs for an extraordinary exemplary incredible man who does the unthinkable that he can get it excited about and get behind and that's this Jesus and I think that for most men thinking of Jesus solely as a lamb that's an elicit the same level of devotion and excitement as seeing Jesus also as lion let me close with two analogies and this is for your life so you're living your life on earth and Daniel back to Daniel seven is a man living his life on earth we see his life over the course of 70 plus years he's in his teens in chapter 1 by the time we get to the second half of the book he's in his 80s maybe 90s the country he's in is a mess that may sound familiar to you the political structures are corrupt all of the educational system contradicts his biblical convictions and values he works for some crummy bosses at some jobs that no one would want on occasion he's falsely accused in these maligned and he's mistreated he doesn't get the wedding or the children that he wants how does Daniel stay resolute devoted to this Jesus Christ the same one that you and I believe in today how does he stay resolute part of it is he thinks like an investor Jesus says it this way don't store up your treasure on earth where moth and rust destroy store up your treasures in heaven the point is as a man is this I'm assuming most of you have got investments you've got life insurance you've got disability insurance you got car insurance you've got medical insurance you got renters or homeowners insurance you've got you've got an investment account a 401k or 403b if you're in the nonprofit sector maybe you've got a Roth IRA maybe you've got some equity in your house you're investing you're investing and it's a man what you're looking for is a return on your investment well the point is when you die you can't take it with you but you can send it ahead okay so Jesus says don't store up your treasure on earth where it gets destroyed stored up in heaven so you can't take it with you but you can send it ahead of you I believe part of what motivates Daniel as a man and I want it to motivate you as men as as he's living he's investing in the kingdom of God as he's suffering he's investing in the kingdom of God as he's serving he's investing in the kingdom of God and what he knows is that this is a secure investment as men all of our investments tend to be insecure you don't know what's gonna happen to your real estate you don't know what's gonna happen to the stock market you just don't know what the future holds all right but what we have is this this great promise that any investment we make in the kingdom of Jesus our King ultimately is a secure internal investment that reaps an eternal reward men tend to be very motivated to make an investment and have some sort of guarantee of return on investment this is a guaranteed eternal unmatched return on investment Daniel understood his short 70 80 90 years on the earth as being an investment into an eternal Kingdom he didn't get everything that he wanted in his life the truth is almost everything he got in his life is exactly what he didn't want and today he is buried in modern-day Iraq that's not where he wanted to be or how he wanted to end but he took his life and he investors my question to you as men would be where are you investing your life are you investing your life in the kingdom of God so that you'll have an eternal inheritance to reap as a result of your investment in this life second analogy I want to give to explain Daniel and maybe to encourage you comes from the realm of sports some of you guys you're all about the boardroom so there you go there's your financial analogy some of you guys are about the ball field here's your sports analogy for me I like watching sports on a college football like pro football I really like pro baseball I am kind of a fan once in a while the college basketball I like mixed martial arts kind of sports guy one of the things that I find amazing is the emotional difference I have when I watch a game that is ongoing and the outcome is uncertain and I watch let's say an ESPN classics and every once in a while I'll be flipping through the channels and ESPN classics I'll have some old game that was already played that I know but maybe it was a memorable game that I watched when I was a kid and it's like oh I remember that moment watching that you know that victory or that battle what I find is when I watch a game that is open-ended and still ongoing I get more emotional I'm more engaged when I watched an ESPN Classic I'm really relaxed really chill why I know the outcome of the game Daniels going through his life Kings come and go kingdoms come and go he has all these dreams supernatural things angels show up crisis he gets thrown in a lion's den his friends get thrown into fiery furnace and through it all he's just calm he's just supernaturally sort of chill relaxed steady why because for him his whole life in all of human history is not a game with an uncertain open end it's ESPN classics he already knows how it's going to end when you know how it ends it changes how you relate and respond in the middle of watching the game the point is simply this for God nothing is watching a game for God everything is the ESPN classics he knows the beginning from the end he knows how it's all gonna work out he knows that in the end team Jesus wins team Satan gets crushed it doesn't matter if it looks like team Satan is winning ultimately King Jesus as soon as he steps on the field it's game over the greatest comeback of all time and what that should do for us as men is the same thing that it did for Daniel and that is to give us hope for the future and peace in the present because we know the end of the story our game and that is that the kingdom of God team Jesus wins in the end and as long as we're with him then we will rule and reign under him and it calms us down and it lets us go through what we need to go through and do or we need to endure forgive what we need to forgive because we know the end of the score that being said will break you into groups for discussion and prayer and this would be some of the things if you want to get off topic that's fine number one do you more easily see Jesus as lion or lamb so walking in here if I were to say okay do you see Jesus is tender lamb are tough lion which would be your proclivity and this does affect very practically a man's Bible reading some of you guys you read the Bible and you pull out all the tough lion versus others of you read the Bible you pull out all the tender lamb verses they're both in there there are times that Jesus is really sweet to women and children and also makes a whip to go after a couple of guys so both are true but which way do you tend to see them number two how about you are you more of a lion tough guy alpha lamb tender guy kind compassionate loving safe patient both can be like Jesus because Jesus is both the point is not to be lion or lamb it's to know when to be lion and when to be lamb that's jesus who needs you to be aligned is there anybody in your life that you need to be a lion for or aligned with maybe there's a really bad guy trying to date your daughter you've been oh lamb right well guess what that's a lion he's going after the gazelle time for you to lion up and go break up with that guy and always tell my daughters this I'm happy to break up with boys I don't have the same emotional response that you do actually find it kind of fun it's not anxious for rain and so who needs you to be a lion you got to get tougher not with them but for them to protect them because you love them who needs you to be a lamb who do you got to turn down your volume turn down your tone turn up your affection listen love and courage blast pray over kiss hug make relational deposits in number four which guys do we need to pray to accept your invitation to join us we all know guys that need to be here with the men of God and so who is that on your list that you can be praying for and inviting to join us next week we'll join you in prayer for them and then lastly if you need a Bible we always like to say let us know it's hard to be a Bible guy if you don't have a Bible the good news is is that men here at the ministry have been buying cases of really nice ESV study Bibles leather-bound we give them away every week if you need one because you don't have a Bible if your guide doesn't have a Bible give us the honor of giving you your first Bible and you could start reading it and learning from the Word of God it's the one thing that is sustained Daniel was knowing the Scriptures and it'll also sustain you just let your table lead no and we'll make sure that one gets brought to you tonight and for those men who have paid or will be paying for Bibles thank you in advance for being generous it's really cool to see guys who love Jesus help guys meet Jesus and guys who love the Bible help other guys get the Bible help right but thanks for a chance to teach thanks for time together thank you for the life testimony of Daniel and God I pray you would fill us with the same spirit the Holy Spirit and that you would give us the same sort of vision of our future he had vision to be with Jesus forever may that be our vision and may we live every day in light of that most important last and final day and Lord God thank you that his life was not wasted it was invested may we invest our lives and God he knew that Jesus was coming again and as a result it gave him peace in the present and it gave him hope for the future I pray the same for these men and God whatever we're going through give us the perspective that Daniel had that our God rules and reigns right now he can send an angelic army to help us at any time and one day we will see him come on the clouds of heaven and when he does there's going to be nothing but joy and an eternal inheritance and whatever we're going through our suffering today is just a deposit with an eternal return on investment which we thank you in advance for in Jesus good name amen you
Channel: Real Faith by Mark Driscoll
Views: 3,431
Rating: 4.8730159 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Driscoll, ministry, thetrinitychurch, scottsdale, arizona, bible, teaching, gospel, theology, jesus, biblestudy, faith, bibleverse
Id: S2-Xshqc0Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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