Black Lives Matter?

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I'm gonna do something now that will be controversial but I'll just read something from the black lives matter co-founders we are trained what here's what I know a lot of people have said things about me there's whole websites written against me people have devoted their lives to attacking and criticizing me the best way to know what someone believes is just let them tell you okay we so this is telling you who they are say my name is Mark and I believe in the Bible and I trust Jesus hey that's me that's who I am we are trained Marxist we actually do have an ideological frame what is that it's cultural Marxism the founders didn't name them in particular are trained organizers we are trained what Marxist we are super versed in ideological theories our goal is to get Trump out first feeder honor the Emperor doesn't mean you agree with them it doesn't mean you can't run against him and doesn't mean you can't trying to remove them from office you just do so in a way that's honorable so what happens here is there are two very dominant political ideologies that have become hashtags my goal now is to make everyone uncomfortable because I believe in equality black lives matter make America great again okay as messages would you agree they're both pretty good so you know that's good and that's good I mean I do believe especially if I'm seeing abuse and the taking of innocent human life that those lives matter and America kind of sucks right now could we make it better amen and week we all vote for that like can we love these people and fix this broken country the messages are fine but behind them are entire movements and as soon as you state the message you've connected yourself to the movement which is why if I was wearing either of those hats we would need turnbuckles in the auditorium and this would turn into WWE Smackdown that's what happened let me read the next one if you want to know what I believe if you go to let's say our church the Trinity Church calm and you click on about or belief there is a doctrinal statement that I wrote that tells you exactly what I believe if you go to this website and click on about they have their mission statement their doctrinal statement they tell you what they're about and this is important because again I've been lied about a lot so let me just put out what I believe let me allow others to have that same right not going to get some out of context statement that doesn't apply and then construct another context and then miss appropriate it I'll just click on your site and read it we make space for transgender brothers and sisters cultural marxism applied to gender brothers and sisters that's bible language we make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate in lead dismantle transfer power we do the work required to dismantle cisgender if you don't know what that is that's male and female God gave you a gender if you don't feel like you are that gender then God the kraits or made a mistake and you have the right to recreate yourself and the gender of your own choosing and up lit black trans folks well why that because of intersectionality more categories also one of the co-founders is married to a black trans woman especially black trans women we build a space that's an institution that is free from sexism misogyny and environments in which men are centered then loving leading like Christ their families we dismantle I told you that cultural Marxism was about what dismantling institutions we dismantled the patriarchal practice that means men leading their families that requires mothers to work double shifts so they can mother in private easy even as they participate in public justice work what it's saying is there's a lot of kids that don't have a dad therefore the government needs to be the dad and provide more for moms so she has time for social justice work my answer would be how about we fixed the dads how about we fixed again because here's what I can tell you every sociological study will tell you that the best environment for a child is with their biological mother and father going to church reading the Bible and praying Bradford Wilcox the leading sociologist on marriage and family in America is at the University of Virginia he has proven with the largest data analysis and survey in the history of our country that the best environment is the one that God created a man and a woman get married have a baby worship God and raise the baby it's not perfect my parents were not perfect I'm not a perfect parent but it's the best it's the best and what happens is God gives certain responsibilities to men and if we transfer those to government we hurt women and children furthermore we go bankrupt because if you keep enlarging the government to replace the man and the man is disincentivized to work to meet the needs of his family because he's not responsible for his family eventually you run out of people to tax we disrupt the Western prescribed what what's it say no you know nuclear family our mission statement is not to have mothers and fathers and families we foster a queer affirming Network when we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative that's male/female thinking or rather the belief the all the world are heterosexual and less and you can't use gender pronouns so we do that she he or they disclose otherwise so here's where we find ourselves we have to ask this question is there a problem could we do better and issues of race and gender and its cultural marxism the best solution and what you are left with is some people see these as being presented as connected issues so if you say there's a problem you have to accept the solution therefore some people will feel pressured to deny that there is a problem because they don't like the solution other people who will accept if there is a problem will then also accept the solution so basically the options right now and many of you are feeling this let me put language to it you got two choices or you racist or a Marxist and it's a Christian how many of you go I don't like those options I don't I don't want to be a racist I can't be a Marxist I I don't like my options you
Channel: Real Faith by Mark Driscoll
Views: 24,929
Rating: 4.4444447 out of 5
Keywords: Mark, Driscoll, ministry, thetrinitychurch, scottsdale, arizona, bible, teaching, gospel, theology, jesus, biblestudy, faith, bibleverse
Id: SC6J9odFMwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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