Real Fighter Pilot Reacts to DCS World in VR - F-5E Tiger II (HI RES)

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standby and commission off target oh i've destroyed it yeah boy look at that okay and welcome back to foster performance day my name is tim davies and today we're going to take it to another level and i'm not talking about the 1997 boy band featuring dane bowers no i'm talking about d c s yeah it's kind of the first time i've actually used dcs to be honest on the f5 and filmed it and put it on the youtubes so hopefully i'm going to go and teach you a little bit about what the range is up at nellis are like we're flying out of nellis it is in nevada is in the united states and we're going to go and fly north innocent ranges in the f5 tiger ii try and hit some bad people on the way there we're going to hunt down some transport aircraft probably not going to find it to be honest with you but i will attack a very bad helicopter and then some very nasty vehicles before coming back home hopefully making nellis will i or won't i okay guys so let's just bring up the map shall we just quickly and you'll see we're down at the bottom here at nellis ash is taken from mid-flight as you can see we're halfway there but i did get airborne from here down the bottom and then obviously the uh the victims of our attacks today with extreme prejudice are these btrs up here um obviously like troop uh carriers all sorts of things that we're going to drop a plethora of weapons on we are heavy as a heavier thing and also during the flight i do have some glitches whether they're bugs so whether they're my mishandling of this very beautiful aircraft from the 1970s i'm not too sure hit the comments then let me know what you think subscribe to the channel if you can guys because it really helps me a lot i'm using kit by thrustmasters that they sent today and they've given me something they give me the warthog hotas and it's made a massive difference to what i'm doing also i'm using the oculus at the moment and what i have done is not recorded it during this actual kind of video i had to replay it and then take loads of different different shots so it is it's taken me a world of time to get this kind of video up i do apologize for that guys but if you want to support on patreon i do appreciate that i'll keep these lessons coming i did fly tornado gl4 for about five years and i was a military flying instructor for a decade so teaching uh obviously flying instructions and attack weapons right let's get on with it and shall we guys down here the battery on generators on right okay so we've got the batson gens on um but i can't do engine starts or anything at the moment because i need the fuel pumps on as well because i need um the crew chief to connect not ground power uh but what it does need to do i need to do some stuff down here probably let's have a look there anything there anything there always check you would go for each throttle here full and free but it doesn't seem to map them in this for some reason so there we go because i'm at them yet full and free on each throttle there make sure there's nothing in the way guys i'm using a thrust smart wall thruster master warthog joystick and the a10 stick uh sorry throttle's na10 sticks sent to me by thrustmaster we are sponsored by thrustmaster today thrustmaster i changed kit from the t16000m flight control systems i'm still using those pedals actually because i quite like them but i've changed the crush now to the warthog which is amazing and i know it's amazing from an amount of ptsd it brings back let's get the greek to give us some power then shall we so i'll map that button on my throttle here somewhere let's have a look up here right f8 f5 and i believe it's f1 background guys we don't have a an ap or a gts on this airplane i am hot thanks yeah so what we need to do is we need to blow out over that compressor blade to get it spinning and then we can hit the igniters which is the engine start button which then will ignite the fuel we'll get it to an operational um get spun up and then we're going to bring fuel in using the throttles which is the hp feel for the aircraft okay so at the moment what we're doing is we're literally just going to get him to now blow air over that so let's get him to connect that which is uh this one and it's f853 now what's over here what you're going to see supplied there wait to get about 15 and i'm going to hit the igniter buttons while the engine start buttons down here i've got them mapped watch it go in as it goes in cancel that and now i can put the fuel in with the throttle watch it spool up now look at an engine over temp okay so we're always watching engine on start don't look away from that you'll see util pressure build here as well on the left utilities pressure i don't know much about the f5 or jet's kind of starting the same way an engine becomes self-sustaining and then what i have to do is ask him to put it onto the other engine so i'm happy that they're self-sustaining comes back down again we have a minimum here t6 fine nozzles are doing the funky thing and rpm here around about 50 55 okay so i need to do the same thing with the other engine here same process speak to that i can actually do a lot of other things i'm not doing i'm just getting both engines running now i could run most on this jet that's um with just one engine let's have a look so now i'm going to come across here engine that's pressed on my amazing throttle thing feel going in now there we go back there to idle we can see it accelerating up here always watch the start always looking for over temps come on [ __ ] is still sustained yeah it's coming up again 50 watching that drop look at the intake doors okay they're nicely open now okay that's absolutely great one thing we need to need to do as well pre-takeoff is make sure we start balancing up these tanks we don't have any external tanks on the aircraft today guys it's going to really limit us for fuel so we're not going to hang around in the play area the radio would be on i would be speaking the ground attacking come on now uh down here then dampers can come on like dampers and radar standby it's going to warm itself up i don't need 40 mile range i'll put it back on 30 there we'll sort that out later now you're looking around your kitty obviously you've got weapons on board um but basically going on the cockpit we've done all the stuff back here what's this traffic flare pack we'll put some on there i've got those mapped up a lot of people pre-army's weapon switches probably get an airborne i don't do that okay this is this is pretty bad all right you don't want that but you can travel some flat now what i've done with flap is i can go check them so i can go full okay and i can also put it back something called thumb switch let's just say thumb switch now and the thumb switch is in the up position so if i select that now it should go to auto position and give me what i need to take off we'll go fix for now try and work out in the air guys working on the climb trying to mess around any radar standby happy coming around here then we've got these boost switches here come down yes you want an iff or anything like that put those things on cockpit lighting if you want to fly a copper lighting i'm going to taxi with the canopy open not too sure but i should do that but i'm going to because it makes me feel a bit cooler to be honest with you this will go on the runway heading i'm not too worried about it today but for landing if we do manage to get back for the airfield you are going to be very low on fuel the runway is zero three here at nellis um and of course you wanna make sure i fly an altimeter of zero the americans are gonna hate this um they are gonna hate this but i'd rather our fly of zero but now let's because i'm british although when we're out here we actually fly whatever the rps is or their their q and h for the airfield and i think it's like 1500 but i'm going to fly zero today what's going to matter the mountains of course but i'm not going to find the ground hopefully and this thing we can pull cage this thing come on cage it there we go we'll be using this bit later as well for our dive profile so look around the cockpit now pre-taxi everything looks in place i'll put a piece before we get airborne and we'll sort stuff out and i'll try and work the rest out as we go also put that on now the ewr get rid of the caution lights and the gun sight for the first pass because speed on the ground i believe we're going to drop the retards from the center pylon at a first pass with a depression about 140. you have to go and play with the depressions basically when this site hits the tank at low level whatever i've got out there in the player which is i think i've got some btr 60s there's also two rotaries out there or one rotary i think it's an mi8 or something there's also a tanker to shoot down as well just um you can get some action in the play area feels quite important though and i know i'm going to feed the left low there so the left low tank we're going to start feeding that and balancing it and what we're doing we're getting an airborne outlet let's disconnect air supply yeah sure tim nowhere has made up the trip no worries thanks so much now disconnected well why are the shocks not disconnected get rid of the chuck's chief you and i got a word fam by f2 no what's it remove remove them now chief i'll catch you later buddy all right thanks for everything you've done you're an absolute star go for a beer later mate how's that sound yeah thanks tim i don't want that i want that one brief menu guys menus and i'm actually getting used to this guys i'm not a master of this uh let's go this is cray cray let's get one of those i've requested start this is comedy right i don't know traffic whatever um nervous right i'm just gonna tax anyway he's gonna get me probably let's just get the menu shall we right let's freestyle it shocks are out right power them and i'll hold the button on the stick where's my stick there we go i would check the brakes quickly there we go brakes work clear left right and you're steering with a button and mapped it to the stick so let's get that one that's me runway three right thank you air traffic i am taxiing so it's up here somewhere i'm steering like some mad fish right so pre-take off saying obviously i don't know the office aircraft but they're pretty similar for all really so kind of being come down and secondly on the roll canopy comes down now he says where the hell's the mouse button where's the mouse gone here we go kind of comes down closed and locked and yes we'll have the mirrors active so i can see myself in it good where else we going runway up there so that's kind of closing locks we would have um we'll check off trims it was easy zero then another trip tim's right up there trim's right there we need a lot of trim on this aircraft today trim a lot trim about six i think it is for the stores we've got on board look i'm looking under there oh the neck luckily i didn't spend uh what the best part of my life decade teaching air combat on the hawk and i haven't got hawk neck jeez yes i have got hawk neck right so we're gonna hold here for a second okay so we've got zero on the trim i would say neutral neutral for the other two i don't know where the two trims live but you make sure your trims are neutral please in the airplane obviously then we're going to have um probably let's have a look so you want flaps i've got fixed position or flaps you can see on the wing that should get me airborne i've got that as well i need the nose oleo extended so this extends the nose so should move the nose up a little bit watch this oh how gangster is that oh look at that so good i'm gonna do it again oh look at that this gives us a few extra alpha i love this that's gonna help us get airborne okay just presents more the aircraft in the wind high takeoff speed today about 168 knots okay you don't know what the higher limiting speed this aircraft is but it's quite high we're being reheated on both and i'll check here that both the nozzles will lit for us all right um we'll make sure the seat is armed i'm pretty sure i do that probably looks armed what's that button do seat adjust right make sure the seat is armed make sure the um if there's a canopy explosive rail which it doesn't seem to be would make sure that was also armed as well we would uh give herself uh take a merchies brief really but the runway zero three and nellis i can't then what that is i think there's an overrun but obviously any we're heavy if i do get any snags i'm just gonna hit that there emergency or jets on the right and it is selected to all jets and everything should come off with that and what i'm gonna do i know i'm gonna drop um i think i'm gonna go safe initially but as i get airborne we'll fence in and i'll start making some nine lemons live right let's get some take off guys carrie cause you're like davey this is the most tedious flight tape in the world it's like oh really yeah right you're not even making it away now please air traffic now destiny 836 i'm pretty much round about that i said i can't find fine uh rotten traffic thank you much all right let's roll in my new pimped up ride pimped up ride how cool is this yeah use all the runway every single last bit of it one day you're going to need it and you don't want to be sat there going i wish i listened to tim's advice as i roll off the end of the runway right i would hold on the wheel brakes and power up against that guys okay let's wheel brakes now i've got i've wrapped a wheel brake buttons my stick that's all so approach path we did check was clear we have got fixed flat which is good um we are all live and we do have clearance to get airborne i'm going to try and hold it on this i'm going to do is put each um into each engine and reheat separately so both throttles come up to the reheat range now i'm looking at the nozzles there's max on there's nozzles on the left then please i want reheat there that kicks that's lit right kicks and lit i want to come on that's it lighting and i'm rolling initially knows well initially knows well that's right now we feed the rudder in actually bites didn't cheat high takeoff speed davies that's it high takeoff speed in your pimp mobile 100 knots it's good speed approaching 150 pretty much committed at this point so 168 i think knots was the approach that's it stick coming back she flies positive rate of climb gears travel come on gear long button gears travel hold the attitude flaps of remaining fixed at the moment i'm going to see if i can put them into some kind of auto mode in a second what's that up oh i didn't really want that i want auto flap come on but i'll probably run around the target area than fixed at the moment and why is my i've left my site on i don't even want it on at the moment so i'm going to turn it off you don't need it on right and i would go to radar and we then speak and get ourselves into the range complex so the heading is about three zero zero i want as i pass to about 260 knots really which is our services limiting speed if i remember correctly i don't know much about this airplane guys i just want to see whether you give some feedback here on whether you um whether it's actually you know good visibility for you whether it looks nice and pretty all that kind of stuff you know whether you get on with the vr or you don't because this is obviously where i look for real guys okay for real now i'm not too sure i think it's three zero zero heading but that does does that seem right to me i might have to go to the map in a minute because i don't have a navigation system here flight paths good on rollout then and just check that deadweight a lot of traffic out there okay dead wing is good 300 i'm going to come out reheat if i can and i've artists officially made it louder in the jet so i can tell when it's on let me just see where i'm going let me talk to you about the target area then there i am oh i'm still flying of course i that's dangerous that is maybe i should pause the game no i can't pause the game let me resume okay f10 f1 all right let's get the climb going speed is good let's just pause here then i can't pause i know why that's paused right now cargo f10 yes no i can't this is where we're going over here bad people the hell's he doing over there no idea what am i doing over there shouldn't be there we're going to find that thing first okay so we're going to fence in there when you fence in you do your weapons check so for me i know that i need to feel safe here and nothing selective for me to use the the missiles and that tanker is going to get some also with my bombs then i want to make sure i'm not going to use them now but i'll drop them in quite close interval for the tanks i want nose tail as well selected for them now i've got this switch here modelled so i'm safe one thing i will need is the missile for the uh the aim nine lehman to shoot down the thing i'm gonna select that i'm probably doing surveillancy wrong that's all ready to go for 140 mil yeah so for the bomb so i can go on missile i'm going to need to actually pick this up here i've got a switch model for this and of course i can't know what switch that is and i'm looking completely the wrong place anything could happen at all okay so i'm going to move a switch let's see what happens yes so you have camera down there or this this is what's so great about the thrust master stick so now we are hunting or using the radar as well and i've met the radar controls but i genuinely can't remember what i did i don't think it's doing anything is it let me try this button check chaff and flare as well and i will do this now yeah you see in the mirror so we know we've got shaft and flare you test that before you go across the border make sure your weapon switches are good nothing's going to come off because it's safe apart from the missiles will come off look at this this thing's a nightmare so i'm going to use this and a minute good airspeed let's just check where the illusion is shall we yeah we're on a we're on a mission together guys we're on a mission together so i'm going across i don't know what those helicopters should not be doing anything it should not be moving they were tied to a fixed position it shows how good i am at this game already doesn't it right so radar do something no yeah now we're doing something so we're painting we're looking down that's why i need to look up and i should be hopefully seeing a target on here pretty soon uh let's get that now so i've got my cursor in the middle here ready to rock and roll if this little airplane does pitch up somewhere now it's a 30 mile scale at the moment i can't imagine the further 30 miles away oh is it landed oh let's go ahead for helicopters then so we're going to go north what is going on must have landed that bass that's not what i told it to do it has to do what i tell it to do 270 knots so we're kind of getting a bit critical now so flaps are up i'm just going to move them to a fixed position because by doing that it does give me some flap the auto that's what i wanted yeah it's also when it's in the areas and i think fix it's on the ground that's going to help it's going to say yeah you need some flaps in there somewhere down there low there is a little helicopter and we're going to hunt it i think it's a troop helicopter transport helicopter and we are going to shoot you down with extreme prejudice because it is the enemy we do not like the enemy the funny thing about the enemy is everyone's trying to do the right thing in conflict there isn't a good and bad side really and um you know isis i'm sure we could we could talk about but you have to remember a lot of like the taliban a young boy's handed a rifle and ten dollars and told to go shoot at americans and if you're in their position as well you're probably doing the same thing to be honest it kind of is a lot dependent on where you're born this is why equal opportunity is important guys for all of course that brings me to talk about hard work whilst we're going over here because one of the things i'm getting in a lot of emails is people are asking me tim how do i become a pilot in the air force or whatever and they haven't actually done any work on it yet which means they haven't actually gone to the rf website and had a look at it and they they don't know what qualifications they need because they haven't read the page they want me to answer all their problems for them and you know i'm working two companies guys i am also making a sim video for you which is going to take me quite a few hours uh but using all the patreon money to make this easier and quicker hence i've got a more powerful mac coming on board pretty soon um i've got recording devices and everything else that people have all the patreon goes towards so i can make these videos quicker for you and simpler over the back of the ridge then in the valley we're heading about three five zero you'll find that okay so that's that valley over there so he's coming to the low ground here and i might try and get him on the radar first so i would have obviously said fenced in i would do a lot of com with um the control agency for the the range complex because you obviously speak them before you go into the range and with our weapons live as we go in i have checked the chaff so i'm ready to fight i would never be alone by the way i'd always have a wingman or three i mean normally on a flag mission especially you you'd be in a big package of people one thing i find actually um on dcs when i fly on dcs with some dcs people who know dcs very well i don't which is why i'm learning is it can be obvious sometimes that they know dcs very well but airmanship is poor and what i mean by that is so across their high phones going into the zone on the i would call for entering the 62 bravo to engage the it down so it's in there in the low ground somewhere let's get that radar looking down for start see if we can pick anything up in the right in the low ground clear out the ground clutter hard to do let's get the scent on pretty soon altimetry will be good everything else i think we're going to be somewhere over here let's have a look i hate using this for this but you kind of have to in a way he's on the left-hand side yeah he's just on there tonight isn't he let's get this bigger zoomed in so we're going to take another tail shot probably which is great it's coming on to west now now heads out guys this is where i would look for real i'm looking on to west always think sun lots of sun doing what's the environment doing so that aircraft is in that area there somewhere let's get that radar squared away i don't care if i can't see him on the radar i'm going to come down now if you're stalking an aircraft that has guns on it i'm not too sure this one has you better get it right first time and that's why i'm a little bit heads out and look around the hud that's useless to you until you acquire them i hate using f10 i'm gonna have to because i'm new at this game so left eleven coming down the side of that wall so yeah he's gonna be down there somewhere let's stay high visually acquire which of the acquire guys visually acquire there tally left engaging flap also happy let's get a growl let's do a fly pass first shall we so you can see him i'm gonna fly underneath him flying on top of helicopters knocks him out the sky so there's any guns in this thing i might mess this up completely for you guys it doesn't has any guns on it so still fly by on this okay good so we can take a tail shot on this thing okay so we will likely no guns on that would be taste i want to just show you first okay fighting helicopters is an absolute nightmare for a jet guy it just is it's horrendous all right that drags you out i have no idea i hope not i'll leave it like that i'm gonna mess with that right so i'm getting my sp back guys you can see because without oh man this happened the other day as well lost reheat i don't know this is buggy or not but i get this sometimes see now i'm going to be really limited on what i can do now without reheat on this mission so let's get you've got fuel pumps on [Music] all right so that's us out i said throttle's right back let's go we have to look outside no right we are f5 fully load up without reheat i'm going to struggle i'm not even joking that flap's doing its thing guys which is brilliant right so energy management then 270 knots it's going to kill this thing then we're going to kill some armor get rid of these bombs light as possible how's the fuel going fuel is balanced i don't know why it's not gonna give me reheat um i did map reheat to the the top of the throttle range i did have this before actually let's just keep it going keep coming around the turn he's over there somewhere so yeah when you're down here low you're vulnerable you really are so you've got to be very careful this is why you roll around in pairs and if i am striking at low targets i'll have someone above me so if i'm doing some [ __ ] which we are going to do in a minute some [ __ ] [ __ ] bombs i'll have someone up top looking out 270 knots i mean this is really difficult now without right here i'm struggling come on come on top gate it's not going through wiki range why not you can see there because i took the what i did do you can um model it you can model the bloody helicopter's got now f5 f10 all right there you go you can't get rid of this helicopter and then we're going to hit some targets you can model gates on this throttle i think it sometimes gets confused about what a gate is look around look around the hook um what a gate is really for you can actually lift this throttle up you can probably hear it on a microphone um and you can actually put it in some other place so to put it to reheat i might have to try and map that in a second if i can't get reheat because i don't think i'm going to survive too well with energy hello chip don't worry buddy this is the thing you can't fight what you can't see and if it's sensible then you've got to land it amongst here somewhere because it does not want a nine lemma in its face come on there's one last look at f10 f10 is huge cheat isn't it so pretty much coming south because i think is i can't maneuver with all this on you never there he is i'll see if i get nightly on the beam you really can't maneuver flaps are good also need to growl come on i'm never gonna lock on this there's the ground that sometimes damages them oh the i've got a nightmare now i've got nothing fighting a helicopter is hard i'm not even joking look that's exactly what he's doing he's pointing at me the whole time that is sensible i've got to get he knows i'm heavy he knows i'm heavy i've got to get myself into position and there's mountains it's hot and look i just cannot turn on this guy he's a central helicopter pilot i put him down as good by the way but i must admit i'm struggling and to go off now and bomb targets look at this i just i'm really really struggling anyway i just can't regain energy and i must admit i'm not able i'm going to try and map these joysticks for thrust reverse not thrust adverse for oh come on why can't i get that see how i had it on take off that's what i understand 100 nozzles it's got like a nozzle failure uh did i take the notch out standby yeah so i've got full range the only thing you can really do is kind of put it in again 230 knots there's not much i can do that helicopter with this speed i'm literally with all i've got on we'll take one more shot with the nine lemur if we can it's gonna be a late spot if he's got any sense he's running along that mountain over there so i've got to find him then when we do that f10 then we're going to hit ground targets because we're just out of the fuel it's in there somewhere i'll take one f10 look only i'll treat it fair okay one f10 okay i reckon i'm going the right way he's coming down that side mountain project so he's in there somewhere if i get a spot on him i'll take the shot yet visual tally on the nose that's just shadow all right let's get one night lean right in now look at my energy levels that's the problem 220 knots right you're surviving buddy best of luck to you hope you make it those nine lemurs were rubbish look at this energy though so i've got nothing now i've got to go and play with these tanks and get the bombs off i gotta get these bombs off a sensible guy would have gone straight to that dust right nine lima still going away darling it's like yeah mate nice right i'm going up there heading up there hit the tanks okay let's go chancellor's getting back to nellis today pretty slim this is only really for me to have a look at guys and to just work out for me the best settings for recording these things you know what's the best mic to use all that kind of stuff so if you like it i'll try and jump across and just check the reheat part for me trimming is all it's all about trimming guys everything about streaming if you trim especially in the weapon delivery profile you make it so easy for yourself elsa jets doing this the whole time okay and it's done safely so you don't want to do that anyway i've got no missiles on a wing so let's get rid of these the first pass for us is going to get the center section bombs off [ __ ] bombs so i want that i want that safe want that to be bomb and i want this to be but i'm going to leave on safer now of course because um i don't want to drop bombs somewhere i'm not supposed to it's behind this mountain routes here we can jump out see if i get these controls sorted for a re-key adjust controls see and that's the problem so it doesn't know does it doesn't know that i'm doing this it's going to be on the throttles i think it is well you can shut them down and re-light actually that's not bad idea right what speed i've got my good yeah 300 right just shut the right down right now it's getting lit again so i've got airflow through it's fine i need engine start to go on now yeah that's pressed and now i need the throttle to go back to high door come on igniters are firing jets all over the place engines coming up see on the right hand side there yeah i'm not intentionally i don't think i potentially really like the throttle in the air guys i'm just trying to regain i've got good airflow through it so i'm trying to regain the uh so 50 really you can consider that's lit yeah she's lit she's coming down let's see what i get now look at the nozzles on here go boom come on negative it's highly depressing because really we're going to struggle back to nellis with all this weight on so first pass will be first one attack against whatever tanks i can i'm getting rid of all the bombs in the center section i do realize i partially pull my drag and i don't mean why that is don't know why that is um yeah caution lit because why because you shut down your engine idiot okay fine we've got fuel pumps on anyway we'll start down there pylons so balance the left we still could do a bit more balancing it fuel flows good i mean this is the great thing about this if i manage energy properly on this airplane we get to go back to nellis i don't manage it properly we crash and die so first run attack up here would not be good up this area on this loa and you need to come in here so i'm gonna head over these mountains drop down low level come in and do a first run there and it's gonna be hard to find guys but so they're going to be in the lee over there just at that bit so think about the sun so i'm going to be coming out the sun which is good they are going to fire me it may all take it out actually it's a highly risky maneuver to do but you really don't want to do it again so you want to check those switches on live so yes live i've got make sure you've got i've got a ripple done and also i've got nose tail selected so the bombs will arm there's bomb site is done center section pylon is selected and nothing there is jetson or that's fine right let's get to work down low that's what we need okay i'll just check flares again something needs some of those now obviously when you put a flare out it does tell them where you need where they need where where you are but if you're coming off a target like this we're the mayor of manpads which is man portable air defense systems such as sa 7 14 16 18 sting or anything like that then you want to be flaring like a ninja okay the ninjas flare no i don't know flowering like a 1970s soul band how about that right they're in over there somewhere all right don't pull too much in the turn davies because you don't have much to pull me because you only got 330 knots you're going into a target at 350 knots maybe that's criminal it's absolutely criminal this i'd be 450 minimum and even then faster could be because i'm going to expose myself massively here to the ground fire btr-60s anything i see in this area we declared i believe it was fallujah where the royal air force didn't participate in because that was not our war but we've declared this whole box of non-friendlies there we go i think i'm tally with something out there so enfield 1-1 in from the southeast this time in hot and pull one one i don't think that's a target i'm looking for small black squares and i'm not activating the zoom guys because i don't want to do that you've got to be short of the target guys yes tally one get the speed up davey's come on low low low low low low fire is going to come in back there there he goes on fire come on guys you can't shoot for [ __ ] standby and committing [Music] off target traffic oh i destroyed it yeah boy look at that don's fast i'm looking at the back of the jet now chaff flare chaff flare chaff flare energy managed energy managed right now we have two high profiles and you're slow and you haven't got reheat you won't be using reheat in the air if you can fuel onto low that was a pretty good pass man loving that [ __ ] still got it davey still got it right let's have a look let's get rid of the big bombs in boards then and we'll try an inboard try both of these actually if we can one pass nose tail so go through it again guys there's no spacing on these i'm not going to commit the package but i've got no tail selected we have got the switches live bombs are good negative for jettison all pylons down only pylons up selected for the attack and again a good loa out of the sun is going to be what i'm looking for today and on there's about uh going to be southeast south uh well south south east yellow a line of attack guys line of attack nice high sun let's drop in out of the sun it's going to be hard for them to see us so we've already got one of them so they are angry five thousand six hundred feet of course that's not agl here because we're in the mountains here but i want to get the bomb off about um if i can and it's about 400 knots now the depression here i'm going to need rockets we're going to need less than this for this 140 for low tack and i think it should be about 90 i'm going to give it a hundred now get 120 give 100 david's 200 i don't know what the mills are 100 is good he says not knowing what he's doing right so we can see where there'll be a plume of smoke there now what i'm going to do is tip in so that's a bad tipping so i'm just going to tip it like that it's poor tipping it should be roll flying pull the reflection i'll show that means later so i'm looking up above the hud now guys we are going to drop in that area i'm trying to find any vehicle i can there's a vehicle there standby trim trim trim trimming's key dreaming's key now one that's gone up and off traffic there must be more vehicles here i'm not seeing that many they've driven off i've only got one there that was long didn't it that went long that was a cbd wasn't it that's a cd down there so i dropped the cbu there's another one i've got that energy energy energy energy i've got that one there so another good loa so it's on the wingtip now see where the bomb strike is there i want to use the cursor it might not come out of course come on vr so i'm going for something here that dude there i'm going for so i'm pointing at the mountains which i've got to think about the recovery it looks okay to me uh again out of the sun and if you want to know what dive set yourself up again guys so one both went didn't they so now it's rockets so now rockets both rockets and then we're going to go home again so if you know what dive you've got to be doing put your wing tip on it like that look at this thing here that's 10 degrees i need to come in because that would be too far out 230 knots you really need to control that speed more so i'm going to pick my speed up in the dive and i'm going to make i'm going to stay level right so i'm just going to roll in i'm going to try and find the targets it's hard to see from up here come on no reheat man this is killing me roll right so what's my angle rocket so we're going to accept that come on nest tally okay so i've switched big switch pigs davies out there switch pigs yeah what did you do left it on bombs qi yeah weapons instructor qualified weapons instructor we'll have a massive go at me i'm exposing myself to fire sort yourself out get on rockets now sorry i will i was a qfi i was a fine instructor not a weapons instructor you should know better davies yeah i should i don't chaff-layer chaff flair right so we have to stick to rockets so rocket rocket both selected stations probably two passes if i get away with it in one pass we'll go home drag it back to the next because we have not got much fuel i need to get back to dennis ah out we go right come on here we go so we're right here we go so we're going for pull roll there we go roll for line there's my line pull now for the reflection you need there we go chaff flare chaff flare chaff flare come on break out targets there's one oh where's that going yeah again what you've done davies i didn't reset the 14 mils you are awful yeah i don't know the jet i don't know the jet 14 mils crikey so now i know my scan needs to be this is only a test this this site picture has to also come into all of these i need to write some check cards for myself okay well let's get rid of the rockets on this next pass anyway what's the feel not looking great okay let's get back in there chaff chocolate that's probably last pass hopefully anyway i'm gonna put this video out to see you guys like it whatever oh and i'll put up some better videos hopefully and enfield one one is in hot from the east and for one one okay identify a target that's nicely there speeds building up let's start get some rockets out nice cool with the sniper yeah firing at me now piss you off okay so i know where he is one more pass all the rockets in his face and then we're going home chad flair let's do it slight climb 400 knots i want to hold that energy auto flap we've got and this is going to take us on an loa that we can just go home and i'll jet send these canisters as well which you wouldn't do for real because you'd refill them but in this situation here i don't want to try and pad up the target if you can and if the one one in hot from the uh south from the north west here for one one come on dude worry actually there isn't it oh i've got it right right now how rockets good we're out look at that oh damn is it some percent destroyed right so we're still defensive i would have nine lemurs back up now if it did but we're exiting the area back to nellis and i need to get myself a quick steer so i'm going to do that by getting f10 up positive actor south daviess yeah roger so we are struggling for obviously everything really so i'm getting rid of the canisters now so there there there there under the chest and so i'm going to select them up they are up ready pylon's jetson and i'm going to get rid of them press that button twice always guys because it doesn't go right let's get back to safe now you would have nine lemurs up but of course it can't and all switches back to normal map that switch didn't i as i fence out what switch is that one i can't remember i'm saying switches that's the problem no yes off good cover down i don't i look at that drag shoot it's pretty safe to me but i don't i don't want to know whether i've got a direction or not i'll try and use online if i can radar stay active fuel i'm concerned about but this is all right i've got balanced span it's got pumps and that's how site can go back to normal so actually i don't think is that bad a video well it's probably just really bad actually to be honest with you but to work on i want to see basically what i want to do is uh just have a look at because what i'm looking for why is from an oculus it's not an s it's a rift my fidelity is not great here so i have to kind of stare at things and try and read things it doesn't really help so what i'm what i'm trying to do is can i give you this presentation in a better manner if you know what i mean uh is that is that possible is that possible to do in which case if it is possible to do and that'd be absolutely great i would climb back if i knew the range the nellis i'd climb out here twice that range to save fuel so i am climbing up at the moment and i i've got a funny feeling it's about 40 miles so i'm going to about 8 000 feet is great i'm going to use that f10 ruler thing where's the ruler come on i'll just check now from what it was to their say yeah 40 miles so climb twice the range is fine and it'll be approached back into runway zero three the americans like to fly straight approaches they're kind of procedural uh in the air force we don't do that but when we're flying out in ls or whatever of course we do because it's not our airfield is theirs and i would fly back at 300 knots for fuel guys but i think he says knowledgeably that we should be okay check that you're ready for recovery so um in a minute we'll descend if if if you're out say ten thousand feet keep the math simple i'm at ten thousand feet so for my descent now um i'd probably descend when i was about 15 miles out because what you would be doing is following what nellis tell you to do and uh that makes a lot of sense there airfield so you'd be talking about traffic now will you talk to the range frequency and you just sign out the range pretty much say hey i'm going home they go okay doris if i make it fuel i had huge fuel issues coming out of coming out of nellis 160 let's go for one seven zero coming out of nellis um we're coming out these ranges because i was up in these ranges on a flag teaching uh with some israeli pilots some teaching close air support what we did there wasn't kaz i didn't have a it wasn't close air support it didn't have a jtac anyone talking about anything pretty much it's more of an ai mission an airborne interdiction mission i've got kind of pre-planned target set this jet really this is uh the f5e tiger ii with the aj85 engines was an upgrade really on the f5a and now the americans bought the talon the t-30 t-38 yeah but they also um made this airplane northrop made this airplane because you can see that vegas in the distance there so i'm happy i'm outside the range complex so my radar can stay on for sa situation awareness they also made this aircraft for the export market and they did really well with actually which is really cool so oh i don't know how this thing works i want to cater it but this doesn't cage fine you can adjust scales on this you can do that um what's our feel we've got a caution because we've got low fuel light so i am going to bring this throttle back now chance might not make it actually guys say hey i know it's boring for you i'll see if i can not make it too boring let's get a fuel flow right down so what's the minimum then so i think about 260 270 is a minimum and we've got auto flat giving us a clean flap at the moment but if i do get myself into a speed range i'll get flap deployed it's going to add to the drag isn't it but the red flag i did at nellis was um i flew the night waves for the close air support and actually it was quite a sensitive one so i can't really talk too much about what you know supplement brief that's fair enough you wouldn't expect me to but um it's probably the best exercise you can do by none i think in the world we do a tactical leadership program which is a nato-based one it's pretty cool but this this is war space for me this is incredible the range complex is up here and everything what you can do is absolutely amazing absolutely amazing so i'll do more videos with f18 and some other stuff down there we can see uh if you look left 11. you can see nellis so i'm going to join really an idle approach and i'll be calling him up now i wonder if i can call him up what have they modeled that atc nellis zero zero man you gotta do that to me okay that's right two tonight because now i look like an idiot i'm gonna land anyway i would probably at this point with that kind of fuel well i'm probably clearly a fuel emergency probably see why this mission wouldn't have been possible really it'd have been quicker for you guys to watch don't get me wrong but it wouldn't have been dead wings good would it mean quicker it would have been well with a crash with no fuel basically now radar can go standby i'm on pretty much that's the problem that's the problem flap should have deployed out what the hell to mad with this flap come on give me flat i need some flap i need gear i'm just going to configure and land guys okay blow 260 there we are gear travels yes it is give me the flap i need give me landing flap full flat good do i speak to our traffic again just get me on the deck quest landing now one one request landing which one was your meet which one way right it doesn't matter and if you can i'll just tell them i'll make an approach to runway 2-1 left there's someone is that someone lining up don't tell me you're lining up right so look at the alpha davies look at the outfit approach me it's gonna be high you are high okay three greens i've got full flap i have got look for the alpha that's that's good yeah what's it up now a bit fast that's nice 170 feels good feels good feels good less power less power less power less power down two one happy pull the shoot shoot ah did i get the shoot and then not get the shoot fake break break swap that button out right good nice mish hey guys so what i'll do then is i'll um just get this rolled out i'll tell you what i need you to join patreon so i can buy a fan all right let's get it sorted out i just got the runway guys gotta model that brake button got to model it somehow manage to turn my um i will flash up i will taxi to the parking area thank you jeez by the way there's a parachute on your runway how'd you like those apples nellis right let's get that kind of different jeez what i'm going to do is get a fan a usb one i think and i'm going to model it so they're turning right in this check never really works they know about it they know about it um so when i when i open the canopy this fan's going to switch on automatically it's going to be excellent all right guys let me park this up here so not too much of me pausing it and talking to you oh god but um hopefully you've got something out of it hopefully you got something out of it see if this records yeah so that's kind of me done now um hopefully you know this is i'll show you my setup actually i don't know how i'm going to do that but i'll take a picture of it put it in there now so we've got the thrustmaster hotes uh warthog we've got i wonder if i can handle this camera down a little bit that's my setup my green screen okay so we got the joystick there all right guys and then you've got the the throttle squadron down here got out look at that okay i'll do a setup video for you at some point all right with all my stuff on my kit okay all right guys look i hope you found that useful i'll go and see if i put this together for you now and see whether we can uh make it in something decent all right oh i think i need a shower i think i'll sweat it through this top davies faster performance you
Channel: Fast Jet Performance
Views: 185,127
Rating: 4.8375983 out of 5
Keywords: dcs, digital combat simulator, real fighter pilot, FJP, fast jet performance, tim davies, fighter pilot flies dcs, fighter pilot, dcs f5, virtual reality, VR, aviation, military, gaming, top gun, flightsim, ms flight sim 2020, flight simulator, combat flight simulator, f-5, simulation, combat, DCS World, air force, RAF, dcs supercarrier, hdr, dcs world, microsoft flight simulator 2020, best air combat game, dcs dogfight
Id: tYwbkajpgfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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