Tornado Pilot Reacts to X-Plane 11 - RAF Pilot Flies in Scotland, UK

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alright looks like we love them peeps then can you hear me mate if you can hear me just say yes or well right yes so ever it is a bit delayed right look okay so I'm assuming that people are going to drop into the channel at some point I don't know whether you can hear the aircraft hoping you can so what we're gonna have a look at I mean the game might should be in the game well okay so this is to an arid you're one now I will jump back out to the live chat a second just to see what's going on make sure everything's all right okay thanks they're been for the audio levels make keep me informed if there's any issues I'll just keep flying basically until either we crash or something else happens but to be honest I'm flowing this jet for 30 years 13 years so and also you guys literally I want to tell you right now I literally just got in this and I've mapped all the keys and what I really wanted to do was to I got airborne and when this is freaking me out again this is freaking me out because it was so as I experienced when I was out lost him out doing it for real I went right this is just crazy I'm gonna have to literally do this on a live stream okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to literally just quickly show around and a lot of it isn't actually that familiar to me as such any more I look at panels and stuff I'm like yeah I know what these are and yeah I know what these are and so what I'm going to do is talk you through these as we're born because a lot of people complain hey Tim the last time you did one of these you know you spent a load time talking so I'm just gonna get everyone and we'll talk about it now when I say I'm just gonna get airborne guys there is a problem with me just setting airborne this Jack back you ever wonder about 170 knots I forget the correct figure you work it out before you go I've got let me have a look at roundhay right so that's the wing in twenty five we can go 2500 back to sixty-seven if you look on the wing for this it's got spoilers for lift so that spoiler come up there spoiler coming up stick left stick writes spoiler comes up okay that's also matched with the lift dump now I have mapped the lift dump but I forgot what bloody key it is let's have a look yeah there you go look there we are mat lift dump is up there all that lip dump is up there so we're going to try and use that when we land I'll put some thrust of us out sitting here and look at this panel here for thrust reverse press the bus okay going to buckets out rev Rev happy if you only got one review come back to idle you rock back in bored with the throttle here that's how you rock that out there the one who lifts dump and then you select override out idle and then you build slowly against the one thrust the verse K because this aircraft seriously had the brakes like a Ford Capri or something again wasn't wasn't brilliant but the reason I want to talk to you today is weather as well we're doing a bit of a thing with the weather and we're going to push over to the Great Glen the Great Glen is something called Loch Ness which I know you will know about this where the big dinosaurs live in there and I would just ask Ben if there is a snag mate just get back to me on facebook messenger me because I can see that okay here we go ping and then we're gonna fly down there we're gonna fly out to the west coast a little bit and then we're gonna fly back in via Inverness on the north coast back into here for an approach back on one way to three the wind is about three six zero about 5 knots today so technically it because it's northerly I'd probably be on runway zero five I haven't flown this jet for thirteen years give me a friggin break okay I'm going off to three it was the runway we used most at lossy I think it's going to be okay but I'm gonna get airborne first now and then we're going to chat about it because there's every chance I won't be able to get airborne okay so that'd be hilarious right down here this is where all our this is the main panel you really want as you can see now these are flaps trailing edge flaps and these are leading edge slats here okay and this is wing sweet 25 or 3 to 67 and this is an air brake here I don't know without map - things have a look yeah I've looked map tip if you don't say a tornado look at this panel something is hanging out or in the wrong position again so factually correct statement guys and I would have a navigator and he would be saying to me things now like some flatmate all right chill out so I'm gonna select some flat that's maneuver in twenty five happens okay also in forty five not map properly that's our takeoff flap over here books about reheat okay so right now both are both nozzles are shut stay bad nozzles and then you are PMT six and everything else here fuel should have about seven tons but that burns quickly in there and this is the fuel panel you wanna make sure if these shut on that because you can dump that fuel really really quickly and you would do in an emergency let's just get airborne showering and we work it out from there okay not the most familiar head-up display for me guys because I was at your pilot and this is a deal one and as your HUD was a little bit different to this it was just a bit more comprehensive either way as a hard isn't it I've got 81 feet there so that means at my altimetry is not set properly which means there I've got to do something with that with thinner what I can change it I'll change it the wrong way now I'm making it worse this is brilliant in it but would that would be zero come on but because we're on a coast guys I'm not worried and other we are that works the car come on who designed this game that should be zero and now I feel sick that isn't zero is it so ran out here is there we correspond to that but actually millibars on here is probably what set start they said yeah there you go alright shut out chill out chill out chill out sorry about the computer audio something's open it shouldn't baby now they go 0 speed up here guys alpha is very important to us today if you start a few in level flight you start going above about fire offer there's something there's something wrong again you need to sort it out square it away alright something's happening and it's far from ideal so we'll be looking at today if you need chat inside be I'll explain let me know happy to help CT my man yes someone did some of your message I'm gonna do a bit of a thanks to people in a minute when I'm in the air because some people you can help them out with this because you know more I apply in the real airplanes but these ones I'm learning factually correct again right this is tier four guys we can play without today but chance of death is very high here's a gear okay and as I said all your flaps are on this one air brakes in today maneuvers flat so everything else I know people don't get Abel on so let's do that shall we so on the brakes then so what we do fully on the brakes powers coming up look at your panel watch the reheat there you go kick kick okay well it's you won't hold on reheat so we're going now I've mapped nose or steering about 168 knots for getting airborne guys and then we need to travel services because she will accelerate reasonably quickly 100 rudder comes into play now 140 50 rotate there come on girl that's it can't fly fly you need to start flying okay so what does this means that probably not figure properly because everything else should be gear travels flat travels I do have speeds I am familiar what those speeds are just don't think at the moment this is actually mapped and pretty well look at the panel of got warnings nothing there so that was a very sluggish departure of seven half tons 320 knots is fine 350 knots we'll start traveling the wings it does get pretty rapid and this council the traffic the things there so as you approach 350 you can tell I'm already a bit behind this Jack's it does vary a bit faster and we're not clean as such so 350 I'm going to travel the wings you don't have to it's not speed limit as such then we start shaking like this it was start shaking watch the wings traveling the pen to 45 and you can see the leave is now at 45 down there and this is what I mean by being bit freaky guys else fly around at 360 knots going to stay beneath the cloud base and I'd be going to radar now and that's absolutely fine and then I'll be saying the radar comes up wolf 1 by the radar wolf 1 airborne outlaw see loosing via Inverness into the Great Glen South out to the west coast Rodgers caught seven thousand seven thousand and I haven't you'll be worked out how to do all the squawking stuff guys but I'd fly beneath these clouds here around about 2,000 feet is what we want to hold to say out the low flying areas and you can see I'm heavy look at my outfit it's about seven alpha that's a worry a quick bit of reheat maybe and I'm back up there if you get below the drag curve guys you will feel it anything wrong with the pack this jet go back to this panel down here alright I'm serious the panel is gonna tell you everything speed control is very poor today Davies if you're below 2,000 feet okay AGL okay you're in the low flying area now we book in the low flying area from take off so it could be down at 5:00 and or 250 feet now straight out and I have had sorties before from Lossiemouth where I have not been above 250 feet well say 350 feet whatever it's all been low-level because the cloud base has been about 750 feet and you you literally get into the great Glen and out there guys over this area here there is a valley if you make that valley there without aborting you'll make the great Glen and you're fine right now I'm gonna now be dialing up the frequency for Inverness and he'll be giving him or she be giving them a call we had a lot of female Navis on the squadron and she'd be diving up and saying this radar both one we're a singleton to jail for out of law sea and we're inbound the Great Glen reading north-south out there West case this time they give us a basic service any traffic in and out my Madden the best map guys but you can see down here we're approaching the Great Glen now it's a difficult map to use because I've got a grab a and someone's giving me some Jen on how to square this away peep so you know I've got to do this or buddy about that now I've got to zoom in now there we go and this is why I miss having a navigator so we're going to go down there out to the west back up across here and then try and fly and approach into lessee which is going to be quite difficult actually because I haven't landed this jet again for 13 years so you see the weather coming down now and so the play area as a sign for me I can't member safety out you'd around here it's probably quite high we're safe 5,000 feet like Jen we can't there board is just have not flown for that long so there behind me now we're looking at coming into the Great Glen there from the north we've got check of the Greens the back at 45 check the fuel burn that's the key here really so you can see I am burning fuel obviously and you can see it's about you know to know what am i burning 2530 always kilograms a minute down here and you can see my fuels up here the fuel seems to burn quickly in this model and I've given it seven half tonnes which is what used to fly with but I read I'll keep an eye on that today because I might not have enough I can't learn GU all that fuel either I destroy the jet there's a menace down there apologies you can see that now so I'd be probably south of it other zone gets hold off on the right-hand side there you got the radar warning receiver that's normal and that does give us indications of other tornados that are out in the play area I had a friend norm was killed once he had a tee appear you had a tee on here it just appeared there he looked out on a tornado cross his nose right left and the T was there their radar the navigators got a ground mapping radar in the rear okay it was it was so quick he just alerted him to get his head out when Oh crikey saved his life so you may hear that pipe up today with some noises you will hear the rat out probably so I'm going to set that and there's some pre descent checks I'll cut them what they are in the big jet here we call it the big jet because it is but it flies this flies so similar so how the tornado really flies and that's what's creeping me out so if I'm going to be in low level I'll be in magnetic and I want to be radar altimeter look at this out to mother here Barrow switch that to rad out okay there you go fifteen hundred feet so I am in the low level flying area I would put another pressure sitting on there whatever the regional was but also one of those important things is vv look at that there that's my velocity vector I'm going to change that into V V well it doesn't it locks is the whole hardest stationary it doesn't move around acts like an AI when I put it in V V this HUD would move left and right and up and down only slightly but it would move and and also that velocity direct vector would have a look at it in a minute if that is clear of land I will miss the land it's what killed her an f3 crew who flew into the side of a mountain they were very heavy at low level just come off a tanker both of them are killed and they were flying with a hardened locked which is a a I it's like flying with this thing down here guys okay not telling you I'll show you is easier if I show you as when to low level then everyone seems to throw the wings back in 67 in the sim world I don't because that's going to kill me so I leave them as they are rather a doubt bug here we set that about two to five I think that's two to five about that it might go off a little bit and that's going to keep there you go that's going to keep me safe now as I said guys accelerate to 420 leaving the wings in 45 and get them ahead out look at this these are litter boxes here remember we said about green air litter boxes if anyone's going to come into the Great Glen they're going to come through one of these okay in the descent through twelve hundred then for 250 so that's what you got to think about 1000 that's nine eight seven over clear water six counting it down five four three and let's just ease it that's the rat out bug there I think 300 420 knots easing it down there's no rush guys people die because they fly into this water okay they die look at me okay I've got about a thousand hours on the tornado I'm sitting around 400 feet I'm not a hero okay we'll ease it down that's all we gonna do because I don't wanna be killed like a lot of my friends so here's 400 then we've got about 420 I want to hold that and again I'm just gonna you've got a V V and the wrong you've got a what the hell you call this thing here let's have a look so you've got the Alpha Gate on the left hand side there as you can see speeds up here a bit slow don't go below 4 knots it is a way of killing yourself fuel is goods oxygens good engine and location down the Great Glen so I'm trying to hold that there over here you got a readout I'm just going to step that down lit bit now over the water and then you've got your vertical indicator there shows where you're going up and down I've got a tendency to descend now and say I'm just gonna come down now try and fly as close to your 250 as I can stepping it down I'll still be talking front to back ok say uh navigate in the back ok a sign for that life they don't want us to fly into the sea so that's all the lake obviously the whole time you're looking out for Loch Ness monster you think I'm joking we did actually but please your source or whatever it is I've got a dinosaur in my kitchen at the moment actually it's a Velociraptor disguised as a pheasant right so the right out bugger might need to be reset let's have a look at it down it no thinks the right up bugger I think it's the rwr look into the valleys guys because that's where the bad people live that's where they're going to come out of especially with a low cloud base like this 420 Davies come on so you had energy markers in the GR for this doesn't have them all so guys want to go around corners look there at this screen down there I talked to you about ok which talks about wings everything else down here damn it here we go that thing there I've got manoeuvres on the wings you can't see him on the lookout side they just don't seem to be seen but on there when I turn and I'm in 25 wing on put the manoeuvres they won't they don't actually modeled in here in 25 it's actually like the first stage of flap basically okay its first stage of flap I where's my cursor okay lost control her down here and that helps you get on the corner so I'm just gonna come bit further south let me gonna request we're not going to be a long a long one if you want to know where the weather is guys step up like this get to the top of this get to the base of the cloud like this and go right I've got clear out to the right happy good escape route clearer no I'm about the left that I you haven't got escape route out there to the east doesn't exist look that's how you die out to the rest you do you've got thinking time and of course anything goes wrong you go upstairs there you don't worry about whether you're below controlled airspace any of that kind of stuff you go upstairs that's the reheat kicking in it's a very quiet cockpit in the tornado guys if you can't hear it too well it's because I I really can hear it and I was flying the jet either the hawk is much louder than the tornado okay I'm having trouble height keeping really because it's just a very wallet we aircraft when it's heavy okay so let's have a look I'm just going to try and ease it down but let's not be a hero now I'm looking for clear out to the right down here wanna come rights and right at the bottom of the Great Glen there you can see this trim trim okay I need to grab my little tool I need to move my map don't I it doesn't give me the airspace okay well we're just we'd be flying south in about three four minutes so we're gonna go out to the west and fly north for the same period of time okay so I'm looking at this value over here we sit to the right of all these things that's 800 then descent seven six four 300 feet five four leveling now and that's just for the nav really it was probably ahead in doing some mapping work right looks sketchy to me guys looks sketchy I'm going for anyway because we're on a live stream alright sorry he kicking in don't want that bring it back out for 20 that's nice still a bit heavy she's a heavy jet well aware of the ground on the on the other side here looking at the top or any players coming from the north rwr clear flight path is clear we're dead wing is good out back and then when it's work out to the West case this is a pretty typical sortie from Lossiemouth I'm not doing any target work on this one and this is pretty typical weather conditions as well that we used to fly in guys I will get the TFR up at some point in the future sortie and we'll sit there without in the process of putting it in and out was pretty busy but I think it'd be quite interesting for you guys to see that right fuel and as you see it's coming down a little bit I might have to start balancing these tanks up Oxygen's good engine and location is out to the west coast heading to 8-0 and a lot of time by the way you'd look around the HUD you'd look out here that's when you see aircraft out here or out this side that's when you spine spots because a member used to get chased by our own airplanes as well let me just check messengers see whether it's been message me anything no good livestream all right okay what does that mean thanks so much really appreciate the help now you see I've got green air out to the front here guys green air so I'm happy by the way the front glass this tornado was hardened out the front there it was hardened for bird strikes okay say say birds have bounced off the front of it missiles not so much I might recalibrate these controls actually because I'm putting a lot of stick for a not a great deal of movement saying right you can see that value in there's fine this one's more open it's the more open Valley for us and we're gonna route through here you might find a sea rwr yeah we've got out to the left there I'll tell the nav again against that and they look out for that spocs that could be another tornado you can tell look at the weather on top of the hills now so I'm committed into this valley as I said the only way out is probably up if I can't get out here so I'm looking clear air above okay don't force yourself low into valleys if you don't have to you guys it's women like winds today guys three six zero about 5 knots I'm a bit slugs I'm being an idiot keep those throttles forward okay there we go that's nice cheep-cheep so my pheasant sounds like okay let's get down over here and guys anything I'm doing here we do for real I'm not lying to you okay so this is this is real flying as real as I can write out ping our call as well if I go below 250 and I get a ping on the right out I say something out right out ping it means I'm aware that I've ping the right out and I'm gonna do better look I'm settled now about 280 feet that's good anyway around about 320 down or 250 that's some nice level flying but again weather conditions like this I'm more concerned with options and other aircraft being in the same piece of sky as me and I am with high keeping so I'd rather be a bit high also for for below 400 knots I'd probably would say speed to my nav so they know I'm aware where they're coming down in the West case pretty common but I know this sea is out here so I can fly really accurate to 50 and stay beneath it gonna route up north my fear is guys that I might have to know might not be able to get in back on the west coast and I'll have to pull up through this and then we'll have to just get back down again which might be a little bit more tedious for you but it's about weather decisions isn't it really panel is clear down there and I'm gonna it's hard for me to point out things in the jet whilst I'm flying at low level so we may do some medium level work in a minute and just point out bits because it's sort comes back to be honest with you now approach speed back home is 148 + 4 knots per thousand kilograms of fuel remaining so I'll let you guys do the maths for me but the approach speed for us we probably got about two tons although those fuel gauges is causing me some concern because it doesn't give me a direct fuel down here because I mean that say I probably I might you're gonna have about two tons of fuel now so we'll see won't we right now try and work my way up north so good look out that VV keep it above that line in the turn anything goes wrong guys you throw those wings forward throw them forwards give you so ball the lift you cam okay come around three five zero North there's North there pause writes what do we do flight path is good dead wing out here is good like they could be players out there I'm gonna try and route back in on this I'm gonna flow north about four minutes clock runs and see whether we can work up I don't know why I do these videos in there really the hardest conditions possible I took the hawk into valleys a day I was doing circuits and again it was a real crosswind I thought why my apologies for that guys the sausage is something I'm a shot buddy a mail program I was thinking why am i doing these videos in this kind of wet ignition but you can really see when it is down like it is there on the hillside I don't have an option that way so I'm prioritizing out to the east here to get back home and I know home is well you seen the map though I'm not even on the map but I know it's gonna be in the Northeast the direction because that's where I came from look at that speed come on babies right dead wing and also you make out cool skies on on the radio you say you know wolf one is on the West case and you'd have some kind of fix like on yarders sky routing north for the next five zero mics and you get a call for another aircraft saying oh this is Viper whatever we're in pair reaching South and the Great Glen okay cool I think the best option properties to route up one of these valleys you know probably is that weather on the nose there is looking yeah yeah I'm gonna stick with this cheep-cheep that's what happens all night with my pheasant in the kitchen chichi she's ten week old ten week old pheasant chick he was abandoned by a mum it's obviously racist and she she left her in the garden and she imprinted on my wife which I've yet to do after twenty years of marriage and so my wife has this chick falling around everywhere now it's got quite big toast bigger than her mum she's a big woman she's not a big woman right so looking out there again whether we're getting some clear air now I'll get some I've got a bit of freedom now fuel I might sort of see about balancing that we're always going to Inverness if the fuel does get too late but I can't balance had to come about how to balance the tanks I can't them out of balance tanks yeah you're a bad pilot Davies whatever right I mean the descent over the sea now through 700 feet 605 for 250 4 for 250 levelling 300 flight path is clear dead wing is good right you will find people in the same piece of sky as you and that's just how you die okay people die in in clear air like this other tornados coming in and this green writing distracts everyone distracts baby pilots and it strikes people like me so get your head out once you a mature look for 21 knots there for 20 knots 360 feet I've got a VB that's level this is a V V here it's level I can now do anything else do I've set power I've set a power I know what it is I don't need to keep looking through the add anymore I can look out just casually just checking that high all right Cady's and checking the height because we're not just trying to fly at 250 feet guys we're trying to fight the airplane okay we use it as a weapon system so really the only time to be down at 250 feet or 100 feet is in a wartime situation the rest of the time you give yourself thinking space and give myself thinking space right now on 0 4 0 about 320 feet for 20 knots which is fine and we'll probably intercept the great Glen at some point I'll say that Matt wants to start working so let's talk about Vivi clearance guys see what my VB is now so this is the V V it's clear of this mountain here and that means that I'm definitely gonna miss it I'm going to give you a demonstration that in a minute you wanna do it so I've got your V be checked so I'm gonna crush this bit here and you're gonna see now I'm gonna do a better bit of fact I do love this bit up here and we'll go quite close to it and you'll see that the aircraft misses it now if you don't have it in V V but you have it in locked okay then you enter yourself up into a world of pain guys okay altitude that was a readout spike there I don't know why the write out isn't going off let me just see whether I can't member how to whether we set it or not well I can't I don't want G off for this no doesn't do anything maybe doesn't this somethin press somewhere probably I'll do some work on this I read the manual again I've got a manual knocking about somewhere forever sure fun read so this pillar here I'm distracted simulating when I was chatting to me about his hopes and dreams and about some some woman he pulled or something at some nightclub so I might distract on life with maja ha ha ha ha ha ha but the VD is clear the VV is clear of the hill ran out down to about 40 foot okay that's why we say V V clear same thing in the hawk t2 so whenever roll out from a turn if I'm busy and I'm trying to my nav B be clear that's what I say if it's not like now I don't say it so I now can go heads in I'm like Roger that my head's in happy VB clear okay it's a crew jet that's what makes it such a fun airplane I think we get into the great Glenn again which is great I know where we are then we can look for Loch Ness monsters and stuff I do it's a shame that lot people don't get to fly this airplane that sure must emit there's not many airplanes I'd say that about see more maneuver now you can see we used up the fuel she's more maneuverable there's a nice letter box up there I'm gonna go for that one but don't worry with this airplane for the flight characteristics I'm quite surprised it's a very quiet cockpit apart from if you get the wrong weapons officer I'm joking cheep-cheep bloody pheasant right so I'm just manually flying back over now and I'm just gonna give myself some space here get my VV out where we're heading zero five zero so you need to come across at least in a minute that's gonna run out of fuel just gonna try and get that map sorted so flying with the left hand you hero Davies there I am so I'm gonna come across now to the West don't go into the cloud Oh put the thing down right there we had space over there to the right there we go I'm a fly past M&S I'll try and put this into an approach for the alpha build 10 alpha sometimes you've got a you can't rock into afterburner as well if you're into really sorry if you're above 10 alpha because you do risk surging engine or what you do is or your pop surge it basically it'll clear but you don't want to we do some high alpha handling an airplane at some point that's really interesting we've got something down here called the C SAS that's that panel down there okay and it's the control stability augmentation system and one available and my baby airborne in this aircraft once on this game by the way and I crashed because the lift dump wasn't mapped and it was out and so I lasted about four seconds and I thought that's about right so let's let's show you guys this first flight I had a seesaw fail straight away after takeoff that's quite common and what happens is you entered something called mech mode mechanical mode a mech mode is right like riding a bucking Broncos the whole jet does this does this and it's like whatever you were Jetts doing you try and undo it and it makes it worse and just gotta let go the controls and just go okay let's just reset that I'm down here you start playing with this resetting whatever you need to on this panel this panel sorry the resetting all okay and it's a bit of a faff it stops the aircraft spinning a high offer basically it just reduces stick forces because of course pilots like me would end up killing themselves yeah I'm not convinced by that what's gonna go over here what's off feel doing I'm not convinced by that either to be honest with you I'll have a look at as you go fast Inverness I think it must be the VI if anyone does fly this airplane guy contacted me today actually a really really really nice guy I'm gonna thank some people in a minute as well for the assistance that you've given me in getting started up here I also this isn't the real this this weather is x-plane weather I've gone to a company called X aviation and I've said hey guys do you want to promote your weather on my store my thing here and I just you know give me 20% off or something like that you know because this adds up quickly guys it really does I think it was a joystick that really good guy asked me to said I should buy and their whole sets like four and a quitter say geez yeah I mean furlough for my own business which means I'm not paying myself anything any ting firm right I've got a spike out there on the right have a lookout no I'm clear okay so we'll get back over to see now and we can run 250 feet all the way along this coastline if I can get higher will and that's purely a fuse feel saving measure because I my nap will be going whoo dude what did you feel about your fuel to fall both gonna die at the same time II have mapped the eject button as well on this on the stick in case we need it but be nice to get back to LA see I'm really gonna do deep dive in that fuel right now right bTW clear standby what is the fuel fuel flow is high okay good I can't read that must be about 14 under kilograms okay nice work on that so if I can climb and cruise back I will you can see now as you're going to man s can we we could unless we get back to LA see if I just chill let me go back at 360 hours then I think would be alright cuz I'm burning a lot of fuel a moment let's go back to 360 not saying and as we at a low level I'll talk to you about the rest of the jet so also I heard let's point out the coast there's a weapons range up here as well to the left skies he said the more effort were coming up towards amusing all the time I'll take you for a tour around at some point if I remember it's a shame unfortunately a couple of my students first students ever lost four killed there in the morning first Adam Sanders good man hi well Paul good people and Sam Bailey was an avid one of the Jets I was out in Afghanistan with him that's not something me to talk about on a on a sim video is it unfortunately but uh they were getting into the range together entertain and unfortunately they collided together again their belly up and they collided so you know got to be careful guys got to be careful right I haven't set a pressure setting for being out here I've left it as it is we're gonna try and get back into lossy on runway two three and the way I'm going to do that it's gonna use the map really because I don't I can't see it and I haven't got anything really tells me how to line up on the runway I've got a course bar though I don't know where that works so what I'm gonna try and do is put that course bar only two three and I will give me some indication of when I'm actually on it hopefully saying come on cursor worried here we go it's in I see a hit same for my navigate but I mean it's you got one right you guys are mine you guys might nav now okay don't we're gonna crash good what do we do with other course bar we put I'm going to climb up for this weather I've seen and we climb up above it we can get down again I'm sure we put that on the reciprocal of the runway in use although I'm going to try and fly straight in and that's because I've got to fly a circuit for some reason just nice to climbing 360 has our fuel they're all come quick right there we go light winds today guys I'm not worried about putting any extra on there I'm gonna put it directly on the reciprocal run which is zero five ok got layers then layers a cloud so that's nice and I'd be calling up in - right now and saying that we're reaching to the north of the field inbound lasse and then she'd be getting probably be getting on to star five pretty quickly and I'm gonna zoom in on this map down here was getting out a little bit we take a radar service probably bit low fat what are we was I'm just gonna go back to look at my altimetry readout unlocks okay about 5,000 feet getting a barrow they gave four or five say climb up say bit of fuel right scare heads in down here guys a second step boy righty-ho let's have a look then what come to do this map so I want to get this much fidelity on this as I can how are we still levels always a bonus I like flying the airplane it's quantized so I'm going to come up here and I'm going to wait tomorrow to three and I'm going to come down here and try and land into la see okay so I mean the route up give myself some space turn around and try and land into la see the issues we have is I'm not going to know how far I am from La si because attack and isn't work I haven't really got a very good maps I'm just gonna estimate it on this thing and then I can set up for about 10 mile final which is perfectly acceptable and we're just trying to fly in like here is before I run out of fuel because not all the field and tornado is usable by the way we're normal and about 800 kilograms for Kinlaw skin loss being the diversion that we would use and that will give us enough to literally bounce off the runway and then go into Kinloss okay so I'm saving fuel now by being idle not very much at all in the descent through six thousand feet then for about for one I hold four thousand feet that will allow me to see the airfield if I can see the airport I can position on it which means I can get in right let me just check in the descent hold up how to chewed their wings coming forwards guys because will fly this now for us I'm gonna put the wings forward have a look at them bad I map the wings there we go look at winter board [Music] clonk and also with that lever here that's the wing sweep leader 517 percent this the brings people either here you really want to there's a little there's a little catch on the front of it again where you put your hand and you squeeze it and move it forward it's very simple to use but what you really want to do with that is make sure it's fully forward because you will not get any flaps if you do not have that wing forward again 300 not sent down from 5 so you need to need in 25 and if you can't get flaps the first thing that the pilot in the towel as a pilot the tower the first thing they say is kick that leaver forward like and it's like with your foots mate if you can't get it forward by gripping that trigger in the front and moving it forward with the left hand then you get your boot up and you put your boot on the back of it and you kick it if you can you kick it forward as far as far as you can because there's an interlock in there so let's have a look coming down now 47 only go down about 4,000 some clear air really so I can see the field yeah so yeah to get wings forward 4 5 in the descents gonna run out of fuel or finals I think fuels are right for us today try and hold three nerd-offs not doing very well let's just see if the air brake works show me right where is the air brake cause down on the bottom panel a break pebbles yeah you can't hear it at the back of the jet guys so what I'm gonna do before I land I think I can pre arm 4,000 at the center mm or say 3,000 feet in fact about three notes I'm going to try and I think I can pre arm lift up and thrust reverse I'm just gonna check yes look they're pre armed see how the pre arm down here back in one so I can go lift thump rearmed thrusters pre armed that means when i and there's some rules for pre arming for us reverse you got to be like less than i think is less than 20 tons just genuinely cannot remember less than 20 knots crosswind this and this and rules i don't know what they are so you can see robber 2 3 there i'll start putting on the beam now as in my course bars on two three and check we're synchronized so zero eight zero in the hub zero eight zero on the h side down here which is pretty cool so i'm literally going to try and gash this in chance of success pretty slim guys okay for posting four thousand then probably for about three you can't see the field let me move the map am i still streaming hope still streaming shall I live out and just see isn't the point mute Riley Dashiell adding any if you've all gone home let me have a look shall we sure thing what tell me okay yeah it looks like you don't Oh where we go now 15 degrees nose-up three straight knots come on that's not gonna help is it trim Davies trim so sorts the squares out story Idol everybody travels it's maneuver around here so now we'd be on camera was at lossy see this is the problem I seem to lose control of Florida it's full back stick here twenty degrees nose-down it's almost like it's saying aircraft is really volatile but I know it's not I don't know why so put some put some flap down them sixteen hundred come on guys all flap down think 1000 feet nine eight it's like literally I'm running out of seven I'm running out control authority yeah I think it might be a trim issue yeah why didn't he do I was reheat up so I think I might run out back stick trim panel I've got panel down there and use something that seesaw spell Oh God really really geez right I've got a positive vector BV is up speed is stable get REE stable so you know how about speed issue I've literally I think got a CSS problem howeve I'm gonna press that button damn it press it no looks like a fuel caption down there guys so come on he's pretty miss your turn now to 20 knots right hang everything off this jet air brake come on air brake that doesn't help does it have those balls hanging out back could well be the she LOI Davies right 250 because you get behind the jet now you idiot 1500 feet 250 knots get some of that flat back up again right I've got flap that's bloaty 250 td4 flap I think so let's come around here I smile for doing 7 alpha 2,000 feet so guys this is going to be the hardest approach you've ever seen in your life okay Wings forward 25 then I've got a half lap out already every tornado pilots out he's going dude what'd you do I'm like I don't know genuinely I don't know the Pope is gonna be 148 plus 4 per ton I'll look at that we all lose engine so this is now me trying to get back into this field before we lose an engine also go checked and drop the kite rights switch off that take it some parameters 230 so geared come and literally I'm finding this thing closed even on this map anymore let's see if I can is even on the map anymore yeah okay okay so I'm back we intercept that and then turn in and sort yourself out me because you're fapping no more fam okay let's get down idle here to come she's in there somewhere that's it turning in what's gonna fly and see this run with any buzz that sounds if not we're all rejecting few 30 knots there's that controls come on controls 1,500 feet get your nose back up speed reducing gear to come there's the lights come on Davies get that gear down hold that power 10 out for you want to be landing out no reheat mate cuz you get it right out feel you idiot let the engines shut down to 30 blow - no come on you blow 2 3 5 come on you know it that's it 2 3 5 gear travels come on right three goons indicating I've got I think it's half lap but I'm not this jet had I want 10 alpha this is crazy ninja hard fam right let's put on some shall we don't get maxed out lift on pre armed thrust with us put armed this is going to be mental Weidman if you didn't see speed out right so we're looking at 1 for a 150 but to say 1 150 - oh look at this only going in seven knots fast yes didn't we set there at out bog did I 150 170 could be bad oh you're joking I thought was doing alright ah continue okay let's get out reject yeah get out I have objected by the way those people behind me technically I think that's not bad I think the boss of the squadron would be a bit upset with me and I'm not lying - guys look thanks so much it's not that's not bad if I if you stabilize that approach in there that's pretty realistic I still got a bit of a control authority issue to be honest but yeah I think people I think the honest all the canopy's gone the knab's gone whereas the that's the crap chat gone then isn't it which is nice actually I reckon it's going to buff out I reckon I'll buff out I reckon let's head to the bar have a chat about it but you know I don't think I'm to blame I don't think I'm to blame I put it down - yeah I'll put down - um currency issues really I'm for only thirteen years so maybe that's what it is so yeah so about your chat your winch stop your winch cuz um to be honest I think I did all right and I am taking a little iPad with me thank you so good good guys thanks so much hit the comments again subscribe notification bell it really helps me out I really do appreciate it I'm gonna try and sort this weather out for you I think it's quite nice weather but apparently it can be better weather and then obviously you'll be able to get better service when you watch these videos I will try and work out the navigation here because it'd be quite good to make some approaches and it can be sitting in a tornado I've just crashed and it's a 6-1 7 tornado anyway so I don't really care to be honest because I was on 12 squadron so waves and then I'm obviously I'm going to try and work out some of these systems what works and doesn't work but the flight model genuine is actually quite good I'm gonna do some work around slow speed handling with with fuel on board and just work out what's going on there and if anything you really want to see or you've got questions on someone did are all gonna read out some thanks for people quickly guys just real quick let me just I'll try and get to my desktop quickly and see whether I can do that because some people wrote in and offered me some real good guidance so I just thought I think they're like I can't really get out I can't get my desktop guys to do apologize but I have written some people down here I read about next time but um I do really appreciate the people that have been offering some guidance anyway right I'm going to go and pretend that this was the navigators full obviously because that's the only way that we really do it and I can't believe they navigate this look outrageous and I'm going to go to the bar have a beer and pretend it wasn't me blame someone else because that's what flying is all about by the way that's not what flying about okay flying is about being honest and open okay what guys are gonna stop the stream thanks so much guys I'll look at the chat any questions some experiences buffering I'll do apologize I'll sort that stream out guys okay I really appreciate it
Channel: Fast Jet Performance
Views: 57,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raf pilot, raf pilot training, fast jet, fast jet performance, tim davies, fighter jet, x-plane, flight simulator, real pilot in simulator, fighter pilot training, royal air force, raf, fighter pilot, pilot, top gun, raf valley, mach loop, hawk, Tornado GR4, RAF Lossiemouth
Id: lU-QbSwLHvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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